Sacred Heart-St. Joseph Catholic Parish

Sacred Heart-St. Joseph Catholic Parish
Father Tim Haberkorn, Pastor
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
November 9th, 2014
Sacred Heart Church
312 NE Freeman Ave
Sacred Heart Church Rectory
333 NE Freeman Ave
Topeka Ks 66616-1216
Rectory/Office: 234-3338
Church Hall: 234-6727
Fr. Tim Haberkorn
St. Joseph Church Rectory
227 SW Van Buren St
Topeka Ks 66603-3319
Rectory/Office: 232-2863
Fax: 232-3845
Church Hall: 233-8610
Principal, Mr. Lee Schmidt
East: Grades K-8 1725 NE Seward Ave 234-8980
Fax: 234-6778
West: Pre-School 210 NE Branner
Notes from Father Tim…
Fasching Planning Committee
Meeting: There will be a Fasching
Planning Committee Meeting on
Tuesday, November 11th, at 5:30 pm
in Sacred Heart Church Hall. We are
in need of our current volunteers as
well as any new volunteers. Come
and join us! Fr. Tim Haberkorn
Parish Council Meeting: There will
be a Parish Council Meeting on
Thursday, November 20th, at 5:30
pm in Sacred Heart Church Hall.
Finance Council Meeting: There
will be a Finance Council Meeting on
Thursday, November 20th, at 6:30
pm in Sacred Heart Church Hall. We
will meet with OLG Finance Council.
Book of Life: During the month of
November we will have available the
Book of Life in both churches. Please
feel free to add to the pages of the
Book of Life the names of your
deceased loved ones which we will
remember in a special way at all our
parish Masses during the month.
Eternal rest grant unto them Lord and
let perpetual light shine upon them.
Thank you: Our heartfelt thanks for
the wonderful dinner you prepared
and served after the funeral of my
husband Alejandro Munoz. Your
kindness was greatly appreciated.
The Munoz Family
Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday SH 4:00 pm
Sunday StJ 8:00 am
Sunday SH 10:30 am
Daily Mass Schedule:
Wednesday, Friday
StJ 6:30 am
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday SH 8:05 am
First Saturday Only
StJ 7:30 am
Hall Rental
Collection November 2
21 Human Development 85
All Saints
722 Mass
All Souls
1,053 Pennies from Heaven 22
Altar Society Dues
We welcome you to Sacred Heart-St. Joseph Catholic Parish. We are a Christ
centered community of faith which gathers to Worship around the real presence of
Christ in the Holy Eucharist and the sacramental life of the Church. Through the love
of Christ’s Sacred Heart and the intercession of St. Joseph, we hope to journey from
this life into the everlasting life to come. Come and journey with us! Fr. Tim
St Joseph Adoration Chapel: Open
hours are Monday 2 pm, Tuesday 9 am
and 1 pm, Thursday 4 pm, Friday 7
pm, Saturday 11 am, 12 pm, and 6 pm,
Sunday 9am. Kevin Bychinski, 2155472, 7:30 am-8:30 pm MondayFriday.
Knights News: Knight of the Month
for November is Kirby Dennis. Family
of the Month for November is Doug
Longstaff Family. Winner of our
monthly drawing was Clint Zercher for
$100. Next month we start over at $20.
Knights Bingo is Saturday, November
22nd. Food served starting at 5 pm,
and Bingo at 6 pm. Chili and chili dogs
will be served. Food and drink by
donation. Bingo cards are $5 a card.
Our Bingo will be held in Trompeter
Hall, the old Let's Help building. No
stairs. The parking lot by Trompeter
Hall is handicapped parking. Come and
enjoy food and fun. The Knights State
officers thank St. Anthony's Guild for
donating the quilts for their drawing at
the State convention, and Jose
Hernandez for the dinners he donated.
Pancake breakfast this Sunday at
Sacred Heart basement, 8:30 am-Noon.
By donations.
Choir Practice for Christmas Eve 4
pm Mass begin Thursday, November
13th, 6:30 pm, at Sacred Heart. All are
invited to join us. Questions? Please
call Sue Swartzman, 232-3281.
Hayden Catholic High School invites all
parishioners, especially the families of 6th, 7th
and 8th grade students, to our annual Open
House on Wednesday, November 12th, from 78:30 pm. Student and parent guides will provide
tours of our facilities and describe the spiritual,
academic, and activity programs at Hayden.
