GLEN INNES SHOW SOCIETY INC. ABN 95 564 114 481 PO Box 145 GLEN INNES NSW 2370 Phone (02) 6732 1744 SMS: 0448 661 395 SHOW CAMPDRAFT Ringmaster: Michael Sloman 02 6732 6879 Stewards: Shad Bailey, Greg Bruce, Craig Burton, Daryl Clibborn, Gail Davis, Renata Davis, Charles Kiehne, John Matthewson, Fiona Meyer, Barry Newberry, Pat Newberry, Andrew Say, Andrew Sloman, Michael Sloman, Terry Sloman, Geoff Smith, PREPAID NOMINATIONS BY POST OR OVER COUNTER (no email, fax or phone entries) Entries on Campdraft Nomination Form— one per rider with indemnity form signed. (payments will be banked as receipted) (direct deposit does not constitute acceptance of entries) Entries close 4pm Wednesday 28th January or earlier when cattle numbers are allocated. Cancellations to be notified by email or SMS Cancellations after 9am Monday 2/2/15 forfeit cattle levy Cancellations after 9am Wednesday 4/2/15 no refund issued. HORSE HEALTH DECLARATION AND ATTENDANCE AT HORSE EVENTS WITH PIC# RECORD FORMS ARE TO BE LODGED PRIOR TO ENTRY TO THE RING FOR ALL HORSES Wristbands issued at ring office upon waiver being signed and must be worn by all competitors whilst competing at this Show Horse Stalls & Stallion Boxes & Camping CAMPING/STABLE BEFORE 9am THURSDAY 5/2/15 AND AFTER 4pm SUNDAY 8/2/15 IS PAYABLE TO THE GLEN INNES SHOWGROUND TRUST Applications for Stabling will only be accepted on the 2015 Stable Application Form accompanied by payment in full. Cancellations prior to 4pm Monday 2nd Feb 2015 will be refunded in full. Cancellations after 4pm Monday 2nd Feb 2015 may forfeit their fee Allocations will be finalised by 5.00pm Tuesday 3rd February 2015. Please note that in the event of participants/patrons requiring Ambulance Transportation from the Showground for medical or emergency treatment that the patient is liable for such costs. It is recommended that all competitors have some form of Emergency Ambulance Cover effective in NSW. Glen Innes Show 6-8 Feb 2015—Show Campdraft Pg 1 Conditions All competition at this show is governed by these regulations and by the Agricultural Societies Council of NSW Rules for Discipline in Horse Sections at Shows which can be viewed at Should it become necessary for the ASC Disciplinary Committee to open an inquiry into any aspect of competition in this Horse Section, the Society will support any penalty imposed by that Committee as a result of the inquiry and will support penalties resulting from enquiries arising from Horse Sections at other NSW Shows. The Horse Committee will take all care in managing the Section, but competitors taking part in this Horse Section do so at their own risk. Each adult competitor must, before competing, complete and sign a form indemnifying Glen Innes Show Society Inc. and waiving any claims against the Society for any injury sustained in competition or for loss or damage to the competitor’s property or damage caused by the competitor or his/her animal (s) at the Show. A similar form must also be completed and signed by a parent or guardian for each competitor who is under 18 years of age. ALSO, on each Waiver, EACH HORSE with which the competitor is involved in competition at the Show MUST BE LISTED together with the Property Identification Code (PIC) of the property from which the horse came to the Show. Wrist Bands will be issued upon signing such forms. Wristbands must be worn by all exhibitors in the horse section at all times whilst competing at this show. Entries are only accepted on this understanding. DRUG TESTING may be carried out at this Show. Any competitor found to have breached the ASC Disputes and Disciplinary Regulations will be investigated by the ASC Disciplinary Committee. Refer to or current information on Drug Testing at Shows - Electric fences MAY NOT be erected on the Showground during Show . Week. While every effort will be made to follow the program the Stewards reserve the right to change scheduling of events. For classes restricted to Glen Innes Severn, horses must be owned and permanently stabled within Glen Innes Severn local government area and ridden by a local resident. This Society supports the wearing of suitable ASA approved helmets in horse events. Pg 2 Glen Innes Show 6-8 Feb 2015—Show Campdraft Conditions Stallions may only exhibit in classes provided, and may compete in Rodeo events held during the Show. No Stallions may compete in Hack or Hunter classes. All exhibitors and/or grooms