Current Bulletin - Church of the Ascension

Church of the Ascension
Little Mountain Manor
Licensed Care Facility
A Christian home with a beautiful perspective. We are here for you.
Specialists in dementia and complex care. Respite care on emergency
basis is available. Tax deductible. Rates start at $135/day.
Pastor: Fr. Melquiades Bayron
Call for your free consult today: 250-248-4591
Parish Coordinator: Rosemary Blank
Theresa Antolick
Independent Consultants & Fundraisers
866 Temple Street, Parksville
‘Home Cooking
& Tasting Parties’
250-752-SOLD (7653)
TF 800-224-5906
679 Memorial Avenue
Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1T4
Sunday: 8:30am & 10:30am
Tuesday: 9:00am (Nov.-Feb.)
7:00pm (Mar.-Oct.)
Wednesday to Friday: 9:00am
Saturday: 9:00am & 5:00pm
Are you new to our parish?
Please complete the New Member
Web Page:
Kim Lloyd Owner/Operator
• Senior Shuttle • Home Care
• Light Housekeeping
• Paid Companion • Respite
This space
available for
Lord, make me
know your ways.
You can make a difference–
a lasting difference!
Catholic Foundation
of Vancouver Island
or call 250-752-0498
Mobile Service Available
Franco & Camela Bavaro
PO Box 1840 #2-139 Hirst Ave., Parksville V9P 2H6
Ph 250-248-1010 Fax 250-951-0166
Here I am,
Lord; I come
to do your will.
Monday to Friday
9:30am to 2:30pm
(Closed 12:30 to 1:00pm)
Telephone: 250-248-3747
887 Wembley Road, Parksville B.C. V9P 2E6
KBK - Kare by Kim
Caring for the Community
Office Hours:
This space
available for
Holy Hour, Tuesdays to 7:00pm; Rosary: 8:30am (Nov.-Feb.)/6:30pm (Balance of Year)
BAPTISM INQUIRIES: Please contact the Baptism Team or the parish office
All submissions should be in writing no later than noon on Wednesday
Please contact the Pastor or Funeral Coordinator
By appointment with the pastor; Contact parish office six months before the intended marriage date
By appointment or Saturday, 4:15-4:45pm; Tuesday-Thursday, 9:30-10:00am; Friday, 10:00-10:30am
Schedule subject to change.
Please notify the parish office when hospitalized
Adoration... Judy Patience-Ethier, 250-752-2030
Adult Faith Education... Rose Marie Hague, 250-752-1415
Baptism Team… Penny Cowan, 250-594-7497
Basic Communities... Tess Cormack, 250-752-8576
Bible Study… Terry Nishimura, 250-468-9202
Bldg & Maintenance Com… 250-248-3747
C. W. L… Nancy Horsfield, 250-248-8869
Cenacle Rosary... Italo Raviglione, 250-248-5993
Children’s Liturgy… Jackie Shaddick, 250-248-1921
Children’s Rel Ed… Laura Gaetz, 250-248-3747
Extraordinary Minister... Julia Murrell, 250-738-0614
Flowers... Mary Sheil, 250-951-2154
Funerals... V. Cyr, 250-468-5529, C. Low, 250-594-5153
Greeters & Ushers... Ray Marsh, 250-752-9228
Knights of Columbus… Peter Horsfield, 250-248-8869
Lectors… Vida Cunniffe, 250-954-3816
Library Committee... Duane Quily, 250-752-6660
Liturgy Committee... Jackie Shaddick, 250-248-1921
Ministry for the Sick… Margo Pearson, 250-594-7469
New Comers… Dorothy Engelbrecht, 250-248-6448
Pastoral Council Chair… Ron Boag, 250-927-1584
Pro Life… Gerry Taylor, 250-752-8179
R.C.I.A... Terry Nishimura 250-468-9202
Social Justice… Malcolm Goff, 250-752-2437
Treasurer… David Walter, 250-954-0669
Youth Coordinator…Trisha Morrison, 250-248-3747
S econd S und ay in O rd in a r y Time, Ja n . 18th, 201 5
Knights of Columbus
New Island Living Discount Books now available.
