NOVEMBER 2014 “Celebrating and Sharing the Love of Jesus Christ” Consecration Sunday is November 23! The schedule will be: a.m. Sunday School When9:00 Things Don’t- Go As Planned - Part 2….. 10:00 a.m. Worship “Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come.” Mark 13:33 . 11:15 a.m. - Potluck Luncheon Breathing In and Out “For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.” -Romans 12:4-5 (NRSV) About a week ago, I was reading an article by Bishop Brian Maas of the Nebraska Synod. He wrote about having Exercised Induced Asthma: “For years, I thought the asthmatic attack meant I was getting too little air, and in my pained panic I would always try to breathe in even more deeply. I eventually learned that the problem isn’t getting too little new air in, it’s getting the old air out. Concentrating on exhaling rather than inhaling helps.”1 I eventually learned that the problem isn’t getting too little new air in, it’s getting the old air out. As I thought about that phrase, I began to think about our life together as the Body of Christ. So often the church approaches its shortcomings as though all our problems would be solved if we got more “new air in”—that is to say, if we would just get more new members to come in to us, then there would be more. More people, more money, more volunteers, more ideas, more… more… more.… But what if Bishop Maas’ analogy is right? What if the problem isn’t getting the air—or should I say people—in as much as it is getting the people out? What if the best way to get new people into the church is to get the established members out and into to the world? Nov. 3 - Family Art Night Nov. 7 - Crystal Bridges Trip Nov. 8 - DOT Spot at The Bistro at Seville Nov. 9 - The Holidays and Grief Workshop Nov. 16 - Youth OCCJ Trip Nov. 19 - CFBEO Service Trip Nov. 23 - Consecration Bishop Maas goes on to say, “No human body survives, let alone thrives, without a steady Sunday rhythm of breathing in and breathing out. In the Church, that has to do with a community Dec. 3—Wednesday Advent being gathered in for worship, inspiration and learning, and then sent out to be Christ’s voice, services begin hands and feet in the world.” Dec. 6 - Property Work Day So, I wonder, do we “breath out” as much as we “breath in”? As a community, there is a lot we have done to reach out including opportunities like Trunk or Treat, CROP Walk, Helping Hands Thanksgiving Baskets and Family Art Night that you will read about in this month’s newsletter. Certainly these are important ministries that help us “breath out” into the Continued on next page. Dec. 6-7 - 94th annual Messiah at First Lutheran community. In addition to these, we will explore new ways to reach out to those in need through DHS’ “Adopt-a-worker” program in the coming months (if you are interested in learning more and helping with this new outreach ministry, talk with Martha Lowe). However, one observation I have made as individuals write when and why they came to Joy on the timeline in the fellowship hall (it isn’t too late to do this still!) is the significant number of people who have come to Joy as a result of personal invitations. The truth is this is still the most effective form of reaching out—a personal invitation to come to church. If such an invitation has brought you to a congregation—even if it was just for a visit—you know what I mean. It’s also one of the *seemingly* scariest things to do as a Christian, which is why we will spend some time discussing this topic on November 9th as we begin our fall stewardship emphasis with the theme of “Fearless Living” and the story of the man born blind in John 9. So, if the thought of inviting someone to church causes you shortness of breath, that Sunday is for you. Bishop Maas put it this way, “we’ve forgotten that healthy bodies exhale every bit as much as they inhale. Too often, Church has been a place we go to weekly, not a body we’re a part of daily. We don’t let the Spirit exhale through our congregational and personal lives Monday through Saturday. Our congregations’ breathing becomes imbalanced, we try to breathe in more deeply, we panic and we suffer.” As we continue to imagine new ways of being the Church in our culture, I am convinced that God will ultimately make the Body of Christ vibrant and healthy—because if God could raise Christ to new life, God can raise the Church—the Body of Christ and its members—to new life as well. Indeed, as God breathed life into Adam and Eve, so God continues to breathe life into us and the Church as a whole each day. So let’s fulfill our call to be God’s partners in the world by doing the same—breathing in, breathing out and bearing the breath of the Holy Spirit to all of God’s world. 