entering the Showgrounds shall obey the lawful directions of the President, Committee, Stewards, or employees of the Show Society and failure or refusal to do so, shall entitle the President of the Society to disqualify the Exhibitor and/or the exhibit from competing at the Show and may order the removal of the Exhibitor and/or exhibit from the grounds. Exhibitors will comply with the Workplace Health and Safety Act, its Regulations and all relevant Codes of Practice. Only Judges, Stewards, and the Competitors in the class being judged will be allowed in the ring. Competitors in each class must report to the Judge within three (3) minutes of the final call for that class. No more competitors in that class will be admitted to the ring and judging will proceed. All competitors compete at their own risk. A Parent or Parents of Child shall NOT enter the Show Ring whilst the competitor is competing in any event unless so authorised by the Chief Ring Steward and two Committee Members, and the SubCommittee shall take whatever action it deems appropriate. No alcohol is permitted in the Main Ring No mobile phones permitted in the Main Ring by competitors All protests must be delivered to the Ringmaster in writing within half an hour after an award has been made, with a deposit of $25 which may be forfeited if the protest is dismissed Electrical Notice. Any exhibitors intending to bring electrical equip- ment to the Showground will be required to ensure that such equipment is fitted with earth leakage circuit breakers and that all electrical leads, tools and appliances have been inspected and tagged by a licensed electrical contractor. This is essential for the safety of yourself, your fellow exhibitors and the general public and is a requirement of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1989. The Act imposes very severe penalties in the event of non-compliance with its provisions. Any exhibitors who do not comply will not be allowed to exhibit at the Glen Innes Showground. Please check all your electrical equipment and leads before you arrive to avoid the occurrence of any difficulties **** NOTICE— FIREWORKS DISPLAYS (of approx 15 mins duration) ARE SCHEDULED FOR BOTH FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHTS—COMMENCE BETWEEN 9PM—10PM Glen Innes Show 6-8 Feb 2015—Show Campdraft Pg 3 Sunday 8h February 2015 Campdraft 3101 Commencing 7.00am YASLOC POLL DORSETS MAIDEN DRAFT OF $250 Run in conjunction with the Dulverton Angus Novice Draft Entry: Maiden Only $18 Maiden/Novice $25 1st $85 2nd $60 3rd $45 4th $35 5th $25 Highest Cutout $20 Prize—Donated by WL Vivers Glenvale Shield: The Glenvale Shield has been donated by the Doolan Family in memory of Mr WJ Doolan for the Maiden Horse owned within the Glen Innes Severn area gaining the highest points in the Maiden Campdraft Eligible entries will automatically be included. 3102 DULVERTON ANGUS NOVICE DRAFT OF $300 Run in conjunction with the Kenway & Clark Maiden Draft Entry: Novice Only $20 Maiden/Novice $25 1st $100 2nd $80 3rd $50 4th $40 5th $30 Highest Cutout $20 Prize—Donated by WL Vivers Graham Battle Memorial Shield: The Graham Battle Memorial Shield for the Horse gaining the highest points in the Novice Campdraft. To be competed for annually 3103 Glen Innes Vet Hospital JUNIOR DRAFT OF $110 Entry: $10 1st $45 13yrs & under 17 yrs. Limited to ONE RIDE PER CHILD 2nd $30 3rd $25 4th $10 Highest Cutout Prize $10 — Donated by Max Farlow Pg 4 Glen Innes Show 6-8 Feb 2015—Show Campdraft 3104 JOHN SLOMAN MEMORIAL OPEN DRAFT Prizemoney Donated by the Sloman & Finlayson Families Entry: $25 1st $150 & Memorial Sash & Akubra Hat Voucher 2nd $80 & $80 Premier Store Open Order 3rd $60 & $60 Premier Store Open Order 4th $45 & $40 Premier Store Open Order 5th $35 Highest Cutout $30 Prize — Donated by WL Vivers Highest Horse Work in First Round $30 - Donated by WL Vivers 3105 Final Dulverton Angus Novice Draft 3106 Final John Sloman Memorial Open Draft Campdraft Horse Trophy This competition commences immediately after to 2014 Glen Innes Show and will conclude at the 2015 Glen Innes Show. The competition is run on a point score of 3,2,1 for all maiden, novice & open campdrafts held in the Glen Innes Severn area within this period. The Campdraft Horse Trophy will be presented at the 2015 Glen Innes Show. AB Hunter Jnr. Campdraft Rider Trophy Mr AB Hunter Jnr. Has presented a trophy to be awarded to the Rider