Government of Madhya Pradesh Panchayat and Rural Development Department Madhya Pradesh State Rural Livelihoods Mission 3rd, floor Beej Bhavan, Arera Hills, Bhopal M.P. Phone No. 07552766818, 2576815, 2551972 Fax No. 0755-2766818 Website : Bhopal, dated 12.01.2015 S.No. 223/SRLM-FIN/PRC-CS-4/2015 Expressions Of Interest For Providing Financial Management Technical Support (FMTS) To Madhya Pradesh State Rural Livelihood Mission (MPSRLM) (Consulting Services - Firms Selection) INDIA Project : NRLP/M-4978-IN 1. The Madhya Pradesh State Rural Livelihoods Mission (MPSRLM) invites "Expression of Interest" from the eligible registered Chartered Accountant firms/agencies to submit their interest for Financial Management Technical Support (FMTS) to MPSRLM (Consulting services) for the period of one year. Extendable if services found satisfactory. 2. Interested agencies/firms may submit their "Expression of Interest" in a sealed envelope clearly superscripted as "Expression of Interest for providing FMTS to MPSRLM" latest by 15.30 hours on or before 11th February 2015, as per the information required in detailed advertisement available on Mission Website. The agencies may obtain further information and procedures for submitting the "Expression of Interest" from the official website of MPSRLM (Chief Executive Officer) M.P. State Rural Livelihood Mission Bhopal, MP Government of Madhya Pradesh Panchayat and Rural Development Department Madhya Pradesh State Rural Livelihoods Mission 3rd, floor Beej Bhavan, Arera Hills, Bhopal M.P. Phone No. 07552766818, 2576815, 2551972 Fax No. 0755- 2766818 Website : S.No. 223/SRLM-Fin./PRC-CS-4/2015 Dated 12.01.2015 DETAILED ADVERTISEMENT Invitation for Expression of Interest for Hiring of an Agency (Consultancy Services) for Providing Financial Management Technical Support (FMTSA) To MPSRLM. Context • • • MPSRLM has been implementing National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM), a centrally sponsored programme in MP since April 2012. NRLM aims at creating efficient and effective institutional platforms of the rural poor in order to bring about sustained improvement in their living standards and livelihood assets. The GoI has been providing 75% of the programme cost as a grant to the states, while the state government has been providing 25% of the cost. In addition, the Government of India has also availed a credit from IBRD for augmenting resources for the program in 13 states with high poverty areas. Following the NRLM programme guidelines, the has decided to apply a portion of these funds for strengthening of Financial Management in MPSRLM. Accordingly, the MP State Mission has decided to hire the services of a consulting firm to provide Financial Management and Technical support the form will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the NRLM procurement manual, which are also consistent with the World Bank’s Consultants Selection Guidelines [The attention of interested consultants is drawn to Paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants [under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants] by World Bank Borrowers under selection of consultant & employment, 2011, (Consultant Guidelines) which sets forth the World Bank policy on conflict of interest] The key tasks and submission requirements among others as detailed in ToR are under :A. Key Tasks to be performed by FMTSA: a) Preparation of Annual Financial Statements of the MPSRLM, b) Bank Reconciliation c) Support in accounting process as per statutory requirements including Income Tax, TDS. Service tax and filing of returns. MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-EoI- July 2014 2 d) Support in rolling out and effective functioning of TALLY accounting system or any other software based accounting system. e) Provide training and technical support to SMMU and DMMU staff f) Ensure proper financial management arrangements as per the World Bank guidelines, legal agreements, finance &administrative Rules, Finance Manual and Communities Operations Manual of MPSRLM, NRLM framework and guidelines. g) Preparation and submission of Monthly Expenditure Reports (MER, h) Preparation and submission of Interim Un-audited Financial Reports (IUFRs). i) Any other Finance, Accounts, Management related work as decided by the mission. Details of the tasks to be performed may be seen in the terms of reference(TOR). • • Expression of interest are invited from chartered accountancy firms who wish to undertake Consultancy services for “Providing Financial Management Technical Support (FMTS) To MPSRLM,” under the National Rural Livelihoods Project/Mission (NRLP/M)/Credit No 4978-IN Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualification and relevant experience to perform the service. The information be given as per format - 1 part of this document. B. Submission Requirements B -1 Consultant Profile a) Organizational: Provide a brief description of the background and