PASTOR’S PAGE Prayer, New Year’s Resolutions, Goals and Growth in Faith At the Discipleship Summit in September 2014, we learned that our Discipleship Emphasis for this program year will be “Praying to Seek God’s Guidance Daily.” This personal spiritual practice is one of core set of practices that are most transformative for people who are seeking to deepen their relationship with Jesus. 1. Praying to Seek God’s Guidance Daily I am very excited about a Lent study that we will be using that will deepen our prayer life together. I don’t want to give away too much, but I do want to share the title of the book we’ll be using and invite you to do one prayerfilled thing in January: • The book we will be using is Brent Dahlseng’s Grounded in Prayer: A Small Group Training Guide for Congregational Prayer. • During January, pray for God to guide you to others with whom you might connect for a 6-week small group time during Lent (begins February 18) to make your way through this study and experience. (Small groups are ideally 3 to 6 people.) 2. New Year’s Resolutions, Goals and Growth in Faith Instead of setting New Year’s resolutions that you are bound to abandon by mid-January, why not take the 12 days of Christmas (December 25 – January 6) to prayerfully consider your goals for 2015? They don’t have to all be “spiritual” goals, since everything about how we live is part of our faith walk and of concern to God (Psalm 24:1). What makes a good goal? The first and most important part of setting a goal is that it be discerned through prayer and reading the Bible. God’s will should be the first and most important word in shaping these goals. Beyond that, “S.M.A.R.T.” goals that share the following characteristics are more likely to be accomplished. “S.M.A.R.T.” goals are: Specific, Measureable, Autobiographical (that is, personal, “yours”), wRitten, and Time sensitive. There are tons of resources online to help you with this process. The important part is taking time to be intentional and in conversation with God about how you might grow as a disciple in the next year. 3. Winter Leadership Summit For the past five years, we have had a council and staff retreat in January. This year I would like to open it to all interested leaders in the congregation. Perhaps you teach a Sunday school class, lead a volunteer ministry, or are in a small group. Or perhaps you don’t serve in any formal leadership capacity at all, but sense the Holy Spirit stirring something within you to lead at Bethlehem in the future. In any case, you’re welcome! (For refreshment planning, just drop me an email to let me know you’re attending: We will gather at 9 am on Saturday, January 17, 2015 at the First United Presbyterian Church in Pemberville. We have had a great ecumenical relationship with our Presbyterian brothers and sisters in recent memory and this is one way to acknowledge that. May God use this Winter Leadership Summit for us to focus on how the Holy Spirit is leading us and guiding us into the future. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! +Pastor Matt 1 WORSHIP Memory Verse for January Worship in January Bible verse: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. During January, we will begin our sanctuary painting project, which was approved at the congregational meeting in November. It will be a great opportunity for us to worship in the morning in another space and an ongoing reminder that while the building in which we worship is important to our work, the church is the people of God gathered around Word and Sacrament. Daily Bible Readings for January: Jan 1: Luke 2:15-21 Jan 2: Galatians 4:4-7 Jan 3: Philippians 2 Jan 4: Matthew 2:1-12 Jan 5: 1 Timothy 1 Jan 6: 1 Timothy 2 Jan 7: 1 Timothy 3 Jan 8: 1 Timothy 4 Jan 9: 1 Timothy 5 Jan 10: 1 Timothy 6 Jan 11: Matthew 3:1-17 Jan 12: Exodus 12 Jan 13: Exodus 13 Jan 