SACRED HEART PARISH LA PARROQUIA DEL SAGRADO CORAZON GIAO X U THANH TAM a people called to be a Christian community and to stand on the side of PAROISTE AN CHROI NAOFA life with all the struggling people of 1739 Ferry Avenue, Camden, NJ 08104 OCTOBER 26, 2014 - 30TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME 20TH SUNDAY OF PENTECOST The Fall is here. The misty turning time when we sense ending and the change and the coming fullness of our lives. We will anoint the sick and the elderly today when the leaves are lovely on the trees and we will salute all those who are nearing their glory. ANOINTING SUNDAY Through this holy anointing and by God’s most tender mercy, may God save you and raise you up through Jesus Christ. Amen! THE FEAST OF ALL SAINTS THE FEAST OF ALL SOULS! Saints and Souls! All God’s special ones! The Great Harvest! The Feast Day of All Saints is next Saturday, November 1st. All Souls is Sunday, November 2nd. Mass on Saturday is at 8:15 AM in the Church. Sunday Masses as usual 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM. Come and celebrate! Don’t forget to bring your pictures of your loved ones for our great November shrine of remembrance next Sunday! It is our responsibility to remember! The Sacred Heart “We Remember” Book will be carried in the opening procession at each Mass during the month of November with all the names of those who have gone before us in recent years by people who have recently suffered a loss of a loved one. May they all rest in peace forevermore! BAPTISMAL ANNIVERSARIES this week! We pray for Eileen Donnelly Coyle baptized on October 27th at St. Rose of Lima, Haddon Heights, NJ. NEW GRANGE IN CAMDEN Morning Prayer and Morning Mass will be in the Church from Monday, October 27th to Saturday, November 1st. Morning Prayer at 7:40 AM; Morning Mass at 8:15 AM. Pick a morning and see the sun light up the high altar! Awesome! By asking “which commandment in the law is the greatest,” the Pharisees reveal an attitude toward law far different from that of Jesus. Instead of limiting the demand of the law as the Pharisees do to discrete commandments that are kept or not, Jesus teaches that the demand of the law embraces the totality of our relationships with God, self, and neighbor. Love defines our relationships; love is the wellspring of obedience to any commandment. Love is the greatest commandment because it truly is the whole Law of God. Living Liturgy 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time MEN OF THE HEART RETREAT 30 men attended the 10th Annual Men’s Retreat on last Saturday, October 18th! Brother Mickey was phenomenal in presentation and in the painting activity at Joseph’s House. Many thanks to the planning committee: Steve McGeady, Pat Mulligan, Leon Briscoe, Mike Newell, Sean Dougherty, and Ben Hill. Many thanks to the women who served lunch: Edna LoMonico and Pam Coumbe. Thanks especially to Brother Mickey McGrath! God bless the work of his hearts and hands! THE SHIPYARD & MARITIME MUSEUM It is in a way miraculous that the Church of Holy Savior was built of ballast stone borne to Philadelphia on ships that having delivered their cargo to various ports around the world, now needed weight to lower them more deeply and more safely in the sea. Isn’t it amazing that this church buildt of theses sea-giving stones would one day be a museum devoted to shipping on the sea. Space is being readied for the maritime artifacts but the buildings are well worth seeing. When Michael Lang and Michael Doyle considered the museum, we were looking back at what was in navigation but in time, Jim Cummings of Urban Promise Schools in Camden, set up a basement at the church buildings to house a shop for the building of small boats by young people. You will be delighted to see this. Like a true Irishman, I was looking back into the past but the museum is also sailing into the future. In the Church of Holy Savior at Broadway and