St. Joseph Catholic Church 1294 Makawao Avenue, Makawao, HI 96768 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES DAILY MASS: Monday-Friday…...7 a.m. WEEKENDS Saturdays .......................... 5:00 p.m. Sundays ............................ 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Confessions: Saturday ..... 4:00 p.m. or by Appt. only. Office: (808) 572-7652 .................. Website: ............ Fax: (808) 573-2278 Email: ST. JOSEPH CHURCH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Geronimo Castro, M.S. Business Administrator: Donna Pico EARLY LEARNING CENTER Director: Helen Souza; 572-6235 Office Manager: Sr. Viviana Parnoncillon. O.P. CHURCH COMMITTEES Pastoral Council: Edwin Ferreira; 572-0015 Church Building/Master Planning: Jordan Santos; 572-9768 Multi-Purpose Bldg. Fundraising: Joe Andrews; 243-9574 Sweetbread: Jackie Souza: 573-8927 Finance Committee: Ernest Rezents; 572-8663 Parish Fundraising: Chris AhPuck; 463-1585 St. Joseph Feast: Donna Pico & Karen Perreira: 572-7652 CHURCH MINISTRIES WORSHIP MINISTRY (Maxine Balderas) Liturgy: Maxine Balderas; 572-9434 Altar Servers: Helen Souza: 572-5142 Arts & Environment: Berna Gentry: 385-3442 Lectors: Emily Agusti; 572-6745 Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion/Sick & Homebound: Madeline Pruse; 572-4116 Music: Michael Balderas, Rochelle Alo & Damien Paiva Ushers: Earl Lamadora; 572-7341 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (Sr. Georgina Delgado, O.P.) Children (K-8) Faith Formation/Adult Faith Formation: Sr. Georgina Delgado, O.P.: 572-8454 Youth Ministry (Confirmation): Jason & Diane Jacinto: 572-4623 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Liz Miller: 281-9643/Chris AhPuck: 463-1585 Young Adult Ministry: David Sereda: 298-9091 SOCIAL OUTREACH MINISTRY (Sr. Georgina Delgado, O.P.) Breaking Bread Ministry (Hotmeal): Arsie Anderson: 572-8290 Parish Emergency Assistance & Food Pantry: Sr. Georgina Delgado, O.P.: 572-8454 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY: Pauline Ulicny: 870-4305 THRIFT SHOP: Joslyn Minobe: 572-9150/572-1129 CHURCH MOVEMENTS Cursillo Maui Coordinator: Jaimie Balthazar; 572-6403 Filipino Catholic Club: Jose Vince Cruz; 572-0097 Hawaii Catholic Engage Encounter: Fred & Eileen Corpuz; 572-8833 NEO Catechumen: Paolo & Dani Baricchi; 572-0041 Holy Name Society: Ed Ferreira; 572-0015 The Holy Family Institute: James &Alda St. James:572-8575 Legion of Mary: Daisy Muego; 250-9126 BAPTISM: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated monthly on the last Saturday of the month at 2 p.m. Parents must be registered & participating members of St. Joseph Church. They need to schedule a meeting and interview with the priest. To prepare of the Sacrament, parents and godparents are required to attend a Baptism catechesis that is scheduled every second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the church. Two godparents may be chosen, but only on is required to meet the following requirements of Canon Law: A godparent must be at least 16 years of age; not be the child’s parent; be a practicing Catholic in good standing who has received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Godparents not residing in the area may complete the class at their own parish and provide a letter stating completion. For more information and registration forms, please contact the office. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Couples planning to marry in the Church must meet with a priest for several preparation meetings and attend an Engaged Encounter weekend. A minimum of 4 months is required. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please notify the office or rectory when a family member is about to be hospitalized, is hospitalized, or is confined at home due to sickness, infirmity, or age. In the hospital, ask your nurse to page the oncall Hospital Chaplain. The Chaplain will call the priest assigned for the day to the hospital to provide spiritual care and meet the sacramental needs of the patient. FUNERALS: We ask families to call the Parish Office PRIOR to any arrangements with the Mortuary to avoid conflicts. HOUSE BLESSINGS: If possible, we ask parishioners to schedule house blessings at least one week in advance. NEW PARISIONERS: Are invited to join our parish family. Please register at the Parish Office. PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday: 10 a.m.– 3 p.m.; Tuesday thru Friday: 8 a.m.