St. Joseph Parish Summit Hill, Pa. 3rd – 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 01/19/15 through 02/01/15 Fr. Jim Burdess • Deacon Skip & Doris LaPolice • Parish Office: 118 N. Market St., Summit Hill, PA 18250 Office Hours: Monday thru Friday, 9am—2pm Phone: 570-645-2664 Fax: 570-645-3037 email address: website: Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator: Ms. Wendy S. Krisak, M.A., NCC, LPC 800-791-9209 Diocesan Safe Environment Coordinator: Sister Meg Cole, S.S.J. 610-289-8900, Ext. 222 STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE th th ADULT YOUTH LOOSE CANDLES January 4 $3,664.00 40.00 78.00 ----- January 11 $3,634.00 30.00 58.00 283.00 SOLEMNITY OF MARY 1,502.00 138.00 CHRISTMAS 700.00 106.00 TOTAL $5,984.00 $4,249.00 Hospital Visits & Visitation of the Sick – Everyday we as a community pray for the sick and the hospitalized, especially the intentions written in our prayer intention journal. If you would like or need me to visit, please call or have a family member notify our office directly. If you are hospitalized at another facility outside the immediate area, please be aware that major hospitals do have a Catholic Chaplain on their staff or will notify the local parish. Our Deepest Sympathy to the families of: Anna C. Mulderick & Joseph "Tata" Wadyak who entered into eternal life. Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord. CANDLES For the Week of January 18TH For the week of January 25TH Blessed Sacrament – Happy Birthday Sanctuary – Living & Deceased Members Grandmother Dorothy Wadyak By Grandchildren & Great-Grandchildren Sanctuary – Rose Horvat By Kathryn Serena Of Risavy Family By Ken & Mary BVM – Living & Deceased Members Of Vugrin Family BVM – Healthy New Year By Mickie & Patty th BVM – Blessed 90 Birthday, Frances Yurick By Family St. Joseph – Blessed 90th Birthday, Frances Yurick By Family St. Joseph – Joseph Coleman, Sr. By Mickie & Patty St. Patrick – June Trine By Mickie & Patty St. Theresa – Blessed 90th Birthday, Frances Yurick By Family Infant of Prague – For Special Intention & In Thanksgiving By Ken & Mary BVM – Living & Deceased Members Of Petrich Family By Ken & Mary St. Joseph – Living & Deceased Members Of Mitchalk Family By Ken& Mary St. Joseph – Joe Matika By wife, Pat St. Patrick – Michalic Girls By Petritch Girls St. Theresa – Walter S. Porambo, 4th Anniv. By Porambo Family Infant of Prague – In Thanksgiving for Everything By Dorothy Wadyak Remember in your prayers these members of our parish family. To include someone, call or have a family member/friend call the parish office. Names are updated (except for the critically or terminally ill) for each bulletin. It is most important you notify us if a family member or parishioner is in the hospital. As of January 15th, we remember in prayer: Kay Fuller · Edith Bohovich · Irene Michalik ·Bernadette Lukac · Joanne Dominic ·Wayne Vasiliou · Dorothy Steber · Amy Blasko · Geraldine Clatch · Randy Colangecco · Tom Sheeran · James Kozuch · Bob "Farmer" Jones · Warren "Sonny" Mattrazzo · Krysta Domines · Cate Applegate · Carmela Arcaro · Joseph "Buddy" Ciavaglia · Sister Mary Florence · Rob Baker · Rose Marie Vanko ·Suzanne Collevechio Haggar · Janet Keich · Agnes Vaccaro · John Stefanick ·Claudia Petrole · Edward Horowski · Kathy Sheeran · Louise Frassinelli · Jennie Colangecco · Francis O'Gorman · Geri Schlemmer Zonca · Keegan Wyshosky · Paul Yuricheck · Dave McDowell · Nicolette Olsovsky · Jacqueline Dubosky · Frances Marie Krajcir · Harry Lill · Dorothy Sandella. Candles - Envelopes to designate an intention for these candles are available in a number of places around the Church or simply use a plain envelope with the name of the intention, donors name and date, your preference for which shrine will be honored if not taken by someone else. The candles are lit for 5 days, the offering is $5.00. The intention will be listed in the bulletin. Altar Flowers ~ Look now at your 2015 calendar and reserve your anniversary date, the date of the marriage or baptism of a family member, a special time in your life. Call the parish office and reserve your date! Main altar flowers can be memorialized for an offering of $75. Blessed Mother/St. Joseph flowers can be memorialized for $50. Parish Prayer Calendar Our parish prayer calendar is in the vestibule of Church. It's a parish calendar of each day of the month. Look over the calendar, choose a day for you, then offer the sufferings, problems, disappointments, blessings & graces you receive during the day for the good of the parish, the borough, the greater community and the needs of the Church & the world. January dates are available. Parish Office Hours – The Parish office is open Monday through Thursday from 9am – 2pm. For other times, please call ahead