REGISTER ONLINE! The National Conference That’s Local MARCH 2-4 Oakland Convention Center Looking for EXCELLENT EDUCATION, UNPARALLELLED NETWORKING and EXCEPTIONAL VALUE? You just found it - HR West. Join more than a thousand peers as we learn together and create thriving organizations. OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS ( a s o f 1/6/15) PLATINUM SPONSOR PLATINUM SPONSOR PLATINUM SPONSOR PLATINUM SPONSOR The Northern California Human Resources Association (NCHRA) promotes excellence in the field of human resource management by connecting human resources professionals with practice resources and best practices, leading California-specific training, legal and legislative developments, quality service providers, and each other—forming career-long networks and partnerships. Facts: •3,500 members strong •Serving an HR community of more than 20,000 •2nd largest HR Association in the country •Showcases more than 200 educational events a year—more than any other association in the nation—priced 30–60% below other comparable offerings •Affiliate of SHRM Special Sponsors WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING SPONSORS FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS: Hill Physicians Medical Group Mevident Berliner Cohen NFP ClearPath Workforce Management ScholarSHARE College Savings Plan Halogen The Vita Companies Jobvite Workplace Answers Title Sponsor Monday Reception Sponsor Tuesday General Session PM Sponsor Wednesday General Session PM Sponsor Grand Prize Sponsor Lockton Insurance Brokers, LLC Wednesday Lunch Sponsor Wellness Center Name Badge Sponsor Monday General Session Sponsor Tuesday Lunch Sponsor Professional Headshot Sponsor As an NCHRA member, you get exclusive, complimentary access to HR West Magazine; the HR Hotline; a robust forms, templates and tools library; career development programs, legislative alerts, and scores of free webinars and regional meetings. Unless otherwise noted, all sessions and keynotes qualify for SHRM Professional Development Credits (PDCs) toward your SHRM-CP/SHRMSCP and general HRCI Recertification Credits toward your PHR/SPHR. • Full conference attendees can earn up to 16.75 credits. • Pending approval, some sessions may qualify for Strategic, California or International Credit. • Additionally, some sessions qualify for Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) credit. • See page 7 for sessions that fulfill these requirements. Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s 3 Keynotes 4 HR University 6 HR Certification 7 S e s s i o n s b y Tr a c k 9 S c h e d u l e At -A- G l a n ce 11 Concurrent Sessions 33 Directions and Accommodations Keynote Speakers ALAN FINE presents “You Already Know How to Be Great” Founder & President, InsideOut Development and author of The New York Times best-seller, You Already Know How to Be Great MONDAY 2 Widely recognized as a pioneer of the modern-day coaching movement, Alan Fine is co-creator of the G.R.O.W. Model — a coaching model that removes mental interference to unlock inherent talents and skills. Using this innovative model, Alan has successfully coached world-class athletes, musicians and Fortune 1000 CEOs. His award-winning performance training methods have been deployed at companies such as IBM, NASA, Proctor & Gamble, Sprint, Yum! Brands, GAP and Honeywell. Alan’s New York Times best-seller, You ALREADY Know How to Be GREAT, was recognized as The 2010 Best Leadership Book of the Year. 5:00 - 6:15PM PETER SCHWARTZ presents “The Renaissance of Scenario Planning” American futurist, innovator, author, and Senior Vice President, Global Government Relations and Strategic Planning, TUESDAY 3 As Senior Vice President, Global Government Relations and Strategic Planning at, Peter Schwartz directs policy and politics throughout the world and manages the organization’s ongoing strategic conversation. Prior to joining Salesforce, Peter was co-founder and chairman of Global Business Network, an elite corporate strategy firm, specializing in future-think and scenario planning. Peter is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Affairs Council and the Research, Innovation and Enterprise Council. He also sits on the boards of The Long Now Foundation, The Center for New American Security and the Center for Strategic Studies in Singapore. 9:00 - 10:30AM SARAH LEWIS, Ph.D., M.Phil presents “The Rise: Creativity, the Gift of Failure, and the Search for Mastery” TUESDAY 3 Faculty Member at Yale, and Author of The Rise: Creativity, the Gift of Failure, and the Search for Mastery Sarah Lewis, Ph.D., M.Phil is a faculty member at Yale and a rising intellectual star. She appears on Oprah’s “Power List,” served on President Obama’s Arts Policy Committee and has been profiled in Vogue. She has held positions at the Tate Modern and the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and her essays have been published in Artforum and The Smithsonian. Her second book, Black Sea, Black Atlantic: Frederick Douglass, The Circassian Beauties, and American Racial Formation in the Wake of the Civil War, will be published by Harvard University Press in 2015. She received her B.A. from Harvard, M. Phil from Oxford, and Ph.D. from Yale. She was a speaker at TED 2014 in Vancouver, BC. 5:00 - 6:15PM Dr. RICHARD PIMENTEL presents “Leading Strong in the Face of Disability” ADA pioneer, author of Tilting at Windmills, and Senior Partner, Milt Wright & Associates, Inc. WEDNESDAY Drawing from lessons in Vietnam, and through his pioneering work in return-to-work and disability management programs, Richard is an internationally renowned consultant, keynote speaker and professional trainer. With the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Richard created and delivered training programs nation-wide. In 2007, Richard’s life story was portrayed in Warner Brothers’ full-length motion picture, Music Within. Among other accomplishments, Richard was co-author of SHRM’s ADA materials including Making the ADA Work for You and What Managers and Supervisors Need to Know About the ADA. 4 2:00 - 3:15PM 3 H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E HR University MARCH 2 9:00am-4:00pm THE MIND OF A LEADER: Creating Optimal Teams Mindset (mahynd-set) n. a certain set of beliefs and assumptions held about human nature. Under a growth mindset — believing that hard work and effort are the primary drivers of performance — teams thrive, collaborate and innovate. A fixed mindset has the opposite effect, embracing the belief that human potential is limited, that we are born with a certain fixed amount of intelligence. What kind of leader are you? What kind of leader do you want to be? ABOUT THE PRESENTER Laura Kray holds a doctorate in social psychology and she applies this lens to her research on gender, negotiations and problem solving. Her research exploring women’s leadership experiences has received numerous prestigious awards and has been featured in a wide range of media outlets (New York Times, Business Week, Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, Financial Times, Huffington Post, the Daily Beast). Ms. Kray is the founder and faculty director of the Center for Executive Education at UC Berkeley’s Women’s Executive Leadership Program. Professor Kray has published over 40 articles in a range of top psychology and management outlets. Her work has received numerous “Best Paper” awards from the Academy of Management and the International Association of Conflict Management and multiple awards from the National Science Foundation. In 2008, her work on gender and negotiations was recognized with the “Most Influential Paper” award from the Conflict Management Division of the Academy of Management. In this highly interactive, full-day session designed specifically for executives, learn to unlock the potential in optimally created work groups through experiential exercises. Based on Professor Kray’s original research in this area, and her work with executive teams at companies such as StubHub, Intel, Adobe and Google, you’ll dive deep into your own leadership mindset and establish tools for accelerating team dynamics. Participants will receive a complimentary copy of Mindset by Carol Dweck. Led by Laura Kray, Ph.D. Professor and Chair of Leadership, UC Berkeley Haas School of Business Qualifies for SHRM Professional Development Credits and HRCI Recertification Credits LIMITED TO 50 H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 SENIOR PRACTITIONERS B R O C H U R E SEPARATE REGISTRATION REQUIRED 4 Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .eps Facebook “f ” Logo CMYK / .eps HR Certification Preparation Stand Out From the Crowd Maximize your time by attending our award-winning certification preparation courses the weekend before the HR West® Annual Conference, and right before the spring testing window. Prepare with confidence. NCHRA’s program is the second largest in the country and offers the best value. OUR PASS RATES CONSISTENTLY BEAT THE NATIONAL AVERAGE. NEW FOR 2015! SHRM-CP/SCP 3-day Review Preparation Course February 28-March 2 (three-day course) Includes the SHRM Learning System®. The new SHRM certification recognizes that HR professionals are at the core of leading organization success. Built upon one singular body of knowledge, it ensures not only that HR professionals possess the relevant HR knowledge required for today’s workplace, but also the ability to put knowledge to work through critical thinking and application. Prepare for the exam with this thorough, 3-day study session. Schedule: • Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm • Sunday 8:00am - 5:00pm HRCI’s PHR/SPHR 3-day Review Preparation Course February 28-March 2 (three-day course) Includes the Human Resource Certification Preparation Program. Planning to sit for your PHR/SPHR exam? This thorough, 3-day study session serves as the perfect refresher right before the test. Even those who have taken a preparation course or have practiced HR for years often need a focused study group to brush up before the exam. Schedule: • Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm • Sunday 8:00am - 5:00pm • Monday 8:00am - 5:00pm Location: Oakland Convention Center • Monday 8:00am - 5:00pm Location: Oakland Convention Center REGISTER FOR CERTIFICATION PREPARATION ON ITS OWN, OR TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR MEGA DEALS TO GET THE PREPARATION COURSE AND FULL HR WEST CONFERENCE ALL-IN-ONE! H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 REGISTER EARLY! COURSES FILL QUICKLY. ADVANCED REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL CERTIFICATION CLASSES. B R O C H U R E 6 S e ss io ns by General HR Track Talent Management and Engagement NC 103 Your Employee Brand Is in Your Hands 110 Leading Through Conflict and Change: HR's Greatest Opportunity 206 The Data Wrangler: Bridging the Gap 202 Handling Hot-Button Immigration Issues 207 HR and the Bottom Line 210 Transforming Business with Exceptional Talent Management Strategies 208 Intelligent Risk-Taking and Decision-Making 211 209 Don't Take the Monkey! Empowerment Through Coaching Optimizing the Impact of Employee Recognition Strategies on Enterprise Performance 301 Make Your Mark: Earning Your PHR/SPHR Certification 305 From Combat to Community: The Why and How of Hiring Top Veteran Candidates 304 PowerPoint Is Not the Problem: Elevating Your Presentations 306 402 Maintaining A Long Distance (Employment) Relationship: Successfully Managing a Cross-Border Workforce Why Employees Matter Most: Retaining Top Candidates with Quality Onboarding 407 Getting the Most Mileage from Your Employee Survey 409 Socializing HR: Closing the Gap in Employer-Employee Communication 411 Who Are You, and What Have You Done With the Person I Hired? 