February-March 2015 - Oregon Knights of Columbus

The Web Edition of
Go Against the Current—Pope Francis 2014
February-March 2015
Vol. 111 No. 4
The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the
Oregon State Council of the Knights of Columbus
Robert Kish
State Deputy
Your State Officers for July 2014 to June 2015
State Deputy
State Chaplain
Imm. PSD
State Secretary
State Treasurer
State Advocate
State Warden
Robert Kish
Fr. Theo Lange
Pat Rice
Sidney Thiel
Francis Mohr
Ron Boyce
Steve Steele
Page 1 - State Deputy’s Intro Page
Page 2 - State Deputy’s Report
Page 3 - State Deputy’s Report Continued
Page 4 - Chaplain’s Report
Page 5 - Hispanic Outreach Information
Page 6 - District Deputy 3 + State Warden Report
Page 7 - Food For Families Report
Page 8 - Round Table Information + Council in Action
Page 9 - Insurance Agent Report
Page 10 - Pope Francis’s Christmas Message
Page 11 - Family of the Month + Pro Life Report
Council 1785
Council 15595
Council 6602
Council 9137
Council 0849
Council 3591
Council 6266
Mt. Angel Abbey
Baker City
Page 12 - Canby Knights in Action
Page 13 - State Chaplain at Mass with People with
Page 14 - Youth Director Report
Page 15 - Oregon District Master 4th Degree Report
Page 16 - State Advocate Report
Page 17 - State Membership Director Report
Page 18 - Thoughts Of Vocations Report
Page 19 - Men’s Retreat Registration Form
Page 20 - Council In Action + Photos of Winter Mtg
Page 21 - Sick & Distressed + In Memoriam
Page 22 - One Who Served Oregon Well
Dear Brother Knights and Families
Here we are, just 6 months into the Fraternal Year. This is a good
time for a 6 month review of the State.
Back in June we had our first “all in” State Summer Meeting and Leadership Training in Keizer. This was the first of its kind for us in Oregon. The
State Directors and Chairmen put on a good display of programs that
Councils can be involved in. The training breakouts for the DD’s, GK’s and
FS’s were a huge success as well. Mark your calendars now for a bigger
and better “Summer Meeting” on July 18, 2015.
Back in November we had our State Winter Meeting in Albany. This
meeting is geared more for the District Deputies. Those attending were
treated to some great presentations and inundated with many great
ideas on how to help their Councils succeed. We are also working to fill a few DD vacancies in
Districts #1, #19 and #20. If you know of a Brother Knight in those Districts willing to step in
and help lead a few Councils to success, please contact me or any State Officer.
Robert Kish
State Deputy
The State Membership Director, Ron Boyce and his team of Chairmen have been doing
marvelous work around the State. This is most evident by the fact that we are halfway
through the year and we are actually half way to our State membership goal…50.82% to be
Goals and quotas aside…just imagine how many more lives we could change and how many
lives we could save if the 31 Councils that haven’t recruited a member this year become
membership active. Worthy Grand Knights, get moving and get membership active this
Our State Hispanic Coordinator, Jesse Villarreal has worked diligently for the last 6 months
visiting many Parishes and has talked to huge numbers of Hispanic families about the Knights.
Many Councils have started Hispanic Round Tables and there are many more on the way. Our
State Round Table Chairman, Duane Morris, is only 10 away and I am positive that between
him and Jesse Villarreal the State Round Table goal will be blown out of the water this spring.
(State Deputy’s Remarks Continued On Page 3)
(State Deputy’s Report From Page 2 Continued)
New Council Development is going very well too. We should see as many as 4
new Councils by the end of the Fraternal Year. I have been very active talking with the
Newman Center Priests at Oregon State and University of Oregon. It’s a race to see who gets
chartered first.
The State is unfortunately gaining big numbers in the suspension category. This is not
the area we want to see high numbers, but we are. Some Councils have lost perspective.
When we lose our servant’s heart, we lose our reason to exist. It’s time to fix what is broken.
Take a look in the mirror and make some changes. Doing the same things over and over and
getting the same results isn’t working.
Also in November, I met with our State Insurance Team. This was a very productive 6
hours of sharing ideas and building relationships. Brothers, please use your Agents. They are
here for you and seriously want your Council to succeed. Do not hesitate to call on them.
Also, when they attend your meetings, please treat them as you would any State Officer.
Promote the insurance programs and all that they can do for you and your families.
