The Archdiocese of Cincinnati SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH 209 W. Lake Ave · New Carlisle, Ohio 45344 · 937.845.3121 · 846.1223 FAX · Pastoral Region with Mary, Help of Chris tians Parish, Fairborn Father Kenneth Hummel Weekend Masses Saturday: 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM (Spanish) Sunday: 9:00 AM and 11:30 AM Parochial Administrator Father Samuel González Chaplain to our Spanish-speaking Parishioners — Sister Maria Stacy Hispanic Ministry Director Bradley Wilson Director of Music Weekday Masses Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri: 8:30 AM Wed: 9:30 AM, Coffee Klatsch after Mass Mass in Spanish Saturdays: 7:00 PM Confessions Saturday: 4:00 PM & 6:45 PM, or call Father as needed. New Members Abby Wilson Please call us to meet our pastor and parish family. Director of Youth Catechesis Baptisms &Weddings Mary Hughes High SchoolYouth Minister Please call Fr. Hummel for preparation. Americo Velez Mondays at 7:00 PM English Classes Parish Council President Alcoholics Anonymous Friday at 7:30 PM Gary Van Oss 882.6559 Finance Council President Judy Hoeferlin Bulletin Editor Matt Prenatt Buildings and Grounds Deadline: Monday Noon Christina McGrath Administrative Assistant Golembiewski Hall Rental Richard Kraus Business Manager “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” – Jesus Christ Parish O f f i c e , Bereavement, St. Vincent de Paul...........845.3121 Knights of Columbus…..882.6603 Office of Catechesis…..206.3162 Prayer Group…..845.0181 Sacred Heart Moms.....206-3162 Please remember Sacred Heart in our will. SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH NEW CARLISLE, OHIO From the Pastor’s Desk Dear Parishioners, This past week I sat down with Archbishop Schnurr to bring resolution to our financial crisis. His resolution was to bring in a new pastor who can pay the debt. Therefore, we can begin to pray in earnest for the new pastor: A pastor who can head up the pastoral region with Mary Help of Christians while bringing financial solvency to Sacred Heart Parish. As parishioners, it is an important time to pray for the new pastor. He will be named as early as April 1st or as late as July 1st. During this time of transition this is not a time of finger pointing. It is a time of prayer and trust in God's providence. At this time more than ever we need to invest ourselves into the families of our parish. Our parish has and ever will be as strong as our families — not our bankbook. With sincerest prayers for a fruitful Lent and a joyous Easter, Fr. Hummel Mass Intentions Sat., Mar 14 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Sun., Mar 15 9:00 AM 11:30 AM Mon., Mar 16 8:30 AM Tues., Mar 17 8:30 AM Wed., Mar 18 9:30 AM Thur., Mar 19 8:30 AM Fri., Mar 20 8:30 AM Sat., Mar 21 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Prayer for the Archbishop's selection of the Pastor for the Sacred Heart—Mary Help of Christians Pastoral Region Dear Heavenly Father, You have promised to give us shepherds after your own heart. Please give to us a shepherd who will bring us your saving grace and the fullness of your life-giving teachings. Our parish family needs the passion and joy of your Gospel. We want to share this love with the poor and with everyone in the New Carlisle area. We pray this prayer in confidence, trusting that you will pour out your grace upon us, and give to us the shepherd we need. Amen. Our Sick Need your Pra yers Veronica Adams, Ali Acosta, Gary Baker, Betty Bell, Les Clark, Sue Clawson, Hunter Cole, Dale Feibert, Kathy Frazier, Kent Harman, Katie Horn, Mary Koffman, Anna Kunka, Gustavo Medina, Maria Medina, Josefina Mendes, Maria Mireles, Ignacia Reyes, Michael Riewerts, Annabelle Shemo, Lois Snyder, Ken Stapleton, Joan Steinlage, Bob Taylor, Lily Velez, Mary Williams and Cindy Wray. Please pray for our Armed Forces and their families: Cameron Baylis, Matt Carter, Brian Creps, Sheryl Estep, Elizabeth Frye, Trent