January 18, 2015 Good News - Saint James Catholic Church

Good News!
January 18, 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Catholic Church
9025 Larimore Avenue,
Omaha, NE 68134
Fr. Michael’s Message . . .
This Week’s Activities . . .
* Sunday, January 18
* Adult Choir, 9:30 a.m. Mass
* Confirmation Student /Sponsor Retreat,
1:30-4 p.m. at St. James Parish Center
* Monday, January 19
* Bible Study, 1:00 p.m.
* 11:30 Music Group Rehearsal, 6:00 p.m.
* Celebrate Recovery, 7:00 p.m.
* Tuesday, January 20
* Legion of Mary, 7:30 p.m.
* Baptism Preparation Class, 7:30 p.m.
* Mom’s Group, 8:00 p.m.
* Wednesday, January 21
* Quilting Group, 9:00 a.m.
* Helping Hands Playgroup, 9:00 a.m.
* PRE Family Night for 5th Graders, 5:15 & 7:00
* CDA, 6:30 p.m.
* James GANG, 7:00 p.m.
* Thursday, January 22
* Finance Meeting, 7:00 a.m.
* Children’s Choir Rehearsal, 4:30 p.m.
* Alanon, 5:30 p.m.
* St. James for Life January Meeting is
CANCELLED, we’ll meet again in February
* Blue Army, 7:00 p.m.
* RCIA, 7:00 p.m.
* AA, 8:00 p.m.
* Friday, January 23
* Good News! Collators, 9:00 a.m.
* Faith Sharing, 9:30 a.m.
* Saturday, January 24
* TMIY, 6:45 a.m.
* Cleaning Team, 9:00 a.m.
* Boy Scout Spaghetti Dinner, 4:30 p.m.
* Hatt Family, 5:30 p.m. Mass
* CDA Trivia Night, 6:30 p.m.
* Sunday, January 25Catholic Schools Week
* Doughnuts after Sunday morning Masses
compliments of SJ/S Home & School Assoc.
* Children’s Choir, 9:30 a.m. Mass
* Baptisms, 12:30 p.m.
* St. James/Seton School Open House,
* Confirmation Student/Sponsor Retreat
(makeup),1:30-4 p.m. St. James Parish Ctr.
Blessed Lord’s Day!
I’d like to share a conversation that my brother, Bryan, and I had the other day. He and I
we’re talking about sharing our faith with people in our everyday lives. He was talking about
how he works on sharing his faith as a Catholic Chiropractor at Sancta Familia Medical Apostolate here in Omaha. How he prays with people and shares his faith in Jesus with them. He
also shared an experience that he had while attending Mass. He was doing his Holy Hour at 5
a.m. and then went to Mass at 6:30 a.m. When he came into Mass, he had this profound realization of what the Mass is. He had a great gratitude come over him. He felt a sense of real
peace and joy in his spirit. My brother, Bryan, came to realize that he was powerless over his
sins. He realized that Jesus came into the world to do what he himself could never do. Jesus
died and Jesus sacrificed Himself in love to the Father in a way that Bryan could do as a sinner. Bryan realized that he lived his life trying to do what Jesus had already done. Bryan realized that at the Mass, he was to enter into Jesus’ sacrifice and offering. For the first time in his
life, my brother was content with his weakness.
The grace that he received is called ‘poverty of spirit.’ This is the first beatitude. “Blessed
are the poor in spirit there’s is the Kingdom of God.” This is a grace he received. My brother
did not earn this grace, but he was open to receiving this grace. This is a grace that often
comes after much frustration and suffering…after trying again and again and again to save
ourselves. We cannot please God! Jesus came to be pleasing to God for us… on our behalf.
Wow, does this take the pressure and edge off once we really accept HIS sacrifice and HIS
offering for us. The Mass and all the sacraments are our humility realization that we can’t do
it. This is why a lot of people get discouraged in their spiritual life. They are trying to do it on
their own and they don’t even realize it. This is why there’s no real joy. This is why silence,
prayer, adoration, Mass… are torturous. We don’t want to have to face the fact that we are
miserably failing again and again. Plus, we can get tired of trying to be good. AND, deep
down we know that we can’t be good. We know that it doesn’t work. So, what do we do? We
either give up and stop praying or going to Church, confession, etc… Or, we change our approach. This is the heart of this reflection! We must change our approach.
