St. Stephen, Deacon & Martyr - St. Stephen Deacon and Martyr

St. Stephen, Deacon & Martyr
C a t h o l i c C h u r c h
A Catholic community of faith striving to
witness to the Gospel. Our Baptism and
Confirmation calls us to bring Christ’s
Love to our families, our work places and
our community. Grateful for God’s gifts,
we seek to nurture those gifts and to give
back to the Lord by sharing our time,
talent and material treasure. In all of
our parish activities we seek to develop a
personal relationship with the Lord who
directs our lives and a vision that sees the
world with the eyes of Christ and that
leads to a commitment to justice. We
seek a sense of unity in Christ that leads
us to be an open and welcoming people
and a sense of joy in being graced by the
gifts of God’s Love.
January 18, 2015
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday—Saturday: 8am (English)
Saturday Liturgy: 5pm (English)
Sunday Liturgy:
English: 7am, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am, 6:15pm
Polish: 1pm
January 18, 2015
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
For 01-01-2015
Holy Mother
For 01-04-2015
Holy Mother
Parish Center
Last Month
~ O UR
Parish Office
17500 South 84th Avenue
Tinley Park, IL 60487
Office Hours: 8:30am-8:30pm Mon-Th;
8:30am-7pm Fri; 9am-5pm Sat
Office Closed: 12:30-1pm Mon-Fri
Office Phone: 708.342.2400
Office Fax 708.342.1545
Religious Ed. Phone: 708.342.1544
$138,989 $145,000
$610,955 $604,600
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available on Saturdays, from 8:45—9:30am in the
church or by appointment.
FUNERALS can be arranged with the parish office.
MARRIAGES St. Stephen Parish welcomes the celebration of the weddings of both registered
parishioners and the children of registered parishioners. Information is available from one of
the priests or deacons.
July 1—November 30
BAPTISMS are celebrated every Sunday at 3pm in English and 1pm in Polish. Please contact
Deacon Ken in the parish office for the necessary preparations.
For 01-11-2015
Holy Mother
Christmas YTD
Polish Epiphany
Immaculate Conception
Thank you for your continued Stewardship in support of St.
Stephen. Please visit our website to find other opportunities for
generosity through planned giving by remembering St. Stephen
in your will or living trust.
TIME, TALENT & TREASURE In addition to printing the collection, we are printing
the Sunday and Holy Day collections from the previous month and for the fiscal year to
date as well as budgeted amount needed for us to meet both our expenses & mortgage
payments. Mortgage payments are $41,500 per month (interest and principal).
The Archdiocese loaned us the money to start our parish and build our facilities on the basis of
a commitment to Stewardship by the parish. We thank everyone whose support enables us to
do the work of
our parish.
PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK can be arranged for the sick, elderly and handicapped
desiring Communion by calling the parish office.
BULLETIN ARTICLE DEADLINE Articles are to be in the parish office noon on Friday for the
following week’s bulletin. E-mail:
REGISTRATION OF NEW PARISHIONERS is held on the 2nd & 4th Sundays every month after
10am Mass. New parishioners unable to register at Sunday registration, may register at the
parish office on Mondays at 2pm, Tuesdays at 11am, Wednesdays at 8:30am or Thursdays
at 6:45pm. Please phone 708.342.2400 to make an appointment. We warmly welcome
new parishioners and cordially invite you to join us on our life-long journey to the Lord.
~ O UR
~ O UR
Rev. James Finno, Pastor
Rev. Grzegorz Warmuz, Associate Pastor
William Engler, Deacon
Chuck McFarland, Deacon
William Schultz, Deacon
Joseph Stalcup, Deacon
Pete Van Merkestyn, Deacon
Kenneth Zawadzki, Deacon
Karen Opyd, Administrative Assistant to Pastor
Mary Jeanne Pazin, Director of Religious Education
Leslie Krauledis, Assoc. Director of Religious Education
Tammy Burns, Admin. Assistant for Religious Education
Mark Gorka, Music Minister
Karen Dillon, Youth Minister
Dave Prete, Maintenance Director
Cardinal Joseph
Bernardin Catholic School
9300 167th Street
Orland Hills, IL 60487
Phone 708.403.6525
Fax 708.403.8621
Ms. Mary Iannucilli,
January 18, 2015
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
From Our Pastor
ear People of St. Stephen,
In today’s gospel disciples of John
the Baptist, after John pointed out Jesus and
said “Behold the Lamb of God”, begin to
follow Jesus and ask Him where he is
staying. Jesus responds with the invitation:
“Come and you will see.” For me, this is an
invitation that Jesus extends to each one of
us: “Come and get to know me, and you
will see all that I can mean for your life.”
Matthew Kelly, in his book “The Four Signs
of a Dynamic Catholic”, speaks of the
importance of spiritual habits. The things
we do repeatedly have a great impact on our
lives. The spiritual challenge we all face is to
build habits that deepen our relationship
with Christ and give focus to our lives.
Those habits are the ways that we respond
to Jesus’ invitation to “Come and see.” One
of the building blocks for a parish that is
presented in the Parish Transformation
Initiative, one chosen as a focus for our
parish, is the “call to holiness.” Holiness is
not separation from the world of daily
activities; it is not a quality only to be
sought in monasteries. The “call to holiness”
is meant for all people. Holiness is found
wherever people live in the spirit of Christ’s
love and bring the loving presence of Christ
to the world that they live in each day.
Jesus’ invitation to “come and see” calls us
to be aware of His presence with us and to
seek to do His will in the circumstances of
our daily lives. For most people in our
parish, holiness is lived in their family
relationships and in their daily work – two
places in which most people spend the great
majority of their time. Matthew Kelly talks
about growing as followers of Christ in
small steps. We live the “call to holiness” in
the small steps that we take to open our
hearts to the Lord in prayer a bit more and
to bring a little more of the Lord’s love into
our world. In responding to Jesus’ invitation
in today’s gospel, I encourage you to take a
small step – perhaps in giving a bit more
time to growing in your prayer life or to
learning about your faith. Consistently
taking small steps to try to grow both in
knowing the Lord and in living His love is
the way that we will all grow as faithful
disciples of Jesus.
