November 2, 2014 All Souls Day 5742 State Route 61 S.

November 2, 2014
All Souls Day
5742 State Route 61 S.
Shelby, Ohio 44875
(419) 342-2256
A Sister Parish with St. Joseph, Crestline
Member of St. Juan Diego Deanery
6:30 pm Mass at Sacred Heart
Mass Intention: Deceased Members of
the Finnegan &
Metzger Families
8:30 am Mass at Sacred Heart
Mass Intention: Gerald & Juanita Sutter
Family, For Rita Walsh
Strength & Recovery
6:30 pm Mass at St Joseph
Mass Intention: Richard & Mary Sutter
8:30 am Mass at St. Joseph
Mass Intention: Marjorie Hoffman,
Isabelle Bray
3:30 pm Confessions at SHJ
4:30 pm Mass at Sacred HeartMass Intention: Ron Finnegan
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 am Mass at St. Joseph
Mass Intention: Rev. Robert Weithman
8:30 am Mass at Sacred Heart
Mass Intention: Bob & Eleanor
Rietschlin; David Riehl
10:30 am Mass at St. Joseph
Mass Intention: Dan Schroeder,
Esther Carter
Dear Parishioners,
Happy November! November is such a busy month and it is no different
at Sacred Heart School. This month, there are many Holy Days we are
celebrating with our universal Church. Along with celebrating these Holy Days,
please let me share how else the students at Sacred Heart School are
experiencing faith-filled activities throughout this month.
Along with our parishioners, our students will celebrate All Souls Day on
Sunday, November 2nd. Please say an extra prayer for our recently departed
parishioners and their families: Sacred Heart of Jesus, please wrap your loving
arms around Keir Ode-Viala, Charles Leroy Arter, Mary Alice Biglin, Donna
Newmeyer and Ronald Finnegan. These individuals believed in the love
and compassion of our God. What a testimony to their earthly journey as
they put their faith into action. For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die,
we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the
Lord’s. (Romans 14:8)
On November 5th, our first and second grade students will be celebrating All
Saints Day. Each one of the students has picked out their favorite Saint and will
dress like that individual and share details about their chosen Saint’s life. It is
always nice for the students to hear why individuals were canonized, as well as
how the Saints put God first in their lives. It also connects us to the “bigger”
Church, and is a great way for us to remember that we are all called to
Our students had the opportunity to participate in a wonderful service
project which concluded on October 31st. We had a joint venture with Catholic
Charities of Mansfield who has a Veterans group that meets monthly. These
men and women have bravely served our Country and part of the group goals is
to help the Veterans make the transition back into their civilian communities.
There have been many success stories. During a meeting the coordinator of the
Veterans’ group was mentioning that she was able to get assistance for many
things including food, clothing, housing and utilities.
However there is not a
readily available assistance for basic living needs such as toilet paper! Once I
heard that, I knew our students, parents and staff would be able to assist in that
area. The school staff decided that we would have a toilet paper competition
between the classrooms each week for the month of October. The classroom’s
teacher that brought in the most toilet paper rolls during a week would be
required to wear a toilet paper hat/crown the following week. As I write this
article we have brought in 980 rolls of toilet paper (with 3 more days to go)! That
is awesome! We are coordinating an assembly with Catholic Charities to
present the group of Veterans’ with our donation. It brought us great joy to give
back to the men and women who have served our Country--We were able to put
the Gospel into action. The students also loved seeing their teachers wearing
the silly hats/crown!
What an exciting time it is to attend Sacred Heart School! We are
experiencing firsthand the importance of connecting with the universal Church,
as well as demonstrating the life skills of compassion and caring by helping
others in need. We are making a difference in our community!
