ALL SAINTS’ Episcopal Church & Day School Children Youth & Families 6300 North Central Avenue, Phoenix AZ 85012 ▪ 602.279.5539 ▪ The Rev. Poulson Reed, Rector Every Sunday for Children The All Saints’ Nursery Located in the north wing of the church, the nursery is available for infants through age four, from 8:30am to 12:30pm on Sunday mornings. Licensed and experienced caregivers are committed to providing a safe, clean, loving, and playful environment. The Nursery is also available for parents who need to use a diaper-changing table or nurse a little one. Children’s Chapel Children's Chapel is offered every Sunday for all children ages 4 and up during the 9:00am service in the Holy Innocents’ Chapel. Clergy and volunteers help children explore the meaning of the day’s Gospel lesson, as well as share in prayers, singing, and an offertory. Children return to the sanctuary at the Peace to receive communion with their families. Parents are always welcome in Children’s Chapel! Children’s Corner and Sunday Papers Sometimes children get a little restless during the service, so parents may find the Children’s Corner in the lobby of the church helpful. This is a cozy and comfortable area with quiet toys, books, and coloring pages. Children may pick up a children’s worship bulletin and a small bag of crayons on the way into the main church. Sunday Mornings 10-10:45am Each week, there are Sunday School classes for children, and on the “Third Sunday” of the month, the entire family gets to join in the fun! Godly Play Preschool (age 4) through 1st grade A careful telling of Bible stories in which the storyteller uses simple objects and figures to engage the children’s imaginations. This is a hands-on method of learning that encourages children to use their curiosity, and experience the mystery and joy of God. Weaving God’s Promises 2nd through 4th grade A comprehensive, three-year curriculum which has been developed for The Episcopal Church. The mission of this program is to teach children how God’s promises of salvation are woven into our lives and to show children the way of Christ, not only in the Church, but also in the world. Family Sunday School For the entire family on the “Third Sunday” of the month The entire family comes to Sunday School to learn together! Each session starts with teaching time about the day’s topic, then families move around the room together to different activities ranging from crafts to devotions to use at home. Special Children and Family Events Throughout the Year Blessing of the Backpacks August 18, 2013 To celebrate and bless the beginning of a new school year, students, preschool through high school, and teachers bring their backpacks or lunch boxes to the 10am service for a blessing. We also collect new or gently used backpacks and school supplies to donate to ICM Food and Clothing Bank. Carols and Cocoa: An All Saints’ Family Sing-a-Long December 19, 2013 We get into the spirit of Christmas and sing Christmas Carols outside in the chilly December night air with family and friends. Hot chocolate and cookies provided. Christmas Eve Children’s Liturgy December 24, 2013 Our 3:30pm Christmas Eve service is specifically geared toward children and families. The All Saints’ Sunday School children prepare and present a retelling of the Nativity Story. All children who attend the service are invited to participate in the wonder of the birth of Christ and “star” in the Story! Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper March 4, 2014 Our Annual Pancake Supper in Manning Hall is a big celebration before the season of Lent. We have delicious pancakes, pancake races, and an Alleluia Parade with the Day School Band. Easter Egg Hunt April 20, 2014 Following the 9:00am Outdoor Easter Eucharist, we have an Easter Egg Hunt throughout the Day School campus for children in 3rd grade and younger. All Saints’ Kids for the Community Vacation Bible School This is our weeklong camp for children ages 6-12 years held during the summer. Each day of the week we serve a different agency or organization around the valley, which helps others in the community. Space is limited. Registration in Spring. Activities for Youth Sunday Mornings 10-10:45am This year, count on plenty of fun with a great team of Mentors: Youth56 for 5th and 6th graders will meet in the school library, with Mary Pat Honey, Robby Lacy, and Brittney Wathey. Youth78 for 7th and 8th graders will meet in room 35 on the school campus with John O’Connor, Scott Wathey, and Rev. Licia. This is where Preparation for Confirmation happens, so be aware and call Rev. Licia for more info about Confirmation. Third Thursdays ALSO as part of our all Youth Programs we will all gather on the THIRD THURSDAY of the month from 6 to 8 pm for a meal, service projects, and fun stuff. Stay tuned for a monthly schedule. High School Youth for 9th grade and up, will gather only on Third Thursday with Beth Carson and Andrea Jimenez, and participate in service projects on campus and in the wider community. The Acolyte Team Youth Acolytes assist in worship on Sundays by carrying the processional cross, lighting and extinguishing candles, carrying torches in the procession, and