PRESENTATION BVM 100 Old Soldiers Road, Cheltenham, PA 19012 Web Site: PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. William S. Harrison Parochial Vicar Emeritus: Rev. John R. McFadden Deacon: William A. Cella Parish Services Director: Sister Joan Melley, S.S.J. Principal: Mrs. Nancy Scharnikow Secretary: Mrs. Peggy Hollinshead Coord. of Liturgical Music: Mrs. Melanie Capoferri Organist: Mrs. Ginny Mamrol P.R.E.P (C.C.D.) Coodinator: Mrs. Carol Beausoleil PASTORAL COUNCIL PRESENTATION, BVM MISSION STATEMENT WE, the parishioners of Presentation Parish, acknowledging that we are members of the Roman Catholic Church and recognizing that our reason for existence is to represent Jesus in our world, commit to providing a Christian environment of love, understanding and compassion to all in our community. We pledge ourselves, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to continue to emphasize the need for Christian values in all of our society. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:15 PM Sunday: 8:30 and 11:30 AM; (St. Joseph: 10 AM) Daily: 6:30 AM (Adoration Chapel) Mon. through Fri. 10:00 AM (Adoration Chapel) Tues. and Thurs. 8:00 AM (Church) Sat. St. Joseph: 9:30 Mon., Wed., Fri. Holyday: No Vigil Mass at Presentation 6:30 AM; 7:30PM (except Christmas & New Year’s Day) Vigil Mass at St. Joseph: 7:30 PM Holyday: 9:30 AM MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA DEVOTIONS Each Saturday following the Rosary at 7:30 AM SACRAMENTS RECONCILIATION: Saturdays: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM BAPTISM: Third Sunday of the month at 1:00 PM. Baptismal Instructions: 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the rectory – call Sr. Joan Melley, S.S.J. MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made at least six months before the date of the wedding. Rectory: 215 - 379 – 1364; Fax: 215-379-2054 P.R.E.P. (C.C.D.) Office/Youth Ministry: 215 - 379 - 2054 School: 215 – 379 - 3798; Convent: 215 - 379 – 8343 Paul Andris 215 464-8495 Ron Camp 215 663-8853 Catherine Canty 215-342-6004 Donna Farrell Colleen Kilkenny 215 379-1247 Dave McCarron 215 722-1987 Sister Joan Melley S.S.J. 215 379-1364 Donna Mueller PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Adoration Chapel —Annette Foley 215-342-7380 Altar Servers—Father Harrison 215-379-1364 Bereavement Ministry—Annette Foley 215-342-7380 P.R.E.P Coordinator—Carol Beausoleil 484-868-0975 C.Y.O.: Kathy Sherman C.Y.O.: Ath. Dir.—Chris Breen 215-725-2653 Environmental Helpers—Ethel Burke 215-725-5973 Eucharistic Ministers—Dot Martin 215-725-8036 Gabriel Project—Annie Byrne 215-379-6830 Home & School Assoc.—Pam Breen Lectors--Cheryl Boyd Liturgy—Father Harrison 215-379-1364 Lottery—Dave McCarron 215-722-1987 Mary’s Helpers—Sister Joan 215-379-1364 Music Coord.—Melanie Capoferri 215-379-1364 Pastoral Council—Father Harrison 215-379-1364 Phone Prayer Line—Ethel Burke 215-725-5973 RCIA—Sister Joan 215-379-1364 Scouts—Joanne Wendler 215-725-8958 Scrip—Evelyn Nicoletti 215-725-4248 Spiritual Life Committee—Father Harrison 215-379-1364 Wellness Ministry - Fran Gillespie 215-379-1926 LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR THE WEEKEND OF JANUARY 31 AND FEBRUARY 1 LECTORS ALTAR SERVERS EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS 5 15 p.m. Chris Kuchler Olivia Knotek Maura Dugan 8:30 a.m. Joseph Leyland Katie Roach Maeve Johnston David McCarron, Patricia Skiendzielewski, Andrea Martin-Perry, Mary Alice Windish, Sheila Meehan Patricia and Robert Cimorelli, Josephine Rainone, Gus and Beatrice Ramirez Karen Lynch Luke Pfeiffer Chelsea Painter Rhonda White, Annette Foley, Linda Corbett, Annie Byrne, Dorothy Martin 11:30 a.m. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Sunday, January 25, 2015 8:30 Cyrenean Society REMEMBER OUR SICK Please keep in your daily prayers, those who are sick and in need of God’s healing touch. Daniel Dalbey Baby Frankie Rita Marie Smith Joan White Joanna DeNofa Donna McGonigle Howard Stickley III James Keeney Chris Vogel Joey Lanzi Patty Rowley Josephine D. Smith Bob Gottschalk Marie Verna Billy Mahoney Mary Rowland Jane McMaster Joseph Affet Eileen Wallace Greg Roddy Sharon Hartman Virginia Bonawitz Edith Tanner Ethel Iannuzzi Regina Carberry Monday, January26 , 2015 6:30 9:30 Mass at St. Joseph’s Tuesday, January 273, 2015 6:30 10:00 Wednesday, January 28, 2015 6:30 John & Margaret Connolly 9:30 Mass at St. Joseph’s Thursday, January 29, 2015 6:30 10:00 Sr. Maria Manuel Collins, IHM Friday, January 30, 2015 6:30 9:30 Mass at St. Joseph’s Saturday, January 31, 2015 8:00 Fran Windish COLLECTION AMOUNTS January 4, 2015 $ 6,079 January 11, 2015 $ 5,986 CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES Throughout the archdiocese on the weekend of January 24 and 25, the collection for the Catholic Relief Services will be taken up. Thank you. Stanley Grey Fred Henderson Theresa Noraka Ann Schlimer Matthew Balent Peggy Fairchild Ethel Thomas James White Shirley Mayer Anna Kurek Ann Ruocchio James Donnelly Brian Hinchey Patricia Wilbert Peggy Hoffner John Fell Evelyn Romanowski Debbie Chakler Steven Specht Jr. Eileen Wallace Paul Norkas Grace Kergides Julia Michel Thomas Fenton Joan Unterkloffer VIGIL FOR LIFE Vigil for Life: Saturday, February 7 at Christ the King Church. Mass at 7 a.m., followed by the Rosary at the abortion clinic (Comly). . 015 p. 1 PRESENTATION JACKPOT DATE: 1/125/15 WINNING #’s: 13 17 19 24 29 GRAND PRIZE WINNER: None CONSOLATION WINNER: None Jackpot for Monday, January 26: $14,250.00 . CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES We help birth parents explore options that are in the best interest for the individuals involved and the child, such as adoption or parenting. We also provide counseling to resolve immediate physical environmental and emotional needs. Our services enable birth parents to make informed decisions for their own and their child’s future. If a birth mother is interested or requests these services, please contact the Adoption Dept. 267 331-2455. A case worker may meet with the birth parents at CSS, their home or a convenient location of them. Thank you. FATHER-DAUGHTER DANCE Saturday, February 7th 2015; Doors open at 6:30 pm; Presentation BVM Church Social Hall. Cost: $25.00 Father & Daughter; $5.00 each additional daughter. The Presentation BVM Home & School Association cordially invites all the young ladies of our school to bring the most influential man in their lives for a wonderful, special night. Fathers, Grandfathers, Godfathers, Stepfathers, and Uncles are all welcome to join our young ladies. Your ticket will include a delicious dinner, a night of dancing and a keepsake photo for each young lady attending. Additional photos will also be available for sale. For further information, , please contact Pam Breen @ COME AND JOIN CUB SCOUT 321 Is your son in grade 1 through grade 5? Does he enjoy doing fun things? Does he enjoy being outdoors? Does he want to be a part of a group of boys his own age doing fun activities? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then joining Cub Pack 321 is what he should do. We are Attempting to resurrect Cub Pack 321 here at Presentation and are in need of boys to join. If you are interested, please let John Morgan know by Email at Any questions, please call him at 267 825-2066. 015 – p. 2 HOSPITALITY HOUR There will be a Hospitality Hour after the 8:30 Mass on January 25 at Presentation School. The 8:30 Mass opens up the 2015 Catholic Schools’ Week. Join us as we celebrate this annual tradition. Catholic Education is alive and well at Pres! The school will reflect the scholarship, dedication and enthusiasm of those who educate the minds and hearts of the young. TUESDAY, JANUARY 27 In honor of the school volunteers, the Mass on Tuesday, January 27 will be a gratitude Mass in appreciation of the dedication and goodness of those who offer their time and talents. PRESENTATION BVM CHEERLEADERS The cheerleaders are collecting canned goods in support of Philabundance. Please help us by donating canned goods and other non-perishable food items to our drop box, which is located in the Church corridor before and after masses. Every can helps! Whether you can donate 1 can or a bag of cans, your effort is greatly appreciated. Collection will run until 2/21/2015. BOX TOPS "Shoprite for our school" will give our school bonus eBoxtops by simply registering your Shoprite savings card with It only takes 1 minute! Please take the time and go to to sign up. You will need to enter your savings card number and our school ID number for boxtops, which is 370640. There is a collection box located in the Church corridor as well. Don't forget to drop your clipped box tops weekly. HOME AND SCHOOL Registration for our 2nd Annual Discovery Education Program for the students of Presentation BVM. has begun. Classes take place every Wednesday afternoon directly after school during the month of February. Classes are limited and fill up fast, so hurry and register your child/children now. Look for our course brochure and registration form on the school’s website and in the back of church. Someone will be available