DUFFIELD SCENE February 2015 Edition 268 Published monthly IDEAS GALORE TO ENHANCE VILLAGE The initial response by villagers asked for their ideas for the Action Plan being formulated by Duffield Parish Council was far-ranging and for the most part practical. Their proposals included: • The introduction of parking restrictions to limit parking to two hours on Chapel Street together with bringing into use the Ecclesbourne Valley Railway car park and other private car parks. • Cycle parking on Town Street and Eyes Meadow. • Improving bus shelters with seating and lighting, • Commissioning a full report on the solutions to congestion and speeding and this to form the basis to lobby the County Council to action the solutions, • Better placement of litter bins and more bins. • Erection of signs and plaques for significant buildings. • The development of the Gray Recreation Ground for young people over 12 years of age. • More village events. • Re-opening of the Public Toilets. The Action Plan meeting last monthwas well attended. Over 100 people attended the Weston Centre to discuss the Plan and 74 completed forms to help the Steering Group decide which projects should take priority. Continued page 7. DUFFIELD SCENE Established All information, letters, news, articles, diary events, photographs and suggestions should be August 1992 marked “Duffield Scene” and sent to: Duffield News, Town Street, Duffield. Contacts: Barrie & Diana Eccleston Telephone: 01332 841948 Call today to have your oven, hob, extractor or Aga professionally cleaned Melissa Whiting contact details Tel 01332 289997 , Mobile 07824 554951 www.ovenwizards.com Email: info@duffieldscene.co.uk www.duffieldscene.co.uk Castle Computing Home & Business Computers Broadband Internet Sharing Repairs and Upgrades 1 to 1 tuition anti-virus Gerry Fisher 01332 841361 SOLAR PV SYSTEMS % %%!**)&%!"$#'"%%+ % 01332 840296 07768 012341 treanors@btinternet.com % Solar %PV fitted % from% £5775,% Inc, VAT% @5%, % % % 4kW % % % % % % % % MCS & EPC Certificates, Building Notice & Scaffolding % % % % % % % % % % Based on Clear Access. All other Makes & sizes available % % % % % % % % % Bosch Solar Hot Water fitted from £2599 inc VAT TREANORS BUILDERS Ltd Duffield based installers PACE contact -2- d e c o r a t i n g QUALITY INTERIOR/EXTERIOR DECORATOR, WALLPAPERING, COVING ETC. BROKEN COLOUR WORK quality guaranteed- free estimates 18 Nailers Way, Belper, DE56 0HT Tel: 01773 827043 Mobile: 07881 902 200 Serving the community for 27 years SILVER EAVES PROGRAMME FOR FEBRUARY. Feb 3rd: Barrie Ling talk with slides. Feb 17th: Organist John North plays and presents prizes. Meetings in Methodist Hall, King Street 7.30 9pm. “Come and join us,” Contact: Joan Hingley 840102 The next session of the newly formed children's drama workshops will be held at the Weston Centre in Tamworth Street, Duffield on Thursday February 5th. The sessions will be running every Thursday during term time at 4.30pm to 5.30pm, at the The group starts at 2.15pm until 3.45pm, the exercise will help with your mobility and keep you active. Everyone welcome, refreshments available, why not give it a try. For more information contact Linda Robson on 01773 546795. Villa g e J o ttin gs Weston Centre for children aged 5 to 8 years. For more information phone Jane Wilton at Attic Mice on 07983 568393 or email atticratsdrama@gmail.com Duffield Scout Group Jumble Sale9.30 - 11.00 Sat 14th March Scout HQ - Hall Farm Road Free Entrance Contact: Helen Lyndon 01332 843697 for more details Gilbert and Sullivan’s in the Iolanthe, Guildhall, Derby, from Tuesday March 17th to Saturday 21st March 2015. Tickets are available from Peter Featherstone on 0115 925 8717 COME AND JOIN Next gardening club US!T they know the meeting on Saturday, weather has not been February 7th at the conducive to going out Weston Centre at 10.00 but the folk who use the am. Weston Centre - a lot of The speaker will be Jeff them retired - would Bates “Gardens of like your company. Chair based exercise and Ireland”. All welcome. Just pop along for some coffee, tea and biscuits chat group, held every Non-members £2. between 10 - 12 am, Tuesday at Ecclesbourne Rose Hill Music Monday to Friday. You Community Centre, Society’s production of will have a great time Ecclesbourne Close. 11-13 King Street, Belper, DE56 1PW -3- WILLIAMSONS ROOFING Roof repairs and re-roofs Chimney repairs / Leadwork Flat roofs etc (no VAT) Duffield based PLASTERING Donald 07817 642380 All aspects of plastering, rendering, and general building work. dsplastering@live.co.uk 01332 841488 40 years in business locally THERAPY Airport Transfers harmonytherapy10@gmail.com Telephone 01283 702404 • 07973 663601 duncanhogg1st@hotmail.com 1-7 passengers • Local drivers wedding cars also available Tel: 01335 342174 / 07817 389467 -4- DAVID SOUL PUTS THE VILLAGE RECORDS STRAIGHT A Reader’s Letter Continued on back page -5- -6- SUGGESTIONS TO TO HELP SHAPE THE FUTURE OF THE VILLAGE If you missed the meeting and want to have your say-you can download the response form from the Parish Council's web sitewww.duffieldpc.org.uk and return it to the Weston Centre by the end of February 2015. from page 1 The