2013 Cover_Bulletin Cover.rev.6/03 3/14/13 8:41 AM Page 1 Please Patronize These Advertisers COMPANY, LTD. clinic@bellevueac.net BELLEVUE ANIMAL CLINIC 5302 Highway 182 • Opelousas, LA 70570 Ph. (337) 942-7126 Fax (337) 942-3939 Mon.-Fri. 7:30-12:00 & 1:30-5:30 Sat. 8:00-Noon Your Agent For All Your Real Estate Needs CAROLYN B. FA-KOURI Broker Associate D C G AGUILLARD REALTY, INC. Cell (337) 351-1151 & 906 N. Union St. Opelousas, LA 70570 Office: 942-4588 Fax: 948-1341 Hunting/Fishing AUSTIN’S OUTDOORS 207 N. RAILROAD AVE. • OPELOUSAS, LA 70570 • PHONE (337) 942-2227 • FAX (337) 948-2010 COurVELLE TOYOTA www.courvelletoyota.com Richard Lafleur - Owner 1009 W. Vine St. Opelousas, LA 70570 SHUTE’S GOOD NEIGHBOR PHARMACY STOUT Heating & Air Conditioning Built Better Than It Has To Be 337-942-9267 ® Opelousas, LA 70570 942-7551 PHARMACY AND HOME MEDICAL, INC. KEN SAVOIE, NOEL MITCHELL, LISA WHIPP, CHRISTINE LEGER, JENNIFER CHATMAN, STEVEN HUNDLEY (337) 948-8222 BENNY’S PHONE: 948-6533 WOODMEN OF THE WOrLD LIFE INSurANCE Crawfish Corner Lodge 47 - Opelousas, LA ricky Sonnier Field Representative Boiled & Live Crawfish • Catering Services Available Mitchell & Kimberley Olivier 529 S. Union St. • Opelousas, LA 70570 (337) 407-2529 • CrawfishCorner2go@gmail.com Opelousas • Krotz Springs • Melville 337-942-2638 • www.lafondardoin.com (337) 363-7078 DEALERS FOR & QUALITY AIR CONDITIONING BOB CHACHERE AIR CONDITIONING, INC. Service…The American Way 337.948.3056 www.americanbankandtrust.net (337) 942-7060 (337) 942-3411 942 Creswell Lane Opelousas, LA 70570 THE PALACE CAFE 135 W. LANDRY CORNER MARKET & LANDRY ST. GOING WEST ON ONE WAY - HIGHWAY 190 OPELOUSAS, LA DINNERS - SEAFOODS - STEAKS - CHICKEN SALADS - CRAWFISH ETOUFFEE - FRIED CATIFSH Est. 1927 PHONE (337) 942-2142 Tina D. Walker & Bill Walker - Owners (337) 942-7241 COURVELLE’S RV - Sales & Service Opelousas, LA 70570 www.courvellesrv.com A Perpetual Care Cemetery (337) 942-7055 Pre-Need: Vaults, Lots, Bronze Markers & Vases, Granite Bases, Mausoleum Crypts & Cremation Niches 929 N. Main St. • Opelousas, LA 942-9701 • 232-3007 • 1-800-960-6537 THE FAMILY CLINIC 3921 I-49 S. Service Rd. Opelousas, LA 70570 www.familyclinicinc.com Michael l. Purser, N.F.a. Administrator OF c’est la vie Port Barre 1750 Hwy. 190 Port Barre, LA 70577 (337) 585-7150 Residential • Commercial • Industrial Licensed & Insured (In St. Landry & Lafayette Parishes) 24 Hour Emergency Service Phone (337) 948-8789 7377 Hwy. 31 Opelousas, LA 70570 GIFT SHOP 2014 S. Union St. • P. O. Box 1148 Opelousas, LA 70570 Phone 337-942-7541 K of C Hall available for Parties, Wedding Receptions, Etc. – Phone 628-0065 ® Daire’s Mower Service (337) 942-2404 J. R. DAIRE, JR. Owner GENERAL DENTISTRY 4871 I-49 S. Service Rd. OPELOUSAS, LA 70570 (337) 942-1011 M MELANCON Funeral Homes, Inc. Jeanette LeBlanc - Funeral Director 4708 I-49 N.Service Rd. Serving your family with facilities in Carencro, Opelousas, Opelousas, LA 70570 Arnaudville and Grand Coteau Office 337-407-1907 SOUTHWEST FEED & FARM SUPPLY. INC. 2819 W. Landry Street P. O. Box 682 Opelousas, LA 70571-0682 MICHAEL FONTENOT Manager EXPERT SAFE OPENING AND REPAIRING KEYS, LOCKS, SAFES & BURGLAR ALARMS 1018 S. UNION ST. OPELOUSAS, LA 70570 Bus.: (337) 948-8742 Fax: (337) 948-8755 Home: (337) 826-3463 Bushhogging • Light Dirt Work Box Scraping • Post Holes FOR SERVICE CALL 1-337-942-2745 IVAN’S LOCKSMITH SHOP IVAN BOURGOGNE Auto – Homeowners – Business– Life – Hospitalization OPELOUSAS – PORT BARRE CHURCH POINT – VILLE PLATTE OPELOUSAS PHONE: 948-8186 “Service with dignity & respect since 1907” STUART M. BROWN, D.D.S. EXPERT LOCK SERVICE Patrick Artall, Owner 