410 The "Datafication" of HR 510 Where to Start? Creating a Mobile Strategy 502 Gaining Competitive Advantage Through a Global Perspective 610 The Gamification of Recruitment, Talent Development and Training 505 Take the Helm: Clarifying Power and Decision-Making Roles 611 Addressing Bias Through Leadership Development 508 Shifting Conflict to Co-Creative Cooperation 802 Taming the Technical Challenges of Global Talent Management 509 A Practical Approach to Strategic HR 810 Establishing a Framework for Assessing and Developing Talent 602 Communicating with Impact: Using Questions for Optimal Success 811 608 Effectively Analyzing and Defining HR Problems to Get Results Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Developing a Formal Mentoring Program 609 Four Key Aspects of Diversity: Developing a Strong Program 908 Fixing Broken Performance Management: One Company's Journey of Transformation 702 Closing the Confidence Gap Using Improv NC 909 Individual Employee Preferences and Optimal Engagement 703 The Evolution of Competency in HR and the Implications for the New SHRM Certification NC 808 Performance Management That Drives Business Results 809 Mediation: A Powertool for HR 902 Improving Strategic Organizational Results with Six Sigma 906 Influencing Executive Leadership for Results 907 Coloring Outside the Lines: Creating a New HR Experience 911 True or False? All Hiring Assessments Are Created Equal 7 H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 NC B R O C H U R E 107 Evolving Economics of the Part-Time Workforce 111 A Blueprint for Modern Talent Acquisition UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL SESSIONS QUALIFY FOR SHRM PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CREDITS AND GENERAL HRCI RECERTIFICATION CREDITS. FULL CONFERENCE ATTENDEES CAN EARN UP TO 16.75 CREDITS. Fulfills requirements for Minimum Continuing Legal Education Credit. Pending Approval. Fulfills Strategic Management requirements for SPHR recertification. Pending Approval. Fulfills requirements for PHR-CA/SPHR-CA recertification. Pending Approval. High-level content, significant experience with subject recommended. Pending Approval. Fulfills International requirements for GPHR recertification. Pending Approval. NC Does not qualify for HRCI credit Employment Law and Legislation Employee and Labor Relations 104 Top 10 Employer Mistakes in California Wage-Hour Compliance 105 Workplace Investigations: Developing Credible Findings 203 Medical Record Keeping in California and Beyond 106 Independent Contractors: Validating Facts, Busting Myths 403 The New EEOC Criminal Record Guidance: Taking Practical Steps to Comply 204 The DLSE Audit: Are You Ready? 503 HR Squares: The Employment Law Game Show 404 Creating Bulletproof Documentation, Even in California 603 Top 10 Employment Law Cases Affecting California Employers 504 Effectively Engaging the Contingent or Temporary Worker 701 When Cash is King: Executive Pay Strategies 604 Building a Successful Workers' Compensation Fraud Discipline Case 704 Only in California: Critical Differences You Need to Know 605 Harassment and Social Media: The New Workplace Frontier 803 Exempt or Non-Exempt? That Is the Question! 804 The Morning After: Post-Investigation Challenges 903 California Employment Law Update: An Interactive Q&A 805 Holding Employees Accountable for Disruptive Behavior...Legally 910 Pay Attention to the NLRB, Whether You Have a Union or Not Leadership and Management 108 Professional Ethics: A Preventive Maintenance Approach 205 Change Management Capability: Understanding, Acting, Anchoring 302 Business 102 Going Where You Haven’t Gone Before: An HR Checklist for Global Expansion Connect, then Lead: Powerful Leadership Strategies 109 Fostering an Innovative Organizational Culture 405 A Blinding Glimpse of the Obvious: How Leaders Make or Break Performance 303 5 Do's and Don'ts of Employer Branding 406 Out of the Pipeline: Supporting High Potentials in New Leadership Roles 408 Strategic Planning That Makes Sense 506 Solving the Unsolvable with Polarity Thinking 806 Virtual Success! Managing a Staff That Works Remotely 507 Driving Innovation and Creativity in Teams 807 Jumpstarting Your High-Potential Program 511 Design Thinking as a Strategic Problem-Solving Tool 606 Building Smart Companies: The Open-Book Solution 607 Beyond Workforce Planning: Using Disruptive Technologies for Workforce Optimization Compensation Benefits, and HRIS 101 Adopting Sophisticated HR Technologies 201 Building a Comprehensive Total Rewards Strategy 705 Achieving Flow in the Workplace 401 Advanced ACA: What Employers Need to Know for 2015 706 HR M&A: Integrating Cultures and Leveraging Diversity 501 No-Accrual Time Off Policies: Assessing Fit and Function 905 HR's Newest Cutting-Edge Tool: The Hackathon 601 Using Behavioral Finance to Increase 401(k) Participation 801 Live Well, Work Well: The Importance of a Wellness Strategy 901 New Developments in Commission-Based Pay: Avoiding Traps 904 Controlling Rising Healthcare Costs to Retain Top Talent “Like a mini national conference - same quality, but less expensive, less crowded and closer to home.” H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 8 Conference 1:00pm - 1:30pm MON Registration and Kickoff 2 1:50pm - 3:05pm 101 Adopting Sophisticated HR Technologies 102 Going Where You Haven't Gone Before: An HR Checklist for Global Expansion 103 Your Employee Brand Is in Your Hands 104 Top 10 Employer Mistakes in California Wage-Hour Compliance 105 Workplace Investigations: Developing Credible Findings 106 Independent Contractors: Validating Facts, Busting Myths 107 Evolving Economics of the Part-Time Workforce 108 Professional Ethics: A Preventive Maintenance Approach 109 Fostering an Innovative Organizational Culture 110 Leading Through Conflict and Change: HR's Greatest Opportunity 111 A Blueprint for Modern Talent Acquisition 7:30am - 8:45am NC TUE 301 Make Your Mark: Earning Your PHR/SPHR Certification 302 Connect, then Lead: Powerful Leadership Strategies 303 5 Do's and Don'ts of Employer Branding 304 PowerPoint Is Not the Problem: Elevating Your Presentations 305 From Combat to Community: The Why and How of Hiring Top Veteran Candidates 306 Why Employees Matter Most: Retaining Top Candidates with Quality Onboarding 3 9:00am - 10:30am Keynote • Peter Schwartz presents “The Renaissance of Scenario Planning” 10:50am - 12:20pm 3:30pm - 4:45pm 401 Advanced ACA: What Employers Need to Know for 2015 402 Maintaining A Long Distance (Employment) Relationship: Successfully Managing a Cross-Border Workforce 201 Building a Comprehensive Total Rewards Strategy 202 Handling Hot-Button Immigration Issues 403 The New EEOC Criminal Record Guidance: Taking Practical Steps to Comply 203 Medical Record Keeping in California and Beyond 404 Creating Bulletproof Documentation, Even in California 204 The DLSE Audit: Are You Ready? 405 205 A Blinding Glimpse of the Obvious: How Leaders Make or Break Performance (special breakout with Alan Fine) Change Management Capability: Understanding, Acting, Anchoring 206 The Data Wrangler: Bridging the Gap 406 Out of the Pipeline: Supporting High Potentials in New Leadership Roles 207 HR and the Bottom Line 407 Getting the Most Mileage from Your Employee Survey 208 Intelligent Risk-Taking and Decision-Making 408 Strategic Planning That Makes Sense 209 Don't Take the Monkey! Empowerment Through Coaching 409 Socializing HR: Closing the Gap in Employer-Employee Communication 210 Transforming Business with Exceptional Talent Management Strategies 410 The "Datafication" of HR 211 Optimizing the Impact of Employee Recognition Strategies on Enterprise Performance 411 Who Are You, and What Have You Done With the Person I Hired? 12:20pm - 1:45pm Networking Lunch | Sponsored by The Vita Companies 5:00pm - 6:15pm Keynote • Alan Fine 6:15pm - 7:30pm 9 presents “You Already Know How to Be Great” Session Sponsored by ScholarSHARE College Savings Plan Gala Reception | Sponsored by Berliner Cohen H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 1:45pm - 3:00pm 501 No-Accrual Time Off Policies: Assessing Fit and Function 502 Gaining Competitive Advantage Through a Global Perspective 503 HR Squares: The Employment Law Game Show 504 Effectively Engaging the Contingent or Temporary Worker 505 Take the Helm: Clarifying Power and Decision-Making Roles NC At-A-Glance 9:15am - 10:30am 506 Solving the Unsolvable with Polarity Thinking 801 Live Well, Work Well: The Importance of a Wellness Strategy 507 Driving Innovation and Creativity in Teams 802 Taming the Technical Challenges of Global Talent Management 508 Shifting Conflict to Co-Creative Cooperation 803 Exempt or Non-Exempt? That Is the Question! 509 A Practical Approach to Strategic HR 804 The Morning After: Post-Investigation Challenges 510 Where to Start? Creating a Mobile Strategy 805 Holding Employees Accountable for Disruptive Behavior...Legally 511 Design Thinking as a Strategic Problem-Solving Tool 806 Virtual Success! Managing a Staff That Works Remotely 807 Jumpstarting Your High-Potential Program 808 Performance Management That Drives Business Results 809 Mediation: A Powertool for HR 810 Establishing a Framework for Assessing and Developing Talent 811 Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Developing a Formal Mentoring Program 3:30pm - 4:45pm 601 Using Behavioral Finance to Increase 401(k) Participation 602 Communicating with Impact: Using Questions for Optimal Success 603 Top 10 Employment Law Cases Affecting California Employers 604 Building a Successful Workers' Compensation Fraud Discipline Case 605 Harassment and Social Media: The New Workplace Frontier 606 Building Smart Companies: The Open-Book Solution 901 New Developments in Commission-Based Pay: Avoiding Traps 607 Beyond Workforce Planning: Using Disruptive Technologies for Workforce Optimization 902 Improving Strategic Organizational Results with Six Sigma 608 Effectively Analyzing and Defining HR Problems to Get Results 903 California Employment Law Update: An Interactive Q&A 609 Four Key Aspects of Diversity: Developing a Strong Program 904 Controlling Rising Healthcare Costs to Retain Top Talent 610 The Gamification of Recruitment, Talent Development and Training 905 HR's Newest Cutting-Edge Tool: The Hackathon 611 Addressing Bias Through Leadership Development 906 Influencing Executive Leadership for Results 907 Coloring Outside the Lines: Creating a New HR Experience 908 Fixing Broken Performance Management: One Company's Journey of Transformation 909 Individual Employee Preferences and Optimal Engagement 910 Pay Attention to the NLRB, Whether You Have a Union or Not 911 True or False? All Hiring Assessments Are Created Equal 11:00am - 12:30pm 5:00pm - 6:15pm Keynote • Sarah Lewis presents “The Rise: Creativity, the Gift of Failure, and the Search for Mastery” Session Sponsored by ClearPath Workforce Management Evening Activities | SHRM Town Hall, Sponsor Receptions, Dinner Meet-Ups 7:30am - 8:45am 701 When Cash is King: Executive Pay Strategies 702 Closing the Confidence Gap Using Improv 703 The Evolution of Competency in HR and the Implications for the New SHRM Certification 704 Only in California: Critical Differences You Need to Know 705 Achieving Flow in the Workplace 706 HR M&A: Integrating Cultures and Leveraging Diversity 12:45pm - 2:00pm Networking Lunch | Sponsored by Lockton Insurance Brokers, LLC WED 4 NC NC 2:00pm - 3:15pm Keynote • Dr. Richard Pimentel presents “Leading Strong in the Face of Disability” Session Sponsored by Halogen Software 3:15pm Grand Prize Drawing | Sponsored by Jobvite CONFERENCE CONCLUDES H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 10 Co n c u r r e n t S e ss i o n s MONDAY | MARCH 2 1:00PM - 1:30PM CONFERENCE KICKOFF 1:50PM - 3:05PM 101 Adopting Sophisticated HR Technologies Protect your company’s investment in technology by successfully selecting, implementing, and adopting HR technology solutions. More than 40% of companies report that they are not ready to address their HR technology needs. Meanwhile, organizations that successfully adopt sophisticated HR technology tools outperform those that do not. The selection, implementation and adoption of HR technologies are critical areas for leveraging best practices into success. Learn how to choose the right HR software — prioritizing must-haves and nice-to-haves — to ensure successful implementation and adoption of HR technology for maximum results. Susan Vitale •Chief Marketing Officer, iCIMS, Inc. Going Where You Haven’t Gone Before: An HR Checklist for Global Expansion 102 Obtain a useful checklist for addressing key HR considerations when expanding into another country. As companies open offices and hire staff where they’ve never gone before, HR is faced with myriad challenges. Different languages, cultures, tax and employment laws, and customary HR practices among countries are not only daunting, but carry risks as well. Identify key business risks in expanding into other countries and implement a proven methodology for successfully executing expansion plans. Alan Freeman • GPHR, Chief Executive