Steering Group will meet to agree the projects that will be prioritised in the Plan. A draft of the Plan will be available in April 2015 and the Plan will be published in May 2015. The Plan will set Duffield's priorities for the future. It informs the Parish Council what facilities and improvements the residents would like in the village. It also informs community and voluntary groups about what additional -7- services are wanted in the village. The Plan provides evidence to support funding bids and it can be used to press for improvements in services provided by the County and Borough Councils. DERWENT CARS TAXI SERVICE BRANCH OFF TREE SERVICES All aspects of tree work undertaken to British standards 3998 by fully insured and NPTC qualified professional arborists. Also stump grinding (stump removal) carried out. CALL: Oliver Marks on 07855 607 203 or 01773 882476 01773 824824 8am - 5pm MONDAY - SATURDAY FOR LOCAL JOURNEYS. 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK FOR AIRPORTS. e-mail: stevenbeardsley@outlook.com Serving Duffield since 2003 www.branchofftreeservices.co.uk email: marks_oliver@yahoo.co.uk BACK PAIN, SCIATICA, MUSCLE LOSS/PAIN, HEADACHES, TENSION/STRESS, ARTHRITIS, SPORT INJURIES, WHIPLASH Treatment vouchers available – the ideal present for someone in pain! Telephone 01332 843339/07920149286 127a Derby Road, Duffield. 01332 491081 -8- Inspired by the running of two girls I last ran the London Marathon in 1999, and some years later thought my running days were over. One of my final running acts had been to coach my daughter Imogen – once of Ecclesbourne school – in the sports section of her Duke of Edinburgh bronze. But some years later Imo turned the tables on me. She began to insist that I got my running shoes out again. I cautiously restarted jogging, and we soon found that we were good running companions. Our first big success together was to run the 2012 Robin Hood Half Marathon. We finished hand in hand, and it has for us become an annual fixture. Years ago, when Imo was small, our family lived in Botswana, Africa. There I once took part in a half up by 20 or by Tim Wilmshurst marathon on the edge of the Kalahari desert. Arriving before dawn, the temperature was freezing, and fellow runners had lit fires from old tree branches to keep warm. The race started as that desert sun rose over the horizon, and the temperature quickly shot more degrees. Now it was hot! We ran on through the unrelenting scrub savannah. After a while I glanced over at someone steadily overtaking me. It was a schoolgirl of around 14 years, running in the same tattered school dress and -9- broken plimsolls that she probably wore every day of her life. I was soon left behind. It was inspiring to see this young girl, with no advantage handed her in life, showing such talent and determination. Now, with me on the wrong side of 60, both Imogen and I have landed places in the London Marathon. I ran for Oxfam back in 1999, and am running for them again this year. Having lived in Africa over many years, I’ve seen some of the great things they do. If you’re able to offer any sponsorship, I’d be really grateful - please take a look at www.justgiving.com/ Tims-Oxfam-page/. Imo and I aim to run as much of the marathon together as we can - will we be able to run past Buckingham Palace hand in hand?? -10- BRANCHING OUT AT THE WHITE HART by Carol Nicholson In February 2015 the White Hart has been open and trading under the ownership of Chris and Carol Nicholson for 15 years. Quite an achievement in the pub world. They purchased it on December 20th 1999 and spent the first 2 months on a major overhaul. The White Hart has gone from a quiet village pub to the vibrant, busy dining pub in the heart of Duffield. The pub has undergone several refurbishments during those 15 years. The initial investment reconfigured the whole of the interior, taking down walls, extending the kitchen and opening the pub up into open plan zones. The doors were first opened by Chris on 18th February 2000. In 2007 the White Hart underwent its next refurbishment which included the dining room extension to the rear of the property. In 2012 came the next big investment. This entailed restyling the front bar and installing the latest in pizza ovens. Chris invested in a Jamie Oliver pizza oven enabling the pub to offer thin and crispy wood fired pizzas, freshly made with a superb array of toppings. This has proved a massive success, great for all of the family from children to grand parents alike. The White Hart has employed many local people, people come and people go, however, one local individual has been employed by Chris and Carol for over 12 years. Graeme Leggett, the now General Manager, has worked for the White Hart in all manner of roles from waiter to barman, supervisor to assistant manager and for the last 12 months General Manager. The White Hart is truly a family business, Chris’s father David and Uncle John are often seen tending the beautiful gardens, Chris’s Mum, Barbara is a regular daytime helper and both of Chris’s daughters have helped out over the years The pub is currently undergoing a major overhaul to its frontage. A huge 50 year old Olive