FEBRUARY 7 & 8 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARYTIME The Gift of Hope All of us, at some point in our lives, experience suffering. Whether we lose our job and livelihood, or a beloved family member, there are times when our lives seem to break down. We are faced with something that we are powerless to change, which no amount of tenacity can overcome. We are helpless, and life for a time becomes a burden, which may seem too heavy to carry. Without the comforts and joys we are used to, life loses its luster. For those without faith, despair creeps in. When suffering, why go on? What sort of God would allow this? It is in these times, that our faith is truly tested. It is in these times that it is proven whether we really have hope for eternal life. When we can no longer go it alone, where we turn, shows where we have placed our hope. The words of our Lord in the Gospel highlight how his mission was to bring us hope. It is interesting, that while he travels from town to town healing the sick and casting out demons, he rather focuses on the fact that his purpose is to preach. While his miracles certainly point to the life to come, what he promises is not relief in this life, but relief in the next. Christ preaches the kingdom of God where the drudgery of this life finally comes to an end. Our hope cannot lie in the things of this earth, because they are passing and will never truly fulfill us. As much as we may enjoy the good times, fortunes change, and the challenge is persevering through the difficult. The cross is something we will all bear, and it is the reminder that this life is not an end in itself, but a path to heaven. While there will be the joy of Christmas at many times in our life, the sorrow of the cross follows. Hope is the gift which allows us to enjoy the goods of life without depending on them, and endure the challenges in life without being consumed by them. We do not know who or what the Lord will bring into our lives, nor do we know for how long. It is in recognizing every moment as a gift and never taking our blessings for granted, that we nurture a spirit of humble gratitude. While we will feel joy and sorrow, they will never overcome our great hope in what the Lord has prepared for us. It is only prayerful attention to the Lord that will heal the beautiful world that God has entrusted to us and bring the peace and harmony that Jesus came to offer us. February 15 No Kids’ Kingdom Contact Alison at 403 249 0423 ext 125 or astraface@saintmichael.ca WORLD DAY OF THE SICK All are invited to Mass on Thursday Feb 12 at 7:00 pm to recognize the efforts of all health care professions, pastoral care givers and healing ministries who strive to restore health to those dealing with illness and disease. Healing service to follow the Mass. OFFICE CLOSED February 16 No Step Contact Alison at 403 249 0423 ext 125 or astraface@saintmichael.ca Contact Rikka at rborras@saintmichael.ca Ages 18 to 35 Contact Jessica at dmcyoungadults@saintmichael.ca The Parish Office will be closed on Monday Feb 15 for the Family Day Long Weekend. There will be No Mass in the evening and no Rosary Group. The Office will reopen on Tuesday. KIDS’ KINGDOM/STEP Please note, there will be no Kids’ Kingdom on Sunday Feb 15 and no Step on Monday Feb 16 due to the Family Day Weekend. PANCAKE BREAKFAST The Knights of Columbus are having a pancake and sausage breakfast for parishioners after the 9:00 am and 11:00 am Masses on Sunday Feb 22. All are welcome to join St. Michael Parish Community for a delicious meal. Donations will be accepted at the breakfast with net proceeds given to the charitable work of the St. Vincent de Paul Society in our local community. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL (SSVP) January has been a busy month. Request for assistance was received during Christmas week, 2 calls on January 2nd. January activity: 7 visits, 19 hampers (12 calls in 2014) serving 29 adults and 17 children, rent - $600, utilities - $638, transportation $285 ($150 in 2014), special dietary needs - $377. A mother of 2 young children was helped with donations of furniture, house-wares and linens upon leaving a women's shelter. NEEDS: Stage 2 car seat. Please contact Paulette at 403 242 4481. COMMUNION FOR THE SICK If you or someone you know is sick or homebound, please call the Parish Office to request a visit from a Home Visitor. Pastoral Care Ministers bring the Eucharist to those who cannot attend Mass. NEWS FROM THE LIBRARY The Parish library has been up and running for two years. All are invited to visit us on the north end of the church building. There is a good selection of books, music, talks, and videos from Catholic and Christian authors. Also a gentle reminder, as we do not charge overdue fees, please return or renew any items borrowed. Watch for details on an upcoming book sale. KIDS’ KINGDOM COORDINATOR St. Michael Catholic Community is seeking to fill an opening for a Kids’ Kingdom coordinator. This is a part-time, term opportunity commencing in mid-March. The position is ideal for someone who has a heart for children and loves to see them grow in their faith. For more information, visit our website: saintmichael.ca>About>Employment. Please forward your covering letter and resume to dquan@saintmichael.ca by February 15, 2015. CWL VALENTINE'S COOKIE EXCHANGE All ladies are invited to CWL’s Cookie exchange, party and meeting on Tuesday Feb 10 at 1:30 pm at the Holy Name Church Hall, 2223 - 34 St SW. If possible, bring at least a dozen Valentine-themed cookies. Some will be served and the rest sold at $5 per dozen, assorted. MOUNT ST. FRANCIS RETREAT CENTRE Lenten Retreat on the weekend of February 20-22. To register please contact Louisa Gagne at redlodge6@xplornet.com, 403 224 2335 or Linda Schultz at linschz@hotmail.com, 403 245 8549. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE 40 Days for Life Rally with Speaker Steve Karlan, Director of North American Outreach on Saturday Feb 21 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm at St. Michael Church. Hear exciting news, ask questions, share your ideas. Please confirm your attendance with Jairo at 403 870 3905 or 40daysforlife.calgary@gmail.com. COLDEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR The Coldest Night of the Year is a fantastically fun, familyfriendly walking fundraiser that raises money for the hungry, homeless and hurting in 65 communities across Canada. The 2, 5 and 10 km walk is held on Saturday Feb 21, and provides participants the opportunity to experience a hint of the challenges faced by those experiencing homelessness while raising much needed revenue for their favorite local charity. For further details, please visit info@blueseaphilanthropy.org. SYNOD OF THE FAMILY Bishop Henry is sending out an invitation to take part in a second survey on the family. The diocese is seeking your input on the vocation and mission of the family. Find out about the survey on our website: www.saintmichael.ca. Copies of the survey are also available in the gathering area. calendar Monday February 9 STEP Theology of the Body Mass Rosary Group Tuesday February 10 Mass ELL Morning—Intermediate ELL Evening—Beginner Grief Share 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Wednesday February 11 That Man is You! Mass Catholicism Study Knights of Columbus Executive Meeting 12 Step Program 6:00 am 9:00 am 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm Thursday February 12 Mass Mom’s Group Walking Toward Eternity Mass Followed by Healing Service RCIA 9:00 am 9:30 am 7:00 pm 7;00 pm 7:00 pm Friday February 13 Mass Eucharistic Adoration Youth Alpha 9:00 am 9:30 am 6:30 pm Saturday February 14 Reconciliation Mass 3:30 pm 5:00 pm Sunday February 15 Mass Mass Mass 9:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm THANK YOU FR. JULIAN Congratulations to Fr. Julian on the 38th anniversary of his ordination on Friday Feb 13. Thank you Fr. Julian for answering God’s call and for your faithfulness in giving your very self for Christ’s people. Thank you for being our Pastor, our shepherd and for guiding and nurturing our spiritual lives. May you be blessed today and always for your service to the Church and may you know that you have our love and gratitude. A VIEW OF OUR FINANCES GIFTS FOR LAST WEEK General Donations $39,331 Building Fund $6,673 $275 Belize $365 SSVP $190 TIA Donations to Date TIA 2015 Levy TBA Outstanding Bldg. Loan $8.1 million # of Pre-Auth. Debit Enrollment 335 Thank you for your generosity! Mass Intentions Feb 7 Intentions of Beischel Family Feb 8 Lito Bautista + Intentions of Martin Brigidear For Everyone Feb 9 Intentions of Julia & Tim Gill Feb 10 Brian Simpson + Edward Emile Belich + Feb 11 Tony Koob + Cameron Ross + (Cedars) Feb 12 Marie Schloesser-Rehmann + Stephen Careen + Feb 13 Lourdes Javier + Andrew Schmidt + Feb 14 Kathleen Wood + Feb 15 Audrey Moore + Intentions of Noel & Silvia Marcelo For Everyone 5:00 pm 9:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 5:00 pm 9:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm Ash Wednesday, February 18: 9:00 am Mass and anointing with ashes 7:00 pm Mass and anointing with ashes Parish Mission, Sunday, February 22 to Wednesday February 25 7:00 pm Wednesdays in Lent: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Reconciliation 7:00 pm Stations of the Cross followed by Mass Fridays in Lent: 8:00 am Reconciliation 9:00 am Mass 7:00 pm Stations of the Cross followed by Mass Saturdays in Lent: 8:30 am Mass, Prayer and Meditation 3:30 pm Reconciliation PLEASE PRAY FOR: Maria & Frank Aiello Arsenia Ahmed Don Albert Don Allen Nelly Arboleda Judy Arsenault Ilir Berisha Joffre Blanco Peter Boyko Martin Brigidear Ruby Burian Joyce Capogreco Elizabeth Chandless Brian Chisholm Bob Christy Debbie Clark Lauren Cook Christian Cruz Ana Rivera Diaz Evelyn Donlevy Ida Doreen Martin Dvorak Alvaro Fernandez Baby Foulonneau Luz Ma Gonzalez Phillip Harnish Rudolph Klassen Betty Kobacs Nicolas Leonzon Jr Jamee Mazuryk Pat & Molly Mooney Carrie Morrison Ram Narayan Eric Nissen Albert Okopie Jose Paez Dale Palin Eve Renaud Ana & Carmen Rivera Virginia Rode Judylina Ruelan Helly Salloum Krista Schaan Ron Schell Joanne Smith Linda Soltys Warren Stepaniuk Clemencia Valencia Rena Van de Geer Juliana Villanueva Henry Vos Tony Zembiak Angie Ann Bernie Catherine H Carol Johanne Muriel Nina K THE SOULS OF: Millie Hall Alice Lim Frances Murphy IN MEMORY OF: Deceased Members of Cervantes Family Quintas & Doris Chan Rolando Cruz May God’s healing love surround them in comfort THE VOCATIONS CHALICE SEMINARIANS will be presented to: Please pray for: Ian and Rosemary Gardner on Sunday February 8 at the 5:00 pm Mass Mark Drapal Quinn Gomez Philip Holy Jonathan Klimow Shane Lambert Andrew Peloso Derek Remus Kevin Toews Pilmaiken Murillo
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