Bulletin - Sacred Heart - St. Joseph Catholic Parish

Sacred Heart-St. Joseph Catholic Parish
Father Tim Haberkorn, Pastor
Third Sunday of Advent
December 14th, 2014
Sacred Heart Church
312 NE Freeman Ave
Sacred Heart Church Rectory
333 NE Freeman Ave
Topeka Ks 66616-1216
Rectory/Office: 234-3338
Church Hall: 234-6727
Fr. Tim Haberkorn
St. Joseph Church Rectory
227 SW Van Buren St
Topeka Ks 66603-3319
Rectory/Office: 232-2863
Fax: 232-3845
Church Hall: 233-8610
Principal, Mr. Lee Schmidt
East: Grades K-8 1725 NE Seward Ave 234-8980
Fax: 234-6778 hfcseast@topekacatholic.org
West: Pre-School 210 NE Branner
Notes from Father Tim…
Fr. Tim's St. Joseph Rectory
Christmas Open House: The Open
House is scheduled for this Sunday,
December 14th, from 1-5 pm. All
are invited to come and enjoy good
company, delicious foods and
beverages, to celebrate with holiday
cheer the spirit of Christmas. Enjoy
touring the rectory and viewing
many of the new additions to Fr.
Tim's collections. There are many
new items from Germany as well as
from the Shrine of Our Lady of
Montserrat in Spain. See the over
200 piece Fontanini nativity display.
Also see the painting commissioned
by the Mayor of Topeka, of St.
Joseph Church, for the Mayor's
Christmas Card for 2014. Come one
and come all. We hope to see you
there! Fr. Tim and Titus
Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday SH 4:00 pm
Sunday StJ 8:00 am
Sunday SH 10:30 am
Hall Rental
Fr Maurice
Daily Mass Schedule:
Wednesday, Friday
StJ 6:30 am
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday SH 8:05 am
First Saturday Only
StJ 7:30 am
Collection December 7
All Saints
Immaculate Conception 447
All Souls
Catholic Charities 30
College Care Pkg 15
Solemnity of Mary
We welcome you to Sacred Heart-St. Joseph Catholic Parish. We are a Christ centered
community of faith which gathers to Worship around the real presence of Christ in the
Holy Eucharist and the sacramental life of the Church. Through the love of Christ’s
Sacred Heart and the intercession of St. Joseph, we hope to journey from this life into the
everlasting life to come. Come and journey with us! Fr. Tim Haberkorn
Attention Confirmation
Students: Just a reminder to
all Confirmation students that
your letter to the Archbishop
of "Why you wish to be
Confirmed", and your 15
Hours of Service sheet, need
to be turned by January 18th,
2015. If you attend Holy
Family Catholic School, then
you need to turn them into
your teacher. If you attend
our C.C.D. Program, then you
need to turn them into your
teacher. If you are Home
Schooled, then you will need
to turn them into Fr. Tim.
Please staple the Service
Hours sheet to the front of
your Letter to the Archbishop.
Advent Regional Penance Services Thanks so much! Fr. Tim
and Confessions Schedule:
Nativity Set Up at St.
December 14th, 7 pm at Christ the
Joseph Church: We are in
King Church
need of many volunteers to
December 15th, 7 pm at Sacred
help set up the Nativity Set at
Heart Church
St. Joseph's Church on
December 15th, 7 pm at Our Lady
Sunday, December 21st,
of Guadalupe Church
beginning at 12 pm. Please
December 16th, 7 pm at Mater Dei
come and assist in this
Holy Name Church
endeavor. Fr. Tim
December 17th, 7 pm at St.
Christmas Decorating at
Matthew's Church
Sacred Heart Church: If
December 18th, 7 pm at Mother
you wish to help decorate
Teresa Church
Sacred Heart Church for
December 20th, 9:30 am at Most
Christmas, please come and
Pure Heart of Mary Church
I encourage all parishioners to make join us on Sunday, December
a good confession during the season 21st, immediately following
10:30 am Mass.
of Advent. Fr. Tim
Items Needed for German Fasching Celebration: Our
parish German Fasching Celebration is scheduled for
Saturday, February 14th, 2015 at Sacred Heart Church Hall.
The Fasching fundraising Event includes an authentic
German Dinner Buffet, polka band, polka dance, drawings,
and silent auction. We are in need of silent auction items.