tree now takes centre stage, and a superb new grassed area has just been laid, with outdoor furniture in the spring. To celebrate 15 years Chris and Carol are planning yet another internal refurbishment at the end of February to include redecoration and new soft furnishings. Chris and Carol would like to thank all of their customers, especially the people of Duffield, for their continued support and loo forward to many more years. -11- -12- NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK by Benjamin Margett (Duffield Explorer) In the part of a person’s life where what they do determines the occupational options for the rest of their existence, stress can be a large problem in a teenagers life. Exams, relationships and various other difficulties can get in the way, and often make a teen feel as if they don’t know where they belong and they feel undervalued and patronised. As a teenager myself, I am so thankful to have found Explorers. But not only Explorers, Duffield Explorers! I give my upmost respect and gratitude to Steve Marriott and Wendy Johnson who have founded from the ground up an organisation in which new bonds of friendship and trust have been formed. From wide games to tea tasting, canoeing and rowing to abseiling, Explorers has opened up experiences and activities I otherwise would never have had the chance to do. Alas, with the number of Explorers rapidly growing term by term, two people managing the already staggering number of between twenty and thirty mixed gender adolescents can’t carry on. The only option is for a second Duffield Explorer group to be established. We would therefore like to ask if any parents, friends, guardians, and even those with past scouting experience if they would be willing to come and join this fantastic organisation. Yes it may be voluntary, but the value of the work you’ll be doing is priceless. Scouting leaders take part in, organise and manage camps, activities, parades and many other events. This is one of the most difficult stages in life for adolescents, and they’re trying to put it to good use, by learning to tie knots and start camp-fires (preferably without a match) as an alternative to wandering the streets at night, hooded and armed. -13- The other great thing about Explorers is that we do most of the work ourselves. We organise our own programme and run the activities ourselves. Steve and Wendy are just there to guide and support and make things happen for us so all in all it is not that onerous! If you think you could offer up some time to give more teenagers the opportunity to come along to this brilliant TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE WHEN: From 8am to 6pm on any five weekdays between February 2nd and March 6th. WHERE: Makeney Road, Duffield between its junctions with Eaton Bank and A6 Town Street. REASON: Carriageway resurfacing. ALTERNATIVE ROUTE: A6 Town Street / Milford Road / Derby Road, Makeney Road, Duffield Bank and vice versa. Access will be maintained, whenever reasonably possible, on the affected length of road. The road will re-open as soon as the work is finished. This may be earlier than advertised. Derbyshire County Council apologises for any inconvenience caused while work takes place. Anyone needing further information should ring Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190. HELPING YOU TO ACHIEVE THOSE We all know, getting a good night’s sleep is essential to everyday health, and bedroom décor can actually help send you into a peaceful slumber. From scented candles to plump pillows, here are ways to help you make your space more relaxing so you can unwind and sleep peacefully. Choose a luxe bed Studies say we spend a third of our lives in bed, so investing in a high-quality bed that both looks beautiful and offers great comfort levels is the most important element. Use oversized linen. This is a great professional stylists trick! Use linen that is one size larger than your bed to make your bed look sumptuous, luxurious and expensive. Choose calm colours Create a sophisticated palette for your bedroom by using mute tones – such as, taupe, silver, gold, charcoal. Studies have shown that a softer colour palette has a measurable calming effect on the body and people stay in these rooms longer. For impact, adding contrast is super-important. Crisp white linen is a great starting point and you can then add more colour with throws and cushions, etc. How many cushions? ‘ Sweet Dreams Scatter cushions can be the finishing touch on a welldressed bed. A common mistake is using too many cushions – the bed ends up looking crowded and uncomfortable. Use less and create a balance using a mix of size, block colour and pattern. Drape luxurious throws Layer a throw over the bed, and make sure it’s not too small (this can look cheap instead of Dine In For Only £8.95 Per Person Every Monday (includes starters)' BRING YOUR OWN DRINKS. £2 corkage for charity luxurious). Add large lamps Use bold, dramatic bedside lamps to create impact and add a sense of luxury in your room. Choose simple, classic designs for warmth and a sense of space. Buy a blackout blind If you’re sensitive to light, you might want to consider a blackout