14: Exodus 14-15 Jan 15: Exodus 16 Jan 16: Exodus 17 January 4: Epiphany Matthew 2:1-12 How do the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh point us to the gifts and realities of baptism? How are we invited to live as the baptized children of God? January 11: Baptism of Our Lord Matthew 3:1-17 On this Sunday, we will hear the preaching of John the Baptist, the story of our Lord’s own baptism in the Jordan, and install new congregational leaders. What might these things have in common? January 18: The Temptation of Christ Matthew 4:1-17 Soon after his baptism, our Lord is tempted in the wilderness. How does this story invite us into an important aspect of our life of faith? Jan 17: Exodus 18 Jan 18: Matthew 4:1-17 Jan 19: Matthew 4:18-25 Jan 20: Matthew 13 Jan 21: Matthew 14 Jan 22: Matthew 15 Jan 23: Matthew 16 Jan 24: Matthew 17 Jan 25: Matthew 5:1-20 Jan 26: Matthew 5:21-48 Jan 27: Exodus 20 Jan 28: Deuteronomy 5 Jan 29: Psalm 119:1-64 Jan 30: Psalm119:65-128 Jan 31: Psalm119:129-176 Flowers and Radio Broadcast Flower and Radio Broadcast sign up sheets are in the hallway, on a clipboard, outside the offices. They are on separate sheets, so if you wish to sign up for both on the same date you will need to check two places. January 25: Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-20 Jesus distributes blessings freely—often on the least “deserving.” What does Jesus’ way of blessing have to teach us about being his disciple? FLOWERS ($33/week): January 18 February 15, 22 March 8, 15, 22, 29 April 19, 26 Looking ahead to February February 1: “Souper” Bowl Sunday: Bring an extra offering to feed the hungry! February 8: Annual meeting (tentative date) February 15: Transfiguration Sunday Wednesday, February 18: Ash Wednesday, Lent begins February 22: Forgiveness RADIO ($75/week): January 11, 18 February 1, 8, 15 March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 April 19, 26 Serving in January THANK YOU TO THOSE SERVING THIS MONTH... Acolytes, 9 a.m. Read, 9 a.m. Usher, 9 a.m. Service Org. (Funerals) 2 Sheriden Schuerman, Max Buchman Paul Meyer Julia Flores Ann Bruning, Sue Gerke YOUTH GROW After School Youth Club Prayer Workshops with Pastor Matt Thursdays from 7-8:30 p.m. Room 209-211 Students in grades K-5 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church 3:45-6 p.m., Wednesdays, January 7 and 21 January 8: Examen of Consciousness: Offering it All to God February 5: Prayer Journaling: Writing Our Prayers March 5: The Jesus Prayer, Repetitive Prayer and the Taize Community May 7: Prayer Retreats (St. Ignatius) Join us for a free family dinner at 5:30 p.m. Children will enjoy music, activities, crafts, Bible stories and a light meal. This is a joint ministry of the Pemberville churches. THRIVENT ACTION TEAMS: Do you have a great idea for a service project, educational activity or fundraiser? Thrivent is offering $250 seed money to teams working towards these goals. Please contact Cheryl Sondergeld or Kathy Brandt for details. GOD’S HELPING HANDS PUPPET MINISTRY Puppets meet Thursday evenings from 7-8 p.m. Our group is made up of elementary and middle school kids. We are learning some new material now to prepare for a show. All are welcome to come join the fun. No puppets on December 25 or January 1 due to the holidays. MEN’S MONTHLY BREAKFAST/BIBLE STUDY All men of the congregation & community are invited to participate. Contact: Don Gerke (419-287-3873) We will meet on Saturday, January 3, at 7 a.m., in the Fellowship Hall. B ethlehem L utheran C hurch W omen ALL WOMEN ARE INVITED TO THE CIRCLE MEETING: Priscilla Circle: Monday, January 12, 7 p.m. Please mark your calendars for these 2015 events: April 25: Program, church FH July 11: Prayer Breakfast, church FH August 8: Prayer Breakfast, church FH Sept. 20: Program, church Sanctuary Nov. 15: Program, church FH 3 SERVE