Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception St. Joseph Co-Cathedral 20 Pine Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401 29 Allen Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401 658-4333 658-4333 The Most Reverend Christopher J. Coyne, Bishop of Burlington Msgr. Peter A. Routhier, Rector Rev. Mr. Charles T. Borsavage, Deacon Rev. Mr. William F. Glinka, Deacon Office Staff Doreen M. Couture, Parish Secretary Karen Halpin, Parish Secretary Dorothy Barewicz, Parish Accountant Outreach Center Joseph's House 113 Elmwood Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 951-4290 Email: Chelsea Beauregard, Director Religious Education Marybeth Hebert, Director (802) 862-0512 Dorothy Barewicz, R.C.I.A. (802) 658-4333 Mount Calvary Cemeteries St. Joseph Cemetery Peter Beauregard, Superintendent (802) 864-9050 Eucharistic Celebrations Sat. 4:00 p.m. ............................... St. Joseph Co-Cathedral Sun. 8:30 a.m. ................................ St. Joseph Co-Cathedral 10:45 a.m. ............................... Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Weekdays and Holydays: Please consult Mass Schedule on the inside of bulletin. Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday: 11:30-12:00 noon at Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Saturday: 8:30-9:00 a.m. at St. Joseph Co-Cathedral Saturday: 2:00-3:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Co-Cathedral or at any other time by appointment. Baptisms Parents are asked to contact the Office to schedule a meeting. Weddings Couples are asked to contact the Office a minimum of six months prior to the anticipated wedding. Ministry to the Sick and Homebound Please notify us of any parishioner who is ill at home. Due to privacy laws, priests/deacons must be asked by family members to visit parishioners in the hospital or nursing home. Please advise us of those in need of the Church’s ministry. The Baptism of the Lord—January 11, 2015 Sunday, January 11, 2015 ALO ALO is a gathering of Catholic mothers of all ages and years of experience which, guided by featured speakers, look to enhance their spiritual growth and understanding. ALO will have its next meeting on Thurs., Jan. 15th, from 6:45 to 9:00 p.m. at Holy Family Parish Center in Essex Junction. The topic for the evening will be Femininity, Modesty and Fashion. The cost is $2.00. Dessert is provided. For more information: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Parents of students preparing to celebrate First Holy Communion this year will meet this Sun., Jan. 11th from 9:35 to 10:35 a.m. in St. Joseph School. Our topic will be the Holy Eucharist. Marybeth Hebert, Director RALLY FOR LIFE Standing Together ~ Defending Life The Rally for Life will take place Sat., Jan. 17th. Everyone will gather behind City Hall in Montpelier at 10:45 a.m. There will be a march down State Street to the State Capitol for opening remarks, followed by a procession to House Chambers in the State House for dynamic pro-life speakers. Then there will be a break with refreshments, fellowship and the latest pro-life information. There is no charge to attend the Rally. At 9:30 a.m. a Respect Life Mass will be celebrated prior to the Rally for Life at St. Augustine’s Church in Montpelier with a warm-up following in the Chur ch Hall. Everyone is welcome. JOSEPH’S HOUSE Joseph’s House will be open for Direct Aid for January starting this week. If you know of someone in need, have them call Monday at 10:00 a.m. to set up an appointment. We assist with the following: back rent, security deposits, utility disconnects, utility deposits, food and laundry vouchers, I.D.’s, diapers, hygiene items, and clothes. Please call at (802) 951-4290. God Bless, Chelsea Beauregard, Director KNIGHTS SPONSOR GAME SUPPER The Essex Junction Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a Game Supper on Sat., Jan. 17th to benefit the K of C Charity and Scholarship Funds. There will be two seatings: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at St. Pius X Catholic Church on Route 15 in Essex Junction. Adults $18, under 12 $6.00. For reservations call Barry Corbin at (802) 878-8314 or John Stancil at (802) 879-8921. RIGHT TO LIFE Chittenden County Right to Life will meet Tues., Jan. 13th from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. in St. John Vianney Parish Hall. Educational projects include promoting attendance at the Rally for Life in Montpelier on Jan. 17th to hear Abby Johnson, former abortion clinic director turned pro-life advocate. For more information please see CURSILLO Have you made a Cursillo weekend? For the New Year, continue your 4th day with us at Ultreya. So. Burlington Ultreya will meet Mon., Jan. 19th at 7:00 p.m. in St. John Vianney Parish Hall. Refreshments will be served. Call Tom Kanya at (802) 878-6152 for more information. PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS ALL OUR SICK AND SHUT-INS, ESPECIALLY: Bill Bachand Lorraine Bluto Sam Brigham Judith Casey Marie Ella Desjardin Lorraine Dorey Edward LaBombard Bev Lapointe Karen Luciano Lisa MacGregor Claire McManus Thomas Maille Diane Moody Richard Spear Kim Wilber FOOD SHELF WEEKEND Next weekend, Sat. & Sun., Jan. 17th & 18th, is Food Shelf weekend. This month we are looking for hot and cold cereals, peanut butter, and canned pastas. Thank you for your generosity. COMMUNION BREAKFAST Hosted by Catholic Financial Life Chapter N035, K of C Council #2284 and Daughters of Isabella Madonna Circle 730 on Sun., Jan. 18th, Sun, Feb. 15th, and Sun., March 15th at the Winooski Senior Center on 123 Barlow Street, Winooski. The serving time is 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. Breakfast consists of scrambled eggs, home fries, bacon, sausage, pancakes, French toast, coffee, tea and juice. Adults $5.00, 6 to 12 $4.00, children 5 and under free. MARCH FOR LIFE Join us for a pilgrimage to Washington, D.C., to attend the Youth Rally, Mass, and then the March for Life on the streets of our nation’s capital. The bus departs the Diocesan Offices at 55 Joy Drive on Wed., Jan. 21st at 6:30 p.m. The bus returns to the Diocesan Offices on Fri., Jan. 23rd at approximately 5:00 a.m. For more information call the Office of Catholic Formation at (802) 658-6110, ext. 1130 or see WE KNOW that in all things of those who LOVE HIM Intercessions for Life January 11, 2015 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD For all who are suffering from the Loss of a child through abortion: May the Holy Spirit bring them peace; We Pray to the Lord: PROJECT RACHEL The Day of Hope and Healing is a one-day retreat on Sat. Jan. 31st. The retreat is designed to help women and men hurting from past abortions experience the personal love of Christ and find hope for healing. The retreat offers a loving and confidential environment with the committed team of 5-6 members including a professional counselor, a priest and a woman or man who has experienced post-abortion healing. A weekend retreat will take place in April. The retreats are designed for a small group of participants. Please register early as space is limited. Contact Vermont Project Rachel at (802) 658-4118 or projectrachel@vermont The annual celebration of World Marriage Day will be from Sun., Feb. 1st to Sun., Feb. 8th. The Diocesan recognition of significant anniversaries will be Sun., Feb. 1st at the 10:45 a.m. Mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. We ask that if this is the year of a significant anniversary for you, i.e. 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, etc., please call our Parish Offices at (802) 658-4333, so that you may be recognized at this very special Mass. 7:00 AM 12:05 PM Monday, January 12, 2015 (IC) Amy M. Atkins (IC) In Thanksgiving for the Well being of the Kepka Family 7:00 AM 12:05 PM Tuesday, January 13, 2015 (IC) Cathedral Parishioners (IC) George DeForge 7:00 AM 12:05 PM Wednesday, January 14, 2015 (IC) Roger Ptak (IC) Francois Serwili 7:00 AM 12:05 PM 7:00 AM 12:05 PM 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 8:30 AM 10:45 AM Thursday, January 15, 2015 (IC) Dec. Members of the Burns, Dolan, Mack, Bassett, McClaron, Haas, Mahoney, Maley, Leddy, & Hemingway Families (IC) Alphoncine Friday, January 16, 2015 (IC) Perry Francis, Jr. (IC) Sr. Miriam Ward Saturday, January 17, 2015 (SJ) Rita Fallon (SJ) St. Joseph Parishioners Sunday, January 18, 2015 (SJ) Herman & Dorothy Courville (IC) Ralph Bernardini, Jr. Stephen Lefebvre Esau & Arlene Farrell Olio PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS ALL WHO HAVE DIED, ESPECIALLY: CHARLOTTE DEMAG RITA FALLON ALICE GABRIEL FR. PIERRE LAVALLEE GEORGE LAVOIE FELIX (JOHN) RECZEK, OFM HELENE ROLFE DAVID SOUSA Beginners’ Line Dancing—Tues., Jan. 13th 6:15 to 7:30 p.m., St. Joseph School Gym R.C.I.A. —Tues., Jan. 13th 7:00—8:30 p.m., St. Joseph Parish Hall Knights of Columbus Officers Meeting—Wed., Jan. 14th, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., St. Joseph Parish Hall Pre-Cana—Fri., Jan. 16th, 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. and Sat., Jan. 17th, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. St. Joseph Parish Hall Religious Education—Sun., Jan. 18th 9:30—10:35 AM, St. Joseph School Confirmation Class—Sun., Jan. 18th, Following 5:15 p.m. Mass, Christ the King Topic: “The Holy Spirit” Sharing God’s Gifts Thank you to all our parishioners who so generously support our Church week after week Offertory Dec. 28th (IC) Dec. 28th (SJ) Jan. 1st (IC) Jan. 1st (SJ) Jan. 4th (IC) Jan. 4th (SJ) Holy Family Holy Family Solemnity of Mary Solemnity of Mary Epiphany of the Lord Epiphany of the Lord Jan. 5th (IC) Jan. 5th (SJ) St. Joseph Cemetery Fuel Collection $1,050.00 $2,341.00 $ 403.00 $ 955.50 $1,231.35 $2,345.82 Special Collections Upcoming Collections Jan. 18th (IC) Church Maintenance $ 196.00 $1,035.75
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