Please contact Ray Misanchuk (250-752-8950) or Tony
Antoniuk (250-752-9152) or Wayne Latremouille (250-586-4495).
Next Executive Meeting: Thursday, February 19th, 7:30pm, in St.
Luke’s Room
Saturday, Jan. 17th, St. Anthony, Abbot:
9:00 am Mass — Soul of Frances Carey †
Requested by Charlotte & Gerald Herkel
4:00 pm Choir Practice ♫~ Parish Hall, Cathy Clark / Organist
4:15 pm — 4:45pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
5:00 pm Mass — Intentions of the Parishioners
6:00 pm Feast of Santo Nino
...Novena & Procession
...Pot Luck Reception ~ Parish Hall
Sunday, Jan. 18th, Second Sunday in Ordinary Time:
...Please note — There is no Coffee & Fellowship today, see below
8:30 am Mass — Intentions of Beverley Garton
Requsted by the Parish
10:30 am Mass — Intentions of Pat MacNeil
Requested by Nancy & Peter Horsfield
11:30 am Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Breakfast Meeting ~ Parish Hall
Monday, Jan. 19th, Weekday:
6:30 pm Children’s Religious Education
6:30 pm Youth Ministry — Camp Homewood Discussion
Tuesday, Jan. 20th, Weekday:
9:00 am Mass — Soul of Catherine Porier †
Requested by Ken & Maureen Dawson
9:30 am to 7:00pm — Adoration
6:30 pm Rosary
7:00 pm Parish Pastoral Council Meeting ~ St. Luke’s Room
Wednesday, Jan. 21st, St. Agnes, Virgin, Martyr:
9:00 am Mass — Soul of John Gerein †
Requested by Jan Gerein
9:45 am Bible Study — Acts of the Apostles ~ St. Matthew’s Room
10:00 am Bible Study — Letter of St. James ~ Parish Hall
Thursday, Jan. 22nd, Weekday:
9:00 am Mass — Soul of Patrick Keane †
9:30 am CWL Executive Meeting ~ St. Luke’s Room
6:00 pm Finance Meeting ~ St. Matthew’s Room
6:30 pm Knights of Columbus 1st Degree Meeting ~ Parish Hall
Friday, Jan. 23rd, Weekday:
9:00 am Mass — Intentions of Sandy Sanderson
Requested by Anna Henrich
9:30 am Benediction, Exposition & Divine Mercy Devotion
10:00 am Sunday Scripture Study ~ St. Matthew’s Room
Saturday, Jan. 24th, St. Francis De Sales, Bishop:
9:00 am Mass — Souls of Robert Garies & Shari Garies †
Requested by the Garies Family
10:00 am CWL Diocesan Reflection Day ~ Parish Hall
4:00 pm Choir Practice ♫~ Parish Hall, Cathy Clark / Organist
4:15 pm — 4:45pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
5:00 pm Mass — Souls of John Baptists & Piety Miranda †
Requested by Joanita Fernandes
Sunday, Jan. 25th, Third Sunday in Ordinary Time:
8:30 am Mass — Intentions of the Parishioners
10:30 am Mass — Intentions of Len & Judy Ethier’s Anniversary
Requested by Ollie & Vincent Willden
...Sunday Missals: 2014 / 2015 Living With Christ — $3.00 each;
available at the back of the Church.
...Catholic Missions In Canada: 2015 Calendars are available
at the back of the church; compliments of Yates Funeral Home.
Dear Parishioners,
The gospel this Sunday (John 1:35-42) invites us to clarify our
own intentions and dispositions in following the Lord. What is it
that we are looking for? Often we are disappointed because we
expect to be problem-free or trouble-free after following the
Lord. We painfully realize that in becoming disciples, we have to
deny ourselves often and carry our cross daily.