COUNCIL November 18, 2014 Bethlehem Lutheran Church Women DEVOTIONS: Willie Fisher lead book discussion and offered prayer. CONSENT CALENDAR (FYI) ITEMS: December calendars reviewed by all present. BLCW KNOTTING DATES: Join us in tying blankets for Lutheran World Relief and local nursing homes on Tuesdays, January 13 and 27, at 9 a.m., in the basement. NEW BUSINESS: Sanctuary Painting Project to be coordinated between Trustees and Worship & Music Jeff Graber to chair the coordination effort Senior Center Request Requested use of basement for activities such as shuffleboard, ping pong, etc. Requested Senior Center to submit a written clarification of times and days requested as well as how conflicts will be handled. Snow Removal Received proposal from North Branch Need clarification on sidewalk snow removal Youth Leaders Barb Sergent and Deb Helm have decided to step down from this leadership role. Reported that 10-12 youth regularly attend functions Youth ministry needs clear vision on how to proceed Election Results Vice President – Paulette Bresler Treasurer – Ken Finley Elder – Joan Slebos Deacons – Matt Oestreich, Linda Gerwin, Doug Ruck, Linda Black Trustees – Jeff Graber, Ken Gerwin Youth Deacon – Katelyn Lang BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, January 27, 7 p.m. WE COLLECT: Knit Crosheen thread, used eyeglasses, used hearing aids, UPC codes, cell phones, and more. Please look in the BLCW handbook for more information. COLLECTIONS of items can be dropped off in the Mission Action Center (room 111). PRICELESS PANCAKES Serving FREE pancakes on Saturday, January 31, from 8-11 a.m. at First United Presbyterian Church in Pemberville (106 Perry St.). Carry outs available. Share fellowship and a free meal. Volunteers needed! All you need to do is show up at the next event, before 8 a.m., and help with carry outs, taking orders, serving, making batter and helping where ever needed! OLD BUSINESS: Employee Handbook revisions/update Complete – Matt Meyer to get final copy to employees Personnel Committee As part of the handbook, there will be a personnel committee which will consist of 3 members at large and the current Council Vice President Sack Lunch Program Seniors from our Senior Center will be getting involved in this program from January-May by packing lunches the last Tuesday of each month. To help out by donating food, you can email Cheryl at or sign-up outside the church offices. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned and closed with The Lord’s Prayer Items needed are: 36 single serve apple sauce cups, three 12 count packages of hamburger buns, peanut butter, jelly, four 1 pound bags of chips, 36 cookies, brown paper lunch sacks and sandwich size zip lock baggies. A delivery driver is needed. Please see Cheryl for details. Respectfully submitted by Beth McCowin, Council Secretary 4 GIVE Gifts in memory of... January’s Mission Action Project is BINGO prizes for Designated Funds: Memorial Fund FRANCES HURRELBRINK Debbie, Tim Casey Mills James St Julian M/M Tom St Julian M/M Glenn Wendt M/M Bob Heineman M/M Paul Heineman Alice Fork Debbie Spanfellner Marjorie Moore M/M John Fletcher & fam M/M Dale Fahle M/M Jim Dewyer Pastor & Chris Budke Judy Haas Dan Wegman Otterbein Portage Valley Bingo prizes may include: Jewelry, used wrist watches, packaged snack items (sugar-free and no peanut butter), knickknacks, stamps and stationary. Please place items in the tubs in the Mission Center (room 111) or at the Cedar Street entrance, marked Mission Action Projects. Thank you for your support! Grace’s Place ~ Luckey, Ohio Grace’s Place is a new free-store at 246 Main Street in Luckey. They offer free coffee, free household goods and free clothing for both children and adults. They are open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Volunteers and assistance is needed to