REHOBOTH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH November 23, 2014 Christ the King Sunday Liturgical Color, White Doug Benton, Pastor Congregation, Ministers We promise to uphold Rehoboth United Methodist Church with our witness, our prayers, our presence, our gifts, and our service. OUR PRAYERS: Prayer Concerns: THE GREETING AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Dave Petty *THE PRELUDE WE BEGIN OUR WORSHIP “We Will Glorify” OPENING PRAYER *OPENING HYMN “O Worship the King” No. 73 *WHAT WE BELIEVE The Apostles’ Creed No. 881 WIGGLE TIME FOR CHILDREN Jane Massey *HYMN TO PREPARE OUR HEARTS “Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service” 581 MORNING PRAYER REQUESTS PASTORAL PRAYER/LORD’S PRAYER THE CHOIR RESPONDS THE WORD IN SONG (anthem) “O My Soul, Bless Thou Jehovah” Jerry McHugh - soprano, Kendrick Marion - tenor *SCRIPTURE READING THE MESSAGE OUR GIFTS TO GOD (offering) OFFERTORY ANTHEM Matthew 25:31-46 “The Christ” N.T. 27 “We Gather Together” Handbell Choir *DOXOLOGY *CLOSING HYMN *WE LEAVE TO SERVE “Rescue the Perishing” No. 94 No. 591 *Please stand. Joe McGee Ken Waldron Margaret Truett Moto Howe Vicky Baxter Nona Jacobs Michael Prince Stella Priest Barbara Herndon Linda Bowen Bowen Stewart Kelly Benjamin Bobby Moore Roseanne Dickerson J. L. Johnson Virgie McLemore Maria Kistler Dial Hook Paula Cobb Keith Horn Mitchell Crawford Ethel Tennant Lynn Turbeville Sybil Jackson Jenifer Maynard Larry Clark Susan Fittipaldi Agnes Smith The Larry Hill Family Doris Fulmer Wayne & Ruby Bowen Pat & Ione Lee Tina Thompson Tom & Addie Mae Jones Susan Neeley Skipper Merrill Sam & Ida Rhyner Don & Doris Martin Ginger Boyce John & Ann Kinney Leo & Peggy Dryer Josephine Wyman Charmaine Hutchins Bubba Windham Pat Hollingsworth Corine Mitchum Sylvia Cope Victoria Crawford Lisa Ridgeway Ned Lyle Lawrence Wright Joe Britt Mary Alice Wood Mary Bowen Kelly The RUMC prayer list is generated through requests made to the church office. Additional requests to add or delete from our list should also be made through the church office (803-788-2220). OUR PRESENCE: GUESTS Your children ages 4-12 are invited to join us for Children’s Church each Sunday immediately after Wiggle Time for Children during our worship services. After Wiggle Time, our children’s ministers escort the children to the Education Building for age appropriate, Christian education and fun activities. Your children are always welcome to stay for our regular services; but if you wish them to attend Children’s Church, they may leave with the other children during this time. Children may be picked up in the Education Building after the services. Rehoboth UMC maintains current Safe Sanctuaries policies that can be obtained through the church office. OUR GIFTS: November 16 Needed weekly to meet budget Received the week of 11/16/14 Total needed to date Total received to date Sunday School Worship Service 23 91 $ 4,910 $ 9,582 (includes auction) $225,860 $201,003 THANK YOU TO: Patsy Smith, Bridgette Branson, the volunteers, and everyone who participated in this year’s Fall Auction. CALENDAR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Children’s Church 12:15 p.m. Children’s Choir 12:15 p.m. Worship Committee 6:00 p.m. Community Thanksgiving Service - Forest Lake Presbyterian MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24 6:00 p.m. Handbells TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 6:45 a.m. Prayer Breakfast 10:30 a.m. Sutton/Brown Prayer Group WELCOME GUESTS: We are delighted to have you with us in worship today. We hope your visit with us will be spiritually enriching. Please fill out the Welcome Visitor card found on the front of our Guest Information Packet. (Please place the card in the collection plate.) If you did not receive a Guest Information Packet, any greeter or usher can provide you one or they may be found in the church narthex or the hallway of the Education Building. A nursery is provided for children 3 and under. Children must be signed in and out from the nursery after morning worship. The restrooms are in the Education Building and our ushers can direct you. Please refrain from flash photography during our worship service. CHRISTMAS TREE: The annual Christmas tree decorating will be on Saturday, November 29, at 9:30 a.m. Please let Karen Pratt know if you can help. HELP: The food pantry is running out of grocery bags and coffee cans. You may drop your items off at the church office. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 6:30 p.m. Choir THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 Thanksgiving Day (church office closed) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28 (church office closed) Rehoboth United Methodist Church is a diverse fellowship of believers, empowered by the Holy Spirit, demonstrating the love of God to all through Jesus Christ. For the beauty of the service, the altar flowers are dedicated to the glory of God and in honor of Bryce Johnson for his 8th birthday. Given with love by Ed & Courtney Johnson. THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAYS: 24 Bryce Johnson 26 Maria Juarez 28 Breann Fulmer 25 Vivian Shupe 27 Stella Priest 29 Donna Palma Music Director/Organist: Toni Hollingsworth Greeter: Jeannette Burch Trustee Lock-up: Christopher Miller Lay Reader: 11/23 Paul Elliott; 11/30 Christopher Miller Children’s Church: 11/23 Mark Windham & Lee Jones; 11/30 Mark Windham & Lee Jones Ushers: Ed Burch, Paul Elliott, Brian O’Donnell, Dan O’Donnell Counters: 11/23 Bill Rose & Jan Smith; 11/30 Vilma Cobb & Judi Rose 25 Glenda Spadetti 28 Ralph Dorner
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