Gordon, Ronald Hageman, Michael Hughes, Stephen Hughes, Justin M. Mosier, Sean L. Mosier, Sean W. Mosier, Timothy Naff, Larry James Patrick, Jarod Pytel, Meghan Sherman-Vaccaro, Jordan Trick and Justin Wirick. To add or remove someone from the prayer or military list, call 8453121 or email: Names are removed after three months unless removed sooner by request. Sun., Mar 22 9:00 AM 11:30 AM Soul of Ruth Beard (Mary Chambers) Mass in Spanish Intention of the Perez Family (Family & Friends) Soul of Paul Vieson (Knights of Columbus) All Parishioners (Fr. Hummel) Intention of All College Students (Sacred Heart Parish) Intention of All Celtic Peoples (Ellen Moloney) Soul of Mary Grusenmeyer (Charles Jergens) For the Intentions of St. Joseph (Fr. Hummel) Intention of Peter Park (Sarah Park) Soul of Mary Grusenmeyer (Anita Kelley) Mass in Spanish Intentions of Padre Gonzales (Sacred Heart Parishioners) Soul of John Scott (Carol Scott Family) All Parishioners (Fr. Hummel) Readings for Sunday, March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent JER 31:31–34, 19–23 · HEB 5:7–9 · JN 12:20–33 Women’s Nite Committee Expresses Thanks The Women's Nite Committee thanks all the ladies of Sacred Heart who attended Women's Nite 2015 on the 25th of February. We also thank the Knights of Columbus for providing plates, bowls and other items. We thank Mary Hughes and the girls from the youth group for helping with serving and cleanup. A big thank you goes to Mike Engle for setting up our sound system. Lastly, we thank Fr. Hummel and Mary Hughes for their performance of "If God Should Speak." Raffle Tickets for Toshiba Tablet Buy your raffle tickets for the Toshiba Tablet which will be raffled off on March 21 during Father Gonzales’ retirement celebration in the Golembiewski Parish Center. The retirement celebration is a pot luck dinner that starts at 7:30 p.m. Raffle tickets are just $5.00 each and will be sold after all Masses and in the Parish Office. Fridays during Lent 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT MARCH 15, 2015 Upcoming Events Sacred Heart Youth Ministry Know Him, Love Him, Serve Him March 15, 5:30-8:00 p.m. AMP—A monthly opportunity for high school teens to AMP up their spiritual lives. The evening will include food, social time, Eucharistic Adoration, music, and engaging speakers. Reconciliation (Sound Check) will be offered throughout the evening. AMP is a regional youth ministry effort hosted by; Transfiguration, Sacred Heart, and St. Patrick’s parishes. This weekend the event is at Sacred Heart. RSVP to Mary Hughes. March 22, 6:00-8:00 Youth Group in the youth room. Mom’s Group Update The Mom's Group is going to stop the Friday morning meetings due to lack of interest. We will have a Mom's Night Out the second Friday of the month and lunch playdates the first Wednesday and third Friday. We are going to have adoration on the second Friday of every other month. It will be in April, June, August, October, December and February. For more information, contact Sarah at or 907-315-034. Thanks to Blood Drive Donors and Helpers The Knights of Columbus thanks everyone who T came out on a very miserable, cold and rainy day to donate blood. Your donation may have saved a life. Thanks go to Dennis and Wilma Kelly and Dick and Pat Kraus for hosting the blood drive for the Knights of Columbus. FINANCE Weekly Offerings Operating Expenses Center Maintenance Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar 18 Blood Pressure Screening, 10:00 a.m. Frassati Group, 7:00 p.m., Rectory Bible Study, 7:00 p.m. Patriotic Rosary, 7:00 p.m., Blessed Sacrament Chapel March 20 Fish Fry, 5:00–7:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross, 7:00 p.m. in church Mar 21 Retirement Mass & Reception, Fr. Gonzalez Mass 5:00; Mass in Spanish, 6:00 p.m. Potluck Reception 7:30 p.m. Apr 1 Patriotic Rosary, 7:00 p.m., Blessed Sacrament Chapel Apr 2 Holy Mass with Washing of the Feet, 7:00 p.m. Adoration, 