Sacred Heart-St. Joseph Catholic Parish Father Tim Haberkorn, Pastor Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Sacred Heart Church 312 NE Freeman Ave Sacred Heart Church Rectory 333 NE Freeman Ave Topeka Ks 66616-1216 Rectory/Office: 234-3338 Church Hall: 234-6727 Fr. Tim Haberkorn St. Joseph Church Rectory 227 SW Van Buren St Topeka Ks 66603-3319 Rectory/Office: 232-2863 Fax: 232-3845 Church Hall: 233-8610 Principal, Mr. Lee Schmidt East: Grades K-8 1725 NE Seward Ave 234-8980 Fax: 234-6778 West: Pre-School 210 NE Branner 233-9171 Notes from Father Tim… The Archbishop's Annual Call to Share: Thanks to those who have already returned their pledge cards and donations and thanks to those who will be doing so soon. We have been assigned the parish goal total of $53,893. Your prayerful consideration of support is deeply appreciated by the many who will benefit from your generosity. Blessings, Fr. Tim Sacred Heart-St. Joseph Parish German Fasching Mardi Gras, Saturday, February 14th: Tickets for the Sacred Heart-St. Joseph German Fasching Mardi Gras celebration can be purchased after all the weekend Masses through February 8th, or by calling Sacred Heart Rectory at 234-3338, or St. Joseph Rectory at 232-2863. The date scheduled for the event is Saturday, February 14th. The price per event ticket is $25, or a Reserved Table for 8 for $225. Silent Auction -only cash and checks will be accepted that evening. The will be no ATM machine available. The schedule for the evening of the event is the following: 4 pm German/English Mass 5 pm Cocktails-Cash Bar/Silent Auction/Drawing tickets available 5:30 pm-7:30 pm authentic German Buffet Dinner 7:30 pm-10:30 pm Polka Dance featuring the Ed Grisnik Polka Band 9:30 pm Silent Auction Closes/Drawing begin There are a limited number of Event Tickets available so reserve your spot now. Fasching Drawing Tickets for Sale: Tickets for the 2 Fasching Drawings can be purchased from either Sacred Heart Rectory or St. Joseph Rectory up to and including the night of the event. Chances on the Large Cash Drawing of $1,000 are $10 each. Chances on the Quilt Drawing, which include three handmade quilts donated by St. Anthony's Guild, are $1 each. You need not be present to win either of these 2 drawings. Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday SH 4:00 pm Sunday StJ 8:00 am Sunday SH 10:30 am Tithe 11,525 Plate 545 Candles 133 Expocentre 362 Hall Rental 200 Daily Mass Schedule: Wednesday, Friday StJ 6:30 am Tuesday, Thursday, Friday SH 8:05 am First Saturday Only StJ 7:30 am Collection January 25 Faith Direct 2,163 Funeral Dinners Fasching Donation 50 Latin America Fasching Event Tickets 1,840 Lenten Project Fasching Quilt Drawing 583 Mass Fasching Money Drawing 780 Memorials 190 399 25 425 690 Children's Black & Indian Central & Eastern Retirement 22 20 20 10 We welcome you to Sacred Heart-St. Joseph Catholic Parish. We are a Christ centered community of faith which gathers to Worship around the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and the sacramental life of the Church. Through the love of Christ’s Sacred Heart and the intercession of St. Joseph, we hope to journey from this life into the everlasting life to come. Come and journey with us! Fr. Tim Items Needed for German Fasching Celebration: Our parish German Fasching Celebration is scheduled for Saturday, February 14th, 2015 at Sacred Heart Church Hall. The Fasching fundraising Event includes an authentic German Dinner Buffet, polka band, polka dance, drawings, and silent auction. We are in need of silent auction items. Items for the silent auction must be at least $50 in value and preferably new or like new. Donated items may be dropped off at either Sacred Heart Rectory or St. Joseph Rectory. There will be two Drawings. The First drawing will be for $1,000 and chances on this drawing are a $10 donation. The Second drawing will be for 3 quilts donated by St. Anthony's Guild and the chances on this drawing are a $1 donation. This year we will also have something new at the Fasching called the WHEEL OF FORTUNE. You won't want to miss out on this one. We welcome any cash donations to help defray the cost for this event. We want to make this a wonderful experience for our parish and we need everyone's help. Great preparation makes for a successful event! Thanks for your consideration as well as your donations. Blessings, Fr. Tim Haberkorn and the Fasching Committee Confirmation Retreat and Practice: The Confirmation Retreat and Practice for students from Sacred Heart-St. Joseph Parish is scheduled for Sunday, February 22nd from 12 pm till 3:30 pm in Sacred Heart Church Hall, beginning with a pizza lunch. The Retreat is NOT for Sponsors, only for Confirmation Students from Sacred Heart-St. Joseph Parish who attend Holy Family Catholic School, our Parish C.C.D. Program, Home School, or Public School. Immediately following the Retreat, there will be a Practice for all Confirmation Students and their Sponsors, beginning at 3:30 pm in Sacred Heart Church. It is the responsibility of the Confirmation Students to notify their Sponsor of the Practice time and location. It is important that the Sponsor attend the Practice. Attendance at the Retreat and Practice is a requirement by the Archdiocese in order for your student to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Noodles! Come make noodles February 3rd-4th, and bag those homemade noodles February 5th. Fun (and fellowship!) begin 8 am each day in Sacred Heart Church kitchen. Fasching dinner takes preparation. Please give a hand February 11th -13th, 4:30 each evening, for cooking, and setting up for this big event. Please donate Fasching desserts! They may be brought to Sacred Heart Church kitchen the day of the event. Thank you! Hayden Catholic High School News: Annual Freshmen Enrollment: Hayden invites all 8th grade students and their parents to our Annual Freshmen Enrollment Nights on Monday, February 2nd, and Wednesday, February 4th. Enrollment sessions begin at 4:30, 5:30, and 6:30 pm each night, and include a brief group presentation along with individual sessions with counselors for enrollment. Information regarding driver’s education, summer classes, and financial Germanfest 2015 – Kickoff Meeting Tuesday, February 3rd assistance will be presented. Enrollment packets will be sent to the homes of 8th grade families in Topeka 5:30 pm in Sacred Heart Church Hall Catholic grade schools. Contact Mr. Strecker to have a This short 30-45 minute meeting will involve festival dates, packet sent to you, or for questions, 272-5210 ext. 19, General Committee assignment and structure. Royals Vouchers are Back: Support the Hayden High Specific work and discussions will follow in School baseball team by purchasing KC Royals February and March meetings. voucher/tickets for the 2015 season. Vouchers are up to 50% off face value and are good for all games except Thank You: The Shawnee Heights Let’s Help team members in cheer squad took 4th place in the January were Ruth Appelhanz, John Opening Day, Red Sox, Yankees and Cardinals games. Field Box tickets are only $24, Field Plaza tickets are National Competition this past Babcock, Bob & Pat Burghart, $20. Vouchers are the same as tickets and can be weekend in Dallas, TX. After only Frank Davis, Marion Desch, Betty redeemed at the Royals box office. Contact a Hayden three weeks to learn their routine, and Lou Eakes, Doug and Paula baseball player or Shannon, at 213-0556, to purchase then changing multiple components Gartner, Mary Grace, Sylvia vouchers or for questions. Thank you for your support! after their first performance due to Graham, Ed Haefner, Doris technical issues the judges had, they Hammond, Peggy