Parents News & Muse 1-15-15 - Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic

A Newsletter to Parents and Guardians
January 15, 2015
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Many families sent in holiday treats and baked goods for our staff prior to the Christmas vacation. We
appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness. Our staff enjoyed everything! Thank you!
We are also appreciative of the kindness that many showed towards us at Christmas time. While we
attempted to save the gift tags that were attached to the many beautiful packages that were delivered to us,
in some cases the gift tag was not attached to the gift item. For this reason, we may have not been able to
send a personal thank you note to the family. If you sent a gift and did not receive a thank you note,
please know that we appreciate your kindness and enjoyed your gift. Thank you!
Just a friendly reminder that school will be CLOSED on Monday, January 19th in observance of
Martin Luther King, Jr Day.
Friday, February 13th was scheduled as a 12:10 dismissal. Please note that this has been changed to
a FULL DAY OF SCHOOL. On Tuesday, February 17th will be NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS.
We appreciate your understanding of the need to make these calendar revisions. Thank you!
MBS will join with Catholic Schools across the nation in celebrating Catholic Schools Week from
January 25th-30th. The theme for this year’s celebration is “CATHOLIC SCHOOLS: Communities of
Faith, Knowledge and Service.” A listing of the scheduled events for that week are posted on the
school website, Our Catholic Schools Week Planning Team has
scheduled activities and events that highlight our school’s commitment to being a community of faith,
knowledge and service. MBS will begin the week with an Admissions Open House on Sunday, January
25th from 1-3:00 p.m. Parents and guests are welcome and encouraged to join us for as many of the
events as their schedules allow.
Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School is hosting an Open House Sunday, January 25, 2015 from
1:00pm-3:00pm, in celebration of Catholic Schools Week. Prospective families, parishioners, and
members of the community will have an opportunity to tour facilities and speak to administrators on hand
regarding enrollment possibilities. Please pass this along to any family or friends who may be thinking
about a Catholic education for their children. Any questions or for more information, please contact Lisa
Edmunds, Director of Admissions at 410-208-1600.
The annual family luncheon held during Catholic Schools Week will take place on Friday, January
30th.Guests may bring lunch for themselves and their student hosts or guests may purchase lunch that will
be prepared by Damiana Clubb of Le Donne Cucina. Lunch is available for purchase for $5.00 per person.
Penne Pasta Pomodoro, House Salad, Roll & Butter and a Brownie will be served. Order forms were sent
home in last week’s Thursday folder. Deadline for orders is January 20th. Full a la carte menu will be
Student dismissal after lunch shifts:
1st lunch (Families N-Z) dismissed at 11:45 a.m.
2nd lunch (Families A-M) dismissed at 12:30 p.m. Buses depart at 12:30 p.m.
Please note that there will be NO AFTERCARE on Friday, January 30th.
During our Catholic Schools Week celebration, students are invited to participate in an Essay Contest.
The subject of the essay will be “What Our School Pledge Means To Me”. This will be an at-home
essay and either handwritten or Digital entries will be accepted. Digital entries must provide an audio and
visual presentation. One winner from each pod will receive an A-La-Carte gift certificate. Check with
your child’s teacher for more details.
Diocesan Tuition Assistance for the 2015-2016 school year are now being accepted. Tuition assistance
through the Diocese of Wilmington is provided to children attending grades K-12. Pre-school, before and
after care are not funded through this program.
Parents are encouraged to apply through FACTS online at FACTS
representatives are available to guide parents through the application process and to answer any questions
by calling 1-866-315-9262. Completed applications, including all supporting documentation such as
tax forms, are due March 9th. Applications that are submitted after that date will not be considered
for assistance.
They should be returned to the FACTS agency in the envelope provided. Included with the FACTS
application is a procedures document for information on what other documentations are required
along with the completed application form.
It’s that time of year again where we are starting the re-enrollment season for the 2015-2016 school year.
In today’s folder, we have included the RE-REGISTRATION FORM FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL
YEAR. In order to have the necessary information to plan the 2015-2016 scholastic year, we ask that
current school families complete this re-registration form and return it to the office no later than February
8th, 2015. Please include a $100 non-refundable DOWN PAYMENT PER CHILD toward next year’s
tuition. (This fee is for returning students ONLY. Students who are new to the school will be
charged a separate registration fee.) Returning this form and down payment by February 8th will assure
your child’s enrollment in Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School for 2015-2016. Several of our classes
are full for next year, so it is imperative that you meet the deadline or your spot will be given to one of
the people on the Wait List!!
CASINO ROYALE 2015 will be held on Saturday, February 7th, 2015. Plan now to join us for Most
Blessed Sacrament's PREMIER event of the year! MBS Casino Royale will be a BLAST!! Live Music
by Paul Cullen (formerly of Bad Company) to start and a DJ to keep things going! Amazing food from
the area's BEST restaurants (HOOKED, Mother's Cantina & Touch of Italy...just to name a
few). Fantastic auction items (Spain or Bahamas, anyone?) and exciting gaming tables, including the
"new" Poker lounge. Come try your luck and be a part of our school's largest fundraiser. Tickets are $45
door. Make
reservations by
emailing OR NEW this year, you may log onto and buy tickets ONLINE! How easy is that??!!
