The Weekly Newsletter of Community of Joy Lutheran Church Second Sunday after Epiphany Dear Lord, we humbly thank you for your goodness to us and to all that you have made. We praise you for keeping us in your care, and for all the blessings of life. We pray to give us a thankful heart, and the courage that our lives may reflect This Week of JOY your blessings, by giving of ourselves to your service and January 18, 2015 those to whom you call us. Amen. 1/18 Worship Service 8:15am & 10:45am Sunday School Adult Education 9:40am There will be a BUDGET INFORMATION TODAY at 9:45 a.m. Budget Information Meeting 9:45am Annual Congregational Meeting February 1, 2015 at 9:45 a.m. 1/19 On the Agenda: • • • Installation of 2015 Council Members Adoption of the 2015 budget Annual Reports from Pastor Michael, Aaron Howe, and Joyful Hearts Women’s Ministry There will be a Pancake Breakfast during the Annual Congregation Meeting Martin Luther King Jr. Day The Office is Closed Joy Quilters 12:30pm 1/20 Tuesday Morning Prayers 9:30am 1/21 Supper 5:30pm Children’s Activity Youth Choir 6:00pm See page 7 Children’s Choir Youth Activity Confirmation Adult Bible Study 6:30pm Community of Joy Ministry Review January 23—25, 2015 ReJOYce Rehearsal 7:00 pm See page 3 1/22 Joyful Journey 7:00pm The Office will be closed on Monday, January 19th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day 1/24 Men Alive! 8:00am January 18, 2015 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter People Page COMMUNITY OF JOY Thank You to Our Volunteers! Acolyte: (8:15) (10:45) Altar: (8:15) Charlotte Griffith (10:45) Donna Huxtable Communion: (8:15) David & Tracy Lizon, Charlotte Griffith (10:45) Lance & Heather Himmelberger, Nathan Bland Readers: (8:15) Jean Potabi (10:45) Lynette Schurdevin Ushers: (8:15) Charles & Suzanne Davis (10:45) Ron & Sherri Bathje Music/Tech/Sound Team: Aaron Howe Alicia Evans Andrew Dumas Anne Kinney Douglas Hammett-Lair Dianne Hensley Anne Kircher Hannah Shotwell Hayley Dumas Jamil Howe Jean Pratschner Jim Shotwell Katheryn Josselyn Kara Robertson Mark Evans Pelly Hutton Star Cooley Trula Howe Tyler Zack Zach Shotwell Pastor Michael Bastian Administrative Assistant Earlene Shroyer Director of Music: Aaron Howe Office Volunteers: Peg Tool, Donna Doles, Louise Scott Facilities/Property: Nursery Attendants: Anne Econopouly, Katrina Cooley Treasurer: Dick Tool Bookkeeper: Earlene Shroyer Financial Secretary: Tracy Lizon Parish Nurse: Gretchen Comfort Web Site: Daniel Maynard, Doug Hammett-Lair Congregation Council Bill Hensley—President Cliff Walker—Vice President Julie Evans David Lizon Jamila Mamuya Treats are provided by the the Fellowship Team! Treats for Sunday If you would like to bring treats for everyone to honor a birthday, anniversary, special occasion or just because….please sign the sign-up sheet located on the table in the fellowship area. Thank you. January 19th: 20th: 841 Saratoga Dr. NE Rio Rancho, NM 87144 Phone: 505-896-2543 Fax: 505-896-0756 Pelly Hutton Greg Griffith 2 Ministries Teams Worship: Pastor Michael, Aaron Howe Grow and Sunday School: Laurie Ethier, Rich Nelson and team VBS: F.E.A.S.T.: Sarah Farrell (505) 897-0322 Youth Programming: Joan Bouty, Nancy Cooley, McKenna Hutton Hospitality: Home Communion: Liz Roberts Care & Support: Gretchen Comfort, Donna Doles Community Outreach: David & Tracy Lizon, Jean Pratschner, Jo Ann Nelson, Cliff & Judy Walker Fellowship: Neal Shotwell Stewardship: Pastor Michael, Dick Daisley, Julie Evans, Anne Kinney, April Mortensen Communications: Earlene Shroyer Volunteer & Leadership Development: Rich Nelson, Pat Shodean For any reports or information, contact the appropriate person listed above. January 18, 2015 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Announcements COJ Ministry Review from January 23 –25, 2015 A ministry review team of the Rocky Mountain Synod is visiting COJ next weekend. Together with a number of COJ members including youth and adults, we will review COJ’s core ministries. The RMS team will join us for both worship services on Sunday morning, January 25th. They will also lead a question and answer session between services, engaging with the congregation. COJ will receive a number of affirmations and recommendations for our ministries going forward. Please keep the two ministry review teams in your thoughts and prayers as we engage in this important review