Beginning January 1st, Oregon has a new “Programs Reporting System”. By the time
you read this newsletter all Grand Knights should have received a printed manual explaining
this new system. It is now on the state web-site too. This system of reporting is a huge
change for the State. Our hope is that it will be easier to report, promote more Councils
getting involved in programs and create some friendly competition as well.
For the first time in History (that I know of) the State Officers will be your Convention
Committee for the 2015 State Convention on Newport, April 24-26. Your State Officers and
Wives have been working hard to finalize the agenda. The full registration packets will be out
to all Councils before the end of January.
Well, as you can see, we have all been busy these last 6 months. I am looking forward to the
second half of the year and pray that with hard work and dedication every Council will have a
successful year.
Stay positive, active and holy in everything you do.
God Bless you all.
Vivat Jesus,
Bob Kish
Oregon State Deputy
“One Member, Per Council, Per Month”
“One Star Council, Per District”
My Dear Brother Knights and Families
Happy New Year. I hope 2015 is off to a good start and you are being
drawn deeper into Christ Jesus our Lord. The Holy Father, Pope
Fr. Theo Lange
Francis, has been speaking of late of the tenderness of God. Most of
State Chaplain
these, his reflections, have been during homilies in the Christmas
season. Yet, it is a meditation we can take to prayer all year long. Jesus reveals to us the
tenderness of the Love of the Father! In his Christmas homily, Pope Francis spoke of the
search we are on for God, yet more important than our search for God is the “being found”
by God. In other words, to let God love us. This can be a challenge, especially for men.
One way we can experience the tenderness of the Father is in a daily commitment to pray in
silence: reading the scriptures, being in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament, praying
the rosary, or other forms of prayer. In prayer our hearts are opened up to the presence of
God, our ears are opened, our hearts soften and we experience the presence of God. Prayer
and love are not for the faint hearted and neither is being a Knight of Columbus. The overall
demands of love compels us on in our mission as Knights to pray, love, forgive, defend,
protect, honor and serve.
I hope all of us actively work with our Pastors to promote and implement: Building the
Domestic Church, the Family Fully Alive. If you have not started yet, then please do so
because we do not want to miss this opportunity of living a time of grace and responding
generously to our duty to bless the Church with this family prayer and service initiative. In
prayer and obedience we can set out into the deep and discover the height, length and
width of the Tenderness of the Love of the Father and be instruments of blessing for families
and the Church. The hour of the Knights is upon us and we are called and chosen to be the
protagonists of the healing, renewal, strengthening and transformation of families! In the
words of Saint John Paul II: “Arise, Let us be on our way.”
With all my prayer and respect,
Your servant in Christ
Fr. Theo Lange
Oregon State Chaplain
Formation Director
Mt. Angel Seminary
Hispanic Outreach
In May of this year I volunteered to help oversee the Hispanic Outreach program that our
State Deputy, Membership Director and some other council officers and insurance agents
wanted to implement in our state.
After visiting with several local parish priests and parish council members, I managed to
Jesse C. Villarreal gather some valid information. I talked with a variety of members and non-members of
the Knights of Columbus, asking the same question: Why aren’t there more Hispanics
joining the Knights of Columbus? I attended Spanish Masses asking direct questions. I am blessed with being
bi-lingual and besides I’ve been Hispanic all my life! So, I know the culture pretty well.
I was pretty straight forward and demanded honest answers. For the most part, all of the existing
members, especially the younger men, showed nothing but a positive attitude towards having more Hispanic
Catholic Brothers come into our ranks.
We all know and understand “numbers” are important to our Councils but our new State Deputy
Robert Kish is about really focusing on establishing a much stronger membership in the state of Oregon. He
knows we can form a stronger church in our community by bringing the cultures together. He wanted to
hear how we could become more united. How can we all work and pray together? How can we all become
of one voice?
In my research, I learned that according to the 2014 census, Hispanics represent 12% of the state
population. There are 473,000 Hispanics residing in the State of Oregon.
The opportunity is here. We have a “Golden” opportunity to meet or exceed whatever goals we have
for our Councils. But we need to convince our Hispanic Brothers that are attending OUR churches to become
part of OUR Fraternal Community. The church is not just for them or for us. It is OURS. And UNITY is one of
our most important pillars in the order of Knights of Columbus. BUT WE MUST ASK THEM!
If they don’t come to us…………..we must go to them. They know very little or nothing about the
Knights. We need to tell and show them and demonstrate to them the benefits and privilege it is to be a
proud member of the Knights of Columbus.
