January 11, 2015 Baptism of the Lord 5742 State Route 61 S. Shelby, Ohio 44875 (419) 342-2256 A Sister Parish with St. Joseph, Crestline Member of St. Juan Diego Deanery Liturgy and Mass Intentions Tuesday 6:30 pm Mass at Sacred Heart Mass Intention: Allen Sutter Wednesday 8:30 am Mass at Sacred Heart Mass Intention: Richard Young Thursday 6:30 pm Mass at St Joseph Mass Intention: Joseph Tesso Friday 8:30 am Mass at St. Joseph Mass Intention: Richard & Mary Sutter Saturday 3:30 pm Confessions at SHJ 4:30 pm Mass at Sacred HeartMass Intention: Metzger-Hoke Family Sunday Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 am Mass at St. Joseph Mass Intention : Mary Schill 8:30 am Mass at Sacred Heart Mass Intention: Robert L. Turner Rosemary Keller 10:30 am Mass at St. Joseph Mass Intention: Marianne Haines Tom & Eileen DeGreve Hodge Podge Time… The game show “Jeopardy” sometimes has a category called “hodge podge” which means a mixture of things and is not just focused on a single theme. I wanted to give you a hodge podge of information in this bulletin article so here I go… Several people have asked how my niece Alexis is doing as she is being treated for cancer. I saw her when I was home this past Monday and she said her radiation treatments should end next Tuesday. She does have a burn mark on the side of her face, but if she wears her hair long it is hard to notice. She has to wait 4-6 months to see if all the cancer is gone because the doctor says it’s too difficult to tell if the cancer is gone right away. Once I get the results I will let you know. She turned 16 on January 2. Thanks for your prayers and please keep praying for her. I prayed hard that God would keep me healthy through the holidays while it seemed that everyone around me was getting sick from something. I made it through the storm. “God is good all the time. All the time God is good!” I was very impressed with all the hard work people did in preparing for Christmas plays, decorating the churches, preparing music, and in showing Christian charity to others. Thanks to all of you who may go unnoticed, but do so much. Thanks to all of you who sent me Christmas cards to remind me what Christmas is all about. The week before Christmas I would almost always have some gift or food item on my back porch when I came back to the rectory and I hope I properly kept track of each one, but if I missed one of you and you don’t receive a Thank You card—just know I appreciated every gift very much and am very grateful- I have lots of future treats in the freezer! I will be taking a vacation the week of January 18-24 so everyone please stay healthy until I get back. I will leave after the 1030am Mass and then return on Saturday January 24 in time for confessions and the 430pm Vigil Mass. That week there will be no weekday Masses or communion services so plan accordingly. To all you people who know as Catholics that you should not be superstitious, but have a hard time letting it go- I will not be attending the National Championship game between Ohio State and Oregon. Go Bucks! I have now spent 6 months at each parish and appreciate every compliment I have received, but know that I still have to get better at certain things so lets keep each other in prayer so that our parishes are not content with the status quo, but always striving to be better and better for the Glory of God! God Bless!!! Fr. Chris COLLECTION: LITURGICAL MINISTERS December 31, 2014 $ 985.00 Solemnity of Mary $ 515.00 Tuesday, January 13- Euch Ministers: Richard & Marilyn Vogt Retired Religious $ 20.00 4:30 pm-Saturday January 17, 2015 8:30 am-Sunday January 18, 2015 MUSIC MINISTERS Adult Choir MUSIC MINISTERS High School Christmas $ 450.00 SERVERS Rylee Gregson, Jacob Vogt SERVERS Cory Myers, Charlie Vogt USHERS Dave Gregson, Jeff Vogt USHERS Mark Gwirtz, John Bonen COLLECTION: January 4, 2015 $ 3,568.00 Sunday Offertory $ 2,983.00 Christmas $ 325.00 General Maintenance $ 220.00 Solemnity of Mary $ 40.00 Furnace Donations (as of Jan 8, 2015) $ 24,440.00 Thank you for your continued Generosity to our Parish and School LECTOR Steve Vogt LECTOR Dennis Gwirtz EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS Jim & Shirley Cole, Leo Hartings EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS Dale Schroeder, Paul Schroeder, Jerry & Deb Schumacher OFFERTORY Ushers OFFERTORY Mark Gwirtz Family GREETERS Tanya Hartings, Shirley Cole GREETERS Greg Keller, Steve Keller COUNTERS Miriam Schroeder, Rosemary Sutter Bulletin Sponsor of the Week… Rietschlin Electric & Maintenance 419-347-8877 Luke Rietschlin, Owner Home & Building Maintenance, Backhoe, Dump Truck, Trencher Service, Welding & Mechanical Repairs, Outdoor Wood Burning Furnaces, Aqua-Therm Central Boiler Euchre Tournaments PTO’s annual euchre tournaments are scheduled for January 11th and February 15th Doors open @ 3:00 pm Play begins @ 3:30 pm 50/50 drawing, food and drinks for sale RSVP to Laura Gosser 419-565-0909 Men of Sacred Heart and St. Joseph's, As we begin 2015 let us remember Fr. Mike Schilling in our thoughts and prayers. Thanks to Fr. Chris for his leadership along with thanks to Mike Anatra and others who served as pall bearers. Also a special thanks to Fr. Chris, Don Alt, Deacons Keller and Horning for making it possible for the men to celebrate Mass at our Men’s