St. Mary Help of Christians Parish 22 44 55 88 88 C CO OU UN NT TY Y R RO OA AD D 7 7 ,, SS TT .. A AU UG GU U SS T TA A ,, M MN N 55 66 33 00 11 MISSION STATEMENT We, the people of St Mary Help of Christians Parish, are called to love and serve the Lord through our lives. Established in 1856,the church is the cornerstone around which we have built our community of faith. We encourage all to participate through worship, education, and sharing of their gifts and talents. With the strength of our families, the optimism of our youth, and the wisdom of our seniors, we strive to be advocates of the “Good News” as we continue to grow and change. March 2000 PARISH OFFICE: 320-252-1799 School: 320-251-3937 Website: PASTORAL STAFF Fr. Jose Edayadiyil, Pastor Deacon Ken Rosha, Pastoral Associate Bonnie Van Heel, School Principal of K-6 Shelly Gohmann, Parish Secretary Jan Minke, Faith Formation Director Deb Klaverkamp Youth Coordinator Kathy Waletzko, Music Director WORSHIP: LITURGY SCHEDULE Weekend Mass: Sun. 8:00 & 10:00am Sat. evening at 5:00 pm Daily Mass: 8:00 am Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Tuesday evening 6:00 pm RECONCILIATION Fridays at 7:30am and Sat. at 4:15pm or by appointment NEW PARISHIONERS We welcome you as a new member of our faith community. Call the parish office for information. BAPTISM PREP Sessions held 2nd Monday every other month. Call the Parish Office to register. MARRIAGE PREP Arrangements must be made at least 6 months before wedding. Call the Parish Office. RCIA “RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS” Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Catholic Faith call the Parish Office. Welcome to St. Mary Help of Christians Parish, St. Augusta January 18, 2015 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time From Deacon Ken, Pastoral Associate: Mass Intentions for the Week Monday - No Mass Tuesday 6:00 pm Special Intention Wednesday 8:00 am Doug Schwinghammer Thursday 8:00 am Maddy Mehr Friday 8:00 am Ellen Hurrle Saturday 5:00 pm Deceased George Thole Family Sunday 8:00 am Parishioners 10:00 am Louise Gohmann Readings for This Sunday 1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 John 1:35-42 Readings for Next Sunday Jonah 3:1-5, 10 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Mark 1:14-20 Servers This Weekend 5:00 pm Emma Harens & Ayanna Heaton 8:00 am Sarah Zieglmeier & Nevin Bloom 10:00 am Madison Perreault & Alexis Streit Servers Next Weekend 5:00 pm Isaac Voigt & Trevor Voigt 8:00 am Andrew Hayward & Karissa Lintgen 10:00 am Logan Haselkamp & Tyler Haselkamp Parish Support Adult Youth Christmas Solemnity of Mary Votive Lights Organ Restoration School Endowment $4,140.55 21.13 100.00 100.00 34.50 1.00 11.00 Our Parish’s Stewardship Last Week Regular Collection Amount Needed per Budget Over (under) budget this week Over (under) budget YTD $4,340.55 $6,923.00 ($2,582.45) 507.15 Sound System Goal Income Received Balance $20,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,040.00 Nursery Next Sunday, January 25 Cyndi & Seth Walls Banns of Marriage I - Jillian Donabauer & Curran Poganski 2 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: It is hard to believe, but in 4 ½ weeks, Lent will begin on Ash Wednesday, February 18th. Having just celebrated Advent and Christmas, a season marking the coming of the Lord, we now begin to see the adult Jesus at work as He begins to call His disciples to follow him. Through our own baptism, we also are called to walk the journey of discipleship. Today would be a good day to reflect on how we too have been called by the Lord in our baptism. 2015 March for Life: Takes place this Thursday, January 22nd, with an Ecumenical Prayer Service (10:30 a.m.) and March for Life (noon) at the Cathedral of St. Paul. A complimentary bus will leave St. Anthony’s parish in St. Cloud after the 7:15 a.m. Mass (approximately 8 a.m.), returning around 3:00 p.m., with boarding at 7:45 a.m. Bring your own lunch. If you plan to ride the bus, call 252-4721 or email Free will offerings will be accepted towards the cost of the bus. Lenten Bible Study: I will be offering a Lenten Bible study using the book “Jesus’ Journey to the Cross: A Love Unto Death” by Jeanne Kun, from Word Among Us Press. It will tentatively be offered on Sunday afternoons at 1:30 p.m., beginning on February 15th, in the parish meeting room. If you are interested in taking part in this Bible study, please contact me by Sunday, February 1st. Men of Integrity: The 2015 Catholic Men’s Conference will be Saturday, February 21st at the Humphrey Auditorium of St. John’s University. The keynote speaker will be Fr. James Shea. Registration deadline is February 13th. Cost is $35 person, $30 person for groups of 5 or more, through February 6 th; the cost increases to $40 and $35, respectively, after February 6th. Call 320-252-4721, Office of Marriage and Family, to register. School Endowment: The School Endowment is a very important means for us to ensure the continuing affordable Catholic education of the students of our Catholic school. In your envelope packs this month