Officer, LOF International Human Resources Solutions, Inc. 11 H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 103 Your Employee Brand Is in Your Hands Create and manage a personal leadership brand for career NC success. Personal Branding has become a hot topic in the workforce these days, but what is it and what does it involve? An effective Personal Brand allows all that’s strong and effective about your personal and professional style to become known in a deliberate and managed way to your colleagues up, down, and across the organization to generate maximum value for yourself. Take control of developing establishing, and managing your Personal Brand to boost your career. Lisa Orrell • The Generations Relations & Leadership Expert, The Orrell Group 104 Top 10 Employer Mistakes in California Wage-Hour Compliance Avoid the top wage-hour traps by updating your knowledge of California’s complex wage-hour laws. Compliance with California’s wage-hour laws involves knowing the key California wage-hour rules and practical tips for compliance in such areas as reporting time pay, the appropriate classification of employees and contractors, rest breaks and meal periods after the Brinker decision, suitable seating requirements, how to draft a compliant bonus or commission plan, conducting a wage-hour compliance audit, and making changes in wage-hour practices without encouraging litigation. Jennifer Brown Shaw, Esq. • Partner, Shaw Valenza LLP 105 Workplace Investigations: Developing Credible Findings Create defensible, evidentiary-based credibility findings with a step-by-step process to tie them to each of the 5 EEOC Credibility Factors. Those who conduct or direct workplace investigations often have difficulty making evidentiary-based credibility findings rather than those based on the investigator’s “gut feeling.” Use the EEOC’s five factors (demeanor, inherent plausibility, motive to falsify, past practice and corroborating evidence) to firmly ground your findings to the facts and evidence in the matter, resulting in factual findings that are much more defensible and clear at a later hearing or trial. Lynn Lieber, Esq. • Managing Partner, LieberLawyers 106 Independent Contractors: Validating Facts, Busting Myths Minimize your company’s legal and compliance issues surrounding independent contractors. The ever-increasing use of independent contractors in the workplace (15 million at present, 23 million by 2017) has blurred the lines between them and regular employees. With government regulators cracking down on proper classification, it’s more important than ever to know the difference and make the important distinction between the two. Validate the facts and myths about why companies avoid risk management and develop a solid independent contractor risk mitigation program. Jeff Phelps • Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Nelson HR Hack MONDAY // March 2 (9:00AM-12:00PM) BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Are you passionate about HR and solving organizational issues? Regardless of your experience level, we need you! Join your colleagues in this facilitated session to work through real HR challenges and utilize collective knowledge to come up with solutions. As a participant, you’ll get to submit up to three of your own significant HR challenges for consideration! The Hack is complimentary, but pre-registration is required. Lunch is on your own. FACILITATED BY DANIEL MARTIN, PH.D., ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, STANFORD UNIVERSITY/CSUEB Has spoken at SHRM Conference Was or is an HR Practitioner talent management and engagement compensation, benefits and hris general hr employment law and legislation leadership and management employee and labor relations H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E business 12 107 Evolving Economics of the Part-Time Workforce Successfully manage the part-time and variable hour workforce currently playing a critical role in the American Economy. Many employers, especially within rapidly growing service industries, depend upon a readily available supply of flexible, hourly workers. But is the current part-time employment model sustainable in the long run? Using original research by ADP, you’ll examine key trends in part-time workforce management, identify potential impacts from the ACA’s new definition of full time, discuss the possibility of shortages of workers in some labor markets, and explore the potential breakdown of traditional part-time employment models. Ahu Yildirmaz, Ph.D. • Vice President, ADP Research Institute || Christopher Ryan • Vice President, Strategic Advisory Services, ADP Professional Ethics: A Preventive Maintenance Approach 108 reducing innovation constraints. Alice Fong • Senior Consultant, Dilan Consulting Group Walk the talk of great ethics in your organization by learning to identify potential ethics risks before they happen. The modern workplace is fraught with ethics risks you never even knew you had, often turning into costly ethical and legal problems that take as much as 5% away from the bottom line of organizations. Reduce those losses by as much as 50% by identifying four common, but often unseen or ignored, ‘red flags’ and learning how to effectively monitor for further ethics risks over time. Christopher Bauer, Ph.D. • The Guy In Charge, Bauer Ethics Seminars 109 Fostering an Innovative Organizational Culture Establish innovation throughout your company by creating an organizational culture that naturally innovates again and again. Innovation is an aspect of organizational performance that doesn’t conform to traditional leadership practices of setting vision and gaining buy-in. Instead, it requires striking the right balance between the realities of performance and the need for improvisation. Build an organization capable of continuous innovation by distinguishing between innovation and invention, establishing the right organizational culture, implementing key innovation enablers, and 13 H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 110 Leading Through Conflict and Change: HR’s Greatest Opportunity Learn to lead organizational change effectively with nine critical leadership competencies. 50% of all organizations are currently going through different phases of organizational change, and nearly half fail due to lack of leadership, communication and trust in senior management. Transform into your organization’s change agent by grabbing hold of leadership roles in the change process. Whether it’s mergers/ acquisitions, a new CEO, company culture, or development and succession planning, you’ll apply nine essential competencies to effectively lead organizational change. Jack Smalley, SPHR • Director, HR Learning and Development, Express Employment Professionals UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL SESSIONS QUALIFY FOR SHRM PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CREDITS AND GENERAL HRCI RECERTIFICATION CREDITS. FULL CONFERENCE ATTENDEES CAN EARN UP TO 16.75 CREDITS. Fulfills requirements for Minimum Continuing Legal Education Credit. Pending Approval. Fulfills Strategic Management requirements for SPHR recertification. Pending Approval. Fulfills requirements for PHR-CA/SPHR-CA recertification. Pending Approval. High-level content, significant experience with subject recommended. Pending Approval. Fulfills International requirements for GPHR recertification. Pending Approval. NC Does not qualify for HRCI credit 111 A Blueprint for Modern Talent Acquisition Leverage innovative approaches such as brand advocacy, recruiters-as-project-managers, and innovative recruitment technologies in your talent acquisition strategies. With the average number of applicants per open position at 205 and 95% being unsuitable or unqualified, it’s more important than ever to implement approaches that target only right-fit talent. Establish a blueprint for modern recruiting, from branding to onboarding, and learn how brand advocacy, social network referrals, internal sourcing and other innovative approaches build a candidate-centric pipeline now and the future. Danielle Weinblatt • CEO & Co-founder, Take the Interview 3:30PM - 4:45PM 33 201 Building a Comprehensive Total Rewards Strategy See website for description and details. Walter Stella, Esq. • Shareholder, Miller Law Group 204 The DLSE Audit: Are You Ready? Find out if you’re a likely target for a DLSE audit and how to prepare for one in order to minimize your company’s risk. When the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) comes knocking at your door for an audit, you need to know the scope of the event, the records that will likely be sought, and how to minimize your company’s risk of exposure to penalties and back wages. Even before that, learn the telltale signs that indicate whether or not your company is a likely target for an audit. Jason Geller • Managing Partner, Fisher & Phillips LLP 202 Handling Hot-Button Immigration Issues Effectively and legally address situations in which a job applicant’s immigration status is in question. 205 With an increasing number of foreigners seeking employment, it’s difficult to staff effectively without knowing how to use immigration rules effectively. What do you do if you think a job applicant may need a visa? Can you ask? What visas are available and which one is best? Get answers to these questions and establish fair policies that meet stakeholder objectives while reducing the likelihood of lawsuits. Sean Olender • Attorney, Olender 203 Medical Record Keeping in California and Beyond Familiarize yourself with federal and California laws and cases that set the limits on an employer’s collection, use and storage of employee medical information. ADA, GINA, COMIA and more — the acronyms alone are enough Has spoken at SHRM Conference to make your head swim. A myriad of federal and state laws exist governing what employers can and can’t ask about medical history or conditions, including limits on disability-related inquiries and medical examinations, family and medical leave certifications, and storage of medical records. Discover best practices for compliance in this convoluted maze of laws. Was or is an HR Practitioner talent management and engagement compensation, benefits and hris general hr employment law and legislation leadership and management employee and labor relations Change Management Capability: Understanding, Acting, Anchoring Enhance change management skills for yourself and your organization. Rapid and regular organizational change is the new normal, and change management has moved to the core of the HR profession. Today, you are expected to develop change management capabilities within your organization, as well as demonstrate personal acumen in change management. Pinpoint gaps in current change management capability using the understand, act, anchor framework and the HERE snapshot for anchoring change. John Austin, Ph.D. • President, Three Translation Leadership “It was nice to meet other people in the different roles of HR.” REGISTER ONLINE! business H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 14 206 The Data Wrangler: Bridging the Gap Understand the transformational role that data and analytics play in being a strategic business partner. Both Business Leaders and the HR profession need to truly embrace what it will take to effectively manage the complex universe of “people/talent related” data, address the skills required to consume the business intelligence contained within such data, and create a culture that views the pursuit of “data-driven decisions” as a critical element to their business’ success. Leave this session with a better understanding of how to conceptualize and execute on building out an HR Metrics/Analytics framework that fits well within your organization. David Bernstein • VP, Big Data for HR, eQuest 207 HR and the Bottom Line Outline the successful culture needed to make HR metrics matter. HR continues to seek direct impact to business objectives, yet struggles with approaches and methods that can be measured as positive results. A panel session of HR Practitioners will explore the various methods and metrics in providing direct impact to the business goals. The panelists, from various industries, will compare and contrast HR programs and their impact to business and measureable metrics. Leave the session ready to implement metrics in your own environment. Nov Omana • CEO/Founder, Collective HR Solutions, Inc. 208 Intelligent Risk-Taking and Decision-Making Utilize risk-taking profiles to enhance your own (and your team’s) decision-making skills. In today’s world of increased regulatory authority, razor-thin margins, growing competition, and increasing market pressures, risk management proves a difficult undertaking. To be successful, you need to continually gain stakeholder support, evaluate the impact of taking a risk and minimize negative consequences. Foster an environment for intelligent risk-taking so that your risks produce positive results, your fears of managing risks decrease, your stakeholders make your risk-taking efforts successful, and your 15 H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E capacity for innovation increases. Kim Barnes • CEO, Barnes & Conti Associates || Nelson Soken, Ph.D. • Owner, N. H. Soken Consulting 209 Don’t Take the Monkey! Empowerment Through Coaching Reduce your workload by coaching employees to solve problems on their own. Employee problems brought to you for solution often feel like monkeys on your back. Don’t take them! Imagine if just one hour of time with an employee could empower them to take charge of solving their own problems. That’s exactly what the coaching approach can do. Find out how to empower others to be effective and help them learn and grow while keeping your workload manageable. Traci Manalani, SPHR, PCC • Principal, Manalani Consulting 210 Transforming Business with Exceptional Talent Management Strategies View talent management as a system and a cycle, and pull the right levers for total business transformation. Few companies can boast 100 years of existence. Even fewer successfully transformed their business from a declining product to a growth portfolio. At Deluxe, this happened by asking the following: How can we attract, build and retain leadership talent in the organization in order to execute the strategy, sustain the organization and outperform the competition? The answers led to five consecutive years of growth. Find out how and discover the secret to doing it yourself. Lisa Kramer Rodacker • Organization Effectiveness Consultant, Deluxe Corporation || Julie Loosbrock • PhD, Senior VP of Human Resources, Deluxe Corporation 211 Optimizing the Impact of Employee Recognition Strategies on Enterprise Performance Reward employees with effective strategies that produce tangible benefits affecting day-to-day outcomes. Senior executives demand employee reward programs that foster cooperative (and not competitive) cultures, build internal communities of common interest, promote front-line innovations and make the brand come alive. Can it be done? Yes it can! Learn how new communication, reward and technology concepts make for a truly optimized engagement program that meets the highest expectations no matter what the scale or composition of the workforce may be. Mike Ryan • Senior Vice President, Madison Performance Group 5:00PM - 6:15PM Keynote • Alan Fine You Already Know How to Be Great Session Sponsored by ScholarSHARE College Savings Plan Recognize and rise above personal interference and increase focused attention. Most people who want to get better—at managing employees, negotiating with clients, delivering presentations, or any other field of endeavor—seek out new information, more knowledge. They read a book, take a class, or hire an expert tutor. This “outside-in” approach often doesn’t produce the results people want. More “knowledge” becomes a distraction rather than a solution, and high performance remains elusive. Discover how Faith, Fire, and Focus influence performance, and learn a simple, repeatable process to reduce interference that stifles creativity and hinders performance. 6:15PM - 7:30PM RECEPTION The problems and issues you face are real, shouldn’t your network be too? Join your peers—meet friends old and new— at our gala reception featuring live music, libations, light hors d’oeuvres, and great conversation with your colleagues. COMMUNITY RECEPTION JOIN US MONDAY Sponsored by Berliner Cohen FROM 6:15-7:30PM | SKYLINE ROOM “I LOVE this conference. The quality of materials presented is as good as the national conference, yet the session size makes it feel more personal. I am 1 of 50 in a classroom, not 500, so I can approach the speakers afterward and get answers to my direct questions.” Sponsored by H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 16 TUESDAY | MARCH 3 7:30AM - 8:45AM Make Your Mark: Earning Your PHR/SPHR Certification 301 NC Recognize the importance of certification, examine how it affects your career, and map your path to becoming certified. There are more than 125,000 certified HR professionals worldwide. Earning your credentials through the HR Certification Institute demonstrates mastery and real-world application of HR practices, policies and principles. Certification can open your career path to countless industries, companies and positions. Explore the importance of HR certification—both to you and to your employer. Evaluate the different certificates, including PHR, SPHR, GPHR, and California. Understand the path to certification, decide which certification is best for you and align certification with your career path. Stephanie T. Runyan, PHR • HR Products Manager, HR Certification Institute organization’s consumer brand, and is a key factor in your talent management efforts. A LinkedIn survey found that a majority (56%) of professionals rank a company’s talent brand as a top factor when picking a job. Create, project and maintain a strong employer brand that works to attract new talent and keep current employees engaged. Leave the session with five do’s and don’ts necessary for a successful employer branding strategy. Mark Hornung • Senior Vice President of Strategy, Findly 304 Sharpen your presentation abilities with 8 key skills. Every day, smart, articulate, high-potential, bright-minded experts lose their audiences due to poor presentation skills. Corporate audiences are sophisticated consumers of information and seek to derive real value from attending presentations. Discover eight key skills to elevate your presentations to star status, including: knowing your audience, the art of storytelling, the right kind of eye contact, vocal flexibility (inflection, tone, speed), audience engagement, minimal PowerPoint, presentation openings/closings, and the discipline of practicing. Gary Purece • Principal, GCP Executive Communications Connect, then Lead: Powerful Leadership Strategies 302 Optimize your leadership influence with powerful verbal and nonverbal communication. Most leaders emphasize their strengths or competencies, when in reality it’s trustworthiness that comes first. Before people decide what they think of your message, they decide what they think of you. Use the latest research to discover why demonstrating warmth should come before strength, and find out more about this very different and very effective path to influence. Leave the session able to naturally project warmth and strength for optimal leadership. Carolyn Godfrey • President, Evolve Consulting & Coaching 303 5 Do’s and Don’ts of Employer Branding Create an effective employer branding initiative to attract top talent. Your employer brand is separate and distinct from your 17 H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E PowerPoint Is Not the Problem: Elevating Your Presentations 305 From Combat to Community: The Why and How of Hiring Top Veteran Candidates Benefit from the unique skill sets of veterans by recruiting, training, placing, and retaining this underutilized segment of the workforce. Securing employment is the number one obstacle veterans face in their transition from military to civilian life despite the valuable skills they bring to the workplace, including team leadership, the ability to meet deadlines under pressure, a global outlook, and a commitment to excellence. Discover how military skills translate to the business sector, and how to leverage local, state and federal hiring initiatives. Geoff Millard • Policy Associate, Education and Community Outreach, Swords to Plowshares REGISTER ONLINE! 306 Why Employees Matter Most: Retaining Top Candidates with Quality Onboarding Leverage a seamless candidate-to-employee experience to retain quality talent. Candidate or employee – is one more important than the other? Of course not! So why do companies invest heavily in their recruiting processes only to suspend the “candidate experience” when the candidate walks across the threshold to become an employee? Retain quality talent long after onboarding with a candidate-toemployee process that is seamless. Discover how native mobile solutions and social media play a key role in achieving this goal. Rayanne Thorn • VP of Product Marketing & Strategy, Technomedia Maintaining A Long Distance (Employment) Relationship: Successfully Managing a CrossBorder Workforce 402 Succeed in today’s global environment by leveraging the unique skills of your workforce. Whether small or large, employers must leverage the skills of a global workforce in order to remain competitive. New employment patterns create complexities in employer taxes, individual taxes, employment law, immigration law, and employee relations. Using case studies that illustrate interactions between different regulatory environments, you’ll learn from an interactive panel of HR and legal practitioners about the unique considerations of hiring across borders, and come away with practical approaches to managing a global workforce. Laura J. Mazel, Esq. • Weaver Schlenger Mazel, LLP || Scott Flicker • Partner, Global Employer Services, Deloitte Tax, LLP 9:00AM - 10:30AM Keynote • Peter Schwartz The Renaissance of Scenario Planning 10:50AM - 12:20PM 401 Advanced ACA: What Employers Need to Know for 2015 Mitigate the economic impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with progressive health plan management. Actuarial results from more than a thousand ACA economic impact models show common themes for specific exposures and forecast critical needs and opportunities in healthcare planning looking forward. Glean ideas from case studies to mitigate the economic impact of the ACA through effective implementation of key components in progressive health plan management. Lissa Thomson • Chief Consultant West Coast, Lockton Companies 403 The New EEOC Criminal Record Guidance: Taking Practical Steps to Comply Demonstrate your organization’s compliance with the new guidance by following a set of practical steps that identify potential problem areas. In 2012, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) approved an updated Enforcement Guidance on the Consideration of Arrest and Conviction Records in Employment Decisions. This guidance will have a profound impact on how employers in America hire. In addition, the EEOC has filed highly publicized lawsuits against employers for the discriminatory use of criminal records. Engage in best practices to minimize your exposure under the new guidance. Lester Rosen, Esq. • CEO, Employment Screening Resources (ESR) 404 Creating Bulletproof Documentation, Even in California Follow seven steps to create documentation that will withstand the scrutiny of a judge or jury. You hear it from your legal counsel all the time: Document, document, document! In reality, however, they never teach you or your managers how to effectively transcribe your H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 18 verbal coaching, counseling or disciplinary conversations into top-notch documentation. Learn the seven steps to creating “bulletproof” documentation along with words to avoid, red flags for discrimination and the benefits and hazards of electronic documentation. Walk away with a useable framework and tips for perfecting your documentation. Allison West, Esq., SPHR • Principal, Employment Practices Specialists 405 A Blinding Glimpse of the Obvious: How Leaders Make or Break Performance SPECIAL BREAKOUT WITH ALAN FINE. (and the costs of derailment), and design a high-impact leader assimilation program that meets the needs of those newly promoted from within the organization, as well as external hires. Anne Whiting • Senior Consultant, 3D Group 407 Getting the Most Mileage from Your Employee Survey Develop strategic metrics to guide senior executive teams when making important decisions. Traditional “engagement” surveys are failing to move the needle on important