Our first reading prescribes how to grow in holiness and... others. In the second reading, we are told that we...

Our first reading prescribes how to grow in holiness and in our relationship with God and
others. In the second reading, we are told that we are temples of the Holy Spirit. In the
Gospel, Jesus takes the teaching to love our neighbour as ourselves, which is found in our
Welcome to the Cathedral! - We are happy
you have come to pray with us today at the
Cathedral of St. Peter-in-Chains. Want to
get involved? Speak to one of the Priests.
TO Rev. Mr. Ante Market
who has been called to the
Holy Order of Presbyter. His
ordination will be on Friday,
May 27th, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
More to follow.
Could the owners of the
below PLEASE write your name, address &
phone # on the envelope or call the parish
office at 705-745-4681. They are #93, #427,
#436, #553. We need this information for
income tax receipts at the end of 2011.
Thank you.
Marriage Preparation Course
St. Mary’s, Lindsay:
March 4, 5, & 6, 2011. Please
call the parish office at 705-3244828.
St. Joseph’s Parish, Bowmanville:
Friday, May 6th, 2011, 6 – 10pm &
Saturday, May 7th, 9am–6pm, $150/couple
Call 905-623-3233 by April 15th, 2011
The Income Tax Receipts
for 2010 have been mailed
out. Please allow a couple
of days to receive yours. If
you have any questions
please call the office @ 705-745-4681.
Please pray for the sick: Noella Doig,
Hender Ellis, Barb Godin, Adeline Harrison,
Barbara McGrory, Teresa Morris, Michael
Rutherford, Joanne Tanski, Pat Turcotte,
Andrew Waithe, & Theresa Witjes.
Pre-Authorized Payment
The Cathedral is offering the option of preauthorized payments for your Sunday
offertory. Forms are available at the back of
the church or at the parish office. The
Cathedral of St. Peter-in-Chains needs your
regular committed support all year round.
Please consider this option for your Sunday
offering and Special Collections.
St. Vincent de Paul
Thank you to all the
parishioners for your generous
support. You continue to help
make life a little easier for our
friends in need. Now we are
sending out a plea for donations for our store.
We are in serious need of items to sell and
give away. Any usable item will be much
appreciated. Clear out your cupboards and
closets. It will mean a lot to us. We will pick
up any large items. If it is not possible for
you to drop off your donation, we can
arrange to have it picked up. The number for
the store is 705-742-2585.
Hungry for the Truth? Come Be Fed.
Dr. Scott Hahn and Jeff Cavins walk through
Salvation History from Genesis to the
Catholic Church. Sister Therese Roddy will
facilitate discussion after the presentation.
Sacred Heart Parish Hall from 7-8:30 PM
Sunday evenings. Feb. 20 – Mar. 27. No
registration fee. Donations may be made if
desired. Please call 705-745-1309 ext. 277 to
Let us pray this week-end for the Clergy and
the People of St. Martin of Tours Parish in
Ennismore, Ontario.
Please remember that there
will be only one Mass on
February 21, 2011 (Family Day). Holy Mass
will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m.
VEYO 705-749-0330
Family Day Feb. 21st—VEYO Centre will
be closed.
Way of the Cross Rehearsal - Feb. 24th
The first full rehearsal for the Way of the
Cross will take place on Thursday, February
24th at Wayside Academy gym, from 4 - 5:30
pm. All those interested in participating are
more than welcome to attend. The more the
merrier. For more information please contact
Mary Helen at the VEYO Centre, (705) 7490330 or by email, youth@veyopeterboro.org.
Solemn Vespers - Feb. 27th The official
evening prayer of the Church will be sung at
St. Alphonsus Church, Peterborough, on
Sunday, February 27th at 4 pm. All are
welcome to join. Please contact Fr. Vic, 7490330 or director@veyopeterboro.org.
"The Sacred Heart Wish Tree campaign
members would like to thank all of the
Parishioners for their support. Together we
remembered over 80 family members at a
very special time of the year at our
Candlelight Memorial Mass."
Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 40:14-15
1 Corinthians 4:1-5 Matthew 6:24-35
Separate and Divorced Group
Will be held at Mount St. Joseph, 1555
Monaghan Rd for six weeks. It is a
confidential growth group, enabling one to
move on in their life. Starting on March 3rd to
April 7th, every Thursday evening from 7:00
– 9:00 pm. It is necessary to attend all
session. The Facilitator is Sr. June Nash,
M.A., Sister of St. Joseph. Experienced
counselor and group facilitator. Preregistration is essential by March 2. To
register call Sr. June Nash at 705-745-1309
ext. 170 and leave your number. Your call
will be returned. Also accepting clients for
individual counseling and/or spiritual
direction. Available for Day Retreats for
groups or parish.
PBPC – The Diocese of Peterborough
Committee is looking for volunteers
property management, e.g., journeyman and
architects, general contractors and property
management. A seat on the Board of PBPC
requires attending meetings approximately 2
to 3 hours 6 times a year at the Chancery
Office in Peterborough. A support position
would require attending or advising the board
on specific projects, but does not require
attendance at all the scheduled meetings.
Travel to parishes may be required to review
the projects.
Please submit your name, phone number,
address, email address, parish you attend, and
chancery@peterboroughdiocese.org or mail
to Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for
the Diocese of Peterborough, Attn: Property
Committee, Box 175, Peterborough, ON K9J
Feb. 13, 2011
Conception Church
Pasta Supper –
Advance tickets only
Saturday, Feb. 26, 2011 – after the 4:30
Mass - Oven Baked Paste (by Pasta Plus)
Salad, Rolls, Dessert, Polish Beer, Wine,
Coffee, Tee, Door Prizes.
Tickets: Adults - $12, Under 12 - $6
Available from Parish Secretary during
office hours @705-742-5466
Tuesday, March 8th, 5:00 p.m.
Sacred Heart Church Hall
$6.00 adults, $15.00 family
Sausage, pancakes,
baked beans, fruit salad
Hosted by CWL & K of C
For tickets or information please call Jan at
Happiness is like a butterfly which, when
pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if
you will sit down quietly, may alight upon
you. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne
11:30 am
"EVERYTHING FITZ" - the fiddling and
step dancing Fitzgerald family from Bancroft.
(drums, mandolin, piano and bass guitar). The
C.W.L. of St. Joseph's Parish Douro is hosting
the show on Sunday, May 29th at 2pm at
Market Hall in Peterborough. Adults $20,
Students $10. This is a fundraiser for the Youth
of our parish who will be attending World
Youth Day in Spain.
Feb 26,27/11
5:00 pm – Margaret Shaughnessy, Bonnie Nolan
8:30 am – Beth Bedard, Jack Zeyen
10:00am – Val Bertram, Dave Barry
11:30 am – Tony Fernandez, Jackie Roy
Extra-ordinary Ministers of Holy
Communion Feb. 26,27/11
5:00 pm – Kathie Christie, Sheila Berthelot
8:30 am – Tom Fleming, Betty Mumford
10:00 am – Dave Barry, Val Bertram
11:30 am – Anna Maria DiGiovanni, Tony Fernandez
9:00 am
Monday Feb. 21
St. Peter Damian
Fr. Wayne McCarthy - McCarthy Family
Tuesday Feb. 22
The Chair of St. Peter
7:30 am
12:10 pm
7:30 am
Dorothy Pennylegion – Ranald & Shirley
Wednesday Feb. 23
St. Polycarp
Clare Shaughnessy – Betty Brennan &
12:10 pm
Thursday, Feb. 24
7:30 am
Barbara Murray – Maureen & Vernon
Mulhall & Family
Friday, Feb. 25
Special Intention of Carman Dancel &
7:30 am
Christopher Dancel – Mom & Dad
Patricia Hatton – Mary Anne & Bill
12:10 pm
Saturday Feb. 26
9:00 am Teresita Deleon Dixon – Blanca Downer
5:00 pm Vittoria DeNoble - Family
Sunday Feb. 27
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30 am Margaret Nixey – Alec & Bernadette
10:00 am For the People of St. Peter’s Church
12:10 pm
Timothy Kemp - Family