THE CLEMENTIAN FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 8, 2015 He cured many who were sick. (Mark 1:34) The Gospels are filled with accounts of Jesus’ ability to heal the sick and deliver the troubled. It seems that everywhere He went, people flocked to Him because of His authority over diseases and demons. Perhaps they came for healing, but they stayed for His message. Clearly, Jesus’ healings, awesome as they were, played an even more important role: they opened the door for Him to preach the gospel. In the past forty years, the practice of healing prayer has made a comeback in the Church. Healing Masses are now a regular part of parish life in many places. A number of parishes have also established prayer teams that specifically pray for healing. And God is rewarding these efforts! It is just as true today as it was in Jesus’ time: God uses healings to tell the world, “I am for real. Come to me. Let me heal you. Let me redeem you.” People always pay attention to healings. They know how to see them for the signs they truly are. When they hear about someone being healed through prayer, they find it easier to believe in the Lord. So let’s tell Jesus that we believe in His power to heal. Let’s ask Him to give us the gift of healing so that we can show the world that He is real. The rest is simple: step out and give it a try. Believe that God wants to heal people. Believe, also, that he wants to use you as His instrument of healing. Begin by offering to pray over your spouse or child with a cold. Ask a friend or a co-worker if you can pray with him or her, whether for their own needs or the needs of a loved one. Don’t be afraid to ask the Lord for His grace. Step out in faith, and you just may see a miracle. If nothing else happens, you will be sharing a gesture of love and compassion! “Jesus, I believe you can heal. Now help me believe that you can heal people through me!” Our readings for next weekend, February 14 & 15: Leviticus 13, 1-2, 44-46; 1 Corinthians 10:31; 11:1; Mark 1:40-45 Worship Book #881 Worship Book #783 DAILY MASS READINGS Mon. 2/9– Genesis 1:1-19/Mark 6 :53-56 Tues. 2/10 –Genesis 1:20—2 :4a/Mark 7:1-13 Wed. 2/11– Genesis 2:4b-9, 5-17/Mark 7:14-23 Thurs. 2/12 – Genesis 2:18-25/Mark 7:24-30 Fri. 2/13– Genesis 3:1-8/Mark 7:31-37 Sat. 2/14 – Genesis 3:9-24/Mark 8:1-10 SUNDAY COLLECTION Stewardship Needed Jan. 25 $ 6,387 $ YTD $211,319 $196,736 Charities $ 65 6,784 Over/Under $ This week’s sanctuary candle: In Memory of Ryan Fleming, Req. by Bruce & Diane Grasser Family FUNERAL CHOIR 397 $ 14,583 The Funeral Choir will practice this Wednesday, February 11th at 11:00 AM. Lunch will follow at Trophy’s Bar & Grill. PRE NEWS Thank you for taking a few minutes away from the snow (I hope) to read the bulletin, keeping yourself updated about our important activities and schedules. As a parish it is our responsibility to help each other, particularly our young people, grow in faith. Events and information are kept up to date here, at, and our Communication Center. It is vital for students, parents, and parishioners to participate in the events you read about here. Please encourage each other to read and stay involved. All are welcome to attend our Confirmation Preparation Sessions, and we hope to see many of you at the upcoming Rite of Blessing for our freshmen. Questions and suggestions can always be addressed to me at I am very happy to welcome Mr. Jason Galiote as our soon to be office manager on Sundays! Thank you, Mr. Galiote, we appreciate your service. Our students continue learning, sharing faith and praying in 2015! Our second graders have made their First Reconciliations, our sophomores have attended a retreat and, with the help of Mrs. Gaborek, we sent special Valentine Thank You cards to our service men and women. Our senior high students have welcomed a guest speaker and we all continue to pray. We’ll keep you in our prayers too! Will you please do the same for us as 2015 continues to be a great year? There will be a Junior High Youth Day at Bishop Carroll High School on March 15. It looks like a fun time and more information will be posted soon! Important dates Feb. 8 Confirmation Preparation Session 9b Prayer-Communion with God 1:00 PM. This session was previously postponed. Feb. 8 Confirmation Preparation Session 11b Sacraments and the Paschal Mystery 6:00 PM Feb. 22 Confirmation Preparation Session 10b Witness, Word, Worship and Service 6:00 PM Feb. 28 Freshman Retreat St. John Gualbert