9 ASANVIDEOAWARDS–2015 PHOTO (Attested Th byHead) PARTICIPANTENTRYFORM 1. FULLNAMEOFTHEPARTICIPANT 2. TITLE 3. LANGUAGEANDDURATION 4. CATEGORYOFEVENT SHORTFILM DOCUMENTARY ANIMATIONFILM AD/PSAFILM 5. NAMEANDADDRESSOFTHEINSTITUTION 6. ADDRESSFORCOMMUNICATION,CONTACTNO. 7. FORMATOFTHEENTRY AVI MPEG4 MOV DOCUMENTSTOBESUBMITTED: x Passportsizephotooftheparticipanttoaffix x PhotocopyoftheIdcardattestedbytheHeadOfDepartment/HeadoftheInstitution x DVDCopyoftheprograminanyoneofthementionedformatsinGuideLines x HardcopyoftheSynopsis GUIDELINESFORTHEENTRIES: 1. Category Duration a. ShortFilm 10to15Min b. Documentary 8to12Min c. Animationfilm 3to5 Min d. Ad/PSAfilm 30to60Sec 2. Useseparateentryformforeachentry 3. ProgramshouldbeinMPEG4,AVI,MOVFormats 4. SubtitleinEnglishisMandatory 5. Avoidusingcontroversialcontentandobscenelanguage,pictureandphotographs 6. Lastdateforsubmission10thFebruary,2015 7. Filmsforentryshouldhavebeenproducedonlyafter2013 8. Noentryfee. Contact:MrN.AshokKumar+919790938878,MrS.Pragadeeshvel+919789807946, Office914422450032/22460216/22461418,extn319. 08thJan nuary,2015 RespectedSir/Madam, Gree etingsandB BestWishes nication,AsaanMemorialCollegeof Artsand We,,theDepartmentofVisualCommun Science, corrdially invitee you to thee 9th Asan Video V Award ds 2015 (AV VA), a national level competition n.AVAisan attemptto encouragetthebudding filmmakers enrolledas students invariousCo olleges/InstittutionsallovverIndia.Thecompetitio onisheldunderfourcate egories. CA ATEGORYOFENTRY Y 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. ShortFilm m Documen ntaryFilm Animation nFilm Advertise ement/PSAFFilm S.No 1sttPrize C Categories 2ndPrize 3rdPrize Durration 1 2 3 4 ShortFilm Rs.10,000 Rs.6,000 Rs.4,00 00 10–15 5Min Docum mentaryFilm m Rs.10,000 Rs.6,000 Rs.4,00 00 8–12M Minutes AnimaationFilm Rs..5,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.2,00 00 3–5M Minutes Ad/PSSAFilm Rs..5,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.2,00 00 30–60 0Secs. We are lookking forward d for the enttries to reacch us on or before 10th February, 20 015. The th nominatedeentrieswillb bescreened atthe9 AssanVideoAw wards2015 5bythelasttweekof February,20 015andthe prizeswillb be awarded tothewinn ners. Theprizewinnersffromthe localentriesscanclaimth heirawardso onlyinperso on. Please visitt our Youttube and Facebook F link to follow our prromo and updates www.youtube.com/asanvideoawarrds2015,ww ww.facebookk.com/asanvvideoawards2015. Werequest youtoenco ourageyour studentstoparticipate andwintheeaward.Forfurther og on to o www.am mcas.in orr email us at: queries and requireements lo wards2015@ @gmail.com.. asanvideoaw Enclosures: EntryForm WithReggards, dress: ContactAdd DepartmenttofVisualCo ommunicatio on, AsanMemorialCollegeo ofArts&Scieence, Velachery–TambaramR Road,Jaladampet, HeadofftheDepartm ment 600100 Pallikaranai,Chennai–6 EventCoord dinators–Mr.N.AshokKum mar+9197909 938878,Mr.SS.Pragadeeshvvel+919789807946
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