Benton Bulletin January 18, 2015

JANUARY 18, 2015
Mark’s Mark... Improving Our Prayers
There was once a young man who desired to grow up to be a preacher. Hearing of a stout older man who was known for his common sense and preaching ability, the young man decided to visit and see what he could learn. Knowing that one of the most important parts of preaching was prayer, the younger man asked the preacher for his wisdom on the subject. The older man sent the young boy away. Stubbornly, the young man returned the next week and insisted on receiving some lessons on prayer. Finally, the stout, older preacher took the young man out behind the church building to the river where the congregaAon did their bapAzing. He sAll hadn’t said a word. As they entered into the water down to waist deep, the young man grew impaAent because he saw no relaAon to this and prayer. All of a sudden the preacher grabbed the young man and held his head under water. The young man thrashed and struggled, but with the strength of an ox the preacher held him under the water. When the older man let him go, he came up gasping for air, embarrassed, angry and confused. The preacher looked at him and said, “UnAl you pray with the same desperaAon that you sought for air, you have not prayed.” Prayer is as important to our soul as air is to our body! We need prayer to stay connected to the God who created us with a plan in mind. Let’s look at some ways we can dive deeper into prayer in our every day lives. 1. Spend Time in Praise-­‐ Every prayer should begin with acknowledgment of the majesty and power of the Lord Almighty. Recognize his authority in that he created, sustains and will one day judge all things. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and we are not. Be sure to spend Ame bowing down and adoring his greatness.
2. Be Yourself-­‐ There is always the temptaAon to use the holy words of others in our prayers: “Guide, guard and direct us unAl our next appointed Ame.” As God is your father in heaven, recognize that you should be real and authenAc before him. Don’t go through the clichés of holiness, rather open up your heart and be true before him. Come before him as you are and let him transform you into the saint he wants you to be.
3. Focus on Growth-­‐ The apostles asked Jesus, “Teach us to pray” Luke 11:1. Study Scripture to learn how to pray and how to approach God. Remember the promises, “Ask and it will be given unAl you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you,” MaZhew 7:7.
4. Slow Down-­‐ The world we live in today blasts us with media and noise from every direcAon all day, from texAng to TV to the Internet. These are not bad things, but too much can be distracAng from our relaAonship and conversaAon with God. Put God back at the center of your heart and mind by giving him ten minutes in prayer of every day that you would otherwise spend on Facebook or TV.
5. Stay Moving-­‐ A prayer life that isn’t kept up is like a pond with no water flowing in or out—it becomes stagnant. There’s no oxygen coming in and it soon becomes lifeless and uninhabitable. But a person who culAvates their relaAonship with God in prayer finds a much different picture. There is fresh water flowing into and out of the pond
—it is life giving! Your good prayer life will affect other parts of your life as well. Prayer is a foundaAonal centerpiece in your relaAonship with God. Since it is so important, focus on its opportunity !
Our Vision: Striving to be the Hands of Jesus
Our Values: Worship, Spiritual Growth, Edification, Christian Living, Outreach, Benevolence
JANUARY 18, 2015
We express our sympathy to the family of Kyle and Angie Phillips in the passing of their infant son, Joshua Phillips. Joshua is the nephew of Scott and Lori Phillips. The funeral was Thursday.
Regarding the Sick
Alton Buddy Anderson had his leg removed above the knee due to complications from diabetes. He is in Lourdes. Mr. Anderson is a member at Fairdealing and is the grandfather of Mandy Miller and uncle to Chris Edwards and Karen Fulks.
Pat Cornwell, the lady we were trying to help get set up to live in an apartment, fell and broke her hip. She has moved to Lake Way Room 217A. Her spirits would be lifted if everyone sent her a card. Identify yourself as a member of the Benton church of Christ. She has no close family for support and needs to know somebody cares. Jeaneen Crocker has been suffering from severe migraines. Logan Darden, grandson of Dan and Kenna Jones, had good results from his MRI and will see a neurologist in the coming weeks for his headaches.
Florence Robertson is in ICU at Marshall County Hospital.
Continue to remember: Gerald, Dorothy & Sandy Bean, Steve Bennett, Ryan Bohannon, Larry Brummett, Glen Burse, Sue Cope, Wilma Darnell, Jerry Hancock, Mike Harrison, Bill Hicks, Barbara Holley, Flo Jones, Irene Morgan, Gerry Scott, Van “Tinker” Siress, Betty Stevenson, Joan Travis, Weldon Tyree, and Todd Walker.
Doug Lyles! !
Sonny Rommelman!
Keith Travis!
Lonnie Woodruff!!
Bob York! !
Mark Ray
Travis Terrell
Scott Chambers! !
Karon Crocker! !
Kevin Farley!
Children’s Education
Middle School
Jared Morgan!
WITB Radio
Jerry Sells!
Kitchen Supplies & Furniture
Don Walker!
Special Events
Cory Westerfield!!
Cemetery & Church Finance
Dennis Tucker! !
Library & Christian Scholarship
Paul Thurman! !
Phillip Rudd!
Gerald Rainey! !
