MIDDLE SCHOOL/ TEAM 4:12 NEWS A Publication of Gretna United Methodist Church—January 2015 Gretna United Methodist Church 11457 South 204th Street P.O. Box 96 Gretna, Nebraska 68028 Sunday Worship 9:30 Worship 10:30 Fellowship Time 10:45 Sunday School Clergy Pastor Janice Japp Home: (402) 691-8787 Pastor Janice’s Cell Phone: (402) 650-0586 E-mail: pastorjanice@gretnaumc.com Church Office: Office Hours Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 8:00 am—4:00 pm Office:(402) 332-3213 Fax: (402) 332-2547 Internet Site: www.gretnaumc.com www.greatplainsumc.org Staff REACH Coordinator: Mary Lou Kane reach@gretnaumc.com Director of Christian Education Anna Kippley education@gretnaumc.com Office Administrator: Amy Jensen office@gretnaumc.com Accompanist: Paul Parker Confirming His Faith in Christ Caleb Spilinek has quite a few friends in GUMC’s Middle School youth group. The 6th, 7th, and 8th grade group is known as Team 4:12, a reference to the Bible passage of 1st Timothy 4:12, Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity (NRSV). Because Caleb values the Team 4:12 experience, he has invited friends from beyond the congregation, like Cole. Then Cole invited his friend Jarod! Team 4:12 has been a place where youth feel comfortable bringing their friends. His parents, Jeff and Renee, moved to Gretna while he was still in preschool; so, this is the only congregation that Caleb remembers. There are quite a few things that Caleb enjoys about his youth group. “I loved helping with some of the mission projects, like making the YES bags.” A few times a month Team 4:12 will have a hands-on mission project of preparing sandwiches and adding in various snack treats for the Youth Emergency Services, to be provided for homeless and at-risk youth. Team 4:12 members are discovering that even just offering a modest effort can make a big difference to someone else. “It doesn’t have to be something big and fantastic [to share God’s love] – it can just help a few people.” Caleb has also found other ways to share God’s love: “I like helping out in Vacation Bible School,” serving as an assistant crew leader. The young VBS participants really look up to the youth as examples of faith. Because Caleb’s dad volunteers as a youth group leader, Jeff sometimes asks Caleb’s opinion about topics that middle school students might find interesting. Caleb finds that the theme of “How to Make Wise Choices” is an ongoing issue, so several times the Sunday or Wednesday discussions address that concern. The conversations are closely ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ related to Bible teachings, so that the youth learn how their faith relates to their daily Thank You! life. The worship committee, along with the children of the congregation, would like to thank Caleb is part Charlie of the Confirmation which meets from November throughgiven April. Brewer and Joeseries, Verbeek for creating the Christmas keepsakes out during Confirmation the haschildren’s a bit more of a serious since the aim is to the provide of sermons during tone, Advent. Charlie provided wood an andoverview the two men the Christian faith. At the conclusion the Confirmation series, those the in the sessions magically created a nativityofscene for each youngster attending sermons during are invited to Advent, “confirm” baptism vows which were made with them. onethe keepsake given each Sunday. In Confirmation, students have some additional responsibilities, like making notes during worship service. Students also select an adult mentor to have conversations with beyond the class. Paul Parker is serving as Caleb’s mentor. For the service project, Caleb will probably choose to do special music for the worship service. Music is a big interest for Caleb both in the congregation and at Gretna Middle School. Caleb is a member of the Joyful Noise handbell choir. At GMS, he really enjoys band class, and he has earned All-State honors for the baritone saxophone! Most important, Caleb is learning how to follow Christ not only at church but also at school. Thank you, Caleb, for inviting others to also learn how to follow. We held our regular Wednesday night meetings and continued with our one page and DVD lessons. We continue our monthly mission of putting together lunch bags for Youth Emergency Services (YES). These bags are handed out to the homeless and at-risk youth of the greater Omaha area. Several of the kids donated an hour of their time on a Saturday to ring bells with the Optimist Club. SENIOR HIGH/ SWAT NEWS SWAT in ACTION: December is full of tradition for the SWAT group. It’s typical to see the kids around the church decorating on one Wednesday night, serving the advent dinner on another Wednesday night and then caroling around town and doing their live nativity. The caroling created many smiles and brightened many people’s days. The youth group in their live nativity