Cathedral Act. Center 8:30 AM-12 Noon. Please notify me of the adult attending with you. March 15 Junior High Youth Day (Grades 6-8) We have had only one postponement so far, and we’re hoping to avoid others. However, please remember to check and STCLEMENTPRE on Twitter for changes if needed. We also need to reschedule the Freshman Rite of Blessing, originally scheduled for next Sunday, and the date will be shared when available. Yours in Christ, Mandy Vigna, DRE, 255-4422 Marriage-In marriage, a husband and wife form an exclusive and lifelong bond, forge a shared financial future, promise to take care of each other “in sickness and in health,” and provide a stable and loving home for any children they are blessed with. USCCB Life Matters-When God created each of us, He did so with precision and purpose, and He looks on each of us with love that cannot be outdone in intensity or tenderness. USCCB CALENDAR WINNERS Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. 28 – Brazill Family, #490 29 – Dan & Tracey Kleinmeyer, #751 30 – Sally Drager, #908 31 – Kathleen Caldon, #880 1 – Fr. Rosenbaum, #987 2 – Jaye Gagnon, #056 3 – Laura & Greg Bahr, #428 Saint Clement Parish Family welcomes David & Carol Fatula and Granddaughter, McKenzie, Lori Petyak, Kerry Pfeil, Robert Sabo, Sarah Spisock, Mary Stenger, and Emily Stoykovich. We hope they will be happy with us and participate fully in our parish faith community. LENTEN FISH FRIES St. Benedict Parish, 2310 Bedford Street in the Geistown section of Johnstown, will again be holding Fish Fries throughout the season of Lent: February 13, 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20 and 27. Sit down dinners are served in the school hall from 3:00 – 7:00 PM. Take-out dinners are available for pick up during the same hours. Orders may be placed from 1:00 – 6:00 PM by calling 2669718, Ext 206 or fax to 269-4220 until 4:00 PM. We have also added a new feature: online ordering for our friends with computer access. Log onto to place your order. We will have it ready when you arrive! FISH FRY CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER PRESENTATION Deep prayer is the opening of mind and heart, body and feelings, “our whole being” to God. If you would like to experience God in this way, you are invited to attend a “Centering Prayer Workshop” at St. Clement Social Hall on Saturday, February 28th from 10:00 AM-2:30 PM. Sister Dolores Partsch, CSJ, will be the presenter. If you are interested, please call 535-8868 before February 27th. Please bring a bag lunch. There is no fee, but a donation will be appreciated. The Church of the Transfiguration 201 Third St, Conemaugh FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH 3:30 PM- 6:30 PM Take-Outs Available (814)535-2698 Fried & Baked Cost: $9.50/each MARDI GRAS DINNER St. Therese Church, Decker Avenue, will host a Mardi Gras Dinner next Sunday, February 15th from 11:00 AM-4:00 PM. Join us for delicious food including Pigs, Haluski, Piroghi, Hot Dogs & Sauerkraut, Gob Cake and Beverages! There will be a drawing for a 42” television, games of chance, and dancing to the music of the Rhythm Masters. Everyone is welcome! LITURGICAL SCHEDULE AND APPOINTMENTS Schedule Monday Feb. 9 8:00 AM Mass Schedule The Urban Family, Req. by Bernard Urban Altar Servers Sophia Kuzmyak Tuesday Feb. 10 8:00 AM John Dougherty, Req. by John & Aggie Flynn Sophia Kuzmyak Wednesday Feb. 11 NO MASS Thursday Feb. 12 10:00 AM Lectors/Cantors Anne Quinn Greeters Isabel Sadosky Valentine's Day Remembrance Mass Marsha Critchfield Friday Feb. 13 8:00 AM Gene Swetz, Req. by Sam & Ruth Morello and Family Sophia Kuzmyak 10:00 AM Rose Convertine, Req. by Daughter Intentions of Parish Family School Children Saturday Feb. 14 4:00 PM Eucharistic Ministers David Gacka Hunter Gleason Angelina Petro Judy Kelly Mandy Vigna Margaret Sindleri Ruth Morello E. Reitz, R. Riek Sunday Feb. 15 8:15 AM Anniversary Mass for Maryann Spanko, Req. by Tomkowski Family Maddison Brant Erin Carbaugh Noah Gresh 10:30 AM John Dougherty, Req. by Cathy Fuska Courtney Boschele Matthew Boschele John Pattison Chris Hasse S. Catanese, R. Kucera Chris Freiwald-Choir Michael Swank School Children Mary Casto James Haggerty Mary Statler Frances Morello Jim Catanese Julie Wagner Mary Jo Swank Barb Penksa Theresa Connor Evelyn Haggerty Mary McCall Caroline Petro Chris Bowser Nanci Gaborek Janet Yniguez Polo Yniguez Dennis Brawley Linda Fleming Rachel Turco Brian Bazyk Annette Jones