—3 p.m.; Closed on Weekends & Holidays January 10 & 11, 2015 DAILY READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF January 12-18, 2015 Monday—1/12 Heb 1:1-6 Mk: 1:14-20 Tuesday—1/13 Heb 2:5-12 Mk: 1:21-28 Wednesday— 1/14 Heb 2:14-18 Mk: 1:29-39 Thursday—1/15 Heb 3:7-14 Mk: 1:40-45 Friday-1/16 Heb 4:1-5, 11 Mk: 2:1-12 Saturday—1/17 Heb 4:12-16 Mk: 2:13-17 Sunday—1/18 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20 Jn 1:35-42 REFLECTION ON TODAY’S READING: Jesus is the beloved Son of the Father. He is the light of the nations and Lord of all creation. To him be all glory and praise! All who are thirsty, come to the waters, to the Lord, the fountain of salvation. Jesus Christ came through water and blood. He is the Son in whom the Father is well pleased. SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND Unfortunately, in 2014, we were unsuccessful in the much an cipated demolishing of the gym, due to the required studies and the permi ng process we must follow. These requirements has also set us back in our funding due to unforeseen expenses of hiring an Archeologist and Haz-Mat team to provide studies, services, etc.. that the County of Maui and the State of Hawaii enforces. However, God willing and with your con nued support it will be done in 2015. Please give generously in suppor ng our efforts to raise funds for the Building Fund. ST. JOSEPH OUR TITHES & OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE LORD FOR THE WEEK OF January 3-9, 2015 Sunday Offering — $4,514.89 Multi Purpose Ctr. $25.00 Others—$862.00 Candles—$441.22 Thrift Shop—$678.30 MAHALO FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!!! KCIK—740 AM Visit their website at Aloha and welcome Fr. Elmer Galiza, MS. to St. Joseph Church. We wish him an enjoyable stay here in Makawao. Fr. Elmer will be presiding over the masses while Fr. Eric is on his annual vacation. Reserve the date to do God’s work for our parish. MAY 1, 2, & 3, 2015 The next Feast Meeting will be on Thursday, January 15th at 6 p.m. in the gym. All leaders please attend. Volunteers needed! If you have any suggestions, ideas or leads for the Feast, please contact Donna @ 572-7652. Mahalo, for supporting St. Joseph Church & ELC! Treasure in Heaven Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in an steal. But store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be. Matthew 6:19-21 Parish Calendar for the Week DAY EVENT TIME PLACE Tues.—1/13 Scripture Studies Acts of the Apostles NEO Catechumen 6:15 p.m. 7 p.m.. School Gym Thurs.—1/15 Feast Meeting RCIA 6 p.m. 7 p.m. Gym School Sun.—1/18 Religious Education Youth Group 7:50 a.m. 10:15 a.m. School Church The Baptism of the Lord We thank God for you! Your gi5s to St. Joseph Church throughout 2014 are gratefully acknowledged. Because of your stewardship ( me, talent and treasure) our congrega on has been able to support the work of Jesus Christ. This past year we were able to feed and serve over 1,169 hot meals, distribute 841 food boxes to the homeless and those in need, and financially assist those in crisis. As well as, maintain our religious educa on, sacramental programs and ministries that is crucial in spreading Gods work. We are truly blessed in 2014 that there were 31 Bap sms, 11 First Reconcilia ons, 23 who received their First Holy Communion, 26 Confirmed, 9 Marriages and 20 Deaths. Your generosity towards the parish opera ons over the past year is truly appreciated. So on behalf of St. Joseph Church, thank you! CEMETERY MAINTENANCE OFFERING If you have loved ones intern at St. Joseph Church Cemetery a monetary offering to assist with the maintenance of the Cemetery would be truly appreciated. Mahalo! 3rd Annual Maui March for Life Conference & Prayer Service January 17, 2015 Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. For more information call Norman Franco at 357-6676. Explore, Experience, Examine, ENJOY...E KOMO MAI The 5 p.m. Vigil Mass this weekend is intended for the Missa pro populo (Mass of the parish people). The following collective intentions are offered on all other masses. Special Inten ons May the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Give them strength and consolation through all their trials. Carl T. Boteilho M/M Artemio Sanchez & Family Fely & Carol Tagala Roy & Eleanor DeGama Repose Souls Maryann Pastores Velasco Joseph Santos Walter & Winifred Sakamoto Raymond M. & Anne C. Pires Nelson, Jr. & Leina Boteilho Margaret M. Amoral & Family Minnie & Frank Maldonado William & Frances Pico Frank & Janet Boteilho Thomas & Mary Yamashita Fernando & Rose Ribao Emil, Agnes & Arnold Balthazar Teresita T. Ballesteros & Family William Amoral & Family Joseph & Lillian DeCoite Manuel & Amy Gomes Benjamin “Bullyboy” Joaquin, Jr. Ashline Lilia Blue Manipan Michelle C. Davis Joseph Stanley Santos Albert & Elsie DeLima Florencio & Juana Bilango Lawrence Abreu Joe & Christina Silva & Family Derrick Kualaau Richard, Mark & Angela Lee Ruth M. DePonte Antone & Mary Cravalho Louis & Edith Fernandez Matilda Souki Anthony Medeiros, Sr. Medeiros Family ST. ANTHONY SCHOOLS ALL-CAMPUS OPEN HOUSE Saturday, January 17th Pre-School & Grade School (K-6), Phone: 244-4976 ~ 8:30 a.m.—9:30 a.m. Jr. & Sr. High School (7-12), Phone: 244-4190 9:30 a.m. –11:30 a.m. Sr. Candelaria Perania Kristen Purdy Nanette Dancil Antoinette Bantalan An event open to anyone 18 years old or older. Hattie Kukaua John Molina, Sr. Arthur English Sidney Fevella Frank Estrella, Sr. Louis DeCoite Anthony DeCoite William M. Abreu Marcelino P. Felipe Joseph F. Cabral David M. Perreira Allen Vierra, Sr. Mac DeCoite Brad Lung & Family David H. Medeiros Ernest & Irene Vares Rose Joaquin Charles Ferreira, Sr. Lucille Boteilho Henry & Alice Frank Faustino Bonete Michael P. Fernandez Janet ‘Jan’ Tamura Victor The Alvin Amoral Romeo Ballesteros Howard P. Tavares Jeffrey B. Vince Cruz Betty DeCambra Marciano Tagala David Marquez
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