OUR MASS Mon-Fri: 6.30am, 9.30am Saturday: 8am, 6pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7.30am, 9am, 10.30am, 6.00pm Redfield College Sunday 8.30am Second Sunday of Ordinary time 18th January 2015 Yr B/1 Weekly bulletin for the parish of St Agatha, Pennant Hills TODAY'S READINGS Entrance Antiphon: OUR SACRAMENTS Reconciliation & Exposition: 8.30-9.30am Sat Baptisms: By appointment Weddings: By appointment Anointing of The Sick: As requested All the earth shall bow down before you, O God, and shall sing to you, shall sing to your name, O most High! First Reading: 1 Samuel 3:3-10, 19 The prophet Samuel played a very important role in the history of Israel. Here we have the story of his call by God. Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 39:2, 4, 7-10 OUR PARISH TEAM Fr Paul Durkin Fr Harry Kennedy Fr Joseph Choi Mal Weber Tomasz Kukielka Tina Muscat Debbie Doughty Parish Priest Assistant Priest Assistant Priest Parish Secretary Youth Minister Catechist & Sacramental Co-ordinator Book Keeper OUR PLACE Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am – 3pm Phone: 9484 1427 Fax: 9484 0053 Website: www.stagatha.org.au Parish School: 9484 7200 E-Mail addresses: frpaul@stagatha.org.au frharry@stagatha.org.au frjoseph@stagatha.org.au tom@stagatha.org.au tina@stagatha.org.au debbie@stagatha.org.au parishsecretary@stagatha.org.au Callahan Centre: 20 Boundary Road Pennant Hills NSW 2120 Postal Address: PO Box 127 Pennant Hills NSW 1715 Parish School : Kevin Bauer, Principal 9484 7200 School Email: saph@dbb.edu.au CONVERSION Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20 Paul tells us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and we must use them, not for sin, but for the glory of God. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, Alleluia! We have found the Messiah: Jesus Christ, who brings us truth and grace. Alleluia! Gospel: John 1:35-42 Here we have John’s account of the call of the first disciples. Reflection In the Gospel we will hear Jesus say to his first two disciples, ‘Come and see.’ They accepted his invitation and had an encounter with him which changed their lives. Each time we celebrate the Eucharist we have an opportunity to encounter the Lord. Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Let us confess our sins with humility, confident of his mercy. COMMUNITY MISSION St Agatha’s parish Please pray for our recently deceased: Joseph Rego, Sandra Hayne, Coie Gerrard, Katrina Dawson, Tori Johnson And for those whose anniversaries that occur at this time: Elizabeth Sharp, Margaret Williams, Gerard Williams, Alison Lloyd, Jean Van Rooyen, Jed Manning Please pray for the sick in our community: Juliet Bowron, Max O’Connor, John Swan, Aida Chan, Livio Carlie, Walter Watterson, Kevin O’Keefe Special intentions: Those living with addictions SYNOD on the Family Questionnaire Reflection The second Sunday of Ordinary time respects an old liturgical theme of celebrating different epiphanies or manifestations of Jesus. John shows us a gradual recognition of who Jesus is – through the testimony of John the Baptist and the confession of the first disciples. Here, John the Baptist calls Jesus ‘the Lamb of God,’ and Andrew calls him ‘the Messiah’. 6.30am Morning Mass The 6.30am Morning Mass at St Agatha’s will resume on Tuesday 27th January, 2015. SRE Ministry ( Catechists required) Would you like to respond to the call of Jesus to build His Church in an important ministry of sowing the seed of faith to children in our state schools? I will be holding a recruitment drive on the weekend of 17th/18th January please call Tina on 94841427 if you are interested in contributing to this ministry. Pope Francis and members of the Synod on the family invite you to offer your opinions and feedback on the questionnaire which is available at the following site: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/family-synod-2015 Official Prayer to the Holy Family for the Synod Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate The splendour of true love, to you we turn with trust. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches. Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejection and division: may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing. Holy Family of Nazareth, may the approaching Sunod of Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the family, and its beauty in God’s plan. We Are One but We are Many The Maltese Community in NSW says: Thank you Australia Australia Day 2015 Celebration Sunday 25 January 2015 At the Holroyd Centre 17 Miller Street, Merrylands (parking on site) An afternoon of celebration Light refreshments from 3.30pm Special Guest: Dr Barry York, OAM Entrance free. All welcome Organised by the Maltese Community Council of NSW RSVP Emanuel Camilleri 0409 744 376 Parish Ministers Rosters Please see the notice board in the Church Foyer for the Ministers Rosters for this week and next week Thank you Jesus, Mary and Joseph graciously hear our prayer. Amen. Reader’s rosters Reader’s rosters are now available in the church foyer. Thank you ☺ St Agatha’s parish This Week’s Parish Ministers: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary time 18th January 2015 Redfield College Mass Times 6.00pm 7.30am 9.00am 10.30am 6.00pm 8.30am Celebrant Fr Brian Fr Harry Fr Dennis Fr Brian Fr Harry Fr Brian Readers M Kenny J Kenny D Ferdinands G Kenny C Johnstone P Houchin Y Thomas S Thomas D Lea M Friend A Hughes Wardens 1. R Adji 1A. D Riemer A Box 2. F Doughty 3. T Plotel 4. T Cheung M Giminez 5. S Thomas S De Silva T Kukielka A Kukielka C Grace J Grace T Pereira Z Friend M Del Gallego V Logan Communion M Mockler M Gregorio C Shaw Altar Servers J Doowage D Doowage G Da Silva B Faehrman J Engesser Preparation C Hayward D Salvestro Monique Royle Hendrawan Family Pereira Family Music Ray & Ronnie N Mascarenhas Group 4 Choir Youth for Christ John Giuliano (c) Denise & Peter Murphy Joanna Mestanza John Siddle Rosary Statue 20 January 8pm Colin & Norah Joy 28 Lilla Rd Pennant Hills Ph: 9484 3222 Altar Society 25 January Joan Corbett Marge Johnston Margaret Anderson K Notohamiprodjo J Notohamiprodjo K Kustandi Elaine & choir Childrens’ Liturgy Welcomers Money Counters 18th & 25th January Next week’s Parish Ministers: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary time 25th January 2015 6.00pm Mass Times Fr Brian Celebrant Readers R Kennaugh C Kennaugh 7.30am Fr Brian A Woods G Kenny 9.00am 10.30am Fr Brian M Smith P Houchin Fr Denis S Revoltar M Lynam Altar Servers Preparation Music Childrens’ Liturgy Kay Mulders Redfield College 6.00pm 8.30am Fr Harry Fr Harry N Prakash V Logan A Hughes Wardens Communion Floral Ministry for January R Hyland E Kukielka J Crane A Kennaugh S Kennaugh D Kennaugh J Hanna 1. D Scott 1A. V Frizza 2. M Mouhayet 3. R Panandam 4. N Guerlin 5. C Plotel T De Silva L Nery S Parsons D Anderson A Raffel G Da Silva N Rossi M Rossi G Mundackal K Kukielka V Ashton J Jenson J Jenson C Joy C Cameron J Placido Foertsch Family Pinto Family Ray & Ronnie Quiet Pearl & Venitia Jean Paul Newton John Giuliano (c) Denise & Peter Murphy Joanna Mestanza John Siddle Rosary Statue 27 January 8pm John & Joan Corbett 50 Greenhaven Dr Pennant Hills Ph: 9481 8581 Altar Society 1 February Carol Bennett Shirley Lohman Angela Budhi Elaine & choir Welcomers Money Counters 18th & 25th January Floral Ministry for February Josephine Placido
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