HOLY NAME CHURCH God’s family serving others 500 n. Julian street Ebensburg, pa 15931 (814) 472-7244 814-472-7249 (Fax) Email: holynameebg@verizon.net Website: www.holynameebg.org Haiti website: www.kindredjourney.org Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM—4:00 PM CLOSED 12:00-12:30 JANUARY 18, 2015 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00 PM Sunday Masses: 8:00, 10:00 and 11:30 AM Daily Mass: Monday thru Friday 6:30 AM Monday thru Saturday 8:00 AM Holy Day of Obligation: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM (when school in session) Noon & 7:00 PM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Wednesdays 8:30 AM & 6:30 PM Saturdays Noon & 3:15 PM ADORATION: Tuesdays 8:30 to 10:00 AM First Friday (Nocturnal Adoration) 7:00 PM—8:00 PM BULLETIN DEADLINE: MONDAYS AT NOON PARISH STAFF: Msgr. David A. Lockard, Pastor Rev. Brian Warchola, Parochial Vicar Sr. Margie McGuire, CCW, Evangelization Coordinator Office 472-8315; Home 472-9457 Mrs. Lori Bender, Parish Secretary 472-7244 ext. 101 Mrs. Robin McMullen, School Principal 472-8817 Mrs. Diane Bopp, Elementary CCD Director 472-2357 Mrs. Nancy McCulley, Jr.-Sr. High School CCD Director & APEX Youth Ministry 241-7809 Monday, January 19 - Weekday 6:30 AM Robert Serotkin (MM Joseph Smith) 8:00 AM Mary Frances DeJohn (MM Barry Zaffuto) MASSES TO BE OFFERED BY FRANCISCAN FATHERS, LORETTO PA Tuesday, January 20 - Weekday (Sts. Fabian & Sebastian) Poor Souls in Purgatory (Judy Monahan) Frances Bubenko (MM Harry Kutchman) 6:30 AM Intention of Joanne Becker (Husband) Elizabeth Lockard (Ellen DeYulis) 8:00 AM Bill Brolley (Jim & Steph Kilcoyne) Living & Deceased Members C D of A Ct. 680 Angela Damin (MM Pat Dumm) Wednesday, January 21 - St. Agnes Nancy Stupic (MM Ronald Jacobs) 6:30 AM Gerald Hoover (MM Jim Snair) Marcia Springer (Amy Solomon) 8:00 AM Annie DeGretto-Anniv. (Deborah & Mike) 10:00 AM (at CCC) Forgotten Souls in Purgatory Thursday, January 22 - Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children 6:30 AM Steve Descavish (MM John Croyle) 8:00 AM Kevin Long (Family) Friday, January 23 - Weekday (Sts. Vincent & Marianne Cope) 6:30 AM Bruce Berzonsky-Anniv. (MM Ernest Masci) 8:00 AM Jim Clark (Wife & Family) Saturday, January 24 - St. Francis de Sales 8:00 AM Francis Poeta (Nancy Way) 4:00 PM Phyllis M. McGough (Marjorie) Sunday, January 25 - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 AM Richard Maderia (Steve McAneny) 10:00 AM Living Members of Holy Name Parish 11:30 AM Tim Bailey-Anniv. (Gretchen, Brianna & Timmy) READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25 — 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk 3:7-12, or any of a number of readings for the Day of Prayer Friday: Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8, 10-14; Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Mk 3:20-21 Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 LITURGICAL MINISTERS 1/25 PRESENTATION OF GIFTS 4:00 PM MM Ray Lucas 8:00 AM MM Mike Smith 10:00 AM Holy Name Students 11:30 AM MM Ralph Harvey EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 4:00 PM Band 1 8:00 AM Band 1 10:00 AM Band 1 11:30 AM Band 1 USHERS 4:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM LECTORS Sr. Margie Maureen Long Ashley Wilt Pat Serotkin Team 1 Team 3 Team 1 Team 1 ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE 1/19 - 1/25 8:00 AM (Mon & Tues) A. Boyles, E. Lubert 8:00 AM (Wed & Thurs) D. Menie, T. Motchenbaugh 8:00 AM (Fri) P. McAndrew, K. Koenig 8:00 AM (Sat) A. Bailey, A. Semelsberger 4:00 PM (Sat) T. Tarwater, E. Kamiel, A. Way 8:00 AM (Sun) J. Burkhart, V. Micco 10:00 AM (Sun) C. Ratchford, I. & A. Bonini 11:30 AM (Sun) A. Ratchford, A. Persio, L. Tsikalas MORNING PRAYER 7:45 Monday through Saturday Mon. 5:00 PM Women’s Choir Rehearsal Tues. 8:30-10:00AM Public Adoration 1:30 PM St. Vincent DePaul Soc. Mtg. 5:00 PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal Wed. 8:30 AM & 6:30 PM Confessions 8:30 AM Share the Word 6:00 PM Rosary for the Unborn 7:30 PM Men’s Choir Rehearsal Sat. 8:00AM-10:00AM Sophomore Confirmation Session 11:00AM-1:00PM Junior Confirmation Session 2:00PM-5:00PM Freshman Confirmation Session w/Mass and Rite of Blessing Noon & 3:15 PM Confessions 4:00 PM Evening Mass Sun. Masses: 8:00AM, 10:00AM, 11:30AM 9:45-11:15AM H.S. CCD for grades 7th & 8th ONLY As we announced last weekend, Bishop Bartchak has ordered that the Communion Cup with the Lord’s Precious Blood be suspended until after the flu season. This is a prudent precaution. But germs can be transmitted in other ways than that. Please keep in mind that it is not a sin to stay home from Mass if you are sick! Nor is it a sin to stay home if your immune system is weak. Our parish will bring Holy Communion to you if you are ill for a time. Also the weather can compromise our health. Last weekend three parishioners suffered broken hips. If you are elderly it is not a sin to miss Mass because of icy conditions. Please be safe. CHURCH LENDING LIBRARY: MISSING ITEMS We are happy the Church Lending Library gets heavy use by families and individuals. Can you help locate a few items which were borrowed and not returned? Catholicism: 5 DVD set by Fr. Robert Barron; Creating Sabbath Space: 3 DVD set by Fr. Ron Rolheiser; DVD: King David; and one book, the September Volume of Butler’s Lives of the Saints. Please search your shelves at home for these important Church Library items. FESTIVAL NOODLE MAKING DATES Volunteers are needed for noodle making for the following Wednesdays: February 25, March 4, 18 & 25 & April 15 at 8:30AM in the church hall. Early bird helpers welcome after 7:00 AM. No experience is needed. Come for all or part of the day. Free lunch. Noodles bagged at 8:30 AM on Fridays. PASTORAL COUNCIL NEWS There will be four vacancies on our parish Pastoral Council in March, so it is time for elections! Two of those four vacancies are in our youngest age group, 18-35 year olds: Two other vacancies are in our oldest age group, ages 55 and up. Thirteen people were nominated for the 18-35 group, but only two accepted: Ronald Rhoades II, and Kristen Sossong. Therefore, there is no need to hold an election for this age group. Congratulations to Ronald and Kristen. Your 3 year terms begin this March. Twenty people were nominated for the 55+ group and seven accepted, so we will hold an election at the Masses the weekend of January 24-25, 2015 to choose two new members, one man and one woman, for three year terms. The nominees and a short bio of each appear below: CHARLES (CHUCK) BISHOP Married to Julianne Ferretti 1 daughter Retired from Ebensburg Center, Food Service Supervisor Former Assistant Girls’ Basketball Coach, Holy Name School Knights of Columbus Festival Fish Fry KATHLEEN (FELIX ) DOMONKOS Married to Richard Domonkos 1 son, 2 daughters Circulation Manager, St. Francis University Library Member of Women’s Choir 4:00PM Mass Choir Eucharistic Minister Dining Room Committee/Festival Volunteer KAREN (WILD ) HURTACK Married to James Hurtack 1 son, 1 daughter Registered Nurse Director, Shaklee Corporation Retired from Conemaugh Medical Center Former Chairperson Dining Room/Festival Committee Bishop Carroll Alumni VINCENT LAMANTIA Married to Delores MacBlane 1 son, 1 daughter Retired, Former Shop & Save Owner Usher Knights of Columbus DEBORAH (GORNEY) MECKEY Married to Kenneth Meckey Jr. 1 son, 1 daughter Retired Teacher/Principal Eucharistic Minister Church Cleaning Committee Festival Kitchen Worker Gabriel Project Volunteer PATRICIA (FUNYAK) SHRIFT Married to Peter Shrift 2 sons, 2 daughters Retired Eucharistic Minister Festival Chairman/Apple Dumpling Ice Cream Booth Officer of the Women of the Moose Employee Wellness Committee at St. Francis University ANTHONY SOSSONG Widowed 5 sons Retired Coal Executive Lector Festival Worker/former Chair University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Advisory Board VP, Conemaugh Health Foundation Board of Directors VP, Progress Fund Board of Directors Eureka Coal Heritage Foundation, Windber, Board of Directors Building Chairman, Arcadia Theater & Coal Heritage Center Registered Professional Engineer & Surveyor FINANCIAL STATEMENTS TO PARISHIONERS The week of January 19th, letters will be mailed to the parishioners of Holy Name indicating financial donations to church for the calendar year 2014. Any errors found on one’s financial statement should be reported to the parish secretary immediately. A word of profound prayerful gratitude for the outstanding generosity of the vast majority of parishioners of Holy Name. MARCH FOR LIFE—JANUARY 22, 2015 Holy Name Parish and Immaculate Conception Parish, New Germany will be sponsoring a bus to the March for Life in Washington D.C. on Thursday, January 22, 2015. March for Life 2015 marks the 42nd year of legalized abortion in our country, and the procedure has cost the lives of over 56 million fellow citizens. “Since the first century, the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable.” - Catechism of the Catholic Church We encourage all people of our parish who are physically able to consider attending the March for Life to pray and witness to the Right to Life for all, as we are all God’s children, created by Him, made in His image. The bus will be leaving from New Germany between 7:00-7:15 AM and returning that night around 10:00PM. For more information or to reserve a seat, please call Ann Poole at 472-8584. YELLOW RIBBON CAMPAIGN - THANK YOU The Holy Name Pro-Life Council and the Citizens Concerned for Human Life, Cambria/Somerset Chapter, thank all who participated in and contributed to the “Support Life-Yellow Ribbon Campaign.” A total of $629.97 was generously donated. These funds will be used to educate others about the value and dignity of every individual person, from conception until natural death and will also help support the March for Life in Washington, D.C. Before I formed you in my womb, I knew you. - Jer 1:5 At the origin of every human life there is not something haphazard or chance, but a loving plan of God. ~Pope Benedict XVI Confirmation News There will be a Confirmation Session held for the 9th, 10th and 11th Grade Confirmation Candidates on Saturday, January 24th. The Confirmation times for each grade are as follows: 10th Grade – 8 a.m. – 10 a.m.; 11th Grade 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 9th Grade 2 pm. to 5 pm. 9th Grade Confirmation Session includes Mass at 4 p.m. and the Rite of Blessing. 9th Grade parents are asked to attend this Mass as part of the Rite of Blessing. If any candidate cannot make this session it will be up to the candidate to check the diocesan website for a session at another parish they can attend. If you have any questions please call Nancy at 2417809. 7th – 11th Grade CCD News: This weekend, Jan. 18th is a scheduled weekend off. Classes resume on Jan 25th for all 7th and 8th Grade CCD Students. PRAYER SERVICE WITH BISHOP BARTCHAK Bishop Mark Bartchak will preside at a Prayer Service on January 21st at 7:00PM at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Altoona. The Bishop will offer a special blessing to those in our Diocesan church who will travel to the March for Life the following day. “A NEW LOOK” CALENDAR FOR ALL JR./SR. HIGH YOUTH EVENTS This past week a new calendar went out showing the dates for all 7th – 11th Grade CCD classes, Confirmation sessions and retreats, and Apex Youth Group events for January & February. This should be an easier way to keep track of what the youth of the parish need to do. If you did not receive a calendar and an updated Confirmation and CCD schedule, please call or text Nancy @ 241-7809. It is very important you have these dates so you can schedule your weekends accordingly. Thank you. ELEMENTARY CCD INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY Please remember that in case of inclement weather IF Central Cambria cancels school or if they have an early dismissal because of weather conditions then Elementary CCD (or religious education) - grade 1- 6 is also cancelled. Call Diane Bopp if any questions 472-2357. APEX BASKET SOCIAL APEX Youth Group is holding a Basket Social and Teddy Bear Tea Fundraiser on Sunday, March 1, 2015 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM. Proceeds will be used for group activities. We are asking for parish members’ assistance with various items. Please look at the list below and help in whatever way you can. Complete the form and return to the rectory or place in the collection basket by February 8, 2015. All donations, except for cakes, need to be at the rectory by February 19, 2015. Cakes can be brought to the church hall on the morning of the social. If anyone has any empty baskets they would like to donate as well, they will be greatly appreciated; please drop them off at the rectory. Any questions, please contact Elizabeth Castel at 691-2730. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------APEX BASKET SOCIAL Name: ________________________________Phone Number:__________________________________ e-mail (optional)______________________________________ Items needed: _____Donation of a theme basket _____Donation of a door prize _____Donation of money _____Volunteer to assist day of social/preparing for social _____Make a cake APEX YOUTH GROUP FUND RAISER The APEX Youth Group is sponsoring a Marianna’s Hoagie & Pizza Sale. Delivery date will be Wednesday, February 11th. Orders can be picked up at the church hall between 7:00AM and 8:00AM or delivered to your home; please specify on the form below. If requesting home delivery please leave a cooler on your porch; orders will be delivered no later than 9:00AM. Please complete the order form below (PHONE # MUST BE ON ORDER FORM) and return with money to the rectory NO LATER THAN JANUARY 28TH; . The Youth Group would like to thank you for your support! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME _______________________________________PHONE _______________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________________ ___ I will pick up in Church Hall ___ Please deliver; I will have cooler on the porch 12” Traditional Pizza $7.00 ALL HOAGIES $6.50 12” TOTAL Special- DUE ty Pizza $8.50 Primo Deluxe Upper Crust Meat Supreme Upper Crust Cheese White Pepperoni Ham/Swiss Whole Wheat Turkey w/Cheese Whole Wheat Turkey & Cheese Turkey & Baked Ham Beef & Cheese Italian All Cheese Traditional Ham & Swiss American # ordered Total $ YOU ARE INVITED TO HOLY NAME FAMILY PIZZA NIGHT The parish will host the third annual Holy Name Family Pizza Night on Saturday, January 31 after 4:00 Mass. All parish members are welcome to attend this free pizza social that will celebrate the Holy Name family. Free babysitting will be provided in the school gym and library for children 12 and younger. To order the appropriate amount of pizza, snacks and drinks, please RSVP by January 27 by returning the form below to the rectory office via the collection basket. When you RSVP, your family will be entered into a raffle for baskets and door prizes. FAMILY NIGHT - JANUARY 31, 2015 (RSVP by January 27, 2015) Family name: ________________________________________________ Number of people: ____________________________________________ Phone number: ______________________________________________ Email address: _______________________________________________ BISHOP CARROLL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Bishop Carroll Catholic High School will hold an Open House for parents and students on Wednesday, January 28 from 6-7 PM. A financial aid meeting will follow from 7-8 PM in the cafeteria. All new students will be eligible for a drawing for a $250 scholarship. Parents can fill out a ticket at the door and the drawing will be held at the end of the financial aid meeting. You must be present to win. Representatives from Saint Francis University, Saint Vincent College, and Mount Aloysius College will also be on hand to explain the financial and educational advantages for attending Bishop Carroll and continuing on to one of these institutions. For more information, please call the school at 472-7500 extension 105 or email jnagy@bishopcarroll.org. SCHOOL NEWS Walk Together in Faith Attend Mass on Sunday With Your Child Martin Luther King Jr. Day: The students and teachers will not have school on Monday, January 19, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Eucharistic Adoration: The students will attend Adoration on Tuesday, January 20, 8:30-10:00 AM. Parent/ Teacher Conferences: The students will not have school on Friday, January 23. Teachers will have scheduled conferences with parents to review student performance during the second marking period. Snow Ball 2015: Snow Ball 2015, sponsored by the Holy Name Home and School Association, will be held on Saturday, February 7, 2015. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Come and enjoy a night of delicious hors d’oeuvres, a delectable dinner, fabulous homemade cookies and dessert, 50/50, and extravagant basket raffle. Beer and soda provided; BYOB. $50.00 per person, $90.00 a couple; must be 21 years old. Reservations are available for groups of 6, 8, or 12 guests. Please designate a name for your table when making your reservation. Individual tickets are available for open seating. Call the school office at 472-8817. Scrip: Scrip is available in the Narthex on Sunday mornings and in the school and rectory offices. ***Please note: Only Walmart, Sheetz & Giant Eagle are available in the rectory office. PLEASE SUPPORT THE BUSINESSES LOCATED ON THE BACK PAGE. THEIR ADS MAKE THIS WEEKLY BULLETIN POSSIBLE. C & J FALCHINI BEER DISTRIBUTOR 830 West High Street Ebensburg, PA 15931 Phone: (814) 472-7800 We Participate in the Holy Name Scrip Program Monday-Saturday 8:00am-8:00pm Sunday 12:00-4:30pm Ebensburg Brian L. Wasilewski Sales & Leasing Consultant Louann Rodgers-Hoffman Phone (814) 942-2222 Broker/Owner DEAN PATTERSON CHEVROLET, INC. 814-886-8111 HOOVER’S GARAGE, LLC Notary - Title Transfers - T-Plates Lawn & Garden Sales & Service 210 Ashcroft Ave. Cresson, PA 400 East High Street Ebensburg, PA 15931 (814) 472-9441 Open 7 Days a Week @ 11am Selling Your Home Call Us 1st 50+ Years Experience Lowest Prices Guaranteed On Appliances, Lawn & Garden, & Mattresses 926 West High St. Ebensburg, PA 15931 Tel 814-472-0710 www.searshometownstores.com The Long Barn Inc. Complete line of Building & Remodeling Supplies Makers of Fine Cabinetry C. & C. Smith Deborah L. Gresco Lumber Company, Inc. Unbeatable Home & Auto Insurance Rates Representing Over 30 Companies To Fit Your Personal Insurance Needs Ebensburg Insurance Agency 129 East High Street Ebensburg, PA 15931 Independent Beauty Consultant Making the Most of Hardwoods...naturally 197 Tower Road, Summerhill, PA 15958 814-495-4712 • www.ccsmithlumber.com 110 Hillcrest Drive Carrolltown, PA 15722 (814) 344-8682 223 Mini Mall Rd. Ebensburg, PA 15931 814-472-9122 Premier Podiatry Group Carlos Barra, DPM Maureen M. Ratchford, DPM Specializing in Saltwater & Freshwater Fish • Full Line of Pet Supplies • Natural Health Foods located in the Ebensburg Mini Mall Foot & Ankle Specialists ◆ 814-472-2660 335 Lou’s Road • Ebensburg, PA www.FourSeasonsPetHotel.com 814-472-4200 Mon-Sat 9am-7pm • Sunday 3pm-7pm 814-472-9557 HOME APPLIANCE SERVICE, INC. 601 W. High Street., Ebensburg, PA 15931 472-9204 40 Years & Counting Interior • Exterior Remodeling Matt Kirsch • Parishioner 814-472-7060 KERRY W. KIRSCH, D.D.S., M.S., P.C. DIPLOMATE AMERICAN BOARD OF ORTHODONTICS Orthodontics for Adults and Children T.M.J. Dysfunction 501 W. High St., Ebensburg, PA 15931 Office Hours by Appointment 814-472-5277 www.kirschorthdontics.com 300 North Julian Street 1310 Shoemaker Street Nanty Glo, Pennsylvania 15931 Ebensburg, Pennsylvania 15931 (814) 749-7400 (814) 472-7040 Mark E. Letzo, Supervisor Timothy P. Houser, Supervisor John Paul Houser, Funeral Director Fine Jewelry Bridal Jewelry Patagonia Brighton Vera Bradley Silver Jean Co. Trollbeads Lenny & Eva GOLD RUSH DIAMONDS & BOUTIQUE Ebensburg Mini Mall 472-6500 www.goldrushdiamonds.com Mon/Wed/Fri 9:30-6 Tues/Thurs 9:30-8 Sat 9:30-4 Appt. & Walk-Ins Welcome 307 N. CENTER STREET, EBENSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA 15931 TELEPHONE: (814) 472-7520 FUNERAL DIRECTOR: ROBERT M. MATEVISH For further information, please call the Parish Office. www.jspaluch.com OFFICE OR HOME 814-419-8328 910 W. High St. Ebensburg docs.lauffer@gmail.com ! Shear Perfection 403 W. HIGH ST. EBENSBURG Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Relief Available 24 - 7! HAIRSTYLING & TANNING Foils • Perms Updo’s • Razor Cuts 814.615.7387 MATEVISH & MATEVISH FUNERAL HOME 295100 Holy Name Church 3135 New Germany Road Ebensburg, Pa. 15931 (814) 472-6546 • (800) 741-3951 Mid and Mike Mandichak Senior Transportation Available New Location and New Number $10 OFF HIGHLIGHTS CHIROPRACTIC MARK LAUFFER, DC Karen Dressler’s Hair Salon Color Correction • Specializing in Men’s & Women’s Haircuts Nails & Pedicures by Veronica Mon-Fri 8am-7pm • Sat 9am-12pm by appt. DOC’S HOME Brian Sidone, PharmD NEW LOCATION: 3720 New Germany Rd Ebensburg, PA 15931 Men, Women & Children’s Hairstyling Goldwell Color Salon Adele Piccioni Joy Shutty Crystal Cherry 814.472.9390 Walk-ins & New Clients Welcome! www.mainlinepharmacy.com 90 DAY Rx for $10 Open 6 Days a Week • Monday-Saturday Ebensburg Mini Mall, Suite 71 814-472-8632 ! For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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