or leave a message. When visiting the parish office, please use the ramp and new office door. Scripture Sharing Group session meets on Wednesday night, 7pm in the Rectory. Bingo is held Sunday night beginning at 6:30pm. Doors open at 5pm. Please support our parish bingo. Pinochle Card Games are held on Monday nights beginning at 7pm. It's a fun group and a great social night. Why not consider joining our card group? Our next pinochle tournament will be held on Wednesday, January 28th. For more information or to register, please call 645-5171. End of Year Contribution Statement – If you wish to receive a contribution statement for 2014, please call the parish office. Grateful Thanks to those who participated in the cleanup of all the Christmas Decorations: Joe Wadyak, Vince Valentini, Barbara & Louie Sommers, George Stianchie, Mary Ann Szczecina, Pat Lipar, Beth & Nathan Halenar, Jane & Manny Lanzos, Mike, Michael & Kylie Sommers, Brian Bauer, Bob Ames & Fr. Jim. We greatly appreciate the time you gave. God bless your efforts! Daily Four Drawing: Valentine’s Day – February 14, 2015 Tickets are available after Mass or at the parish office during the week Have someone in the parish family celebrating? (If you wish to have family member's birthday announced, please call the parish office.) Mark DeMatto Joseph Shelton McKenzie Habel Shawna McArdle Grady Shellhammer Alexis Gelatko -January 20th - January 20th - January 23rd - January 27th - January 27th - January 31st Shopping Certificates & Keytags We have Redner’s shopping cards! They are used like a debit/credit card. The parish receives a generous return for every $ spent. Redner’s Save-a-Tape keytags can be picked up at any Redner’s Warehouse Market. Keytags for Boyer’s are also available. Use the key tag each time you shop and the parish will receive a % back. Confirmation - Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 4:30pm at St. Katharine Drexel Church. Bishop Barres will be the celebrant. Please be sure to mark your calendar. Snow and Parked Cars As winter approaches, we must assert the need for vigilance when parking on the parish lot. We want to help you and the borough in getting the streets cleaned, but you must be off the lot in time for cleaning them on holidays/holydays, a day when there is a funeral and especially the weekends! Failure to do so will result in the parish lot being closed off to vehicles all year round. No one wants this! Help us; spread the word to neighbors and others. Thankfully, so far this season, the weather has been great! Let’s hope it stays that way for the good of all. Parish Breakfast this weekend! Next Breakfast will be February 15, 2015 Thank you to all who work, donate & support this parish fundraiser! Christmas Flower Memorials In memory of: Mom & Pop; Millie & Olga; Christy; My Friends By: John Lisella "Through the intercession of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr, may God deliver you from ailments of the throat and from every other evil. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit". The Traditional Blessing of Throats in honor of Saint Blasé will take place after our Sunday Masses on January 31 - February 1. (CUT ON LINE AND DEPOSIT IN COLLECTION PLATE OR DROP OFF AT THE RECTORY) Fastnachts for Donut Day! – Deadline is February 11th Plain – Glazed – Powdered – Sugared – Cinnamon – $6.50 per dozen; $3.25 ½ dozen Powdered Crème – Iced Crème – Powdered Jelly – Sugared Jelly – $8.00 per dozen; $4.00 ½ dozen NAME_________________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________________ ___________________________________PHONE_____________________ Indicate quantity (minimum order is ½ dozen) and orders must be in increments of ½ dozen. __________ PLAIN __________ GLAZED __________ POWDERED __________ ICED CREME __________ SUGARED __________ POWDERED JELLY __________ CINNAMON __________ SUGARED JELLY __________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $__________ POWDERED CREME Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday, January 13th, 6:30pm In attendance: Fr. Jim, James Szczecina, Marlene Basiago, Robert Ames, Nathan Halenar, Joseph O'Gurek, Atty. Joseph Velitsky Excused: Patricia Lipar, Sylvia Lis, Thomas Midas, Christine Reiber The meeting began with roll call followed by Opening Prayer. • Financial Reports The members reviewed and approved the quarterly financial report from October 1 through December 31, 2014. The review of the second quarter finances shows that we are well within budget and the council would like to thank those who continue to respond to our regular collections as well as your generosity in our Christmas Collection. • Physical Plant Cemetery Grass Cutting - our current contract ends in early 2015. Bids were sought with our specifications