Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 1 of 22 yy -ys//,?l/zy,/ym.. F:l!(-F) I. N.07 .. $.. '. lq01r' PT .. IN THE UNITED STATESDISTRICT COURT FOR HE IIOV 17 2014 . EASTERN DISTRICT OF VIRGIN IA NewportNewsDivision UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA culhllu.' ? ojs;75u :;rc5 .' uar shblyi. ,n,.x,,.: ;.v. . , . CRIM INAL NO.4:l4cr FILED UNDER SEAL V. KEITH D.KOSCO, 18U.S.C.j1349 (Countsl-24) Conspiracy to Comm it M ailand W ireFraud JULIE L.DUFFIELD, lcount1) (Countsl-22) 18U.S.C.jj1341and2 Defendants. M ailFraud (Counts2-11) 18U.S.C.jj1343and2 W ire Fraud (Counts12-19) 18U.S.C.jj1028A and2 Aggravated Identity Theft tcounts20-24) 18U.S.C.jj981& 982and 21U.S.C.j853(p) Forfeiture IN D ICTM EN T November2014 Tenn -AtNewpon News,Virginia GENERAL ALLEGATIONS 1. From in oraboutatleast2005,through in oraboutatleasttheend of2013,KEITH D. KOSCO (hereinahert'KOSCO''),thedefendantherein.owned and/oroperateda numberofentities involvedinthetravtl,tourism and tim esharebusiness,including:ResortRealty,1% .,Resort Solutions,Inc.,ResortRenlal,K& K Property Consultants,Auction Am ericw G tA , Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 2 of 22 * ResortRentalsImem ational,RoyalEliteVacations,RoyalEquityTransfer.ExoticEquityTransfers, LLC,(alsodoingbusinessasEliteEquityTrnnqfers),RoyalEliteExchanges,ResortRentalsMexico, Resod Advantage Intem alional,TimeshareAuctionsUSA,ResortRentalsW orldwide,GPV lntem ational,Grand Prem ierVacations,and Priority ExchangeNetwork. 2. KOSCO operated manyoftheseentitiesoutofan om ce location in W illinmsburg, Virginiw within theEastem DistrictofVirginia. Atvu oustimts,ovtrlap txisted in termsoftht employees,operationsand servicesofferedby thesevariousentities. Additionally,9om inorabout 2003through in orabout2013,KOSCO wasthe signatory on overthirty bnnk accountsrelatedto certainoftheabove-referenced entitiesand others,and ohentransferred fundsbetweenaccounts associatedV tIithevariousentities. 3. From inoraboutatleast2007,throughinoraboutatleast2013,JULIE L.DUFFIELD (hereinaher ttDUFFIELDH), the defendant herein, owned and operated Professional Closing Company, a business that,nmong other things, provided closing services for the transfers of timeshareunits. DUFFIELD operated thisbusinessatvarioustim es&om Arizonaand M ontana. 4. A Sttimeshareunit''(hereinaheralsoreferredtoasaeetimeshare''orçtunit''lisadeeded ornon-dtedtd inteastinrtalestattdividtd into inttrvals,mostcom monly bytheweek.A timvshare unittypicallycomesin theform ofa furnisbed resortaccommodation.The timesharetmitownerhas the righttousetheunitduring aspecisc periodoftimeand theobligation to pay theIlnit'snnnual maintenance fee.n eannualmaintenancefeesarerequired to olsetthecostofonsitemanagement. unitupkeepandrtfurbishing,utilitits,and maintenanceofthtresort'scomm on areas. Dtptnding on where the resortislocated,the annualmaintenance fee m ay also include applicable realestate taxesortherealestatetaxesmay bebilled sepnm tely.Th' enmountofthe yearly maintenancefees depends on the size,location,and sm enitiesofthe resort. Obligationsto pay maintenance feesand 2 Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 3 of 22 realestatetnxesareincidentsoftimeshare ownership,memorialized intimeshnreunitdeedsand/or resortcommunity association covenants. 5. Exotic Equity Tmnsfers, LLC,operating as Elite Equity Transfers (hereinaher $%ET''),wasoneoftheentitiesownedand/oroperatedbyKOSCO. Sinceatleastinorabout2007, EET wasinthebusinessoftransfei ngownership oftimeshareunitsthatwertwhollyowned(not molgaged)by an owneror'çgrantor''to a new owneror'lgrantee.'' EET conducted timeshare transfersin exchange forafeecharged to theoriginalowner. 6. ResortSolutions,Inc.,(hereinaher$$RSI''),wasanotherentityownedand/oroperated by KOSCO since approximately June 2005. RSIwasin the businessofproviding advehising and marketing sew icesforindividtmlsseekingto sellorrenttheirtimeshnre unit.RSIofferedservicesin exchangeforanadvancefeecharged to theowner. 