the 2015 invoice - North Saint John's Swim Club

North St. John’s Swim and Tennis Club, Inc.
This is your invoice for your membership dues for the 2015 season (see fees below).
Mail Dues and/or relinquish your bond to:
Cindy McNemar
3212 Ginger Bread Court
Ellicott City, MD 21042
Article IV, Section 5, requires that members that have not paid their dues or relinquished their bond by
March 1, 2015, will be assessed a $75.00 late charge. If payment with late fee is not postmarked by
March 15, 2015, your membership is automatically terminated. There will be NO exceptions to this
policy. Checks should be made payable to: North St. John's Swim and Tennis Club, Inc.
** Dues payments are not tax deductible **
Family Membership – Invoice on Page 2:
One membership shall be issued to one adult member of each family unit. The family unit may utilize the
Corporation’s facilities upon payment of the membership bond and annual dues, as fixed by the Board of
Directors. A family unit is defined as all persons of the same immediate family, including all persons
financially dependent on the holder of the membership and/or persons permanently residing in the same
household unit, excluding domestics and roomers. This membership includes parent(s) and dependent
children under the age of 25. Any deviation from or interpretation of the above shall be decided upon by
the Board of Directors.
Single Membership – Invoice on Page 3:
An existing family membership can be converted to a single membership upon qualification of the
following eligibility requirements. Only an adult member (bond holder or spouse) in the family will
continue as a single member. There are no children under the age of 18 in the member’s household. The
member has been a member in good standing both financially and conforming to club rules for 3 or more
years. Any deviation from or interpretation of the above shall be decided upon by the Board of Directors.
Senior Citizen Membership – Invoice on Page 3:
The club provides a 20% discounted membership off the price of a Family Membership for senior citizens
with both adults being 60 or better. One membership shall be issued to one adult member of the family
unit. This membership is valid for two adults only, and is not valid for a membership including children.
If you are participating for the first time, you must send your payment with a copy of your driver's license
or other positive age ID. If you have already qualified in a prior year, no proof of age is required. Any
deviation from or interpretation of the above shall be decided upon by the Board of Directors.
If you have any questions, please contact Cindy McNemar by email at
PRIOR to submitting your dues.
NSJ communicates with its members via email.
Those members who do not provide an email address are responsible for
checking the website for club announcements and information;
this can be done by going to the Public Library.
It is the members’ responsibility to notify NSJ of email address changes.
Your dues or your bond must be mailed via US Post Office
and postmarked no later than March 1st 2015
North St. John’s Swim and Tennis Club, Inc.
FAMILIES: Please Return the Form with your Payment
Please check type of payment enclosed:
____ Family Member Dues
____ Family Member Dues with Late fee
____Nanny Fee for Summer
Please provide all
Initial here if any
information has
changed ________
Checks made payable to North St. John’s Swim and Tennis Club, Inc. – check #
Name(s) and ages of Children /Dependent(s):
E-Mail Address (s):
Home Phone:
Waiver, Release, Assumption of Risk:
I/we give our child(ren) between the ages of 12 – 18 years of age the permission to be at NSJ
unsupervised. I/we hereby release, hold harmless, discharge and agree not to sue NSJ, its Club/Teams,
Directors, Officers, Employees, Coaches, Officials, Volunteers, Agents, Sponsors, Advertisers,
Owners/Lessors of Premises for all liability.
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Your dues or your bond must be mailed via US Post Office
and postmarked no later than March 1st 2015
North St. John’s Swim and Tennis Club, Inc.
SENIORS AND SINGLES: Please Return the Form with your Payment
Please check type of payment enclosed:
____ Senior Citizen Dues
____ Senior Citizen Dues with Late fee
____ Single Membership Dues
____ Single Membership Dues with Late fee
Please provide all
Initial here if any
information has
changed ________
Checks made payable to North St. John’s Swim and Tennis Club, Inc. – check #
E-Mail Address (s):
Home Phone:
If you have any dependents, please pay and submit the
Family Membership Form on Page 2.
Your dues or your bond must be mailed via US Post Office
and postmarked no later than March 1st 2015