organization of your firm/entity. The brief description should include ownership details, date and place of incorporation of the firm, objectives of the firm, availability of appropriate skills among staff, brochures etc. b) Financial: Provide the turn over and net worth of the company on the basis of the audited accounts of the previous three financial years i.e., 2013-14, 2012-13 and 2011-12. c) The Firm should provide a team of thirteen members comprising of a Team Leader, who should be a Chartered Accountant , having post qualification experience of at least ten (10) years and other twelve team member (02 member posted at SMMU and others at district level) having qualification CA/ICWA final year students or M.Com with at least 10 years of experience. The team should have knowledge of TALLY/software based accounting system. MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-EoI- July 2014 3 B - 2 Consultant’s Experience a) Description of minimum three similar assignments undertaken by the consultant in past five years. b) Experience in conducting similar assignments at the international/national/state level. (Preferably rural development experience). c) General qualifications and experience and number of key staff appropriate for the assignment. d) If the Consultant has formed a consortium, all the above details of each member of the consortium and the name of the lead partner, shall be provided. B - 3 Short listing criteria: a) The firm must be empanelled with Comptroller and Auditor General of India. b) Firm should have at least ten (10)yrs of experience in Public Financial Management, Accounting and Audit c) The firm's constitution certificate should be issued by the ICAI not earlier than 01.01.2014 The firm must have at least 5 partners in the firm out of which one CA should be ISA (Information System Audit) The firm should have experience of working in similar externally aided/ Public Sector Undertakings/ Government of India Funded project / projects. d) The average annual financial turnover of the firm should be at least Rupees. One Crore (Rs.1 Crore) during the last three (3) years (i.e. FY 2011-12, FY 2012-13, FY 2013-14). e) The consultant may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications. • A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality & Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines. Under which the normal steps are :i. The EoI of the agencies shall be evaluated and shortlisted by the Technical committee. ii. The RFP (request for Proposal) shall be issued to the shortlisted agencies only. The technical proposal shall be evaluated and ranking will be done accordingly. The financial proposal of the qualified firms only shall be opened and evaluated. The firm with highest combined technical and financial score shall be selected. MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-EoI- July 2014 4 • Expressions of interest by the interested agencies must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by speed post/post) latest by 15.30 hrs on or before 11th February 2015. EOI’s is received after the due date and time will not be considered. (Chief Executive Officer) M.P. State Rural Livelihood Mission Bhopal, MP MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-EoI- July 2014 5 Format - 1 Format for Short listing of Agency (Consultancy Services) for Providing Financial Management Technical Support (FMTS) To MPSRLM. S.No. Particulars Details Annexure 1 2 3 4 1 Name of Firm Copy of Registration A-1 2 Address of Local Office (in Bhopal/ MP) , Ph. No. and E-mail id) (if any) A-2 3 a. Address of Head Office, Ph. No. and e-mail id. A-3 4 a. Year of Formation b. C.A.G. Registration as on 01.01.2014 5 Brief Profile of an agency including organization structure and staffing. Please specify full time staff MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-EoI- July 2014 Copy of Registration A-1 A-4 6 6 Turn Over Gross Amount In Figures and Words (Rs.) TRs.) i F.Y.2011-12 A-5/A-6 ii F.Y.2012-13 A-7/A-8 iii F.Y. 2013-14 A-9/A-10 Total 6 (i+ii+iii) Average Annual Turn Over in last three Years 7 Key professional Staff for the assignments Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name Chartered Accountant (CA)- Team Leader Team Member (CA/ICWA Final Year Student or M.Com)-1 Team Member (CA/ICWA Final Year Student or M.Com)-2 Team Member (CA/ICWA Final Year Student or M.Com)-3 Team Member (CA/ICWA Final Year Student or M.Com)-4 Team Member (CA/ICWA Final Year Student or M.Com)-5 MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-EoI- July 2014 Qualification Experience in yrs A-11 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Team Member (CA/ICWA Final Year Student or M.Com)-6 Team Member (CA/ICWA Final Year Student or M.Com)-7 Team Member (CA/ICWA Final Year Student or M.Com)-8 Team Member (CA/ICWA Final Year Student or M.Com)-9 Team Member (CA/ICWA Final Year Student or M.Com)-10 Team Member (CA/ICWA Final Year Student or M.Com)-11 Team Member (CA/ICWA Final Year Student or M.Com)-12 8 Description of Similar Assignment Undertaken (Separate sheet to be attached for details & brief description with proof of assignments Name of Assignment Name of client (Govt./Public Sector/Externally Aided Projects ) MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-EoI- July 2014 Cost of Assignment Sector:-Community Based Rural livelihood/Social/ other please specify Place of Assignment Period of Assignment 8 i A-12 ii A-13 iii A-14 n A-n Note: 1. If the Consultant has formed a consortium, all the above details of each member of the consortium and the name of the lead partner, shall be provided. 