7. KOSCO offered servicesto developersoftime shareresortsinthebusinessofselling new timeshareunits. KOSCO o/eredtoacceptalltrade-intimeshnreunitsidentifiedinconjunction with thesaleofanew timeshareunitby aresortdeveloperto an individualowner. Ifan individual customerwhoalreadyowneda tim eshareunitsoughtto purchasea new timeshareunitfrom aresol devgloper,the customerwaspresented with optionsfortheirexisting timeshareunit. n ecustomer couldtrade intheexistingtimeshareunitaspartofthepurchase,using the servicesofEET,which would then transferthtunittoa new ownerortsgrantte.'' Altem atively,the customercould advertisetheexisting unitforsaleorrentusing theservicesofRSI. 8. KOSCO advertisedthebundled servicesofRSIand EET to variousresortcompanies. Indoing so,KOSCO claimed to havecreated in EET oneofthe largestand mostsuccessfultrade-in companiesintheworld and claimed successattransferringover28.000 propertiesasofAugust2012 andalmost50,000asofSeptem ber2013. Heclaimed thatresortshad asalesandclosing incremseof 3 Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 4 of 22 15-18% using EET and thatEET'Ssuccesswasasalestoolto overcomeobjectionsifa potential buyerofa new timeshare unilalready owned too many timeshare units,as EET could accomplish transfersofsuch llnits,thus,removing thetimeshareobligationsoftheoriginalowners. In truth and fact,however,EET didnotaccomplish thenumberoftm nsfersclaim ed by KOSCO. 9. Thepairing ofthe servicesprovided through EET and RSIallowed KOSCO to oFer resortcompaniesthe completesea ice oftrade-insoftimeshareunits,through eitherthe tmnsferof thetmittoanew owner(which resultedintheoriginalownerOceivingno saleorrentproceeds)or through theadveMising forsale and/orrentaloftheunit. n oughtheRSlbusinesswasthefarmore profltable entity in terms of paym ents rcceived,the companion services provided by the EET business were a necessary aspectofwhatKOSCO olered to provide to developers oftimeshare resortsand supportedtheRSIbusinessmodel. l0. KOSCO and his employees represented and caused to be represented that the timeshareunittmnsfersconducted by EET would be legitimate and resultinclean title passing to a new ownerort%grantee,''withno furtherobligationsoftimeshareownership(includingmaintenanct fees)on the originalowneraherthetransferhad been completed and recorded in therespective locality. In conducting the transferprocess,resortpersonnelwould ohen referownersto EET employees,who would then take information from the owner and prepare transfer pape- ork, includinga new deed forthetimeshareunit,transferring theunitfrom theoriginalownerto 1henew ' owneror'egrantee.'' PriortoengaginFcompletinginatmnAfer,EET required alImaintenancefees . and taxes to be m ade current by the originalowner. Transfer paperwork wœs handled by EET in coordination with DUFFIELD and ProfessionalClosing Com pany,which served as a third party closingentityforlhetransaclionsfrom atleast2007,through in oraboutmid-2013. Forengagingin 4 Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 5 of 22 such sew ices,DUFFIELD waspaid feesby EET. Inorabout2013,EET started using the services ofalaw ;nn inW illinmsburg,Virginiw to handletheclosingson thetimeshareunitsittransferred. Beginning inatleast2009,and exttndingthrough2013,abusinesspracticeofEET,as directed andengaged inby thedefendants,theiremployeesandothers,wastousethennmesofstolen identititsand straw ownersasthenew ownersorgranteesforthttransferred tim eshare units. n e category ofstolen identitiesconsisted ofindividualswho did notconsentand were noteven aware thattheirnnmeswere being used to receive timeshare units. Straw ownerswere individuals who agreed to have timeshare units transfeced into their nnmes for a fee paid by EET,without full knowledge ofthe consequencesofsuch pmctice,butwho were unable and unwilling to meetthe obligationsoftimeshareownership,particularly making paymentsonm aintenance fees. 12. n e straw owners did notpay for the timeshare units and though they were made responsible formaintenance fees and taxes