and mailed to seven (7) contractors. A total of three (3) bids were received, with the contract being awarded to the lowest bidder, Jim's Lawn Care, from Parryville, PA. Jim's received recommendation from Earl Henninger, as well as Fr. Ward and Fr. Baransky. Jim's Lawn Care provides service to the Grand Army Cemetery as well as St. Joseph's Cemetery and Immaculate Conception Cemetery in Jim Thorpe. Contract will include White Street Cemetery, White Bear Cemetery and the cemetery behind the church as well as the church grounds. Church - There is still need of cleaning and/or repainting of the church. This was tabled until Fr. Jim can contact Judith Dotzel for suggestions on repainting or cleaning. The Dotzel Company is the firm who painted the church during the last renovation campaign in 2000. Church & Rectory - A contract with Seitz Pest Control has been entered into to routinely spray the Rectory to prevent carpenter ants from returning. During the recent renovations to the rectory, the ants were discovered and removed. The Church has an existing contract with Seitz. • Spiritual Needs The council reviewed a survey that will be sent to all families with the Lenten mailing in early February. The placing of the advent wreath for 2015 was discussed. It was agreed that we will no longer hang the large wreath at the front of church and use the smaller "gold" wreath. It was suggested to have families light candles on a weekly basis as had been done in the past. • Adjourn Next meeting date was set for April 14, 2015 at 7pm. Fr. Jim concluded the meeting with a prayer. SAINT JOSEPH CHURCH OF SUMMIT HILL FINANCIAL REPORT - OCTOBER – DECEMBER 2014 Oct. – Dec. 2011 46,676 14,164 2,041 2,281 2,640 9 Oct. – Dec 2012 44,270 14,115 3,468 3,055 5,493 0 Oct. - Dec. 2013 50,619 15,312 10,026 2,240 2,340 0 Sunday Envelopes Holyday - CHRISTMAS Other Fund Raising Memorials & Other Flowers, Candles, Etc BAA Rebate Oct – Dec. 2014 51,226 14,624 3,995 4,063 3,322 638 4,333 0 2,603 Ongoing sale of items 85 72,144 70,401 83,140 TOTAL DONATIONS 77,953 PARISH EXPENSES 7,288 4,594 4,426 3,565 9,500 12,120 5,487 313 47,293 7,453 4,633 4,670 2,921 9,900 12,441 5,467 307 47,792 7,659 4,696 5,427 4,987 12,000 12,529 6,274 96 53,668 11,119 5,544 5,235 21,898 69,191 2,953 9,877 7,112 5,277 22,266 70,058 + 343 15,850 5,921 4,924 27,095 80,763 +2,377 Pastor’s Salary Office Salary Pastor’ Health/Pension Office Expenses OLOAA Subsidy Diocesan - MARIAN Liturgical Parish Education SUB-TOTAL Operation & Maintenance CHURCH RECTORY Insurance & taxes SUB-TOTAL GRAND EXPENSES See note below 8,218 4,423 5,836 3,866 12,000 12,012 5,038 93 51,486 8,328 7,325 3,180 18,833 70,319 7,634 Accumulated Parish Debt Balance - $160,650 Short term loan balance - $14,400 Building Fund Savings Forwarded from last Report $40,403 Heat Pump – Sacristy - 1,705 Rectory – Ant Infestation repairs - 4,360 Short term loan payments - 2,400 Plus Difference above + 7,634 Current Building Fund Savings Accounts $ 39,572 Thank you for your generosity in our Christmas Collection and in our regular collections. Thank you and May God continue to Bless Us in 2015! OLOAA School News – Catholic Schools Week will be celebrated January 25 -31, 2015. Please see enclosed flyers. Congratulations to Corey Rehnert, Grade 6, who is the 3rd place winner in the school’s version of the National Geographic Society’s “National Geography Bee”. Other participants from our Parish were: Brian Bauer, Colin Rehnert and Sierra Bauer. Little Angels Pre-School – We extend a warm welcome to join us for our Open House from 12 – 2pm on Sunday, January 25th. Our current students will be having an Art Show and registration information will be available for the 2015-2016 school year. Our Pre-School program is held in Our Lady of the Angels Academy school building. Our three year old program is a half day session on Monday and Friday from 9 – 11:30am. Our four year old program is held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with a half day option from 9 – 11:30am and a full day option from 9am – 2:25pm (our full day program needs a minimum number of 10 students). We also provide Extended Care Program for our four year olds from 7 – 9am and from 2:30 – 5pm at an additional charge for parents who may need extra care for their children before and after school. If you are unable to attend our Open House or if you would like more information regarding any of our programs, please contact Jessica Mieczkowski by telephone at 570-645-2282, Ext. 3 or by email at Marian High School News – Open House 2015 – The 24th Annual Open House program for prospective students (7th & 8th grades) and their parents will be held on Sunday, January 25th at Marian High School. “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service” is the 