2. Short listing will be done on basis of above information only 3. Attach all supporting documents else the proposal will not be considered 4. All the pages of the format and its annexure must be duly signed by the authorised representative of the agency. Authorized Signatory (with seal) MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-EoI- July 2014 9 Declaration Date:……………. To whom so ever it may be concern I/We hereby solemnly take oath that I/We am/are authorized signatory in the firms/ Agency/ Institute/ Company and hereby declare that "Our firms/ Agency/ Institute/ Company do not face any sanction or any pending disciplinary action from any authority against our firms/ Agency/ Institute/ Company or partners." Further, it is also certified that our firm has not been blacklisted by any government or any other donor/partner organization in past. In case of any further changes which affect of this declaration at a later date; we would inform the mission accordingly. Authorized Signatory (with seal) MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-EoI- July 2014 10 Madhya Pradesh State Rural Livelihoods Mission Panchayat and Rural Development Department Government of Madhya Pradesh Terms of Reference (Draft) for Providing Financial Management Technical Support to MPSRLM. Section A: Background Madhya Pradesh State Rajya Ajeevika Forum (MPRAF) is an autonomous society established by the Government of Madhya Pradesh under the administrative control of Panchayat and Rural development Department. The society is registered under Society Registration Act, 1973 and mandated to implement all rural livelihoods programs associated with SHG based institutional architecture. The Society aims at creating financially sustainable and effective institutional platforms of the rural poor, enabling them to increase household income through sustainable livelihood enhancements and improved access to financial and selected public services and to build their capacities to deal with the rapidly changing external socio-economic and political world. Presently, the society is implementing the National rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) comprising the World Bank funded National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLP), assisted by MoRD, Government of India. N.R.L.M. In MP it is named Madhya Pradesh State Rural Livelihoods Mission. The Madhya Pradesh Rural Livelihoods Mission (MPSRLM) is rural livelihoods mission under the aegis of Panchayat and Rural Department, GoMP, aims to improve the economic opportunities, living standards and social status of the poor and marginalized group. The mission is being implemented with intensive and Non-Intensive approach. The area of intensive approach is 10 districts (Anuppur, Dindori, Shahdol, Sheopur,Mandla, Balaghat, Badwani, Alirajpur, Dhar, Jhabua) of Madhya Pradesh. Rest 41 districts mission will work in non-intensive mode. In addition the World Bank Funded MPDPIP area which is being implemented in about 5000 villages of 14 districts is also considered as Intensive approach. Similarly the MPSRLM is also implementing Government of India funded National Rural Livelihood Mission for remaining twenty six (26) districts of Madhya Pradesh. The details of intensive districts are attached in Annex 1 & 2. The details of Non-intensive are attached in Annex-3 The National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) and National Rural Livelihood Project (NRLP) follows similar approach of rural poverty alleviation i.e. through building institutions of the poor viz. SHGs(Self Help Groups), VOs (Village Organization) and CLF (Cluster level Federations. The mission is expected to cover the entire State of Madhya Pradesh over a period of next 5 years. MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 11 1. Implementation Arrangements: The mission is being implemented by MPSRLM, set up for this purpose with State, District and Cluster Level (Project Facilitation Team) management units. The implementation units are summarized as follows: NRLM (Without Specialized Staff ) NRLM (With Specialized Staff ) District s Blocks 26 197 District s 5 * NRLP DPIP Total Block s District s Block s District s Block s 17 10 46 15 53 Block Districts s 51 313 Note :* These are 4 NRLP