support this ministry. Organizers are looking for sorters, counter staff and hospitality hosts. Donations of clothing, household goods and money to help cover operations and other needs can be made during their business hours or by calling Grace Lutheran Church at 419-833-2146. The Linen Closet “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it…” 1 Corinthians 12:26 The Linen Closet is a mission outreach project and works in collaboration with the area churches in Pemberville and is open to all victims of domestic violence and their families living in Wood County and surrounding areas. The Linen Closet can furnish bedding, bath and kitchen supplies to those people in need. Saturday January 17 Bethlehem’s Fellowship Hall 9 am—2 pm Donations Accepted Contacts: Pemberville First United Presbyterian Church office at 419-287-3366, Pastor Jim Miller at 419-287-3510, or Marti Zeek at 419-287-4292. BATH ITEMS: Towels, washcloths, toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, hairdryer, toothpaste, toothbrushes, bath soap, shower curtain and hooks, cleaning supplies Volunteers and food donations are needed including: Sloppy Joes, buns, veggie tray and cookies. KITCHEN: set of dishes (enough for 6), silverware, glasses (plastic), kitchen towels, hot pads, pots and pans, paper towels, dish drops, etc., kitchen utensils, cleaning supplies, hand can opener, casserole dishes, plastic mixing bowls, measuring spoons/cups, toaster, brooms, swiffers, small mixers Please sign-up outside the offices. To sign-up to donate blood, please call 800-RED-CROSS. Walk-ins welcome. 5 CONNECT From the December weekly news: FOR HEALING AND HOPE (Members): Karen O’Brien, Karen Williams, Gay Holcomb, Earl Matthews, Jim Alexander, Deborah, Carolyn Borcherding, Joyce Eisenhour, Virginia Shammo M Thank you for your gift of $500 to Luther Home of Mercy. We appreciate your continuing thoughtfulness and generous support, prayers and fellowship in ministry. ~ Rev. Donald Wukotich FOR HEALING AND HOPE (Family and friends): Carl Pederson, Ed Gerke, Janice Grover M Thank you to everyone who continues to support the Community Food Pantry with food and cash donations. FOR THE BIRTH OF Grant Michael Karns M Thank you Camden Sondergeld who, for his Eagle Project for Boy Scouts, organized a Community Christmas Concert and collected more than 1,000 non-perishable food items for the Community Food Pantry and the Snack Pack Program. FOR THE GRIEVING: For the families of Dennis Rahe, Doug Seifert, Linda Walker, Francis Konz, Gary Klee, Frances Hurrelbrink, Jim Becker, Nancy Ward, Archie Lozier, Aileen Vanover, Dan Springer, Audra South, Walter Holtmeyer M Thank you to the children of Pemberville Elementary School for donating all the food to the Community Food Pantry. Your donations went to the Christmas Angel Tree families. FOR ALL YOUTH FOR OUR MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN M Thank you so much Thrivent Choice Dollars for the $500 contribution for my medical bills. You made my life easier. God is Good! ~Tricia Maassel, Team Trish FOR OUR CHURCH: Pastor, Council members, Employees FOR OUR BISHOPS: Marcus Lohrmann, Elizabeth Eaton Snack Pack Program FOR OUR MISSIONARIES: John & Barb LeMond (Hong Kong) This outreach program provides a shelf-stable meal, over the weekends, to Eastwood students and their families during the school year. This program is made possible through your donations. FOR LOCAL MISSIONS: After School Youth Club, Snack Pack Program, Good Samaritan Fund, Community Food Pantry, Habitat for Humanity, The Linen Closet I agree to assist in the following way(s): ___ Prayers ___ One time donation $______ amount ___ Weekly donation $______ amount/week ___ Special offering $______ amount ___ Match students $______ Max. amount ___ Sponsorship 1= $10 (1 family-1meal-1week) ___ Sponsorship 2= $40 (1 family-4 