Jesus says, “UNLESS you TURN and become like little children, you cannot enter into the
Kingdom of God.” So, above I mentioned being ‘poor in spirit’ and here I mentioned Jesus’
words to become like little children. Both of these sayings of Jesus also indicate that we must
do them in order to ENTER into the Kingdom of God. He is not talking about after we die,
although this is true. He is talking about NOW. We can live in God’s kingdom NOW. Stop
trying to do what Jesus already has done and is doing. He came into the world so that you and
I could ENTER into HIS offering and HIS sacrifice. You don’t have to carry the stressful burden of being self-sufficient anymore. Be Christ-sufficient. Jesus told Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you.” What does this mean? Take this into prayer!
We live in society that teaches us independence and self-sufficiency. We also live in a society that is more and more dependent on depression and anxiety medication. Why? There is a
connection! I like to say, ‘we all swim in the same pond.’ What does this mean? It simply
means that we are growing up learning to be independent and self-sufficient, which is literally
like cancer to the spiritual life. It KILLS the joy and peace in our lives. Our prayer life will
never grow if we approach prayer with an independent, self-sufficient attitude. I read a great
spiritual classic called ‘Poverty of Spirit’ by Johannes Metz and he says, “Anxiety is the
prophet that reminds us that we are not living as human beings are designed to live.” So, when
we are anxious, we are depending more on ourselves than on God. When we are stressed and
anxious, we are attempting to live independently of God, self-sufficient. So, the KEY is to
become like a little child. Don’t try to do what Jesus already did, but enter into Jesus’ work by
coming to Mass. Lent will be here in about a month. How about picking a few days a week
during Lent to come to Mass to allow Jesus’ offering to be your strength.
~ Fr. Michael
Celebrate Recovery—Support Our Parish Mission Is Coming Soon!
Group meets every Monday at 7 p.m. in
the Parish Center to help adults experiencing issues, including, but not limited to,
addiction, divorce, abuse, etc. ~ Larry Davenport, Jr., 402-572-8876 or ldavenport@q.com
January 18, 2015
Mark your calendar for February 18th, 19th and 20th for our Annual Parish Mission! Our presenter will be Fr. Chris Alar, Director of the Association of Marian Helpers in
Stockbridge, Mass., which focuses on the devotion to Mary and the Divine Mercy message
of St. Faustina. Fr. Alar will provide engaging presentations on all three evenings, beginning
with Ash Wednesday evening Masses. Marian Consecration is the theme for our Parish
Mission and will refer to the book, 33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael Gaitley.
- - Life Lines
- - Pray To End Abortion
Regretfully, abortions are performed
at Planned Parenthood, 3105 N. 93rd St.
every Thursday approximately between
the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Prayer Warriors are urgently needed
at the site during these hours! There is
a special Priest led hour from 11:00 a.m.
to noon. Also, every Saturday there is a
structured hour of prayer from10:0011:00 a.m. Please continue to pray and
fast to end abortion and sustain human
life. Thank you. ~ Caroline Parys, 402572-1923
Please Remember In Your
Prayers . . .
WShirleen Voris, mother of Mark (Janet)
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord.
Perpetual Adoration
“St. Thomas Aquinas said that he
learned more in five minutes on his
knees in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament than from all the great books he had
ever read. The Eucharist is the Great Sacrament, our Lord with us.”
Open hours are: Sunday: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
a.m. and 2, 3, 4 and 5 p.m.; Monday: 2 p.m.;
- - Day of Penance
Thursday: 12, 1, 2, 3 and 9 a.m.; Friday: 1,
Thursday, January 22nd, is the 42nd 2, 3, 6 and 7 a.m.; Saturday: 12, 1 and 2
anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's
a.m. and 12, 3, 4, 7, 8 9, 10 and 11 p.m.
infamous ruling legalizing abortion durTo schedule your weekly holy hour please
ing all nine months of pregnancy (Roe v. contact Deacon Pat and Rosie Lenz at 402Wade and Doe v. Bolton).
572-0139, plenz@stjamescatholicchurch.org,
The U. S. Bishops have designated
the Parish Office 402-572-0499 or Mary
January 22nd as a day of penance for the Reed, 402-708-1264.
violations to the dignity of the human
Just a reminder, if you are unable to keep
person committed through acts of aboryour scheduled holy hour, please notify your
tion, and of prayer for the full restoration prayer partner or secure a substitute for your
of the legal guarantee of the right to life.
holy hour.
Please offer some form of prayer and
penance on this day and attend Mass to Special Collection for
pray for an end to this atrocity.
Seminarians—Thank you for your con- - Pro-Life Mass
tinued prayers and generous financial support of
The 8:15 a.m. Mass on Thursday,
our Seminarians. The Archdiocese of Omaha is
January 22nd, is being offered for "in
very blessed to have 29 men studying for the Priestreparation for the sin of abortion.” Please hood. If you’d like to share your support, a Special
consider attending this Mass and offer
Seminarian Collection envelope was included in
prayers for this intention.
your church envelope pack and can be placed in the
- - Pro-Life Mass and Walk for collection basket at all Masses.
Sunday, January 18
7:30 am
WRosemary Bales
9:30 am
WLinda Dierks
11:30 am St. James Parishioners
5:00 pm
In Thanksgiving
Monday, January 19
6:30 am
WEd Krzyzanowski
8:15 am
WTom Kaup
Tuesday, January 20
6:30 am
WAndy May
8:15 am
WJake Jackson
Wednesday, January 21
6:30 am
WCecilia Lenz
8:15 am
Intentions of the Catholic
Daughters of the Americas
Thursday, January 22
6:30 am
Pastor’s Intentions
8:15 am
In Reparation for Sins of Abortion
Friday, January 23
6:30 am
Intention of Fr. Michael Voithofer
8:15 am
WRudy Novak
Saturday, January 24
8:30 am
Intention of Fr. Roger Kalscheuer
and Family
5:30 pm
WRichard and Louise Miller
Sunday, January 25
7:30 am
WBob Beck
9:30 am
WJerry Coon
11:30 am Intentions of Dwayne & Lauretta Muff
5:00 pm
St. James Parishioners
Scripture Readings
Sunday (1/18): 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c15a, 17-20/Jn 1:35-42
Monday: Heb 5:1-10/Mk 2:18-22
Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20/Mk 2:23-28
Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17/Mk 3:1-6
Thursday: Heb 7:25--8:6/Mk 3:7-12
Friday: Heb 8:6-13/Mk 3:13-19
Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14/Mk 3:20-21
Next Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk
- - St. James for Life January Meetfor Life in Lincoln, will be Saturday, Janu- ing is CANCELLED. We’ll meet in February.
ary 31st. Mass will begin at 9 a.m. at St.
Mary's Church, (14th & K Street). Most
Our Church Overflows With Christmas Love and
Reverend William J. Dendinger, Bishop of
Grand Island, will be the main celebrant and
Flowers Given in Honor and Memory of Loved Ones:
Msgr. Joseph L. Hanefeldt, Pastor of Christ
the King Parish, will be the homilist. The
Joe & Dolores Pritchard
Warren & Rosemary Bales
Jake Jackson
Walk will begin at 10 a.m. on the North side
Lori Salvatori
Bob and Katie Beck
Adelaide Jamrog
of the State Capital Building. Our keynote
Bernadine & Raymond Schneider
Margaret Blanke
Jim & Dottie Klug
speaker is Mario St. Francis, a former actor/
William “Bill” Shafer
Tony Bullinger
Sophie Grace
model, current spokesperson and Director of
Joe, Scott & Donne Svehla
Jim & Janet Cottrell
Cathy Kueny
Media and PR for World Youth Day.com.
Dorothy & Leonard Lewandowski
Ralph & Catherine Dierks
Stan & Frances Kurtz
St. Columbkille Church, (84th & CornLouis H. Meyer
husker) is offering a round-trip Arrow Stage
Richard “Butch” Milota
Pius & Mary Ann Engelhart
Will & Cecilia Lamb
Line bus ride, leaving Saturday 7:30
Fred & Louise Ourada
Sue & George Grillo
Maureen Lehan
a.m. and returning 2:30 p.m. Cost is $15.00
& Virginia Patterson
per person. Children under 15 must be acPaul,
Dalton & Audrey Salber
companied by an adult. Please conLoretta & Leland Seibert
Sylvester & Viola Hermann Jim Parys & Deceased Members
tact Cathy, 402-504-1264 or
Frances & Howard Zimmerman
Jerry Hurtz
of the Parys & Berger Families
cpete1218@cox.net by January 28th.
Life—The annual Pro-life Mass & Walk
January 18, 2015
New Member Registration
We welcome you to St. James, a caring, faithfilled parish community. Below are three steps
to become a registered parishioner.
1. Call the parish office at 402-572-0499 to
register for the New Parishioner Registration
2. Attend the next meeting on Sunday, February 15th, at 10:30 a.m. in the Parish Center. These meetings occur once per month
St. James/Seton School News
www.sjsomaha.org sjsprin@sjsomaha.org www.facebook.com/SJSCatholicSchool
“St. James/Seton School Community provides a safe and nurturing learning
environment in which our students grow in mind, body and spirit
through a quality, faith based and service oriented Catholic education.”
% Upcoming Activities:
SJSEA Soccer—St James Elizabeth
and alternate between 10:30 a.m. Sunday and % January 19: No School, Teacher In-Svc.
% January 25: Open House at SJ/S
7:30 p.m. Tuesday.
% January 25—31: Catholic Schools Week
3. Complete the forms you received at the
% Sunday: School Open House, 11 a.m.
meeting and return them to the parish office.
Monday: Mass with the Archbishop
Congratulations, you are now registered!
% Tuesday: Talent Show
% Wednesday: Crazy Tie & Prayer Svc.
Receive the Sacraments
% Thursday: Spelling Bee
% Friday: Spirit Day, Super Hero Day &
V Anointing of the Sick is a healing sacrament for
young and old, when seriously, chronically, or termiVolley Ball Game
nally ill, and prior to surgery. Please call the parish % January 29: 8th Grade Mass at Cathedral
office, 402-572-0499.
% January 30: 1:20 p.m. Dismissal
V Baptisms are celebrated on the second and last % January 31: Life’s a Beach
Sunday of the month. Our Baptism preparation class
occurs on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30
School Open House
p.m. in the Parish Center. Please call the Parish
Office to register.
St. James/Seton School faculty and staff
V Holy Orders: If you’re discerning a call to the
would like to invite you to our Open House
priesthood or the diaconate, please call Fr. Tom
on Sunday, January 25th from 11:00 a.m.
Weisbecker, 402-572-0499. If you are interested in
to 1:00 p.m. and help celebrate “50 Years
religious or consecrated life, please call the Vocation
of Quality, Faith-based Education.”
Office at 402-558-3100.
Come enjoy refreshments and a special
V Matrimony: Please contact one of the parish
opportunity to learn how the school has
priests six-months ahead of the proposed date.
V Penance: Saturday, 3:30-5:00 p.m. or by appoint- grown over the past 50 years! Guided tours
will be available by current students and
Meet the Pastoral Team
Fr. Tom Weisbecker, Pastor…...402-572-0499
frtom@stjamescatholicchurch.org...…….ext. 14
Fr. Michael Voithofer, Associate Pastor
frmichaelstjames@gmail.com…………..ext. 15
Deacon Pat Lenz, Pastoral Minister
plenz@stjamescatholicchurch.org……....ext. 16
Jolene Meyer, Parish Secretary
jmeyer@stjamescatholicchurch.org…….ext. 11
Jeff Guinane, Administrative Services Mgr.
j j guin an e@stjamescatholicchurch.org...ext. 13
Deacon Ron Hesson, Accounting Manager
rhesson@stjamescatholicchurch.org………ext. 17
Josie Clarey, Parish & School Liturgy Coordinator
ejclarey@gmail.com...………………..ext. 22
Ken Whetstone, Parish Maintenance
Vikki Cervantes, Editor & Volunteer Coord.
bulletin@stjamescatholicchurch.org……ext. 12
Mrs. Chris Arnold, St. James/Seton Principal
carnold@sjsomaha.org ............... 402-572-0339
Jo Kusek, Faith Formation and P.R.E. Director
jkusek9212@yahoo.com ............ 402-572-0369
Hannah Keisling, Youth Minister
Cathy Wyatt, Parish Council President
Meet the Deacon Community
Gregg & Carol Drvol, Jerry Gau,
Randy & Pam Grosse, Kathy Hecht,
Rich & Linda Hopkins, Rita Kessler,
Stan & Pat Kurtz, Pat & Rosie Lenz,
Steve & Lisa Nelson,
Lyle & Jackie Simmons,
Wayne & Chris Young
Ann Youth Soccer registration opened
January 5th for the Spring 2015 season. All
kids age 4-14 are eligible to play. Registration for U7 and above ends on February
1st. Registration for U6 ends on March
15th. For all levels, a late fee will apply and
participation will be subject to availability if
you register after the deadline. For more
information and to register visit
SJ/S Athletic Association
Announces…Life’s A Beach
The SJ/S Athletic Association will host a
fun-filled casual evening on Saturday, January 31st in the Parish Center. The evening
will include cocktails, dinner, special presentations and dancing.
SJ/S Athletic Association is a self-funded
parent organization which sponsors the following competitive sports programs for SJ/S:
Volleyball, Football, Basketball and Track.
Purchase tickets at: www.sjsathletics.com.
Thank you for your continued support!
staff. You can also check out projects and
work our students are doing today!
Eagle Platinum Level - $750
Recognition in the Catalog as an
“Event Sponsor”
¨ Banner with Company Logo
¨ Table of 8
¨ Table Service—Drinks & Silent
Auction Bid Check-in
Accept the Challenge
In December, St. James/Seton was
presented with an "Incredibly
Amazing" donation of $500 from
B & B Plumbing Services,
LLC. Along with his donation,
Brian Bales, B & B Plumbing
owner & SJ/S parent, is challenging others to match his pledge donation. These generous donations
will be used to cover the cost of
necessary renovations and upgrades to our
playground. I shared this story with a family,
who has no connection to S/JS, and they were
so touched that they were the first to accept
the challenge and make a $500 pledge. They
said, “Merry Christmas to your kids." Within
12-hours we received our very first pledge for
the playground updates! Let's see how many
others will step-up and match B & B Plumbing Service's pledge to help SJ/S.
For more information, please contact
Ms. Paulette Theisen, Assistant Principal/
Development Director, 402-572-0339 or
January 18, 2015
Eagle Gold Level - $500
Recognition in the Catalog as an “Event
¨ Banner with Company Logo
¨ Table of 8
Kindergarten Round-UP
SJ/S is hosting a Kindergarten Round-Up on:
Thursday, February 19th from 9—10:30
a.m. and 1—2:30 p.m.
To register, please contact the school office
at 572-0339 OR email Ruth Franson at:
rfranson@sjsomaha.org by February 12th.
Support Scouts—When you shop at
Canfield’s, please mention St James Troop
380. Canfields’s rebate program helps our
Scouts purchase needed equipment.
Our Community Events . . .
Ø Bible Study On the
Gospel of John—Explore the
Gospel of John in this video series featuring Jean Vanier, the Founder of L’Arche.
(Vanier is a Canadian Catholic philosopher turned theologian and humanitarian.
L’Arche is an international federation of
communities for people with developmental disabilities and those who assist them.)
This fourteen-part video series filmed
in the Holy Land began on Friday, January 16th but participants are still welcome to join us. Women of St. James
and St. Elizabeth Ann are welcome to join
an existing women’s faith-sharing group
that meets on Fridays for conversation
and coffee at 9:30 followed by study
from 10:00-11:00 a.m. in St. James’
Family Room. Please call Jo Kusek at
402-572-0369 if you would like to join
this group.
St. James Catholic
Daughter’s Trivia Night
Join us on Saturday, January 24th!
Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and Trivia begins at 7:00 p.m. Come as an individual
or get a table (up to 8 persons) together. Table theme, decorations and
costumes for participants are encouraged,
but not necessary - a prize for best table
will be awarded. Cost is $15/ person payable at the door. Beverages are included with admission - adults only. For
reservations or questions, please call
Pamela at 402-498-3574 or Angie at 402319-8321.
Ø Psalms: The School
of Prayer—This Bible Study will
be offered in St. James Parish Center from
7:00-8:30 p.m. for ten Mondays beginning January 26th. It is a DVD Bible
Study featuring both Jeff Cavins and Dr.
Tim Gray. Half of the psalms were written by King David, and they were originally songs of faith. It is said that the
psalms express all of our prayers to God
from praise and thanksgiving to sorrow
and lament. Please contact Jo Kusek at
402-572-0369 or jkusek9212@yahoo.com
if you would like to join us. (Optional $25 notebook)
Philippians 4:8
January 18, 2015
Moms of Faith—Meet on the 1st &
Tuesdays of every month at 8:00
Join us on Saturday, January
in the St. James Church Library. Our
24th at 6:45 a.m. in the Parish Center.
group of Catholic moms has been meeting for
Session 15: The Paradise of Nazareth
the past year to talk about Natural Family
à The Home of St. Joseph
Planning (NFP). We come together with difà The Holiness of Jesus and Mary
ferent comfort levels with NFP, different
à St. Joseph: The Second Greatest Saint
stages in our lives and different stories to
à The Great Mystery of the Spousal Bond
share. We support each other as we figure out
à The Mission of St. Joseph
the blessing of NFP in our faith, in our mothà The Spiritual Reality of Fatherhood
erhood journey and in our marriages.
à To Be a Father
Our meetings include prayer, questions,
That Man Is You meets Saturday morn- discussion, book reviews and discovering
ings in the parish center at 6:45 a.m. for a wonderful friendships! We are currently
light breakfast, coffee (bring your own mug) reading "These Beautiful Bones: An Everyand fellowship. A presentation will begin at day Theology of the Body" by Emily Stimp7:15 a.m. and is followed at 7:45 a.m. with
son. If this interests you at all...if you have
breakout groups. Men are invited to join
struggles with NFP and just want to talk with
TMIY anytime during the year! For more
other moms, if you're just exploring the idea
info contact Greg Morrison, 402-426-8152 or of practicing NFP and want to hear other pergregm@wholesaleheating.com
spectives, or if you're an NFP veteran that
wants to help other ladies, PLEASE JOIN
Keep the Heat On
US!! This is a great opportunity to join a
SAVE THE DATE! “KEEP THE HEAT wonderful group of moms. Questions? ConON!” Chili Cook Off is January 31st from tact Miranda at momsoffaith@outlook.com or
5 to 8 p.m. at Creighton Prep to benefit the 402-493-4515
SVDP Emergency Assistance Fund.
Sample and vote on FIFTEEN unique chili Love or Lust?
recipes. Fantastic raffle items and entertainMark your calendar for 7 p.m. on Wednesment! Celebrity Chefs! Face painting for
day, February 4th, at S. Wenceslaus Church
the kids! Also available: Hot dogs, deli(15353 Pacific Street, Omaha). “Jason Evert gives
cious desserts (including Village Inn pies),
you, the young adult/teanager, the truth about chassoda, and beer. Proceeds will help us help
tity. His seminar is challenging, entertaining, enthose who desperately need to keep their
couraging, and healing. Chastity is a lifestyle that
heat or electricity on or avoid eviction.
brings freedom, respect, peace and romance withTo be a contender or to find out more,
out regret. Come hear his Catholic centered, lifevisit our website at svdpomaha.com or call
changing message!” This talk is free and intended
Mary Egan at 402-850-0033. Join the fun,
for 7th to 12th grade youth. ~Sponsored by the St.
have some chili and help "KEEP THE
Wenceslaus Knights of Columbus and 102.7 Spirit
HEAT ON!" See you there!!
Catholic Radio.
That Man Is You!
Music in Catholic Schools Boy Scout Spaghetti Dinner
A Benefit Dance and Silent Auction will be
held on Friday, February 6th from 7:3010:30 p.m. at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Center (5419 N. 114th Street), with music by the Nebraska Wind Symphony Swingtones. Enjoy free dance instruction from 6:15
-7:15 p.m. Tickets at the door are $15 for
adults; $10 for seniors and students. Beverages and desserts are available for free-will
donations. Funds raised enable students with
need to participate in band at their
school. For more information, call 402-5575600 or visit the Music in Catholic Schools
website at www.archomaha.org/education/
Boy Scout Troop 380 invites everyone to
their Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, January 24th from 4:30-7:00 p.m. in the St.
James/Seton Gym. $7 per person, under
12y are $4, and 5y and under and youth Boy/
Girl Scouts in uniforms are free. Seniors 60+
are $6, Family of 4 pricing at $25, Carryout
packages available. Meatballs to go: $8/doz.