The gospel challenges us to “come and see” Jesus. Let us discover for ourselves what is it that somehow convinced the first
disciples of the Lordship of Jesus. To do this, we need to stay
with the Lord and to walk in His ways. May God bless you always!
Next General Meeting: Feb. 5th, 7:30pm, Parish Hall
Valentine’s Dinner & Dance: February 14th. Save
this date! More information to follow.
The Knight’s Choir is scheduled to
sing on the first Saturday, 5:00PM
Mass and first Sunday, 8:30AM Mass of
James session takes place on Wednesdays, at
10:00am, in the parish hall. We’ve ordered a few
extra copies of the study guide, so if you’re interested in joining us in this very worthwhile aid to reading,
understanding, and praying this part of Scripture,
we’ll see you on Wednesday. Questions? Please
call Terry, 250-468-9202.
...Terry Nishimura, Bible Study Coordinator
...Thank You: For your kindness and prayers. They were and are
truly appreciated. Thank you. ...Mike Hanlon
...Volunteer Sacristan Needed: Sundays, 10:30am Mass —
Effective January 31st, Martin Shaddick will be stepping aside from his
duties as our Sacristan on Sunday mornings. His time and commitment
have been truly appreciated. We will miss him. If you are available to
assist in this very worthy ministry, please see Fr. Melquiades Bayron.
Thank you.
rayer List :
...Please pray for Claudette Adamek, Lou
Biggeman, John & Lisa Boag, Kay Boag,
Pat Brown, Beverley Carpenter, Mate Colak, Teresa D’Cruz, Jean
Digras, Maria Gregoire, Bert Grindley, Mike Hanlon, Tony Jenkins,
Alice Kehoe, Sean Leahy, Norma Lee, Raymonde Lortie, Kelly
Low, Myrhonda, Erikka Nishimura, Terry Nishimura, Yvette
Receveur, Scott Tanner, Shelia Tourond, Bill Van Horne, Fred
Weidlick, Willie Young, and a Special Prayer Intention for the
Reverence for Life. May we defend it and promote it from
conception to its natural end.
Jan. 22nd: 9:30am, Executive Meeting, St. Luke’s Room
Jan. 24th: Diocesan Day of Reflection — 9:00am to
3:00pm; Mass followed by retreat in the Parish Hall — led by
Fr. Mel, Spiritual Director and Kathy Fadum, Diocesan
Spiritual Director.
Our new Newsletter is available on our webpage, as well as
our monthly General Meeting minutes.
“The child Jesus, born in Bethlehem, every child who is born
and grows up in every part of our world, is a diagnostic sign
indicating the state of health of our families, our communities,
our nation. And we have to ask ourselves: Who are we, as we
stand before the Child Jesus? Who are we, standing as we
stand before today’s children? ...Pope Francis
...Sandi Digras, Communication Chair
...Sunday, January 18th: — Fellow Parishioners, due to the
...Bible Study: Our study of the Letter of St.
PRAYER REFLECTION: Don’t ever try to argue with the Devil. He’s better at arguing
than you are, having had thousands of years to practice. Satan is an acute theologian. (Luke 4:1-30; 1 Corinthians 10:136) ...Carol Low, C.W.L. Spiritual Chair
Mark you calendar for upcoming meetings and dates:
each month.
For those interested in joining the Knights of Columbus, please contact Wayne Sapieha (250-586-7480) or Al Walsh (250-738-0319).
...Jack Chambers, Knight in the First Order
Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Meeting and Brunch, the Jan. 18th
Coffee & Fellowship is Cancelled . We will return to our regular parish
Coffee & Fellowship on Sunday, Jan. 25th. Thank you for your understanding.
Catholic Women’s League
…Island Catholic Schools: Invites applications for a Special
Education Assistant, Level 1 — at St. Patrick’s School in Victoria.
Please see for more
information and application forms and procedures.