Districts and 1 DPIP District where funds are received from nonintensive(NRLM) component of GoI 2. The Implementation unit and cost centers are :S.No. Unit/Cost center i. State Mission Management Unit (SMMU) 1 ii. District Mission Management Unit (DMMU) - Intensive area only. 10 iii. Block Mission Management Unit (BMMU) - Intensive area only. 7 iv. Project Facilitation Team - Intensive area only. 164 v. Zila Panchayat (for Non-intensive area) 51 MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 12 No. 3. Need for the Financial Management Support Consultant The need for the Financial Management Technical Services Agency arises to provide support to the Finance Wing at State office and District office, Cluster (PFT) office in discharging responsibilities relating to financial management during the scale up and expansion. 4. Objective of Consultancy assignment The objective of the FMTSA assignment is to support overall levels of management of MPSRLM in intensive & non intensive area for finance & Procurement functions. FMTSA will help management in conducting different level financial& procurement, monitoring and control, identifying critical deviations, smooth functioning of financial & procurement activities and factor responsible and facilitate mission management in getting feedback from all levels to take appropriate decision in course correction. Section B: Scope of Work MPSRLM intends to outsource the services from Chartered Accountant Firms (Called Financial Management Technical Support Agency or FMTSA) for the following tasks for SMMU &all the 10 NRLP Districts& rest 41 non intensive districts. However the services, if required may be expanded later to cover other areas:I - Financial Management A. Fund Flow arrangements: i. Review of the banking arrangements and provide recommendations for strengthening of fund flow system including electronic transfer from SMMU to DMMU, PFT/BMMU, ZP and further to Community Institutions. FMTSA will further assist in implementation of the agreed improvements. ii. Analysis, feedback and suggestion on funds management at the State, District(including ZP) and block/PFT Offices. B. Accounting Arrangements: Preparation of Chart of Accounts as per NRLM annual Action Plan and budget line. Advice / support in maintenance of accounts as per the accounting standards and policies agreed and documented in Financial Manual, Finance & Administrative Rules. i. Support in maintenance, preparation and finalization of Accounts and financial statements. Support in Consolidation of Accounts from various MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 13 accounting centres at SMMU and preparation of final accounts and financial statements in accounting software. i. Verification & Certification of prepared monthly Bank reconciliation statements. ii. Support in Installation of Tally software, advice/assist in compilation of data in prescribed reporting formats for Fund Management System (FMS) of Tally in the State office and in all NRLP Districts (10 Districts). Later these facilities will be provided in other district. iii. Facilitate monthly consolidation of the financial information from the computerized accounting system at and between SMMU, DMMU, Non Intensive districts and PFT/BMMU. iv. To look after the system of approvals and accord & authenticate budget allocation in payables accounts before releasing of payments at SMMU, DMMU, Block/PFT levels per delegation of powers, Cost norms given by NMMU & financial norms. Verification of budget allocation. v. Support and advice/assist in software like payroll, accounting, CPSMS. C. Financial Reporting and Analysis: i. Preparation of Annual Action Plan and annual budgets as per physical targets and analysis of the variances periodically. ii. Revision of Annual Action Plan and annual budgets as when required. iii. Support in Preparation of monthly financial reports for SMMU, DMMU and PFT/BMMU, including ZP and its verification. iv. Collecting & Compiling data from SMMU & Districts (Intensive & NonIntensive) &Support in Preparation of quarterly un-audited financial reports (IUFR) as per financing agreement with IDA including reconciliation with book of accounts of SMMU & all DMMU's, & Non intensive districts verification and certification of the same. v. Preparation & assisting in submission of Financial Reports to World Bank, Govt. of India and Govt. of Madhya Pradesh as per the requirement. vi. Ensure proper maintenance of supporting documents, registers and records. D. Internal Control and Audit MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 14 ii. Suggestions on improvement of financial manual and rules. iii. Monitor and support Internal/Concurrent/Statutory/AG/CAG audit work at State, district and block offices. FMTSA will help in determination of internal audit plans, including in particular coverage of high risk transactions. Assist in framing internal control questionnaire in coordination with internal