Recruiting Hispanics is being done by several of the Parish Councils. Some have been more successful
than others. But I believe we can do better. A lot better.
Some of those present at the Winter Meeting agreed there is much more that can be done. I am
willing to share ideas and help in whatever I can to help motivate those “Hispanic church leaders” who may
have been hesitant to become Knights.
It can be done and it is our responsibility and obligation to open our doors to all Catholic men in our
parishes to be allowed to become members of our fraternal organization.
Jesse C. Villarreal
503-266-4043 Home
503-267-4043 Cell
District Deputy 3 Report
While I have only been a District Deputy for six months, I have 37 years of experience in the
Knights as well as 20 years as a Financial Secretary, a Past Grand Knight and also as a Past
Faithful Navigator
Having recently visited other Councils, I have noticed some Officers who are not fully aware
of their duties. This may stem from lack of training or possibly they are not reading all of the
information that is made available to them. There is a wealth of information available on the
Supreme web site as well as the State web site. The Supreme web site is KOFC.ORG while the
State web site is KOFC-OR.ORG. Sign on to those sites and explore the possibilities. You may
also have some experienced members who have held positions and are past officers in your
Council—use them! Don't forget your District Deputy as one of your resources. If he doesn't
have an immediate answer, he will contact a State Officer for help to obtain the requested
information. Remember—there are no dumb questions.
Share the resources and share the work.
David Saunders, DD-3
State Warden Report
I hope the new year finds you all rested from the holidays and that you are ready for an
exciting year working with the Knights in Oregon.
All Grand Knights and Program Directors at the Council level should have the new program
booklet by the time the Columbian goes to print. If not look for it in the mail soon. After
countless hours of reformatting and proof reading, Tim Grady, Executive Secretary and Dan
Steve Steele Ramirez, State Web Master, finished the project and sent it to the printer. Thank you Tim
and Dan for all your hard work. If there are any questions about the program, your District
Deputy, who will also receive a copy of the program book, can answer each of your questions. The EZ forms
are no longer used for reporting the activities done by Councils. Starting January 1st, we are using the NEW
programs format. The booklet and the forms can be found on the state website for all to look at. So, I really
encourage everyone to take a look. I hope this will make reporting easier, as everything can be done online,
as well as bring some good, clean competition, between Councils.
Keep up the good work Brothers and let’s make 2015 a great year for the Knights in Oregon!
Vivat Jesus,
Steve Steele
State Warden
General Program Director
Oregon Marshal
“Missionary to the Hungry”
Richard Akins
Oregon State
Chairman – Food for Families
“Food, Clothing and Shelter” are the three predominate needs of every human being.
Many, if not all, Oregon Knights of Columbus Councils and 4 th Degree Assemblies
provide great assistance in fulfilling all three needs.
Dick Akins
It is time to focus on “Food”. Oregon has one of the highest homeless populations per capita than any other
state in the union.
Who are the hungry? Hunger strikes a large part of the population of Oregon.
All of the mental facilities in Oregon have been closed and the mental patients
are unable to work for food. Many individuals who suffer a physical ailment are
unable to work. Full time workers frequently fail to earn enough to provide for
the three essential needs listed above and must choose between Food or
Clothing or Shelter.
How can you and I help? Let us become a “Missionary to the Hungry”. Well,
Individually the requirements to eradicate hunger are too much for us. But,
Collectively we can provide food to feed all who hunger.
Let us as Knights of Columbus lead the charge to eradicate hunger in Oregon. Our goal for 2015 is to activate
1000 people as a “Missionary to the Hungry”. With 89 Knights of Columbus Councils in Oregon and our
numerous 4th Degree Assemblies we can spread the word to all parishioners of the need and solicit their
If your parish or community has an effective program to feed the hungry
support it. If not, please join forces with your local St. Vincent de Paul
All that is required of one to be a “Missionary to the Hungry” is a one
year commitment at each evening meal to say grace, pray for the needs
of those who hunger and place a $1.00 dollar bill in an envelope. At the
end of the month send a check totaling the dollars collected to your local
Knights of Columbus Council or 4th Degree Assemble and in the memo
section state that the funds are to feed the hungry.
With 89 Knights of Columbus Councils in Oregon, if every Council succeeds in enlisting the help of 12 Knights
as a “Missionary to the Hungry” we will have over 1000 Knights as a “Missionary to the Hungry”. At $365.00
dollars a year ($1.00 per day) donated times at least 1000 Missionaries, the funds collected annually will be
$365,000.00. Food Banks can then purchase between $7.00 to $10.00 of food for each $1.00 donated.