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Rosary (Bilingual), 9:00 p.m. Apr 3 Divine Mercy Chaplet, Noon Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, with Holy Communion & Veneration of the Cross, 3:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross, 7:00 p.m. Apr4 Holy Mass, the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night, 8:30 p.m. Apr 5 Easter Egg Hunt, 10:15 a.m. Apr 12 La Comedia Dinner Theatre, South Pacific Apr 14 Adoration & Benediction, 7:00 p.m. Call the parish office at 845-3121 for information. Offerings Second Sunday in March $6,000 2,200 $8,200 $6,048 496 $6,544 (Shortfall) Overage $ 48 (1, 704) (1, 656) LAY MINISTERS MARCH 21 & 22, 2015 Lectors Servers Acolytes Extraordinary Ministers Bruce Born Bob Cornwell Charlene Cornwell Steve Eldridge Mac McKenzie Jerry Parisi Dick Rinker Fred Karabaich Ann Reittinger Mary Yates Peggy Kleimeir Luke Gilles Maria Gilles Xavier Prenatt Larry Peter Darryl Bauer, Kathy Grusenmeyer, Dennis & Wilma Kelly, David Snapp, Linda Van Oss Les Clark, Steve Grusenmeyer, Charlie Jergens, Michael Purtee, Brian Smith Ellen Brunson Michael Purtee Brian Smith Valerie Smith Brenna Aldredge Peyton Phillips Jim Reittinger Wanda Engle, Brenda Hermes, Tom Hughes, Matt Middendorf, Cathy Reittinger, Joan Steinlage Jim Culver, Don Hall, Larry Hoyng, Kurt Lewis, Ed Sherman, Dale Steinlage Jay Lewis Jennifer Lewis Venetia Benefield Jim Culver 5:00 PM Janet Addeo 7:00 PM Mari Pérez (Ingles) 9:00 AM Robin Cook Maria Peter 11:30 AM Cookie Hageman Nancy Hutson Joe Carner John Carner Ushers Greeters SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH Confirmation Class Forms a Relay for Life Team This year’s confirmation class has decided to form a Relay for Life team which is part of Relay for Life of Clark County. The team’s name is The Saints of New Carlisle and will be conducting events to raise money for the American Cancer Society. These events will serve as an opportunity for the parish to unify and support a cause that touched so many of us: the fight against cancer. What Is Relay For Life? In more than 5,200 communities and 20 countries, Relay For Life events comprise the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Each Relay For Life event is special to its community, but the movement's true power lies in the combined commitment of thousands of participants, volunteers, and supporters to help the American Cancer Society save lives from cancer. A Relay for Life walk will take place on June 12 from 6:00 p.m. to midnight at the Clark County Fairgrounds. We would like to extend an invitation to parishioners along with their friends and family to join the team and/or assist with the fundraisers. To sign up, go to, find the Clark County event, and follow the instructions. If you are unable to participate in the walk on the 12th of June, you are still welcome to join the team. We hope you can join us and help to bring an end to cancer. If you have any questions or would like to help with fundraising, please contact Isabelle Prenatt at 882-6603 or email NEW CARLISLE, OHIO Bring Lent into your Life The Lenten penitential practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving are not designed to be a course of selfimprovement, or a time of self-depreciation because we are sinners. Lenten practices focus on dying to self so that we can increase capacity to love. By making personal sacrifices, our love of God and our neighbor grows as we become less selfish. Join Matthew Kelly, the best-selling Catholic author in America, on a life-changing journey through your Best Lent Ever. Each week, participants will receive short videos and inspiration from Matthew that explain the genius of Catholicism and empower them to become the best-version-of-themselves. It’s simple and completely free, the only cost is your commitment to live better each day this Lent. Try the new CRS rice bowl app for your smart phone. It provides thoughtful daily reflections, a tool