Church Cleaning – March 16-22 Pauline and Richard Westman Offerings Sacred Heart – $2654 St. James – $344 Pray for the sick and/or home bound in our parish family. May they experience love and support of others, especially: Rose Jacquot Janet Server Julie O’Malley Johnalynn O’Malley Alyssa Becker (leukemia) Hydie Varner Dennis & Pam Banister Betty & Herb Corns Harold Rosendahl Mersé Riojas (F. Gauna’s uncle – cancer) Juanita Treviño (F. Gauna’s aunt) Fernand & Josephine Larranaga Alfred Valesco (V. Larranaga’s uncle) Mary Riley Matthew Plourd (Parnow’s nephew) Baby Charlie Wagner Rudolfo “Rudy” Romero Nicole Acosta (daughter of Ramona & Jim Brown of St. James) Lynn Swanson Harold King (cancer) Kathy Hassenmiller Goldie Capik (cancer) Dana Lovejoy Liz Carlson Emilly Clark (recovery) Bill Clark (cancer) Magdalena Cobian (multiple med issues) …and those requesting anonymity. Saturday, March 21: Lector: Bill Valena Eucharistic Ministers: Linda MacDonald & Kay Helton Altar Servers: Nash Warnock & Carlos Hernandez Fourth Sunday of Lent – March 15, 2015 Sunday, March 22: Lector: Adele Mitchell Eucharistic Ministers: D Jacquot & F Larranaga Altar Servers: Jennifer Ruiz & Daniel Bratton Mass Intentions Tues., 3/17 Wed., 3/18 Thurs., 3/19 Fri., 3/20 Sat., 3/21 Sun., 3/22 Ramona Brown (D) Ramona Brown (D) Br. Eduardo Moran, LC Anthony Gonzalez (birthday) Maria Impink (D) People of the Parish St. James Mission Church Bonner & Garfield Streets Cedarville, CA 96104 Rectory in Alturas (530) 233-2119 Employment Opportunities Sacred Heart Catholic Church Mass Sunday: 8:30AM To find jobs throughout the Sacramento Diocese, please go online to Click on Employment on the navigation bar at the top of the homepage. 507 East 4th Street Alturas, CA 96101 Rectory (530) 233-2119 Weekly Readings Rev. Father Bernardin Mugabo Pastor Confessions: Saturday 3pm-4pm God comes to us as an invitation to love…. “I love you. Do you love me back? Come and follow me in the darkness. I want to know if you are ready to go into the things that you do not see yet, on faith alone…. I invite you to a relationship of love: your love of me, my love of you.” “Blessed are they who have not seen and yet believe.” (John 20:29) – Servant of God Catherine de Hueck Doherty Mon., 3/16 Tues., 3/17 Wed., 3/18 Mass: Saturday 4:30pm Mass: Sunday 10:30am(rosary @ 10am) Mass: Weekdays - Tues-Fri 5:15pm Thurs., 3/19 Rosary: Daily at 4:30pm Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays 6pm throughout the night until Fridays 4:30pm, followed by… Rosary - 4:30pm Benediction - 5pm Mass - 5:15pm Fri., 3/20 Sat., 3/21 Sun., 3/22 Is 65:17-21; Jn 4:43-54 (St. Patrick) Ezk 47:1-9, 12; Jn 5:1-16 (St. Cyril of Jerusalem) Is 49:8-15; Jn 5:17-30 (St. Joseph) 2Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Rm 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Jer 11:18-20; Jn 7:40-53 5th Sun. of Lent – Jer 31:31-34; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 Diocesan events and notices are available online at: and Special Collection for Catholic Relief Services -- Today, we take up The Catholic Relief Services Collection. You are invited to give hope to Jesus in disguise. Give hope to the community that has lost its livelihood to a crop disease. Give hope to the refugee child, separated from her mother. Give hope to the immigrant, trying to keep faith alive in a foreign land. The Catholic Relief Services Collection helps to fund programs that give hope to refugees, immigrants, and the impoverished, including victims of war, natural disaster, and drought. Through humanitarian, economic, pastoral, and advocacy efforts, The Catholic Relief Services Collection gives hope. Please be generous in today’s Collection. Please make your check payable to Sacred Heart Parish. Mark Your Calendars: Ham-bone Bingo Coming Soon!!! March 22 is the date of our annual Ham-bone Bingo. Proceeds from this fundraiser are used for the maintenance of the church. Please come join the fun and win a ham for Easter! As always we need lots of helpers and donations to make this event a success. If you are willing to offer your time, talents and/or treasure, please contact Rose & Dave Jacquot at 2333176. Lenten Penance Service – April 1 at 