...Mary Carmichael, Ex. Assist. To the Superintendent of Schools
…You Are Invited! The Diocese of Victoria celebrates the Ordina-
tion of Deacon Harrison Ayre to the Priesthood on Saturday, February 7th,
at 10:00am, at the Cathedral & all are invited. A noon reception will follow
at St. Andrew’s Elementary School Gym.
…Liturgy Committee Members: Our planning meeting for the
2015 Lenten and Easter season will be held on Thursday, Jan. 29th, at
10:00am, in St. Matthew’s Room. Please contact Jackie if you can’t attend. (250-248-1921) Thank you.
...Jackie Shaddick, Liturgical Coordinator
…Manna Is In Need: Of a single bed ensemble; donation if possible — Please contact Pinky, at 250-954-0052. Thank you.
…Youth Ministry: CAMP HOMEWOOD 2015 — Diocesan Youth
Retreat for youth in grades 7—12, January 30th to February 1st. This
year’s theme ~ You Are a Chosen Generation, 1 Peter 2:9. Ken Yasinski and the Face 2 Face Team will be the Retreat Leaders. Registration
forms are available every Monday night, 6:30 –7:45pm in the Youth Ministry Room or during regular office hours in the parish office. For more information, please contact Trisha Morrison, Coordinator for Parish Youth
Faith Formation or Rosemary Blank in the parish office. Thank you.
...Youth Ministry Team
Jan. 16th, 2015: Year To Date Sunday Revenue:
Average Weekly Envelope Donation: $3,834.20
Average Weekly Loose Donation: $430.64
Average Number of Weekly Envelope Users: 201
Jan. 16th, 2015 Year To Date Revenue & Expense:
Average Monthly Expense: $8,933.00
Average Monthly Sunday Revenue: $10,903.00
CWL Membership dues must be paid by Jan. 15th, 2015
…Liturgical Ministries: Have you felt called to become a
Lector, or an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist? You are most
welcome to join our present ministers at our day of reflection on
Jan. 31st., 10:00am. For more information, please call Vida Cunniffe, 250-954-3816 or Julia Murrell, 250-738-0614.
…Bursaries for Graduating Students: The Catholic
Health Association of BC will be awarding two bursaries valued at
$250.00 each to two 2015 graduating students enrolled in a Catholic secondary school, or who are members of a BC or Yukon parish
and enrolled in a public secondary school or are home-schooled.
Students are asked to submit a 500 word essay that demonstrates
an awareness and understanding of the significance of Spirituality
in Health Care. Submissions must be received on or before Feb.
28th, 2015. For further details, please check the C.H.A.B.C. website: under upcoming events.
…Social Justice: Happy New Year to all and I hope you a
peace filled Christmas time. Please mark your calendars now for
our Saturday, Jan. 31st, Diocesan D & P winter meeting, from
9:30am to 3:30pm. It will be held in Nanaimo, at Trinity Catholic
Church, 6234 Spartan Road. Katrina Laquian, our replacement
animator, will lead us in the Share Lent workshop in the morning.
Please bring a bag lunch. Refreshments will be provided for the
morning break. It would be wonderful if at least one person from
each parish could attend. Looking forward to seeing you there.
...Nancy Stuart, Diocesan D & P Communications Coordinator
…Qualicum Beach: Retirees lose everything in Dec. 10th
mudslide — Noel Stephen and Judith Munkholm’s are still recovering from an ‘act of God’. Firefighters had to use chainsaws to
free Noel Stephen, who was trapped in his home that was partially
buried in a mudslide. Fundraising efforts continue. Through the
efforts of The Village Administration online funding, gofundme, it
has raised $8,785.00 to date towards the original goal of $10,000.
Cash donations can be made by going to a Royal Bank branch and
deposit the contribution to “In Trust — personal tragedy account for
Noel Stephen and Judith Munkholm — Qualicum Beach” or on line
contributions via a GoFundMe campaign. Or to donate services or
products contact Elaine Peligren at (888)488-7099;; Annie Donald at (250)752-6278 or Candice Pady at
(250)228-2707; or by email at: