5 th St. Joseph Catholic Church February 8, 2015 Sunday in ordinary time Rectory Office: 402-223-2923 (Secretary) Father Barnhill: 402-806-2821 (cell) Father McGuire: 402-759-1392 (cell) School Office: 402-223-5033 Beatrice, Nebraska www.stjosephbeatrice.org Pastor and Superintendent Fr. Robert K. Barnhill Resident Priest Fr. Thomas McGuire Mass Schedule Saturday 5:30pm; Sunday 8:00am & 10:00am Weekdays: Monday-Friday at 8:20am & 5:30pm Confessions Monday - Friday. 15 minutes before all daily Masses Saturday 4:00pm - 5:20pm Wednesday 5:00pm – 5:30pm. Any other time by appointment. Baptism Parents are asked to attend one 60 min. baptism preparation class. Call the rectory office to schedule. Anointing/Hospital Visits Please notify the pastor through the office when you go to the hospital. Matrimony Contact the parish first—6 to 12 months ahead of time. Natural Family Planning (NFP) To schedule an Introductory Session to the Creighton Model Fertility Care System of NFP, engaged or married couples may contact Jo Langley (402-223-3359) or Melissa Powers (402228-3856). Pregnancy Resource Center of Beatrice -402- 228-6411 Knights of Columbus Rod Benson, Grand Knight St. Joseph Catholic School —Sr. Mary Faustina, Head Teacher; Lenece Pinkerton, Secretary 420 N 6th Street Grades K-5) Preschool Denise Behrends (3 & 4 year olds) Red Raven Day Care -18 months—up; located in our school building. Call the school office for information: 402-223-5033 Parish Office: 612 High St. (rectory-office@cdolinc.net) Monday - Friday, 9:00am–12 noon, except Holy Days and holidays. Shelli Hubka, Secretary. Bulletin Deadline: noon Thursday. Godparent Religion Program—High School Youth Wed., 7:00pm C.C.D. Program in St. Joseph School, Grades 1-8, Wed., 6:30-7:45pm Choir Anyone interested in joining choir may come at 9:30am Sunday before 10:00am Mass or call Kate Ratigan at 402-806-0131. Eucharistic Ministers: Adams/Reimer Our gifts to the Lord: Feb. 1, 2015 February 14/15,2015 5:30pm 8:00am Adult Envelopes $4,303.00 Building Envelopes $35.00 Capital Campaign $20.00 School $45.00 Liam Arter Trey Baehr Loose Plate $108.00 Gala $150.00 First Offering $35.00 10:00 am LECT Ashton Kotas Barbara Johnsen Rob Ostdiek ACOL Video SERV SERV Burenheide/Clark Ferneding/Nielsen Bob Koenig Moran/Morehead Brock Ostdiek Will Reimer Paul DeBoer MUSC Marilyn Neukirch Jeff Davis Choir USHR Phil Cook Matt Schmitt Dave Fujan Online Giving 1/26-2/1 $1,080.00 USHR Parish Collections: Dave Hackler Dennis Schuster Paul Fullmer $5,776.00 Southern Nebraska Register $233.00 USHR Roger Wattier Judy Tejral Randy Hasenohr USHR Bil Weickert LeRoy Tejral Jim Lancaster ROS Pat Roach Kathy Scheer Judi Knowles Gifts Val Meyer Family Richard Kunde Family Ron Lewandowski Family $6,009.00 February 8, 2015 – 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8th 9th th 5 Sunday in Ordinary Time 15th 16th 10th 11th 7:00 Altar Society Teachers Lounge 11:30am Mass with Anointing of the Sick K of C meeting in Parish Center th 7:30pm Circle 6 Edna Schmitt th 17 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 12th 18 Ash Wednesday Masses 8:20 / 12:15 / 5:30 Parish Council No 5:30pm Mass 19th 7:00pm Circle 7 Olivia Kalin 1414 Darwin 13th 14th 1:00pm Over 55 Club Mass time changed to 5:00pm SWEETHEART GALA st First KofC Fish Fry th 20 K of C Fish Fry Stations of the Cross 21 First Penance for 2nd Graders MASS INTENTIONS: Feb. 9th – 15th Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:20 am 5:30 pm 8:20 am 5:30 pm 8:20 am *11:30 am* 8:20 am 5:30 pm 8:20 am 5:30 pm 9:30am *5:00pm* 8:00 am 10:00am Timothy Kadavy Mary Bailey+ Dorwin Durman+ Mary Bailey+ Frank Pytlik (health) Elsie Fink+ SPECIAL INTENTION SPECIAL INTENTION Isabelle Tvrdy+ SPECIAL INTENTION Intention of Celebrant @BSDC Gale Hubka+ SPECIAL INTENTION People of Our Parish WEEKLY SEMINARIAN Timothy Cole Kennett, son of Tim & Stephanie Kennett, has no brothers and three sisters and is from St. Joseph Parish in Lincoln, NE. He was born rd on December 30, & is in his 3 year of Theology at Mt. St. Mary Seminary. SAVE THE DATE Sweetheart Gala February 14, 2015 Less than 20 tickets left! Reserve seats by purchasing tickets this weekend. CHURCH DIRECTORY PICTURES Pictures are still being edited but are nearing the end. Keep checking the box for completed orders. I will let everyone know when I am done editing so that if there are missing photos you can let me know. We hope to publish the directory in April or May. - Shelli Hubka ANOINTING OF THE SICK during Mass will be offered on Wednesday, February 11, at 11:30am. FISH FRY The Knight’s will be having Lenten Fish Frys (7 total). Starting with a Pre-Lent Fish Fry on Feb. 13th and all Fridays in Lent except Good Friday. Menu is baked fish, fried fish, french fries, baked potato, mac & cheese, coleslaw, coffee, tea, water and dessert. Bring a friend and enjoy. Thank you from the Knights. SCHOENSTATT GIRLS YOUTH ANNUAL VALENTINE DINNER! All married couples are invited to a Valentine's Dinner sponsored by the Schoenstatt Girls Youth on Saturday, February 14. The evening will begin with Mass at 4:00pm, a renewal of wedding vows, then dinner and entertainment to follow. Cost is $40 per couple, RSVP to Sr. Therese at 402-826-3346. Plan now to come to Cor Mariae Schoenstatt Center, 340 State Highway 103, Crete, NE 68333. ST. MARY’S SOUP SUPPER in Wymore is Sunday, February 22nd from 3:30pm to 7:00pm at 115 N 11th. They will be serving vegetable, chili and ham & bean soups with cornbread and desserts for a free will offering. MONDAYS IN LENT “Letting Go” is the theme for the ecumenical series of worship services & lunches at 12:05 p.m for the Mondays in Lent: Feb. 23 at Centenary United Methodist Church Fr. Robert Barnhill, homilist CATHOLIC PRESS MONTH ENVELOPE is for the Southern Nebraska Register weekly newspaper. The parish pays for a subscription for each family unit. Your contribution of $15 or more payable to Saint Joseph’s assists in this annual expense. LDCCW ASH WEDNESDAY DAY Of RECOLLECTION at the Good Counsel Retreat House, 7303 112th St., Waverly on February 18. Fr. Thomas McGuire will speak on the topic “Does God Notice Me...” Registration begins 9:30 a.m. Sack Lunch is on own - between 11 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. (Drinks provided). The cost for the day $10. TWO WEEKS TO SIGN UP FOR RETROUVAILLE Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? This program has helped tens of thousands of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including disillusionment and deep misery. For confidential information about or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on February 20-22, 2015 call 1-888-3175654 or www.retrouvaille.org on the web five by July 31 or pass a kindergarten entrance exam. If you are thinking about it please give your contact information to the school office. St. Joseph School provides a faith-based education, a strong supportive community, and multiple benefits due to small class sizes. There is a $25 registration fee and only a $200 book fee for the year. Most private elementary schools have tuition at the per pupil cost, which is around $3,500. LIGHT OF THE WORLD RETREAT In 5 weeks we have a Light of the World Parish Retreat in Beatrice. March 20-23. Mark you calendar for the Lent prayer opportunity. Call Fr. Barnhill at (402)223-2923 to register. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Wednesday, February 11, has become known as World Day of the Sick. It is the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes on the Church liturgical calendar. There will be a Mass offered at 11:30a.m. with the anointing on Wednesday for those: (1) anticipating surgery, (2) dealing with chronic illness, (3) advanced age. Those who receive the Anointing of the Sick and then recover from the sickness may receive the sacrament again either because of age or another sickness. Those who are sick and receive this sacrament may receive it again if their illness worsens. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL has formed a Beatrice Conference. St. Vincent DePaul Society serves those who are in-need and suffering. New members are welcome. Contact Joseph Brewer, St. Joseph Conference President, at (402) 202-2642. WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES 2015 is from September 22-27 in Philadelphia, PA The Lincoln Diocese is excited to offer a pilgrimage to the World Meeting of Families, with a variety of options. For more information or to register, go to http://www.lincolndiocese.org/WMF, or call 402488-2040. ST ISIDORE CATHOLIC RADIO of Beatrice has raised $9770 through the generous support and prayers of so many donors. We are at 78% of our goal of $12,500 by March 31st! We are overjoyed to announce at this time that there will be a Catholic Radio signal for Beatrice in 2015. Support our initiative by sending your donation to PO Box 27, Beatrice, NE 68310. St. Isidore, PRAY FOR US! FROM ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL TENNIS SHOE COLLECTION FOR HAITI We are collecting new or gently used tennis shoes for the school children in Haiti. In Haiti students must wear shoes to attend school. Please consider donating your gently used tennis shoes. All sizes are needed! There will be a tote in the school office for your child to drop off your donations. They will be taken to St. Joseph School in Lincoln, who will deliver them to their Sister School in Haiti. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Applications may be picked up in the school office or downloaded from the website. Children must be FROM FATHER BARNHILL The Vatican announced the theme for the 2015 Day of the Sick: “I was eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame” (Book of Job 29:15). Pope Francis’ document turns his attention to the sick and those who provide them care and treatment. The Holy Father writes of those who care for the sick, “They are close to the sick in need of constant care and help in washing, dressing, and eating. This service, especially when it is protracted, can become tiring and burdensome. It is relatively easy to help someone for a few days but it is difficult to look after a person for months or even years, in some cases when he or she is no longer capable of expressing gratitude. And yet, what a great path of sanctification this is! In those difficult moments we can rely in a special way on the closeness of the Lord, and we become a special means of support for the Church’s mission.” Pope Francis goes on to write, “Occasionally our world forgets the special value of time spent at the bedside of the sick, since we are in such a rush; caught as we are in a frenzy of doing, of producing, we forget about giving ourselves freely, taking care of others, being responsible for others. Behind this attitude there is often a lukewarm faith which has forgotten the Lord’s words: “You did it unto me” (Mattew 25:40).
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