Viola, one block from Sacred Heart is creating two special visitations to it on Sunday, November 16th. The congregation of 8:30 Mass will walk down at the end of Mass at approximately 10 AM. The 10:30 congregation are invited at approximately 12 Noon. Everyone is asked to plan on coming to this great event. This is the reason why I am writing these segments to prepare you to enjoy your visit. THE SATURDAY WITH TWO WEDDINGS We never got back to them after saying “more next week!” On Saturday, October 4, 2014, Michael Doyle presided over two wedding: Loretta McPheeters married Charles Daniel Trimble at Sacred Heart Church, Camden, NJ. In attendance there were people from: Cuba, Bangladesh, Dominican Republic, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia (mother of bride), Florida, Iowa, California, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Arizona, New York, Illinois, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Minnesota, Maine, Virginia, Texas, and Connecticut. Never before seen here! Thanh Nhan Bui married James Ryan Paz at St. Rose of Lima in Haddon Heights. Thanh was baptized here, First Holy Communion here, graduated from Sacred Heart School. May God’s special blessing be on both couples all their lives! Camden and the world. Gathering around God’s table every Sunday, we celebrate that Christ is Risen and ultimately all is well. Masses for the Week Sunday Masses: 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM Daily Mass: 8:15 AM in the rectory chapel. Oct. 27th for Gertrude & Dolores Fisher Oct. 28th Simon & Jude for Ross Gigliotte Oct. 29th for Frances Stepney Oct. 30th for Sol Lubin Oct. 31st for John Michael Jeckot Nov. 1st All Saints on behalf of all and for all (In Church) Mass in Lourdes Chapel Saturday, 4 PM; Sunday, Noon for people on the east side of the parish who cannot get to Sacred Heart. WE PRAY FOR OUR SICK that they may be healed and comforted. This week, we especially remember: Justin Laurenzi, Jack Shannon, William Greenan, Kathleen Pierce, Doris Cunningham, Laura Lipetz, Othmar Carli, Betzaida Ortiz, Josephine Sliwowski, Michael Dixon, Olga Ianelli, Joe Hess, Peggy Murphy, Michael McShea, Harry Watson, Robert Dixon, Doris Gaus, Kathy Hainsworth, Tito Miranda, Carey Thomas, Sara Wisely, Michael Sheridan, Marianne Emanuele, Clare Dunn, Pat Bennett, Anna Whitman, Jackie Aiken, Tony Virgilio, Jim Muller, Mary Nevins, and Mary Heron. WE PRAY FOR THE DEAD especially those we knew, were privileged to love, and whose lives touched ours. This month we remember those who died and were buried from our church during the month of October: Edith Rose Orsini, Ann Dobleman, Theresa Jacobs, Frances Galzarano, Jose Caceres, Barnabe Rios, John Giacchino, Mary Robinson, Anna Monahan Rey, Bea/Chet Barbieri, Frances Stepney, Carol Wolverton, Erika DiClemente, Jacob Myles Nasto, John Donnelly, Dee Candera, Joe Balzano, and Joseph Schwing. WE REMEMBER OUR PARISHIONERS WHO DIED and were buried from this holy Church since November 2013: Anna Hornback, Mary Lou Kraemer, 2014: Michael Dunn, Eve Belefanti, Cosimo DeLeo, Arie Love Burton, Jimmy O’Donnell, Isabella Giambrone, Michael Verrecchia, Betty Rodriguez, Carlo Veterano, Theresa Raufer. WE ESPECIALLY REMEMBER AT THE 8:30 MASS Isabella Giambrone for her birthday (yesterday). Family is gathered today to honor her! Rest in peace! RICHARD “DICK” MCCARTHY a Deacon since 1976, his Mass of Resurrection will take place tomorrow at 12 Noon in his parish in Berlin, St. Simon Stock (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel). Michael Doyle will do the homily. (More next week) OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY TO LEONA DAVIS! Her mother, Anne Perletta, died this past week. May she rest in peace! (More next week) PLEASE PRAY FOR BRENDAN MCCRACKEN the son of Ray/Joanne McCracken, is on a medical mission trip in Medor, Haiti. Fr. Michael anointed his hands at the 10:30 Mass when he