Current Week's Bulletin - St. Mary Help of Christians Parish

St. Mary Help of
Christians Parish
22 44 55 88 88 C
D 7
7 ,, SS TT .. A
A ,, M
N 55 66 33 00 11
We, the people of St Mary Help of
Christians Parish,
are called to love and serve the
Lord through our lives.
Established in 1856,the church is
the cornerstone
around which we have built our
community of faith.
We encourage all to participate
worship, education, and sharing
of their gifts and talents.
With the strength of our families,
the optimism of our youth, and
the wisdom of our seniors,
we strive to be advocates of the
“Good News”
as we continue to grow and
March 2000
School: 320-251-3937
Fr. Jose Edayadiyil, Pastor
Deacon Ken Rosha,
Pastoral Associate
Bonnie Van Heel,
School Principal of K-6
Shelly Gohmann,
Parish Secretary
Jan Minke,
Faith Formation Director
Deb Klaverkamp
Youth Coordinator
Kathy Waletzko,
Music Director
Weekend Mass:
Sun. 8:00 & 10:00am
Sat. evening at 5:00 pm
Daily Mass: 8:00 am
Thursday & Friday
Tuesday evening 6:00 pm
Fridays at 7:30am and Sat.
at 4:15pm or by appointment
We welcome you as a new
member of our faith
community. Call the parish
office for information.
Sessions held 2nd Monday
every other month.
Call the Parish Office to
Arrangements must be
made at least 6 months
before wedding. Call the
Parish Office.
Anyone interested in
becoming a member of
the Catholic Faith call the
Parish Office.
Welcome to St. Mary Help of Christians Parish, St. Augusta
From Deacon Ken, Pastoral Associate:
January 11, 2015
The Baptism of the Lord
Mass Intentions for the Week
Monday - No Mass
Tuesday 6:00 pm Camryn Gohmann
Wednesday 8:00 am Dorothy Korman
Thursday 8:00 am Bonnie Benoit
Friday 8:00 am Carol Russell
Saturday 5:00 pm Mike & LaVera Schramel
Sunday 8:00 am Deceased Members of Peter and
Mary Czech Family
10:00 am Parishioners
Readings for This Sunday
Isaiah 55:1-11
1 John 5:1-9
Mark 1:7-11
Readings for Next Sunday
1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19
1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20
John 1:35-42
Servers This Weekend
5:00 pm Janae Tschida & Jack Mueller
8:00 am Victoria Schill & Aryahna Schwinghammer
10:00 am Jadyn Kivel & Pavel Matter
Servers Next Weekend
5:00 pm Emma Harens & Ayanna Heaton
8:00 amSarah Zieglmeier & Nevin Bloom
10:00 am Madison Perreault & Alexis Streit
Parish Support
New Year's Day
Sound System
Votive Lights
Organ Restoration
School Endowment
Our Parish’s Stewardship
Last Week Regular Collection
Amount Needed per Budget
Over (under) budget this week
Over (under) budget YTD
Sound System
Income Received
$ 300.00
$ 3,040.00
Nursery Next Sunday, January 18
Ashley Haselkamp & Family
The Baptism of the Lord: We all know the date
of our birth, but how many of us know the date
when we were baptized? The 13th century king
of France, St. Louis IX (1226-1270), insisted
that the grand celebration of his birthday should
be held on the day of his baptism, and not on his
birthday proper. His argument was that baptism
was the beginning of a life that would continue
for eternity in the everlasting glory of heaven.
On that very special day of our baptism, we
were cleansed of original sin, became adopted
children of God, and were anointed with sacred
chrism oil as Priest, Prophet, and King to enable
us to take part in the mission of Jesus Christ in
this world. Do we truly appreciate all that received in our baptism? Do we fully understand
and accept the mission of Christ we must undertake through our baptism?
90 Day Bible Reading Challenge: The 90-Day Bible
Challenge focuses on the underlying story that ties
the Bible together. Instead of reading all 73 books of
the Bible, you just read 14. Starting with Creation
and the Garden of Eden, it continues through the
birth of Israel, the coming of the prophets, and end
with the coming of Christ and the start of the
Church. Go to http:// to register.
A Biblical Walk With the Blessed Mother: The final
Part 8 of the DVD series A Biblical Walk With the
Blessed Mother will be shown on Friday, January
16th after the 8:00 a.m. Mass and rosary.
Vespers for Life: Next Sunday, January 18, at
2:30 p.m. at St. Anthony’s Parish, St. Cloud. The
powerful movie, “40,” addressing the different aspects of the abortion issue, will be shown. The rosary for life will begin at 3:40 p.m. followed by Vespers for Life at 4:00 p.m.