337-945-3265 Independent Living Center For Seniors 337-942-8154 KEYS & LOCKS Artall Lawn Services, L.L.C. SNAPPER Office (337) 942-5706 954 E. Prudhomme Lane • Opelousas, LA 70570 Phone: 337-948-3634 Fax: 337-942-8279 ELECTRICAL SERVICE INC. (337) 407-9909 Fax (337) 407-0252 PHONE 948-6523 NUR SING H OME & R EHA BIL ITA TION C ENTER Opelousas 219 Prudhomme St. Opelousas, LA 70570 (337) 942-9224 PEKING BUFFET Lowell Sibille, Sylvia Sibille, Frank Cuccio & Retanna Venable DIRECTORS OUR L A DY WAYNE BENSON’S 111 N. Court Street Opelousas, LA 70570 (337) 942-1149 Ph. (337) 942-3253 Fx howardcd@hcdlaw.net OPELOUSAS • GRAND COTEAU • PORT BARRE P R OMP T S UCCOR CHICKEN KING, Inc. Howard C. “Kyle” DeJean Attorney-At-Law SIBILLE FUNERAL HOME Marianite sisters of holy cross www.promptsuccor.com 942-2631 P.O. Box 1527 Opelousas, LA 70571-1527 Washington Road 110 N. Market • Opelousas, LA 70570 This Space Available Call Kenneth Thibodeaux 337-942-2736 209 N. Market St. • Opelousas, LA 70570 Fax (337) 948-7755 P. O. BOX 1643 817 Creswell Lane OPELOUSAS, LA 70570 Opelousas, LA 70570 BOB CHACHERE PH. (337) 948-6558 Michael H. Montgomery, M.D. Michael W. Basile, M.D. Laura Richard Braham, M.D. LaTonya R. Kelly, M.D. Kevin N. Guillory, M.D. Opelousas, LA 125 Country Lane • Opelousas, LA (337) 942-2008 1-800-942-2018 AIR CONDITIONING - HEATING Opelousas • Krotz Springs • Port Barre • Lawtell • Lafayette Store Hours: M-F 9-5 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. ORTEGO OIL & SUPPLY SUPERMARKET & CATERING 206 S. Union Street Opelousas, Louisiana 70570 Since 1975 Compliments of Kenneth & Barbara Thibodeaux In Memory of Deceased Family Visit us at: www.stlandryhomestead.com 517 E. Prudhomme St. Opelousas, LA 70570 Opelousas, LA 70570 Heating and Cooling Products Dance Theatre Conservatory EST. 1968 “Your child’s guarantee of a complete and progressive dance education.” Fax (337) 948-1295 1020 N. Main St. http://www.StLandryCatholicChurch.org TEMPSTAR ★® We’re The Inside Guys Fontenot School of Dance - Twirl - Fitness OPELOUSAS STUDIO - 942-2916 Dance Master Certified Faculty Marguerite W. Fontenot Andi F. Torres, BFA Founded 1776 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION WE SERVICE MOST MAJOR BRANDS HEAT PUMPS • GAS & ELECTRIC FURNACES RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • MOBILE HOMES Carrier St. Landry Catholic Church Phone (337) 942-6552 Ph. 337-948-7700 Fax 337-948-8661 AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING STATE LICENSED FREE DELIVERY SERVICE PHONE 942-2611 205 N. Main EQUAL HOUSING LENDER Auto - Residential Commercial Garage Doors Mirrors Shower Doors Tub Doors Cosmetic and Family Dentistry Lumber • Millwork • Building Materials Paint • Nail Guns/Tools “HAPPY TOWN U.S.A.” 205 W. Landry St. Opelousas, LA 70570 Christopher E. Doucet, D.D.S. ST. LANDRY LUMBER Kevin B. Fuselier, D.V.M. Tanina M. Fuselier, D.V.M “We will not be undercut…” Phone Dane St. Cyr (337) 948-7391 Owner Cell (337) 344-0469 Dane’s Tractor Services We Now Sell Tractor Parts & Offer Trailer Rental Printed By: Bodemuller The Printer, Inc. • 123 S. Main, Opelousas, LA 70570 • (337) 942-5712 Father James Brady, Pasto r MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Anticipated Mass, 4:00 p.m. • Sunday Masses, 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., & 5:00 p.m. Weekday Mass, Mon. - Fri., 12:05 p.m., • Saturday Mass, Valentin Hall Chapel, 8:00 a.m. Bulletin Sponsored by the Opelousas Knights of Columbus, Council 1173 - Meets the second Thursday of the month. Our Parish Parish Office Hours Monday-Thursday Friday 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. Email: stlandrychurch@diolaf.org