On another topic, I want to give a brief
update to our parish’s work in the Parish
Transformation Initiative. We will present
specific ideas generated by our work last fall
to Bishop Wypych, our vicar, in a meeting
in about 10 days. Those ideas will focus
around four areas: prayer and worship,
catechesis, the call to holiness, and finances.
After the Bishop reviews the work of our
group, approves our direction, and makes
any suggestions that he has, we will share
the ideas generated with everyone and will
begin an implementation process. As
Matthew Kelly writes in relation to the
spiritual growth of individuals, growth
almost always occurs in small steps. In the
implementation process we will begin to
work on the growth of our parish, taking a
number of steps that we hope will lead us to
be more faithful followers of Christ. Please
pray for God’s guidance as we continue to
seek to grow as disciples of Jesus.
I want to thank Kevin and Tina Bugos, Matt
and Katie Vieck, and Kim Gabryel for their
work in planning and running our Trivia
Night last Saturday. It made for a very
enjoyable evening for the over 100 people
(the full capacity of our large meeting
room) who participated. Thanks to all who
came. Another very enjoyable evening that
is upcoming is our fourth annual Comedy
Night, co-sponsored by St. Stephen and
Cardinal Bernardin School. It will be held
on Saturday, February 7, at the Orland
Château. More information is elsewhere in
the bulletin. I invite you to attend.
Next Sunday we begin, with all the churches
in the United States, to celebrate Catholic
Schools Week. I invite you to the Open
House to be held from 1 PM to 3 PM next
Sunday, January 25, at our parish school,
the Cardinal Bernardin School, which is
located at 94th Ave. and 167th St. Cardinal
Bernardin students from our parish will
participate in a special way at the 10 AM
Mass next Sunday. The annual second
collection to support the “Angel Fund”, a
fund to assist students in financial need who
wish to attend Cardinal Bernardin School,
will be taken up at all the Masses next
weekend. I ask everyone’s prayers for God’s
blessing on the work of our parish school.
God bless you and your loved ones.
Fr. Jay
“To Teach Who Christ Is” Report
Progress on the Archdiocesan “To Teach Who Christ Is” drive as of December 31,2014 is as follows:
Amount Pledged:
$ 793,982
Amount Collected:
$ 501,435
60% of the funds from the parish remain in the parish and are designated toward saving for a parish
center. 40% of the funds go toward the educational mission of the Archdiocese, with the main focus
on a scholarship fund for Catholic schools in poorer areas.
Additional donations for the Parish Center:
$ 68,947
January 18, 2015
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pastoral Ministries
Contact Deacon Ken Zawadzki
Pastoral Ministry Director
Phone: 708.342.2400 Ext. 136
Donating to St. Vincent de Paul has become easier through our
new ONLINE GIVING. Go to and
click on the ONLINE GIVING logo to the left of the screen to
register and make your donation. Thank you from our St.
Vincent de Paul Society.
Confidentiality and Compassion are cornerstones of our SVdP ministry.
If you or a parishioner close to you is in need, please contact SVdP at 708-342-2400 ext.205.
A representative will return your call to arrange a confidential conversation.
In the Gospel today, Jesus asks “What are you looking for?” Often we are looking for happiness in very selfish ways,
but we find that when we look for ways to make others happy, it is then that we truly become happy. As you place
your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul poor box, know that you are a sign of God’s love to those who are suffering and you
give them reason to believe and to trust.
Monthly Scripture Reflection
In the Gospels Jesus frequently invites us
to follow Him. This is evident in the early
days of His ministry. After John the
Baptist points out the “Lamb of God”, two
of his disciples chose to follow Jesus.
Although they are cautious, Jesus draws
them out inquiring what it is they seek.
He also invites them to “come and see”
where He is staying. This is a chance for
them to truly get answers to what they
are seeking. In the passages relating these
events, Jesus clearly shows that He is
willing to meet us more than half way as
we seek Him out. Jesus makes the first
step. The disciples must have had many
questions and Jesus makes it easier for
them. Jesus shows that He is easily
approachable and is eager to bring us
peace, security and happiness.
This Gospel reading is from the 2nd
Sunday in Ordinary time, January 18,
2015. The priest or deacon will relate the
message of this gospel as they see fit. We
can reflect on the gospel personally and
see what message(s) it gives us. On the
third Saturday of each month a group of
parishioners meet to discuss the gospel
reading for that week. On Saturday,
January 17th, we will be discussing this
particular Gospel reading. After reading
the Gospel passage three times with
pauses in between to reflect on the
message, open discussion follows.
Sharing occurs among the group showing
what the passage means to us individually
and is at whatever level you feel
Our meeting starts promptly at 9:00 a.m.
in the parish office and last for exactly one
hour. We invite you to join us when your
schedule permits. There is no
requirement to attend each month. Please
plan to be part of this scripture reflection
experience. Bring a friend.
you have been considering joining
Scripture Study, this will be a good time
to do so. We are a very welcoming
group, we learn from each other and from
our facilitator, and have meaningful,
interesting and at times fun discussions.
This class is for you whether you are new
to Scripture or not. If you would like
more information or an overview and
summary of Isaiah, please contact, Tom
Mitus at 708-479-6980,or e-mail:
Scripture Study
Please join us as we study
and explore Scripture. We
will resume our study of
the book of the prophet
Isaiah. We meet on Friday mornings in
Room 126 from 8:45 AM until 10 AM. If
Military Corner
Please pray for our Military men and women on a daily basis for their safe return.
Capt. Anthony J. Cesaro
Major Vincent Cesaro
1st Lt. Michael Chimienti
Lt. Amanda Griffith
Cpl. Evan Grober
Capt. Michael Gryczka
Sgt. Joseph Malone
Capt. Christopher Mazurek
Sgt. Dominic Messina
Tsgt. Laura Langley
Ssgt. Carl Langley
PFC Matthew O'Boyle
Tsgt. Stephen Vlaming
LCDR Marilyn Walsh
Major Thomas Walsh
January 18, 2015
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, March 21 and Sunday, March 22
Arrive at 7:45am on Saturday; the retreat ends mid-afternoon on Sunday.
This is not an overnight retreat.
Everyone goes home Saturday evening and returns on Sunday morning at 7:30am.
Mass is celebrated on Sunday at 1pm with a family dinner following.
The Kingdom Retreat is a great way for the adults of our community to renew and strengthen their relationship with God. It also
allows you to reflect on your life and priorities. You can get to know some fellow St. Stephen members. This retreat give you time to
pray, worship and participate in group activities.
The registration fee is $10. There is no set cost for the retreat, but a free-will donation will be asked at the end of the retreat. There
is a sign up form below. Please return the sign up form to the parish office and mark your envelope “Kingdom Retreat”. Over the years
the Kingdom Retreat has been a renewing weekend for many parishioners of all ages. It is a special time to reflect, pray and spend
time with the Lord. If you have any questions about the Kingdom retreat, please call Father Jay or Karen Opyd at the parish office.
Pentecost liturgy.
Does your New
Year’s resolution
include participating
in more activities at
St. Stephen? Do you
read and speak a
language other than English? If you can
answer yes to both these questions, the
Parish Worship Team invites you to
consider participating in our Pentecost
celebration. While Pentecost is not until
the end of May, it is never too early to
consider participating in the Pentecost
liturgy. We have the readings available in
many languages, we are sure we have the
language you speak. We will be running
a sign up announcement after Easter,
however, if you are considering
participating, we invite you to contact Fr.
Jay at the parish office, or John & Pat
Lisicich at (708) 429-1584 if you have any
questions or need further information.
Thank you for considering participating in
the Pentecost liturgy.
Discussions on Matthew Kelly’s Book
After our Christmas Masses we
distributed as a gift copies of Matthew
Kelly’s book “The Four Signs of a
Dynamic Catholic”. We ran out of copies
of the book on Christmas Eve. If anyone
wishes to receive a copy, please call the
parish office. We will obtain copies of the
book for anyone who wishes one..
We will have discussion sessions on the
book beginning on Sunday, January 25,
and running for six sessions over a period
of several months. Fr. Jay will leave these
discussions; we will begin with a light
supper at 4:30 PM and end in time for the
6:15 PM Mass. Everyone is invited to the
discussion sessions. Please call the parish
office if you plan to attend so we can
prepare appropriately for the food. The
first discussion session will cover the
prologue and chapter 1 of the book,
through page 37.
Our next meeting is Mon., Jan. 26th and is a Post-Christmas re-gifting Party/Luncheon. Gifts should range from
$5 to $10, and be wrapped or in a gift bag. Menu is Roast beef with Roll, Lasagna with Meat Sauce, Green Beans
Almondine, Dilled Baby Carrots, Beverage and Dessert Surprise.
Four Winds Casino
St. Stephen Seniors, “Young @ Heart” will sponsor a trip to Four Winds Casino in New Buffalo Michigan on Thursday, February
12, 2015. All parishioners are welcome to join us. Cost is $35 per person which includes bus transportation, $15 in slot credit and
$10 food credit. Bus will depart from St. Stephens’s parking lot at 9am and return at 4pm. You may purchase tickets by contacting
Joan Kapala at 815-534-5111.
January 18, 2015
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Book for the year 2016
Our Mass Book for the year 2016 will be opened on January 20. Due to the high volume of Mass requests that we receive, we will
limit those who take multiple Masses to only one per week. This will make more Masses available during the year for others who
come in to purchase a Mass for their loved ones. Thank you for your understanding. Wishing you a Blessed New Year! Karen
Be Part of the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal
“Entrusted with Responsibility”
Many of you have responded to the Annual Catholic Appeal mailing from Archbishop Cupich. On behalf of those served by the
ministries and services funded by the ACA, we thank you for your gifts. If you received the mailing and have not responded, please do
so as soon as possible. The Appeal supports both parish and Archdiocesan ministries. Through the Appeal support is given to
educational programs and other services in economically disadvantaged parishes and schools, to care for the poor for Catholic Relief
Services, and to ministries that offer comfort and care to people in need. Support is also given to the education and ongoing formation
for deacons, priests, and lay ministers and to groups that support respect for life at every stage. The program of formation that Bob
Conlin of our parish is currently enrolled in as he prepares for ordination to the diaconate is one program that the Appeal directly
supports. This year the theme of the Appeal is “Entrusted with Responsibility”. God provides each of us with many gifts. We
have a responsibility not only to recognize these gifts but also to nurture them. As we contemplate His gifts to us, we should also
reflect on our gratitude for these gifts, Your financial support for the work of our parish, our Archdiocese and the Church throughout
the world is, in fact, one way to express this gratitude. Please give generously to the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal. Donations can be
given over a period of five months. When our parish reaches its goal of $68,147 in paid pledges, 100% of the additional funds will be
returned to us for use in our parish.
Leaving a Legacy from Retirement Accounts
At present, donors cannot make direct gifts to the church from their IRA accounts; as of this printing, that law has not been renewed
for 2014. However, it can still make sense to use an IRA distribution for charitable giving. Although your distribution would be
considered taxable income, making a direct gift of these funds to the church for the benefit of our parish would allow you a charitable
tax deduction, helping to offset the taxes owed. Of course. You can still donate your IRA assets to the church by directing that the
account assets—either completely or partially—come to us at death. The planned giving office of the Archdiocese of Chicago is happy
to answer any questions. Please call Patti Condon in the Archdiocese Office of Stewardship and Development at 312-534-7911.
Trivia Night
We wish to thank the following ministries, businesses and families for their sponsorship of our Trivia Night event.
Ministry Sponsors: Knights of Columbus, Men's Club, PADS Ministry, St. Vincent de Paul, Religious Education,
Cardinal Bernardin School, Respect Life Ministry and Teens Growing in Faith.
Business Sponsors: Sheehy Funeral Home, Thomas Sonneveld DDS, State Farm Patrick Murphy, McCauley Mechanical
Construction, Carol's Travel, Lawn Funeral Home, Insight Family Vision Care,
Orland Park Bank, McLean Video Productions, Village of Tinley Park, Heartland Funeral Home, Ted's Greenhouse, Brady Gill
Funeral Home, Bettenhausen Dodge Jeep, Trace Ambulance, Animal Wellness Center of Monee
Family Sponsors:
The Allbee Family
Laura Barajas
Barbara Black
John & Susan Bogumil
The Bugos Family
Bill & Kathy Burke
The Camacho Family
Ronald Centanni
Jean Coughlin
The Cullina Family
John Czerniak & Nancy Sprinkles
Ron & Sharon Danko
Dave & Eugenie Darling
Loren & Jackie Davidson
John & Karen Dillon
Fr. Jay Finno
Jane Flanagan
Ray & Mary Garbaciak
James & Roberta Grady
Keith & Sharon Grill
The Hughes Family
John & Ann Lachat
Dick & Elaine Lindenmeyer
Mark & Chris Losey
Scott & Lynlee Marhanka
Ron & Debbie Markham
Chuck & Terese McFarland
Paul & Beth Mikula
The Rafferty Family
Rick & Susan Trump
Office Closed Monday
The Parish Office and Religious Education Offices will be closed this Monday, January 19, for the Dr. Martin Luther
King birthday holiday.
Contact Information
Ticket Reservation Form
4th Annual CJB/SSDM Comedy Night
“My Funny Valentine!”
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Orland Chateau 14500 S. LaGrange Road Orland Park
Doors Open 6 pm
Dinner/Show Tickets $40
Dinner | Show | Raffles | Cash Bar
Please check all that apply:
Entrée Selection
Dinner & Show Tickets
St. Stephen Parishioner
(Choose dinner selection for each guest)
Indicate number of tickets:
CJB Family
Single Tickets $40/ea
SSDM Religious Ed Family
Table for 10 - $400
How To Order
Complete Entrée Selections
CHURCH OFFICE: Drop off or mail form with
Form on a Separate Sheet
Payment or Give Central confirmation number to:
Roast Sirloin of Beef
Stuffed Pork Chop
Roast Chicken Breast
Vegetarian Meal
Payment Options:
St. Stephen Church
Cash/check ( Make checks payable to St. Stephen Church)
17500 South 84th Ave.
Total Amount Enclosed: $________________
Tinley Park, IL 60487
I/We paid online via Give*
CJB BACKPACK: Send form with payment or
Give Central confirmation number via
Backpack—Label envelope “Comedy Night”
Please note: Ticket orders paid electronically cannot be processed
without the confirmation number or completed
Reservation Form.
*The account for this event is set up through St. Stephen. To purchase, visit and click on Comedy
Night 2015, then click the Give Central link or click here: SSDM/CJB Night
Questions or More info? St. Stephen Church office: 708-342-2400 or the Comedy Night team at
The Fine Print Full payment required with order. Advance ticket purchase is required. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Must be 21
years or older for admittance. All Sales final. No Refunds. For mail order requests, tickets will be mailed to the name and address listed
above within 5 business days. For CJB Backpack orders, tickets will be returned via backpack within 5 business days. Seating requests
are not guaranteed.
Please provide the name of each guest and dinner selection in the space provided below. If no dinner selection is chosen, the guest(s) will
receive Roasted Chicken Breast.
Guest Name
Entrée Selection: Circle One Choice for each guest
For special dietary requirements, note in Special.
Beef | Pork | Chicken | Vegetarian | Special:
Beef | Pork | Chicken | Vegetarian | Special:
Beef | Pork | Chicken | Vegetarian | Special:
Beef | Pork | Chicken | Vegetarian | Special:
Beef | Pork | Chicken | Vegetarian | Special:
Beef | Pork | Chicken | Vegetarian | Special:
Beef | Pork | Chicken | Vegetarian | Special:
Beef | Pork | Chicken | Vegetarian | Special:
Beef | Pork | Chicken | Vegetarian | Special:
Beef | Pork | Chicken | Vegetarian | Special:
Total entrées for reservation:
Office Use Only:
January 18, 2015
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School Open House
Dear Parishioner:
We invite you to attend our Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School Open House on Sunday, January 25,
from 1 – 3pm. Sponsored by four parishes (St. Stephen Deacon & Martyr, St. Elizabeth Seton, St. Francis of Assisi, and
St. Julie Billiart), CJB is your Pre-K through 8th Grade Catholic parish school.
We are pleased to announce that CJB offers full-day and half-day 3-year-old and 4-year-old Pre-K and we
continue to provide full-day Kindergarten, as well! As we continue to grow, we have so much to be proud of! Did you know that
CJB was named a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence by the U.S. Department of Education?! (This distinction is earned by being in the top
15% of the nation’s schools in Reading and Mathematics, based on the scores of nationally-normed tests.) In addition to blue ribbon academic
excellence, our faith-based daily religious instruction, shared communal prayer and weekly Mass attendance contribute to shaping
the lives of our students. Children are also encouraged to maximize their God-given talents by participating in extra-curricular
activities, from athletics to choir to drama club. And, in addition to these opportunities, our students volunteer their time in local
community service projects. Our school patron, Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, former Archbishop of Chicago, devoted his life to
issues of social justice, peace and the sanctity of human life. It is important to us that his legacy remains a part of CJB.
We have high expectations of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School students. We challenge them academically, and we strive
to instill in them the Gospel values. CJB provides a loving and nurturing environment in which children grow intellectually,
spiritually, physically and emotionally. If this is the kind of school that you would like for your child, we look forward to
welcoming you to our Open House on January 25.
Sincerely, Rev. Jay Finno, Pastor Mary Iannucilli, Principal
P.S. Registration packets for the 2015-2016 school year will be available at our Open House, online, and through the school office.
Registration opens on January 25; we will continue to accept applications until all spaces are filled. As a registered, practicing
parishioner, your children are eligible for enrollment at an “in-parish” rate. (“Practicing” parishioners are Catholics who
consistently attend Mass, send their children to Religious Education or Catholic school, and support their parish with time, talent,
and treasure. This is an on-going expectation during years of enrollment at CJB. Use of parish envelopes is expected.)
CJB Spring Gala Fundraiser
Come join the party and support your regionally sponsored parish school! Enjoy dinner, dancing, cocktails, basket raffles, auctions &
more! CJB Spring 2015 Gala Fundraiser at the Tinley Park Convention Center on Saturday March 21, 2015 from 7:00 PM –
Midnight. Do you want to make this event even better? Become an event SPONSOR or DONATE an item for an auction or basket
raffle! Both are tax deductible. Contact our event co-chairs for details:
Jenny Czerwonka at 708-224-6822 or or Jennifer Kibbon at 708-465-7526 or
Also, be sure to visit our event website!
Brother Rice High School Trivia Night
Brother Rice High
School’s Alumni
Mothers’ Club would
like to invite you to
their Trivia Night on
Saturday, January 24, in the Brother Rice
cafeteria beginning at 7:00 P.M. The cost
is $15 per person. Participants can bring
their own snacks, and pizza orders will be
available later in the evening. This is a 21
and older event; beer, wine, and pop will
be available for purchase, but no outside
liquor is allowed. To reserve your place
for this event, please contact Peggy
Gannon at
Brick pavers 4” x 8”, are available for purchase and can be placed in the brick gardens east and west of the church
entrance or in our military brick garden for those who are or those who served in the military or in our pet garden
which is located by our St. Francis Statue. The cost per brick is $100 each and will be placed randomly in the
gardens. The bricks are engraved with up to 21 characters per line with a maximum of 3 lines of print. If you would like to purchase
a brick, please come to the parish office and fill out a brick form and ask either for a regular brick form, a Military Garden brick form
or one for the Pet Garden. I will be placing an order for bricks on February 10, so that the bricks will arrive sometime in early
spring. Thank you and God Bless….Karen
January 18, 2015
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Teens Growing in Faith Upcoming Events
If you are interested in more information about the Youth Ministry, please contact
Karen Dillon at: 708-342-2400, ext. 149 or at
Teens 7th grade through high school are invited to teen activities the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month following the 6:15 pm mass
from 7-9 pm! Come help us plan our activities for the year! Give your input on decorating and what we need in the new teen room!
St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr Religious Education Program and Cardinal Bernardin School - 7th Graders are
preparing for a service project to benefit PADS, and Illinois Veterans Home-Manteno, St. Leo Campus for Veterans ( 7750 S. Emerald, Chicago, IL). This project will involve the gathering of travel size toiletries and other
easily carried personal essentials for the guests at the listed locations.
Most items can be purchased for a dollar at the Dollar Store, Walgreens and Target, etc. The list below shows
some of the items we gathered last year in a similar and very successfully rewarding project. Once gathered, the
7th grade students will meet in February to package the items for delivery by Deacon Bill and Pete.
You don’t need to have a 7th grader to donate and we don’t expect each giver to provide all the items on the list. Any amount you are
able to donate will be greatly appreciated. Please bring the items in a bag marked “Service project” and leave them in the narthex
during the month of January after Mass. We would like to make at least 75 bags for the project.
Our children will meet on February 8th to sort and package the items for delivery.
There are speaking roles and non-speaking
roles available. Practices are generally on
Sundays from 4:30-6:00pm in church
from now until Good Friday.
Come to our Recruiting meeting on 1/18
for the best selection of roles. If you are
unable to attend, please call/text Karen
Dillon(708)560-4659 to let us know you
are interested and then come on 1/25.
January 18 - Recruiting - Rooms 125, 126
& Church, 4:30pm-6:00pm
January 25 Additional Recruiting,
Reading Practice and Costume Fitting Rooms 125, 126 & Church, 4:30pm6:00pm.
Knights of Columbus
2015 Comedy Night
Fr. C.C. Boyle Knights of Columbus
council is once again hosting their annual
Comedy Night show on Saturday
February 21, 2015 in O’Connell Hall in
the St. George School Building. We will
have professional comedians as we have
had in the past with excellent clean
humor. Ticket price is $35.00 per person
which includes the show, dinner, dessert,
beer, wine, soda, water. Doors open at
6:30 pm. Dinner 7:00pm and ShowTime
8:15pm. Ticket sales will be limited to
200 due to room capacity so call early.
