PAGE 2 SACRED HEART CHURCH FEBRUARY 15, 2015 PARISH MEMBERSHIP We hope that all new residents of the Merricks and surrounding communities will feel at home at Sacred Heart and will tell us of their presence by registering at the Parish Center. By completing the registration form, we will be better able to serve you when you need letters to be a sponsor for Baptism, Confirmation and Marriage, along with other situations requiring character references. Your use of the parish envelopes in making contributions will enable us to provide you with verification for your tax purposes. Please, come into the Parish Center for a Registration form and let us give you a warm welcome to our faith community. ADULT CHRISTIAN INITIATION If you are interested in exploring the Catholic faith or completing your initiation into the Church through the reception of the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation, please call the Parish Center. INFANT BAPTISM PREPARATION Sacred Heart celebrates the sacrament of Baptism on the first and third Sundays of the month at 2:00 PM. Please call the Parish Center (X 20) at least three months before the intended date of Baptism, to begin the Preparation Process. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Please contact the Parish Center at least a year in advance of the intended date of the wedding. A priest of the parish will interview you, set the wedding date and help you register for the required marriage preparation program (Pre-Cana). SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATON A priest is available to welcome you to Confession each Saturday at 4:00 P.M. in the church. Please never hesitate to call a priest at the Parish Center for an appointment for Confession at another time. SACRAMENTS FOR THE HOMEBOUND If you or a family member are not able to attend Mass due to temporary or chronic illness, and would like to receive the Sacraments of Communion, Reconciliation and/or Anointing of the Sick, please call to arrange for reception at home. Arrangements may also be made for a friendly phone call from our Social Ministry Volunteers. Please let us know of a parishioner in a local hospital or medical facility who would like a visit from our pastoral staff. Please call Sister Lynn, C.S.J. 516-379-1356 ext. 19 for more information. CHILD PROTECTION PROGRAM All adults volunteering as liturgical ministers and in other ministries, events and programs connected with children are required to have a Background Check which is done at Sacred Heart, and attend a three hour Virtus Training Program either at Sacred Heart or another diocesan site. To attend a session you must register on line at, go to the tab: PROTECTING CHILDREN and click on the link for VIRTUS TRAINING CALENDAR. Sister Edward Joseph, CSJ Parish Social Ministry and The Knights of Columbus ♥ SEMI-ANNUAL BLOOD DRIVE ♥ FRIDAY, February 20, 2015 2:45 PM – 8:45 PM For more information or to schedule an appointment please call: Ed Ronan 516-378-7019 or Richard Brazenor 516-546-1643 SACRED HEART SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 730 MERRICK AVENUE NORTH MERRICK, N.Y. 11566 (USE ENTRANCE IN THE BACK OF THE SCHOOL) FEBRUARY 15, 2015 PAGE 3 SACRED HEART CHURCH FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK… Dear Parishioners, This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday! The holy season of Lent begins by our marking ourselves with the sign of the a reminder that in Baptism we have promised to lead a life modeled on the person of Jesus. It is a time to allow God to bestow His many graces upon us, so that in all we say and do, Jesus will become more present in our lives. How will this Lent be different from every other Lent we have experienced? How can we allow God to transform our hearts and lives so that we will develop a greater desire to love God and bring loving service to one another? How can we make this Lent a time of excitement and anticipation as we look towards Easter and the power of the Resurrection? Allow me to offer some suggestions: - Take a few (extra) minutes to pray each day Focus on fasting as a means to make room for the Lord Use almsgiving as a way of enriching those in need Try and make a positive choice each day Go to Mass more often Let us also remember that this is a wonderful time to pray the Stations of the Cross, to go to Confession and to invite others “who have strayed” to come back to Mass!!! Fr. Joe N. Weekly attendance: Envelopes Used: Collection: Fiscal Year To Date: Last Weekend 1471 571 $15,715 $352,155.10 SIXTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Monday Genesis 4:1-15, 25; Mark 8:11-13 Tuesday Genesis 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Mark 8:14-21 Ash Wednesday Joel 2:12-18, 2 Corinthians 5:20-62; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Luke 9:22-25 Friday FEBRUARY 14 - 15, 2015 1 1/2% of the tithe will go to ANTHONY HOUSE Established in 1983 as a joint venture between the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and St. Anthony’s Guild, Anthony House is a halfway house for men who are homeless and in need. Isaiah 58:1-9a; Matthew 9:14-15 Saturday Isaiah 58:9b-14; Luke 5:27-32 \ FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Sunday Genesis 9:8-15, 