auditor. Ensure and assist in timely compliance of the audit and ensure timely follow up action is taken to address the issues identified in audit. iv. Ensuring adequate internal control and compliance with audit procedures are in place at the State office, District Offices, Block offices as well as at joint ventures and partnership arrangements. E. Staffing & Training i. Technical Support in Selection and recruitment of finance staff, as per requirement. ii. Provide training and capacity building on Financial Management, accounting, statutory compliances, and on TALLY software to SMMU, DMMU, PFT/BMMU level staffs and further need based support/training to Community Institutions. iii. Provide inputs in the development of accounting and training modules/ handbook for the Employees, Community Institutions. Support in development and management of training strategy and plans for accounting at SHG and VO levels to Mission Staffs and community member as per need. F. Statutory Requirements i. Reporting and accounting as per regulatory and legal requirements including taxation, annual report and accounts. ii. Filing and preparation of various statutory returns (like ETDS filling /PT/EPF/VAT return) applicable to society and issuing certificate to concerned parties. Including Verification and authentication of Form 16, 16A, TDS challan before release of the same. iii. Advise on TDS deduction and other statutory deductions . G. Asset Verification and Management i. Assist in maintenance of assets procured and write off assets under the various programs and conduct of annual verification of assets and stock and MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 15 reconciliation with books of accounts. Physical verification &certification of Fixed Assets on annual closing for SMMU & Districts. H. i. Development of Financial Rules, policies and Guidance Notes Provide suggestions and recommendations for improvement of financial manual and rules. ii. Preparation of financial management procedures, including financial reporting protocol for development partners. iii. Advice program managers on the potential risks and control measures for various livelihood funds as they develop during implementation. I. PROCUREMENT: i. Advice on compliance on procurement norms. Ensure all purchases are as per NRLM procurement norms. J. Others i. Support in rolling out and synchronization of any accounting system at SMMU, Districts and PFT/BMMU, including preparation of chart of accounts. ii. Assisting/Attending Review Meeting with Finance staff of SMMU, DMMU/non Intensive Districts& PFT for suggestions/feedback as per instructions of NMMU norms. iii. Any other responsibility assigned by the management from time to time. 5. Role of Consultant (FMTSA) As it is clear from the scope of work that FMTSA will be an integral part of mission implementation and work as support partners with the project. All the FMTSA staff, when they are not travelling, shall be stationed at State level office (3) &District Office (One in each NRLP area) during the office hours. The role is to carry out the accounting, financial and procurement activities smoothly, implementation of proper system and recommendation across all the levels of mission including community. The role of FMTSA at the NRLM District office will be of need based support in financial, legal, procurement and technical matters. They shall act like trouble shooters. MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 16 The FMTSA will need to travel to districts & blocks frequently. The team of State FMTSA should visit in Districts extensively as per need. The fees / consultancy charges quoted by FMTSA should include all the costs including the TA/DA for visits to Districts, Blocks and or any other office and all taxes (only service tax should be mentioned separately). No other charges / reimbursement shall be from the fees quoted by the FMTSA. 6. Schedule for completion of tasks S.No. i. ii. i. ii. Work assigned Fund Flow Arrangements: Review of the banking arrangements and provide recommendations for strengthening of fund flow system including electronic transfer from SMMU to DMMU, PFT/BMMU and further to Community Institutions. FMTSA will further assist in implementation of the agreed improvements. Frequency / Period Within one month of start of assignment Analysis, feedback and suggestion on funds management at the State, Districts (including ZP) and block/PFT Offices. Periodically Accounting Arrangements Support in maintenance, preparation & finalization of Accounts and financial statements. Support in Consolidation of Accounts On-going from various accounting centres at SMMU and preparation of basis final accounts and financial statements in accounting software. Verification & Certification of prepared monthly Bank Monthly reconciliation statements. iii. Support in Installation of Tally software, advice/assist in compilation of data in prescribed reporting formats for Fund