forthe units acquired,the straw owners exercised no rights ofcontrolorownership overthe units placed in theirnnmes. On the rare occasion thata timeshareunitplaced in the nnmeofastolen identity orstraw ownerwassold orrented,itwasEET thatconductedthetrnnqnctionand beneqtted from any proceedsofasaleorrental. KOSCO and DUFFIELD,theiremployeesand others accomplished the transfersof timeshareunhsinto thtnlmesofstolenidentitiesand straw ownersbyhaving afraudultntdetdand contractproduced to document the sale,sending those documents by m ail to be signed by the previousownerandthenm ailed totheresol company.n edeed identified thepreviousou erasthe ugrantor''and the new owneras the etgrantee''forthetimeshare unit. Deedsalso stated (either expresslyorbyreferencetocovenantsorotherdocuments)thatgranteesagreed,asaconditionofthe tm nKfer,to the incidents of tim eshare unit ou ership. including the paym ents of current and subsequentmaintenancefees(sometimesincludingorrefeM ngtorealestatetlxes). Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 6 of 22 14. Upon completion,the deed was also mailed to the resort'scity orcounty forsling. Originalownerswerenotmadeawarethattheirtimeshareunitswerebeingtransferred inthismnnner to stolen identities or seaw owners,who had neither the ability nor intention to make required maintenancefeepam ents. 15. KOSCO and DUFFIELD and theiremployeesobtained and maintained identiscation paperwork forthestolen identitiesand straw ownersand would transmitto resortsasnecessary in connection with the tmnsferprocess. KOSCO and hisemployeesengaged in various transactions usingthenxmesofthestolen identitiesand straw owners,including using postom ceboxes,opening bnnk accounts,establishing emailaccountsand having tax retumsprepared in the namesofa stolen identity. 16. Uponcompletionsofthe transfersinto thennmesofthe stolen identitiesand/orstraw owners,regularmailingsformaintenance fee billswere sentto these new pum orted owners. EET collected such mailings sentto stolen identities ata postom ce box in W illinmsburg,Virginia; however,EET failed to pay maintenance feeson thesubstantialmajority timeshare unitsthathad been tmnsferred to eitherthestolen identitiesorthestraw owners. 17. For a number of years prior to 2010 and continuing to at least 2012, KOSCO, DUFFIELD andtheiremployeesused thestolenidentityofSL asagrantee fortransfersoftimeshare units. n e defendantsand theiremployees falsely represented to resortsand originalowners that this was a legitimate transferto SL when,in truth and fact, SL was unaware that htmdreds of timeshareunitswerebeing transferredto SLsname. UnderKOSCO'Sdirection,employeesofEET would falsely notnrize SLssignature on transferpaperwork. K OSCO caused an em ailaddressto be obtained forSL,om ned a bnnk accounton SLsbehalfand routed mailingsto a postom ce box in W illinmsburg,towhichKOSCO had access. 6 Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 7 of 22 18. Dueto thenumberoftimeshareunitstmnRfelx d inlo SLsname and the factthatno maintenancefeeswerepaidforthesttransfers,resortcompnniesraisedobjectionslosubsequentEET eflbrtsto transfertmitsto SL. In certain instancts,thedefendantsand theirtmploytescontrived to contactthe resortcompnnies,falsely claiming to be SL,in orderto accomplish the timeshare unit transfer. At various times,however,in 2012 and 2013,resol com panies began declining th: defendants'attemptstotransfertimeshareunitsinto SLsnameduetothenonpaymentofmaintenance feesand otherproblems. Resortcompanieswould oftenthen imposetheowed maintenance feeson theoriginaltimeshareunitowner. 