Those good at math will understand that between $2,555,000.00 and $3,650,000.00 value of the food can be
Vivat Jesus!
Richard Akins
Oregon State
Chairman – Food for Families
Round Table Chairman
Happy New Year Brothers ... As we are entering into the second half of our
fraternal year, I would like to remind all my Brothers about Round Table
As of the last count, Supreme had our state of Oregon with 20 new Round
Tables, just 10 away from our goal of 30.
I have heard from several Brothers about new Round Tables but the number
Duane Morris at Supreme still has remained at 20 for months now. This leads me to believe
that the Councils that created these new Round Tables have not submitted
the paperwork to Supreme.
There is only one form that needs to be submitted and that is the one that lists the Name of
the Round Table Coordinator.
Here is a link to the online version of the form. Please ensure that any new Round Tables that
were created this Fraternal Year have been submitted to Supreme.
If you have any questions regarding setting up a Round Tables, please feel free to contact me
at either my phone number: 503-709-4858 or dlmorri@gmail.com.
Vivat Jesus,
Duane Morris
Oregon State Round Table Chairman
Council In Action
From Fr. Luke Sheehan Council 1872 Bend
We have a very active KC organization with many Brother Knights involved in various ministries. Just recently
4 of our brother Knights became Acolytes: Pete Wimer (our insurance agent), Joe Hayes, James Strelchen and
Shawn Walsh.
Except for a plaque, our Council has completed building a new monument for
the unborn. This was a project suggested by our former Pastor and Chaplain,
Fr. Joe Reinig, who recently passed away. He kept prodding us to complete it
before he passed to his eternal reward and thank the Lord we did.
Our parish just completed its annual Christmas Faire and the Knights provided
a wonderful spaghetti dinner that had raving reviews again for the “secret
sauce” that makes it so good. The proceeds go to help retire the parish
debt. It was a great parish community building event and the Knights were a
very visible part of that event.
Vivat Jesus!
Submitted by Ken Roberts
Deputy Grand Knight
Plan for this Tax Day and into the Future
April 15 (tax day) is right around the corner. It’s become popular this time of
year to encourage the opening of an IRA or some similar retirement annuity or
the depositing of additional funds into an existing account as a tax-savings
Jim Walton
vehicle. Or perhaps someone has tried to convince you to open an account,
touting the great rate of interest that money in one of these accounts can earn. Let me join
the chorus of folks encouraging you to open or add funds to an annuity, but for a different
Certainly, contributing money to a Knights of Columbus annuity will allow you to save some
money on your income tax return. Also, our annuities do pay a very competitive interest rate,
consistent with our primary goal of absolute safety of principal. Opening or adding to an
annuity for these reasons, however, strikes me as taking a short-term view of a product that
is designed to provide long-term security. How much security? How does the idea of a
retirement income that you cannot outlive — guaranteed — sound to you?
Here, at the Knights of Columbus, you can open a retirement annuity for as little as $300.
Consistent and disciplined savings placed into that annuity over time can guarantee you
income at retirement that you cannot outlive. That guarantee — along with the fact that no
one has ever lost money left in a Knights of Columbus annuity (remember – absolute safety of
principal) — really will provide you with peace of mind.
I am happy to meet with you – at your convenience and in your home – to explain in detail
the benefits of opening a Knights of Columbus annuity, along with the benefits of our
top-rated life insurance, disability income and long-term care insurance plans.
Jim Walton
Pope Francis’ Christmas Message
When Pope Francis met before Christmas with Vatican employees, mostly lay people with
families, he asked them to do 10 things. The list sounded remarkably like suggestions for a
New Year’s resolutions:
1. “Take care of your spiritual life, your relationship with God, because this is the backbone
of everything we do and is everything we are.”
2. “Take care of your family life, giving your children and loved ones not just money, but most
of all your time, attention and love.”
3. “Take care of your relationships with others, transforming your faith into life and your
words into good works, especially on behalf of the needy.”
4. “Be careful how you speak, purify your tongue of offensive words, vulgarity and worldly
5. “Heal wounds of the heart with the oil of forgiveness, forgiving those who have hurt us and
medicating the wounds we have caused others.”
6. “Look after your work, doing it with enthusiasm, humility, competence, passion and with a
spirit that knows how to thank the Lord.”