Hickey, Richard “Living the Discerning Life,” by Father Timothy can hold their heads high as they are Kaberline, Woody Konrade, Floyd Gallagher, produced by EWTN, is offered by Glory to 4th in the nation. Thank you to Rockers, June Schiffelbein, and God Community beginning February 5th, continuing everyone who purchased burritos Marvin Schleif the first and third Thursdays of each month, at Most and/or biscuit sandwiches to help Holy Family School Kindergarten Pure Heart, O’Connor Hall. These DVDs make St. send Jordan and Este White. We Roundup is Friday, February 11th Ignatius of Loyola’s teachings on the Discernment of appreciate each and every one of Spirits come alive comprehensively.10-part series to at Holy Family’s east campus for you. It was a life changing help us learn to discern influences causing any child who turns 5 on or before experience and now everyone discouragement and deception in our spiritual lives, August 31st. Event is 8:30 am or knows who SHHS is. Just wait till using the 14 rules for discernment written by St. Noon. Please bring State birth they see what we bring next year! certificate, Baptismal certificate, and Ignatius over 450 years ago. 7-8:30 pm each evening, Donna White refreshments afterward. Allan or Vickie Holthaus, 862current immunization record. 9738. St Joseph Adoration Chapel Open Catholic Charities food pantry hours are: *Tuesday 9 am, 1 pm Light of the World Retreat, hosted by St. Matthew needs your help! Seeking *Wednesday 1 pm *Thursday 4 pm volunteers interested in working in Church. No matter where we are on our faith journey Saturday 6 pm *Sunday 9 am. with Christ, He continually calls us to grow in a deeper, the food pantry. Morning and Please consider spending an hour or closer relationship with Him. Prayerfully consider afternoon shifts available during more each week with Jesus in the attending a Light of the World retreat at St. Matthew business hours; training provided. Adoration Chapel. Kevin Catholic Church February 6th-8th. If interested call the Office- 234 S Kansas Ave. Dylan Bychinski, 215-5472, 7:30 am-8:30 Parish office, 232-5012, Sharon Hassett, 862-1276, or Woods 233-6300 ext 1309, pm Monday-Friday Christine Voegeli, 806-1930. _____ Have you changed your address, phone number, or other information? _____ Have you been a visitor to Sacred Heart-St. Joseph parish and like to become a registered member? Please complete this form and drop in the collection basket, or mail to either rectory. Addresses are on the front page of the bulletin. Thanks! Date_____-_____-_____ Name_________________________________________ Phone #_______________________ ______________________ Address_______________________________________ *Current members: Envelope/ID#_________ ______________________________________________ *Former address______________________________________ Fasching Dessert donations needed: The day of the event we are asking for dessert donations. Pies are popular, but any type of dessert will be appreciated. In keeping with our German theme, we would like to have as many German desserts as possible, for example: Grebble Rivel Kuchen German Cookies German Chocolate Cake Apple Strudel Desserts may be dropped off on the day of the event at Sacred Heart Church Hall between 8 am-3 pm. Class Act Uniforms, 5840 SW Huntoon, 273-0551,now has First Holy Communion dresses and veils. Store hours Monday-Thursday 12:30-5:30 pm, and Saturday 11 am-3 pm. World Marriage Day Mass: All married couples are invited to come celebrate their Sacrament of Marriage at the sixth annual World Marriage Day Mass on Sunday, February 8th, 2 pm, at Cure of Ars Parish in Leawood. What better Valentine’s Day gift could a husband or wife give their spouse! Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Joseph Naumann and Bishop Robert Finn. Reception to follow. Children and families are welcome. Help Shape the Vision: This month marks 10 years since Archbishop Naumann assumed leadership of the church in NE Kansas. He invites input from the Faithful concerning the important pastoral issues that face the Church. You can help shape a shared pastoral vision for the next 10 years. St. Matthew Parish Hall, 7 pm on February 12th. For more information about the Archbishop’s Visioning Process visit The Christian Widow and Widowers Organization will have a soup luncheon in the Formation Room at Most Pure Heart on Sunday, February 15th, 1-3 pm. Dime Bingo will be played after lunch. Soup and bowls provided by the club. Bring a side dish or dessert. Doris Patterson at 272-0055, Doris Oseland at 273-2673. Please remember Sacred Heart-St. Joseph in your will. Mass Intentions January 31st-February 8th Sa 31 SH 4:00 pm Ken Fisher by Mary Warner Su 1 SJ 8:00 am David Sabol by Joyce Stenger SH 10:30 am Dedria Cromwell by Suzy Herman Tu 3 SH 8:05 am Tom Browne, Sr. by Mary Browne & family W 4 SJ 6:30 am Damian Levings by Pat & Leanna Baker Th 5 SH 8:05 am Maureen & Jim Lane by Therese & John Klein F 6 SJ 6:30 am Frances Rooney (6th Anniv.) by Peggy Hickey SH 8:05 am Greg Crossman by the family Sa 7 SH 7:30 am Sister Mary Marcella by Sister Mary Rosaleen SH 4:00 pm Trenton Feliciano by Feliciano family And Bernard Hurla by Feliciano family Su 8 SJ 8:00 am Sister Mary Corita by Joe & Renee Fritton And Special Intentions of Helen Meier by the children SH 10:30 am Ken Fisher by Marvin & Theresa Schleif Please keep in your prayers our family members serving in the Military: Chrystien Bookman, Ft. Leonardwood MO David Darnall, North Carolina Douglas Darnall, Alaska Ryan Graham, Camp LeJeune Tyler Graham, Camp LeJeune Skylar Grant, Ft. Leonardwood MO Amanda Spies, McConnell AFB Wichita Sarah Wardein, Washington Garrett Wilson, Virginia Beach Tyler Wilson, Forbes Topeka In case of hospitalization, or to add/ remove names on our prayer list, please call either office. Names may remain on our list for two months. If a longer time on the list is needed, please call us. Parish or Family Members who have asked for your prayers: Deborah Beier Berkeley John Dempewolf Joan Desch Jim Frederick Carrie Hogan Reuben Juarez Fr. George Klasinski Robert Longstaff Lydia Schmidt Spies Family Kevin Stadler Florence Tetuan Danny Williams Charles Wurtz SH Church Office Hours: 8 am-Noon Tuesday-Friday Mass Intentions c/o Therese Bulletin Deadline: 8 am Wednesdays Baptism: To have your child baptized, you must be a registered active parishioner for at least 6 months prior to baptism. Call Fr. Tim 232-2863 StJ Church Office Hours: 8 am-Noon Monday, Wednesday, Friday Mass Intentions c/o Teresa Reconciliation: First Friday: StJ 6:00-6:20 am First Saturday: StJ 7:00-7:20 am Saturday: SH 3:15-3:55 pm Sunday: StJ 7:10-7:55 am Anointing of the Sick: First Saturdays Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle 3rd Sunday, 2 pm, StJ Mondays, 5 pm, StJ RCIA Classes for adults with Fr. Tim Tuesdays, 7 pm, Sacred Heart Hall, beginning first Tuesday in October. Project Rachel-Project Joseph Healing after an abortion 913-621-2199 Bookkeeper: Hall Rental: SH Mick & Liz Akerstrom 266-7865 StJ StJ Rectory 232-2863 SH Holy Hours in Church: Tuesday-Friday: 7-8 am Friday Adoration: 7 am-Noon StJ Adoration Chapel: 232-6967 Open Daily: 6 am-10 pm Temporary Coordinator: Kevin Bychinski 215-5472 Marriage: Fr Tim needs 6 months notice Religious Education for Children (CCD) Sundays, September-May, 9-10:15 am in the Holy Family School, East Campus Coordinator: Paul Allen 221-2749 Scripture Study Group Saturday, 9:30 am, SH Rectory StJ Nocturnal Adoration Thursday before First Friday, 7-11 pm Knights of Columbus Council #2608 1st & 3rd Mondays, 7 pm, Trompeter Hall Natural Family Planning Couple to Couple League: Topeka Catholic Singles