19. Inorabout2012,whenproblemsbegan toariseusingSLsidentity,thedefendantsand their employees recruited straw owners to be used for timeshare tmittransfers and continued to represenlto originalowners and reso- thatthese were legitimate transfers. KOSCO caused the creation ofpowersofattom ey documents forcertain straw owners,thatpum orted to give KOSCO and EET theauthorityto conducttransactionsontheirbehalft n estraw owners,ohen withoutfull knowledge asto how the transferswould affecttheircreditorthe obligationsthey were assuming, agreed to actasthe pM tee fortimeshare unittransfersin exchange forpaymentsofapproximately $35-$50 fortach kansfer. None ofthe straw owners had any intention or ability to uphold the obligationsoftimeshare ownership includin: paying mmualtaxesand maintenance ftts,which the transferringdocumentation specifically required thenew ownerto assume. 20. Aswith the useofSL,theuseofthesestraw ownea resulted in unpaid maintenance ftes, objtctions and declinations from ct- in resort companits. The defendants and their em ployeesw ould then attem ptto shih thetransferinto the nnm eofanotherstraw ow nerand try to use altem ating straw owners to avoid notiûcation ofthe resortcom panies. Additionally,in orabout 2012,EET advisedDUFFIELD thatdueto problemswithtmnKfers,DUFFIELD should no longeruse 7 Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 8 of 22 EET incorrespondencewithresortcompanies,butrathershould use ProfessionalClosing Company. 2l. In orabom Septem ber2013,following notiscation thata certain resortwould not acceptany moretransfersto two straw owners,KOSCO beganto fraudulently usetheidentityofhis daughter,KLK,asap antee. KLK wasatthatpointincarcerated in Rockingham County,Virginiw and wasunawareand did notconsenttotransfersmadeinto hername. 22. On oraboutOctober30,2013,KOSCO obtained adrah powerofattom ey forKLK fbraparticularpieceofpropertythenjointlyownedbyKOSCO andKLK. KOSCO thenalteredthis powerofattom ey to bea gentralpowerofattorney and attached asignaturepage from KLK from July 2013 thatwasrelatedtothespeciscpieceofproperty owned by KOSCO and KI-K. KOSCO thencausedtheforgedsignatureofKLK to bemadeonvariousdeedsand trnnqferpape- ork related to timeshareunittmnAfers. 23. From in orabout2009,through in orabout2013,thedefendantsand otherscausedthe transferofoveronethousand tim eshare unitsinto the nnmesofstolen identitiesand straw owners, including over 450 into the nnme of SL. These fraudulenttransfers resulted in approximately $822,914.53in lossesto variousresortcompaniesand related comm unity entitiesassociated with the stolen identitiesand straw owners used by the defendantsand theiremployees. During this snme time period, EET collected fees related to the fraudulent transfers in the nmount of at least approximately$683,959.50. 8 Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 9 of 22 CO UNT O NE THE GRAND JURY CHARGES THAT: 1. n efactllnlallegationscontained inthe GeneralAllegationssection are incom orated hereinby referenceasifsetom in full. 2. Beginning in orae ut2009,and continuing untilin oraboutthe end of 2013,the exactdatesbeing unknown to the Grand Jury,in the Eastem DistrictofVirginia and elsewhere. KEITH D.KOSCO and JULIE L.DUFFIELD,thedefendantsherein,along with othersknownand unknown to the Grand Jury,did knowingly and willfully combine,conspire,and agree with each otherand othersknewn and unknown to the Grand Juc ,to committhe following offensesagainsl theUnited States: a. To knowingly devise and intend to deviseaschemeand artiice to defraudandfor obtaining money and property by means of materially false and H udulent pretenses, representations,and promises,forwhich thtdefendantsand co-conspiratorsknowingly caused tobe placed in a postom ce,in an authorized depository formailmatterto be sentand delivered by the PostalService,or caused to be deposited a matterorthing to be sentordelivered by private or comm ercialinterstatecarrieratcording to the directionsthereon cedain mattersand things,for the pum ose ofexecuting the scheme and artifice to defraud,in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Section 1341;and b. To knowinglydeviseand intend todeviseaschemeandartisceto defraud and for obtaining money and property by means of materially false and fraudulent pretenses, representations,and promises,forwhich thedefendantsand co-conspiratorstransmitted and caused to betmnsmitted by means ofwirecommunicationsin