7. “Be careful of envy, lust, hatred and negative feelings that devour our interior peace and
transform us into destroyed and destructive people.”
8. “Watch out for anger that can lead to vengeance; for laziness that leads to existential
euthanasia; for pointing the finger at others, which leads to pride; and for complaining
continually, which leads to desperation.”
9. “Take care of brothers and sisters who are weaker … the elderly, the sick, the hungry, the
homeless and strangers, because we will be judged on this.”
10. “Making sure your Christmas is about Jesus and not about shopping.”
Supreme’s Family
of the Month for
October 2014
Edward & Bonnie Harwood
Council 1261 North Bend
Kent & Susan Belleque
Council 5842 Gervais
These families received one of the 100 Holy Family gifts given by the Supreme office in a
random drawing each month. Any of our Councils, who use Supreme’s Family of the Month
booklet (#1993), which is provided to each Council in the annual “Surge with Service” kit,
are automatically placed in the random drawing each month at Supreme.
Oregon Councils participating in October were:
Coos Bay 1261*, Astoria 1307, Corvallis 1785, Bend 1872, Gresham 3179, Gervais 5842*,
Beaverton 6266, Salem 9263, and LaPine 9932
*Denotes selected winner for the month.
Pro Life News
Just a reminder that the annual Roe vs Wade memorial rally will be held this
month and all Knights should plan to attend.
This is to support the sanctity of life, and is not a protest event. If you have
never attended—give it a try, and live your faith.
Marc Langley
For those Knights who may attend, try and meet together as a group in the
north east corner of the square.
Roe vs. Wade - January 18th 2:30pm - 4pm
Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland, OR
God Bless
Marc and Sandi Langley
Pro Life Couple
Public Relations Article
Canby Knights In Action
Written by: Bob Sheveland Chancellor Council 3484
Knights from Canby Council 3484 are seen presenting a check for $2,000 to Gretchen
McCallum and Bill Pillar who direct the activities of the St Vincent DePaul/Canby Food Bank.
The Canby Food Bank provides
food for needy families
throughout the Canby area.
The number of families served
had averaged 219 per week
during 2014.
This organization, which is
totally made up of volunteers,
has been serving families since
the mid 1970’s.
The Canby Council has been active in supporting the Food Bank for many years—helping with
donations of money and manpower. One of the Council members (Ron Suchanek, second
from right in the photo) started a community garden at the parish two years ago. This last
year over 5,000 pounds of fresh produce was donated to the Food Bank for delivery to needy
families. The Council continues to be committed to serving and strengthening the community
in its annual planning. The Food Bank has been and continues to be an annual and on going
effort to serve the needy.
The Knights making the presentation are (from left to right) Jesse Villarreal, Bob Sheveland,
Ron Suchanek, and Paul Crawford
Bob Sheveland
Chancellor Council 3484
Oregon State Chaplain Assists During A Special Needs Mass
Article by GK Ted Seeber Council 15485
As some of you know, I have been very involved with the Archdiocese’s Office of People with
Disabilities. I am the father of a special needs son, and Grand Knight of John Clare Council
15485 at St. Clare's in Portland, Oregon. My Warden, Michael Chau, is a Special Olympian.
Together, on every second Sunday, we volunteer at the Portland Archdiocese Office of People
with Disabilities Mass at St. Rose of Lima in Portland. Imagine our surprise recently when we
had a priest filling in for Fr. Matt, who was on retreat, and found Fr. Theo our State Chaplain
had shown up!
The second Sunday of January was the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord and as is common
with the Special Needs Masses we mimed the Gospel and Fr. Theo got to play the part of
Jesus Christ. The other man in the picture, Paul, is a special needs man who always comes to
Mass, and was chosen to play John the Baptist.
Please Remember the Archdiocese Office of “People with Disabilities Journey Together In
Hope Retreat” as you do your council's end of the Fraternal Year giving.
Ted Seeber
Grand Knight Council 15485
Youth Director Report
First, I would like to congratulate each of the Councils that participated in
our State Youth Programs this past year 2014. We will have many awards
to present at State Convention 2015 in Newport, Oregon. We completed
our State Soccer Championship on November, 16th 2014 in Corvallis and
sent a total of ten State Champions on to Supreme. I hope to hear soon if
we have a Supreme winner.