1 For the full text of Bishop Maas’ article, see: Step in Faith—Capital Campaign "Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness." -Colossians 2:7 (NLT) This verse reminds me of the sturdy oak tree that grows behind the altar here at Joy. No doubt the roots of this tree are deep and strong to withstand over 100 years. I often wonder what stories it would tell of storms it has weathered, changes it has witnessed around it, and people that have sought refuge under or prayed under it. We are in the last months of our formal "Step in Faith" capital campaign. God has granted us so many gifts to build not only on a foundation which now contains new spaces for new ministries and outreach already, but through His Word, love and grace ways we can continue to use our gifts to maintain and spread the "roots" and the foundation of this congregation to grow in mission and ministry toward the future. In thankfulness, we give these gifts to Him! Let's finish strong in our commitments we have made. As of October 30, we have received $263,270.16, toward the Capital Campaign. Thank you for your contributions! As we begin the last three months of the campaign, let’s finish it with a strong push to exceed our $305,000 goal! If you need an update on your total contributions to date, please contact the church office or our Financial Secretary, Ione Allison. Council Corner At the October council meeting, members looked at a draft of the budget. Pr. Nathan asked for people to attend the Bishop’s Summit at Sta. Scholastica on November 21 and 22. Also discussed was meeting with Pr. David Misenheimer to discuss possible next steps following the CAT survey, LED lighting for the sanctuary and offices that would take advantage of PSO rebates, the stewardship emphasis, upcoming events (see the rest of the newsletter for some of them!) and property maintenance items to address. Finance Demonstrate your thankfulness this season Each holiday season, Joy Lutheran Church anticipates and relies on a seasonal increase in contributions. It is through the donations of every individual and family in the congregation that we are able to carry on our work now and throughout the year. If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at and locate the Online Giving button. Finance Committee Meeting The next meeting of the Joy Lutheran Church Finance Committee will be held on Tuesday evening, November 11th at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will focus on 2014 Budget development. Joy Lutheran Church Offering/Contribution Year-End Statements Just an early reminder that all offerings and contributions to Joy Lutheran Church must be received at the church office no later than Wednesday, December 31, 2014 to be recorded on the year-end statements of giving. The statements will be mailed in early January for income tax reporting purposes. Financial Report Following is a financial summary of contributions and expenses for the month of September and a January 1-September 30, 2014 year-to-date summary. Finances for the Month of September 2014 Actual Income Actual Expense Net General Offering $25,915 $21,219 $4,696 Mortgage Reduction $2,970 $4,893 ($1,923) September 2014 Totals $28,885 $26,112 $2,773 Finances Year-To-Date January 1-September 30, 2014 Actual Income Actual Expense Net General Offering $246,164 $200,015 $46,149 Mortgage Reduction $44,367 $44,037 $330 Year-To-Date Totals $290,531 $244,052 $46,479 Ministry of the Month As in years past, we will team up with Ascension Lutheran’s Helping Hands pantry to provide Thanksgiving baskets for clients of Family and Children’s Services. The cost of each basket is $30. Please fill out a bulletin insert and mark on the check “Thanksgiving Baskets”. Children’s Education We had beautiful weather as we filled the grounds with families enjoying games, inflatables, facepainting, food, decorated cars, and lots of candy. Thank you to everybody that volunteered, attended, prayed, and donated towards the event. October's Family Art Night celebrated National Pasta Month and National Pizza Month by creating "pasta pizza color wheels". 