was a hit as usual. Thank you to everyone who stopped to listen to the kids sing. Our waffle breakfast was served on the 14th. Thank you to everyone that came! With the proceeds from our calendar sales and breakfast donations, we were able to purchase 12 Christmas gifts from a local angel tree. The kids enjoyed shopping for the gifts and wrapping them. We have some calendars left. Please let us know if you would like a calendar and haven’t had the chance to pick it up. They are $7.00. Roxanne will be happy to make sure that you get it. January events will be: 4th – Sunday school and Confirmation class 7th - pizza for supper and regular activities 11th – Sunday school and Confirmation class 14th – pizza for supper, YES bags and regular activities 18st – serve breakfast, Sunday school and Confirmation class 21st – Bowling at Sempek’s (We need parent drivers) 25th – Sunday school and Confirmation class 28th - pizza for supper and regular activities As always, please feel free to bring a friend or two with you!! We invite all parents to come hang out with your kids and see what we do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MMMMMMM..... WAFFLES!!!! Our Middle School Youth (with the help of Jason Brewer, and Doug Osborn plus other adults) will be preparing and serving BREAKFAST for church family and friends on January 18 The serving line will be open from 8:30am9:15am. EVERYONE is invited! In fact, if you know of a family in your life that could use a nourishing meal and some loving fellowship, INVITE THEM - what a great way to reach out to others in our community. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday School begins!!! Sunday School will begin again for PreK5th, Team 4:12 and SWAT will start again on January 4th. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOOMERS - is a group for those from the "boomer generation". An outing is planned by this group on January 25 at 5pm at the church. We will be watching a movie and having a potluck dinner. The group enjoys lots of laughs, great food, and fun fellowship. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Opportunity! Find Your Ministry Would you like to be involved in something new? All ages are welcome. Leading & Participating If you are interested in being involved in with ministries involving: Puppets Stix (creative movement to songs) Drama Children’s Handbells Praise Band (or if you have an exciting idea) Contact Anna Kippley: (402)332-3213 education@gretnaumc.com CHILDREN’S MINISTRY NEWS Thank you to Jamie We would like to extend a HUGE Thank you to Jamie Hamm for all she has done as the Children’s Ministries Chair Person. Her leadership has been greatly appreciated. She is stepping down from this position. We are excited to have Anna Kippley here to help to coordinate the Children’s Ministries Events. Jamie has been a big help getting Anna acquainted with the current program. Christmas Program “Angels, Lambs, Ladybugs, and Fireflies” were busy blessing us with the news about Jesus birth on Sunday, December 14th at the Christmas Program. As you entered the Church you were escorted though a live portrayal of the Christmas Nativity presented by SWAT. The evening began with 12 excited Preschoolers singing “Go Tell it on the Mountain” (their favorite song), “Away in a Manger” and “Happy Birthday Jesus.” We enjoyed watching the story of Jesus’ unfold from a different perspective, of the lambs and their friends, during the program. The 36 children in Kindergarten – 5th grade recited their parts and showed us that all of God’s creatures rejoiced when Jesus was born that night. Their singing touched our hearts. Cookies and milk and fellowship time were enjoyed after the program. Thank you to: All the children who put their hearts into this program. Their parents who helped them prepare. Anna Vandenberg and Jacy VerMaas for their dedication to the program and making all the pieces fall into place. Holly Campbell & Rhonda Lottman for helping the children lift their voices to share the good news. Lenny Vermaas, Kara Johnson and Whiskers for helping the preschoolers put on a great performance. Deb Owens and Niki Osborn for their help making the kids look the part. SWAT and their leaders for the captivating live nativity. Charlotte VerMaas for setting up the fellowship time. The Sunday School teachers for all their help during the practices. Nathan Ray for making sure the children could be heard. Team 4:12 and Roxanne Wheeler for providing cookies for the kids after rehearsal. UMW NEWS Prayers for Healing Sunday, January 4th at 11:00 a.m. All healing is from God. On Sunday morning, January 4th in the Pastor’s office, we will share a special time for prayer and “laying on of hands” for anyone who desires prayers. Join us following the worship service, about 11:00 a.m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area in his life. ~~Billy Graham Have