SACRED HEART PARISH LA PARROQUIA DEL SAGRADO CORAZON GIAO X U THANH TAM a people called to be a Christian community and to stand on the side of PAROISTE AN CHROI NAOFA life with all the struggling people of Camden and the world. Gathering around God’s table every Sunday, we celebrate that Christ is Risen and ultimately all is well. 1739 Ferry Avenue, Camden, NJ 08104 JANUARY 18, 2015 WATER-INTO-WINE SUNDAY Our third Epiphany celebrates Jesus’ first miracle: water into wine at the Wedding Feast. We rejoiced in immersion of Jesus into our world of matter as we recalled the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan. And now we see the ease and playfulness Jesus brings into this cosmic relationship with creation! DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. January 15th is his real day of birth! The national holiday is tomorrow, January 19th! Our lives begin to end the day we become SILENT about the things that matter. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Don’t sleep in if you are off! Take a stand. Do service for someone in need in your community. Find a community service project in Camden! Go! WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY 2015 January 18 to January 25th. Bishop Dennis Sullivan and other Christian bishops and leaders will be joining for prayer to begin the week today at 3 PM at St. Mary’s, Cherry Hill. It is an expression of Christian faith in diverse ways. All are welcome! The theme for this year is, Jesus said to her, “Give me a Drink.” Each year a different country has the honor of choosing the theme. This year’s theme was chosen by the churches of Brazil. “Sing to God, all the earth!” (Psalm 96) from today’s entrance Antiphon. Sing sweet birds in the low branches, sing wild winds on the mountains, sing snow drifts on the hills, sing wires on the poles carrying our voices, sing waters over the stones, sing mothers to the unborn, sing old men into children’s eyes! Sing everyone the umm in the collective hum of humanity! Sing to God, all the Michael Doyle, 1989 earth! TODAY, WE REJOICE in our cosmic relationship with all of creation! We must laugh and we must sing, We are blest by everything. Everything we look upon is blest. William Butler Yeats RESTORATION OF SACRED HEART CHURCH will be completed this year! It has been a long recovery, going on bit by bit, as money was available since 1992, 22 years! The first job before 1992 was the cleaning and re-pointing of the Trenton Brown Stones that were laid in 1886. Over the long years, the smoke from a whole neighborhood of coal fires made the church completely black. The first task in November 1992 was the restoration of the canvas paintings, erected in 1908, 84 years before. Fr. Maurice Bric, second pastor, hired Ferdinand Baraldi, a painter from Italy to create 12 canvas paintings which are 60 square feet in area. Ten of them have gospel scenes; two have pre-Christian scenes. In addition, Fr. Bric had five smaller paintings created on the walls, three in the front and two in the back. One by one, each painting was dust-cleaned and a liquid preparation applied. Each painting had pieces of paper attached on the whole surface all done by Don Harle. Then he and Del Lenhart rolled the painting off the ceiling on a cardboard roller, which, when secured, was taken to York, PA where Othmar Carli totally cleaned the painting and restored it. When the painting was completed, it was glued to a base of plywood that was attached to the ceiling in such a way that it can be taken down if need be. If it was glued directly to the ceiling, it could never be detached, so powerful is the glue. At the original installation, the glue was animal glue and not strong. (more to come) BAPTISMAL ANNIVERSARIES this week! We pray for: James Hally baptized at St. John’s Church in Kilkenny, Ireland and Katie Nuhn baptized at St. Vincent Pallotti both on Jan. 19th; and Kevin Atkins baptized on January 20th at Sacred Heart Church, Camden. NEW GRANDPARENTS! Theresa and Bruce Banford became first time grandparents on Wednesday evening, January 14, 2015 when Clara Maureen Edwards was born to their daughter, Rachel, and son-in-law, Chris. Your Sacred Heart family welcomes you, dear Clara Maureen, and may God bless you and protect all the days of your life! Let the awe begin! Do we have your baptismal date/ place? Call, fax, mail or email. A BIG BIRTHDAY FOR MARIE MITAROTONDO What age? Take the number of letters in the year of her birth and add Rod, multiply by the number of letters in her age, divide by Tommy and multiply by Katie, multiply by Michael and divide by hospice, multiply by Elizabeth and divide by Samaritan, divide by visit and you will have the number of letter in Happy Birthday to Marie! Monday to Friday, at 7:40 AM at the Thea Bowman House, 418 Jasper Street, across