Website: www.StLandryCatholicChurch.org Blog: StLandryCatholicChurch.blogspot.com Twitter: @StLandryCath Facebook: facebook.com/SaintLandryCatholicChurch Anointing of the Sick: Call Office Matrimony: Call Office at least six months before planned wedding. Our Parish Life Pastoral Staff Pastor Father James Brady 942-6552 In-Residence Msgr. Louis Melancon 942-3134 Deacons Deacon John Miller Deacon Sammy Diesi Deacon Dwayne Joubert 942-2911 948-1068 308-0001 Bookkeeper/Secretary Lois Joubert Secretary Priscilla Guidroz Pastoral Council Trustees Dr. Edward Moise Yvonne Normand 948-8562 308-3474 Finance Council Chairman Dwight Ledoux 942-6732 Elected Members Dirk Boudreaux, Chairman Lori Briggs, Vice Chairman Carrol Lafleur, Secretary Kenneth Moreau Sharon Ortego Howard Fournier Charles Roy Sacraments Reconciliation: Monday – Friday 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Saturday 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Baptisms: Parents should contact the parish office at least two months before the baby is born to schedule a baptism interview. Adult Education (RCIA) Deacon Miller Altar Servers-Deacon Dwayne Joubert Altar Society-Yvonne Normand Catholic Daughters-Yvonne Normand Choir-John Poirier (10:00am) Curt Miller (5:00pm) Coffee Social-Deacon John Miller Come Lord Jesus-Lois Joubert Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator 942-2911 308-0001 308-3474 308-3474 577-6466 550-0078 942-2911 942-6552 Sister Kathleen Farrelly O. CARM, CSW,SSWS 298-2987 Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Martha Moise First Friday Adoration-Ben Pitre Knights of Columbus-Charley Roy Ministers of the Word-Irene Soileau Ministry to the Bereaved-Lois Joubert Ministry to the Shut-InsPastoral Outreach – Deacon Sammy Diesi Pro-Life Coordinator Safe Environment Coordinator Ushers - Wayne Benson Web Administrator-Andrew Guidroz andrew@thecajun.com 948-8562 543-6032 942-9701 948-8873 942-6552 942-6552 942-6552 948-1068 942-6552 942-6552 948-4291 942-6552 PARISH VISION STATEMENT (A vision statement helps to define what we strive to be and gives life to the mission statement.) 942-7920 594-9870 948-6130 948-3170 942-9288 948-8850 948-8052 SANCTUARY LIGHT CHURCH: Safe & spiritual travel for those going to DC for the March for Life CHAPEL: For all administrators; principals; teachers; support staff and students of Catholic Schools St. Landry Catholic Church Parish is the place where parishioners can find a connection to God, and guidance for their life’s journey; it is a spiritual home where this can become reality. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT (A mission statement describes who we are, what we do and whom we serve.) We, the family of St. Landry Catholic Church, exist to continually serve through interaction and involvement imitating the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. GROUP V GROUP I ALTAR SOCIETY Gwen Fruge January 24, 2015 Lois Joubert January 31, 2015 Volume 64, No. 03 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 18, 2015 PASTOR’S CORNER: Next weekend, we begin Catholic Schools Week, a national celebration of Catholic Education particularly celebrating our Catholic Schools. The kick-off for the week will be at our 5pm Sunday Mass next weekend, at which time students at Opelousas Catholic will provide the music. We hope you are able to attend! Each of our children has a right to a Catholic Education, and this takes several forms: in our Catholic Schools; in home-schooling; and in CCD programs. During Catholic Schools week, we especially celebrate the gift that AIC and Holy Ghost Schools have been to our community, and that Opelousas