together. IT’S STILL A NEW YEAR Dear Friends at Community of Joy, Jeremiah 29:11 says…For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not evil, to give you a future and a hope. So, new beginnings; this is a new year to do good things. Luckily, God gives us a new day every day to complete plans or “fix fences”. There will be challenges to finish and new ones for us to face. With God’s help we will have structure and stay on track. This includes our health and how we care for ourselves as well as others. There are many new things happening in medicine and ways to keep ourselves in shape physically and mentally as we face our daily lives. My prayer for all of us is the Lord be with us each day as we begin this new year of commitment. Let us serve God and COJ so that good endings come from our new beginnings together. Gretchen Comfort RN, and Parish Nurse Adult Education Building the church — one letter at a time God’s Big Book of Faith returns February 8, 2015 at 9:40 a.m. We continue to look at the letters that helped define and develop the early Christian church. Join Rich Nelson and Cliff Walker as we explore the roots of our faith. 3 January 18, 2015 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Announcements CUP OF JOY CAFÉ RETURNS! Saturday, February 7, 2015 from 2:00—4:00 p.m. COJ’s Cup of Joy Café will return to the Fellowship Hall on February 7th from 2:00-4:00 p.m.. Tarrie Burnett from Lutheran Family Services Refugee and Asylee program will join us to give an update on the winter party where the hats, gloves and other items we collected in December were distributed. She’ll also share information about the programs and people she’s been involved with since her last visit. Starbuck’s ® (courtesy of Daniel Maynard) will provide the coffee. There will be tea and treats as well. Last year’s donations of “place settings” (cup, plate, bowl) supplied newcomers for FOUR MONTHS, and were greatly appreciated. Let’s do that again! So - mark your calendar and plan to visit the Cup of Joy Café . Please bring a place setting to donate (cup, bowl, plate). There is a list on the bulletin board in the entryway of other items that are always appreciated. Please check the list to see if the things you are wondering what to do with when you are doing your spring cleaning could be used to help furnish an apartment for a refugee family. (gently used items in good shape, of course). There will be a basket for donations instead of tickets for sale. See you at the Cup of Joy cafe on the 7th of February! Women of the ELCA North New Mexico Cluster Annual Gathering Women’s Justice, Called to Advocate—Moving Beyond Charity Saturday, February 7, 2015, 9:00 a.m.—1:30 p.m. at St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church The Women of the North New Mexico Cluster Committee and St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church in Albuquerque have planned a gathering for all. Enjoy worship, a discussion about women’s justice, and fellowship. NEW PILLOWS— In Kind Offering Your registration fee of $20.00 is due by January 23, 2015 or late registration fee of $25.00 by January 30, 2015 covers lunch by Christy Mae’s, materials and childcare. About the presenter, Ruth Hoffman: Ruth Hoffman has served as Director of the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry—New Mexico since 1999. More information about the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry can be found at: Ruth works tirelessly on the following issues with our New Mexico Legislators: ª Family-Sustaining Income (Minimum Wage & Wage Theft) ª Hunger See the Bulletin Board ª Healthcare or ª Affordable Housing & Homelessness Lynette Schurdevin for registration forms ª Immigration ª Tax Policy 4 January 18, 2015 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Impressions from LFS Winter Celebration Lutheran Family Services Winter Celebration Saturday, January 10, 2015 Manuel Hoeger visited LFS in August, 2014; the picture at the left is the same gentleman above dressed in traditional attire. 