graduated medical school. Brendan, who is now a surgeon, along with five other physicians and parishioners from Our Lady Queen of Peace parish in Arlington, Virginia ask for the prayers of the Sacred Heart community for their safety as they extend their healing hands to the poor and vulnerable, the people whom Jesus counted as His friends. A BIG BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY! Happy Birthday to Frances Cicali! We just celebrated her mother! Now we celebrate her! (More next week) 10-26-14 GREAT TRADITION AT SACRED HEART In the beginning of each year of worship on the First Sunday of Advent is the Blessing of Expectant Mothers and the making of new things for the A Fair of the Heart. The key to it all is creativity in the womb and workroom. It is Sunday, November 30, 2014 this year! The Blessing of Expecting Mothers If you or someone you know is expecting a child and would like to be blessed at either the 8:30 Mass or 10:30 Mass, see or email Susan Cedrone at or call (856) 429-3973. A Fair of the Heart is not that far away! Your participation is crucial. We need makers, bakers, raffle basket donations, workers and buyers. All proceeds benefit our Sacred Heart Church. Contact Annie Kelly The Raffle is a very worthwhile fundraising addition to our annual Fair. Email Kathleen Finley at or call (856) 217-9994. November 20th is the last day to accept donations. All items can be dropped off on Saturday, November 29th between 9 AM and 1 PM. FIRST COMMUNION/FIRST RECONCILIATION If you have a child 8 years old (2ndgrade) or above and are interested in information about First Communion and First Reconciliation, please come to the children’s chapel on Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 9:45 AM (between the 8:30 and 10:30 Masses). We will have snacks, answer questions and talk about plans for the preparation process. It is very important that you attend this meeting with your child if you plan to receive the sacraments this spring. For more information, contact Jessica (Damato) Dzielak, who has graciously volunteered to do this holy work, at CELTIC TWILIGHT CHRISTMAS In advance of their sold out Carnegie Hall appearance, please join Phil Coulter, Andy Cooney and the Irish Pops Orchestra on Saturday, December 6, 7:30 PM at the TD Bank Arts Center in Sewell, NJ. Buses and groups are welcomed! Special discount for groups. Groups should contact, Jim Wiener (856) 218-8902 or Proceeds will support the South Jersey Scholarship Fund which provides scholarships for financial assistance to attend Catholic Schools. To purchase tickets, make a donation, or sponsor the event, please visit or call Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. LAST CFET - FARMER’S MARKET on Friday from 3:30 to 5:30 pm at our office: 1729 Ferry Avenue. Stop by to purchase fresh veggies grown right here in Camden! SNAP, Debit & Credit cards are accepted. “GIVE PEACE A CHANCE” CORNER Peace is always beautiful. Walt Whitman Peace Community of Sacred Heart’s next meeting is on Saturday, November 1st at Brigid’s House, 1719 Ferry Avenue, Camden at 10 AM. All are welcome! Up-Coming Events ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY MEETING TODAY following the 10:30 Mass in the Children’s Chapel. All are invited to attend. CIRCLES OF CONTEMPLATION AT SACRED HEART will continue on Tuesday, October 28th at 7 PM in the Children’s Chapel. Call or email Dee Dowling, 856-630-6459, You are welcome even if you are just getting started. DINNER AT JOE’S PLACE Saturday, November 1st at 4 PM coordinated by Edna LoMonico. Please call her at (856) 8451214 with your usual offers of food and time. You will be certainly blessed! OCTOBER PIZZA & POETRY Wednesday, October 29th at 7 PM at A Little Slice of New York Pizza Parlor, 122 N. 3rd Street, Camden. Hope you can come in costume as your favorite poet or poem or any poet or any poem. Prizes will be awarded. CAMDEN DIABETES AWARENESS DAY Saturday, November 