The Prince Albert Panther Post June 26, 2014

The Prince Albert Panther Post
June 26, 2014
13700 Old Simcoe Road, Prince Albert, Ontario L9L 1C3
Durham District School Board Website:
Prince Albert Public School Website:
In this issue:
Principal's Message
Page 2
~ Next Year’s Staff
The very best schools are those which have a lots of parent involvement. We
are very fortunate here at Prince Albert to have a great number of dedicated and energetic parents and guardians who generously share their time and expertise. Your
commitment to working with us in a wide variety of ways demonstrates the importance we all place on the home and school connection. We greatly appreciate all
that our volunteers and families do for the students at Prince Albert Public School.
Page 3
~ Photo Gallery
Page 4
~ Transportation Info
Page 5
~ School Calendar
Page 6
~ Dates to Remember
The school community
of Prince Albert Public
School is dedicated to
providing a safe, diverse learning environment which fosters
responsibility, respect
and a lifelong love of
Today, along with your child’s report card, you will receive notification of your
child’s teacher and room number for next year according to the current plan. We
know that many children spend the summer anxious about the upcoming school year
arrangements, so we thought we would try letting everyone know the plans now. We
expect that most of our classes will be straight grades, with the exception of Kindergarten and Grade 5. Please remember
that class arrangements are tentative and
Congratula ons...
subject to change right up to the end of
To all our Prince Albert Panthers September depending on enrollment and
staffing. As always, if you have questions
Have a safe and happy summer! or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me.
From the en re PAPS Team There will be a few staff changes for
September. As you already know, Mrs.
Hunter is retiring, and Mrs. Watts and Mrs. Harrington are leaving Prince Albert. We
are also very sad to say goodbye to Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Mackenzie, two members of
our E.A. team. They have been reassigned to other schools. We wish each of our
departing staff members all the very best in their futures.
In September, we will welcome three new teachers to our staff. Mrs. Stacey
Depooter who will be teaching our Grade 1 class comes to us from Nottingham PS in
Ajax. Mrs. Valerie Anderson, our new Grade 3 teacher, is currently teaching at Stephen Saywell PS in Oshawa. We are delighted to welcome both these enthusiastic
and experienced teachers to our team! There is one more part-time position to fill
before September.
We want to wish you happy healthy summer holiday. Please remember to
read with your children over the summer. Involve them in real life activities that
cause them to use the skills they learn in school. Helping to create the grocery list,
writing notes to friends and family, counting out change – these are all activities that
reinforce the academic skills they learn in school.
Don’t forget we will be “clapping out” our Grade 8 grads tomorrow afternoon
at about 3:20 p.m.. We look forward to working with you in September. Have a safe
and happy summer!
J. Foster
1 Staffing for 2014-15
We are pleased to share our tentative plan for the next
school year. The plan is based on projected student
numbers and anticipated staffing. Some changes may
occur due to funding and enrolment changes over the
remember to sign
and return page 3 of your
child’s report card.
is a regular dismissal time of 3:35 p.m. on
Friday, June 27.
Kindergarten (FDK) Mrs. T. Frew
Mrs. K. Tessier
Grade 1
Mrs. S. Depooter
Grade 2
Mrs. J. Pinkowski
Grade 3
Mrs. V. Anderson
Grade 4/5
Mr. T. McMillan
Grade 5/6
Mrs. Dekker
Grade 7
Mrs. A. Neufeld
Grade 8
Mr. R. Scott
Resource Room
Mrs. F. Lavender
Mrs. V. Morwood
Thank you!
To Mrs. Hunter. What can we say?
You have meant so much to our school
and community over the past twelveand-a-half years. Your patience, generousity and kindness are limitless and
we have all benefitted from your care
and consummate professionalism. As
the song says, “Because we knew you,
we have been changed for good.” We
wish you all the very best in your retirement!
To Mrs. Watts and Mrs. Harrington.
You have both had a lasting impact on
our school and especially our students. Thank you for your wise guidance as members of our School Improvement Team and the many extras
you offered to our school. You will be
To Mrs. Gray and Mrs. MacKenzie.
Thank you for all you have done for
our students and our school community. Good luck in your new schools!
Mrs. M. Marlow
Mrs. D. Vert
Mr. R. Dicrescenzo
Ms. Jennifer Horwood
Mrs. N. Illahi
Educational Assistants
Mrs. C. Robinson
Mrs. D. Jeffrey
Mrs. P. Piercey (O.5 )
Goodbye and good luck !
Mrs. D. Bauer
Mrs. Hunter
Mr. R. Blonge
Mrs. Watts
Mr. J. Forcier
Mrs. Harrington
Ms. J. Foster
Mrs. Gray
Mrs. MacKenzie
We wish you all the very best!
2 Photo Gallery
3 4 2014‐2015 School Calendar
Advertising Opportunity
For Businesses
Advertising available!
The Prince Albert PS SCC will once again offer a school calendar as a fundraiser for our school. Similar to this year’s calendar, the 2014‐2015 calendars will display advertising from local businesses and feature pertinent school information such as school holidays, key school program dates, contact information, plus much more. We are looking for Businesses who would like advertise in our calendar. This is an excellent opportunity to gain exposure of your business within our community and help our school at the same time. For only $40... You gain prominent exposure
to the families and community of Prince Albert and surrounding areas!
The cost to advertise in the 2014‐2015 calendar is $40.00 and this will provide a business card size ad space in one month of the calendar. Please note the calendar will be printed in black and white and requests for a specific month are not guaranteed and will be assigned on a first come first serve basis.
Act now… deadline for advertising submissions is Fri. July 4!
If you would be interested in advertising in our calendar (or know of any business that would be interested), please send the Business Card along with a cheque for $40.00 payable to Prince Albert Public School before Friday, July 4, 2014.
For more information please contact the school directly or
Prince Albert PS SCC
5 Dates to Remember:
School Hours for 2014-2015
June 27
Last day of school
Staff/parents vs student Baseball
Clap-out—3:20 p.m.
Aug. 28
P.A. Day
Aug. 29
School closed
Sept. 1
Labour Day holiday
Sept. 2
First day of School
Early dismissal—2:35 p.m.
Sept. 9
Craig Kielburger presentation to
Gr. 7 & 8s
Sept. 16
SCC Meeting—6:30 p.m. Library
Sept. 18
Curriculum Night Barbeque
Sept. 25
School Photos
Sept. 29
QSP Magazine sale Kick-off
assembly—2:30 p.m.
Oct. 7
SCC Meeting—elections! 6:30 p.m.
Oct. 13
Thanksgiving holiday
10:30 -10:45
2:25 - 2:35
First bell
Instructional time begins
First Bell
Instruction time begins
Please consider joining our Prince Albert School Community Council (SCC). We
meet once a month to discuss a wide range of
school projects and plans. Please join us for
the last meeting of the 2013-14 SCC on Tuesday, September 16 at 6:30 p.m. At that meeting, we will begin the process of establishing
the 2014-15 SCC. Nomination forms are
available in the office or at the SCC Information Board in the school lobby. For more
information, contact the school office.
If you are moving over the summer, please give our office a phone
call to let us know. This will assist us with planning for the correct
number of students for the Fall.
In addition, we would be pleased to assist with the transition to
your new school community.
Contact Information
Area Trustee:
Area Superintendent:
Administrative Officer:
Carolyn Morton
Anne Marie Laginski
Greg Island
(905) 666 - 5500
(905) 666-5500
(905) 666 - 5500
6 Laginski_Anne Marie