from the Sacred Heart driveway. Masses for the Week Sunday Masses: 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM Daily Mass: 8:15 AM in the rectory chapel. Jan. 19th Martin Luther King, Jr. for John Gerard Edwards Jan. 20th Fabian & Sebastian for John Jeckot Jan. 21st Agnes for Michael Hayes Jan. 22nd Vincent for Mary Duffy Hager Jan. 23rd Marianne Cope for Helen & James Loughery Jan. 24th Francis de Sales for Madeline Cedrone Alberici Mass in Lourdes Chapel Saturday, 4 PM; Sunday, Noon for people on the east side of the parish who cannot get to Sacred Heart. WE PRAY FOR OUR SICK that they may be healed and comforted. This week, we especially remember: Justin Laurenzi, Jack Shannon, William Greenan, Kathleen Pierce, Doris Cunningham, Laura Lipetz, Othmar Carli, Betzaida Ortiz, Josephine Sliwowski, Michael Dixon, Olga Ianelli, Joe Hess, Harry Watson, Robert Dixon, Doris Gaus, Kathy Hainsworth, Tito Miranda, Carey Thomas, Sara Wisely, Michael Sheridan, Marianne Emanuele, Clare Dunn, Pat Bennett, Anna Whitman, Tony Virgilio, Jim Muller, Mary Nevins, and Jim Hally. WE PRAY FOR THE DEAD especially those we knew, were privileged to love, and whose lives touched ours. This month we remember those who died and were buried from our church during the month of January: Michael Rossi, Margaret Mallon, William Antonick, Charles Labato, Josephine Bezich, Louise Stetch, Agnes Smith, John Dugan, Peter Del Grande, Harry Sipple, Joseph Balzano, Sr., Nicholas Virgilio, Blanche Koonz, Maria Guzzie, Valerie Parris, Josephine Lagocki, Frances Cabaniss, Andy Orsini, Alfred Castagnola, Helen Straub, Elizabeth Tanksley, Tillie Kazlacunas, Elizabeth Sweeney, Barbara Kelly, John Koonz, Marie McKenna, Bill Pallies, Eleanor Geibel, Mary Schafer, Anjanea Williams, J.B. Sipple, Darryl Kirkland and Michael Dunn. WE REMEMBER OUR PARISHIONERS WHO DIED and were buried from this holy Church in 2014: Eve Belefanti, Cosimo DeLeo, Arie Love Burton, Jimmy O’Donnell, Isabella Giambrone, Michael Verrecchia, Betty Rodriguez, Carlo Veterano, and Theresa Raufer. WE ESPECIALLY REMEMBER Fr. Patrick Doyle, Michael’s uncle, died January 18, 1951. He was born on September 1, 1903 and was ordained on June 12, 1927. Antonia Augone, but “we called her Annie,” was born on January 18, 1904. She died on August 15, 1997. (Susan’s grandmother.) Anjanea Williams who died on January 20, 2011 - four year ago; Msgr. Sal Adamo who died on January 20, 2001 - 14 years ago; Larry Cedrone who died on January 20, 1996 - 19 years ago. May they all rest in peace forevermore! 01-18-15 RETIREMENT FUND FOR RELIGIOUS The RFR collection was launched in 1988 by Catholic bishops of the United States to address the profound lack of retirement funding among religious congregations. After 26 years, it may seem that the needs have been met. They have not. Eldercare costs continue to rise while the number of religious needing care grows. We are, in the end, pursuing a moving target. Senior religious, who have served our one Church so faithfully, need our support. Give thanks for religious. A parishioner writes, “We thank God today and every day for every religious sister who taught us in school, not only our ABCs, but also to love God.” Share our gratitude for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Please give generously to next week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. BROTHER MICKEY’S NEW BOOK World Library Publications is happy to announce the publication of Brother Mickey McGrath’s latest book: Dear young people….Inspiration from Pope Francis for Everyone. You can order them at or Brother Mickey’s colorful and whimsical art along with Pope Francis’ vision for making the Kingdom of God real in our world. Cost: $20. Susan Cedrone will have them available after both Masses these upcoming weeks. THE DIOCESE OF CAMDEN Food Drive 2015: faithFULL is scheduled for Sunday, March 1st. Goal is to collect 100,000 pounds of food! Food donations of canned: vegetables, vegetable juice, tomato products, spaghetti sauce, fruit, applesauce, fruit juice, tuna, chicken, soup, beans, chili, beef stew and peanut butter. Food donations can be dropped off at any Catholic Church in the Diocese on March 1st. Sponsored with Diocese of Camden Life & Justice Ministries, Food Bank of South Jersey, Community Food Bank of New Jersey, Catholic Charities and Society of SVdP. The Office of Child and Youth Protection’s January CAP I offerings locally are: January 20, 2015 at Paul VI High School Auditorium at 1 PM and 7 PM; January 26, 2015 at St. Joseph Pro Cathedral, School Auditorium in Camden at 6:30 PM; January 29, 2015 at St. Mary’s Parish Hall in Cherry Hill, NJ at 7 PM. You must register for a class by calling (856) 5836165 or email “GIVE PEACE A CHANCE” CORNER It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence. Mahatma Gandhi Peace Community of Sacred Heart’s next meeting is on Saturday, February 7, 2015 at Brigid’s House, 1719 Ferry Avenue, Camden at 10 AM. All are welcome! Up-Coming Events ST. VINCENT DE PAUL MEETING TODAY following the 10:30 Mass at Joe’s Place. Not a regular business meeting. A time to reflect and acknowledge the work that has been done and plans for future. If you have been thinking of participating with the outreach programs of SVDP, this is a great opportunity to learn from those who are doing! Please come! DIOCESE OF CAMDEN RESPECT LIFE MASS Thursday, January 22, 2015 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, 135 N. White Horse Pike, Lindenwold, NJ 08021. 