there is an envelope for the School Endowment. Please consider a gift that keeps on giving. Your gift for the endowment is invested and 50% of the interest income is used to help defray the cost of Catholic Education. The principle always remains intact and the other 50% of the interest income generated each year is added to the principle. Your gift keeps growing. Garage Sale: Saturday, February 7, the shed next to Fr. Jose's garage will be open to drop off items for the garage sale. January 18, 2015 ▲ 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time This Week’s Schedule Today, Sunday, January 18 8:00-11:30 am Breakfast Bake Sale Food Shelf Collection Tuesday, January 20 6:30pm Catholic United Financial Mtg. Thursday, January 22 8:00am School Mass with Bishop Kettler Hospitality to follow after in the Gathering Space Friday, January 23 CUF - Movie Night Showing "Boxtrolls" Doors open at 5:45pm Sunday, January 25 10:00am Mass - Celebrate Catholic Education Week Condolences to: Mary Schwinghammer and family on the death of her husband, also to Patrick Schwinghammer and Jill Wegener and families on the death of their father, Doug Schwinghammer. Grades 7-12: Come and check out our next Youth Group meeting on Wednesday, January 20 at 6:15pm. Don't forget to register NOW for Castaway! We are in need of adults to chaperone our Castaway Retreat. Any questions call or text Deb at 828-0807. Sub Sale: Stop after Mass and pick up a sub sale order form! Turn it in next week to order your Super Bowl subs and support our parish youth! Christian Women: If you are interested in becoming a member of the St. Ann's Christian Women group, please call Sue Meyer at 252-9115. Mark the date! Our Annual Breakfast meeting will be held on Sunday, February 1,2015 after the 8am mass. You won't want to miss hearing our speaker Rita Meyer. Thank you: Thank you to everyone for all your prayers, support, and kindness for the last six months during Doug's illness. Thank you to the musicians for the beautiful music; to the servers and greeters; and to Judy Ethen and the kitchen crew for the delicious meal. A special Thank You to Fr. Jose and Deacon Ken for all of your spiritual guidance during this difficult time. It is greatly appreciated. May God bless all of you! ~The Family of Doug Schwinghammer~ 3 Greetings from St. Mary HOC School, Join us as we celebrate Eucharist as a school family at 8:00 a.m., Thursday, January 22 nd. Bishop Kettler will be presiding for this Mass; the students in grade 5 will assist with music and the readings. There will be time for hospitality with Bishop Kettler following Mass. Our Catholic Schools Week Mass will be held on Sunday, January 25th at 10:00 a.m. Students of St. Mary HOC School will be assisting with the Mass. St. Mary HOC School turns 50 this year! I would like to extend a special invitation for this Mass to all alumni of SMHOC. Registration for the 2015-2016 school year will begin later this month. Our Catholic school supports children each day as they grow in mind, body and faith. Students have the opportunity to celebrate the Eucharist weekly at school Masses. Children are taught the values of Catholic social teaching, which guide them in moral decision making. Please consider enrolling your child at St. Mary Help of Christians School, call the school office for more information – 251-3937. Families are invited to learn more about our school at our open house on Monday, January 26th from 4:306:00 p.m. Peace be with you, Bonnie Van Heel, Principal Faith Formation - Jan Minke Classes today, Sunday Jan. 18: 1st gr. 9:00-9:55a.m. Classes this week, Wed. Jan. 21: 2nd- 6th gr. 6:15-7:20p.m. 7th- 9th gr. 7:25-8:30p.m. In the next couple weeks the Gospel tells about Jesus calling the apostles. I’ve always been amazed at how they just left what they were doing to follow Him. What things come along in our lives that cause us to just drop everything? Imagine how they must have felt drawn to Him! My prayer for the New Year is that we all can feel drawn to Christ just as the apostles were. And that those around us, especially our children, see us living that call to be Disciples of Christ. Next Sunday Ashbrook’s and Gohmann’s Conf. Classes meet at their usual times. Memorial Roses will be handed out at all the Masses this weekend, January 17 & 18 by the Knights of Columbus to commemorate the unborn children aborted. Any donations will be distributed to prolife organizations. Thank you Baptism Congratulations and Welcome to St. Mary Help of Christians Parish: Pietro Lorenzo son of Dan & Veronica Bushman St. Augusta Lions Fundraiser: Come support the Lions Fundraiser on Monday, January 26 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm at Pizza Ranch. February Breakfast Date Change: Please note on your calendar that the next Parish Breakfast and Bake Sale will be held on February 22. $10,000 Raffle: The Raffle drawing will be held on Saturday, February 14, 2015 in the Parish Center. Tickets are still available. Stop by the Parish Office and see Shelly to purchase your ticket.
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