Items for the silent auction must be at least $50 in value
and preferably new or like new. Donated items may be
dropped off at either Sacred Heart Rectory or St. Joseph
Rectory. There will be two Drawings. The First drawing
will be for $1,000 and chances on this drawing are a $10
donation. The Second drawing will be for 3 quilts donated
by St. Anthony's Guild and the chances on this drawing are
a $1 donation. This year we will also have something new
at the Fasching called the WHEEL OF FORTUNE. You
won't want to miss out on this one. We welcome any cash
donations to help defray the cost for this event. We want to
make this a wonderful experience for our parish and we
need everyone's help. Great preparation makes for a
successful event! A good time to purchase items for the
silent auction is during the before and after Christmas sales.
Thanks for your consideration as well as your donations.
Blessings, Fr. Tim Haberkorn and the Fasching Committee
Contributions for credit in the 2014 tax year must be
received at the Rectory by Sunday, December 28th,
2014. Thank you.
Have you seen them? The Knights Council #2608 hope
you have noticed our "Keep Christ in Christmas" banners
located on the south side of St. Joseph's Church and the
north side of Holy Family School. We asked everyone to
remember what the real meaning of Christmas is all about.
Coat Drive! Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas in
Topeka needs your help! We are looking for new or gently
used coats to give to those in need. We are interested in all
sizes from child to adult. Stop by our office at 234 S
Kansas Ave to drop off your donation. Questions? Dylan
Woods, 233-6300 ext 1309, dwoods@catholiccharitiesks.org.
Still searching for the perfect
gift for that special someone, or
for the person “who has
everything”? Have we an idea
for you! A beautiful book coauthored by our very own
Teresa Thomas, and Christine
Adams, “Spires for All Time the
Art & History of St. Joseph
German Catholic Church”. This
fabulous book, filled with parish
history and pictures, can be
procured for a donation of $40
per book. Books are available
during office hours at St. Joseph
Rectory office Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday from 8
am-noon, or email
Choir Practice for Christmas Midnight Mass at
St. Joseph Church is Monday, December 15th, at
6:30 pm.
St Joseph Adoration Chapel: Open hours are
Monday 2 pm, Tuesday 9 am and 1 pm, Friday 7
pm, Saturday 11 am, 12 pm, and 6 pm, Sunday
9am. Kevin Bychinski, 215-5472, 7:30 am-8:30
pm Monday-Friday.
Germans from Russia Open House: Please join
us for the NE Kansas Chapter of the American
Historical Society of Germans from Russia 40th
Anniversary Open House! Event is December
14th, 1-4 pm, in St. Joseph Church Hall. Visit, eat,
research! For all who wish to learn more about
their family-computers, books, displays, and maps
will be available. Genealogy researchers will be on
hand to provide suggestions and help.
Refreshments will be served. Tours of the historic
Catholic Charities’ emergency St. Joseph’s Church sanctuary are planned. Stop by
to visit, share family stories, and learn more about
assistance resource bus meets
your family. Celebrate your Germans from Russia
demands for assistance and
reduces transportation barriers
faced by the poor. In partnership Festival of Lessons and Carols: You are invited
with local service agencies and to Most Pure Heart of Mary’s 15th Annual Festival
governments, the bus is
of Lessons and Carols, sung by the Schola
systematically deployed to all 21 Cantorum, Ladies, Gentlemen, and Children of the
counties in the Archdiocese.
Choir. Event is this Sunday, December 14th, at 4
Your donation to the Christmas pm, at Most Pure Heart of Mary Church. A free
collection helps your neighbors will offering will be collected to further the
in need.
ministry of the MPHM Schola Cantorum.
Expocentre Volunteer Usher Program:
Our parish receives payment from the
Expo for time our volunteers work.
Anyone 18 years and older can work as an
usher. Wear your own khaki pants and
white shirt. Please contact John Klein, 266
-6811, or john.l.klein@att.net.
Knitters requested to knit dialysis
scarves that keep the patient warm, while
allowing medical personnel ability to
access IV ports during dialysis. Finished
product approximately 18” wide by 5’
long. If you are not a knitter, you could
help by donating funds to purchase
materials. For more info, Mary, 357-1239,
before 8 pm.
Quo Vadis Retreat for Single Men:
Single men ages 18-35 are challenged to
discern the priesthood guided by
Archbishop Naumann, retreat master Fr.
Nick Blaha, Fr. Scott Wallisch, and our
seminarians. The annual Quo Vadis retreat
is at Savior Pastoral Center December
19th-21st, and there is no charge. Through
prayer, Mass, and short conferences,
discover God’s deepest desire for you. No
obligation, just opportunity, so come even
if you can’t stay for the entire retreat.
Learn more, register early,
kckvocations.com, vocation@archkck.org.
Spires for All Time The Art & History of St. Joseph German Catholic Church
Books available at the St. Joseph Rectory office
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 8 am-Noon.
Donation is $40 per book.