HOPE—Warm things up! Use HOPE certificates for Romeo’s Mexican Food and
Pizza ($10 Certificates offer 10% profit to
HOPE) OR Fernando’s Café and Cantina
($10 Certificates offer 20% profit to HOPE).
Service . . .
SJ/SEA Quilting Group
Afghan Project
Stephen Ministry
The St. James Community Concerns ComOur next meeting is on Wednesday,
January 21st. All are welcome! Questions? mittee supplies hand-made Afghans to doPlease call Janet Presser 402-571-6250.
mestic violence shelters. The Afghans provide young Mothers and children with some
Please prayerof the warmth and comfort they need during
fully consider
difficult family times. We now have 10
where God
cases of yarn and some pre-assembled
might have you serve. Perhaps you’d like to
squares but we desperately need help making
accept one of the opportunities below:
squares and assembling them into child and
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW): adult size Afghans.
We need help with CLW at the 9:30 a.m. SunIf you, or someone you know, can help us
day Mass. Current SET is required. Please call with this meaningful task, please contact
Mary, 402-571-7763.
Gary, Community Concerns at 402-763Church Cleaners: If you’d like to help
clean our beautiful Church and make some new
friends, please call the Parish Office, 402-5720499. Each team cleans about 4 times a year on Church Cleaning Team #14 will
work on Friday, January 23rd: Louise Vacek,
Friday or Saturday mornings.
402-571-2086, Marie & Joe Pletka, Dick &
Collators for the Good News!: Would you
Shirley & George Matuella,
like to help collate the Good News! Bulletin in
Ron & Betty Phillips,
good company? Call the Parish Office, 402Eileen
Les Marks, Kathy Walsh
572-0499. We especially need help on the 5th
Friday Team.
Good News! Collating Team #4
HOPE Sales: We need two people to sell
will work Friday, January 23rd: Diane Brincks,
HOPE certificates on the 3rd Sunday of the
month after the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Call Renilda Pat Weaver, Chuck & Millie Suiter, Patty Miller,
Tanya Cady
Mishek at the HOPE office, 402-572-7897.
24 & 25
January 24th
January 25
Fr. Tom
G. Drvol
Fr. Tom
L. Simmons
Fr. Tom
R. Hopkins
Fr. Michael
S. Nelson
Fr. Michael
W. Young
( Lovely)
Team 2
Team 4
Team 6
Team 9
Team 12
Team 3
Team 4
Team 4
Team 4
Team 4
Z. Harrison
C. Ferrer
F. Ferrer
E. Schartz
M. Hilton
A. Schwarz
M. Phillips
E. Phillips
T. Burbridge
A. Gurnon
J. Mausbach
S. Hayford
C. Rangel
S. Rangel
A. Phillips
J. Dotzler
J. McGee
M. Nevins
J. Philbin
L. Larson
Hatt Family
11:30 Music
R. Kessler
F. Shefl
C. L.
Who Benefits from Stephen Ministry? Not only care-receivers but
ALL of us! Our St. James Stephen Ministry
Program benefits many others besides those
who receive the care of their Stephen Ministers. The Stephen Ministers grow greatly as
they learn about helping others—and they
learn about themselves. As the hurting members of St. James grow stronger through this
caring ministry, our whole St. James Parish is
built up and made stronger. And, of course,
we all can have the knowledge that when the
pains of life come our way, someone will
always be there, ready to care for us, to bring
God’s love to us in a special, personal way.
Perhaps God is calling you to be one of these
caring, committed servants who offer
Christ’s love to those who are hurting.
Why St. James Stephen Ministry? St.
James Stephen Ministry is designed to train
laypeople for caring ministry. Loving others
in Jesus’ name is a challenge and an opportunity for all God’s children. Likewise, the joy
of helping others is the privilege of all Christians, for the Holy Spirit has given gifts to
each Christian to use in service to others and
to build up the church (1 Corinthians 12:7–
11). Stephen Ministry relies on the gifts the
Holy Spirit has given to our parishioners so
that, as more people are equipped to care,
Christ’s love for us will be able to go out
from us in ever greater and more effective
ways. Has God provided you with the gift of
caring? Would you like an opportunity to
share your gift? If so, contact our Stephen
Leaders, Colleen 402-571-6296 or Lori 402571-6838.
Good News!