Management System (FMS) of Tally in the State office, NRLP On-going basis Districts (10 Districts). Later these facilities will be provided in other district. iv. Facilitate monthly consolidation of the financial information from the computerized accounting system at and between Monthly SMMU, DMMU, Non Intensive districts and PFT/BMMU MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 17 v. To look after the system of approvals and accord & authenticate budget allocation in payables accounts before releasing of On-going payments at SMMU, DMMU, Block / PFT levels per delegation basis of powers, Cost norms given by NMMU & financial norms. Verification of budget allocation vi. Support and advice/assist in software like payroll, accounting, On-going CPSMS. basis vii. Preparation of annual financial statements of the Society. 7. S.No. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Financial Reporting and Analysis Particulars Preparation of Annual Action Plan and annual budgets as per physical targets and analysis of the variances periodically. Revision of Annual Action Plan and annual budgets as when required. Support in Preparation of monthly financial reports for SMMU, DMMU and PFT/BMMU, including ZP and its verification. Collecting & Compiling data from SMMU & Districts (Intensive & Non- Intensive) & Support in Preparation of quarterly un-audited financial reports (IUFR) as per financing agreement with IDA including reconciliation with book of accounts of SMMU, all DMMU's, & Non intensive districts verification of the same. Preparation & assisting in submission of Financial Reports to World Bank, Govt. of India and Govt. of Madhya Pradesh as per the requirement. Ensure proper maintenance of supporting documents, registers and records. Support in Installation of Tally software, advice/assist & compilation of data inprescribed reporting formats of Fund Management System (FMS) in Tally in the State office and in all NRLP Districts (10 Districts)in the initial stage and to all Districts on completion of NRLP MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 18 Annually Period Annually Periodically Monthly Quarterly As per requirement On an on-going basis Within 1 months of joining the assignment and on regular intervals Districts. MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 19 8. Internal Control and Audit :- S.No. i. ii. iii. 9. Particulars Suggestions on improvement of financial manual and rules. Monitor and support Internal/ Concurrent/ Statutory/ AG/ CAG audit work at State, district and block offices. FMTSA will help in determination of internal audit plans, including in particular coverage of high risk transactions. Assist in framing internal control questionnaire in coordination with internal auditor. Ensure and assist in timely compliance of the audit and ensure timely follow up action is taken to address the issues identified in audit. Ensuring adequate internal control and compliance with audit procedures are in place at the State office, District Offices, On an Block offices as well as at joint ventures and partnership basis arrangements. Staffing & Training S.No. i. Particulars Technical Support in Selection and recruitment of finance staff ii. Provide training and capacity building on Financial Management and accounting to SMMU, DMMU, Districts, PFT/BMMU level staffs and further need based support/training to Community Institutions. iii. Provide inputs in the development of accounting and training modules/ handbook for the Employees, Community Institutions. Support in development and management of training strategy and plans for accounting at SHG and VO levels to Mission Staffs and community member as per need. MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 20 Period One time within two months of start of assignment and thereafter monitor on periodic basis On an on-going basis Period As per requirement As per requirement As per requirement on-going 10. S.No. i. Ii iii. 11. S.No. i. 12. S.No. i. ii. Statutory Requirements Particulars Reporting and accounting as per regulatory and legal requirements including taxation, annual report and accounts. periodical Filing and preparation of various statutory returns (like ETDS filling /PT/EPF/VAT return) applicable to society and issuing certificate to concerned parties. Including Verification and authentication of Form 16, 16A, TDS challan before release of the same. As per requirement Advise on TDS deduction and other statutory deductions. On-going basis Asset Verification and Management Particulars Assist in maintenance of assets procured and write off assets under the various programs and conduct of annual verification of assets and stock and reconciliation with books of accounts. Physical verification of Fixed Assets on annual closing for SMMU & Districts. Period One time within three months of start of assignment and thereafter on an annual basis. Development of Financial Rules, policies and Guidance Notes