6:30 PM Rosary; 7 PM Mass. A great opportunity to pray in solidarity with those attending the March for Life, join presider and homilist, Fr. Joseph Capella, for this important evening of prayer and reflection. Questions? Contact Mike Jordan Laskey at (856) 583-6119 or JANUARY FOOD SHARING DAY Saturday, January 24th from 9 AM to 12 Noon. Many volunteers begin the day at the 8:15 Mass in the Rectory. Prayer Service with the neighborhood people at approximately 9:15 AM. Volunteers are always welcomed but email Susan Cedrone at if you plan on coming. DINNER AT JOE’S PLACE Saturday, January 24th at 4 PM coordinated by Judy Sweeney (856) 795-3339 or Jack Cantwell (609) 220-4537. Please call them with your usual offers of food and time. You will be blessed! JANUARY PIZZA & POETRY has a wonderful Celtic harp player coming to help celebrate Robert Burns Birthday on Monday, January 26th at 7 PM at A Little Slice of New York Pizza Parlor, 122 N. 3rd Street, Camden. (856) 965-0404. Bring some wine, songs, poems, puppets, and most of all yourself! Open Reading. CANDLEMAS CELEBRATON, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Hinge of the Year. “The light is placed into our own hands!” CELTIC SPRING CONCERT 2015 Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 3 PM – benefits The Heart of Camden Housing. RAFFLE TICKETS FOR A TRIP TO IRELAND for two! (Or someplace of equal importance!) We sell only 200 tickets at $25 a chance. Tickets are available. See Paddy Mulligan for the winning ticket or call (856) 478-6527. Drawing at concert. 2015 PEACE GATHERING AT SACRED HEART Saturday, February 14th from 9 AM to 3:15 PM entitled “The Silent Coup: The Overreach of Government and the Cause of Peace.” Registration an Welcome 8:15 to 8:45 AM. Free Admission. Lunch Provided. Ray McGovern, Bonnie/John Raines are the keynote speakers. Register by February 1st by emailing Linda Hayes at or at (609) 792-1094. Will you sponsor the education of a child for $300? $300 - 1 payment $100 - 3 payments YEAR 2014-2015 WE NEEDED 3000 SPONSORS WE HAVE 1900 SPONSORS WE NEED 1100 SPONSORS Name $50 - 6 payments $25 - per month “People come to Sacred Heart to this lonely church in a forlorn neighborhood. They bring food for the poor, money for the school and they listen to the priest plead for Camden.” Harry Reasoner - CBS 60 Minutes _____________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ City ____________________ State ____ Zip__________ Phone____________ Sacred Heart Church 1739 Ferry Ave. Camden, NJ 08104 (856) 966-6700 Fax: (856) 756-0102 E-mail: Website: Priests: Michael Doyle, Pastor Dennis Bajkowski Music Director: Barbara Dever Editor of Bulletin: Susan Cedrone Sacred Heart School Janet Williams, Principal (856) 963-1341 E-mail: The Heart of Camden Lisa Kiernan, Executive Director (856) 966-1212 Clothes from the Heart 1811 Broadway (856) 541-7288 Saturday, 10 AM to 2 PM Camden Community House 1718 Broadway (856) 966-9088 DINNERS AT JOE’S PLACE yesterday thanks to the Green Team and all their helpers! It is holy work to feed the poor especially on Broadway! You can do it too! Please call Ted Fox at (856) 424-1863 to volunteer! You will be mentored by an experienced member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Don’t be afraid! Say: “Yes!” PRAYER TEAMS Jan. 18th: DeLarge-Morgan family; Donnelly Family, and Annmarie/John Dunn. Jan. 19th: Irene/JoeGavin, Nha/Hung Nguyen, Karen Beckmeyer, Anne Bower, and Marie DiGilio. Jan. 20th: Modesta Belefanti, Anna Maria Kelly, Kathleen O’Connor, Betsy/Ed McBride, Terry Briscoe, Thuy/Dai Nguyen. Jan. 21st: Gail Gooney, Bette/Joe Hinger, Judy/Tom Huder, Atkins Family, Jean Jennings. Jan. 22nd: Jane Luyster, Carolyn/ Bob Genovesi, Ken Albone, Barbara Hopkins, Sara Forte, Louis Moore, and Thuy Vu. Jan. 23rd: Chick Warrington, Kathy Hainesworth, Bill Cosgrove, Suzanne Hemp, Barstys Family, and Celia Chazelle. Jan. 24th: Eileen Coyle, Jim Holmes, Ann/Bob Nolan, Linda Delengowski, Judy Gough, Barbara Coscarello, and Marie Perkins. For more information, please call Gail Gooney at (856) 429-3129.
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