God Bless,
Lisa Myers, Principal
October 26, 2014
Tuesday, November 4- Euch Ministers: Steve Keller & Roseanne Conley
$ 7,046.00
Sunday Offertory
$ 4,801.00
Catholic Communications
$ 25.00
Maintenance (Gen)
$ 2,045.00
Fuel Cost Fund
$ 175.00
May God bless
you for the
sacrifices you
make for our
parish and
4:30 pm-Saturday
November 8, 2014
8:30 am-Sunday
November 9, 2014
Kevin Willis
Folk Group
Faith Gosser, Rylee Gregson
Deke & Dane Biglin
Kim Gosser, Dave Gregson
Jerry Niese, Roger Niese
Steve Vogt
Diane Metzger
Marti Keller, MaryPat Davis,
Harry Miller
Doug & Tammy Lucius,
Sr. Susanna Weaver, John Workman
Mr & Mrs. Clare Davis
Mr & Mrs. Rodney Cole
Jacob Rietschlin, Tanya Hartings
Ric & Kathy Biglin
Rosemary Sutter, Jeanne Gosser
Bulletin Sponsor of the Week…
Eucharistic Adoration will
be held on Fridays during
school from 2:15-2:30 pm
in the church. The
exceptions to this in
November will be No
Adoration on November
7th or 28th. Thank you
and we hope you can join
us there.
Saturday Masses at
Sacred Heart will
return to 4:30 pm
beginning at 3:30 pm
next Saturday, November 8th.
Please mark your calendars!
Robert L. and Catherine A. Turner
Jacob M. Penwell
Funeral Directors
*Funerals * Cremation Options * Monuments
*Pre Need Specialists * Irrevocable Funeral Trust *Affordable
* Handicap Accessible
Largest Rooms for Visitation and Funerals
*Ample Parking
*Serving Settlement Area Families for 29 Years
worker/baker sign up sheet has been
placed in the back of church. Please
sign up for one of these duties in a
time slot that works for you & your family. Thank
you for sharing your gifts of time and talent!
CONGRATULATIONS to the Tom Metzger Family
for winning the Early Bird Drawing.
They have
had another ticket placed free of charge in the
drawing--perhaps they will be as lucky next time
CATHOLIC WOMENS CLUB: Their Luncheon will
be Wednesday, November 12th at the Roadhouse
Brown Derby, 3985 Park Avenue West, Mansfield.
The luncheon will begin at 11:30. All Catholic women
from any parish in our Deanery are invited to attend.
If you are new, we encourage you to join us and get
to know the Catholic Women in our area. You may
call Judy Wiparina at 419-756-1082 or JoAnn Jerger
at 567-274-7954 to make your reservation. We
hope you can join us and look forward to meeting
Clothing & Toy Collection for the Crestline Community
Christmas Program will begin Nov. 1- Nov 17. Bring
your donations of good clean winter clothing and toys
to the Parish Center entrance during those dates.
Have all items clean and in good repair. No Summer clothing. Please
mark the sizes on each piece of clothing with masking tape. This
makes the sorting process much easier. All toys should have all
pieces intact. Food items will be collected during the Pack-a-PickUp weekend at Thanksgiving time.
Crawford County Right to Life will NOT have a
signature ad campaign this year. They will continue to
have a pro-life newspaper ad in local newspapers
around the infamous Roe vs. Wade anniversary
(1/22/1973). On the weekends of November 2nd and
9th, collections will be taken up to defray the cost of
this pro-life newspaper ad. The suggested donation is
still $5 per family. Remaining funds will be used to
educate and support local pro-life efforts. This change
is being made to be good stewards of the funds
donated to Crawford County Right to Life. As
always, thank you for all your prayers and efforts on
behalf of the sanctity of life.
An all you can eat Breakfast and Bake
Sale is to be held at St. Francis Xavier
School in Willard Ohio this Sunday,
November 2nd from 8:30 - 12:30 am.
The menu will consist of Bacon,
Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Hash
Browns, Sausage Gravy & Biscuits and
Cereal & Beverages. All proceeds to benefit the St.
Francis Xavier Youth Group.
In case you have not heard there were some vehicles
broken into and vandalized a couple of weekends ago in
the church parking lot during the 8:30 am Mass here at
Sacred Heart Parish. It is certainly unfortunate that this
happened and we remind you to please lock your
vehicles and do not leave valuables in sight. Thank you.
Can you believe the holidays are right around the
corner and will be here before we know it! Have you
considered purchasing gift cards at the school for your
groceries, gifts, and gift card purchases? There is no
extra cost to you, and while purchasing your gift cards
through us, you will accrue money that can be directly
deducted from your tuition (or a family of your choice) or
donated to the school. We have a Master List with over
500 vendors to choose from. Please contact Mrs.