interstatecommerce cedain writings,signs, 9 Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 10 of 22 signalsand sounds,forthepum ose ofexecuting the scheme and artisce to defraud,in violation of Title 18,United StatesCode,Section 1343. W AYS.M ANNER AND M EANS OF THE CONSPIRACY n eways,manntrandmeansbywhichtheforegoingobjectivesoftheconspiracyto commitm ailand wirefraud wereto be accomplished included,butwerenotlimited to,the following: n epo osesandobjectsoftheconspiracytocommitmailandwirefraudandthe scheme and artiûct induded,butwtrtnotlimhtd to,theuse offalsepretensts,representations, promisesand materialomissionsin orderto obtain money and property,including customerfees and timeshnre units,by engaging in a scheme targeting timeshare unit owners and resorts throughoutthe United States in order to obtain and then transfer such units into the names of stoltn identities and straw buyers,thtrtby collecting fees from the originalownersoftht units andoblaining controlovertherespectiveunits. 4. Itwasapartoftheconspiracy and theschemeand artilicethattheconspimtors worktd through various business enthies,including,but notlim ited to EET and Professional Closing Companyand directed employeesofsuch entitiesin thecourseofthe fraudulenttransfer schem e. lt was further a part of the conspiracy and tht scheme and artifke that the conspirators and employeesacting attheirdirection m isled originalownersthattheirtim eshare llnittmnAfers would be accomplished legitimately to willing grantees and otherwise concealed from the originalowners thattheirtimeshare unitswerebeing transferred to astolen identity or stm w ow ner. 10 Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 11 of 22 6. It was further a part of the conspiracy and the scheme and artifke that the conspirators and employees acting at their direction H udulently used and maintained the identificationdocllmentationofotherindividuals(includingtheaforementioned stolenidentities) withouttheir knowledge,consentand lawfulauthority in the course ofthe fraudulenttmnsfer scheme. Itwasfurtherapartoftheconspiracy andthe schemeand artiicethatconspimtors recruited smaw ownersto pm icipateasw anteesforaccepting timeshare unitson thepromiseof paymentto the straw owners,withthe knowledge thatthestraw ownershad neithertheability or intentionofmakingrequiredmaintenancefeepaymentsand did notfully inform thestraw owners oftheconsequencesofallowing timeshare unitsto % putin theirnnmes. AtalItimes,however, controlofthetmnnferredtimeshareunitsremained with EET,contrary totherepresentationsmade on thetmnsferpaptrwork. 8. It was further a part of the conspiracy and the scheme and artifice that the conspiratorscaused false representationsand promisesto be madeto resortcompnnlesregarding theintentionofthegrantees,whichwerecomprisedofstolen identitiesandstraw owners,tosatisfy theobligationsoftimeshare ownership,including thepaymentsofmaintenance feesand mxes. 9. It was further a part of the conspimcy and the scheme and artifice that the conspiratorsand employeesacting attheirdirection prepared transferpaperwork thatpurpoded to transfertimeshareunitsfrom anoriginalownerinto thennm esofstolen identitiesand/orstraw ownersthatwereunableand unwillingto satisfytheobligationsofsuch ownership. 10. It w as funher a part of the conspiracy and the schem e and m iflce that the conspimtors and employeesacting attheirdirection acted to furtherlul1resortcompanies and Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 12 of 22 originalownersregarding the status and legitimacy oftransfers oftimeshare units in orderto avoid scrutiny and/ordeclination ofthetransfers. !1. It was fudher a part of the conspiracy and the scheme and artiflce that the conspirators took and othelw ise caused various actionsto make the stolen identities and s% w ownersappeartobe legitimate grantees,including,butnotlimited to,forging granteesignatures, sending money orders in paymentratherthan personalchecks,obtaining em ailaccounts,bnnk accounts,post om ce boxes and other indicia of occupancy and employment for the stolen identitiesand s% w owners, 12. It was further a part of the conspimcy and the scheme and artiqce that the conspiratorsimpersonated anddirected othersto impersonatestolen identitiesused asgrnnteesin communicationswith resortcompanies. 