Fellowship in December. Our Catholic Men’s Fellowship will meet on the third Saturday, January 17, 2015 at the Knights of Columbus room near St. Joseph’s courtyard at 8:00 am. In November the study was “Sin.” This month our study will be over “The Person and Society,” in Brief #s 18901896. All men are welcome as we will continue our time of testimony, study, prayer, and outreach for our parishes' communities. Peace, John White—jwhite5775@gmail.com GETTING RIGHT WITH GOD God’s will for us today exceeds the sum of all our desires. Come spend the day in an adult retreat that focuses on “Getting Right with God” through a process that includes prayer, scripture study, discussion, individual reflection, and Eucharistic Adoration. This event is to be held in Resurrection Parish Fellowship Hall on Saturday, January 24th from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Please call their parish office at 419-884-0060 to register. LITURGICAL MINISTERS: First and foremost, Thank you for serving at the Lord’s altar. Second, thank you to those who filled out and returned their availability forms for the new computer generated liturgical scheduling program. We are compiling a liturgical minister phone directory which we hope will make it easier for everyone to find their own substitute if/when the need arises. If you do not want your phone number listed, or you wish to make sure a particular number is the one on the list (land line vs. cel phone for example), please write your name and the desired phone number down and put it in the collection basket before January 15th. Thank you! BACK TO HEARTLAND HIGH SCHOOL GATHERING: To be held January 18-19 at St. Joseph-Galion. Registration form and additional details can be obtained at www.backtoheartland.com OUR PARISH IS HAVING A MISSION………..Not until March 11-12, 2015, but it’s going to be an event you do NOT want to miss! St. Joseph & Sacred Heart will be Co-Hosting this event to enhance your Lenten Journey. Mark your calendars now to make sure you can attend. More Information to follow at a later date! Theology on Tap...Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 6:00 pm to be held in the Rectory at St. Bernard’s in New Washington. The topic is Bourbon & Blessings and will be presented by Fr. Eric Culler (Pastor at St. Francis & St. Bernard). Elementary PSR Classes have Begun Soon! Elementary PSR began again last Wednesday, January 7th 2015. This second session of classes for students in Kindergarten through 8th grade will be held at St. Joseph’s Elementary School from 7-8pm. We look forward to seeing all of you again! Please contact Sarah Paynter with questions at: apaynter13@gmail.com or 419-6830556. PARISH CONTACTS FR. CHRISTOPHER BOHNSACK, PASTOR 419-683-2015 FRBOHNSACK@SHELBYSACREDHEART.ORG frbohnsack@stjosephcrestline.org —————————————————————— School News… Our Annual Blood Drive will be held January 24, 2015. Please mark your calendars and plan to give the gift of life. Appointments can be made by contacting Mrs. Myers at the the school office. Thank you! DEACON STEPHEN KELLER 419-347-6940 SMK3642@GMAIL .COM ———————————————————— MONICA FINNEY, BUSINESS MANAGER OPEN HOUSE & BREAKFAST: Please join us for our Kickoff to Catholic Schools Week celebration on Sunday, January 25th with our Open House and Breakfast. All proceeds will be used towards the Mohican Trip. Help us celebrate the gift of a Catholic Education at Sacred Heart School! 419-342-2256 MFINNEY@SACREDHEARTBETHLEHEM.ORG M-W 8:00-11:00, TH-F 8:00-NOON MRS. LISA MYERS, SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 419-342-2797 (SHELBY) 419-683-1697 (CRESTLINE) LMYERS@SHELBYSACREDHEART.ORG MRS. JULIE FRIEBEL, SECRETARY 419-342-2797 (SHELBY) 419-683-1697 (CRESTLINE) JFRIEBEL@SHELBYSACREDHEART.ORG PARISH COMMITTEE MEETINGS Pastoral Council (2nd Tuesday of the Month) Jan 13, Mar 10, May 12 School Advisory (3rd Tuesday of the Month) Jan 20, Mar 17, May 19 Finance Council (4th Tuesday of the Month) Jan 27, Mar 24, May 26 Sacramental Dates: First Reconciliation- Feb.. 25, 2015 @7:00 pm Confirmation - April 12, 2015 @ 11:00 am @ SH ***PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE*** First Holy Communion - April 19, 2015 @ 8:30 am Mass Panther Athletics: We need a concession chairman and workers for the weekend of February 14th. We are hosting the Mansfield Deanery Basketball Tournament. All proceeds will go to Panther Athletics. Call Mike Anatra at 419-683-1671 for additional details. Knights of Columbus-Msgr Leo Frye Council #2642 will be meeting on Tuesday, January 13th at 7:00 pm in the Knights of Columbus Room at St. Joseph ChurchCrestline. Thank you. Shelby Knights of Columbus Spaghetti Dinner/Reverse Raffle: To be held Saturday, February 21st. Doors open at 6 pm and dinner is served at 7 pm with the drawing beginning at 8:30 pm. 50/50s available at the door. Ticket cost once again is $100 with only 200 tickets sold. The purchase of a ticket enters you into a drawing and includes dinner for two. COMMUNITY DINNER: Please join us at the Shelby Community & Senior Center (154 N Gamble St-Shelby) on Friday, January 16th from 5-7 pm. Please support this important fundraiser that Brenda Schroeder has generously volunteered to prepare. $7/person and it is open to the public. Thank you!
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