Ray Jones Doug Roberts Denise Roberts Saint Clement Church Finance Council Meeting Thursday, January 22, 2015 Members in attendance: Father Rosenbaum, Ralph Trofino, Karen Esaias, Lester Weinzierl, Bill Riner, Regina Kupchella, Pete Hohrun, Matthew Sheridan, and Susan Stem. Absent: John Saracena and Mike Meehan. Father Rosenbaum opened the meeting with a prayer. The minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and approved. We reviewed the Church and School financial reports for the period July 2014 through December 2014. Everything was approved and accepted by the committee. There are no outstanding bills. Father gave an update on Cathedral Catholic Academy. Due to an increase in expenses, each CCA family is required to raise $800.00 through fundraising projects this school year. There are numerous fundraising opportunities throughout the year, such as selling/purchasing scrip, magazines, candles, tickets, etc. Our parish family and friends are also encouraged to support all of the fundraisers. The four Catholic Elementary Schools and Bishop McCort are working together to promote Catholic Education in the community. Father gave an update on the Annual Catholic Appeal. As a result of us exceeding our goal, we received a check in the amount of $803. The money is being used toward the AED (Automated Electronic Defibrillator) and equipment for the Church Social Hall. Thank you to everyone for your support. Budget and Finance Committee: Karen gave an update on the collection and scrip procedures. The processes were reviewed to see if there are ways they can be enhanced. Karen will document the procedures so that we have a more formalized process in place. Facilities and Maintenance Committee: Pete reported that five security lights have been replaced. The pavilion has been winterized. We are looking to have a fence installed around the window well at the back of the Adult Ed Building. Pete communicated to the members that the Westmont Hilltop School District will be starting to expand the elementary school in the Spring. Their plan is to have a parking lot and playground on the hillside between our pavilion and their school. As a result, this will have an impact on our Parish Festival’s Car Cruise, as we will no longer be able to utilize the grounds for cars to park. Pete wanted to bring this to the Parish Festival Committee’s attention so they can start to brainstorm and look for other options for the Car Cruise. Planning and Development Committee: The committee is developing a plan which will focus on recruiting new members to our Parish and increase attendance at the masses. Fundraisers: Our Super Bowl Ticket Fundraiser was a huge success. There were over 3,000 sold. Thank you to everyone for your participation and for spreading the word to your family and friends. All 2015 Lottery Calendars have been sold! We would like to give a special “thank you” to John and Kathy Vizza for the excellent job they did coordinating this fundraiser. Also, thank you to everyone who sold or purchased the calendars. The Diocese will be offering a “Faith Finances” Workshop on Saturday, February 28th from 8:30 to 3:30 at the Sacred Heart Spirituality Center in Portage. This fun and relaxed workshop, taught by Tom Zordani, will focus on how we can use scripture and basic budgeting tools to assist us in becoming financially free. The cost is $45.00 per person and $75.00 per couple. All are welcome! Please RSVP by Tuesday, February 17th. In addition to the “Faith Finances” Workshop, the Diocese is offering a seminar “How to Create a Tithing Parish” on March 2nd and 3rd which Ralph is planning to attend with some of the members of the Planning and Development Committee. The Children’s Choir is scheduled to make their first debut on Ash Wednesday. We are all very excited to hear them. Although the practices have begun, they are always looking for new members. Thank you to Emilie Polenik for forming this group. We would like to welcome Suzie Catanese as the new Parish Secretary. If you need to e-mail the Parish Office (bulletin information, address change, etc.,) please send to Members of the Finance Council will be doing the reading at Stations of the Cross on February 27th. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 26th at 7:00 PM. The meeting was closed with a prayer. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM. Respectfully Submitted: Susan K. Stem, Secretary
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