Pick your lucky number and take a spin on the MBS Tuition Wheel. Don't miss a chance to win one
FULL year of in-parish tuition or $4,000 in cold, hard cash! Tickets are $100 per number and the odds are
ever in your favor. You may "buy" your number online as well or complete & return the Tuition Wheel
form in today's folder. Go in on a ticket with friends or family and SPLIT your winnings!! You can also
contact Angela Simmons at 443-523-2205 to reserve your number today!
We need volunteers! There is a signup sheet in the school office or you may email Anne or Sean (emails
below) with your availability. We need help on Friday & Saturday (all day both days)...for example, if
you can help from 10am to 12pm, please tell us. Any amount of time is appreciated!!
During the event, we need:
Help in the Kitchen, drink tickets sold, help with the bars, dealers (training is provided on 2/5), photo
booth, auction table runners, etc. Again, let us know what you'd like to do and we'll confirm and email
back with the details.
We are still accepting and looking for donations -- NOTHING is too small or too big!! Gift
Certificates, sports tickets, artwork...ANYTHING will be accepted!!! We are asking for 100%
participation and support from every family. If you are not able to attend, tell your friends, neighbors, or
co-workers. To find out how you can help, please contact your Casino Royale co-chairs: Anne Flaherty
( or Sean Kilroy ( Thank you for your support of our
Are you looking for summer opportunities for your children? Do your children get bored or tired of the
same summer routine from day to day? Are you looking for a place for your children to be safe, have fun,
gain independence, make friends, try new things and grow in a positive way? Most Blessed Sacrament
Catholic School is hosting a Summer Camp/Enrichment Fair on February 17th, 2015 from 5-8pm. We
are inviting local and regional summer camps to showcase their programs and give our community an
opportunity to see what is available during the summer. All are invited to meet with camp directors and
see all of the different camp and enrichment program opportunities available to you and your family. For
more information, please contact Rick Deale at or the school office.
COLD WEATHER…The colder weather is here! We would like to remind parents that on days when
the temperature is lower than 45 degrees, children must have a coat or sweatshirt in order to go outside
for recess. Girls will be allowed to put on their gym sweatpants under their skirts or jumpers for recess on
cold days. Please be sure that children are dressed for cold weather each day and especially on
Thursday when we walk to Mass.
When calling the office in the morning to report your child out for illness, it would be helpful if you could
let the office know the illness or symptoms. With respect to your privacy, any help will allow the school
to better track viruses or flu. When children have been absent from school for more than three days, a
note is required from the health care provider for re-entry. This lets the teachers and health suite know
that the student is no longer contagious. By working together, we can all contribute to a healthier
learning environment for our students and your children. Thank you for your cooperation.
This past week grades 3 and 4 were visited. Our focus was on Friendship and ways to spread Random
Acts of Kindness. Over the past 2 weeks, grades 2-5 viewed some videos on friendship and discussed "20
things we should say more often" a video by Kid President! It is a great video worth looking up with your
child! Grades 3-5 helped make a bulletin board with more kind things to say and ways we can all spread
kindness. Grades 3-5 were challenged to look at the board daily and try to say at least 1 kind thing and do
at least 1 act of kindness a day.
Catholic Schools Week Service Project
During the week of CSW we are asking our school community to donate gently used shoes. Please see
the flyer in today's take home folder. We will have drop spots in the cafeteria all week (Jan. 26-30). We
will donate the shoes collected to Diakonia in Ocean City. Please look through closets for shoes that do
not fit or are not worn, they still have use to someone in need. We would be pleased with as many as you
are able to donate. We ask that each pair of shoes be placed in a shopping bag with handles tied as to not
lose their "soul-mate".
Sports Physicals:
A current sports physical MUST be filled out before your child can participate in practice/games, no
VERY IMPORTANT: Boys V will practice on Thursday Jan. 15th 3:30pm-5pm.
Boys Basketball: Practice for JV will be held on Tuesday & Thursday 3:30-5pm. Practice for Varsity will
be held Tuesday & Thursday 5-6:30pm. Varsity players will stay after school for study hall in either the
library or cafeteria. We will need the help of parents to assist in this study hall, I am asking that you email
me your availability asap. Thanks.
Please be prepared to arrive 5-10 min. early to pick up your child from practice. When practice is over a
parent/guardian should walk up to the front door to pick the child up, it is very dark and we want to make
sure all students have a ride.
A white t-shirt must be worn under the jersey for games. NO t-shirts will be given to students it if it is
JV has practice on Tuesday 1/20, but no practice on 1/22.
Girls Basketball: We are in need of parent volunteers to sit with the varsity team during study hall. I am
asking that you email me your availability asap please!!! Thanks.