George Murphy
Second, we have begun our Calendar Year 2015, and all our program
winners will be presented at our Annual State Convention 2015 in Newport. I would like to
congratulate Baker City Council 849 for completing the first Youth Activity report for 2015 for
their Youth Program.
A reminder that an explanation of all State Programs can now be found 'On-Line' at the state
website. A Council can report a completed activity on-line, using the Oregon State Council
Service Program Form or you can down load the form to send on to your State Youth Director.
January 2015 is, also, the time for all Councils to run their local Hoop Shoot Program. All the
District Deputies should run their District Hoop Shoot Programs during February 2015.
The State Hoop Shoot Championship will be held at
Marist High School in Eugene on March 15, 2015.
will be at 12:00 noon. We will continue to
communicate with our District Deputies and other
local officials by using the media of State Columbian
Newsletter, Emails and Phone Services as well.
I wish a very bright, cheerful and enjoyable year to
each and every Brother Knight!
Vivat Jesus,
George Murphy
State Youth Director
Oregon District Master Report
My Brother Knights,
Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a good New Year and a Joyous Christmas! As for Linda and
myself, we spent the two weekends before Christmas with all of the kids and
grandkids, from Seaview, Washington, to New Orleans. Everyone came to
celebrate Christmas and we all had a great time.
Michael Rooke
Our next Fourth Degree Exemplification will be held on Saturday, January 31, at St. Mary's in Albany
(see State Website for specific information). We will also have Exemplifications on March 21 at
St. Henry's in Gresham, April 18 at St. Francis in Bend, and on June 13 in Grants Pass. So, each Third
Degree member in good standing with his Council is eligible to join the Fourth Degree. Help your
Third Degree Knights find out what the Patriotic Degree is all about!
Information from Supreme indicates that the entire Order, Councils and Assemblies, have gone
above and beyond. At last count that I received, we are expected to raise the $1,000.000 pledged
for ‘Military Chaplain Seminarian's Fund’ a year early! It's not too late to do your part. If your
Council or Assembly has yet to start contributing, don't hesitate! Any and all checks can be mailed to
myself, and have them made out to 'Knights of Columbus, Military Chaplain Seminarian's Fund'. The
need is great for our military - let's not let them down!
Thank you all of the Fourth Degree Assemblies that completed their Officer Reports and the Audit
Report, due earlier in the year. Unfortunately, it's that time for the Annual Survey of Fraternal
Activity. It's online, it's easy to fill out, and you don't have to get officers’ signatures. Due date is
January 31 - my many thanks to the 3 Assemblies that have already turned in their reports.
It's not too early to get your information together for these three awards. So often I receive only 1
or 2 forms from all of our Assemblies. Let's get some competition going here! Take a look at the
awards and what they entail; chances are good that you already qualify for 1 or more. All you have
to do is fill out the form and include your documentation (forms can be found on
the Supreme
website, www.kofc.org).
Fraternally Yours,
Michael D. Rooke
District Master, Oregon
Fourth Degree
Advocates Report
I understand that all of the District Deputies, Grand Knights and
Youth Directors received a surprise email from the Praesidium’s
Armatus® online training and background check for the Knights of
I would like to apologize that none of you were notified by the
Supreme Office that this was coming. The Oregon State Council has
been warning everyone that this will need to be addressed at the
Council, District and State level. The question that I have been
Ron Boyce
receiving the most was “Why”? We are good Catholic men who
would never harm a child. This program is not about looking for sexual predators in the
Knights of Columbus or that the Supreme Council does not trust its members. This is about
providing knowledge and tools to safeguard the youths who are in our care from sexual
predators and neglect.
In a statement from Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson “Throughout its history, Knights of
Columbus has promoted Christian family life in all its initiatives and programs, including those
serving children and youth. Recognizing that children are a precious gift and “the living
reflection” of familial love, their safety and well-being is the greatest priority in Knights of
Columbus youth programs and activities. The Knights of Columbus Safe Environment
Program protects young people against risks of abuse and neglect. The Safe Environment
Program consists of a thorough youth leader screening process, child abuse awareness
training, and a robust reporting procedure in the event of possible misconduct. All of us
understand that our public and private conduct can inspire and motivate, as well as even
scandalize and undermine, young people’s faith.
Today, it is not enough to “evangelize ... only by word”; it is also imperative to evangelize:
1. In the strength of living love.
2. Only then can we be assured that the family, the “domestic church”, and our parish
communities can grow in God’s love.