Particulars Period Provide suggestions and recommendations for One time after three months improvement of financial manual and rules. of start of assignment and thereafter on an as required basis Preparation of financial management procedures, As per requirement MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 21 Period iii. 13. S.No. i. Ii iii. 14. including financial reporting protocol for development partners. Advice program managers on the potential risks As per requirement and control measures for various livelihood funds as they develop during implementation. Others Particulars Period Support in rolling out and synchronization of As per requirement any accounting system at SMMU, DMMU/ Districts and PFT/BMMU, including preparation of chart of accounts. Assisting/Attending Review Meeting with On-going basis Finance staff of SMMU, DMMU/non Intensive Districts & PFT for suggestions/feedback as per instructions of NMMU norms. Advice on compliance on procurement norms. On-going basis Ensure all purchases are as per NRLM procurement norms. Period of assignment The services of the Consultant would be initially required for a period of (12) Months starting from date of signing of Agreement and would be renewed after assessing the pace of implementation, the project’s needs and performance of the consultant for further one year on satisfactory performance . If it’s renewed suitable escalation on previous cost shall be considered. 15. Data, services and facilities provided by the MPSRLM. i. All data will be provided as per the needs and requirement. ii. Accounts, administrative team of SMMU at state and other level will Support FMTSA. iii. Proper seating and filling arrangement, computer system will be made available and other normal facilities in the office availed by the MPSRLM staffs will also be available to FMTSA and its staffs. MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 22 iv. Sufficient systems and manpower available to assist. 16. Final output (i.e. reports, drawing, etc) that will be required of the consultants. Requirement will be as per scope of works and Schedule for completion of tasks. 17. Composition of review committee and review procedures to monitor consultants work Review will be done for the work performed by the FMTSA. A three member Review committee shall monitor the work of FMTSA which shall be chaired by the State Mission Director, MPSRLM. 18. List of key positions, whose CV and experience would be evaluated. S. No Location No. of Area person Operation required 1 SMMU 1 TL+2 NRLP/MPRAF Members - 1 NRLM– 1 MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 23 of Minimum Qualification, professional Experience desired & Area of Specific Expertise Desired 1. Chartered accountant (Team Leader) having at least 10 years of post qualification experience in respective fields (or equivalent). Specific experience in similar externally aided mission is required and with proven track record in anchoring / conducting financial management and technical support consultancy. The team leader must be the partner of firm at least for last 2 years. 2. For members, CA/ICWA final year student or M.Com with at least 10 years of experience. 3. Knowledge of Finance, Taxation, Procurement, Tally and other computerized accounting packages. 4. Regular travel to mission areas is required. 5. S/he has to attend office regularly. 2 DMMU/ Districts One in Entire operation each including NRLP, district NRLM & Other programs at District 1. For members, CA/ICWA final year student or M.Com with at least 10 years of experience. 2. Knowledge of Finance , Taxation, Procurement, Tally and other computerized accounting packages. 3. Regular travel to mission areas is required. 4. S/he has to attend office regularly Section G: Reporting Requirement Requirement will be as per scope of works and Schedule for completion of tasks. The agency would be required to submit a State/District wise report on quarterly basis in simple four-five pages covering the deliverables as indicated in the TOR and contract with highlighting the key findings and key actions recommended to Finance Controller at the state level. Section I: Monitoring and Review The CEO MPSRLM or the Committee appointed by him/her shall monitor and review the work of FMTSA on quarterly basis. The FMTSA shall work under supervision of Finance Controller and in close coordination with Procurement Wing. 19. Selection Process. The method of selection will be Quality and Cost Based selection as per the procurement guidelines of NRLM. The key steps are as under:i. The EOI of the agencies shall be evaluated and shortlisted by the Technical committee. ii. The RFP (Request for Proposal) shall be issued to the shortlisted agencies only. iii. The Shortlisted agencies shall be invited to submit their Technical and Financial proposals in a separate envelope. Two envelopes shall be covered with big envelop. iv. The technical proposal shall be evaluated