1st from 11 AM to 2 PM at the Walt Whitman Center, 101 Cooper Street, Camden. Free Parking: 2nd, Penn, Front Streets. Music, Zumba, Yoga, Massage, a vegetable cook off, sugary drink buy back. Call Francine Grabowski at 669-8701 for more information. THE IRISH CONCERT with Mick Moloney & Friends on Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 2 PM at St. Malachy Church, 1429 N. 11th Street, Philadelphia PA 19122. All are welcome. Donations greatly appreciated. NOVEMBER LITURGY COMMITTEE Monday, November 10th at 7 PM in the Rectory Chapel. All coordinators of ministries and special liturgies are expected to attend. All parishioners are invited to attend. Please come! RITUAL OF REMEMBRANCE/THANKSGIVING DINNER Saturday, November 15th at 6 PM. This is not a pot-luck dinner, it is very planned. Please call Michelle Budd at (302) 561-0799 or Edna LoMonico at (856) 845-1214 regarding what food item you will bring. Bring a picture of the person who want to especially re-member and be thinking of the person you most want to toast! PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, November 20th at 7 PM in the Rectory Chapel. All members are expected to attend. Please send agenda items to Susan Cedrone before November 18th. AN EVENING OF REMEMBRANCE/GRATITUDE Friday, November 21st at 7:30 PM at Sacred Heart Church for a gathering of prayer and reflection for people in recovery, those suffering from addiction and those who love them. Grounded in 12 step spirituality. All are welcome! NOVEMBER FOOD SHARING Saturday, November 22nd from 9 AM to 12 Noon. Volunteers needed. More next week. Will you sponsor the education of a child for $300? $300 - 1 payment $100 - 3 payments YEAR 2014-2015 WE NEEDED 3000 SPONSORS WE HAVE 947 SPONSORS WE NEED 2053 SPONSORS Name $50 - 6 payments $25 - per month “People come to Sacred Heart to this lonely church in a forlorn neighborhood. They bring food for the poor, money for the school and they listen to the priest plead for Camden.” Harry Reasoner - CBS 60 Minutes _____________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ City ____________________ State ____ Zip__________ Phone____________ Sacred Heart Church 1739 Ferry Ave. Camden, NJ 08104 (856) 966-6700 Fax: (856) 756-0102 E-mail: Website: Priests: Michael Doyle, Pastor Dennis Bajkowski DINNER AT JOE’S PLACE yesterday thanks to Judy Sweeney/Jack Cantwell and all their helpers. It is holy work to feed the poor especially on Broadway! You can do it too! Please call Ted Fox at (856) 424-1863 to volunteer! KATHY BIRMINGHAM was recognized as a Woman of Distinction by Ca md en County. She has worked valiantly for over ten years as the Director of Camden County Family Support Org. to better the lives of families caring for children with severe emotional or behavioral issues. Congratulations, Kathy! FAIR TRADE NEXT SUNDAY! The Center for Environmental Transformation will have fair trade coffee and chocolate available after the 10:30 Mass in the cafeteria on the First Sunday of the Month. Contact Bill Harden at (856) 854-7680 for more information. PRAYER TEAMS Oct. 26th: Josephine/Michael Giacchino, Gregory Corrigan, Patti Capri, and Maria/Bob Esche. Oct. 27th: Fran/Dom Cicali, Dorothy Schullhas, Lae Tran, Joe Gardiner, Than D. Vu, Mary Lawrence, and Matthew Giebel. Oct. 28th: Ronnie Nolan, Tuyet/Quyen Vo, Candy Ruggieri, Clare Dunn, Marianna/John Emanuele. Oct. 29th: Joan Billings, Mike Reilly, Mary Ann/Joe Degenhart, Anna Polin, Mary Heron, Marie/ Steve Campbell. Oct. 30th: Eileen/John Borland, Maryann Campling, Kathleen Pfoutz, Lorraine Cunningham, and Patricia Gibson. Oct. 31st: June Rauffer, Miriam Zelis, Dianne Wahner, Marie/Ray Ellis, and Darrel Ann Britton. Nov. 1st: Susan Cedrone, Anna Marie Cedrone, Anne Jones, Tony Damato, Jessica Dzielak, Dawn Gillespie, Michelle Budd. For more information, please call Gail Gooney at (856) 429-3129.
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