31 people participated, most of which were not members of Joy. The next Family Art Night is Monday, November 3 at 6:00 p.m.; it is free for all children in kindergarten through fifth grade and an adult. Youth Group As the youth prepare to attend the National Youth Gathering, they are making a “Road To Detroit Board” next to the mailboxes. This will update the congregation on their financial progress in attending. There will also be envelopes on the board; on each envelope is a number. People are encouraged to take an envelope (or more than one) and put in the amount of money to match the number on the envelope. For example, if you pick envelope #12, you would donate $12; if you pick envelope #184, you would donate $184 dollars. Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO) will meet at Joy on Sunday, November 9 at 1:30 p.m.; all youth are encouraged to attend and invited to lunch at Qdoba at 91st and Yale at noon. Youth will participate in the OCCJ 2014 Operation Understanding Interfaith Youth Tour on Sunday, November 16, 1:30-5:30 p.m. According to OCCJ, “The annual Youth Interfaith Tour of diverse houses of worship – ‘Operation Understanding’ – is an effort to encourage interchange, interaction, and dialogue among individuals of varying faith traditions. The Tour, which is held on a Sunday afternoon in the fall each year, has been enormously popular and successful since its inception in 1981. Operation Understanding brings together middle school and high school students to afford them an opportunity to learn about some of the different religions in Tulsa. No proselytizing is allowed. As the group visits the houses of worship, the clergy will speak to them and answer questions. We hope this experience will help the students understand, appreciate and respect differences in religion. Attendees are not expected to participate in the worship, but are asked to respectfully observe.” 2014 Tour Stops: Temple Israel: 2004 E. 22nd Pl. Fellowship Congregational Church UCC: 2900 S. Harvard Ave. Masjid Al-Salam Mosque: 4630 S. Irvington Ave. Tam-Bao Buddhist Temple: 16933 E. 21st St. Thank you to the youth group for running the Trunk or Treat games! GrandBuddies Needed With more kids in the program than ever before, we need more volunteers. Please sign up at the Welcome Center or see Alicia to volunteer to serve as a GrandBuddy. As part of the year-long program, you will be paired with a child and asked to speak to that child on Sundays, taking an interest in what they are doing in school and church. The commitment is low, but the reward is high. Adult Education Be sure to come and join one of our Sunday morning adult education opportunities! We have three classes going and you can join any of them at any time: · Book discussion: Invitation to Discipleship, by Martin Marty, led by David Humphrey in rooms 105/107 · Bible Study of the Book of John, led by Pastor Norm on the north side of the Fellowship Hall · Video discussion on Biology and Belief: Conversations of Faith and Science, led by Roger Meyer and Pastor Nathan in rooms 106/108 Our midweek lectionary-based Bible study is currently held on Wednesdays at noon. We are looking into finding another time that may work for more people to attend, so please let Pastor Nathan know if you’re interested in attending and have a suggestion for when to meet. Caregivers THE HOLIDAYS AND GRIEF Presented by Ginny Ryan Perkins, LPC Sunday, November 9, 2014 4:00-5:30 p.m. Joy Lutheran Church The holidays are generally associated with great anticipation and joy. But for those who have experienced the death of a loved one, the prospect of the holiday season may be bittersweet. Join us for this free seminar and learn ways to help yourself or others manage the holiday season while grieving. Evangelism & Outreach Nine Joy members raised funds and walked in the 2014 Tulsa Crop Walk. In total, $24,000 was raised for local and world-wide efforts to fight hunger. Fighting hunger has been a key focus of Joy's outreach. We continue ongoing support for the Eastern Oklahoma Food Bank through regular volunteer nights. Joy's hunger outreach aligns with the ELCA World Hunger mission program. The ELCA World Hunger program raised $18.6 million dollars in 2012 to fight hunger in the U.S. and throughout the world. To learn more about what the ELCA is doing to fight hunger, search Google using the keywords ELCA and hunger. Joy's CROP walk team included children and adults. We value the engagement of children, youth and adults working together to enhance our word and deed ministry. Keep world hunger and the 2015 CROP Hunger Walk in your thoughts and prayers because hunger deserves our attention, our time and our financial support. Finally, come join us on November 19 from 6-8:00 