Please stop by to see the Science classrooms, the
expanded Library, and remodeled cafeteria.
Please call 272-5210 ext.19 if you have
Hayden Catholic High School is hosting a
Parent Information Seminar for all interested
parents on Thursday, November 20th, 7 pm in
the Hayden cafeteria. Information will be
provided on our spiritual, academic, and activity
programs as well as a description of enrollment
procedures and financial assistance. Please call
272-5210 ext.19 if you have questions.
College Mid Term-Care Package: Please
provide your Sacred Heart-St. Joseph member
college student, seminarian, or novitiate's mailing
address. We also need donated items; snacks,
games, books, holy cards, prayers (they love
homemade items, but anything is welcome). We
will prepare them at Sacred Heart Rectory
December 1st, 5 pm. Let us know if you'd like to
help. Please call the Rectory, 234-3338, or send
information in the collection basket by
November 23.
Annual Kansas City Shopping/Entertainment
Bus Trip is Saturday, December 6th. Bus leaves
at 9 am from Sacred Heart, coming back around
7:30 pm. To reserve your seat, call Maureen
Steinbock, 234-2963 or 224-5154. Checks may
Wedding Banns:
be made payable to Sacred Heart Altar Society,
Paul Sedlacek to wed Lanie Schaefer November 15th at St. John's Church in Lawrence by Fr. Tim
and put in the collection. Please mark your
Justin Hansford to wed Barbara Blocher December 13th at St. Joseph Church by Fr. Tim
envelope for the bus trip.
Tom Browne to wed Tracy Gardner December 13th at St. Joseph Church by Fr. Tim
Online Resource and Digital Content for All
Parishioners: The new Digital Media Center for
the Archdiocese is now available to all
parishioners and parish ministers. It was created
to provide digital content and resources for
parishioners, directors of religious education,
RCIA programs, and catechists throughout the
Archdiocese. New content is added each week
according to the seasons and feast days of the
liturgical calendar, and special content will be
available in December for Advent preparationstay tuned! We invite everyone to visit the
Digital Media Center,
Christian Widow and Widowers Organization
will have a Holiday potluck luncheon in
O’Connor Hall (note room change) at Most Pure
Heart this Sunday, November 9th, at 1 pm. Bring
a covered dish or dessert, and your friends. Table
service provided. A White Elephant gift
exchange game will be played after lunch, so
wrap and bring an item you would like to be rid
of. For more info, call Doris Patterson, 2720055.
Daughters of Isabella Memorial Mass for
deceased members is November 11th at 12:30
pm, followed by a business meeting in Rossiter
Hall in Assumption Church.
Uniform Sale: You are invited to stop by
Class Act Uniforms, 5840 SW Huntoon,
during our Fall Sale November 10th-15th.
All fall merchandise for Hayden and the
elementary schools will be on sale. Store
hours are Monday-Thursday 12:30-5:30 pm,
and Saturday 11 am-3 pm.
NFP: A class in using the Sympto-Thermal
Method (STM) of Natural Family Planning
during the postpartum period is at Topeka
and Shawnee County Public Library
November 16th, 3 pm. For more info about
this or other Couple to Couple League
classes, call Dana or Eric Runnebaum, 3800062, or CCL of Kansas City, 913-8943558. Online pre-registration required at
Underground November 15th at
Benedictine College: Teenagers are invited
to revive their faith. Come pray in praise
and worship, adoration, confessions, and
Sunday Vigil Mass! Listen to passionate
speaker Joe Roueche, of NET Ministries!
Event in JPII Student Center at BC. Doors
open at 5:45 pm; event at 6 pm. Parents/
drivers always welcome inside. for more info.
St. Dominic Altar Society
in Holton is hosting a roast
beef dinner November 16th
at St. Dominic Church Hall.
Meal served 11 am-1 pm,
free will donation. Drawings
at 1 pm. Candy Store open 8
am-1 pm. Silent Auction
bidding ends at 1 pm.
Ascension Marketplace at
Church of the Ascension,
9510 W 127th St, in
Overland Park. Community
vendors. Gourmet candy and
desserts, hand-crafted
pottery, women’s fashion
and accessories, jewelry,
handbags, home décor,
personalized gift items,
holiday ideas and much
more! Free Friday,
November 21st, 7-10 pm,
and Saturday, November
22nd, 9 am-3 pm For info,
With the busy times of Thanksgiving and Advent season right around the corner, enrolling in Faith Direct is a great
way to ensure your gifts of treasure to Sacred Heart-St. Joseph are received, even if you are out of town. Please pick
up an enrollment form from the parish office today or enroll at - our Church Code is KS196. Already
using Faith Direct? Don't forget to add your Christmas or End-of-Year contributions to your account this fall.