Catholic continues to be to our community. Now is also a good time to remember that the first and primary educators of our children are parents. Proper education of children is both the right and obligation of parents. It is important that parents transmit to their children by both word and deed the faith that was handed down to them. Especially important is the teaching by "deed," that is, by example. No matter what is said or taught about our faith, if there is not a serious and committed effort to practice the faith to go along with the words, the message will be undercut or not taken seriously by our children. Children may hear what is said, but they more closely watch what is done. Good parenting requires both, so let us make it our resolve to give both to our children! The End of an Era at Opelousas Catholic: Mr. Perry Fontenot As you may have noticed, a few weeks ago we had a bulletin insert regarding the principal's position at Opelousas Catholic. The Chancellor of Opelousas Catholic, Msgr. Keith DeRouen, asked that all the local parishes include in their bulletin a notice of job opening for that position because after some 14 years of service Mr. Perry Fontenot, our current principal, has decided to retire at the end of this semester. Mr. Fontenot began his tenure at a time when Opelousas Catholic was struggling in many areas (as were many private schools), and he has worked diligently over his time as principal to help OC grow and prosper. He has been devoted in his service to Opelousas Catholic and its children and families. He has also been most gracious and pleasant to work with in my time as pastor here. There is no doubt that he leaves Opleousas Catholic in better shape than it was when he arrived, and we are very grateful for his leadership, stewardship and service to our community. We wish Mr. Fontenot good luck in any future endeavors he may have, and if you get a chance over the next few months, be sure to thank him for his service! Father James Brady Pope Francis’ Intentions for January UNIVERSAL: PEACE That those from diverse religious traditions and all people of good will may work together for peace. EVANGELIZATION:CONSECRATED LIFE That in this year dedicated to consecrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal. Offertory Collection 11 January,2015 Regular $9513.05 St. Landry Maintenance/Repair 260.00 Poor 36.00 Opelousas Catholic Foundation 10.00 Bishops Services Appeal 2827.99 TOTAL $12,647.04 Weekly Average $11,944.68 Weekly Goal $8250.00 Second Offertory Collection 18 January 2015 Opelousas Catholic Foundation Second Offertory Collection 25 January 2015 Latin America REMINDERS OF THE WEEK Monday, January 19 OFFICE CLOSED 6:00pm Rosary at Monument Tuesday, January 20 6:00pm Come, Lord Jesus/Fr. Brady Wednesday, January 21 5:45am 5:15pm This Man Is YOU! Come, Lord Jesus/Lois Thursday, January 22 8:40pm 5:30pm 5:30pm All School Benediction Youth Choir Practice st 1 Penance Class Saturday, January 24 8:00am Mass in Valentin Chapel Saturday, January 25 3:45pm High School & Confirmation Class READINGS FOR FAITH SHARING 25 January 2015 See page 104 in Missal Reading I 1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19 Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. Psalm 40 “Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.” Reading II 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 Your bodies are members of Christ. Gospel John 1:35-42 They saw where he was staying and they stayed with him. Today’s readings are clearly about God’s call and the human response. In the first reading, young Samuel is learning what God’s voice sounds like. In the Gospel, the disciples