March for Life: The 2015 March for Life will take
place on Thursday, January 22, with an Ecumenical Prayer Service (10:30 a.m.) and March for Life
(noon) at the Cathedral of St. Paul. A complimentary bus which will leave Saint Anthony’s Church at
2405 North 1st Street, St. Cloud after the 7:15 a.m.
Mass (approximately 8 a.m.), returning around 3:00
p.m., with boarding at 7:45 a.m. Bring your own
lunch. If you will be riding the bus, call (320) 2524721 or 800-624-9019 or email
A free will offering will be accepted towards the cost
of the bus.
$10,000 Raffle: The Raffle drawing will be held on
Saturday, February 14, 2015 in the Parish Center.
Tickets are still available. Stop by the Parish Office
and see Shelly to purchase your ticket.
January 11th, 2015 ▲ The Baptism of the Lord
This Week’s Schedule
Today, Sunday, January 11
Nocturnal Adoration Members Breakfast
Thursday, January 15
7:00 pm Finance Council Meeting
8:00 pm Parish Council Meeting
Saturday, January 17
8:30am-3:30pm BeFrienders Training
Sunday, January 18
8:00am-11:30am - Parish Breakfast
Bake Sale Group 1 (A-D)
Food Shelf Sunday
Correction: The profit for the last Breakfast was
$1,324.40. There was one bill that I had missed.
Sorry. Shelly
Condolences to: Mark Jordet and family on the
death of his father, Orin Jordet
Parish Breakfast and Bake Sale: Our next Parish
Breakfast and Bake Sale will be on Sunday,
January 18. If you are able to help work at the
breakfast please contact either Eileen Annis or
Lloyd & Doris Rosha. Group 1 (A-D) with Angie
Dahle and Kim Anderson as group leaders are in
charge of the Bake Sale. Plan to come and enjoy a
delicious breakfast and take some good baked
items along home with you.
Come and check out Youth Group on
Wednesday nights from 6:15pm-7:15pm. All
youth Grades 7-12 are welcome!
Registrations for Castaways are available. Join
over 300 youth for an incredible weekend retreat
March 20-22. Any questions, call or text Deb at
School Endowment: The School Endowment is a
very important means for us to ensure the
continuing affordable Catholic education of the
students of our Catholic school. In your envelope
packs this month there is an envelope for the
School Endowment. Please consider a gift that
keeps on giving. Your gift for the endowment is
invested and 50% of the interest income is used to
help defray the cost of Catholic Education. The
principle always remains intact and the other 50%
of the interest income generated each year is
added to the principle. Your gift keeps growing.
5th, 25th, 40th, 50th & 60th Anniversaries: If
you are celebrating any of these anniversaries this
year, please call the Parish Office, 252-1799 to let
us know so that your name can be sent to the
Office of Marriage and Family. You will then be
receiving an invitation for a Mass offered by
Bishop Kettler on Saturday, May 2, at 1:00 pm.
Faith Formation - Jan Minke
Classes today, Sunday, Jan. 11:
1st gr. 9:00-9:55a.m.
Ashbrook’s Conf. Class 6:00-8:30p.m.
Gohmann’s Conf. Class 6:30-9:00p.m.
Hopke’s Conf. Class 6:30-9:00p.m.
Classes this week, Wed. Jan. 14:
2nd-6th gr. 6:15-7:20p.m.
7th- 9th gr. 7:25-8:30p.m.
Confirmation interviews have begun. All
Spirit & Service projects should be in.
2nd graders and their parents are busy
preparing for the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
The Eucharist reminds us who we are and
who’s we are. It is our food for the journey,
which strengthens us and sustains us.
Jesus satisfies all the hungers of our hearts.
“The Eucharist is known as the source and
summit of our faith because every part of the
Christian life is bound with the Eucharist and
oriented toward it.”- Together Magazine.
Please pray for these families and the
families of our Confirmation students as they
prepare for celebrating these Sacraments.
Greetings from St. Mary HOC School,
Join us as we celebrate Eucharist as a school
family at 8:00 a.m., Thursday, January15th. We
will recognize and extend a blessing to all those
with January and July birthdays. The students in
grade two will be assisting with the Mass.
Our Catholic Schools Week Mass will be held
on Sunday, January 25th at 10:00 a.m. Students of
St. Mary HOC School will be assisting with the
Mass. I would like to invite students from
Cathedral to also assist with the Mass. Cathedral
students interested in assisting may contact the
school office.
Registration for the 2015-2016 school year will
begin later this month. Our Catholic school
supports children each day as they grow in mind,
body and faith. Students have the opportunity to
celebrate the Eucharist weekly at school Masses.
Children are taught the values of Catholic social
teaching, which guide them in moral decision
making. Please consider enrolling your child at St.
Mary Help of Christians School, call the school
office for more information – 251-3937. Families
are invited to learn more about our school at our
open house on Monday, January 26th from 4:306:00 p.m.
Peace be with you,
Bonnie Van Heel, Principal
Memorial Roses will be handed out at all the
Masses next weekend, January 17 & 18 by the
Knights of Columbus to commemorate the unborn
children aborted. Any donations will be
distributed to prolife organizations. Thank you.