5 January 18, 2015 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Beyond Our Walls A Thank You from Storehouse West We Receive Letters: Dear Friends and Pastor Michael, On behalf of the Board of Directors of Storehouse West, we thank you for your very generous gift of $450.00 and 2,094 pounds of food as part of 14,765 pounds of food from all the area churches for 2014. You also donated 3,011 pounds of food for 2013. Your generous donations will go a long way in helping to improve the lives of many families and seniors served by Storehouse West. The generosity of our donors helps to serve over 6,700 clients each year. Through our food pantry we delivered over 360,000 pounds of food to needy persons in 2013. Through our Kids Clothes Closet we clothed over 900 children. If you would like a tour of our facilities and see how over 92% of your donations go directly toward helping those in need please contact me by phone or email as listed herein. Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions about your contribution or our services. Ramen noodles Macaroni & cheese Canned meat & tuna fish Peanut butter & jelly Canned ravioli/spaghettios Canned fruit & vegetables Canned pasta sauce Canned tomatoes Canned beans/baked beans Bagged rice Pinto beans Boxed jello and pudding Tea & Coffee Sugar Toliet paper & paper towels Bar soap Toothpaste Shampoo Disinfecting wipes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Can you donate nonperishable items for Storehouse West? Shopping List è è è Storehouse West Gratefully, Jim Payne (505) 892-2077 6 January 18, 2015 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Family Ministries There will be a FREE-WILL DONATION Pancake Breakfast during the Annual Congregation Meeting next Sunday to help with the costs for COJ’s Youth trip to the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit, Michigan The following youth and adults have registered to attend the ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit in 2015: Hayley Dumas, Zach Shotwell, Sabrina Howe, McKenna Hutton, Sam Laird. Youth Leaders: Pastor Michael Bastian and Debbie Hutton. Wednesday F.E.A.S.T. Join Us on Wednesday Nights for the FEAST! This is a very exciting and popular program and we hope you will come share your Wednesdays with us. Here is the schedule: Supper Youth Choir Children’s Activity Children’s Choir Youth Study Adult Study Confirmation Music Team Rehearsal 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30—7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Supper on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 is a Potluck (Salads & Sandwiches!) Here’s Your Chance to SIGN UP! You can sponsor a night (you don’t have to attend) on your own or team up with another family/individual to help you prepare/provide the dinner. There is a sign-up sheet on the table under the cupola. Right now, we are expecting about 80 people will attend each week. A sign-up sheet is available on the table in the Narthex for those who plan to attend and will help provide the meals. Please contact Neal Shotwell at 228-9808 (cell) if you have any questions or need any dinner ideas or assistance. 7 January 18, 2015 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Remembering Chris Sillence Dear Pastor Bastian, I attended Chris Sillence's memorial service at your church this past Saturday. I wanted to let you know how impressed I was with your church. The service was very moving, the music was lovely and I was very touched by how your church embraced and nurtured Chris' family. I'm so glad to know that Kristen and her children have such a warm and loving church family. Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do to help the Sillence family get through this extremely difficult time. God bless. Sincerely, Laura Gonzales 8 January 18, 2015 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Remembering Chris Sillence "The most indispensable ingredient of all good home cooking: love, for those you are cooking for." ~ Sophia Loren There has been a MealTrain set up for the Sillence family for those who are interested in bringing them a meal. Please go to the following web address and pick the date you would like to bring them dinner: If you would like to participate but do not have internet access, please contact Meghan Lyman at 505-489-1992 and I will help you get on the schedule. Thank you! Restocking COJ’s Kitchen Pantry New address? New phone number? Items we need: è 8 oz. cold beverage cups è Pre-sweetened lemonade mix LET US KNOW! 9 January 18, 2015 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Our Church You Can Never Thank People Enough A huge Thank You! to David and Tracy Lizon—for being COJ’s Facilities leader (David) and Financial Secretary (Tracy) Thank you to Pat