to help you register for classes: every Sunday after the 11:30 Mass during the month of January; after the 8:30 and 11:30 Masses on Sunday, January 25, and at times to be announced during Catholic Schools’ Week. . All proceeds benefit the school’s Fine Arts program! For more information, you can contact Heather Miller at SPIRITUAL THOUGHT— FATHER FLANAGAN “It costs so little to teach a child to love, and so much to teach a child to hate.” READINGS FOR THE LITURGY: February 1 First Reading: Deut. 18: 15-20 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 7: 32-35 Gospel: Mark1: 21-28 2114 PRESENTATION CHRISTMAS TREEE SALE--FROM THE TREE COMMITTEE Year 26 was a huge success as we raised almost $4000.00 for our Parish. Thanks to everyone who purchased our wonderful trees and the beautiful wreathes sold by our Boy Scout Troop. Speaking of which Thank You Thank You Thank You to the young men of our Troop and their supportive parents without whose help the tree sale would be extremely difficult to manage. Thanks again to everyone who participated. Hope to see all of you for year 27. Best Regards to All MOTHER BONIFACE SPIRITUALITY CENTER “The Person of Jesus,” Thursdays, 7:00-9:30 p.m. on Feb. 26, March 5, 12 and 19. Teacher: Sister Sara Butler. For further info or to register, call 267 350-1830. ST. LUKE THE PROTECTOR SCHOOL Penny Party Roundup: February 20. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Ticket price now: $10.00; $15.00 at the door. Benefit of St. Joseph the Protector. Any questions, call Gina 267 221-6574. CASH BINGO AND DINNER, PLUS COACH AND BASKET RAFFLES Presented by Family and Friends of Holy Family University; benefitting the Student Scholarship Fund of Holy Family. The event will be held at Canstatter Volksfest-Verein on Sunday, March 2. Cost: $40.00: three-course sit-down dinner and bingo. Event sold out last four years so order your tickets early. Call Romeo A. Battilana for tickets 215 742-0614. FATHER JUDGEHIGH SCHOOL Interactive Financial Aid & Express Registration Nights: January 29, February 26 and March 12 from 6 p.m. - 9p.m. Bring your entire 2013/2014 Tax Return Form, your W2 and/ or proof of any non-taxable income verification and the $200 nonrefundable fee made payable to the “Private School Aid Service.” For further questions, call 215 3389494. WE THANK YOU The Parish Seniors and neighbors from other parishes offer a hand of applause to Sue Galiczynski and her spirited helpers for providing us with a wonderful memory. Once again, the Annual C.Y.O. “Young at Heart” Luncheon was a grand success. The delicious meal, table decorations, practical prizes, and the entertainment deserve an A+++++. It is always a treat to see the Little Flower girls return for another year and work along with our C.Y.O. Sue, you and your Service Crew, are the best. You exemplify the service Martin Luther King Jr. held close to his heart. PRO-LIFE UNION Thank you so much for hosting a Baby Bottle Collection at your parish for Respect Life Sunday. The donation of nearly $1,000 to the pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia is absolutely tremendous. This generous gift from the parishioners will allow us to continue our work in outreach, education and public policy. Also, we are grateful for the service of the Church Reps and the support of the pastors. HIGH SCHOOLS/ACADEMIES High Schools and Academies are having spring open house, registrations, and scholarship practice exams for 7th grade students, preeighth grade. Also, summer enrichment programs, athletic activities, workshops, etc. will be available. For further information, please call the high school or academy of your choice. YEAR END CONTRIBUTION REPORT The year end report of contributions in 2014 will be available at the end of January. In order to obtain this report, please complete the information request on the form below and return it to the rectory. For purposes of clarity, this form is the only way we can honor your request. --------------------------------------------------------YEAR END 2014 QUEST I/we request this report for: ______________________________________ Name of Household or Individual ______________________________________ Address ______________________________________ Daytime Phone Number 015 – p. 3 TOOKANY PARK AUTO SERVICE The Original Pizza WE DELIVER ~ Traditional Pizza ~ White Pizza ~ Tomato Pies ~ 6500 Rising Sun Ave. 215-745-9992 Reliable Auto Repair - Towing State Inspection Emission Testing Tookany Parkway & Central Avenue Cheltenham, PA 19012 (215) 379-9918 FEDERAL-STATE-MUNICIPAL PERSONAL & BUSINESS TAXES