blind for an uninterrupted night’s sleep. Storage is Key Build a floor-to-ceiling wardrobe. By keeping the lines of the room clean and simple, space is maximised and the flow of the room creates an illusion of space. Nothing makes a room feel smaller than too much freestanding furniture. Keep it neat A messy bedroom creates the feeling of chaos, so tidy away your clothes and make your bed for a calm and controlled end to the day. To create the bedroom of your dreams call Jackie at JLO Design on 07715 562801 today. Children Under 12 Eat for only £3.95 Every Friday, Seated before 6.45pm' 15% discount on Collection Orders 7 days a week' Bangladeshi Fusion Cuisine -14- 22 Town Street,Duffield DE56 4EH 01332 843384 THE OLD DUFFIELD CASTLE SITE IS A CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION PROJECT Destroyed by Henry III almost 750 years ago when it was one of England’s largest medieval structures, the site of Duffield Castle is to have something of a recognition facelift. DerwentWISE Landscape Partnership is working with local people, groups and organisations in the Lower Derwent Valley to inspire and enable them to care for their local landscape. The Parthnership aims to help identify, conserve and restore features of natural and cultural historic importance and one of their key projects over the five year duration of the scheme is the conservation and re-presentation of Duffield Castle, owned by the National Trust. The two organisations are keen to ensure that understanding of the site is improved and the local community, schools and visitors can enjoy and learn from the site. Despite once being one of the most important castles in England, little is known about this medieval scheduled monument, either locally or further afield. The project will seek to collect all available information on the castle, while developing three main aims. The first is to work with the local community, including residents, schools, groups and Duffield Parish Council, in the investigation, conservation and enhancement of the castle’s remains. Secondly, to improve the presentation and understanding of the site by remedial works and improved interpretation. Furthermore they would like to provide support for a local ‘Friends of Group’ to be established and for the local community to feel proud of Duffield Castle. If you’d like to find out more, or share your knowledge of the site with them, please contact Annice Fuller, the DerwentWISE Cultural Heritage Officer, on 01773 881188 and a.fuller@derbyshirewt.co.uk -15- Today, all that remains of Duffield Castle are the foundations, the view and its stories. The tiny 1 hectare site, nestles within the village is now bounded on all sides by housing and roads, but it is still a place to enjoy, relax in and soak up the history. Music at Duffield 7.30pm Saturday February 28th Main Hall, Ecclesbourne School. Ning Kam (violin) Katherine Jenkinson (cello) This violin and cello duo concentrate on performing both virtuosic and audience friendly alternative works including folk and blue grass. Ning and Katherine independently teach and perform worldwide as soloists and chamber musicians. Ning is director of the Belgium chamber orchestra and Katherine enjoys a busy schedule with the 'Aquinas Piano Trio'. Programme Handel/Halvorsen Passacaglia Traditional (arranged O'Connor) Limerock Summers Julie O (solo cello) Newton/Kam Amazing Grace (solo violin) Servais/Ghys Variations Brilliantes on ' God Save the King' Ravel Duo Old Friends Get Together for Charity Reader’s Letter Hi My name is Penny Brooke - you will know either me or my friend Sally Crookes, or both of us! We have been great friends for 40 years, and I have never been able to say "no" to my old pal! Sally has recently been treated (and cleared) for breast cancer. She has been inspirational throughout, with a positive and determined attitude that anyone would aspire to follow. She has a great zest for life, and asked me if I would train with her for a life changing event for both of us i.e. run a marathon! We have been given the opportunity to run for SportsAid in the London Marathon in 2015, and we feel that it is appropriate to run for a charity which offers opportunities to (and encourages) young sports people, enabling them to participate in a sport which would be life changing for them, and then in turn encourage others. We are now in our 50s and and we will have to dig deep to meet the challenge, so we hope that in turn you will dig deep to support this valuable charity, helping a potential future generation of athletes. Thank you for your support. http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/baildonsal -16- Sally Montegue Hair Group celebrate 30 years in business We’ve come a long way since we began in 1983 with the first salon on Friar Gate. I started out with passion and drive (and my own mum on reception) and I sometimes can’t believe how far the business has come. It’s been an incredible journey, throughout which we have sought out only the very best locations, which is everything. Derbyshire is varied, and has changed greatly over the years, and I’m proud to be able to tailor our offerings in our six salons to respond to your evolving needs. As a L’Oréal Professional Portfolio salon recognised for our hairdressing training and expertise, you can be assured of impeccable service, attention to detail, on-trent haircare advice and a wide range of technical and salon services to ensure you leave with a personalised look that suits your style. For us,the devil really is in the detail and we believe it’s the details that set us apart. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers for continued loyalty and for helping our brand to flourish over the last 30 wonderful years. We really couldn’t have done it without you. With very best wishes, There’s been a definite buzz and sense of excitement in the village since the announcement of the Eyes Have It Music Festival on Eyes Meadow over the weekend of 10/11/12th July this year. A fantastic weekend of Rock, Pop and Blues in the perfect setting for a summer festival. There’s a fantastic lineup for you and the main outdoor stage will be graced by 19 bands over the event with each day being headlined by the above artists. These top acts will be supported by the cream of local bands. There’ll be something for everyone! styles from the support bands Friday night culminates with adds up to a quality mix of the incredible 13 piece Wam music designed to cater for Bam Band who’ll make sure everyone’s taste. In addition to you have your dancing feet the outdoor stage, there will on. The award winning be an ‘Opportunity Stage’ Chantel McGregor will be which will be available to all headlining the Saturday. festival goers who would like Chantel is a renowned artist to perform on an open mic who has shared the same bill basis. This stage will be under with the likes of Eric Clapton cover in the beer marquee and has performed alongside which will be well stocked to Blues great, Jo Bonamassa. help you through the summer Signing off the festival on weekend. There will also be a Sunday are The Modest. A late licence in place. If you fantastic up beat band would like to stay over, delighting you with Northern there’ll be camping available Soul classics laced with top and catering vans will be Jam numbers. A wide range of offering you quality food to -17- keep you going. Tickets for the event are limited and now on sale and are strictly in advance. So book now to guarantee a ticket. There will be no tickets available at the event itself. Weekend Tickets: £35 Adults, £30 U18s. Day Tickets: Friday £12.00 Saturday £20 Sunday £12 Camping £10 www.theeyeshaveit.moonfruit .com for full details and tickets. £5 per adult weekend ticket will be donated to Duffield Dynamos FC and The Massive YC. A REAL PLACE IN THE HEALING PROCESS The longer I spend in this amazing profession, the more I realize the health of the world would be better off with a kit more chiropractors. Chiropractic is about health, it is about getting the body out of the state of dis-ease that is a consequence of mainly these three things. 1. Physical trauma to the muscle -skeletal structure due to accidents, repetitive or postural stress. In some cases these can build up over a lifetime, and we mostly tend to ignore the pain and discomfort we feel in our twenties and thirties, till at 50 or 60 we do not have the reserves to cope with the discomfort. Unfortunately it is mostly then that people seek treatment. 2. Toxic effects in or around the body. Health and Wellbeing by Stavros Mihaletos MChiro Almost everybody knows now that our lifestyles are affected by chemicals and substances that may have disastrous effects on our health with Cigarettes, repeated use. sugar, salt and unsaturated fats like vegetable oils. Long term effects may cause muscles to become inhibited (slightly switched off), or facilitated (mild spasm). This is mainly due to the nervous system’s withdrawal reflex which instinctively protects the body. Other substances like metals can also cause weakness and therefore pain around the body. 3. Stress can affect the muscles too. We all experience tight trapezius muscles over our shoulders when we are stressed but those are not the only muscles that can become facilitated. IBS, a common stomach complaint in our modern western lifestyle, is, I believe, exactly that. If the body is holding tension, there are ways to release and manage those symptoms. Chiropractors use a drugless, hands on healing technique to readjust the spine or any other joint in the body. In Sacro-Occipital technique we may even adjust the cranial (skull) bones to allow them to move more freely. Modern science now understands that when we breathe the cranium moves very slightly precipitating cerebral spinal fluid flow around the brain. Our bodies are finely tuned organic machines which respond to manual treatment. From what I see every day, chiropractic has a very real place in our modern healthcare paradigm. We ease unnecessary stress from the nervous system and allow the body to use those reserves to heal itself, which in effect is the only way we really heal. For a free consultation please call Genesis Chiropractic on 01773240020 Funquiz February (Quizmaster: Philip Mucklow) The answers are all towns, villages or places in Derbyshire 1 This place makes lover sob (a) (8) 2 Herbivorous animal crosses stream (9 or !0) 3 Put the fire out (7) 4 Horse and her feed (7) Darley Abbey & Allestree Cleaning Ltd 1 2 3 4 C arp et C a rp ets C arp ets C a rp ets - 5 Dark stream (10) 6 Shoe loved to be made use of (a) (4,5) £ 25.00 £4 5 .00 £65. 