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:12-15 ASH WEDNESDAY MASSES’ SCHEDULE 9:00 AM, Noon, 5:00 PM - Word Service, 7:30 PM PAGE 4 FEBRUARY 15, 2015 SACRED HEART CHURCH Sr. Patricia Turley, CSJ Food Pantry THE CHURCH IN NEED Pantry Sunday Weekend of February 21/22 On February 22, 2015 a collection will be taken for “The Church in Need.” The monies collected at this time will be shared among three areas of the world where there is particular need for help: Next weekend is Pantry Sunday. Please help keep our pantry stocked through the winter, a time of extra strain on family budgets. Please remember to check expiration dates. Want to know what to bring? Think of whatever your family goes through most quickly or here are a few items we could use: • • • • • • • Canned/ready to heat meals Paper Goods Disposable Diapers Tuna Coffee/Hot Chocolate Hot/Cold Cereal Laundry detergent The pantry does have a refrigerator and freezer. If you are able to donate milk, eggs, butter, produce or meat, please bring them to the outreach during our regular hours, Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00AM - 2:00 PM, or call 379-6123 to arrange another time. And don’t forget Fill Our Freezer Friday, March 6! Thank you, Sister Lynn ♥ ♥ ♥ CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA Court Bishop Kellenberg Catholic Daughters of America will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, February 23 at 7:30 PM in the Teachers’ Lounge of Sacred Heart School. In a special program, Sara Kulins, student at Adelphi College, will speak on her mission to Mexico. All CDA members and friends are invited. ♥ ♥ ♥ SACRED HEART SCHOOL CLASS OF 1974 Let’s get together to celebrate 41 years as Sacred Heart School Alumni - Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 7:00 PM. Check our Facebook page, Sacred Heart Class of 1974 for more info. ▪ ▪ ▪ Church in Central and Eastern Europe - the Collection provides support for basic pastoral programs and makes scholarships available for students studying to serve their local church. These students become vital participants in the renewal of the Church in the region. The Church in Latin America faces many difficult challenges. Natural disasters in many areas caused lasting damage to the Church, while a significant loss of parishioners to migration and to other faiths. The inability to support itself financially, and a lack of priests and religious to help effectively minister to the large number of Catholics, continue to trouble the region. The Church in Africa - the funds will go to assisting African countries where poverty, sickness and political strife prevent people from living in dignity. ♥ ♥ ♥ St. Bernard’s still Needed!!! The snow and ice on top of our last blizzard like snow left many of our parishioners stranded. Last year we very successfully started our St. Bernard League, a service opportunity for families. The response from both the families digging out their fellow parishioners, and those getting “rescued” was overwhelmingly positive. Unfortunately, this year, we have more requests from elderly and/or disabled parishioners than we have St. Bernards and many are on a waiting list. Please consider this great ministry for your family. It’s a wonderful opportunity for students to earn community service hours and a gift for the whole family to be in service together. Please let me know at if your family would be interested in this ministry, or if you can use help digging you out when it snows. We will pair up as many Saint Bernards to those in need as possible. FEBRUARY 15, 2015 SACRED HEART CHURCH PAGE 5 MASSES FOR THE WEEK Monday, February 16 9 AM Thomas John Reilly Tuesday, February 17 9 AM Wednesday, February 18 - Ash Wednesday 9 AM Noon 5 PM Word Service (no intention) 7:30 PM Thursday, February 19 9 AM Jack Gunn Friday, February 20 9 AM Saturday, February 21 5 PM Charles Brienza Sunday, February, 22 8 AM 10 AM Noon 5 PM Maria Christina Messina John Hasselberger Richard J. Kennedy Parishioners of Sacred Heart It is the policy of this Church and the intention of each priest that the Masses celebrated will be for the intentions listed in the Parish Mass Book. SACRED HEART MEMORIAL SOCIETY For an offering of $50, a deceased loved one can be enrolled in the society and will share in the spiritual benefits of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to be offered each First Friday for one year. Appropriate Memorial Cards are available. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE Let us remember all our parishioners who have been called home to our Loving God. May they rest in peace and may their families, relatives, and friends be consoled by our prayerful concern. MAKING A WILL ISN’T EXPENSIVE But not having one may cost your family a great deal. Please be a good steward of your resources by using wisely the Lord’s gifts given to you. Make a Will or revise one you have if you haven’t done so in the last five years. For more information, or to receive a copy of an informational brochure, please call 516-379-5210 ext. 229 or email Ben Cammarata Lillian Caraccio Baby William M. Carrara Henry Catalto Anthonino Chiofalo Dustin D’Andrea Robert DeMars Kevin Duffy Augustine Farfone Ann Fisher John Fitzpatrick, Sr. James