For those of you who saw the show in
past years we hope to see you again. For
first timers come on out, give it a try and
see for yourself what a good time there is
to be had. We have had rave reviews and
many who continue to come back. Please
join us for a fun evening.
reservations or more information please
call Don Clark at 708- 532- 8653. If I
do not answer
leave a message
and I will call you
Level, Knights of Columbus Free Throw
Championship in which the boy and girl
winner of each age group will progress on
to the District, Regional and then State
level competitions. Participants must
bring proof of age and written parental
consent on the registration form.
forms will be
filled out when you arrive. For more
All Participants Will Have A Chance To
Win Raffle Prizes! THERE IS NO COST
Free Throw
On Sunday, January 25,
registration: 2:00 – 2:30pm,
competitions starts: 2:30pm
at St George Gymnasium,
6700 W 175th Street, Tinley
Park. All boys and girls ages 9 to 14 are
invited to participate in our Council
January 18, 2015
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
P AGE 10
Welcome to the Marriage Center
Spiritual Adoption Program to Begin in January
Pray for an Unborn Baby
January 22nd marks the 42nd anniversary of Roe vs Wade, a decision that legalized abortion.
Here's a way to honor the memory of 56,000,000 unborn babies.
Everyone loves the beauty and innocence
of a baby. As an expression of that love St.
Stephen’s will again begin an adoption
program on weekend of January 17 & 18,
2015. We will have an opportunity to
Spiritually Adopt a child who is newly
You are asked to name the child you
adopt and will be praying for - thereby
giving the baby the humanity he or she
deserves. You choose the name! Then,
please pray for this unborn child and for
all unborn children - the power of prayer
Not all newly conceived babies are
allowed to be born. In fact, more than
4,000 babies lose their lives to abortion
each day. It is these babies you are being
asked to Adopt. You may adopt a child
individually or as a family by signing up to
Each month we will report in the bulletin
the baby’s development from conception
this month and in nine (9) months their
birth. My brothers and sisters there are
millions of unborn babies desperately in
need of your prayers. Won’t you please
Spiritually Adopt one and share the love
for life that God has given you? You can
use the form below, fill it out, tear off
the right side and drop it in the box in
the narthex. You keep the left side
that contains the prayer, and information
for you and your family.
Next October we will sponsor a “baby
shower” for all the children spiritually
adopted and all things gathered will be
donated to the crisis pregnancy center.
Tear along this line
St. Stephen Deacon & Martyr
St. Stephen Deacon & Martyr
Spiritual Adoption Program
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
I love you very much. I beg
you to spare the life of the
of unborn child that I have
I, __________________________________
(your name)
promise to Spiritually Adopt an unborn baby,
Spiritually Adopted who is in
danger of abortion.
-Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
(name of baby)
in danger of abortion by praying daily for the
life of this child.
Baby’s Name: __________________________
(you choose a name)
Due Date: ________________________________
(9 months from today)
keep this portion for your prayer intention
return this portion to box in the narthex
January 18, 2015
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
P AGE 11
Informacje Dotyczące Duszpasterstwa w Parafii Sw. Śzczepana
W ciago calego roku Msza Św. w niedziele w języku polskim jest o godz. 1PM
-Pierwszy piątek miesiąca: Spowiedz of 7-8pm Msza o 8pm
-Pierwsza sobota miesiąca: od godz. 7pm-9:30pm
-Spowiedz w kazdą sobote of godz. 8:45-9:30am
-Po bliższe imformajce proszę dzwonić do biura parafialnego pod numer 1(708) 342- 2400 wew 137
By móc, trzeba chcieć. By słyszeć, trzeba słuchać
Zawsze nas ciekawi i będzie ciekawić to, co nas czeka. Niektórzy uciekają się do złych sposobów uzyskania tej wiedzy
(wróżki, horoskopy itp.). My, chrześcijanie, mamy inną możliwość – wejrzenie w przyszłość, nie tę doczesną, ale tę
wieczną, umożliwia nam wspaniały przewodnik, jakim jest Pismo Święte. Wnioski wysnuć możemy praktycznie po
każdym, nie tylko niedzielnym, słuchaniu czytań. Zaś dzisiejsze czytania są wyjątkowo jasnym przekazem tego, co Pan
nam obwieszcza o naszej przeszłości, przyszłości i teraźniejszości.
Tłumaczy nam, jak słuchać, jak słyszeć, jak postrzegać nie tylko słowo Pana, ale i Jego osobę. Jak wyciągać właściwe
wnioski ze słów płynących z czytań i Ewangelii, wreszcie jak być posłusznym i otwartym na wołanie. Wołanie Tego,
Kto wie, jak i kiedy nas powołać, i Kto wie, kim lub czym byliśmy, jesteśmy i będziemy. Za szybko? Zbyt wiele słów,
które niewiele nam mówią? Może po kolei. Przykład Samuela wołanego przez Pana, Samuela, który „jeszcze nie znał
Pana, a słowo Pańskie nie było mu jeszcze objawione...” (1 Sm 3,7), obrazuje nas, którzy słyszymy wołanie Pana, ale
jeszcze nie jesteśmy gotowi na nie odpowiedzieć. Musimy dopiero zrozumieć i wsłuchać się w wołanie, aby potem być
gotowymi na przyjęcie Słowa Pańskiego, na to, by Pan był z nami i „Nie pozwolił upaść żadnemu jego słowu na
ziemię.” (1 Sm 3,19).
Musimy być gotowi na przyjęcie Słowa, ale również na spełnienie tego, czego od nas Pan oczekuje. A czego, zapytacie?
Oczekuje od nas wiedzy o tym, kim jesteśmy, mówi nam, „czyż nie wiecie, że ciało wasze jest świątynią Ducha
Świętego, który w was jest, a którego macie od Boga, i że już nie należycie do samych siebie? Za [wielką] bowiem cenę
zostaliście nabyci. Chwalcie więc Boga w waszym ciele!” (1 Kor 6, 19-20). Mówi nam, iż nasze ciało to świątynia Pana,
to dom, w którym mieszka Bóg, uświadamia nam również to, że Jego śmierć na krzyżu spowodowała, że jesteśmy Jego
własnością, Jego domem, Jego Kościołem. Jeżeli to zrozumiemy, łatwiej będzie nam kroczyć przez życie doczesne,
zmierzając ku wieczności.