you remembered GUMC in your estate plan? If you would like a full copy of the monthly Treasurer’s report, please contact Amy in the office. She can email you one or print one out for you to pick up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ e idg aro t ga l in SW C AT R er Silv United Methodist Women is open to all women in the church! Come join us! Pantry Food Item for January Pantry Sunday is January 4th. The food item for January is macaroni & cheese. There is a great shortage of food at the pantry and many are in need. The pantry items will be taken to the U M Food Pantry at Living Hope United Methodist Church, located in Omaha. Bring them to the church and place them in either the grocery cart or the baskets in the entry way in the education wing. UMW Meeting January 8th at 1p.m. Pledge Service Hostesses: Sheri Farrar & Donna Doolittle Mission Project: Midwest Distribution (Patterns) Chair: Donna Doolittle Sarah Circle January 22nd at 7p.m. Program Leader & Hostess: Gaye Kubicek Book: Strong was her Faith Missouri River District Study January 24th at 9am-3pm at Papillion St. Paul UMC Registration at 8:30am Lunch is $7.00 Childcare is available Register by January 18th for lunch and childcare. Bring a sack lunch for the children. Study: “The Church & People with Disabilities: Awareness, accessibility, and Advocacy” Presented by Timothy F. Shaw, JD Chief Executive Officer, Disability Rights Nebraska Contact: Carol Michaels 402-734-0857 or email at carolmich4@msn.com What’s new at GUMC Anna Kippley, our new Director of Christian Education, began her full-time responsibilities on December 8. Anna will be concentrating her efforts in providing leadership for the Children’s Ministry area, for preschoolers through 5th grade. A building Study task force has begun discussing the strengths, challenges, and opportunities associated with our current facility. Our Trustee chair, Jason Brewer, has been leading the discussion. In addition, Dennis Owen, Nicole Hunter, and Shannon Jones are assisting in looking at our needs, as well as soliciting input from members of the congregation. A new women’s Bible study begins in January, entitled The Best Yes. Amy Purintun leads Wednesday morning discussion, and Aprile Snyder coordinates the Tuesday evening conversation. A GriefShare ministry will begin in February. Joan Rogers and Ed Mantler will lead the first series, which will meet Sunday afternoons, February 1 through May 3. Children and youth will resume Sunday School discussions on January 4. GUMC is partnering with Youth Emergency Services in hands-on mission. Several times a month, groups from the church are putting together bags of sandwiches and a few other goodies to offer to youth who are homeless or at-risk. YES distributes the food to the youth who are counseled or receive their services. A workshop on Maximizing your Social Security Benefits will be offered at GUMC on Thursday, January 29. A financial planner will provide the information, which is free and open to the public. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GOT IDEAS? If you have an idea for the next Women’s Ministry event/program please contact Shirley Boyer or Joan Rogers to discuss. ALL WOMEN OF THE CHURCH Please come Thursday, January 22nd, 6:30 PM. The Women Ministry 2015 Event Planning session will be in the church fellowship hall. See you then. HELP WANTED: WINTER SNOW REMOVAL Volunteers are being asked to sign up for a one week period starting on Monday night through Sunday to provide snow shoveling and ice salting for the church sidewalks and a few parking stalls. We want to provide a safe and hazard free entrance into the church for any activities during the week and Worship Service on Sunday morning. The Trustee committee will provide snow shovels and ice melt material which will be located at the church and more detailed information will be posted by the sign up sheet. Any questions concerning this project may be directed to Jason Brewer or any member of the trustees committee. If you sign up for a week that ends up being “snow free”, please consider signing up again. Please sign both name and phone number. Thank you in advance Trustees Committee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THANK YOU!!! Christmas is a special time, a time of joy. A time to pause and give thanks for the blessing we have in you. Epworth Village is about hope and healing, faith and family. Thank you for being such an important part of our family. We appreciate your donation of $377. Please know that your contribution to us this Christmas season is truly a gift. ~Harrietta Reynolds President/CEO Epworth Village, York NE Words cannot describe the gratitude and love we have experienced when we received your gift. We are truly grateful and can’t thank you enough. Because of your gift, we have been able to impact and transform the lives of so many in our community