AMATGAMATED TRANSIT IJNIION AFFILIATED WITH LOCAL 587 WASHINGTON STATE LABOR COUNCIL KING COUNTY LA.BOR COUNCIL OLYMPIC LABOR COUNCIt, AFL-CIO 2815 Second Avenue, Suite 230 Seattle, Washington 98 1 21 Telephone (206) 448-8588 NORTHWEST JOINT CONFERENCE BOARD Fax: (206) 448-4482 t-800-84'7-4696 AMALGAMATED TRANSIT UNION LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL KING COUNTY COALITION OF UNIONS @..@* Dues Adiustment for Julv 2015 The bylaws of ATU Local 587 provide in Article Vlll "Dues and Assessments" "section 1. Dues, Computation and Deduction The dues for each member of the Locat shall be based upon two times the average hourly wage for represented employees in effect on January 1 of each year at each bargaining unit. (The average hourty wage shatt be computed by adding the top hourly wage ol the lowest and highelt represented ¡ob ctassifications at each bargaining unit and then dividing fhis figure by two.) Any increase in the dues based on this average hourly wage will be subiect to the approval of the membership at the regular January Union meetings. (a) The monthty dues shall not include any specialassessrnents as outlined in Section 2. ' (b) The first 50% of the monthty dues shall be taken out of the first paycheck of the month. The remaining 50% of the monthty dues shall be taken out of the second paycheck of the month. (c) After the first year of implementation, no increase in union dues shall be considered for any bargaining unit where the average hourly wage increased by /ess fhan 1% in the p revio u s cal e nd a r ye ar. (d) Members hired for a part time position shalt only pay the ATU lnternational per capita tax ptus the initiation fee untit the initiation fee is fully paid. After the initiation fee is paid, ihese members shatt pay the ATIJ lnternational minimum dues or the dues for their bargaining unit whichever is lower during their first year of membership. (e) Attrncreases in the ATU lnternational per capita taxes after June 30, 2014 willbe passed on directly to members." Starting July 1 , 2015 the ATU lnternational Per Capita is being increased to $15.05 per member per month. Below is a chart showing by bargaining unit the highest and lowest paid classification, the ATU lnternational Per Capita increases since June 30,2014 and the total dues each member will pay at each bargaining unit. These dues rate will become effective in for July dues. Dues Formulas for each BarEainine Uni Hishest oaid cTs Lead Mechanic JTA Di KC METRO OSS/Senior Schedule Lead Dispatcher CTS Para SPT ATU e spatche r Top Step Lowest paid s29.1s Custodia n s2s.88 Maintenance Cleanr s48.68 Asst. USW Operator opeiuBaflcio PAUL J. BACHTEL Prcsident Busikess ReprcsentaÍíw president.bachtel Too Steo Dues startíng lulw 2O15 Jul-15 lncrease sso.14 577.79 511.8s Srs.os S¡.zo Srs.os 5¡.zo Su.ø s18.11 S¡.zo 5zo.oo rs csR Srs. Operator NEAL I. SAFRIN CLINT C. DeVOSS Vice President vice Presideût nsafrinvpl Jun-14 Szo.qz Assistanl Busiiless Reprcsenlaîive lnternational Per M4ífieilIilce s1s.0s Exempt Exempt Exempt Exempt B. NEIL SectetaD, 0 S3s.60 0 s3s.e8 JUDY J, YOUNG Recorditg Secrctary to "ln Trailsil" jyoungrecsec Cotrespondenl Assísla,û Busiùess Reprcsentûtive ,cotn
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