13. Itwas a partofthe conspiracy and the scheme and artifke thatthe conspirators worked to use an alternate stolen identity or straw owners if resortcompanies noted celain problemsrelatedto the timesharetransfers,such as Iack ofproperidentiscation documentsora historyofunpaidmaintenancefees. 14. Itwaspartofthe conspimcy thatthe defendantsand conspim torscommunicated with one another and others through telephones and electronic mail, which resulted in the transmission of information electronically between computers and computer servers in the Eastem District of Virginia and computers and computer servers located ouzide tht Commonwealth ofVirginia. 15. Itw asa partofthe conspimcy and the schem e and artifice thatthe defendantsand conspiratom caused correspondence related to the timeshare tm nsfer process to be sentto and 12 Y Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 13 of 22 from resortcompnnies,localitiesand originalownersthrough the use ofthe United States mails and otherprivateinterstatecomm ercialcarriers. 16. It was further a partof the conspimcy and the scheme and artifice that the defendants and conspirators caused resort compe es and am liated entities to experience substnntiallosses in connection with unpaid maintenance fees and tnxes and caused original ownersto incuradditionalmaintenancefeesand otherexpenses. (InviolationofTitlel8,UnitedStatesCode,Sections1349,1341and 1343.) 13 Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 14 of 22 COUNTS TW O THROUGH ELEVEN THE GRAND JURY FURTHER CHARGESTHAT: 1. n e factualallegationscontained in the GeneralAllegationssection and in Count One,pnrngmphs3 -16,areincolw ratedherein byrefem nceasifsetoutin 1 11. 2. On oraboutthedatessetforth below,within the Easlem DistrictofVirginia and elsewhere,KEITH D.KOSCO and JULIE L.DUFFIELD, the defendants herein,aided and abetted by each otherand othersand along withothersknownand untnown totheGrandJury. having devised and intended to devise a scheme and artisceto defraud and forobtaining money and property bymeansofmaterially false,fraudulentand sctitiouspretenses,representations,and promises,and,forthe pum oseofexecuting the aforesaid scheme and artifceto defraud and for obtaining m oney and property by means of materially false and H udultnt pretenses, representations,and prom isesthe defendants and others,did knowingly cause to be placed in a postom ce,in an authorized depository for mailmatterto be sentand delivered by the Postal Serviceorcausedtobedeposited amatterorthing tobesentordelivered byprivateorcommercial interstatecaM eraccording to thedirectionsthereonthe following mattersand things: 14 Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 15 of 22 4 12/2/2011 5 g/jq/x jz 6 4/l1/2:12 7 2/!g/20l3 8 10/25/2013 9 10/25/2013 Letterfrom EET to TM regnM ing EETl TM transferofSandsBeach Club W illlam sburg, M ontgomtry, timeshareunit,t-nsfeaed to SL. Virginia Alabama Letterfrom EET to SW regarding transfercfKingston Cove timeshareunit,transferred to SL. Letterfrom EET to CS/PS regarding transferoftimeshare units,tmnsferred to SL. EET2 W illlamsburg, Virginia EET! W illlam sburg, Virginia Letterfrom EET to BB regarding EET2 paymentneeded by EET for W illlamsburg, timeshareunittransfer, Virginia transferredto SB. Letterfrom law 5% regarding Law Ii= , transferofW yndham W estwinds W illiamsburg, Condominium timeshareunitto Virginia KLK. Variousdeedssentby Professional DUFFIELD to EET containing Closing Co., transfersto SB,FS. Eureka, SW Duluth, Georgia CS/PS st. Charles, M issouri BB clyde, Ohio W yndham Reso- , Orlando, Florida EET, W illiam sburg, Virginia M ontana 1: 1l 11/14/2:13 11/20/2013 Letterfrom law 5m 1regarding recording ofEET tmnsferof w m dham Grand Desert tim eshareunit,tmnsferred to KLK. Letterfrom Iaw firm toRopa Associatesregardingtransferof timesha unittoGT. Law srm, Clark County W illiamsburg, Gou .Center, Virginia Lasvegas, Nevada Law flrm, Ropa w illiamsburg, Associates, virginia Lake Hannony, PA (InviolationofTitle 18,UnitedStatesCode,Sections134land2.) l Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 16 of 22 COUNTS TW ELVE THROUGH N m ETEEN THE GRAND JURY FURTHER CHARGES THAT: The factualallegationscontained in theGeneralAllegationssection and in Cotmt One,Parapaphs3 -16,are incomorattd herein byreferenceasifsetoutin 1 11. 