Aby wiedzieć, jak postępować, mamy brać za wzór tych, którzy jako pierwsi zostali powołani do służby Pana, którzy
bez ociągania porzucili doczesność, zgadzając się na wszystko, łącznie ze zmianą imienia, którzy pozostali wiernymi do
ostatniej chwili życia. Najlepszym tego przykładem jest święty Piotr, który usłyszał od Pana: „«Ty jesteś Szymon, syn
Jana, ty będziesz nazywał się Kefas» – to znaczy: Piotr.” (J 1, 42). Zrozumiał i przyjął na swoje barki to, co mu Jezus
przeznaczył, czyli prowadzenie całej owczarni, jaką jesteśmy my wszyscy. Wiem, że nie jest łatwo rzucić wszystko dla
Niego i podążać Jego drogami. Ale i my w dzisiejszych – jakże ciekawych – czasach mamy możliwości podążania za
Panem mimo naszych obowiązków, mimo różnych spraw doczesnych, które nas krępują niewidzialnymi nićmi. Na tych,
którzy pozwolą sobie na usłyszenie wołania, na bycie świątynią Pana, wreszcie na podążanie Jego drogą, czeka
niespodzianka nie tylko w wieczności, ale i tutaj, na ziemi: to Błogosławieństwo, mądrość i miłość, które pomagają
nam w każdej chwili naszego bytowania.Panie daj mi umiejętność usłyszenia Twojego wołania, bym podążał Twoją
drogą, drogą miłości i sprawiedliwości, którą Ty Jesteś.
Michele L. Nowak, LCPC, is available to provide counseling to individuals and couples right here at St. Stephen
parish! Michele is an experienced professional counselor who has worked with all age groups and issues. She is a
staff member of The Holbrook Counseling Center of Catholic Charities. Blue Cross / Blue Shield accepted.
Those without insurance are eligible for sliding scale fees based on income & number of dependents. Appointments can be made by
calling (312) 655-7725. The first session is free for all who are members of St. Stephen.
January 18, 2015
Sun 01-18
Mon 01-19
Tues 01-20
Wed 01-21
Thurs 01-22
Fri 01-23
Sat 01-24
Sun 01-25
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
P AGE 12
Baby Nursing #153 | Narthex...Comedy Night Tickets
Narthex...Spiritual Adoption | 7:30 AM - 1:00 PM Can Collection Parking Lot
10:00 AM 6th Grade Mass Church | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Babysitting #158
10:00 AM Growing with God #162/163/164/165/166/167 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM RCIA #125
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Baptism | 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Living Stations Church, 125/126
Martin L. King, Jr. Day | No RE |Parish & RE Offices closed
No RE | 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Loyola Press Workshop LMR
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Moms & Tots #158 | 10:00 AM Young @ Heart Board #125
7:30 PM Highlanders #171,172,173,174
No RE | 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Adult Choir Church/Choir Room
7:30 PM Parish Worship Team #126 | 7:30 PM RE Board #154 | 4-6PM Home Study (Laird) #170-173
8:30 AM - 6:30 PM Adoration of Blessed Sac Daily Chapel with Rosary @ 8:30am
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Children's Choir Church| 7:00 PM Kingdom Meeting #126
6:30 PM - 7:00 PM Benediction Daily Chapel followed by Divine Mercy Prayers
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Praise Band Church | 7:30 PM Baptism Prep LMR
8:45 AM - 10:00 AM Scripture Study #126
Baby Nursing #153
Baby Nursing #153 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Babysitting #158 |10:00 AM Catholic Schools Week Church
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM Parish Regis.Welcoming LMR & 156 for registering
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM RCIA #125 | 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Baptism
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Book Discussion 4 Signs of a Dynamic Catholic LMR
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Living Stations Church, 125/126
YEAR END tax statements for 2014
For all those who requested a tax statement last year or who automatically received a statement due to IRS regulations last year, a
statement will be mailed to you by the end of January, 2015. There is no need to call or email the parish office. For those who did
not request a statement last year, please contact the parish office at 708-342-2400 or email (put 2014 tax
letter requested in the subject line). We will mail the statements out on a weekly basis. Thank you and God Bless….Karen Opyd
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
Maciulewicz,Jeannie Beaudin,Greg
Eucharistic Jefferies,Michelle Dressel,Judy
Houlihan,Annette Dressel,Allan
Przybylski,Dianne Belling,Robert
Czerwinski,John Rice,Connie
Czerwinski,Joanne Rice,Edward
Bulvan,Christine Erzinger,Ruth
Gatto, Mike
Celebrant Fr Jay
Fr Tim Guthridge
Dcn Ken
Dcn Bill S.
Flo Simosky
Mary Tafoya
Tracy Kielak
Pete Kielak
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
Monahan,Thomas Waller,Maureen
Hildebrandt,Walter Davidson,Jacqueline
Gorcowski,Kimberly Mikula,Beth
Deanching,Minerva Rowe,Lawrence
Fr Tim Guthridge
Fr Jay
Dcn Bill S.
Dcn Bill E.