assisting the deacon or priest in the preparation of the altar for communion. We will not only serve on Sundays, but also enjoy group activities, outings, and projects throughout the year. Watch for upcoming announcements about the Acolyte Team Training and fun activities. Beth Carson and Andrea Jimenez are the adult mentors of the Youth Acolyte Program. If you are in Grade 5 and up, and are interested in getting involved, please email Beth at The Episcopal Diocese of Arizona Youth Events for 2013-2014 kick off with the Seventh Annual Youth Dodgeball Event: Sunday, September 15 from 3:00-7:00pm held in the Carlozzi Gymnasium at All Saints'. There is a $2 fee to cover the meal. This event has grown to over 200 students from churches all over Arizona—including a live worship band, pizza, and an amazing dodgeball tournament. More events are being organized for the rest of the year. Baptisms 2013-2014 There is one Body and one Spirit; There is one hope in God’s call to us; One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism; One God and Father of all. If you are interested in being baptized or scheduling a baptism for a loved one, please contact The Rev. Lauren Lenoski in the Church Office at 602.279.5539 x116 or email: Sunday, November 3, 2013 9:00am or 11:00am - All Saints Day preparation class Sunday, October 13 at 12:30pm Sunday, January 12, 2014 9:00am or 11:00am - The Baptism of Our Lord preparation class Sunday, December 8 at 10:00am Saturday, April 19, 2014 7:00pm (adult baptisms ONLY) - Easter Vigil private preparation class with clergy Sunday, April 27, 2014 9:00am or 11:00am The First Sunday After Easter preparation class Sunday, March 23 at 10am Sunday, June 8, 2014 10:00am - The Day of Pentecost preparation class Sunday, April 27 at 12:30pm Sunday, August 3, 2014 10:00am - The Feast of the Transfiguration preparation class Sunday, June 29 at 9am An all-community gathering. Bring a friend. Come together once a month for a simple, delicious meal, thought-provoking classes, a fun mid-week activity for children and youth, and a brief, meaningful worship experience. 6:00pm Light Family Supper in St. Barbara 6:30pm Break-out activities & classes by age, grade, or interest 7:30pm Compline in the Church One of the most beautiful short services of the Anglican tradition. Nursery Care provided Infants through Kindergarten 1st-4th Grade with Rev. Lauren 5th-8th Grade with Rev. Licia Includes off-site activities High School Students with Beth Carson & Andrea Jimenez Adults with Fr. Reed & Others September 19 October 17 November 21 December 19 January 16 February 20 March 20 New to our Community? Welcome! Wherever you are in your journey of faith, we invite you to get to know us better. If you are looking for a new church home, we offer a number of ways to learn about All Saints’. Upcoming Newcomer Classes from 10-10:50am in the Urbano Library Fall 2013: September 15, 22, 29 Winter 2014: January 5, 12, 19 Spring 2014: April 27, May 4, 11 Fill in the Welcome Card in the pew and turn in at the Welcome Table or to a clergy person. Introduce yourself to the clergy or hospitality volunteer at any of the services. They will provide you ideas for “next steps.” Call the Church Office during regular business hours to set up a time to meet with our Associate Rector, The Rev. Licia Affer, to learn more. Want to receive the weekly eblast newsletter? It is filled with events, news, and photos to keep you posted on All Things, All Saints’. To sign up, email Let us know if you would also like to receive our weekly email for children, youth, and families. THE EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF ARIZONA The Rt. Rev. Kirk Stevan Smith, Bishop ALL SAINTS’ EPISCOPAL CHURCH & DAY SCHOOL Clergy The Rev. Poulson Reed, Rector The Rev. Licia Affer, Associate Rector The Rev. Lauren Lenoski, Curate The Rt. Rev. William Burrill, Bishop-in-Residence The Rev. James Bade, Deacon Staff Andy Andersen, Director of Plant & Property Dr. James Gerber, Music Associate Nickolas Jorgenson, Director of Operations Cindy Seidl, Financial Assistant Marta Smith, Health Ministries Coordinator Nanette Towsley, Director of Communications Scott Youngs, Director of Music Day School Leo Dressel, Head of School CELEBRATIONS OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST Weekend Worship Schedule Saturday 5:00pm (Chapel) Sunday 7:30am (Church) Sunday 9:00am (Church) Children’s Chapel 9:00am (Chapel) Sunday 11:00am (Church) Fourth Sunday 11:00am Choral Eucharist with Incense (Church) OTHER WORSHIP Weekday Holy Eucharist Wednesday 7:00am & 10:00am (includes the Laying on of Hands for healing) Evening Prayer Tuesday & Thursday 5:30pm (Chapel) Compline 7:30pm (Church) Third Thursday of the Month (Sept - Mar) Christian Meditation Sunday 9:00am (School Library) Rosary Prayer Sunday 10:15am (Chapel) EVENSONG 6:30pm Organ Recital/ 7:00pm Service Second Sunday of the Month (Oct - Apr) CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Sunday 10:00am All Ages—Various Locations Communion to the Homebound, contact the Church Office. Private confession by appointment Priest-on-call—Evenings: 602.279.5539
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