2015 theme. The program begins at 1:00pm with registration, tours, discussions, booth displays and door prizes. The program concludes at 3:00pm with a drawing of $500.00 toward tuition for the 2015-2016 or 2016-2017 school year. (Must be present to win). Anyone needing information, please call the Development Office at 570-467-0641. Reminder: Annual Collection for Catholic Relief Services – January 24-25. The Catholic Relief Services Collection funds six Catholic agencies that work to serve our suffering brothers & sisters around the world. Through humanitarian aid, resettling displaced individuals and families, and providing legal and advocacy services for migrants. Please help Jesus in disguise by giving generously to this appeal. Catholic Charities director, Pam Russo, sent a thank you for our Thanksgiving Donation (Pregnancy Support/Lansford) of $559.00. In part it reads: “Because of your generosity, Catholic Charities will be able to continue offering its vital programs & services, including adoptions, emergency food, family counseling, job assistance, housing assistance, pregnancy and parenting support, immigration, veteran services and care for older adults. Your gift will help us provide a critical safety net for people most in need in our communities”. DeSales University Accounting Students to Provide Free Tax Preparation Assistance Junior and senior accounting students from DeSales University will provide tax preparation assistance free of charge to senior citizens and those with lower incomes from now through Friday, April 3. The program is part of the United States Internal Revenue Service’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Students are required to pass a test given by the IRS, in order to receive certification to participate in the program. This marks the fifteenth consecutive year that DeSales students have participated in the program. Since it was first offered, DeSales students have completed more than 3,200 tax returns for more than 1,500 Lehigh Valley taxpayers. To schedule a VITA appointment, individuals can call (610) 282-1100, ext. 1868. A DeSales student will return the phone call and provide assistance accordingly. Individuals needing assistance should bring all printed tax information and all documents pertaining to federal, state and local taxes with them to their appointment. The program is sponsored by the IRS and supervised by Dr. Christopher R. Cocozza, division head of DeSales University’s Division of Business and associate professor of business. Cocozza has served as VITA coordinator at DeSales since the program was initiated at DeSales in 2001. Cocozza holds a bachelor's in accounting and law degree from Fordham University and a master's of law from New York University. 2015 Catholic High School Scholarship Program – The Diocese of Allentown will again be awarding Catholic High School Scholarships to students who wish to attend one of the seven Catholic high schools in the Diocese of Allentown for the 2015-16 school year. The Catholic High School Scholarship program’s goal is to choose the best and the brightest for a one-year, partial scholarship of $1,000. Academics count for 50 points; Activities/Service activities counts for 20 points; Special Honors count for 10 points; Leadership roles count for an extra 2 points per role; Principal Recommendation counts for 10 points; Pastor Recommendation counts for 10 points; Public and Other Private School Students are required to secure school recommendations from their principal and report academic averages; Scholarship Selections are made by a diocesan committee. Applications are available from the principal at your school or at the parish office. March for Life 2015: St. Joseph’s Parish, Jim Thorpe would like to invite you to join them in travelling to Washington, DC on Thursday, January 22, 2015 for the March for Life. If you are unable to march, you may decide to just spend the day at our National Shrine where our bus will deliver us and will depart from the same spot at 5pm. We have a 44 seat bus reserved for the day. The cost is $40.00. Depending on how many pick-up locations we stop at will depend on time leaving our local area, (approximately 6am). Please call Mary Marzen to reserve your seat or to answer any questions that you may have. 570-325-4922. Around the Community Summit Hill Food Pantry – “Do unto others as you would do unto you” – Food donations or monetary donations can be dropped off at the Parish Office. Every donation is greatly appreciated. Thank you. ALANON is a world wide non-profit organization that promotes healing and wellness for the families and friends of those suffering from addiction. Weekly meetings are held on Monday nights 7:15pm at St. Katharine Drexel Church Hall, Lansford. This is a meeting