Fellowship Virtus Training SH-StJ Leina Cox 286-2849 HFCS Mary Ann Pickering 235-9200 SACRED HEART – ST JOSEPH FINANCE COUNCIL MINUTES January 15, 2015 PRESENT: Father Tim Haberkorn, Bruce Danielson, Jack Bybee, Bill Pierson, Mark Hobart, Ann Meier, Joe Singer CONVENED: 6:00 PM in Sacred Church Hall Basement PRECEDING FINANCE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: The December Meeting Minutes were not reviewed. FINANCIAL REPORTS: The Council reviewed and approved Cash Flow and Balance Sheets for November and December 2014. CHURCHES IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS: A financing and support feasibility study for St Joseph Church Restoration will be conducted using internal parish resources, announcement made at weekend Masses January 17 and 18. A survey questionnaire will be mailed to all registered parish families the week of January 25. ST JOSEPH SCHOOL BUILDING: No actions have been taken in December 2014. An appraiser will meet with Jack Bybee in late January, early February to discuss possible actions. REGIONAL TASK FORCE: Bill Pierson has volunteered to be the parish representative on an ad hoc regional committee to formulate suggestions to Mater Dei Parish and the Topeka Regional Presbyterate Council on the feasibility of maintaining Assumption Church. Ann Meier has volunteered to be the parish representative on a permanent regional committee to formulate recommendations for joined and common efficiencies in the administration of the Topeka parishes. The Regional Task Force Commission has sent their final recommendations to Archbishop Nauman. He is scheduled to review them this month with the Archdiocesan Presbyterate Council. Following, he will give his final decisions regarding the Topeka Region. HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL: The Council approved a temporary increase in the Holy Family School subsidy formula, $5,000 increase for each of the following three months, total expenditure of $15,000. NEXT REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING: The next regular scheduled meeting will be February 19, 2015, 6 PM, Sacred Heart Church Hall. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, Joseph P Singer Mick & Liz Akerstrom Leina Cox, Ginger Simon Mary Lawrence Merlin & Barb Wilson Caroline Wittman Sabrina Seidl Rose Herman Glenda Fowler, Bill O’Mara Derek Blanchard George Kaberline Kathy Hobart, Tara Yost Tom Grace, Joe Fritton Renee Crossman Connie Everett Jim & Kathy Pierce Kevin Thomas Belinda Johnson Tish Blocher Joe & Michelle Singer George Kaberline Amanda Stadler Lyle & Sharon Schiefelbein Ginger Simon, Joe Fritton Joe & Michelle Singer Mick & Liz Akerstrom Leina Cox, Ginger Simon Craig Liening, Sam Leone Mary Lawrence Theresa Wittman Jose Hernandez Debra Simon Mike & Lisa Deghand Tara Yost, Debi Meier George Kaberline Derek Blanchard, Bill O'Mara Jim & Kathy Pierce Jan Fisher, Tom Grace Joe Fritton, Sam Leone Connie Everett Phil Plank Carey Mooradian Bruce Danielson Joe & Michelle Singer Mike & Lisa Deghand Shawn King Lyle & Sharon Schiefelbein Extraordinary Ministers ALL MINISTERS: IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO BE PRESENT, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN A REPLACEMENT Sacred Heart: The last 2 pews in the middle aisles are reserved for Ushers, Greeters and their families. Please find your name tag in the Usher's Room to wear during Mass. Sacred Heart Gift Bearers: Please check in with an usher before Mass Sacred Heart Ushers: If the assigned gift bearers do not show, please identify a family prior to the beginning of Mass. *Designates Head Usher Sacred Heart Ushers: Please assume responsibility for seating people as attendance is growing; try to keep people from standing at the back of the church Sacred Heart Choir consists of several people who sing for funerals