meals-1month) ___ Delivery assistance ___ Packing assistance ___ Steering committee Use this list to send a card or give a greeting… January 80+ Birthdays 1/2: 1/11: 1/12: 1/13: 1/27: Donna Hiser Mae Rife Lenore Aring, Lois Hansen Betty Westerhaus Donna Alexander Contact Name: _________________________________ Phone #’s: _____________________________________ Fill out this form and return to Cheryl Sondergeld’s mail box in the church office or mail to: Bethlehem Lutheran Church, PO Box 344, Pemberville, OH 43450, Attn: Snack Pack Program. Thank you If your 80+ birthday is not included here, we don’t have that information, please call the office. 6 Here is a list of our homebound members. Please use this list to send a card or make a visit (please call first). If your name or phone number is not included here please call the church office and let us know your information. AILEEN MARTEN Heritage Corner Health Care 1069 Klotz Road, Bowling Green, 43402 JOHN MICHEL Otterbein Portage Valley 20311 Pemberville Rd Room 203, Pemberville Phone: 419-833-1303 DORIS RAHE Otterbein Portage Valley 20311 Pemberville Rd Room 113, Pemberville MAE RIFE Woodhaven, 11080 E Gypsy Lane Bowling Green 43402 ARDELLA ROLF 214 Perry Street, Pemberville Phone: 419-287-3892 ELEANOR ROLF Otterbein Portage Valley 803 Rose Court, Pemberville RUTH SANDER Otterbein Portage Valley 20311 Pemberville Rd Room 127, Pemberville Phone: 419-833-1110 ANNA SMEARSOLL Genoa Care Center 300 Cherry Street #48, Genoa 43430 Phone: 419-855-3657 LUCILLE STEIN Otterbein Portage Valley 20311 Pemberville Rd Room 119, Pemberville THELMA STICKEL Otterbein Portage Valley 20311 Pemberville Rd Room 116, Pemberville Phone: 419-833-3251 BETTY WESTERHAUS Woodhaven Healthcare 11080 E Gypsy Lane Room 207, BG 43402 LOIS WIEGMAN Otterbein Portage Valley 20311 Pemberville Rd Room 111, Pemberville Phone: 419-833-2244 BEVERLY BOCKBRADER 609 Water Street, Pemberville Phone: 419-287-4383 HELEN BUSHMAN 412 Maple Street, Pemberville Phone: 419-287-4797 MARGE EHMKE Waterford at Levis Commons 7100 S Wilkinson Way #338, Perrysburg 43551 Phone: 419-874-2294 HAZEL ELLIS Woodhaven, 11080 E Gypsy Lane, Room 205 Bowling Green 43402 Phone: 419-353-8411 NEDRA GALLIER Otterbein Monclova 5069 Otterbein Way #403, Monclova 43542 419-878-0550 (Press 1 then 4) LOIS HENLINE Otterbein Portage Valley 20311 Pemberville Rd Apt 718, Pemberville Phone: 419-833-2083 DONNA HISER 1627 Juniper Driver, Apt. 65, BG 43402 Phone: 419-352-7193 GAY HOLCOMB Otterbein Portage Valley 20311 Pemberville Rd Room 115, Pemberville Phone: 419-833-9475 HOMER JOHNSON Sterling House of Bowling Green 121 North Wintergarden Road, BG, 43402 VICTOR KOHRING Sterling House of Bowling Green 121 N Wintergarden Rd Room 129 Bowling Green, 43402 DOROTHY KRUMNOW 611 S Main Street, Gibsonburg 43431 Phone: 419-637-7772 7 NEWSLETTERS If you wish to be able to read your newsletter online please let the office know and we will remove you from our post office mailing list. We will email you the link to the newsletter every month where you can read it online or print it off. There will be no attachments. Please email the office if you wish to receive the newsletter this way: Thank you. 2015 February 8 February 18 February 25 March 4 March 11 March 25 April 2 April 3 April 4 April 5 April 25 May 16-17 May 18 Blood Pressure Sunday Sunday, January 11, 30 minutes before and after the 9 a.m. service, with Nurse April. Church Undecorating The Trustees are planning on removing the Advent decorations the week of January 5. If you can help please call the church office and leave your name. Thank you. July 11 July 15-19 August 8 August 9 September 20 October 25 November 1 November 15 November 26 November 29 December 6 December 13 December 20 December 24 December 25 SNOWBIRDS Stay connected to Bethlehem! If you are leaving the area for a few months, please call the office and leave us your mailing address, email address, phone number and dates you will be gone. You may request a copy of the newsletter to be mailed to you or you can change to the email version. QUILTING GROUP meets on Thursdays, from 9 a.m. to noon, at Ron Moenter’s home, 391 Arrowhead Drive, Perrysburg (off St. Rt. 20, turn down Carronade Drive, by Kroger). For more information, call Mary Daman at 419-287-4487 or Vondale Kaemming at 419-287 -3808. 8 Annual Meeting Ash Wednesday Worship Wednesday Lent Worship Wednesday Lent Worship Wednesday Lent Worship Wednesday Lent Worship Maundy Thursday Good Friday Easter Vigil Easter Sunday BLCW Program Synod Assembly, Bowling Green Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation) BLCW Prayer Breakfast ELCA Youth Gathering, Detroit BLCW Prayer Breakfast Community Worship BLCW Program Reformation Sunday All Saints Sunday BLCW Program Thanksgiving Worship Advent 1 Advent 2 Advent 3 Advent 4 Christmas Eve Christmas Day Bethlehem Lutheran Church PO Box 344 Pemberville, OH 43450 Issue 01-2015 NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID PEMBERVILLE OH PERMIT #1 RETURN Service Requested Dated material, do not delay Bethlehem Star Bethlehem Lutheran Church Pastor Matthew Musteric Visitation Pastor Melanie Haack January 2015 Welcoming, Worshipping, Working as a faithful people to make Christ known! 419-287-4182 Office hours: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., M-F Radio: WFRO 99.1 FM, Sundays at 11:30 a.m. Sunday worship: 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sunday School for all ages: 10:20 a.m. 9 10 12 7pm Priscilla Circle, Lounge 7:30pm Dartball 19 7:30pm Dartball 26 7pm Vision & Mission 7:30pm Dartball 9am Worship 30min before/after Worship Blood Pressures, Lounge 10:20am Sunday School 10:20am Catechism, Gr 6-8 5pm Contemporary Worship 18 9am Worship 10:20am Sunday School 10:20am Catechism, Gr 6-8 5pm Contemporary Worship 25 9am Worship 10:20am Sunday School 10:20am Catechism, Gr 6-8 11am-1pm Preschool Lasagna Dinner, FH 5pm Contemporary Worship 7:30pm Dartball 11 5 9am Worship 10:20am Sunday School 10:20am Catechism, Gr 6-8 5pm Contemporary Worship KEY: BLCW-Bethlehem Lutheran Church Women FH-Fellowship Hall FUPC-First United Presbyterian OPV-Otterbein-Portage Valley Praying to seek God’s guidance daily. 4 Monday Sunday 9am Knotting, basement 7pm BLCW Board Mtg. Lounge 27 7pm Council Meeting 20 9am Knotting, basement 13 6 Senior Center M-F, 10am-2pm, FH Church Office Hours M-F, 9am-2pm Tuesday January 2015 6:15pm Bell Choir Practice 7:30pm Chancel Choir 28 3-6:30pm After School Youth Club, FH 6:15pm Bell Choir Practice 7:30pm Chancel Choir 21 6:15pm Bell Choir Practice 6:30pm Cub Scouts, FH 7:30pm Chancel Choir 14 10am Communion at OPV 3-6:30pm After School Youth Club, FH 6:15pm Bell Choir Practice 7:30pm Chancel Choir 7 Preschool schedule M/W/F 4-year old classes Tu/Th 3-year old classes AM—9-11:30 PM—Noon-2:30 Extended Care: 6:30am-6pm Wednesday 23 16 9 2 5:30pm Youth Choir 1 6pm Youth Choir 2 6:30pm M&Ms 7pm Praise Team, FH 7pm Puppets (K+) 29 9am Newsletter Assmb. 30 5:30pm Youth Choir 1 6pm Youth Choir 2 6:30pm M&Ms 7pm Praise Team, FH 7pm Puppets (K+) 22 5:30pm Youth Choir 1 6pm Youth Choir 2 6:30pm M&Ms 7pm Praise Team, FH 7pm Puppets (K+) 15 7pm Prayer Workshop, 209/211 5:30pm Youth Choir 1 6pm Youth Choir 2 6:30pm M&Ms 7pm Praise Team, FH 7pm Puppets (K+) 8 Office closed 1 NEW YEAR’S DAY Thursday Friday 8-11am Priceless Pancakes Presbyterian Church, Pemb 31 24 9am-3pm Blood Drive, FH 9am Winter Leadership Summit at First United Presbyterian Church, Pemberville 17 10 7am Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study, FH 3 Saturday 220 Cedar Street, PO Box 344, Pemberville, OH 43450 Phone: 419-287-4182 Email: Bethlehem Lutheran Church
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