respond to Jesus’ invitation, “Come and see.” As we listen to these readings, what can they tell us about how God is calling us? How do we respond to God’s invitation? PRAY FOR OUR SEMINARIANS 1. Ben Pitre 2. Paul Lombas 3. Cade LeBlanc 4. Matthew Pitre 5. Carlos Lucito St. Landry, Opelousas St. Anthony of Padua, Eunice St. Thomas More, Eunice St. Thomas More. Eunice Our Lady Queen of Angels, Diocese of Baton Rouge 6. Marquis Simon Immaculate Conception Lebeau 7. Christopher Vidrine Sacred Heart, Ville Platte 8. Michael Vidrine St. John, Melville Father, in your plan for our salvation you provide shepherds for your people. Fill your Church with the spirit of courage and love. Pray for a Priest Each Day Sunday, Jan. 18 Monday, Jan. 19 Tuesday, Jan. 20 Wednesday, Jan. 21 Thursday, Jan. 22 Friday, Jan. 23 Saturday, Jan. 24 Rev. Floyd Calais Rev. Corey Campeaux Rev. Joseph Campion Bishop Dominic Carmon Rev. Clair Cazayoux Rev. Michael Champagne Rev. Gregory Chauvin MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, January 17 4:00pm Barbara (Bobbie) Mouton, Leroy Soileau and Jenny Hardy, Stephen Sebastien, Aleus Credeur, Jr., Carolyn M. Bertrand, Robert (Bob) Chachere, Jeanette Lalonde, Toby and Winnie Lalonde, Lester and Mable T. Gautreaux, Anna Nhiem Pham Do, Winnie, Steve, Ronnie, Dusty Ardoin, J. F., Vickie & Glenn Vidrine Sunday, January 18 8:00am Souls in Purgatory, Amar, Maryina & A. B. Courvelle Sr.; Bryce Boullion (BD), Sylvain & Lurline Fontenot, Marcel and Patricia LeBlanc, Arthur & Eva Fontenot, Bernel Fontenot, Martin J. St. Amand, Youle, Therese & John Ray Fontenot, Willard Andrepont, Gertrude A. & Alvin Marks 10:00am Ezra & Velma Martin and Denise Hull, Joyce B. LaGrange & M/M Emillian Bodin, Jules Olivier, Nita & J. Y. Bordelon Sr., Richard Soileau, Joseph Ernest Prather Sr., Murphy Guillory, Irl White, M/M Lee Martin & Loray Martin Bertrand, Ester Duplechain; A. C. LaGrange & Martin Kelly, Ruby Gautreaux, Marty Ortego & Family, Jonathan (Jon) Martin 5:00pm Wilson & Michael Abshire, Harold Savoy and Alveirda Gros, Fields & Voitier Families, Mitchell Darbonne Monday, January 19 12:05pm Nita & J. Y. Bordelon Sr., Winnie Ardoin (DA) Tuesday, January 20 12:05pm Nita & J. Y. Bordelon Sr., Lee, Kristie(DA) & Vivian Artigue Wednesday, January 21 12:05pm Nita & J. Y. Bordelon Sr., Joseph Ernest Prather Sr. Thursday, January 22 12:05pm Nita & J. Y. Bordelon Sr. Friday, January 23 12:05 pm Nita & J. Y. Bordelon Sr., Joseph Ernest Prather Sr. Saturday, January 24 8:00am Nita & J. Y. Bordelon Sr., Jacob Joubert (BD) PRAYER INTENTIONS Elvin & Gerry Arnaud; Scotty Artigue; John Aucoin; Marie Auzenne; Bobby Aymond; Eddie Paul Bearb; Frannie Bellard; Jennifer Bellard; Chad Bellow; Jane Bertrand; Charles Blanchard; Rada Bono; Melanie M. Bienvenu; Paula Bienvenu; Gerard Boudreaux; Phyllis L. Bourque; Deacon and Mrs. Eugene Brady; Sharon W. Branson; Vanessa Brown; Vincent Bullara; Belinda Chautin; Linda David; Kathryn Cosgrove-Richard; Morgan Dabney; Shelton Daigle; Glenda Darbonne; Luke DeMatz; Becky Diesi; Carole D’Amico; Barbara Dopson; Olivia Doucet; Harriet Doucet; Richard & Nelda Dunn; Vickie Duplechain; Mayo Dupre; Barbara G. Durio; Leona Elkins; Tristen Estis; Kevin Fontenot; Raphael Fontenot; Mona Gossen; Janet Guidry; Ted Guillory Jr. & Sr.; Gabby Hansen and family; Angela Hargroder; Benny Hargroder; Didier & Rita Hargroder; Thomas Higginbotham; David Janet; Alverez Hertzock; Gunner Hubbard; David Huckaby; Anna Louise Huval; Winnie Joubert; Toni & Julia Jumonville; Molly Keating and family; Janice & Gerald Kidder; Mitchell John Kimball; Charlie & Joyce LaCasse; James & Anita Lanclos; Murphy & Virgie Lanclos; Elvie