The Knights of Columbus Safe Environment Program helps provide such assurances. Knights
of Columbus strongly encourages all those who are committed to the social, intellectual, civil
and spiritual growth of young people to complete Knights of Columbus Safe Environment
Program requirements.”
All inquiries should be directed to the Knights of Columbus Safe Environment Program Line at
203.800.4937 or at the site youthleader@kofc.org. You will find the Safe Environment
Program policies and procedures in the Youth Leader Handbook, Grand Knight & Faithful
Navigator Handbook and Squire & Parent Handbook.
Vivat Jesus
Ron Boyce
Oregon State Advocate
Membership Report
I hope that everyone read the Pope’s New Years resolutions that sent a special
message to everyone and I was thinking maybe each Grand Knight should be
thinking about his own Council’s resolutions. Perhaps reaching the Council
membership goal or survey their members to see what other programs their
Council has to do to help their Council, church and community. My challenge to
all 87 Councils is to hold a membership drive in either February or March
(Founders Day) and for each of the 20 District Deputies to have, at minimum
one First Degree per District each month.
The following Councils have reached their goal in membership or insurance or
both. Grand Knights, District Deputies and Insurance Agents let’s help those
Councils reach their Star Council status by making sure that they Submit all their required forms. Let’s help
them reach their two goals.
Holy Rosary……………….15605
St. Joseph………………….13700
St Theresa…………………..7828
St. Joseph……………………1748
Fr. Geo O’Keefe…………..5060
St. Thomas………………….8129
St. James…………………….3509
Fr. Baur……………………...5416
St. Benedict……………...15595
Our Lady of Prep………...3154
Fr. Luke Sheehan………...1872
Fr. McDevitt………………..5003
Our Lady of Dunes…….15773
Snake River………………...1656
Dr. John McLaughlin……2325
Fr. Patrick Dooley………10684
Pope John Paul…………...8355
Our Lady of LaVang…..15263
St. Andrew………………..15526
Fr. Luke O’Donnell………6266
St. Pius X…………………..12656
Fr. Joseph Saal…………..15640
St. Paul………………………..2221
St. Edwards……………….10594
Patrick Irish………………...9529
Ron Boyce
Ron Boyce
State Membership Director
Not much activity in the RSVP Program. I still have only one
Council reporting that two Seminarians are being supported. I pray that
more are being supported and the Councils have not completed their
"paperwork". Just to make sure you folks are reimbursed, I have
attached the procedure.
Adoption Procedure:
Dr. George Vennes
1. Contact Tamara Swanson, 503-845-3549, email at: (tamara.swanson@mtangel.edu.)
for the name of a Seminarian who can use your support.
2. Go on line to http://www.kofc.org/un/en/officers/forms/Council.html and download
the RSVP Form 2863.
3. The only paper requirement is the reporting page and a copy of the front and back of
the donated check, showing it was made payable specifically to a Seminarian or Novice.
4. The paperwork and the copies are mailed to Supreme Council, at Fraternal Department
Services, 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510. Oh yes, please send or email me a copy of
your front sheet.
I am still looking for any additional Council Vocation Chairmen. Your responsibility
besides RSVP is chairing your Parish Vocation Committee. This will be expedited through
assistance by the Serra Club of Portland. Retired Archbishop Vlazny as well as Fr. Henderson
have asked that each parish form a Vocation Committee. What better chairman for this parish
project than a Knight of Columbus. If you are interested, please contact me.
Vivat Jesus
Dr. George Vennes
State Chairman for Vocation and Decency
3756 NW Kaiser Rd
Portland, OR 97229
Thank you very much to those who attended our OLL Men’s Retreat last Lent. I continue to hear great stories from
several men who went on the retreat. Believe it or not, our 2015 Men’s Retreat is next month! Please download the
attached registration flyer for all the details. We have the same basic format as we had last year.
This year, we are asking you to sign up early and also invite a fellow parishioner, a friend, a brother, a son or a father. Now that we no
longer have the Christmas season upon us, there will not be so many demands. Make sure you give yourself (and your family), the
present of another great retreat experience.
As you recall, our retreat was successful because of the help of a group of 12 men who gave talks and/or led small groups. If you are
interested, please contact me.
If you have any other questions or concerns about the Retreat, please be sure to get in touch.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Deacon Kevin Welch
Check in Friday at 5:30pm and checkout on Sunday at 1:00pm
In today’s fast-moving, digital world, we all find less and less time for ourselves, and
unfortunately, for God. That is why OLL parish will host a Men’s retreat at Mount Angel Abbey
to open our eyes to a deeper relationship with God.