0 0 £ 85.00 (a) = anagram This quiz has now reached one year. Will any reader who would like it to continue We also provide regular weekly, bi-weekly or end of (or stop) please advise Barrie Eccleston tenancy cleans. PLUS clean ovens and upholstery. www.allestreecleaners.com Answers on page 22 BOOK YOUR CARPET CLEAN TODAY ! TEL: 01332 557974 / 07504857436 -18- This month why not sign up for our New Year, New You Adult Reading Challenge. Your challenge will be to read four library books, one from each of the following categories: Discover a New Skill - use a book to begin a new hobby or learn a new skill, this could be anything from how to bake bread to learning a few key phrases in a different language, anything goes. Discover New Knowledge - read any book based around real life events. Discover a New Category of Book - try out a different type of book, for example science fiction, historical romance, a graphic novel, an audiobook or an e-book. Discover a New Author - read a book by an author you've never tried before. The challenge will run from January to March 2015 and is open to all users over the age of 16. All those who complete the challenge will be entered into a prize draw to win a Hudl 2 tablet. To sign up to the challenge simply pop in to register and then share your thoughts with other readers by joining in the conversation on Twitter @DerbyshireLibs using the hashtag #ARC. Our usual storytime sessions will continue on Fridays at the usual time of 11am for half an hour of stories and simple crafts for preschool children and their carers. Just call in, no pre-booking is required. We continue to offer our free computer help sessions. These are informal one-to-one sessions where you could learn how to surf the internet, send an email or create a CV and apply for jobs online. No experience is necessary as beginners are welcome. All sessions must be booked in advance. Please call in or give us a ring if you are interested and would like to book a session or would like more details. Our craft group continue to meet during the month at which we are creating a wall hanging which will be displayed in the library. If you would like to take part in this and help create a wonderful piece of art then please call in our contact the library. No experience is necessary. New books in the library this month include a paper back copy of The Wildflower Path by Sarah Harrison, continuing the story of the Tennant and Drake families by taking the story into the new century, The Lives of Others by Neel Mukherjee, an unfolding family history set in Calcutta in 1967 and Land of the Blind by Barbara Nadel, featuring Inspector İkmen, who discovers ancient feuds and new dangers bring death to the streets, of Istanbul. I have recently read A Perfect Heritage by Penny Vincenzi, the story of a cosmetic company owned by the Farrell family. Athina Farrell and Bianca Bailey lock horns over the future of the House of Farrell, revealing a devastating tale of ambition and ego, passion and wonder. On Wednesday 4 February from 4.30pm until 5.30pm we will be celebrating National Harry Potter Day by having an activity event for 8 to 11 year olds. We will be making crafts to take away on a Harry Potter theme and having readings from the novels. As space is limited booking is essential. Tickets are available from the library if you would like to attend. -19- Carole-Ann Duffield library 840324 We will be having our usual coffee morning for National Libraries Day on Saturday 7 February, from 10am until 12, and we are would like to invite everyone to come in from the cold and help us celebrate this. So, if you are a regular library user pop along to have a coffee with us while browsing or if you are new to the library then call in, see what we have to offer and have a coffee too. Either way we would love to see you! Happy Reading Carole-Ann and the team CHILDREN LEARNING TO APPRECIATE THE BEAUTY OFNATURE There are smells and sounds and situations that can sometimes plunge us back to childhood memories in an instant - most of which, one hopes, happy ones. Many might be to do with playing outside - hopscotch chalked on the pavement, skipping with a rope stretched across the road, making a rickety go cart from old pram wheels, trying to make perfume by boiling up petals, walking through a newly cut hay field, stroking a cow, trips into town and the whoosh of trolley buses – including the excitement of sparks, as the poles attached to the overhead cables passed the junctions, climbing trees, playing ‘earthquakes’ with the cracks in the scorched summer lawn, making and eating bonfire toffee, the smell of bonfire smoke and the thrill of helping to keep it going, standing out during a thunderstorm on a warm sticky evening watching the rain turn the road into a river, sledging with stinging cold cheeks, collecting cobwebs with a forked stick, cracking ice on puddles, making a den with sticks and