business outcomes, including talent investment. Move beyond engagement to new strategic surveys that gain executive support and provide more powerful business information for not only people, but customer, quality and financial decisions. Based on research in 2000+ organizations, you’ll leave the session primed to overcome survey shortcomings develop a plan of your own. William Schiemann, Ph.D., GPHR • CEO, Metrus Group 408 Strategic Planning That Makes Sense Engage in simple, effective strategic planning that works. One of the most important tasks organizations face is to develop and implement a strategic plan. Too often, however, expensive consultants and endless meetings leave leaders exhausted and the coffers depleted. Discover a simple and effective approach to strategic planning that consists of a more dynamic process, knowing how to apply this process to your organization, and learning the essential elements needed for implementation. Phil Eastman • Principal Advisor, Leadership Advisors Group 406 Out of the Pipeline: Supporting High Potentials in New Leadership Roles Increase the success of high-potential leaders by optimizing the supportive environment through leader assimilation programming. High-potential succession candidates are often placed into new leadership roles and expected to deliver strong results, but 40% of executives who change jobs or get promoted fail in the first 18 months. Find out why newly promoted high-potential leaders fail 19 H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 409 Socializing HR: Closing the Gap in EmployerEmployee Communication UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL SESSIONS QUALIFY FOR SHRM PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CREDITS AND GENERAL HRCI RECERTIFICATION CREDITS. FULL CONFERENCE ATTENDEES CAN EARN UP TO 16.75 CREDITS. Fulfills requirements for Minimum Continuing Legal Education Credit. Pending Approval. Fulfills Strategic Management requirements for SPHR recertification. Pending Approval. Fulfills requirements for PHR-CA/SPHR-CA recertification. Pending Approval. High-level content, significant experience with subject recommended. Pending Approval. Fulfills International requirements for GPHR recertification. Pending Approval. NC Does not qualify for HRCI credit Leverage the power of social media to increase productivity, improve retention, and create engagement among employees. 75% of leaders in human resources and talent management believe their companies are behind the curve regarding internal social networking technology. This illustrates a clear gap in communication strategy and execution. Close the gap by using social media to improve general communication and information sharing, boost team productivity and effectiveness within projects and business processes, support environments that stimulate learning and innovation, and encourage peer-to-peer networking that strengthens professional and interpersonal relationships. cooperation, and learn how to ask questions that separate the savvy from the forthcoming. Brett Ward • Vice President, Client Relations, WicklanderZulawski & Associates 12:20PM - 1:45PM 410 The “Datafication” of HR Replace reactive and operational HR reporting with strategic workforce analytics and planning to optimize company performance. The datafication trend has arrived to HR, and companies that embrace it dramatically outperform the 86% that still focus on reactive and operational reporting. Achieving and sustaining competitive advantage requires graduating from HR metrics to strategic workforce analytics and planning. Discover the impact of workforce analytics through real-world examples and learn how to avoid the common pitfalls when making the switch to these powerful tools. Sponsored by The Vita Companies 1:45PM - 3:00PM 501 Britta Mayer • Chief Marketing Officer, WageWorks NETWORKING LUNCH No-Accrual Time Off Policies: Assessing Fit and Function Is a no-accrual time off policy right for your organization? Find out about the legal ramifications and how to go about making the shift. With the increasing popularity of no-accrual time off policies, many questions arise: Are they right for your organization? What does California law say (and not say) about these policies? What are the key components of such policies? How do you transition from accrual policies to no-accrual policies? How can these policies be abused? Learn the answers to these and many other questions in this informative, timely session. Daniel McCoy, Esq. • Co-Chair and Partner, Employment Practices Group, Fenwick & West LLP || Saundra Riley, Esq. • Senior Associate, Employment Practices Group, Fenwick & West LLP Steve Bamberger • Chief Revenue Officer, Visier, Inc. 411 Who Are You, and What Have You Done With the Person I Hired? Improve your interviewing techniques with behavioral analysis and use enticement and assumptive questions to find the best fit. Tired of hiring the wrong candidate (you remember, the one you presented to your boss as The Perfect Fit?), spending thousands on training only to learn that the initial impression was a gross misrepresentation? Discover interview techniques for moving an individual from a point of anxiousness and resistance to one of Has spoken at SHRM Conference 502 Gaining Competitive Advantage Through a Global Perspective Develop a global mindset and leadership capabilities to build a resilient global workforce. The exponential growth of an international economy, virtual teams and global mobility all indicate an increasing need for individuals with vast career capital and competencies. What does becoming global mean and how does one achieve it? Discover the characteristics and competencies of global leaders and proven methods of selecting for this skill set. Dr. Patricia Stokke, Ed.D., PHR • Principal, Image & Performance Transformation Was or is an HR Practitioner talent management and engagement compensation, benefits and hris general hr employment law and legislation leadership and management employee and labor relations business H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 20 503 HR Squares: The Employment Law Game Show Get caught up with the latest employment law developments through a highly interactive and entertaining format. You’re the next contestant on HR Squares! In this highly interactive session, you’ll test your knowledge of employment law by competing to determine which legal advice is correct based on current law. Topics include: the latest US Supreme Court decisions, changes in the state of California’s employment laws, and new federal laws and regulations, including a number of recent Executive Orders by President Obama. Guaranteed to be an entertaining and education experience. making ecosystem, and discover how the DECID Decision Clarity model streamlines decision-making by reducing conflict and eliminating confusion. Steve Scheier • CEO, Scheier+Group || Diedra Barber • Chief Innovation Officer, Scheier+Group Brian Ashe, Esq. • Partner, Seyfarth Shaw LLP 504 Effectively Engaging the Contingent or Temporary Worker Improve your process efficiency, drive your costs down and protect your company from the risks inherent in using contract and contingent workers The ever-increasing use of contract and contingent workers in companies comes with a host of administrative and compliance issues. New legislation targets companies that misclassify workers, and aggressive state and federal agencies are conducting unprecedented numbers of employer audits. Mitigate the risks associated with contingent workers by keeping up to date with the latest trends, strategies and information on best practices. Jason Posel • SVP, Strategy & Solutions, ClearPath Workforce Management 505 Take the Helm: Clarifying Power and DecisionMaking Roles Bring clarity to your workplace around power and decisionmaking with the DECID Decision Clarity. Who has the power to make organizational decisions is a source of confusion and conflict in many business and non-profit entities, as well as one that is difficult to discuss openly. When left unaddressed, the result is organization inefficiency, dysfunction and disempowered employees. Learn how to diagnose your organization’s decision- 21 H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 506 Solving the Unsolvable with Polarity Thinking View problems through the lens of Polarity Thinking to more accurately define and then solve even seemingly unsolvable challenges. Nearly every problem an organization encounters can be positioned as a polarity, in which both ends are leveraged for success rather than the more typical approach of only focusing on one end to the exclusion of the other. It is not “lack of teamwork” that is the problem, it is figuring out how to leverage both the individual AND the team in a dynamic and ongoing balance. Learn a method for mapping these kinds of polarities and avoiding imbalance. Anna McGrath • Founder, WonderWorks Consulting 507 Driving Innovation and Creativity in Teams Boost innovation in your company with a realistic approach to the true drivers of innovation. Innovation is not a seminar and it does not come from your current corporate establishment. Innovation comes from discomfort, necessity and trial-and-error. Dispel the many myths about the sources of innovation and discover methods to drive innovation in your team, including systems thinking, agility, and collaboration. Michael Brainard, Ph.D. • CEO, Brainard Strategy 508 Shifting Conflict to Co-Creative Cooperation Reduce the staggering costs of conflict in your organization by shifting from conflict to cooperation. Conflict costs your organization a lot in time, money and poor decisions. Up to 30% of a typical manager’s time is spent dealing with conflict, and 42% is spent reaching agreements with others when conflicts occur. Shifting from conflict to cooperation makes sense, but how do you do it? Discover the tools and frameworks you need to make the shift through content-rich, conflict role-playing activities. Susan Bernstein, Ph.D. • Leadership Coach, The Sensational Shift 509 A Practical Approach to Strategic HR Keep your HR efforts strategic while at the same time addressing the everyday functional aspects. Pundits, experts, our peers and our bosses tell us that we need to be “more strategic” and that “HR needs to drive more value,” but on very few occasions do we get any details about these directives. How can you fulfill the need to be strategic while at the same time meeting the administrative burden of HR? Learn how to build both tactical and strategic HR dashboards that tie HR efforts to business objectives. Jayson Saba • VP of Strategy, Ceridian 510 Where to Start? Creating a Mobile Strategy Discover the opportunities and challenges of leveraging the power and reach of mobile strategies in the HR context. By 2016 there will be more smartphones in the world than people, and 86% of smartphone owners say they would use them to search and apply for jobs. Now is the time for organizations to mobilize their sites and start reaching potential candidates through their devices. Go mobile with your recruiting strategy by optimizing the career site, developing an analytics platform and connecting with target demographics while addressing potential challenges along the way. Pamela Stroko • Vice President Mid-Market HCM Transformation & Thought Leadership, Oracle 511 Design Thinking as a Strategic Problem-Solving Tool Keep pace with the rapid change of business and solve talent management issues by learning to think like a designer. Innovation is at the top of the strategic priority list for companies today. In fact, an Accenture study of 500+ executives showed more than 70 percent include innovation as a top five priority. Successful innovation enables organizations to respond to rapid change in their environment. Through experiential exercises, you’ll apply design thinking - a proven philosophy of innovative thinking and problem solving - to keep up with the pace of change in business. Susan J. Bethanis, Ed.D. • CEO/Founder, Mariposa Leadership 3:30PM - 4:45PM 601 Using Behavioral Finance to Increase 401(k) Participation Optimize your 401(k) plan participation by applying psychological insights about what drives participation. Does your organization struggle to balance plan participation with the reality of limited resources? Take steps to raise participation and contributions in your 401(k) plan without committing to