To make other arrangements to get a book, please call and leave a message
at 232-2863, or e-mail StJosephTopeka@juno.com.
Order on-line at SacredHeartStJosephCatholic.org
Sacred Heart - St. Joseph
Mass Servers
*Kenny Steinbock
Dec. 20
Charles Herman Tyler Ronsse
Mick & Liz Akerstrom
Jerry Bergman
Brandon Ronsse
4 pm
Steve Schmidtlein
Dec. 21
8 am
Dec. 21 Bill Swartzman
Kathy Hobart
10:30 am Tony Lewis
Connie Everett
Tom Grace
Extraordinary Ministers
Mick & Liz Akerstrom
Leina Cox, Sam Leone
Ginger Simon, Jan Fisher
Mary Lawrence
Alex Rioux
Jose Hernandez
Luke Longstaff
Mark Radziejeski
Bruce Danielson
Dominic Holthaus Ron Meier
Tish Blocher
Benedict Holthaus
*Jess Jansen
Joe Singer
Esteban White
Brad Sedlacek
Trenton Morgan
Dalton Morgan
Aaron Parrish
Lyle & Sharon
Gift Bearers
Pierce Family
Sandy Carter
John Reb
Dan & Evelyn Sandy Carter
Glenda Fowler, Tara Yost
Derek Blanchard, Bill O’Mara
Peter Latendresse
Stadler family
George Kaberline
Deb Latendresse
Kathy Hobart
In this season of Advent, we are continuously preparing ourselves for the celebration of Christ's birth into this
world. Why not help our parish prepare for the coming new year by signing up with Faith Direct? By supporting
Sacred Heart-St. Joseph through Faith Direct, both you and our parish can more easily project your future
contributions. You can sign up at FaithDirect.net using our church code: KS196, or mail a paper enrollment
form available in the parish office. God Bless You, Fr. Tim
Update on Restoration of St Joseph Church
December 2014
By this time, most parishioners have seen the scaffolding tower in the North transept of St Joseph’s
Church. Work is underway to rediscover the layers of historical finishes and artwork that have been
covered over since the church was built in 1899. Although many photographs exist of the church interior,
they are primarily panoramic and black and white, lacking detail and richness of color. It is unknown how
much of the original artwork still exists after a major plaster repair project in the early 1980’s, or how
much may be salvageable. This rediscovery process is critical to the development of a plan for the
second part of the restoration of the interior of the church, what has been termed the “wish list”. Already
exposed are several layers of stenciling and an example of the original wood finish in a bracket pillar.
The project is divided into two parts, one termed the “essentials”, which consists of the obvious defects
in the building and any soon to be revealed structural defects; a report on the structural condition of the
building is due in mid-December. The currently known essentials include repairing defective plaster,
replacing original electrical wiring, replacement of the elevator, and any building code deficiencies,
among others. These conditions must be corrected in the very near term, or the building may become
uninhabitable due to safety issues.
The other part of the project, called the “wish list”, is also work that must be done to repair or finish the
necessary repairs of essential work. Plaster must be repainted, refinishing over new wiring is necessary.
This part of the project is subjective in nature because of individual art, color and finish preferences. It is
dependent also on the desire and ability of the parish to financially support the project. A preliminary
wish list is being used by the restoration committee to give general guidance to the architect. It is a very
broad and open-ended list, based on the historical finishes and artwork of the building. It is left openended until we have an open-house with the parish, and approvals to proceed from the Finance Council
and the Archdiocese.
The Restoration Committee has selected an Architect, an Artist Company, and a General Contractor to
work as a team to accomplish preparation of all concept design and planning work. Names of the entities
will be released when the committee has approval and clearance from the Archdiocese. We can release
that the Architect is SFS Architecture, Inc. SFS Architecture is working on preliminary concept
renderings for parish review in the near future, which we hope to display in open meetings. At that time,
we can also share the “wish list” as it relates to the design concept.
Father Tim, with the understanding of the Committee, has requested permission of the Archbishop to
conduct a feasibility study. This is a required step of the Archdiocese and involves conducting parish
surveys to measure the willingness of the parish to support the project with approval and financial
resources. More will be forthcoming when we have secured the permission. This will be a critical
measure of what can be done towards accomplishing the design concept including elements of the “wish
Much has been done already in the planning of project, but very much remains to be done, hopefully in
the upcoming year. We hope to be able to share some design concept visions with the parish shortly.
St Joseph Church Restoration Committee
Father Tim Haberkorn
Rose Herman
Mark Burghart
Bill Pierson
Bruce Danielson
Joe Singer
Teresa Thomas
Please remember Sacred Heart-St. Joseph in your will.