Outside Grounds
Matt Ross!
5th Grade and Under
Scott Phillips!
Prison Ministry
Luke Phillips!
Foreign Mission
Jason Perry!
Brent Lents!
Visitors, Welcome & Fo#ow-up
Aaron Lyles!
5th Grade and Under
Kids First
Jeff Jones!
Byron Rudd!
Worship Assignments
Randy Jackson! !
Jason Jones!
Adam Lyles!
5th Grade and Under
Brad Miller!
A%er School
JANUARY 18, 2015
Mark Ray’s Brothers Keepers Group (I-L) will
meet Sunday, January 18th after pm services.Please bring
finger foods and desserts. The deacons for this group are
Adam Lyles, Brad Miller, Jared Morgan, and Jason Perry.
The next Wednesday night potluck will be January
A new "Thursday Morning Bible Class" has begun
every Thursday at 10:00. This class, taught by Mark Ray,
will focus on Bible study and Christian service. Men and
women are welcome to attend.
We are in need of a part time secretary (two days a
week) in the church office. Some of the responsibilities
will include greeting visitors, answering phone calls,
updating attendance records, preparing announcements
and helping to prepare the bulletin. Computer skills are
important. All applications may be picked up in the
church office and should be submitted to one of the
elders by January 27. If you have any questions, you can
see Keith Travis, Mark or Kyla.
We will be taking a bus to the Freed-Hardeman
Lectures Tuesday, February 3rd. The bus will leave at
7:00 a.m. and will return approximately 8:30 p.m. if you
would like to go, there is a sign-up sheet in the foyer on
the bulletin board.
On the Calendar
Sunday, January 18:
9:00! Morning Worship
Elders Meeting
5:00! Evening Worship
Tuesday, January 20:
West KY Bible School @ Benton
Wednesday, January 21:
6:30! Mid-week Services
January 19!
January 20!
January 21 !
January 22!
January 23!
January 18!
January 24!
Christy Smith
Jeffry Smith
Kenna Jones
Darla Ham
Doris Harper
Trace Temple
Ethan Walker
Gerald Bean
Tosha Lyles
Mac Meadows
Juanita Sells
Thressa Cotham
Mike & Toni Darnall
Tim & Susan Ross
Karon & Jeaneen Crocker
Lynndy & Missy Moss
Care Crew
January 26 Peanut butter, jelly, &
spaghetti sauce
Please remember your pledge!
Adult Classes
Rm 51!
Rm 52!
Rm 35!
Rm 51!
Rm 52!
Rm 1!
Sunday 10:00
Walking with God-Life Principles!
New Converts! !
Wednesday 6:30
!The Church in the Old Testament !
God’s Plan for Marriage! !
Ladies Class-Living Fully!!
History of Islam!!
New Converts! !
Mark Ray
Doug Lyles
Bob York
Sonny Rommelman
Lonnie Woodruff
Mark Ray
Kenna Jones
Jim Kelley
Keith Travis
Sunday AM !
Bible Study!
Sunday PM!
YTD Actual!
YTD Budget!
Our Record
January 11, 2015
JANUARY 18, 2015
Sermon Notes
January 18, 2015
AM Service
Shepherd’s Welcome:! !
Bob York
Song Leader:! !
Scott Phillips
Opening Prayer:!
Kevin Farley
Lord’s Supper & Offering:!
Brent Lents
Lord’s Supper:! !
Don Walker! !
Monty Moss
Tyler Moss!
Tim Ross
Mitch Lovett! !
Jermi Redden
Mickey Mathis !!
Dan Darden
Scripture Reading:!
Cory Westerfield Psalm 51:10-17
Mark Ray
Facing My Sin
Shepherd’s Benediction:!!
Doug Lyles
Byron & Laurie Rudd
Matt Ray & Freddie Hines
Louis & Ann Farley
Nursery Attendants:!
Kelly Edwards &
Mandy Miller
Unable to Serve Call:! Kyle Walker 270-703-8351
PM Service
Shepherd’s Welcome:! !
Doug Lyles
Song Leader:! !
Mike Darnall
Opening Prayer:!
Jared Morgan
Scripture Reading:!
Dennis Tucker Phil. 3:12-16
Mark Ray
Seeking Spiritual Maturity
Lord’s Supper:! !
! Don Frick
Closing Prayer:! !
Ken Campbell
Camera Monitor/Door:! !
Dave Simmons
Sound:! !
Phillip Lyles
Unable to Serve Call: ! Randy Jackson 270-493-0220
3091 Main Street. Benton, KY 42025
Phone: 270-527-3585
Serve Line: 270-527-3783
Find us on Facebook under Benton church of Christ
Elder in Charge: Lonnie Woodruff
Wednesday Devotional 1/21
Adam Lyles
Opening Prayer:!
Chris Edwards
Song Leader:! !
Ethan Walker
Collin Gunn
Unable to Serve Call:
Bob Hines 270-994-4765
Bus Driver:!
Lord’s Supper for Shut-ins:!
Travis Ross
Gerald Rainey &
Randy Jackson
Deacon in Charge: Matt Ross