to set and measure your Lenten sacrifices, meatless recipes and a feature to share your Lenten experience. Go to: For resources and activities for families and to involve children in Lent, visit the following websites: Parish Ministries — Focus on Music Ministry This month we salute our Music Ministry. The purpose of this ministry is to share the gospel of Jesus through song, to lead our parishioners in worship and to help them participate in the liturgies. According to St. Augustine, when a choir leads the congregation in song and they participate, the congregation gains twice the reward for praying. We are blest at Sacred Heart to have many gifted and talented men, women, teens and children. They give their time freely and are here for Masses, special celebrations, high Holy Days and other many other events as needed. They are here early and late and the weather doesn’t keep them away. They practice each week and more frequently for special celebrations. The music they provide gives us with another way to praise God. We salute our choirs; (adult, teen, and children’s) are grateful for this remarkable ensemble of parishioners who leading us in singing praise to God. If you have a love of music and want to share your talents, please consider becoming a part of this ministry by sending a note to or contact Brad Wilson, There is always room for more members. ?Do you have some questions about Lent? For some answers, go to: Radio Maria Needs You Radio Maria, an evangelistic ministry to many people in Ohio, is conducting a "Keep your Hearts Warm" crucial fundraising appeal to maintain solvency. AM 1600 airs its programs to the greater Springfield and Dayton areas. Inspirational Masses and prayer services, music and meaningful catechetical programs are just a few of the treasures that await each day. Their electronic newsletter provides a program listing. This newsletter is available in Spanish and Italian. Approximately 30% of their goal has been attained. If circumstances permit you to make a donation of any amount, please call: 1-888-408-0201 in Louisiana or donate online at: Your prayers and sacrificial Lenten contribution will be deeply appreciated to insure Radio Maria’s continued existence. The Annual Sacred Heart Bring a basket or bag to collect eggs. s. We will have plastic grocery bags available. Donations of wrapped candy will be appreciated Donations of stuffed animals, ssidewalk chalk, Nerf balls and bubbles would be great for the youngest age group. wo Bring your donations to the parish center or the Gathering Space after any Mass. Volunteers are needed. Sign-up sheets are in the gathering space or contact Kelly Summers at 570-1665 or Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord P Holy Mass with Blessings of the Palm Branches March 28, 5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (Spanish) March 29, 9:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper— April 2 Holy Mass with Washing of the Feet 7:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 8:00 p.m. through 8:00 a.m., Blessed Sacrament Chapel Rosary (Bilingual) 9:00 p.m., Blessed Sacrament Chapel Friday of the Passion of Our Lord (Good Friday) — April 3 Divine Mercy Chaplet 12:00 p.m. Celebration of the Lord’s Passion with Holy Communion and Veneration of the Cross 3:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross 7:00 p.m. Holy Saturday — April 4 Holy Mass, the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night 8:30 p.m. Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord — April 5 Holy Mass, 9:00 a.m. Holy Mass 11:30 a.m. (Bilingual) Easter Egg Hunt, 10:15 a.m. Iglesia Católica del Sagrado Corazón 15 De Marzo 2015 Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma Misa de 7:00 p.m. ~ Intención de la Familia Pérez (Amigos) Párroco Padre Kenneth Hummel 937-845-3121 Padre Samuel Gonzalez 513- 383-8867 Hermana Maria Stacy 937-258-1309 937-414-0185 Cristina McGrath 937-845-3121 937-823-2459 Oficina Parroquial 937-845-3121 Horario de Misas Sábado: 5:00 pm en inglés 7:00 pm en español Domingo: 9:00 am en inglés 11:30 pm en inglés Confesiones Sábados: 4:00 –5:00 pm 6:45–7:00 p.m. o haga una cita Mensaje de Nuestro Parroco Retiro Prematromonial - 25 de Abril Queridos feligreses, Ministerio Hispano Católico Arquidiócesis de Cincinnati La semana pasada me senté a platicar con el arzobispo Schnurr para buscar una solución a nuestra crisis financiera. Su solución es de traer a un nuevo pastor que pueda ayudar a pagar la deuda. Por lo tanto, podemos comenzar a orar en serio por el nuevo pastor: Un pastor que pueda encabezar la región pastoral con María Auxiliadora mientras que traiga la solución financiera a nuestra Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón. Como feligreses, es un momento importante para orar por el nuevo pastor. Él será nombrado ya para el 01 de abril o a mas tardar para el 01 de julio. Durante este tiempo de transición no se trata de un momento de culpar a alguien. Es un tiempo de oración y de poner la confianza en la providencia de Dios. En este momento más que nunca, necesitamos invertir nosotros mismos en las familias de nuestra parroquia. Nuestra parroquia tiene que ser tan fuerte como nuestras familias - no como nuestra libreta de ahorros. Con más sinceras oraciones para una Cuaresma fructífera y una Pascua feliz, Sacramentos Para Boda: Padre Hummel Llame P. Samuel 6 meses antes Rifa Para los de más sacramentos llama Cristina para saber los requisitos Para la renta del salón y para registrarse en la iglesia, llama Cristina Hoja de registro esta disponible en la oficina de Sagrado Corazón. Costo: Se cobran $20 dólares por pareja (para gastos de refrigerios y almuerzo.) Dirección: St. Susanna church – 616 Reading Rd.- Mason,OH 45040 Para contactos: Padre Samuel González Tel. (513) 383-8867 email: Karla Eysoldt: Tel. (513) 398-3821 Ext. 3112- email: Consagración A San José Oh Glorioso Patriarca San José, heme aquí, postrado de rodillas ante vuestra presencia, para pediros vuestra protección. Desde ya os elijo como a mi padre, protector y guía. Bajo vuestro amparo pongo mi cuerpo y mi alma, propiedad, vida y salud. Aceptadme como hijo vuestro. Preservadme de todos los peligros, asechanzas y lazos del enemigo. Asistidme en todo momento y ante todo en la hora de mi muerte. Amén. Libros Gratis Para Niños! Los boletos cuestan solo $5 dolares. El dinero que se recaude sera para regalo del Padre Samuel como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento por todo el tiempo que ha estado con nosotros y como regalo de despedida. Habra libros gratis para los niños de la parroquia despues de la Misa en español a las 7pm sabado el 28 de marzo. Los niños y cualquier amigitos pueden recoger los libros entonces. Los libros fueron donados por Pi Beta de la Universidad de Dayton y First Book para que las familias lean juntos. Gracias y no se olviden de comprar su boleto!!! ACTIVIDADES MENSUALES Y SEMANALES Adoración Del Santísimo Segundo mártes del més 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 .p.m Clases de inglés en el salón parroquial Cada Lunes 7pm Reunión del grupo juvenil Cada Martes 7 pm en el salón parroquial Oración y estudio de la Biblia Cada jueves 7pm (Se lleva a cabo en la Agencia de Mujeres (WIC MERCURI BUILDERS, INC. • Custom Homes • Room Additions • Remodeling Porches • Decks • Siding Windows • Kitchens • Baths C Full Service Jeff ’s Automo ve, Inc. ’ B FRESH MEATS S F C 845-3436 B www.jeffsautomo P B 937 849-1338 316 S. Church St. New Carlisle, OH • Complete Building Services • George Mercuri 325-3451 A Parishioner of Sacred Heart A Parishioner of Sacred Heart H :T 10988 G -F R Ray D. Ruhrmund, D.V.M. 301 S. Main St., New Carlisle Philip Francis : 9-6 • S : 9-4 ,M , OH 45341 845-3534 937-681-3679 Lake Avenue Retirement Village ® Clark County Right to Life Apartments for Lease – 937-342-9071 NOW OPEN Call Now! Park Layne & New Carlisle TROSTEL, CHAPMAN, DUNBAR & FRALEY