lining it with soft moss, eating jam sandwiches and drinking warm watered down orangeade, getting filthy from playing in the stream and making a dam with gloriously sticky mud, only going proving popular and home when it was getting valuable for all dark or playing two concerned. ball against the wall The best thing chanting rhymes about having a like Nature Reserve “Nebuchadnezzar.” on your Similarly, when at doorstep Primary/Junior within by school (and if you walking MILLENIUM lucky) were distance of outdoor activities MEADOW CHAIR your school is would include that this fun DI HANCOCK gardening, playing learning can rounders, playing easily be football, collecting organized. things for the Nature table, Known as “Forest going on trips into the School” a group of countryside, learning by ‘doing’ youngsters are enjoying having a like measuring the heights of portion of their learning trees, taking bark rubbings for transferred once a week from the art, collecting and studying mini indoor classroom to the outdoor beasts. one that is the meadow and Some of these are still the lived copses of our Reserve. Led by experiences of children today their especially trained Forest (despite the number of cars on School teacher, Helen Willis, the roads and the overwhelming these children from William presence of Gilbert School are spending time computers/iPhones/computer doing practical learning through games) but for some it is not. making dens using the brash However, I am happy to say that branches stacked in the copses, the whole idea of ‘learning by making wands and leaf flags, doing’ is being reintroduced in at examining and measuring the least one local school and despite trees, observing and identifying the crowded, test ridden beasts they find including curriculum of today and the drawing and writing about them, pressure to be at a keyboard– the observing the changes in light idea that children can benefit and temperature, playing in from directly interacting with mud, developing their writing, their local environment is conversational, vocabulary and -20- their artistic skills by recording their experiences. They are also having the benefit of good fresh air and the thrill of a small bonfire on which to toast as the marshmallows culmination of their experience! These children may well grow up to be the custodians of the Reserve in the future – or one similar to it. I am always urging people who know and use the Reserve to slow down, to watch and listen to the ever-changing sights and sounds and observe the beauty. Sit on one of the benches near the ponds and listen to the wind rustling the tall dry stems of last year’s reeds and sounding like the sea; marvel at the sunlight highlighting the different colours amongst the trees and the saplings; watch and listen to the birds – large and small - as they flit back and forth looking for food; be in touch with your “inner child” if you can! Even in these cold wet months of winter the hazel catkins are already formed ready to burst with pollen, the bluebells are showing above the ground, the buds of the blackthorn blossoms are swelling and waiting for warm sunshine and in amongst the trees there are some brightly dressed, happy children learning directly from nature. -21 - DO NOT BE CAUGHT BY DOORSTEP CALLERS OR FALL FOR PHONE SCAMS month’s article This contains two warning messages I’ve recently received, one from the police regarding doorstep callers and one from trading standards about a phone scam. Residents are being advised to protect themselves from doorstep callers following two recent unrelated incidents. One of a young man selling poor quality goods from a bag and another of a man selling poor quality door bells. The police would like residents to be cautious and to report any incidents of this nature to them on 101. If someone calls at your door, always ask for identification and if they are selling goods, ask for their pedlar’s certificate, genuine callers will not mind you making these checks. Do not feel pressured into buying from a caller. Question whether you really need the goods or services they are offering and do not feel obliged to buy or sign up to anything on the spot. If it is something you would like to buy there may be better deals by shopping around or getting alternative quotes. Other crime prevention advice includes: • Never invite a stranger into your home; if they ask to use the toilet, for a drink or to make a call then direct them to the nearest public facilities • Keep an eye out for your neighbours and report any suspicious activity to police by noting down any information you have including descriptions of anyone in the area and the details of any vehicles For more information or to speak to the policing team Branding ■ Graphic Design ■ Packaging Exhibitions ■ Website Design ■ Marketing please call 101, the nonemergency number for Derbyshire police. Derbyshire County Trading Council's Standards service is warning residents of a telephone scam by a someone claiming to be collecting overdue library fees on behalf of the Council. An elderly resident received an unsolicited phone call from a person who said they were employed to trace the millions