Shodean, Dianne Hensley, Lynette Trujillos, Neal Shotwell, Donna Doles, Donna Huxtable, Jean Potabi, Jim Shotwell, Zach Shotwell, Ron Tafoya, Doug Hammett-Lair, and Christine Engel—for helping set up, clean up, and manage everything Friday and Saturday for Chris Sillence's memorial service. Douglas Hammett-Lair, Katheryn Josselyn, Anne Kircher—for being COJ’s tech team Jason Engel—for changing the paraments to reflect the Season of Epiphany You Can Help Support COJ’s GOOD SAMARITAN FUND Smith’s Community Rewards Program This is an easy way to provide funds to Community of Joy’s Good Samaritan Fund. We recently received a check in the amount of $20.38 from rewards earned in the last three months. If you are not already a Smith’s Rewards Card member, get a Smith’s rewards card at any Smith’s. Go online and register your rewards card account. Enter the Community of Joy NPO number 37218 on the registration site at the Community Rewards section. Use your Smith’s card every time you shop. It’s as simple as that. SERMON ON THE AMOUNTS Last week’s attendance: 111 Giving for the week of January 11, 2015 comparison (actual versus budget) is pending budget approval at the Annual Congregation meeting on Sunday, February 1, 2015 Thank you for your faithful financial stewardship. Did you know that the Experience Joy! Newsletter is also online? Check Our Website for Current Information 10 January 18, 2015 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Our Church Second Sunday after Epiphany Thanks be to you, Lord Jesus Christ, most merciful redeemer, for the countless blessings and benefits you give. May we know you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, day by day praising you, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. Pastor Michael making the sign of the cross during the Children’s Message on Baptism of Our Lord Sunday Sherri Bathje serving as Reader last Sunday Dick Daisley and Bill Hensley, “Breakfast Buddies” Trula Howe and Kara Robertson singing at the memorial service for Chris SIllence 11 January 18, 2015 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Prayer Page People of Prayer Prayer List Please help us keep this list updated. To add or remove someone from this list, please contact Each week we randomly offer names of people connected to Community of Joy for whom to pray. Ask God to protect them and build them up. Jan. 18th: Trula Howe 19th: Cameron Sillence 20th: Liz Roberts 21st: Dick Daisley 22nd: Nancy Cooley 23rd: David Lizon 24th: Julie Laybourne COJ Family Alexandra & Gail Laird Bill & Jean Potabi Dave & Pat Shodean Elrine Frosch-Loving Fran & Brenda Young Horvat family Jason & Heather Conner Joseph Conner Julian Roberts Laurie Ethier COJ Church Council Julie Evans Bill Hensley David Lizon Jamila Mamuya Cliff Walker Dick Tool—Treasurer Laybourne family Louise Scott Nancy & Star Cooley Pr. Michael Bastian Sherri Bathje Sillence family Stephanie Belmore Suzanne Davis Tarrie Burnett Virginia Wilcox Friends of COJ Adam & Kathryn Dekker Alice Martin Angel Aranda Blake Roberts Brian Raymond & family Butler family Camille Evans Carolyn Lindsey Chris Lizon Darren Gibbs David & Victoria Graston Deven Schei Diane Kelley Diane Selstad Douglas Sciortino Drury family, Jacob & Eli Erik & Eva Goldstrom Family of Judy Williams Family of Sam Butler Gibbs/West family Gina Meyer Greg & Lisa Chevalley Heriberto Gonzalez Hildred Huyssoon Ian Merewether Together in Mission Camino de Vida—Albuquerque Iglesia Cristo Rey—El Paso, TX Safety SFC Karen Beattie [05/26/11] - Ft. Riley, Kansas (cousin of Jackie Anderson) Natan Willson [5/25/14] - Colorado (friend of Linda McCormick) Mike Oldenborg [01/07/13] - Fallon, Nevada (friend of Les & Pat Luehring) Arvid Opry—(son of Rudi & Irma Pallas) Brett Archibald [10/20/13] - Phoenix, Arizona (cousin of Jackie Anderson) Janis Brock Jeff & Debbie Potter Joe Gresson Juarez family Kay Morris Kaylee Schmitt Laura Weyna Leroy Rupp Lois Wimbush Lynne Gibson Marika Hensley Martha Jean Jarvis Mary Holverson Monica Archuleta Muriel Raub Nichole Haase Ray Witt Rosaline Wallace Scott Peterson Sr. Anna Flanagan Ted & Nina Osborn Tim Reed Todd & Summerlyn Vorachek Yvonne & Kim Tracy Every Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m., a group of COJ members pray for people on this list, as well as names we receive from the attendance sheets. 12
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