Funeral Home Quality Retirement 507 W. Jefferson St. New Carlisle Living in 845-9477 New Carlisle! Now Available! Condos For Sale 937-215-3904 Clark Farm Condominiums “Locally owned and operated by people you know and trust.” Phone: 521-2401 Ad in Memory of Joe Wehener For pregnancy informaƟon, Call Pat Banaszak at 845-0403 JEFF BONHAM ELECTRIC, INC. Residential • Commercial 24 Hour Service Generator Sales & Installation 233-7662 MILENA RODRIGUEZ NEW CARLISLE AUTO PARTS • Appliances • Heating & Air • Sales & Service 937-878-3737 2205 SMITHVILLE RD. Pet Grooming & Sitting Service Huber Heights Kettering Springfield Rev. Paul Vieson, S.M. Weekday Masses Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri: 8:30 AM Wed: 9:30 AM Non-Resident Associate Rev. Samuel González Mass in Spanish every second and fourth Saturday: 7:00 PM Chaplain to our Spanish-speaking parishioners •••• Director of Music 24-HR TOWING (937) 845-3869 GERALD (SONNY) MORRIS Confessions Saturday: 4:00 PM, or by appointment New Members Please call us to meet our pastor and parish family. Parish Organist Baptisms Please call Fr. Hummel to schedule. (937) 293-1221 Sister Maria CONSTRUCTION INC. Please call our office at least eight months prior to the wedding day. 233-2454 Jerry Shaw CHARLES Weddings Hispanic Ministry Director 7595 BRANDT PIKE DAYTON Hollie Danis CHARLES F. JERGENS EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Industrial/Commercial Sitework and Demolition 1280 Brandt Pike • Dayton, OH 45404 937-233-1830 • Fax 937-233-2075 Youth Minister English Classes Richard Kraus Mondays at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center Business Manager Blood Pressure Screening 3rd Sunday of every month, 937-878-5240 Alice Kompar the original since 1921 DAYTON DOOR SALES Sales & Service Carisa Holmes-Peters, Parishioner Weekend Masses Saturday (Sunday Vigil): 5:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM and 11:30 AM Parochial Administrator Director of Youth Catechesis Creating Community S Celebrating Lifetimes Celebrating 40 years. Learn more! Rev. Kenneth Hummel Abby Wilson Calvary Cemetery Servicing: Restaurants Supermarkets COMPLETE LINE Office Buildings OF PACKAGING & Contract Cleaners MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES Meat & Bakery Shops Sister Parish to Mary, Help of Christians Parish in Fairborn Bradley Wilson SHAW’S LOCK AND KEY SERVICE Email: 2 0 9 W. La k e A v e · Ne w Ca rl is le, Oh io 4 5 3 4 4 · P : 9 3 7 . 8 4 5 . 3 1 2 1 · w w w. sa cred h e a rtn e w c a r li s le . c o m Kristen Kosey Custom Embroidery 937-882-6534 SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH (937) 845-3236 Home Furnishings Gallery CC Custom Stitches “Where Personalization Can Be Realization” Charlene Cornwell, Parishioner The Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati LATE MODEL PARTS 10 S. Second St. 252-5000 HOUSER ASPHALT & CONCRETE 223-9207 BETHEL ANIMAL CLINIC • Garage Doors • Entry Doors • Door Openers • Replacement Windows 1112 Springfield Street, Dayton, OH 45403 To advertise with us, or to have your ad printed in COLOR COLOR, please call the church office at 937-845-3121 253-9181 Roofing, Siding, & Gutters AB’S REMODELERS LLC. Alberto Balli, Parishioner 937-765-0839 or 937-732-2891 The Clark Family Farm 10:00-11:20 AM Administrative Assistant 12:00 noon, Monday Gary Van Oss Finance Council President Maryann Clark-Layton, Parishioner 937-308-4417 Coffee Klatch After 9:30 AM Mass on Wed. “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” –Jesus Christ 100% grass fed beef and farm free poultry and gamebirds 8085 New Carlisle Rd, New Carlisle Bulletin Deadline Parish Office…………………………..…..….937.845.3121 Office of Catechesis…………………..…..….937.845.1373 Knights of Columbus………………………..937.882.9428 St. Vincent de Paul Society…………...….937.845.3121 Bereavement………………………………..…937.845.3121 Prayer Group………………………….…......937.845.0181
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