overdue to libraries. Another resident received a similar call from a person who claimed they were after a missing library book and they were going to come this afternoon to collect it. It is likely that the scam involves trying to obtain resident’s bank details. Derbyshire County Council does not ring residents about overdue library books, nor does it use any agencies to do so on its behalf. If someone has an overdue fee the council will write to them and will not ask for bank details. Every year, 3.2 million adults, one in 15 people, across the country fall victim to a scam such as deceptive phone calls. Trading Standards advice is that if you receive an unsolicited phone call never give out any personal details and if necessary ask for more information in writing. www.snakelane.co.uk 01332 840 880 info@snakelane.co.uk 7 Market Place, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3QE Snake Lane Design -22- Reporting incidents: Please do report non-serious crimes and incidents to the police on the non-emergency number 101. For emergencies, such as when a crime is in progress, when there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened, 999 should be used. If you have any information on crime or anti-social behaviour please contact Derbyshire police on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. 1 2 3 4 5 6 February Quiz Answers Bolsover Bullbridge or Sheepbridge Kilburn Marehay Black brook Dove holes ALLAN THOMAS DRIVES IN AS NEW MEN’S CAPTAIN AND THOUSANDS RAISED FOR CHARITY AT CHEVIN GC In time honoured tradition the incoming men's captain had his "drive in" on New Years Day and the weather was kind to Allan Thomas (centre) as he hit his ball " straight down the middle". Outgoing Captain Craig Cunliffe (left) and professional Willie Bird wished him all the best for 2015. Craig also has had a great 2014 raising over £3000 for his charity the Alzheimer's Society and during his year had played over 240 rounds of golf! Quite a feat! Elspeth Russell has taken over from Jackie Hattersley as Chevin Ladies Captain. Jackie had a very successful year raising £3,290 for her charity Meningitis Now. Chevin Golf Club has several new membership categories available now. Should anyone need more details please ring our general office on 01332841864 or www.chevingolf.co.uk OUTSTANDING MILLIE WINS YET ANOTHER SQUASH TITLE Duffield’s Millie Tomlinson claimed the second WSA Tour title of her career when she won the Liberty Bell Open in the USA. The 22-year-old sixth seed (left) defeated Pakistan’s Maria Toorpakai Wazir ( right) seeded two places lower, 3/1 in the final of the $5,000 event in Berwyn, Pennsylvania. Millie, the world women’s university champion, who also won her first Tour title in the USA at the $5,000 LiveStuff Open , had to fight back from losing the first game 11-4 to lift the trophy, taking the next three 11-6, 13-11, 11-8. Tomlinson had ended the giant-killing run of compatriot Fiona Moverley in the semi-finals with a 3/1 success. Why not hone your snooker skills at THE DUFFIELD CLUB We currently have vacancies for new members call Glyn on 07739190976 theduffieldclub@gmail.com or visit our website www.duffieldclub.co.uk -23- DELVING INTO THE PAST VILLAGE CENTRE (Continued from page 5) In 1919 Mr. Andrew Hingley Snr. bought Duffield Hall Estate and he suggested to a Miss Gardiner that a private school she ran in the village could take over the Hall to have larger premises. Miss Gardiner then enlarged the teaching side and the facilities for sport were established in the grounds. In 1932 the two Miss Gardiners who rented the school retired and Mrs. Melbourne took over. In 1944 the executors of Mr Andrew Hingley Snr. sold it to her and it was then later sold by her daughter, Mrs. Mary Wrigley, to David Adams Builders. The original statement by the builder was that it would be used as a personal residence, and that Melbourne Hall could be disassembled, given to the village and rebuilt on a suitable site. The difficulty was in finding a suitable site, agreeing with the planning authority, carrying out the plan and organising the facilities. There was an offer to assist with the removal and reassembly but in the latter stages of the discussions the building was badly damaged by a site vehicle. The Hall was, subsequently, sold by the builders to the Derbyshire Building Society who the undertook to renovate, repair the old Hall and build the additional offices which have recently been demolished. SPRINGWOOD HOUSE Private Residential Care Home for the Elderly Duffield Bank, Duffield, Derbyshire DE56 4BG www.springwoodhouseresidentialhome.co.uk Variety of care packages: a permanent room to make your own, convalescent, respite & holidays • 24 hour care by highly trained and experienced staff • Home cooking, special diets & preferences catered for • Two state of the art passenger lifts accessing all floors • Visiting chiropody / optician / hairdresser and assistance with dental appointments. • Ramp access to the landscaped gardens, fish pond and summer house. • Entertainment activities and regular events For a brochure / more information call 01332 840757
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