2. On or aboutthe dates and in connection with the transactions described below, KEITH D.KOSCO and JULIE L.DUFFIELD,the defendan? herein aided and abetted by each otherandothersand alongwith othersknown andunknowntothe GrandJury,havingdevised and intended to devise a scheme and artifke to defraud and forobtaining money and propely by meansofmaterially false,fraudulentand sctitiouspretenses,representations and prom ises,and, forthepumoseofexecuting the aforesaid schemeand M ifketo defraudand forobtainingmoney and property by means of materially false and fraudulent pretenses, representations and prom ises,in theEastem DistrictofVirginia and elsewhere,did knowingly and willfully tmnsmit and cause to V transmitted by means ofwiK communication in interstate commerce,the following certain signs,signals,and sounds:to wit,the following e-m ailcommunicationssent from,through orto locationswithin theEastem DistrictofVirginiw to,through orfrom locations outsidetheCommonwealthofVirginia. 16 Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 17 of 22 14 5/4/2012 Emailfrom DUFFIELD to EET conll= ingtransferoftimeshare propeny from RR to SL. EmailFom DUFFIELD to EET regardingtransferoftimeshareunitat Kingston Cove to SL. Emailfrom DUFFIELD to EET regarding problem with SL andother sourcesto usefortimtsharetransfers. Emailfrom DUFFIELD to EET regarding declination oftmnsferof timesha unitto SL and plnnned tmnAferto FS, Emailfrom DUFFIELD to EET regardingtransferofSandsBeach Club M yrtle Beachtimeshareunitto SL and consrming thatSL willbe billed forfœ sfor2013. Eleclonicallyrecordeddeed fortrnnAferofW estgatetimeshare unit 15 9/20/2012 16 10/17/2012 17 11/5/2012 lg 2/20/2013 19 11/20/2013 prorhytoGTresultinginelectronictmnsmissionofinformationfrom W illlam sburg,Virginiato OrangeCounty,Florida. (InviolationofTitle12,United StatesCode,Sections1343and2.) 17 Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 18 of 22 COUNTSTW ENTY THROUGH TW ENTY-FOUR THE GRAN D JU RY FURTH ER CHA RGES THA T: n efactualallegationscontained inthe GeneralAllegationssection and in Count One,Pnmgraphs3-16,areincop orated herein by referenceasifsetoutin 111. 2. Onoraboutthe datesand in themmm ersetfodh below,in the Eastem Districtof Virginia and elsewhere,KEITH D.KOSCO and JULIE L.DUFFIELD,the defendants herein, aided and abetted by each otherand others and along with others known and unknown to the GrandJuc,did unlawfully,knowingly and intentionallytransfer,possessand use,withoutlawful authority,a means of identiscation of another during and in relation to felony violations of provisions contained in chapter63 ofTitle l8 ofthe United StatesCode,to wit:Conspiracy to CommitM ailand W ire Fraud,in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Section 1349,M ail Fmud,in violation ofTitle l8,United StatesCode,Section 1343 and W ire Fraud,in violation of Title 12,United StatesCode,Section 1349,asfollows: . !' œmj , : ' . . ( . paqo.go oçux ofM lnnmof n : . -'.. gj( apr( fendnntts) ygoqJ.em. k! jx j.) n Gl ! k ) .4 ;. (De .. 2-. .::.. . .. .. . 20 7/21/201l 21 4/23/2013 22 6/25/2013 Fel !n V oo ln gvo . . KOSCO, Emailfrom DUFFIELD toKOSCO 18U.S.C.99 DUFFIELD containing SL passportand identifying inform ation. 