for the friends and families of those suffering for addiction. Come casual and relaxed. Bring a friend, listen, discuss and find some peace for yourself. Alaska Land & Cruise Tour – August 18 thru 31, 2015 – 6 day Land; 7 Night Cruise on Holland America Cruise Line. Prices from $4430 to $4995. For more information, contact Eileen Bollinger, 610-826-3787 Carbon County “Right from the Start” Program is a home visitation program recognizing that parents are their children’s first and best teachers and all children are born to learn. CCRFTS uses the National Parents As Teachers curriculum to support and assist parents in fostering their child’s learning and development. It is a unique program because it is provided FREE to all families living within Carbon County who are currently pregnant or have children age 5 and under. There are no income guidelines! Please contact the program’s office at 570-325-2771 or with any questions. There are brochures available in the church vestibule. St. Luke’s Hospice is actively seeking volunteers to serve and support hospice patients and families within the Lehigh Valley and Carbon County areas. Specially trained volunteers are an integral part of the St. Luke’s Hospice team. Volunteers serve as a welcome friend to the family. They share their time and talents in many ways. Volunteers can visit with patients in their homes or in St. Luke’s Hospice House. They can also assist with administrative office duties and help at special events. For more information or to join our next volunteer training session in Spring 2015, please call 610-997-7121. Grief and Support Group - January 7 – February 11, 2015 from 1:30 – 3:00 PM at Dinkey Memorial Lutheran Church, 1742 Dinkey Road, Ashfield, PA. Registration is required, no drop-ins permitted. Call Michaelene Ross at 484-241-7538 for information and to register. The Heritage Center, Panther Valley’s Premier Entertainment Complex, at 1 West Hazard Street, Summit Hill is available for weddings, showers and private parties. New in 2015, we are offering Birthday & Wedding Teas. Our beautiful chapel is the place to marry your special someone, seats 150 persons. The Center can seat 125 for your reception. You’ll find us priced so that all can truly afford to have a “local destination wedding”. Call Deb at 570.645.9133 or Cathy at 570.645.5888. For a tour, please leave a message with phone number. Check us out at, and “Like” us on Facebook. Tuesday February 3, 2015 - 7pm Board Meeting at the Heritage Center, 1 West Hazard Street, Summit Hill; Panther Valley’s Premier Entertainment Complex. Members and public welcome. Saturday February 7, 2015, 8am to 2pm - Valentines Hearts & Flowers Flea Market at the Heritage Center, 1 West Hazard Street, Summit Hill; Panther Valley’s Premier Entertainment Complex. Featuring kids clothing, personal care items, gently used adult clothing, gift items, homemade jelly, crocheted items for sale and by order, jewelry, beautiful glassware, and much more. This is a popular after holiday market - call early for tables at $10 each. Kitchen is open from 8 am. Call Cathy at 570.645.5888 or Text Wendy 484.268.0114 for information and to reserve tables. For the most recent updates, “Like” us on Facebook, or check out MEMORIAL FUND OF ST. JOSEPH CHURCH In Memory of: ROSE DELAURENTIS Peter Maholick Barbara Shelton & Family Maggie Pribila John Rutch Mr. & Mrs. Ron Yuricheck Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Hiles Pat & Mario Iezzoni Anthony DeLaurentis Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pelcheck & Family Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Gates Bernice Vadyak Patricia McGinley Jackie & Rick Colancecco Michele Nesgoda & Family Tom, Marge & TJ Parambo Ceil Haravitch Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gallagher Bill & Joanne Pastucha Michael & Eileen Metro Mr. & Mrs. Alex Kane Mr. & Mrs. Steve Wargo & Family Mr. & Mrs. Bob Dunstan Mr. & Mrs. Rich Gould Norman Brosious Steve & Linda Figura Joseph J. O'Gurek Frances Golder Kathryn Serena Atty. Joseph J. Velitsky Margaret & Joseph Pelcheck Jean Ogozalek Debra & James Gates Lois C. Sisko Jack & Chris Reiber Rose York & Family Mr. & Mrs. Louis Alexander TOTAL MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTION $ 1,000.00 In Memory of: GEORGE BABA Atty. Joseph J. Velitsky Mary Livingston & Anthony Baba TOTAL MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTION $ 225.00 In Memory of: NANCY GOULD Maggie Pribila T0TAL MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTION $10.00 In Memory of: EUGENE SZCZECINA Atty. Joseph J. Velitsky Jim & Mary Ann Szczecina & Family John Rutch Tom & Judy Midas TOTAL MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTION $ 95.00
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