Sharon Murphy
John &Mike Vasek
Jim Murphy
Patrica Vasek
Karen Potempa
Barb Ridge
Flo Simosky
Bob Ridge
11:30 AM
Fr Jay
Dcn Joe
Judy Kulchins
Sun 1-18
B. J. Witry
Team #1
Carol DeJoris
Sun 1-25
Natalie Sims
Team #2
January 18, 2015
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00am For the People
Dorothy O'Neill
8:30am Thomas Rogan
Marianne Plecki
10:00am Al Filan
Gibbons & McLean Family
11:30am James O'Driscoll
Ed Mulhall
1:00pm Za Dusze W. Czyscu Cierpiace
Carl Cislak
6:15pm Helen Spiewek
Grace Gary
8:00am Henry Michalski
Dick Kristinat
8:00am Marie Rychetsky
Julia Stalcup
8:00am Bruno Opyd
Julia Wegner
8:00am The Piorkowski Family
Patricia Mele
8:00am Purgatorial Society
Regina Janiak
Thanksgiving For Diloy & Puray Families
8:00am Fr. William Eddy
Kevin Reitsma
5:00pm Jospeh Gembala
Dec'd Members of Zimmerman Family
Robert & Kathleen Kerrigan
Margaret Reed
Adam & Josephine Pierczynski
7:00am For the People
Ken Mikuta
8:30am Gladys Doolan
Helen Galatte
10:00am Emily Thomas
Margaret Page
11:30am Tommy Goeppner
William Rafferty &
Maryann Hughes
1:00pm Za Dusze W. Czyscu Cierpiace
Judy Nosek
6:15pm Marion T. Mullee
Alva "Bob" Boswell
P AGE 13
Pray for Our Sick
The Family
The Family
Anna Plecki
Pat & Bill Reidy
The McLean Family
The McLean Family
Noreen Galvin
Wife & Daughter
Ed Bara & Family
Judy & Hank Mussato
Dolores Michalski
Joe & Linda Stalcup
M/M Rychetsky
Joe & Linda Stalcup
Children & Grandchildren
Ted Wegner
Jennie Freed
Peter Mele
Sr. Altar Servers
Dcn Pete & Jan Van Merkestyn
Jean Coughlin
Robert & Carol (Kocanda) Watson
John & Ida DeJohn
The Family
The McEnery Family
The Wurster Family
Mary & Frank Werr
The Family
Elaine & Dick Lindenmeyer
The Family
The Family
The Nosek Family
Sr. Altar Servers
The Carter Family
Mike Abramowicz
Albert Agresti
Kristen Baldyga
Julie Barth
Josephine Basie
Arlene Beavan
Augustina Braccolino
Frank Braccolino
Kathie Brosius
Tammy Burns
William Callahan
Raymond Callahan
John Czerniak
Janice Dorff
Joe Dorff
John Drahos
Cardinal George
Caroline Grady
Fran Grousnick
Marion Kummer
Lillian Kurzawski
Ed Malone
Nathan Parry
Carmen Pignatiello
Anna Plecki
Judy Ratkovic
Kevin Renderman
Betty Ruzich
Terry Ryan
Mary Lou Schoettler
Nicole Siedschlag
Rachel Swallow
Joseph Tierney
Ruth Ann Tomaszeski
Alex Udaykee
Jane Van Duch
MaryBeth Vasquez
Maeve Walsh
Kelly Weiss
And for all for whom our parish is asked to pray
To help keep the list of names read at Mass and placed
in the bulletin accurate and current, we will keep the
name of a non-parishioner who is an immediate family
member of our parishioner on the list at Mass for two
weeks and in the bulletin for two weeks. For a
parishioner, we will keep the name on the list at Mass
for four weeks and in the bulletin for 60 days. We ask
that an immediate family member call after 4 weeks if
you wish to have the name continued to be read at
Pray for Our Deceased
Michiele Genardo Stephanie Riep
Fr. Bill Lion
Eleanor Wojcik
Ann Mena
Gilbert Young
Mary Richer
Weekly Readings
1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a
Heb 5:1-10/Mk 2:18-22
Heb 6:10-20/Mk 2:23-28
Heb 7:1-3, 15-17/Mk 3:1-6
Heb 7:25—8:6/Mk 3:7-12
Heb 8:6-13/Mk 3:13-19
Heb 9:2-3, 11-14/Mk 3:20-21
Welcome to Our Newly Baptized
Beckett John Anderson
Daria J. Pardol
Marshall Anthony Trinidad
P AGE 14
Nancy’s Pizza at 171st Street and 80th Avenue (in the Family Dollar Plaza) is making an offer to St. Stephen Parishioners. On any Monday through Wednesday,
present this coupon and 20% of the pre-tax amount (10% if a discount coupon is used) will be donated to the St. Stephen Parish Center Fund. You can enjoy a
pizza and support our parish. Nancy’s Pizza’s number is 708-614-6100.
Nancy’s Pizza and St. Stephen Pizza Coupon
20% of the pre-tax amount (10% if a discount coupon is used) to be donated to the St. Stephen Parish
Center Fund on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays!
E a r n $$$$ f or S t. S te p h e n ’s Pa r i s h! !!
Have lunch or dinner at Gatto's on the 2 or 4 Wednesday of the month and help in raising funds for St.
Stephen’s parish. The parish will receive 15% of the before tax cost of your meal. Please present this coupon
to your server or ask your server to write St. Stephen's Men's Club on your bill. This applies to Dine-in or
Gatto’s Restaurant & Bar
Present this coupon to your server
St. Stephen’s Men’s Club
Dine-In or Carryout
2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month
Donation (before Tax)
AN OFFER FROM tony’s villa rosa PIZZA & catering
Tony’s Villa Rosa Pizza & Catering at 7717 St. Francis Road is making an offer to St. Stephen Parishioners. Present this coupon and 15% of the pre-tax amount (on
pick-up or delivery) of pizzas and catering, will be donated to the St. Stephen Parish Center Fund. You can enjoy delicious Italian food and support our parish at the
same time. Tony’s Villa Rosa Pizza & Catering’s number is 815-464-6700 or you can go to their website at They will deliver up to 159th
Tony’s Villa Rosa Pizza & Catering and St. Stephen Coupon
15% of the pre-tax amount (on pick-up or delivery) of pizzas and catering will be donated to the
St. Stephen Parish Center Phone:_______________________________________