an overly generous company match. Using the insights of behavioral finance, you’ll discover what drives employee participation — and more importantly — non-participation, then put plan design features in place to make your 401(k) plan more effective. Karl Hansen • Principal and CEO, The Vita Companies 602 Communicating with Impact: Using Questions for Optimal Success Construct more effective presentations and enhance communication through a deeper knowledge of the power of questioning (and listening to) others. Whether you are communicating face-to-face, on conference calls or through presentations, the key to success is to influence in a straightforward manner. Much of the time, however, people find themselves communicating in an unproductive manner that ultimately detracts from their goals. Utilize tools and strategies to lead with questions and break down assumptions so that win-win H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 22 solutions can be constructed. Tools include the Ladder of Inference, formulating good questions, and avoiding common communication pitfalls. Carol Chenot • VP, Organizational Development Services, Caliper 603 Top 10 Employment Law Cases Affecting California Employers Pinpoint emerging legal hot-spots to protect your company and stay compliant with the ever-changing employment law landscape. bookstore & book signings Stop by our onsite bookstore to buy books by keynote speakers and session presenters, plus find a robust selection of the hottest business books on the market. Several of our speakers will be signing copies of their books; look for the book signing schedule in your conference bag on the day of the event. Over the past 12 months, California courts have issued an unprecedented number of decisions impacting employment practices you manage on a daily basis. Changes have been made to the way you deduct PTO, reimburse business expenses, hire independent contractors, administer disability leave, pay commissions, preserve overtime exemptions, and pay for “hours worked.” Fill your toolbox with compliance strategies that minimize risk in these critical areas. Douglas J. Farmer • Shareholder, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. 604 Building a Successful Workers’ Compensation Fraud Discipline Case Take effective action against fraudulent workers’ compensation claims. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) characterizes workers’ compensation fraud as the “fastest growing segment of insurance fraud” in the nation. Protect your organization with effective strategies to monitor current claims to detect fraud, take action when fraud occurs, prepare for a disciplinary action when warranted, recover the organization’s expenses, and mitigate future losses. Case studies illustrate such key processes as conducting the investigation, types of disciplinary actions, appeals and criminal prosecution. Christopher Boucher • Director of Human Resources, Port of Oakland || Margaret Ramirez • Human Resources and Risk Manager, Contra Costa Water District 605 23 Harassment and Social Media: The New Workplace Frontier Rein in employee use of social media as a harassment tool without violating employee rights. H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E Recent case law examples demonstrate how employees’ Facebook and other social media postings have come into play in harassment lawsuits. No longer confined to the workplace, “virtual harassment” can take place everywhere. Minimize problematic employee use of social media while still maintaining their rights to protest working conditions, free speech and privacy in accordance with recent CA law developments and NLRB and court decisions. Rarely taught in leadership, management or HR courses, most HR Practitioners struggle to accurately identify problems. Learn how to define problems correctly to save time and money for your organization. Begin with whether the problem is worth solving, then frame it in a way that gets the attention, buy-in, budget and support from your CEO. Michael Cooper • Executive Coach, Facilitator & Trainer, Innovators and Influencers Jane Kow • JD, Employment Attorney, HR Law Consultants 606 Building Smart Companies: The Open-Book Solution Discover your role in the implementation and success of open-book management at your organization. Open-book management gets everyone on the same page by giving them the same information. The result? Engaged employees who understand the business, care about success and are willing to work together to make things happen. Use the three foundations of openbook principles — transparency, joint accountability and shared economic success — to improve the bottom line of your organization and the lives of its people. Bill Fotsch • Founder and Head Coach, Open-Book Coaching 609 Four Key Aspects of Diversity: Developing a Strong Program Increase the effectiveness of your diversity programming with four key actions. Leverage four key aspects of diversity programming for greater success, including the expansion of diversity to include equity and inclusion, creating executive-sponsored, cross-departmental entities that own the work, holding managers accountable for creating equitable and inclusive environments for their teams (including recruitment and promotion activities), and having paid staff to guide the work who have the right knowledge, skills, and experience regarding adult education, the study of privilege, and program design/delivery. Joshua Ramey-Renk, SPHR || Jessica Ronald • Diversity Effectiveness Representative, Sierra Club National HQ Beyond Workforce Planning: Using Disruptive 607 Technologies for Workforce Optimization Leverage Big Data and other cutting-edge tools for optimal results. You have a myriad of tools and methodologies at your fingertips for managing the entire employee lifecycle. HR has entered the era of Big Data with new technologies to collect and analyze workforce data. Identify the key drivers of business metrics and make predictive improvements to talent investments using the proper tools and a proven workforce optimization framework. Gene Pease • Founder and CEO, Vestrics 608 Effectively Analyzing and Defining HR Problems to Get Results Get the support of your CEO and save time and money by properly defining a problem at the outset. 610 The Gamification of Recruitment, Talent Development and Training Identify the many benefits of gamification as applied to HR, and find out how to bring gamification to your organization. A Gallup poll revealed that 70% of US employees are disengaged in the workplace setting. Gamification makes use of game design elements in a non-game context to spark significant improvement in employee engagement in all aspects of a company’s operations. Discover how to use gamification to bring new life to the recruitment, onboarding and training aspects of talent development — allowing your company to better engage, teach, entertain and measure employees for the benefit of all stakeholders. Mario Herger • CEO, Enterprise Gamification Consultancy LLC H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 24 611 Addressing Bias Through Leadership Development Align your leadership strategies with the latest findings from the field of neuroscience. Women hold fewer than 1 in 4 corporate leadership positions even though they outnumber men in the workplace. Diversity programs need an entirely new model of what leadership success looks like, and to address unconscious bias against right-brain thinking — a way of thinking much more common among women than men. Find out how to assess your own leadership development program for bias in all its forms and what to do about it. Silvia Damiano • Founder and CEO, About My Brain Institute 5:00PM - 6:15PM The Rise: Creativity, the Gift of Failure, and the Search for Mastery Session Sponsored by ClearPath Workforce Management Change the way you think about creativity, innovation and mastery and discover a surprising path to success. Where do new innovations—new ideas—spring from? It’s an enduring enigma, but, in this exquisite talk, Sarah Lewis offers a new understanding of what enables creative endeavors. What really drives iconic, transformational change on both a personal and an organizational level? From Nobel Prizewinning discoveries to new inventions to works of art, many of our creative triumphs are not achievements, but are conversions, corrections after failed attempts. Drawing on figures such as Frederick Douglass, Angela Duckworth, J. K. Rowling, and others, Lewis reveals the importance of play, grit and surrender. EVENING ACTIVITIES SHRM TOWN HALL, SPONSOR RECEPTIONS, DINNER MEET-UPS H R W E S T ® 7:30AM - 8:45AM 701 When Cash is King: Executive Pay Strategies Draw on the right data to construct compelling presentations to justify executive compensation levels. The Board of Directors bears responsibility for ensuring their executives are paid neither too much nor too little, and in compliance with a variety of regulatory requirements. Without solid, relevant labor market data, this is a big problem with potentially disastrous ramifications. Find out how to use data from multiple published surveys and publicly available sources to effectively analyze and compile top-notch presentations about executive compensation. Shari Dunn • Managing Director and National Practice Leader, Arthur J. Gallagher Human Resources & Compensation Consulting Practice Keynote • Sarah Lewis 25 WEDNESDAY | MARCH 4 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 702 Closing the Confidence Gap Using Improv Apply the 12 basic principles of improvisational theater to NC organizational systems for greater business outcomes. “I believe that the most important single thing, beyond discipline and creativity is daring to dare.” - Maya Angelou. Confidence matters as much as competence. Yet, research illustrates women underestimate their abilities while men overestimate them - resulting in career risks at both ends of the spectrum. Through a series of active, experiential exercises, combined with human development theory and thoughtful debriefing sessions, you’ll discover your inner strength and courage, and learn new methods for helping yourself and others to conquer self-doubt, increase confidence and embrace intelligent, courageous risk-taking. Yael Schy • Principal, Dramatic Strides Consulting UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL SESSIONS QUALIFY FOR SHRM PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CREDITS AND GENERAL HRCI RECERTIFICATION CREDITS. FULL CONFERENCE ATTENDEES CAN EARN UP TO 16.75 CREDITS. Fulfills requirements for Minimum Continuing Legal Education Credit. Pending Approval. Fulfills Strategic Management requirements for SPHR recertification. Pending Approval. Fulfills requirements for PHR-CA/SPHR-CA recertification. Pending Approval. High-level content, significant experience with subject recommended. Pending Approval. Fulfills International requirements for GPHR recertification. Pending Approval. NC Does not qualify for HRCI credit well as those of many states. California employment laws are unique in many areas, including leave laws, hiring, terminations, exempt status, non-exempt rights, and the list goes on. Avoid the pitfalls of practicing HR in California by increasing your knowledge of California-specific employment law requirements. Find out how these requirements differ from federal law and other states’ laws, and successfully apply these differences to everyday HR practice. Brian Nagatani, Esq. • Partner and Co-Founder, Hixson Nagatani LLP || Mary Wang, Esq. • Partner, Hixson Nagatani LLP 705 Achieving Flow in the Workplace Break out of conventional work patterns and find flow in the workplace to increase productivity, creativity and job satisfaction. The Evolution of Competency in HR and the 703 Implications for the New SHRM Certification NC Understand the evolution of HR as a strategic partner and the requirement of business leaders that HR professionals be apply their HR knowledge to real business problems. Business today demands HR professionals that can effectively take their HR knowledge and apply it with impact to both existing and future opportunities and problems. As the profession evolves, the need for competency certification increases to ensure the profession meets that need. The new SHRM-Certified Professional and SHRMSenior Certified Professional will become the standard for the profession. Develop