and at the 10:30 Mass the third Sunday of each month; more from both churches are welcome to join them. St. Joseph's Choir consists of Maria Becker, John Reb, Heather Endsley, Sue Artzer, and anyone else who wants to join them. Eileen Davis Tammy Tompkins Brooklyn & Hannah Mya Tompkins *Michael Benson Jeff Akers Leo Kamer Scott Henderson Mar. 1 10:30 am Joe Singer SH Sam Leone Ginger Simon Bill O'Mara Sandy Short Tony & Timmy Rioux Sabrina Seidl Dominic Holthaus Renae Meier Benedict Holthaus Chance Holthaus Kate Leone Jenna Akers Trenton Morgan Dalton Morgan Brandon Albright Volunteers Roberta Stadler Craig Liening John Dempewolf Eileen Davis Craig Liening Timmy & Alex Rioux Ron Meier Stephen Burghart Mark Radziejeski Isaac Burghart Caileigh Roberts Brandon Ronsse Aaron Parrish Lyle Schiefelbein Sharon Schiefelbein Mar. 1 8:00 am SJ Feb. 28 4:00 pm SH *Jess Jansen Joe Singer Brad Sedlacek Esteban White *Sam Leone Chuck Ramirez Tom Grace Sr. Tom Grace Jr. Volunteers *Kenny Steinbock Charles Herman Mick & Liz Akerstrom Jerry Bergman Steve Schmidtlein Feb. 22 Bill Swartzman 10:30 am Kathy Hobart Tony Lewis SH Feb. 22 8:00 am SJ Feb. 21 4:00 pm SH Feb. 18 5:30 pm SH *Terry Casebier Joseph Katsbulas Steve Renyer Hunter Henderson Randy Schiffelbein Sr. Laci Haberkorn Randy Schiffelbein Jr. Feb. 15 Theresa Schleif 10:30 am Mary Sedlacek SH Connie Everett Tom Grace George Kaberline John Dempewolf Renae Meier Jolene Miller Ginger Simon Connie Everett Liturgical Ministry Schedule Lectors Alex & Tony Rioux Sabrina Seidl Luke Longstaff Theresa Wittman John Paul Longstaff Volunteers Xavier Hudgins Elyse Hubbard Ivan Hudgins Tony & Alex Rioux Luke Longstaff Kale Mooradian Allyson Meier Lilly Stremel Aurora Richardson Carly Johnson Sara Latendresse Isabel Hudgins Sean Latendresse Mass Servers Feb. 15 8:00 am SJ Feb. 14 4:00 pm SH Volunteers *Eric Heath Harold Korbe Ralph Appelhanz Julian Ziegler Ushers *Mark Hobart Rolando Munoz Bill Swartzman Steve Swartzman *Sean Buell Kim Koch Larry & Joanne Beier Keith Hendrickson Robert StClair Ray & Mary Ziegler Feb. 8 Joanne Mayfield 10:30 am Joe Singer SH Feb. 8 8:00 am SJ Feb. 7 4:00 pm SH Sacred Heart - St. Joseph Mass Greeters Michael & Lisa Deghand Mary Rabe Family Tom & Pam Morse Doris Meier Robert & Maureen Steinbock Edward & Thelma Haefner Patrick & Janet Finan Pete & Lenora Schuetz Kathleen Browne Family Barb Fisher Family Meier Family Feliciano Family Gift Bearers Peter Latendresse Deb Latendresse Sandy Carter Choir Kathy Bovaird Jerry Spain Kathy Bovaird Katelyn Hobart Sandy Carter Choir Sandy Carter John Reb Sue Swartzman Deb Latendresse Lesley Munoz Jerry Spain Sandy Carter Choir Sandy Carter Choir Sue Swartzman Kathleen Kramer Margaret Smith Sandy Carter Choir Sue Swartzman Wendy Katsbulas Sheryl Hogan February 2015 Music MUSTANGS 2014-15 HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC SCHOOL “You shall not hear false witness against your neighbor.” Exodus 20:16 Volume 9, Issue 20 Jan. 30, 2015 Do I refrain from gossiping? Do I learn the truth of a situation before discussing it?. Saints of the Week Feb. 2-Presentation of the Lord Feb. 3-St. Blasé and Ansgar Feb. 5-St. Agatha Feb. 6-St.Paul Miki and companions Feb. 7-St. Colette Feb. 8-St. Josephine Bakhita The mission of Holy Family Catholic School is to promote Catholic faith and academics that will enable our students to become confident, lifelong learners who value and live their faith. The school has a prayer list. If you would like a name to be added to this list, please call the office. Please keep the following people in your prayers ~Kelly Wood ~Bill Gomez Jr ~Lisa Jackson ~Florence Tetuan ~Gil Carter ~Roland Alonzo ~Ruth Romero ~TJ Brown ~Brandon Ramirez ~Frank Martinez ~Tom Swader ~Bob Zeller ~Sheena Schmidtlein ~Rebecca Wright ~Tina Hobart ~Hope and Faith Baber ~Rose Ayala Vision Statement The vision of Holy Family Catholic School is to partner with parents and/or guardians to insure that every child is successful in achieving excellent yearly academic and faith progress: to take pride in themselves, their faith, school and community, and to prepare them for their lifelong journey in serving God here on earth and into eternity. Calling all cowhands to join in our roundup! When: Wednesday, February 11th Where: Holy Family Catholic School East Campus Who: All buckaroos who turn 5 on or before Aug. 31. 