NOTARY PUBLIC LAWNDALE TAX CONSULTATION SERVICES Robert R. Nugent, E.A. Enrolled to Practice before the Internal Revenue Service 6600 Rising Sun Avenue 745-7302 Reg. Master Plumber #4287 Michael Zalewski Full Service Plumber PLUMBING, HEATING & DRAIN CLEANING EMERGENCY SERVICE INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES 215-722-6783 215-379-8300 SERVING ENTIRE CITY & SUBURBS CITY VIOLATIONS CORRECTED SEWER LINES REPLACED • HOT WATER HEATERS FROZEN PIPES • WATER PRESSURE INCREASED DIGGING & EXCAVATION SPECIALISTS SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS WANTED TO BUY Electric Trains • Toys Joe Braun 215.725.8410 215.380.8883 GUTTER Al Tiegs ROOFING CLEANING 215-322-7400 All Types of Roofing & Siding GUTTER DOCTORX Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Licensed & Insured PA 050067 Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 ED HUGHES & SONS PLUMBING Heating • Air Conditioning Drain Cleaning 215-425-4737 $650 OFF 10% OFF JOBS OVER $2000.00 CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT ~ Parishioner ~ 6017 Rising Sun Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 Presentation BVM is looking for a few more sponsors. If you would like to place an ad in the bulletin, please call Wyatt Grove, Church Bulletin Representative this week Direct number: 610-212-9298 • 1-800-333-3166 extension #176 Serving PA, NJ & DE 215-639-8500 SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT INSPECTION Cell 215-817-8769 Home 215-924-7680 Fax: 215-742-9929 Email: Please patronize the businesses and professionals that advertise in your bulletin and thank them for their continued support! Your advertisers make your bulletin possible. 10% OFF FREE Gutters & Spouts Replacement Windows & Storm Windows John A. Cairone 215-745-1955 Cell: 267-246-6032 AAA COSMETIC INC. ✔ Expert Basement Waterproofing ✔ Basement Remodeling LIFETIME WARRANTY ✔ Mold Remediation & Odor Removal ✔ Water Damage Restoration & Cleanup ✔ Crawl Space Water Proofing ✔ Financing Available Licensed & Insured 1-855-435-6009 015 Presentation, B.V.M. - Cheltenham, PA (i) Your Local Parish Realtor BARANDON & HOLLINGER Real Estate, LTD. 426 Central Ave. Cheltenham, PA 19012 215-663-0200 Fax: 215-663-0203 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE Check out our reviews on: FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • Hall Rentals Stewart and McGowan Christenings, Weddings & Parties ROCKLEDGE FIRE HOUSE 505 HUNTINGDON PIKE 379-8373 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW 6221 RISING SUN AVE. 338-2800 Specializing in Wills and Decedent's Estates JOSEPH P. FARLEY Registered No. 3121 P.A.043294 ALTERATIONS - JOBBING 309 Central Avenue 379-0881 $2.00 OFF Total Check of $10.00 or More (Tax, Tip excluded 1 coupon per table) Not to be combined with other offers. Coupon or promotion not valid on early bird or holidays. Cash only. (Opposite St. William's Church) Plumbing & Heating COUNTRY CLUB Restaurant & Pastry Shop 1717 Cottman Ave., Phila. PA 215-722-0500 Visit Us At Our New Location Classic Optical Rockledge Plaza, Huntingdon Pike DR. AMY TAN, O.D. 215-722-2242 *Eye Exams * Contact Lenses * Eyeglasses Family Owned and 6516 RISING SUN AVE. Operated Since 1948 (GILHAM & RISING SUN) Auto • Home Business • Life FIRST RATE INSURANCE, LLC THOMAS C. SCARY, Agent 7790 ROCKWELL AVE., SUITE 1, PHILA., PA 19111-2400 215-725-6700 • 215-379-2100 Sander Memorials Est. 1907 Family Owned & Operated Carol Sander Roat • Ryan S. Roat • Parishioner • 4329 E. Thompson Street Bridesburg, Phila PA 19137 215-535-5704 Collins Family Market 6902 Rising Reg. Sun#000266 Avenue Philadelphia ShopRite of Oxford & Levick Bill Herchenroder, Supv. 215-722-5800 FUNERAL DIRECTORS SINCE 1881 408 Huntingdon Pike Rockledge, PA 19046 Willow Grove Rockledge Robert Wetzel, Supv. Erich Wetzel, Supv. 505 KNORR ST. & RISING SUN AVE. WWW.PHILLYPOWERHOUSE.COM 6301-95 Oxford Avenue (215) 744-9500 (215) 744-0800 Pharmacy 215-725-1770 TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AT PRESENTATION BVM 50% OFF THE DOWN PAYMENT ON A MONTH TO MONTH MEMBERSHIP! Open 7 Days A Week Mon.-Sat. 7am to Midnight Sun. 7am to 11pm (PRESENT THIS COUPON TO RECEIVE THE DISCOUNT) Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards PA Lic. #006806 RIGHTWAY Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! WATERPROOFING CO. FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-337-0988 015 Presentation, B.V.M. - Cheltenham, PA (b) Rt. P John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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