an understanding of the evolution of competency in HR, learn about the new SHRM Competency Certification, and understand the impact to existing HR certification holders. Jon Decoteau • Divisional Director – West, SHRM Only in California: Critical Differences You Need to 704 Know Get up-to-speed on the latest California employment laws and explain how they differ from federal laws, as Has spoken at SHRM Conference Most organizations want to drive innovation, creativity, productivity, and morale, but are held back by conventional practices or a lack of ideas about how to make it happen. The flow state is a powerful enabler for achieving these goals. Break through self-limiting beliefs to achieve the flow state in the workplace and make work effortless, increase creativity, generate new ideas, and enhance overall job satisfaction. Adrian Tay • Breakthrough Instructor, Flow Agent and Founder, Ministry of Flow || Michael Cooper • Executive Coach, Facilitator and Trainer, Innovators and Influencers 706 HR M&A: Integrating Cultures and Leveraging Diversity Capitalize on cultural integration and diversity during mergers and acquisitions for better performance and greater long-term success. Faced with the challenge of bringing two organizations together following an acquisition, how do you move beyond onboarding to achieve the long-term value? The biggest pitfall is a lack of cultural integration. Discover the three layers of culture that provide key insights, and combine these with specific activities to lead successful cultural change within your organization. Shari Yocum • Managing Partner, Tasman Consulting Was or is an HR Practitioner talent management and engagement compensation, benefits and hris general hr employment law and legislation leadership and management employee and labor relations business H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 26 9:15AM - 10:30AM 801 Live Well, Work Well: The Importance of a Wellness Strategy in significant costs associated with unpaid overtime, penalties and fines. Address this shortfall by updating your knowledge of key concepts, criteria in determining status, and several other critical considerations. Lauraine Bifulco • President and Owner, Vantaggio HR Ltd Improve employee engagement and productivity with costeffective wellness strategies. Rising health insurance costs have negatively impacted the bottom line, while the top line has been impacted by employee illness that contributes to absenteeism and reduces both productivity and innovation. Organizations using wellness as a strategy see consistently and dramatically improved company cultures. Design (or redesign) your company’s approach to wellness by creating and growing funding sources and incentives, expanding the wellness team, and implementing a program that fits your company. Andrea Bloom • Founder and CEO, ConnectWell, Inc. 802 Taming the Technical Challenges of Global Talent Management 804 The Morning After: Post-Investigation Challenges Address questions and challenges that inevitably arise in the post-investigation environment. A whole new set of challenges and questions come up in the wake of a completed workplace investigation. Who should be told what? Who should see the report? What documentation should be given to complainants and their attorneys? What documentation should be given to respondents and their attorneys? If the parties are to continue working together, what communication should occur? Discover answers to these questions and develop a successful strategy for the post-investigation environment. Geralynn Patellaro, Esq. • President, Building a Better Workplace || Jeanine Debacker, Esq. • Attorney, McPharlin, Sprinkles & Thomas, LLP Discover how Bay Area companies have navigated the wild landscape of talent management in a globalized world. Talent management is an integrated set of processes, programs and cultural norms designed to attract, develop, deploy, and retain talent to achieve strategic objectives and meet future needs. Panelists from well-known Bay Area companies share insights and experiences on how they handle the technical challenges of global talent management, includinghow to attract talent in a tight labor market. You’ll leave this session with successful HR strategies for handling global assignments, talent acquisitions and repatriation. Kenneth Guilfoyle, GPHR • Global Employer Services Director, BDO USA, LLP 803 Exempt or Non-Exempt? That Is the Question! Reduce exposure to wage and hour claims and audits with best practices regarding exempt/non-exempt classifications. California’s Wage and Hour Board is cracking down on employers who misclassify employees’ exempt status. Failing to understanding the criteria established by the state and federal government results 27 H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 805 Holding Employees Accountable for Disruptive Behavior...Legally Identify the early warning signs and risk factors associated with a troubled employee and address these issues successfully while complying fully with the law. Organizations face an increasing number of employees who demonstrate violent tendencies or troubling behavior. When addressing such issues, you must balance compliance with your code of conduct, protecting the safety of employees and complying with complex disability laws. Learn to identifying the early warning signs and risk factors, evaluating the behavior in light of concerns about safety, health and disability laws, and address the behavior to minimize safety problems and potential legal fallout. Stephen Hirschfeld, Esq. • Co-Managing Partner, Hirschfeld Kraemer LLP || Glen Kramer, Esq. • Co-Managing Partner, Hirschfeld Kraemer LLP “Strong, relevant topics and great speakers.” 806 Virtual Success! Managing a Staff That Works Remotely 808 Performance Management That Drives Business Results Effectively manage a remote workforce using the newest tools and technologies. Increase participation in your performance management process from 25% to 100%. Telework has grown nearly 80% since 2005, and 79% of US workers say they would like to work from home at least part of the time. Employees who telecommute are 13.5% more productive and quit their jobs at half the rate of office-based employees. Discover how to move towards a more virtual workforce based on PeopleG2’s transition from brick-and-mortar to a largely virtual company. How do you get C-suite leaders to adopt, shepherd and mandate the use of your performance management system? Whether using an automated system or a paper system, discover cutting-edge ideas for getting the most out of your performance management tool, and include metrics and measurements to ensure you are meeting the business objectives. Leave this session able to speak performance management from the business perspective so that your leaders will understand, act and enforce your process. Chris Dyer • CEO and Founder, PeopleG2 807 Jumpstarting Your High-Potential Program Align your high-potential development efforts with your overall talent management strategy to achieve better outcomes. Before PG&E developed their high-potential program, each line of business independently managed its high-potential talent, resulting in inefficiencies and missed opportunities. Learn first-hand lessons for leveraging the partnership between your high-potential and HR business partner teams to maximize the use of talent across your organization. It involves identifying a manageable high-potential population your organization can support and creating a highpotential development blueprint. Heidi Schisel, SPHR • HR Business Partner, Pacific Gas & Electric Company || Marion Moreno • Senior Manager, Leadership & Career Development, Pacific Gas & Electric Company Jeffrey D. Sanders, M.Ed., SPHR-CA • Founder, J.D. Sanders Consulting || Jeff Hunt • CEO, GoalSpan 809 Mediation: A Powertool for HR Resolve internal workplace conflicts with mediation to avoid litigation costs and maintain a healthy, productive work environment. Conflict in the workplace is inevitable, which is why you need to pull the right tool out of your HR toolbox to address it. Allegations of harassment, hostility or bullying require investigations and hearings for legal and policy violations, but mediation is the tool needed to resolve conflict. Find out what mediation is, what it involves, when it is best used, and how it saves companies hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. John Ford • Owner, John Ford and Associates H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 28 professionals would like to be involved in a mentoring program, yet only 29% work in companies that currently offer mentoring programs. Design and implement strategic mentoring to align the priorities of your organization with the potential of your people. Ann Tardy • The Mentoring Pro, LifeMoxie Mentoring 11:00AM - 12:30PM 901 New Developments in Commission-Based Pay: Avoiding Traps Manage the risks of commission-based compensation with written commission plans that are well-crafted and properly implemented. 810 Establishing a Framework for Assessing and Developing Talent Establish a comprehensive measurement strategy that drives cohesive and actionable workforce planning. Workforce planning and analytics have long been considered important, but cannot be fully engaged without a solid foundation of identifying the data that’s truly valuable. Apply the Talent Assessment & Development (TAD) Framework to align everything from job design, internal and external recruiting, and individual assessment and development. Use this “meta-framework” to accurately forecast workforce size, recruiting demands, mobility options, organizational designs, budgets, and more. Al Adamsen • Founder & Executive Director, Talent Strategy Institute 811 Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Developing a Formal Mentoring Program Leverage the muscle of mentoring to boost employee engagement and success. Studies show that workers who receive real mentoring greatly increase their opportunities for promotion, yet only 56% of organizations have a formal mentoring program. In fact, 83% of 29 H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E Recent California legislation and court opinions impose new restrictions for paying employees on commission, while employees creatively devise new legal challenges to commission plans. To avoid the risk of costly wage claims, organizations with commission-based employees must update their knowledge of applicable regulations and the latest legal developments. Receive concrete guidance for drafting commission plans that include clear terms, cover all the pertinent details, and are issued with the right timing. Michael Westheimer, Esq. • Shareholder, Buchalter Nemer 902 Improving Strategic Organizational Results with Six Sigma Apply the Six-sigma DMAIC Model to ensure success of initiatives across global locations or globally diverse departments. Successfully using the DMAIC Model (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) for HR measurement depends on effective collaboration and team interaction across non-native and native English speakers. Find out how to apply global HR measurement to developing initiatives, policies and processes, and use HR metrics to communicate the effects of HR on organization and business outcomes. Leverage the DMAIC model repeatedly in global HR team contexts for success. Lorelei Carobolante, MBA, GPHR, SCRP, SGMS-T • President and CEO of G2nd Systems MEET YOUR EMCEE! 