2014 Time: 8:30am or Noon What to bring: State birth certificate Baptismal certificate Current immunization record. Hope to see you there pard’ner! PAGE 2 The running calendar is changed weekly with additions please make sure you look at it weekly Reminder: Please put names on hoodies/jackets. We have several hoodies in lost and found but no owners found! At the same time students will not be allowed to go out for recess if they do not wear a coat to school and the temperature is below freezing. Trash bags still available. Call the school office if interested. All bags are $10 per roll. Looking for times/date of basketball games? Go to the Topeka Parochial League website Spring Conferences are mandatory for all 8th graders. Spring conferences are optional for all other students unless requested by the teacher. Kindergarten Roundup When: Wednesday, February 11th Where: Holy Family Catholic School East Campus Who: Anyone who turns 5 on/or before Aug.31. Time: 8:30am or Noon What to bring: State birth certificate Baptismal certificate Current immunization record. Hayden Freshmen Enrollment Night Monday Feb. 2 or Wednesday Feb. 4th Sessions are at 4:30, 5:30 or 6:30 In the school cafeteria NO SCHOOL for KINDERGARTEN ONLY Feb. 11th Parent/Teacher Conferences held on Wednesday, Feb. 11th 2:30-8pm Thursday, Feb. 12 8am-2pm NO SCHOOL/NO HAY CLASES Feb. 12, 13 or 16th Enrollment packets will be going home mid-February Reminder: All fees from the current school year must be paid in full and your enrollment fee of $200 for the 2015-2016 school year needs to be paid to be enrolled for next year. Breakfast (bold) /Lunch Menu –Feb. 2-6 Mon.-Yogurt-Crispito, corn, refried beans, diced pears Tue.-Pancake Porky-Pulled Pork sandwich, california mix veggies, garden salad, banana Wed-Mini waffles-Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes/gravy, celery sticks, diced peaches, biscuit Thurs.-Apple bosco stick-Spaghetti w/meat sauce, beets, red gelatin, strawberry applesauce, WG breadstick Fri-Goody rings-Pork fritters, sweet potato bites, broccoli bites, mandarin oranges, dinner roll Upcoming Events ALL DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE 2014-15 Feb. 2-Hayden freshmen enrollment night 4:30, 5:30 or 6:30 3-Mass 8am 4-Hayden freshmen enrollment night 4:30, 5:30 or 6:30 6-Mass 8am 10-Mass 8am 10-Bookmobile 11-Kindergarten Round-up 11-NO SCHOOL for Kindergarten ONLY 11-Parent Teacher Conferences Evening only 12-parent Teacher Conferences 12-NO SCHOOL 13-NO SCHOOL 16-NO SCHOOL 17-Mass 8am at OLG 17-Teacher lunch provided by 4th grade 18-Ash Wednesday 20-Mass 8am 24-Mass 8am 24– Reconciliation for OLG 2nd graders 6:30 At OLG 24-Bookmobile 26-SH confirmation 27-Mass 8am March 3-Mass 8am 4-Math night 5-7pm 6-Mass 8am 6-End of 3rdQuarter 6-Prep work for Krautsturdel Sale Noo 7-Assemble Krautsturdels 8am till done 7-8-Krautstrudel Sale after Masses 9-PTO Meeting 6:30 10-Mass 8am 10-Bookmobile 11-Dress Down Day if both or one parent attend PTO meeting 13-Mass 8am 16-20-Spring Break 23-Classes Resume 24-Mass 8am 27-Mass 8am 31-Mass 8am 31-Bookmobile April 1-Window opens for Gr. 8 ACRE Testing 2-Holy Thursday-NO SCHOOL 3-Good Friday-NO SCHOOL 5-Easter 6-Easter Monday –NO SCHOOL 3-Mass 8am 7-Mass 8am 10-Mass 8am 11-OLG confirmation retreat 14-Mass 8am
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