Please be prepared to arrive 5-10 min. early to pick up your child from practice. When practice is over a
parent/guardian should walk up to the front door to pick the child up, it is very dark and we want to make
sure all students have a ride.
A white t-shirt must be worn under the jersey for games. NO t-shirts will be given to students if it is
Hydration!!!!: I am adding a new wrinkle to our athletic program this year, hydration is very important
to everyone whether an athlete or not. This year, students participating in any sport(s) at MBS are
required to have some sort of water bottle with them here at school…at all times. If I walk upstairs,
cafeteria, art room or anywhere else their water bottle should be with them. This is in an effort to promote
hydration throughout the day and not just before or during practice/games. If there is an issue with
providing your child with a water bottle please feel free to contact me and I will make sure they get one.
Fitness & Sports Equipment: We are looking for gently used fitness/sports equipment such as
dumbbells, BOSU balls, medicine balls, cleats, lax sticks/helmets etc. for our teams/faculty to have access
to. Since the beginning of the year there has been a strong push to improve physical fitness from both the
students and staff here at MBS. Before I go out and purchase more equipment I wanted to ask our MBS
families first. For more info. or to set up a time to drop off equipment, please contact me via email.
Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!!!: We are currently looking for any sports pictures from the 2014-15 MBS
Athletic Season(s). Any pictures you may have or will take during our various seasons, please email them
to or Thanks!
Stop by and check out our Brr-illiant books to warm you up on a chilly day. Pour yourself and your child
a nice steaming cup of hot chocolate and have story time. Please feel free to visit anytime and select a
book if you would like. We have stacks of winter themed books all around the library on display. Please
note the Book Fair will be in the library during Catholic Schools Week. Your child will have an
opportunity to purchase books during their library time that week. Thank you very much for your
continued support of the MBS library.
WHEN IN DOUBT Closings And Delays Are ALWAYS Posted On WBOC, WMDT, And
Froggy99. Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School is listed by itself.
As in the past, parents and guardians will be notified of emergency closings and delays through our
School Reach notification system. Because of this it is VERY IMPORTANT that we have your updated
contact information as soon as possible.
Calls regarding delayed openings and school closing will be made before 6:00 a.m.
Also, please remember that if school is delayed, Before Care begins at 8:00 a.m.
January 2015
Martin Luther King Holiday – School Closed
Parent Conferences – 12:10 Dismissal
Open House
Catholic Schools Week
Family Luncheon, Early Dismissal
Parents of 2nd graders: Our next Sacramental Prep session will be for 1st Holy Communion on Sunday 1
February at 10AM. This is for ALL as I will be distributing the materials. The materials fee is $35.
Veterans may pick up the materials and leave while the others will have a 50 minutes prep session.
RE parents please park in car pool line; others park in legal spots so as not to get blocked by the line.
St. Jude the Apostle Parish Book Club will begin meeting on the first Wednesday of each month
from1:00-2:00 p.m. in the St. Jude’s Religious Education Center at St. Jude The Apostle Parish in Lewes,
DE. You are invited to join in discussion of books that feature biographies, fictional works, and spiritual
classics to inspire us as Christian thinkers.
For further information, call the Religious Education office at 302-644-7413. A listing of upcoming book
selections can be found on the parish website at St. Jude The Apostle Church is
located at 152 Tulip Dr. and Highway One, Lewes, just north of the Five Points intersection.
Tickets now available for our 2015 50/50 Year Long Raffle. Winners drawn the 1st Thursday of each
month. Tickets are $12.00 - Good for ALL 12 months of drawings! Give them 12 chances to win !! Call
the Parish office to order tickets 410-250-0300
Lectio Divina is held every Tuesday at 6:30pm in our parish center room 116. During the hour we read
the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday and share what it is saying to us. All you need is an open heart and
Walking Towards Eternity is a DVD Series that helps you connect the Scriptures to your daily lives.
This series and the continuation of the set are held Tuesday mornings following 8:30am Mass and
Thursday evenings at 6:00pm in our parish center room 110.
Word of Life meets the second Sunday of each month in room 116 of our parish center at 9:40am. This
month we will share how we lived the August word: "Forgive your neighbors the wrong done to you, and
then your sins will be pardoned when you pray." (Sir. 28:2)
St. Peregrine Society is our society that supports cancer victims and those touched by the suffering of
loved ones. We meet on a monthly basis to pray for our loved one and those touched by cancer and any
other illness. Any questions please contact Deacon Dave at 302-945-8317.
The purpose of this society is to meet on a monthly basis to pray for intercessory prayer to Saint
Peregrine, the patron saint of Cancer. We will be meeting on a Sunday in the latter part of the month at 3
PM alternating between Mary Mother of Peace and Saint Michael the Archangel.
St. Michael the Archangel:
2015: January 25 (moved to Mary Mother of Peace), March 22, May 31, July 26, September 27,
November 22
Mary Mother of Peace:
2015: February 22, April 26, June 28, August 23, October 25, December 27