903 PORTER GALE is a local networking & marketing expert and the former VP of Marketing at Virgin America. A world-renowned branding leader and award-winning author, Porter has been a keynote speaker at numerous events, including Women 2.0, TEDx, SHRM Arizona, and The THINK Conference. California Employment Law Update: An Interactive Q&A Examine the latest legislative and case developments and ask your toughest California employment law questions. Ignorance may be bliss for some, but it is not an option when it comes to employment law compliance. You are expected to stay current with the most recent changes and know how to apply those laws to what happens in your company. After a brief recap of state and federal legislation and regulations effective in 2015, the session will then adopt a town hall meeting format to field your questions. context to overhaul both recruitment and employee engagement. Hackathons originated with coders, working in distributed environments to come together to learn, build, and create. Core to start-ups, hackathons are rapidly gaining traction beyond tech applications. Experience the energizing and innovation-inspiring nature of hackathons to boost performance and engagement both in HR and throughout your organization. Utilize hackathon principles, such as mixed teams and time constraints, to your advantage in HR applications, including sourcing candidates, developing teams, training for emotional intelligence and more. Wai Poc • Executive Coach, Unleashed Leaders || Daniel Martin, Ph.D. • Director of Research, Charter for Compassion Susan E. Bishop • Partner, Berliner Cohen || Kara L. Arguello • Attorney, Berliner Cohen 904 Controlling Rising Healthcare Costs to Retain Top Talent Make a plan for managing rising healthcare costs while maintaining a robust, competitive benefit offering. The average worker in California pays more than $5,200 annually for employer-sponsored family care. As an employer, your share is 2-3x that. How can you continue to offer a rich benefit package to attract top talent? Take an in-depth look at the trends driving healthcare costs, examine case studies showing how some employers are bending the cost curve, and prepare for your next conversation with senior management about employee benefits in 2016. Dr. Carvel Tefft • Vice President, Medical Group Services, Hill Physicians Medical Group || Mark Topash • VP of Contracting, Hill Physicians Medical Group 905 HR’s Newest Cutting-Edge Tool: The Hackathon Leverage the power of hackathon principles in the HR 906 Influencing Executive Leadership for Results Effectively communicate with executive leaders using MBTI and DiSC. Whether you have a seat at the executive table or not, you must understand the typical executive leader and assess those who are more difficult to influence. Discover classic tools, such as MBTI and DiSC, body language and meta programs, and learn how to effectively communicate with and influence your executive leaders. You’ll leave the session able to tailor your communications to specific profiles. Jana Anders, SPHR • President, Emergent Leadership LLC 907 Coloring Outside the Lines: Creating a New HR Experience Shift your role from department to strategic partner by focusing on what matters most — the customer, which includes your employees. When you focus on the HR experience, employees become more H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 30 PROFESSIONAL HEADSHOTS A professional photographer will be onsite to take your headshot. Great for your LinkedIn profile or business card. You only pay for what you order. SPONSORED BY WORKPLACE ANSWERS engaged at what they do and ultimately have a profound effect on the internal/external customer. Discover motives for being more creative as a change catalyst and find out how to establish alliances internally and externally to achieve your goals and objectives. You’ll leave the session prepared to make the shift from HR department to HR strategic partner. Jeff Tobe • Primary Colorer, Coloring Outside the Lines Fixing Broken Performance Management: One Company’s Journey of Transformation 908 Identify the key drivers that inform the creation of a new performance management process and appreciate the importance of ongoing feedback and coaching. Data shows that performance management (PM) is one of the most maligned processes in corporate America, with only 23% of HR personnel believing that their PM process accurately reflects employee contributions and only 55% of employees believing their PM system is fair. Autodesk scrapped both performance ratings and yearly reviews in favor of creating a culture of ongoing feedback and coaching. Find out about the challenges and opportunities in making such a major change. Jonathan Levy • Director, Training and OD, Autodesk || Mari Capps • Training and OD Consultant, Autodesk 909 Individual Employee Preferences and Optimal Engagement Value difference at the level of individual employee preferences to dramatically increase engagement in the workplace. Without understanding and adapting to individual employee preferences (and how they show their engagement), organizations cannot develop comprehensive employee engagement strategies 31 H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E that will actually work. Discover the importance of offering development opportunities to your employees to increase their own self-awareness, as well as how to keep the individual at the heart of the work rather than viewing employees as a unified group. Rick Kneuven • Western US Business Development Director, Insights Learning and Development UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL SESSIONS QUALIFY FOR SHRM PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CREDITS AND GENERAL HRCI RECERTIFICATION CREDITS. FULL CONFERENCE ATTENDEES CAN EARN UP TO 16.75 CREDITS. Fulfills requirements for Minimum Continuing Legal Education Credit. Pending Approval. Fulfills Strategic Management requirements for SPHR recertification. Pending Approval. Fulfills requirements for PHR-CA/SPHR-CA recertification. Pending Approval. High-level content, significant experience with subject recommended. Pending Approval. Fulfills International requirements for GPHR recertification. Pending Approval. NC Does not qualify for HRCI credit 911 True or False? All Hiring Assessments Are Created Equal Identify and evaluate a variety of hiring assessment tools to optimize performance prediction and minimize adverse effects in hiring. 910 Pay Attention to the NLRB, Whether You Have a Union or Not Take an in-depth look at recent NLRB rulings that apply to non-union employees, including greater scrutiny of employee handbook language. It is widely misperceived that non-unionized employers need not worry about the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). However, the National Labor Relations Act applies to all employees, not just to unionized employees. Identify the limitations and prohibitions laid out in organizational policies — from dress codes to disruptive behavior to social media use — and get familiar with available tools and appropriate responses to modify current policies and practices for compliance. Bruce Sarchet, Esq. • Attorney, Littler Mendelson Relying on well-known assessments does not necessarily guarantee hiring success. Research is crystal clear on what specific characteristics make certain assessments better. Examine prevailing research findings (and debunk some common myths) on the effectiveness of various assessment strategies. You’ll leave the session armed with critical knowledge to systematically and objectively select top-performing employees and ensure maximum ROI using a carefully selected assessment instrument. Stephen Jeong • Managing Partner, Waypoint People Solutions 12:45PM - 2:00PM NETWORKING LUNCH Sponsored by Lockton Insurance Brokers 2:00PM - 3:15PM Keynote • Richard Pimentel Leading Strong in the Face of Disability Session Sponsored by Halogen Software NEW FOR 2015 HR WEST APP! Download the HR West App for your smartphone and get all the conference details at your fingertips. Address modern workplace disability challenges and lead your organization to success. Managing today’s wide-ranging disability employment issues is one of the most important challenges organizations face today. Get inspired by Dr. Pimentel’s personal story of triumph, and develop a strong leadership response to issues surrounding the Amended ADA, OFCCP guidelines, veterans in the workforce, disability management, and more. You’ll leave the session ready to lead your organization to a successful outcome. 3:15PM Has spoken at SHRM Conference Was or is an HR Practitioner GRAND PRIZE DRAWING Sponsored by Jobvite CONFERENCE CONCLUDES talent management and engagement compensation, benefits and hris general hr employment law and legislation leadership and management employee and labor relations business H R W E S T ® 2 0 1 5 B R O C H U R E 32 SPECIAL ROOM RATE FOR CONFERENCE ATTENDEES $199 SINGLE/DOUBLE OCCUPANCY VALID THROUGH FEB 7, 2015 Scan the qr code to Book Room Online Or Call Toll Free: 1-800-991-7249 directions & accomodations OAKLAND CONVENTION CENTER • 550 10th Street, Oakland, CA 94607 • (510) 466-6455 • Hotel, Conference, Parking All Under One Roof! Located in the heart of downtown Oakland, and in the geographic heart of our membership, the Oakland Convention Center is a world-class exhibition hall attached to the beautifully remodeled City Center Marriott. The Convention Center is easily accessible by all major freeways, has onsite parking, and for those wanting to explore downtown San Francisco, the Bay Area Rapid Transit station is located right across the street and can take you there in only 12 minutes. PARKING DIRECTIONS The parking garage is attached to the Convention Center/Hotel. Enter on 11th street. Rate is $24 per day, no in/out privileges. Or you may valet at the hotel entrance for $33 per day with in/out privileges. FROM SAN FRANCISCO Take I-80 East to Bay Bridge. Take 580 East to 980 West toward Downtown Oakland. Take 11th/12th Street exit. Turn left on 11th St. Parking garage is four blocks ahead on the right. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION FROM SACRAMENTO Take I-80 West to 580 East to 980 West toward Downtown Oakland. Take 11th/12th Street exit. Turn left on 11th St. Parking garage is four blocks ahead on the right. Take BART to the 12 St. Station, walk up the 11th St. steps.For complete information on all forms of Bay Area public transportation, visit or dial 511 toll-free. th HOTEL Oakland Marriott City Center (Adjoining the Convention Center) 1001 Broadway • Oakland, CA 94607 P.: (510) 451-4000 FROM SAN JOSE Take 1-880 North. Exit Broadway and turn right. Turn left on 10th St., right on Clay St., then right on 11th St. Parking garage entrance is on 11th St. R EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: 1. ONLINE at 2.FAX this form to (415) 291-0217. 3.CALL 415-291-1992. Name 4.MAIL this form to NCHRA: 233 Sansome Street, Suite 508 San Francisco • CA 94104-2305. E G I S T R R E G I S T E R O N L I N E AT Designation A T I O w w w. h r we s t .o r g I have enclosed payment of $ Company/title Check enclosed (payable to NCHRA. Tax ID#94-6103023) Street Charge my: City State Phone Fax N Zip Visa Mastercard American Express Credit card number Expiration date Name on card Email Discover Security/cvc code Billing address I’m registering for: Full Conference (FC) HRCI’s PHR/SPHR HR University HR Hack City State Zip SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP FC + HR University MEGA DEAL FC + Certification Preparation Signature HR WEST CANCELLATION/TRANSFER POLICY • Cancellations must be in writing and faxed to 415.291.0217 or emailed to • Full registration fee minus a $75 processing fee will be refunded for cancellations received prior to January 19, 2015. • Fifty percent (50%) of the registration fee will be refunded for cancellations received from January 19 – February 1, 2015. H R Full Conference (FC) W E S T ® HR University • Cancellations received February 2, 2015 and after are not refundable. • Transfers are available and encouraged in the event of an unavoidable inability to attend. If an NCHRA member transfers his or her registration to a nonmember, the nonmember must do one of two things: Pay the difference of the NCHRA member and nonmember price at the time of transfer or become an NCHRA member at the time of transfer. To transfer a registration, call 415.291.1992. 2 0 1 5 P R I C I N G MEGA DEAL • Save big when you add on to the Full Conference Certification Preparation SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP HRCI’s PHR/SPHR M J G M J G M thru 1/29 $797 $964 $992 $595 $762 $790 $845 $1012 $1040 $845 thru 2/18 $829 $996 $1024 $595 $762 $790 $845 $1012 $1040 thru 2/26 $929 $1096 $1124 $595 $762 $790 $845 $1012 $1040 J G M Add HR University Add Certification Preparation M J G M J G $1012 $1040 +$395 +$395 +$395 +$645 +$645 +$645 $845 $1012 $1040 +$395 +$395 +$395 +$645 +$645 +$645 $845 $1012 $1040 +$395 +$395 +$395 +$750 +$750 +$750 J G M = Member J = Join Now! (Join Now rates include a one-year NCHRA Membership) G = General Oakland Convention Center MARCH 2-4 The National Conference That’s Local (415) 291-1992 233 Sansome Street, Suite 508 • San Francisco • CA 94104-2305
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