Myers at the school office if you have questions about
our SCRIP program. It is run all year long, but can be
especially beneficial to you at this time of year. The
convenience alone (let alone money off your tuition!)
may make your holidays just a little bit less hectic and
more enjoyable.
Please join us in welcoming Ellison Louise
Rietschlin to our Catholic faith and Sacred
Heart Church Family. We also Congratulate her parents Adam & Lindsay Rietschlin on
the birth and Baptism of their child.
School News…
The youngest parishioner will again portray baby
Jesus in our Christmas play. The child must be born
before December 1, 2014 and baptized by December
24, 2014. Please contact Julie Friebel at (419) 3422256 or (419) 683-1697 to be considered for this honor.
First Quarter Honor Roll: Please join me in congratulating
the following students for making our First Quarter Honor Roll:
Straight A’s: Brady Biglin, Eliabeth Biglin, Huck Finnegan, Macy
Rall, Taylor Rall, Nathan Rietachlin, Elizabeth Schubert, and
Trevor Vogt
First Honor A’s and B’s: Kimberly Biglin, Brianna Briggs,
Caden Roberts, Riley Cain, Lucas Cochran, Lincoln DeGray,
Hayden Faith, Lincoln Finnegan, Damon Frary, Rylee Gregson,
Brooklyn Gwirtz, Molly Hartings, Logan Keller, Spencer Keller,
Logan Knapp, Haiden Newmeyer, Brody Miller, Cory Myers,
Reghan Rall, Kassie Stine, Trace Thomas, Noah Tuttle, Abby
Vogt, Anna Vogt, Cassidy Vogt, Kirby Vogt, Jacob Vogt and
Kendal Widman
M-W 8:00-11:00,
TH-F 8:00-NOON
419-342-2797 (SHELBY)
419-683-1697 (CRESTLINE)
HOPE CABINS Get-a-way! Our 5/6th Grade class is
selling raffle tickets for a One Night Stay at Hope Cabins
(Galion, OH) including 2 Movie Tickets & a Basket of
Snacks & Goodies. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5 and can
be purchased from any 5/6th grade student or their teacher
Ms. Rietschlin. The Winner will be drawn on Monday,
November 10th and all proceeds will benefit the Mohican
Outdoor School trip.
419-342-2797 (SHELBY)
419-683-1697 (CRESTLINE)
Pastoral Council (2nd Tuesday of the Month)
Nov 11, Jan 13, Mar 10, May 12
School Advisory (3rd Tuesday of the Month)
Nov 18, Jan 20, Mar 17, May 19
Finance Council (4th Tuesday of the Month)
Nov 25, Jan 27, Mar 24, May 26
Sacramental Dates:
First Reconciliation- Feb.. 25, 2015 @7:00 pm
Confirmation - April 12, 2015 @ 1:00 pm @ SH
First Holy Communion - April 19, 2015 @ 8:30 am
Dear Parishioners,
It was great seeing you on my last visit. I wanted to give you
an update on how things have been going so far on my seminary
journey. This year, I am in 2nd Theology (4th year overall of 7 total
years) at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Cincinnati. Some of my
classes this year include Historical Books of the Bible, Homiletics
(where we learn how to preach), Christology, Canon Law, Pastoral
Counseling, Medical Ethics, and many other interesting topics of our
faith. This past summer, I was assigned to St. Ann and St. Joseph
parishes in Fremont where I helped out with migrant ministry. It was
my job to deliver supplies to the migrant camps and to prepare
children for their First Holy Communion. It was a great experience.
During the school year, I am also helping to teach RCIA classes at a
local parish in Cincinnati. If all goes well at seminary this year, next
year I will be on my “Pastoral Internship” where I will take a break
from studies to spend the entire year living in a parish and learning
the ropes from the pastor.
I have really enjoyed my time in seminary so far. Although
preparation for the priesthood can be challenging, it is very
encouraging to know that your prayers and support are behind me.
Thank you so much for all of the encouragement over these past few
years, and please know that you are in my prayers as well!
God bless,
Seminarian Scott Perry