Please keep in your prayers our family
members serving in the Military:
Chrystien Bookman, Ft. Leonardwood MO
David Darnall, Afghanistan
Douglas Darnall, Alaska
Ryan Graham, Camp LeJeune
Tyler Graham, Camp LeJeune
Skylar Grant, Ft. Leonardwood MO
Amanda Spies, McConnell AFB Wichita
Sarah Wardein, Washington
Garrett Wilson, Virginia Beach
Tyler Wilson, Forbes Topeka
Mass Intentions December 13th - 21st
Sa 13 SH 4:00 pm Mary Knight by Carmaleta Drum
And Barbara Herman by Bob, Larry & Rose Herman
Su 14 SJ 8:00 am Thelma Krallman by Jim Krallman, Kim & Gail
SH 10:30 am Theresa Schiffelbein (11th Anniv.) by Sharon Sands family
And Jean Guth & Louise Schmidtlein
by Frieda Schmidtlein & Family
Tu 16 SH 8:05 am Victoria L. Morales (25th Anniv.) & Lupe Morales
by the Guerricagoitia & Morales families
W 17 SJ 6:30 am Jane Snattinger by Rita Aker
Th 18 SH 8:05 am George & Sarah Bretz by Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Robinson
In case of hospitalization, or to add/remove names
on our prayer list, please call either office. Names
F 19 SJ 6:30 am Frank Gau by Sister Mary Rosaleen
remain on our list for two months. If a longer
SH 8:05 am Alfonso S. Gomez by Joe, Zina, Matt, & Valerie Ball
time on the list is needed, please call us.
Sa 20 SH 4:00 pm Melvin H. Haverkamp (2nd Anniv.) by Jim & Diane Bean
Parish or Family Members who have asked for
And Josephine Pierce by her children
your prayers:
Su 21 SJ 8:00 am Joseph Matinier by Marie Carter
Deborah Beier
Catherine Miller
SH 10:30 am Eugene Stadler by Karl Stadler
Jeremy Cromwell
John Dempewolf
Jim Frederick
Carrie Hogan
Steven Ijams
Fr. George Klasinski
Lennox Lee
Robert Longstaff
Launch SH-StJ’s website on your mobile phone!
*Download a Bar Code Reader on your
mobile phone.
*Open the Reader and Scan the code
shown to launch our website!
SH Church Office Hours: 8 am-Noon
Mass Intentions c/o Therese
Bulletin Deadline: 8 am Wednesdays
StJ Church Office Hours: 8 am-Noon
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Mass Intentions c/o Teresa
Hall Rental:
SH Mick & Liz Akerstrom 266-7865
StJ StJ Rectory
SH Holy Hours in Church:
Tuesday-Friday: 7-8 am
Friday Adoration: 7 am-Noon
StJ Adoration Chapel: 232-6967
Open Daily: 6 am-10 pm
Temporary Coordinator: Kevin Bychinski 215-5472
Baptism: To have your child baptized, you
must be a registered active parishioner for
at least 6 months prior to baptism.
Call Fr. Tim 232-2863
Marriage: Fr Tim needs 6 months notice
First Friday: StJ
First Saturday: StJ
6:00-6:20 am
7:00-7:20 am
3:15-3:55 pm
7:10-7:55 am
Lydia Schmidt
Spies Family
Kevin Stadler
Florence Tetuan
Mary Warner
Danny Williams
Sr. Marcella Winninghoff
Scripture Study Group
Saturday, 9:30 am, SH Rectory
StJ Nocturnal Adoration
Thursday before First Friday, 7-11 pm
Knights of Columbus Council #2608
1st & 3rd Mondays, 7 pm, Trompeter Hall
Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle
3rd Sunday, 2 pm, StJ
Mondays, 5 pm, StJ
Anointing of the Sick: First Saturdays
Natural Family Planning Couple to Couple League: ccli.org
RCIA Classes for adults with Fr. Tim
Tuesdays, 7 pm, Sacred Heart Hall,
beginning first Tuesday in October.
Project Rachel-Project Joseph
Healing after an abortion 913-621-2199
Religious Education for Children (CCD)
Sundays, September-May, 9-10:15 am
in the Holy Family School, East Campus
Coordinator: Paul Allen 221-2749
Topeka Catholic Singles Fellowship
Virtus Training
SH-StJ Leina Cox 286-2849
HFCS Mary Ann Pickering 235-9200
Knights of Columbus
Christmas Party
Sunday, December 21st
2 pm - 4 pm
Trompeter Hall (Old Let’s Help building)
Popcorn and refreshments served
Bag candy for the children
Bingo will be played
Look for Santa!