on the same basis as the Campdraft Horse Trophy. This competition commences immediately after to 2014 Glen Innes Show and will conclude at the 2015 Glen Innes Show. The competition is run on a point score of 3,2,1 for all maiden, novice & open campdrafts held in the Glen Innes Severn area within this period. The AB Hunter Jnr. Trophy will be presented at the 2015 Glen Innes Show. Campdraft Conditions of Entry: An ASC indemnity waiver MUST be signed prior to competitor being allowed entry to the arena. An indemnity wristband must be worn and displayed by each competitor. The committee reserves the right to alter the program. The committee reserves the right to accept or decline entries at its sole discretion. Direct Deposit of nomination fees does not constitute acceptance of entries. It is the competitors responsibility to check that entries have been accepted. All horses to be listed in order of run preference. Order of draw to be strictly adhered to No substitutions of horse or rider after draw compiled. Riders not at gate for 3rd call will forfeit that run. No entries will be accepted until payment has been received. Cancellations after 9am Monday 2/2/15 forfeit cattle levy. Cancellations after 9am Wednesday 4/2/15 will forfeit the full nomination fee. All riders under 18 years must wear an approved helmet with the chin strap securely fastened. Maiden Horse & Rider permanently residing in Glen Innes Severn District will be eligible to compete for the Glenvale Shield., entry is automatic. Glen Innes Show 6-8 Feb 2015—Show Campdraft Pg 5 Glen Innes Show Society wishes to sincerely thank the following local businesses, organisations and individuals for their valuable Akubra Hats Ancare ANSA APJ Law ASHS—Border Branch ASK Electrical Aust. Brumby Horse Register Australian Buckskin Horse Assoc Australian Quarter Horse Assn Aust. Riding Pony Society Aust. Saddle Pony Society S Bell & W Fahey Brian Burgis Earthmoving Beaurepaires John & Maryann Bower Bruce Family Butchery Cameron Family Charlies Chickens Commonwealth Bank—Glen Innes Cooper’s Auto Service Crowe Horwath D & D Sheds Gail & Renata Davis Deluxe Laundry Diana Corcoran Real Estate D—Tech Computers Dulverton Angus Peter & Julie Dunn Emmaville Pony Club Ed Montgomery Dental Surgery Fairholme College Matt & Kylie Falconer Matey Farlow Finlayson Families Fraser’s Transport Glen Innes Auto Electrics Glen Innes Bus Service Glen Innes Auto Pro Glen Innes Pony Club Glen Innes Leading Appliances Glen Innes Showground Trust Glen Innes Show Society Glen Innes Vet Hospital Glenmore Partnership Graydon’s Amcal Chemist Great Central Hotel Hec’s Small Motor Klinic Hi-Way Diner Ian MacDonald Solicitors Jill Park Produce Kelorbie Enterprises Kent’s Engineering Charles & Jacqui Kiehne Lex Kiehne Mal & Margaret Kiehne Leading Edge Computers Liston Legal Royce & Fiona Meyer Bill & Ann McKenzie Minumurra Stud Pg 6 Glen Innes Show 6-8 Feb 2015—Show Campdraft Luke & Sally Newberry Newberry teVelde Carige Agencies New England Club Brad & Jane Newsome Bruce & Lindy Newsome Norco Milk—R & L Miller Norco Rural—Glen Innes Notley Wool Store NRMA Insurance Glen Innes Oxford Downs Stock Horses Emma Pettit Pinnacle Glass & Aluminium Premier Store Pub Crawls on Horseback Roberts & Morrow Accountants Scents From Heaven Schute Bell Badgery Lumby Rex & Julie Sheedy Showman’s Guild Skybridge Financial Sloman Families Michael & Penni Sloman Geoff & Pauline Smith StockTrans Super Strawberry Timb’s Pharmacy Peter & Kerry Trow Tyrepower Glen Innes AL & EA Vivers WL Vivers Bill Walmsley David & Helen Wirth Yasloc Poll Dorsets We acknowledge the generosity of these businesses and individuals for their donations to the Showjumping Section: Glen Severn Holden Ecosite Solutions P/L National Australia Bank Glen Innes Aero Club Glen Innes Auto Electrics Horder Family Funerals Attenborough Fertilisers Premier Store Graydon’s Amcal Pharmacy Tim Lockyer Ground Spreading Chris Kent (AA McLeod & Co) Howard Whan Super Spreaders Schafer’s Glen Innes Newsagency Glen Innes Auto Electrics Glen Innes Timber & Home Hardware Beaurepaires Glen Innes Pony Club Stocktrans Glen Stables Liston Legal Westpac Bank Dairy Farmers A&K Diesel Norco Rural Wayne McCarthy Timb’s Pharmacy Tunamena Family Wheatley Family Dom’s Diesel LJ Hooker Landmark APJ Law Superair Condon Family Glen Innes Show 6-8 Feb 2015—Show Campdraft Pg 7
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