LeBlanc; Barbara W. Ledet; Bryan Leger; Jody Leger; Doris McCardell; Lilly McKinney; Robert Marceaux; Malcolm (Slick) Martin & Mary Ann D. Martin; Lynette A. Mengarelli; Will Montgomery; Mona Morrow; Grace Morgan; Aubrey Grace Menard; Brian Ortego; Marty Ortego; Cliff Owen; Celeste T. Patroni; Ronnie Pitre; Maude Prather; Mary Quebedeaux; Jimmy & Tim Richard; Brynn Riviere; Pap Roy; Vonda Savoy; Brian Smith; Emmadine Soileau; Lou Soileau; Timmy Soileau; Al Soulier; Dennis Stelly; Dee Stonehocker; Tammy; Michael Tate; Lydia Terhune; Alex Theriot; Barbara Thibodeaux; John Ted Thibodeaux; Nancy Thibodeaux; Vickie Thibodeaux; Lena Trahan; Baby Tucker; Karen S. Tweedel; Tobin Venable; Ida Vidrine; Carl Villery; Jeannine and Jim Wallace; Pat Woodson; Fred Wyble; Rhonda T. Wyble; Ben Zerangue NOTE: It is a Diocesan policy that to put someone on the Prayer list, you must first have his or her permission. ENGAGED ENCOUNTER Upcoming dates for an Engaged Encounter weekend are as follows: March 6-8; April 17-19; July 24-26; Aug. 14-16 all to be held at Acadian Baptist Center. For more information contact Paul & Carolyn Trahan at 337-254-8947 or 337-898-9257 or email them at cee.trahan@gmail.com. Also find us on Facebook at Lafayette Catholic Engaged Encounter. CAN-TAB DRIVE FOR ST. JUDE’S The Opelousas Catholic National Honor Society is sponsoring a can-tab drive to benefit St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital. Begin now filling plastic gallon jugs with can-tabs. Filled jugs can be turned in to the school. Together we can make a difference in the fight against Cancer. LOUISIANA LIFE MARCH Will you march with us to defend the defenseless? The Louisiana Life March in Baton Rouge will take place on Saturday, January 24. If you are interested in riding the Knights of Columbus bus to the Life March , please sign up at the St. Pius X Church office by contacting Gerald Hoffman at geraldhoff@aol.com or 337-993-0212. Round trip fare will be $6.00 per person. Online registration and payment is available at http://tinyurl.com/lifemarchbus Deadline for registration is January 16, 2015. JESUIT SPIRITUALITY CENTER RETREATS Silent Individually-Directed Retreats of 3, 5, or 8 days begin on the following dates: Monday, February 2 Monday, February 23 Monday, March 9 Monday, April 13 Monday, April 27 Monday, May 11 Monday, May 25 Monday, June 8 Monday, June 22 Monday, July 6 Monday, July 20 To register call 337-662-5251 or visit our website@ jesuitspiritualitycenter.org CONGRATULATIONS SEMINARIAN BENJAMIN PITRE Lafayette Diocese seminarian, Benjamin Pitre, was admitted into the Ministry of Lector on January 11, 2015 at the Pontifical North American College in Rome by Most Reverend William Murphy, D. D., S. T. D., Bishop of Rockville Centre, Long Island, New York. Ben, sponsored by St. Landry Church Parish in Opelousas, is the son of Benjamin and Suzanne Pitre DIOCESAN MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY MASS The Diocesan Marriage Anniversary Mass is sponsored by the Office of Marriage and Family Life Ministry, on behalf of Bishop Michael Jarrell. The Mass is designated for the recognition of couples who are celebrating 25, 40, 50, 60 or more years of married life. This year the Mass will be held on February 8th. Pre-registration is required by all couples who wish to be recognized during the Mass. Due to the large volume of participation each year, only couples who are celebrating one of the designated anniversary years may register to be recognized and the anniversary must fall within that calendar year. No registration is accepted at the door on the day of the Mass. Bishop Jarrell will present each registered couple with a certificate in honor of their marriage anniversary. Reserved seating is only available for the couples being honored. A special reception will be held immediately following the Mass. The Mass this year will be held at St. Landry Catholic Church at 2:00pm and the reception will be at the Opelousas Catholic School Gym. Registration will close on January 30, 2015. For more information or to register please call 337-261-5653. ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASS St. Landry Catholic Church will begin an adult Confirmation class on Monday, January 26th and continue for eight weeks ending on Monday, March 23rd, 2015. This class is designed for those who are 21 and older; have been baptized; made their 1st Holy Communion and have no Canonical impediments. During this time of Lent, what better way to prepare yourself for a full and complete relationship with God and His Church? For those of you who want to be God-parents, please know that it is required by the Church to be confirmed and of course those of you who are planning Marriage or already married, although it is not a requirement, what a wonderful way to be prepared for growing your family into the family of God. To register for the class, please call the church office @ 337-942-6552 and know that there is no cost involved . Alter Servers, Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors January 24 th th and January 25 , 2015 Saturday, January 24th @ 4:00pm Altar Servers: Broty & Kaitie Stelly Extra-ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Paul & Betty LeLeux and Regena Stelly Lector: Lena Anderson Sunday, January 25th @ 8:00am Altar Servers: Leigh Labrie; Beau & Ethan Stelly Extra-ordinary Minister of the Eucharist: Ovie McGlothin Lectors: Christine & Dwight LeDoux 10:00am Altar Servers: Rachel Briggs; Sarah Joubert & Reily LaBruyere Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Carl Pitre; Martha Moise & Cindy Prather Lector: Joshua St. Cyr 5:00pm Altar Servers: Emma LeDoux; Andrew & Natalie Broussard Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Priscilla Guidroz; Glen & Shawn LeBlanc Lector: Jared Normand OC CORNER Tickets are on sale for the February 11th OC Tasters’ Dinner and Auction event in the Opelousas Civic Center. Tickets are $35 per person and are available in the OC Development Office, Bodemuller the Printer, St. Landry Homestead Bank, and Piggly Wiggly on Heather Drive. Catholic Schools Week (Jan. 25-30) will get underway with an opening mass at 5 p.m. in St. Landry Catholic Church on January 25th. Congratulations to our top Accelerated Reading students at mid-term: Jordan Doucet, 8th grade; Zachary Walls, 7th grade; Kaitlyn Carriere, 6th grade; Dylan Doucet, 5th grade; Jacob Vasquez, 4th grade; and Emily Jesclard, 3rd grade. YOUTH CHOIR Practice for our New Youth Choir will be on Thursday evenings at 5:30pm. Students in grades 8-12 are invited to join. Call Father Brady (942-6552) or Deacon Joubert (308-0001) for more information. Sanctuary Project Campaign Acknowledgements John Donald Carriere Steven J. Bienvenu, In Memory of Rose Marye Bienvenu Freida Bordelon, In Memory of Rodney Mayeux and Kenneth Martinez Iris Diesi, In Memory of Sal Diesi Elaine E. Diesi, In Memory of Sal, Betty and David Diesi Harold Ortego Michael and Sharon Higginbotham Mr. and Mrs. Felix Darby Family Mr. and Mrs. Albert Soileau Angela Hanson Gloria Miller, In Thanksgiving for St. Landry Church Workers Mrs. Curtis Hooks Linda S. Fontenot Robbie Sebastien, In Memory of Stephen Paul Sebastien Carolyn Bordelon, In Memory of James Kirt Cormier Many Thanks!
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