p.m. as we serve at the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma. Stewardship November 9th will be the beginning of a three-week emphasis for our congregation called Fearless Generosity. We will challenge ourselves to become more faithful stewards as we explore what it means to practice: • fearless living (Nov. 9); • fearless giving (Nov. 16); and • fearless service (Nov. 23). Each week we will focus on one of these concepts during worship. We hope you will be present each week. On November 23, we will join together to present our commitments of giving for 2015 in support of the ministry and mission to which we are called as Joy Lutheran Church. Thank you to those who donated our new patio furniture and to everyone who came to help assemble it! We know that it will get many years of use! Sandy Gardner “In Her Shoes” The Joy Lutheran Christmas play will be: Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame Sunday November 23, 2014 at 5 p.m. “A Paper Bag Christmas” Featuring Chuck Gardner : Piano, Musical Arrangements Mike Bennett: Trumpet Jim Bates: String Bass Anthony Yohe: Drums Sam Troxel: Special Guest (Chuck’s Union H.S. Piano Student) on Wednesday, December 17 Watch the bulletin and December newsletter for more information. Fellowship Crystal Bridges Day Trip - Fellowship Lutheran’s Vital Aging Ministries is sponsoring a day trip to Crystal Bridges near Bentonville AR., Friday Nov 7. Cost is $50 for singles and $90 per couple, which includes transportation and lunch. There are a few spaces left. See flyer/preregistration forms in narthex or contact Sharon Russ at Fellowship Lutheran 918–492– 3698 or ASAP in order to save a spot—registration ends when the bus is full! DOT Spot - DOT Spot will meet at 5:30 on November 8. We will get together at the Bistro at Seville at 10021 S. Yale. After our dinner, bring your favorite desert to share. We will go over to the church and continue our evening. If you are planning on joining us, contact Shonda Studtmann at 405-501-2088 or to secure your reservation. Everyone is welcome. Potluck Meal Consecration Sunday - We will be having a potluck meal on November 18th at 11:15 following our Consecration Worship service. Contact Tresa Helm ( if you can help with set up and/or clean up that Sunday. Property Work Day is Saturday, November 1 from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Any and all time you can help is greatly appreciated as we plant new trees! The 94th Annual Presentation of Handel’s “Messiah” First Lutheran Church—13th & Utica, Tulsa December 6 & 7, 2014 Volunteers Needed—Do you want to be involved in the Tulsa All Lutheran Messiah? Some additional volunteers are needed for ushers, set-up and tear down. For more information and to volunteer, contact Leon or Donna Boggs at 918-258-5201. Hospitality Nov. 2 - Mike & Kathryn Daniel, Ed Snyder & Ed Snyder II, Nathan & Laura Allen Nov. 9 - Jim & Mary Green, Cindy Rogers, David Money, Mark & Marie Newgard Nov. 16 - Bob & Nancy Young, Lila Martini, Gary & Tedra McCall Nov. 23 - Bill & Sonya Yates, Walt & Joyce Larsen, Craig Prestegord, Mike Curtis Nov. 30 - Dave & Jean Dearhammer, Carol Mangels, Clark & Donna Niss, Clifton & Melissa Cain If you have questions or concerns about your rotation, please contact Ethel Harmon. Small Groups Ministries Women’s A.M. Prayer Group meets the second Wednesday of every month at 10:00 a.m. Stitchers’ Group meets the first and third Wednesday of every month at 9:30 a.m. November Celebrations Birthdays Sara Humphrey Tom Pigg Leslie Heefner Mary Hurst Laura Allen Savannah Essink David Humphrey Connor Tracy Debbie Lovelace Jamie Donohue Charles Gardner Bill Yates 11/1 11/1 11/3 11/4 11/7 11/16 11/18 11/18 11/21 11/29 11/29 11/30 Anniversaries Orval & Viola Meyer Mark & Marie Newgard Read & Debbie Furgerson Malcolm & Judy Tracy Jerry & Barbara Walser Tom & Gerry Russell Mike & Kathryn Daniel Don’t see your celebration here? Contact the church office with the dates of any birthdays and/or anniversaries not included in this listing and they will be included next year. Church Staff: The Rev. Nathan Allen—Pastor Alicia Stephens—Dir. of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries Denise Claybaker—Office Manager Dr. Alice Brook—Interim Dir. of Music Ministries Melissa Ward—Nursery Attendant Church Office Hours: Mon. — Fri. from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Church office phone: 918-299-3292 11/5 11/5 11/10 11/11 11/15 11/26 11/28
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