in a very real and tangible way. Keep us lifted in prayer so together we can continually work towards the greater glory of God. ~Pastor Andrew Living Hope UMC Help Wanted -- Volunteer Help Wanted - Volunteer Ushering and Greeting for Worship Services- It’s fun and easy. You just show up a little early before worship, we provide the written directions. (Seasoned ushers and greeters can also answer your questions that day.) Not ready to plunge in alone? Then you can help another group for a few worship services. Just sign up on usher/greeter sheet on the bulletin board outside the church office. If you have any questions, contact Jan Spurgeon at 402-332-3088 or djspurg@cox.net. Warm Clothing needed for the Youth Emergency Services, which currently operates: A Shelter Program that offers a structured home and family-style environment, an Outreach Program that assists street-dependent youth with their immediate needs, A Drop-in Center where street-dependent youth receive positive help and support. The center provides a safe place for youth to receive services such as a hot meal, shower and laundry facilities while collaborating with community organizations to offer a variety of services including legal, medical, education and employment services. There is a great need for clothing (warm clothes now that winter has arrived) for both young men and women that are made available to the youth through the Clothing Closet, located in the Drop-In Center. Possible ideas for donations would be gloves, hats, coats, warm socks, thermal underwear, hand warmers and sweat pants and shirts; all welcome treasures to those that are living homeless on the streets. Place donations in the large blue box in the foyer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bethlehem House: Volunteers wanted to paint a couple of rooms at the Bethlehem House! This is a wonderfully rewarding project with lasting rewards. We plan to paint during the day time hours of either January 6, 7 or 8, 2015. What a refreshing way to start a new year…with fresh new paint and a splash of new color. If you would like to join the fun while serving these young mothers please contact Mary Lou. Volunteers interested in attending a Mission Exploration Outing on Thursday, January 15 from 12:30PM-2PM at The New Hope life Center For Women. New Hope Life Center was created to see individuals receive healing from past pain and failure, establish new paradigms for living, and successfully become able to sustain and grow their own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life throughout all of life. This is accomplished through knowledge, application and experience with the love of God through Jesus Christ, as personalized by His Spirit. Volunteering at the New Hope Life Center for Women may look a little different than you might initially think. We have a variety of opportunities for volunteers to be involved. We have opportunities for groups who want to serve just one time or individuals who want to volunteer for a committed amount of time! If interested in joining us on this Mission Exploration Outing…please contact Mary Lou, REACH Coordinator. Volunteers are needed to assist in getting flyers out into the community regarding Matt Greens Presentation entitled Savvy Social Security Planning: What Baby Boomers Need to Know to Maximize Retirement Income. Matt Green is with Trinity Financial Group and will be conducting a free one hour community wide workshop on Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 6:30PM at Gretna United Methodist Church. Contact Mary Lou, Reach Coordinator. THANK YOU!!! I want to take a moment to say thank you to all who come to help fold the newsletter each month. You are a great help and an wonderful gift!! Also, thank you to Rex Bottger, Joan Rogers, and LaVada Hopkins for coming in each week to fold the bulletins! You three are a great help and joy to have in the office. Thank you so much to you all. ~Amy Thank you for your generous donation of food, personal products, cleaning supplies and monetary donations. All will allow us to provide assistance to those in need in our community. A special Thank you to SallyAnn Willett for delivering to our pantry. ~Gretna Neighbors Thank you for giving to The Jesus Film Project. Your gift has been a great blessing to us, but most importantly to the Kingdom of Christ as The Gospel continues to be preached throughout the entire world to the glory of God. ~Judith Ortiz WEDNESDAYS IN THE WORD -- WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY FOR WOMEN -This is a community wide Bible study that happens at the GRETNA United Methodist Matt Green from Trinity Financial Group Church on Wednesday Mornings. Women will be conducting a free one hour workshop come from all area churches, and you are on Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 6:30PM at invited to join us as well. Gretna United