and ranking will be done accordingly. v. The financial proposal of the qualified firms only shall be opened and MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 24 evaluated. vi. The technical and financial negotiation shall be conducted with lowest evaluated price. vii. The contract shall be awarded to the successful agency. MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 25 Annexure 1 List of Districts, Blocks and No. of PFTs (Intensive Approach) S.No Districts Alirajpur 1 No. of Blocks Name of Block No. of PFTs Total villages GPs Remark 1 Alirajpur 2 89 54 2 Bhabra 1 54 35 3 Jobat 2 63 38 4 Katthiwada 3 125 49 NGO PFT Resource 74 Block 5 Sondawa 3 134 6 Udaygarh 2 86 Alirajpur Total (6) 13 551 40 290 7 Anuppur 2 94 52 8 Jaithari 3 146 80 9 Kotma 2 69 31 10 Pusprajgarh 7 271 Anuppur 2 Anuppur Total (3) 3 Barwani (IAP District) 282 Niwali 2 72 42 12 Pati 3 106 45 13 Rajpur 2 98 66 14 Sendhwa 4 154 114 15 Pansemal 3 83 14 513 39 306 16 Dahi 2 61 46 17 Manawar 3 94 64 Resource Block Dhar MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 26 580 11 Barwani Total (5) 4 14 119 Resource Block 18 Nalchha 5 179 67 19 Tirla 4 141 52 20 Sardarpur 5 189 94 Dhar Total (5) Dindori(IAP District) 19 664 323 21 Amarpur 3 101 43 22 Bajag 3 92 46 23 Samnapur 3 115 48 24 Shahpura 5 191 69 25 Karanjiya 3 104 5 Dindori Total (4) 17 603 42 248 26 Jhabua 4 127 68 27 Petlawad 8 210 77 Resource Block 28 Rama 3 124 55 29 Meghnagar 3 111 62 30 Ranapur 2 95 47 31 Thandla 3 111 67 Jhabua 6 Jhabua Total (6) MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 27 23 778 376 S.No No. of Blocks Districts Mandla(IAP District) 7 10 81 33 Nainpur 4 171 83 34 Narayanganj 4 135 49 PB 35 Niwas 36 Bichiaa 3 6 Resource 36 Block 98 196 22 779 72 321 37 Beohari 4 136 67 38 Burhar 6 195 103 39 Gohparu 4 124 58 40 Jaisinghnagar 6 197 Resource 87 Block 41 Sohagpur 5 163 76 25 Karahal 815 4 391 117 50 43 Sheopur 5 227 Resource 95 Block 44 Vijaypur 3 178 80 552 225 14 45 Lalbarha 3 108 58 PB 46 Waraseoni 2 76 40 PB Balaghat Total (2) 5 184 98 Grand Total 164 5989 2860 MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 28 Remark 179 Sheopur Total (3) Balaghat (IAP District) GPs 5 42 9 Total villages Mandla Shahdol Total (5) Sheopur No. of PFTs 32 Mandla Total (5) Shahdol (IAP District) 8 Name of Block Annexure-2 Details of MPDPIP Districts, Blocks and Number of Villages to be covered under Intensive Approach No. of Blocks Name of Block 2 3 4 5 6 Chhatarpur 1 Bakasvaha 2 75 2 Badamahal 1 38 3 Rajnagar 5 156 4 Bijavar 4 107 5 Naugaon 2 46 1 322 S.No Districts 1 1 Chhatarpur Total (5) Damoh 2 3 4 5 Tendukheda 3 87 2 Patera 3 74 6 161 1 Bamoauri 4 157 2 Raghogarh 4 116 3 chaoda 4 108 4 Aaron 2 59 14 440 Guna Total (4) Narsinghpur 1 Chichli 2 75 2 Narsighpur 2 73 3 Gotegaon 3 121 7 269 4 121 Narsinghpur Total (3) Panna 1 MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 29 Total villages 1 Damoh Total (2) Guna No. of PFTs Pavai Remark 7 2 Sahnagar 4 113 3 Ajaygagh 2 55 4 Panna 2 59 12 348 Panna Total (4) Raisen 6 Raisen Rajgarh 7 Gairatganj 3 95 2 Silvani 3 90 6 185 Total (2) 1 Biyavra 3 161 2 Khilchipur 3 114 3 Zirapur 3 72 4 Rajgarh 5 208 5 Narsinghgarh 6 198 14 555 Rajgarh Total (4) Rewa 8 1 1 Mauganj 4 192 2 Sirmour 4 157 3 Hanumana 4 162 4 Rewa 4 96 5 Raipur 5 170 6 java 3 146 7 Naigadi 3 176 8 Teonthar 7 264 27 1099 Rewa Total( 7) MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 30 Resource Block Resource Block Resource Block 1 kesari 3 110 2 Devri 2 74 3 Jaisinagar 2 68 4 Bina 5 172 7 252 9 Sagar Sagar Total (3) Shajapur 10 1 Badod 2 61 2 Susner 1 27 3 Agar 3 86 6 174 Shajapur Total (3) 11 shivpuri 1 Colaras 3 97 2 Pichhore 2 50 3 Shivpuri 2 51 4 Pohri 2 57 9 255 shivpuri Total (4) 12 Sidhi Sidhi 13 Tikamgarh 1 kusmi 2 64 2 chitrangi 5 96 3 rampurnaikin 6 121 4 Sidhi 3 81 16 362 Total (4) 1 Baldeogarh 2 48 2 Niwari 1 27 3 Prithvipur 2 36 MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 31 Resource Block Tikamgarh Vidisha 14 Vidisha 4 Palera 3 70 5 Jatara 3 56 6 Tikamgarh 3 78 14 315 Total (6) 1 Sironj 2 61 2 Lateri 3 98 5 159 160 4888 Total (2) Grand Total MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 32 Annexure-3 Details of Districts, Blocks and Number of Villages to be covered under NonIntensive Approach where full fledged staff will be positioned S.No Districts No. of Blocks Name of Block No. of PFTs 1 2 3 4 5 1 Barwani 3 Barwani 2 Thikari 3 1. 6 Barwani Total (2) 3 Badnawar 3 4 Bagh 3 5 Dharampuri 3 6 Kukshi 3 Dhar 2. 7 Gandhwani 3 8 Nisarpur 3 9 Umarban 3 10 Dhar 3 Dhar Total (8) 24 11 Dindori 5 Dindori 12 Mehendwani 4 3. Dindori Total (2) 4. Mandla 13 14 15 16 Bijadandi Ghughri Mawai Mohgaon Sagar 17 Rehli 4 3 4 3 299 145 96 144 89 14 1 474 35 Sagar Total (1) 1 100 Grand Total (5 districts and 17 Blocks) 54 1882 MPSRLM/PROCUREMENT/FMTSA-TOR 33 202 165 91 100 47 144 58 104 98 807 188 111 9 Mandla Total (4) 5. Total villages 6 98 104
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