1349,1343 KOSCO, Defendantspossessedand 18U.S.C.9 DUFFIELD transferred name,addressand 1349 driver'sIicenseinformationofFS in connection withtransferof timeshareunitto FS. KOSCO, DUFFIELD transferred name,addressand 1349 driver's license inform ation and SocialSecurity NumberofSB in connectionwith efforttotransferof timesharellnitto SB. Defendantspossessedand 18 18U.S.C.j Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 19 of 22 KOSCO causedKLKSname, 18U.S.C.jj 23 10/25/2013 KOSCO addressand emailaddressto be 1349,1341 used asagranteein connectionwith transferoftimeshareunit. 24 11/20/2013 KOSCO addressto beused in connection withtimeshareunit. KOSCO causedGT'snameand 1349,1341 (InviolationofTitle18.UnitedStatesCode,Sections1028A(a)(1)and(c)and2.) 19 Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 20 of 22 FORFEITURE ALLEGATION THE GRAND JURY FURTHER ALLEGES THAT: A.n edefendants,ifconvictedofany oftheviolationsalleged in Counts1through 19ofthis Indictment shallforfeittotheUnited Statesaspartofthesentencing pursuantto Fed.R. Crim .P.32.2: 1. Any pm perty,realorpersonal,which constitutesorisderived from proceeds % ceablelotheviolationts). B. Ifanyproptrtythatissubjecttoforfeitureabove,asaresultofanyactoromissionofthe defendant,(a)cnnnotbelocatedupontheexerciseofduediligence,(b)hasbeen tmnKferredto,soldto,ordepositedwithathirdparty,(c)hasbeenplacedbeyondthe jurisdictionoftheCourq(d)hasbecnsubstantiallydiminishedinvalue,or(e)hasbeen commingledwith otherpropelythatcnnnotbedivided withoutdiffk ulty,itisthe intention ofthe United Statesto seek forfeitureofany otherpropertyofthedefendant,as subjecttoforfeitureunderTitle21,UnhedStatesCode,Section8531). C.n epropertysubjecttoforlkitureincludes,butisnotlimitedto,thefollowing: 1. A monetaryjudgmentinthenmountofatleast$683,959.50,whichrepresentsthe procetdsoftheoffenses. 2. A 2002 Harley Davidson FXDW G M otorcycle with Vm num ber 111D1GEV132Y323864 and registered to Keith Kosco. 3. A 2008LexusG5350 with Vm numberJ7-14CE965580013736and registered to Keith Kosco. 4. RealPropeo and im provementslocatedat335 M cLawsCircle,W illinmsburg, Virginiatitled inthennmeofCannm Marketing,LLC (KehhKosco). 5. Chesapeake Bnnk accountnum ber 13581640 in the nnm e ofExotic Equity TransfersLLC (KeithKosco). 20 Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 21 of 22 * 6. ChesapeakeBsnkaccountnumber13566994 inthenameofResod Realty Escrow (KeithKosco). ChesapeakeBank accountnumber13594602 in thename ofExoticEquity TransfersLLC (Keith Kosco). 8. ChesapeakeBnnk accountnumber13585948 in the name ofGrand Prem ier VacationsLLC (KeithKosco). 9. ChesapeakeBnnk accountnumber13594599 in the name ofPriority Exchange NetworkLLC (KeithKosco). 10.ChesapeakeBnnk accountnumber13594610 in the name ofPriority Exchange NetworkLLC (Keith Kosco). 11.Chesa> akeBank accountnumber13562778 in the name ofResortRentals IntemationalLLC (KeithKosco). 12.Chesar akeBankaccountnumber13590623inthenameofGmndPremier VacatlonsLLC (KeithKosco). 13.ChesaN akeBankaccountnumber13590836 inthenameofResortAdvantageInt. LLC (Keith Kosco). 14.ChesaN akeBnnkaccountnumber13588831inthenameofResortAdvantageInt. LLC (KeithKosco). l5.SunTrustBânk accountnumber0000700008934 in thenameofResortSolutions Inc.(KeithKosco). 16.SunTrustBnnk accountnumber1000009210849 in thenameofKeith D.Kosco. 17.SunTrustBlnk accountnumber701073675 in thennm eofKeithD.Kosco. 18.SunTrustBnnkaccountnum ber700009361in thenameofCanam M arketingLLC (KeithKosco). 19.Bnnk ofAmerica accountnumber435026688518 inthenameofGPV Int'lLLC (KeithKosco). 20.JP M organ Chaseaccountnumber834094815 in thenam eofJulie Dum eld. (InaccordancewithTitle 18,UnitedStatesCode,Section981(a)(1)(C)byTitle28,UnitedStates Code,Section2461(c)). Case 1:14-mj-03418-PAW Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/24/2014 Page 22 of 22 *. IJNITEDSTATESv.KEITHD.KUSCOandJULIEL.DUFFIELD,4:14crii A TRUE Bm L: f F O R E PE R SO N . DANA J.BOENTE X TED STATES AH ORNEY By: % = W BrianJ.Samuels AssistantUnhed StatesAttom ey VirginiaStateBarNo.65898 Foun#m'n PlazaThree,Suite300 721LakehontCommons NewportNews,Virginia23606 . T:l.(757)5914000 Fax:(751 591-0866 22
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