Thank you in advance for your support and for using Faith Direct! God Bless, Fr. Tim
Liturgical Ministry Schedule
Mass Servers
*Kenny Steinbock
Nov. 15 Mick & Liz
Jerry Bergman
Tyler Ronsse
Connie Everett
Charles Herman Brandon Ronsse Tom Grace
4 pm Akerstrom
Steve Schmidtlein
Nov. 16
8 am
*Jess Jansen
Bill Swartzman
Joe Singer
Nov. 16
Kathy Hobart
Brad Sedlacek
10:30 am
Tony Lewis
Esteban White
Alex Rioux
Dominic Holthaus Renae Meier
Benedict Holthaus Mark Radziejeski
Stephen Burghart
Trenton Morgan
Dalton Morgan
Aaron Parrish
Extraordinary Ministers
Mick & Liz Akerstrom
Leina Cox, Jan Fisher
Mary Lawrence
Ginger Simon, Linda Degand
Rose Herman
Kevin Thomas
John Carter
Glenda Fowler, Kathy Hobart
Lyle Schiefelbein
Bill O'Mara, George Kaberline
Sharon Schiefelbein Derek Blanchard
Lyle & Sharon Schiefelbein
Gift Bearers
November 2014
Liz & Mick
Sandy Carter
John Reb
Knights of
Sandy Carter
Peter Latendresse
Celeste & Craig
Sheryl Hogan
Wendy Katsbulas
_____ Have you changed your address or phone number?
_____ Have you been a visitor to Sacred Heart-St. Joseph parish and like to become a registered member?
Please complete this form and drop in the collection basket, or mail to either rectory. Addresses are on the front page of the
bulletin. Thanks!
Phone #_______________________ ______________________
*Current members: Envelope/ID#_________
*Former address______________________________________
Number of family members joining ______
Knights of Columbus
Saturday, November 22nd
Trompeter Hall - no stairs!
The old Let’s Help building.
Chili and Chili dogs served
beginning at 5 pm!
Food and drink by donation.
Bingo begins at
6 pm!
Bingo cards
are $5 each.
Come and enjoy food and fun!
Parking lot by the building is for handicapped.
Hark! Topeka’s Christmas Spectacular: Christmas concert and dinner fundraiser to benefit Marian
Clinic and Hayden Music Department, December 20th, at the downtown Ramada. Music provided by
musicians from Topeka Area Catholic Community and Alumni from Hayden, and University of Notre
Dame. Evening begins with wine tasting in the Mansion Rooms at 4:30 pm, followed by dinner at 6 pm,
and concert at 7 pm, in the Grand Ballroom, for $75. Tickets for dinner and concert only are $50. Enjoy
Christmas shopping at the Silent Auction in the Atrium beginning at 4:30 pm. Choice of Smoked Pork
Tenderloin with Dijon Cream Sauce, or Lemon Pepper Grilled Mahi Mahi for your plated dinner. Get your
tickets now! Space is limited and last year was a sell out! Deadline for reservations is December 12th.
Contact Edward and Lisa Letourneau,, 230-0795, for reservations. Make checks payable
to “Notre Dame Club of Eastern Kansas”, mail to Edward and Lisa Letourneau, 3240 SW Mowbray Rd,
66614. If you can’t come, please consider a donation to these worthy causes. This special evening of fun
and fellowship is sponsored by Notre Dame Club of Eastern Kansas.
Please remember Sacred Heart-St. Joseph in your will.