The weekend will be filled with fellowship, food and faith building discussions.
Last year, the retreat was 50% sold out within two weeks of announcing the dates.
We strongly suggest signing up immediately to secure a spot.
The cost of $200 provides all lodging, meals and retreat materials.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In order to secure your space, make your $200 check payable to Our Lady of the Lake.
Deliver your registration to Our lady of the Lake - Attn: Men’s Retreat - 650 A Avenue - Lake Oswego 97034
Name ________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________
Street, City, State Zip ______________________________________________________________________________
E-Mail ________________________________________________ Amount Enclosed $
Special needs: _________________________________________________________________________________
If you have the ability to pay more than the standard registration fee to help sponsor scholarships, it would be greatly appreciated.
If you need financial assistance, please talk to Fr John.
Council In Action
Council 3818, Lake Oswego, held a
spaghetti dinner to assist St. Vincent
De Paul and it turned out to be a big
It took a lot of effort on the part of
the many Knights who worked from
the 4 a.m. morning shifts until the
dishwasher ran the last load of the
GK Dan Boone said how much he greatly appreciated the efforts of those members who
worked on behalf of St. Vincent de Paul.
Pictures From The Oregon State Knights of Columbus Winter Meeting
Pray for the Sick and Distressed
Joyce Sample
Ronald E Bernt F.S.
Mother of Archbishop Sample
Council 2439 Sublimity
IPSD David Denton
and wife Joyce Denton
Sir Knight E.G. Silvius
Council 8129 Dallas
Council 4087 Springfield
Audene Nored
Wife of Stan Nored State Special Olympics Chairman
Andrew F. Robinson, Jr.
Council 3302 Scappoose
PSD Paul Bousquet
Council 1785 Corvallis
Don Mast
Jack Robben
Mel Neylon
Gretna Kleespies
Wife of Past DD12 John Kleespies
Council 11258 Medford
Council 9529 Lincoln City
Please direct your prayer requests to:
Andrew “Andy” Robinson Jr.
State Health/Welfare/Prayer Chairman
Email: robinsoa@peak.org
May our prayers help to speed the recovery and help to alleviate the suffering of those sick or in distress. This we ask in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Let us keep in mind and prayers all those
Brother Knights and/or members of Knights’ families who have gone before us.
Sir Knight Dick Paradis
Thomas Graham
PSW, State Council Director, F.S.
Council 1785 Corvallis
Scout with Troop 230
Lake Oswego
Sir Knight Tom Smith
Pius X Council Portland
John Bischoff's Father-in-Law, and John Meldrum's Father-in-Law
Eugene H. Russell
Council 2439 Sublimity
Richard Chatterton
Don Gescher
Newport Council 7246
Council 2439 Sublimity
SK Robert Van Elverdinghe
Ann Bonagofski
Council 8129 Dallas and
Assembly 0900
Daughter of SK Jim Bonagofski PGK Council 1594)
Sir Knight Gene Erhardt
SK Leonard Oswald Jr.
Council 3302 Scappoose
Council 1767 Mt. Angel
Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them O Lord And Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them
One Who Served Oregon Well
Richard “Dick” Paradis went to his eternal reward on December 30, 2014.
Dick was born in Brooks, Minnesota and was the youngest of 10 children. He had three
sisters and six brothers. The whole family moved to Oregon in 1942 and Dick grew up in
Woodburn, where he graduated in 1950. He then served in the Army from 1953-1955 and
married his wife Harriet in 1956. It was at that time that they moved to Corvallis.
Dick worked for the Trico Electric company and after 26 years, he was able to buy the
business. He enjoyed sports and one of them was golf and the other bowling. He was elected
to the Bowling Hall of Fame in 1995.
Dick was a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Corvallis. He was also a member of the
Knights of Columbus since the age of 18 and held offices as Grand Knight for the Corvallis
Council, State Warden, State Membership Director and District Deputy. He also was awarded
the Oregon Fraternal Award in 2005, at the State Convention and in 2006 he was the State
Council Director.
A recitation of the rosary will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, January 16th, at St. Mary’s
Church in Corvallis, with a Funeral Mass on Saturday January 17th, at 10:30 a.m. Following
the funeral, there will be a reception at St. Mary’s. After the reception, there will be a small
family service held at St. Mary’s Cemetery at 2 p.m.
The family notes that any donations can be made to the Knights of Columbus or to the
Benton Hospice.