Forte Sr. Marie Vianney Gallagher Michael Gallo Dolores Gosselin Stacey Grimm Mark Hannafin Gerald Henry John Hursala Donald Johnson, Sr. Doris Johnston James Harry Kaiser Bob Keane Gail Kimitis Lorraine Kolstein Maryellen Lamaitis Cecelia Lerro Fred Matalevich John McInerney Edward McKenna Kathleen McKenna Daria Mongelli Lillian Mortara Jack Palamaro Peter Palamaro, Jr. Debbie Ryan John Rynn Alex Salvaggio Joel Scaduto Santina Sztabnik Angelo Tilocca Richard Webster 2014 Names are placed in this weekly bulletin for a four week period, unless we are notified by a family member to continue having your loved one remembered in prayer. Otherwise, due to lack of space, the name will be removed. Thank You SACRED HEART’S 300 CLUB Imagine every month having 13 chances to win some money! Prizes (over the year) range from $1,000 to $15. Joining costs only $30 per 6 months and give you almost 80 chances to win. To participate, call the Pastoral Center and get your application. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Barring any more snow falls, we will meet on Monday the 23rd from 7:00 - 8:30 PM. If you want to learn knitting or crocheting we are here to help. See you then. Stay warm and safe. Thanks, Marie SACRED HEART CHURCH PAGE 6 THIS WEEK AT SACRED HEART Sun., Feb. 15 ~ Family Social - Please join us today for the family social after the 10:00 AM Mass in the School Cafeteria. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome. SAVE THE DATE Mon., Mar. 2 ~ Sacred Heart Rosary Society 7:30 PM, Sacred Heart School Cafeteria. Contact: Frances Guercio 516-378-2285. Sun., Mar. 15 ~ Family Social Please join us for coffee, tea and sweets after the 10:00 AM Mass. Sun., Apr. 19 ~ Family Social Please join us for coffee, tea and sweets after the 10:00 AM Mass. PLEASE NOTE: We have been approached by the Nassau County Police Academy staff with the request to utilize our school building for some specialized training exercises for “new recruits”. This training involves simulations and “role playing” for various types of incidents that might take place in a school situation. Our school is a desirable facility which can provide a “real life” environment for this training, and is centrally located for their needs. They would be using the building and grounds at times when we are not otherwise using it for Religious Ed, etc. They have assured us that they will not inconvenience our parish operations during this time. There will be approximately eight or nine sessions that will involve the use of the building in the first few weeks in February. We are pleased to be able to be of service to our Police Department, since they do so much for us and for the safety of our parish campus. A civilian police related organization, the Nassau County Police Reserves, has graciously made a donation to us to offset any of our inherent costs. Bottom line is, if you happen to be passing by and notice some police department vehicles and “police activity” going on during this time, do not be alarmed!! They are training so that we will all be safer. FEBRUARY 15, 2015 PARISHIONERS IN ARMED FORCES Several years ago, we inscribed the names of loved ones - parishioners and nonparishioners in a book placed before Our Lady of Fatima. We continue to collect the names of PARISHIONERS who are actively serving the Armed Forces. Please send their name, rank and branch of service in writing to the Parish Center c/o Father Joe Nixon. Sacred Heart Parish salutes and commends to prayer: Sgt. Richard DeTommaso, U.S. Army, Korea PFC Kendrick McCann, U.S. Army, Korea Sgt. First Class Lee Ann Gouveia, U.S. Army L CPL Anthony Rusciano, U.S.M.C. L CPL Troy Grassi, U.S.M.C., Iraq SSgt. Edgar C. Francisco, U.S.M.C. Col. James K. Lavine, U.S.M.C. Lt. Col. Timothy W. Schnelle, U.S.M.C. Sgt. James Moore, U.S. Army Pvt. Andrew Reynolds, U.S. Army OS2 Anthony J. Magri, U.S. Navy PO Third Class Wesley Paladino, U.S. Navy L CPL Elyse Franzitta, U.S.M.C. L CPL Robert A. M. Bernhardt, U.S.M.C. L CPL Kevin P. Vaughan, U.S.M.C. Capt. Christopher Darconte, U.S. Air Force L CPL Brandon Furia, U.S.M.C. PFC Matthew Macario, U.S. Army, Afghanistan Prayer For Safety of Our Service Men & Women Almighty and Eternal God, protect these men and women as they discharge their duties. Protect them with the shield of your strength and keep them safe from all evil and harm. May the power of your love enable them to return home in safety to all who love them. May they ever praise you for your loving care. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD Tune into “Religion & Rock” with Msgr. Jim Vlaun, on Sundays from 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM on WBAB 102.3 FM. Listen on Saturdays at 11:00 PM on Sirius Radio, Channel 159, the Catholic Channel. Next Sunday’s theme is Sacrifice. Don’t miss it! Go to, or at “Religion & Rock” on ITUNES. Don’t forget to tune into TELECARE, Cablevision 29, or Verizon FIOS 296, or visit for the Best Catholic Television! 6th Annual Brunch Fundraiser in support of a primary health care clinic in Ishiagu, Nigeria, April 25th at The O’Connell Knights of Columbus. Ticket $50 per person. For further information, call Sister Dolores Castellano, CIJ, 516-823-3814 or
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