Methodist Church. Savvy Social Security Planning: What Baby Boomers Need to Know to Maximize Retirement Income Matt specializes in helping retirees and those transitioning into retirement reduce tax burdens and increase income. It’s our mission to make sure you enjoy your hardearned retirement using strategies that fit your specific needs. Matt has passed the Series 65 Uniform Investment Advisor Law Exam and is an Investment Advisor Representive with Client One Securities, LLC an Investment Advisor. He has dedicated Trinity Financial Group to helping his clients protect and preserve their assets. Matt and his wife of 15 years, Mindi have seven children, and they are actively involved in their local church. Matt honorably served his country for six years in the United States Marine Corps and now serves on the school board at Nebraska Christian Schools. Next session begins on JANUARY 7th. What time: 9:15 AM to 11:00 AM (coffee is ready at 9AM!) Where: Gretna United Methodist Church Childcare? Yes, we provide childcare for those who request it. Topic: Our next study will be THE BEST YES by Lysa TerKeurst. Here is a paragraph from the back of the book: “Do you find yourself spending a lot of time figuring out when to say yes and when to say no, thinking about how to manage your time, reduce stress, do your best for your family and still find a little time for yourself? Lysa TerKerst found herself in The topics that will be discussed during the that same situation until she learned the presentation are: Will Social Security be power of “the best yes,” the choice that there for me? How much can I expect to shapes all of our other choices. In this sixreceive? When should I apply for Social session video-based study, Lysa uses her Security? How can I maximize my benefits? signature mix of transparency, ScriptureWill Social Security be enough to live on in laced insight, and “been there” humor to retirement? suggest usable strategies for making wise decision day by day.” Matt is donating a Free Financial Analysis to those who attend along with a drawing for Feel free to sign up by contacting Amy a $25 gift card! Purintun either by phone - 402-332-2624 or Make plans now to join us by calling Mary via email at amy@dandaarms.com Lou, Reach Coordinator and reserving your place. If Wednesday mornings don’t work in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ your schedule, there is also a Tuesday evening option meeting from 6PM to 8PM beginning on January 13. Aprile Snyder facilitates the Tuesday evening study, and you can contact her at aprilesnyder@gmail.com Coming Soon!! Grief Share at GUMC Starting February 1st for more information call Joan at 402-332-3991 or e-mail: joanmrogers@hotmail.com COMMUNION OFFERING FOR JANUARY: TOGETHER INC. The Church In Mission Youth Emergency Services Inc. located at 2679 Farnam Street in Omaha is truly turning young lives around and Gretna United Methodist Church is working alongside their efforts. The Mission is clear…To serve and protect homeless and at-risk youth by providing shelter, programs, advocacy and education that promote personal and family development. Currently Y.E.S. operates a Shelter Program that offers a structured home and family-style environment, an Outreach Program that assists street-dependent youth, a Drop-in Center where street-dependent youth receive positive help and support, a Maternity Group Home that provides a home for pregnant and parenting youth as well as a Transitional Living Program that supports homeless youth as they transition to independent living. Many of the youth referred to the program are victims of abuse and neglect. They may be homeless, runaways, wards of the state, and/or under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court system. Gretna UMC is extending a hand after recognizing an opportunity to assist the Street Outreach Program staff that patrols the streets in the Omaha area in search of streetdependent youth who need help. The team carries backpacks loaded with supplies and other resources to provide immediate assistance. All of the Street Outreach services are available free of charge. Twice a month we have committed to making sandwiches that are placed inside of brown paper lunch bags along with a small bag of chips and raisins. These brown paper bags are then delivered to the 2679 Farnam Street location the following day to be dispensed to the youth on the streets by the Street Outreach Staff. Team 4:12 has taken on this monthly labor of love with great enthusiasm along with the generous adults that regularly attend the Seekers Sunday School class. If you would like to assist Youth Emergency Services in their work please contact Mary Lou REACH Coordinator. Donations of Peanut Butter, Jelly, Brown Paper Bags, chips, raisins, and plastic sandwich bags would joyously be accepted!
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