6:00 pm – Sacred Heart Church We are blessed again this year to have Father Ray Hopp assist Father Bernardin in hearing confessions. We will also have Father Hector Montoya from Burney who speaks fluent English and Spanish. Lenten Penance Service at Saint James is also on April 1. Time to be announced later. Penance Service – April 1 Holy Thursday – April 2 Good Friday – April 3 Holy Saturday – April 4 Easter Sunday – April 5 Holy Week Schedule Sacred Heart – 6 pm St James – (Time to be announced) Sacred Heart – 6 pm St. James – 11 am Ecumenical Service Sacred Heart – 3 pm preceded by Stations of the Cross at 2:30 pm Sacred Heart – 8:30 pm St. James – 8:30 am Sacred Heart – 10:30 am CULTURE OF DEATH: During the last Presbyteral Council on February 2, Bishop Jaime Soto spoke to us about a huge concern he has regarding bringing euthanasia [also known as “mercy killing”] to California. Is it not enough that the State allows murdering a baby in its mother’s womb in the name of a “woman’s right to abortion”? Life is a free gift from God; nobody has the right to take it. Once you have taken a life, you cannot bring it back. Supporters of euthanasia say they have the right to take their own lives in order to avoid suffering in sickness or old age. They want to be in charge of end-of-life matters. The commandment Thou shall not kill refers to your own life as well as the life of another human being. The scariest part of this is that you can’t even confess that sin. I don’t like to take the place of Jesus to judge, but in this case Catholics believe that such a person would go to hell for all eternity. We all agree on this: whether you are a believer or not, we know for sure that we were born one day and that one day we will die. What’s the purpose of taking life that will end anyway? Sadly, Oregon has already legalized euthanasia. Recently a young woman from California, who was suffering with terminal cancer, traveled to Oregon so that she could legally end her own life. After she took a lethal dose of some drug, the media portrayed this woman as a hero. We live in a society which does not fear God, venerates sin, and even legalizes it! Once a nation starts down the path of euthanasia, it begins the slide down a slippery slope of devaluing human life. Abortion proponents challenge the beginning of life: is it at conception, or at three months, a year, or when you bring a baby home from the hospital? Proponents of euthanasia may decide that a life is no longer valuable when a person is aging, physically or mentally challenged, terminally ill, or for whatever reason they want. Dear parishioners, if a doctor says you are going to die within a few weeks, months, or in a year, remember that it is his opinion. We live by faith not by science. No one can predict the future. How many people hit the bottom and suddenly bounce back? A parishioner at Presentation Parish was given six months to live because of her terminal cancer. She went home, prayed, and was healed. Yes, we love science. It has lengthened our life expectancy; it has produced medicines and cures for many horrible diseases. But science doesn’t have the last word--only God does. Bishop Soto said that a bill to legalize euthanasia will soon be brought to the people for a vote. Those who support it are very persistent. You and I must resist this culture of death. Do not allow this nightmare to settle in our state. Fight against it while there is still time. Discuss it with your friends; persuade proponents of euthanasia that life is from God and must be respected from natural conception to natural death. Good doctors study for many years to save lives, not destroy them. Statistics have shown that white males are most likely to commit euthanasia. Very few Hispanics, blacks or Asians accept this kind of death. The reason is that white males grow up making up their own decisions and want to continue even when they are old. Euthanasia is a practice that will endanger your eternal salvation. Check out the Special Offer on our website. On the homepage, scroll down to the Holy Week Schedule. Click on the Special Offer to the right. God bless you – Fr. Bernardin Mugabo
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