8 SH 4:00 pm
9 SJ 8:00 am
SH 10:30 am
Sa 15 SH
Su 16 SJ
8:05 am
6:30 am
8:05 am
6:30 am
8:05 am
4:00 pm
8:00 am
SH 10:30 am
Mass Intentions November 8th - 16th
Luella Freel by Ginger Simon
And John & Catherine Boos by Frieda Schmidtlein & family
John Stattelman by the family
And Rita & George Ferretti by Rosemary Ferretti
Arthur Tatera by Liz Dennis
And Art Dennis by his family
Dorothy Fairchild by Barbara Bradley
Tim Burghart by Barbara Burghart
Mary Ann Meier by Virginia & Dean Engroff
Gust Katsbulas by Hazel Barnes
Alfonso S. Gomez, Jr. by Joe, Zina, Matt, & Valerie Ball
Miller & Minihan families by Catherine Miller
Deceased Members of the George & Mary Stattelman family
by Don & Cecilia Williams
And Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass
Wilma Stadler by Karl Stadler
Chance Holthaus
Fr. George Klasinski
Lennox Lee
Robert Longstaff
Mildred Lovera
Dale Schiffelbein
Kevin Stadler
Baby Florence Tetuan
Danny Williams
Sr. Marcella Winninghoff
Gilda Young
SH Church Office Hours: 8 am-Noon
Mass Intentions c/o Therese
Bulletin Deadline: 8 am Wednesdays
StJ Church Office Hours: 8 am-Noon
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Mass Intentions c/o Teresa
Hall Rental:
SH Mick & Liz Akerstrom 266-7865
StJ StJ Rectory
SH Holy Hours in Church:
Tuesday-Friday: 7-8 am
Friday Adoration: 7 am-Noon
StJ Adoration Chapel: 232-6967
Open Daily: 6 am-10 pm
Temporary Coordinator: Kevin Bychinski 215-5472
Please keep in your prayers our family
members serving in the Military:
Chrystien Bookman, Ft. Leonardwood, MO
David Darnall, Afghanistan
Douglas Darnall, Alaska
Ryan Graham, Camp LeJeune
Tyler Graham, Camp LeJeune
Skylar Grant, Ft. Leonardwood, MO
Brandon Schiefelbein, Norfolk VA
Amanda Spies, McConnell AFB, Wichita
Sarah Wardein, Washington
Garrett Wilson, deployed
Tyler Wilson, Forbes, Topeka
In case of hospitalization, or to add/remove names on our prayer list,
please call either office. Names may remain on our list for two months.
If a longer time on the list is needed, please don’t hesitate to call us.
Parish or Family Members who have asked for your prayers:
Deborah Beier
John Dempewolf
David Duchheit
Carrie Hogan
The 22nd annual “Support Our
Seminarians” Benefit Dinner is
dedicated to Our Lady of Knock,
and is Friday, January 30th. This
event benefits seminarians from the
Archdiocese of Kansas City,
Kansas, the Diocese of Kansas CitySt. Joseph, and Conception
Seminary College. It promises to be
an evening filled with fun and
laughter, celebrating our Catholic
faith, dining on wonderful food, and
socializing with our priests and
seminarians! We have two
wonderful speakers, Archbishop
James P. Keleher, Archbishop
Emeritus of the Archdiocese in
Kansas, and Fr. Donald P. Farnan of
St. Thomas More Parish in the
diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph,
who will eulogize Bishop Raymond
Boland. SOS will be held at the
Marriott Muehlebach Hotel, 12th
and Wyandotte, Kansas City, MO.
Ticket price is $150 per person at
tables of ten people. To reserve your
place, or an entire table, or donate to
the marketplace or VIP silent
auction, Martha Hodes (913) 2079893,
Scripture Study Group
Saturday, 9:30 am, SH Rectory
Baptism: To have your child baptized, you
must be a registered active parishioner for
at least 6 months prior to baptism.
Call Fr. Tim 232-2863
StJ Nocturnal Adoration
Thursday before First Friday, 7-11 pm
Marriage: Fr Tim needs 6 months notice
Knights of Columbus Council #2608
First Friday: StJ
First Saturday: StJ
1st & 3rd Mondays, 7 pm, Trompeter Hall
6:00-6:20 am
7:00-7:20 am
3:15-3:55 pm
7:10-7:55 am
Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle
3rd Sunday, 2 pm, StJ
Mondays, 5 pm, StJ
Anointing of the Sick: First Saturdays
Natural Family Planning Couple to Couple League:
RCIA Classes for adults with Fr. Tim
Tuesdays, 7 pm, Sacred Heart Hall,
beginning first Tuesday in October.
Project Rachel-Project Joseph
Healing after an abortion 913-621-2199
Religious Education for Children (CCD)
Sundays, September-May, 9-10:15 am
in the Holy Family School, East Campus
Coordinator: Paul Allen 221-2749
Topeka Catholic Singles Fellowship
Virtus Training
SH-StJ Leina Cox 286-2849
HFCS Mary Ann Pickering 235-9200