Please submit
articles to: bulletin@stjamescatholi
cchurch.org before
11:30 a.m. on
Candle Ministry: January: 18—Coghill; 19—Wandrey, Decker; 20—D/D
Jackson, Simmons; 21—Marasco, Pearson; 22—P/A Lage; Boatman; 23—Ponec,
K/A Kloewer; 24—Morrison; 25—Mason, Merritt; 26—Anthofer, Betzelberger
January 18, 2015
Monday for the
following Good
Your Stewardship
Loose Bills/Checks...
Children Loose Bills..
Children Envelopes..
Dollar Bill……………
ACH (1st/20th)……..
Total General Contributions…...
2014-15 Budgeted Wkly Off
YTD Weekly Offertory…………….
YTD Budgeted Offertory………....
YTD Difference…………………….
Mortgage Balance………………...
Holy Days:
Solemnity of Mary………………….
Special Collections:
St. James Youth Ministry
Growing And Needing God (GANG)
Hannah Keisling, Youth Minister 402-572– 0624 SEA_overflow23@live.com
Deacon Pat Lenz 402-572-0499 plenz@stjamescatholicchurch.org
Encourage Youth To Get
Join Us on Sunday and
All teens are invited to the Overflow
Youth group, which meets on Sunday evenings at St. Elizabeth Ann Church from
6:30-8:30pm. This weekend’s topic is on
the sacrament of Baptism and our call as
baptized Christians.
Seminarians……………………….. $2,387
Please also join the James G.A.N.G. for a
Bible study on Wednesday night at 7 p.m.
in the youth house! Enjoy a relaxing night
Parish Information
with cookies, pizza rolls and friendly conWeekend Mass Schedule:
versations about God and how he speaks to
Saturday: 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Vigil
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. each of us through the Scriptures. Doors
Weekday Mass Schedule:
open at 7 p.m. Friends are always wel6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m.
come to both Sunday and Wednesday
youth groups!
Saturday: 3:30—5:00 p.m. or by appointment.
Rectory and Parish Office:
Business Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. excluding
Telephone 402-572-0499; Fax 402-573-9345
Email:: rectory@stjamescatholicchurch.org
School Information
St. James/Seton School, 4720 N. 90 Street
School office…………………………………402-572-0339
Web site……………………………...www.sjsomaha.org
Religious Formation Office………………..402-572-0369
Includes Adult Faith Formation, 5-day School, and Parish Religious Education (PRE).
Help Our Parish Excel (HOPE) Office…….402-572-7897
Youth Spring Retreat
Spring Retreat sign ups are now available
to all in grades 9-12. Sign up information
can be found on the parish websites, or contact Hannah or Deacon Pat to sign up.
From Scripture Mark 1:14
-20, The Common Call—
When we read about the way Jesus gathered
His followers, it seems almost casual. For
example, He passed the Sea of Galilee, saw
Andrew and Simon and called them. It’s as if
these men left their homes and livelihoods to
follow Jesus with little thought. After all, He
was a stranger to most. We must conclude
website:…………………………..www.sjeahope.org that there was something very compelling
Email:………………………………hope@sjsomaha.org about Jesus and His call to them.
With hindsight, we know that Jesus’ message
was worth leaving everything behind. In
Youth Ministry Information
know that true discipleship means
Rev. James V. Brown OAR Youth Center
and surrendering to the
9124 Tomahawk Boulevard
will of God. He will provide whatever a dis402-572-0624
ciple needs to follow Him but nothing comes
before our relationship with God. The comSafe Environment Training
pelling part of His call is the chance to serve
(SET)—Anyone who wishes to volunteer Him and be close to Him.
at school or Church events and have contact
Jesus chose twelve special people to be His
with the children, must have current certificlosest followers and He became their leader.
cation in Safe Environment.
They went where He told them and did what
A Level 1 training for new volunteers will He asked. Jesus is still calling people to folbe offered on Thursday, February 5th at 7 low Him today. In fact, He has called each of
p.m. in the St. James Parish Center. Call the us to follow Him (Growing In Faith, 1/15).
school office 402-572-0339 to register.
January 18, 2015
Are you a teenager? Do you know a
teenager? Do you know someone who
knows a teenager? This should apply to
all of us... We are all youth ministers
and we are all called to share our faith
with one another.
Encourage our teenagers to get involved in the parish through the youth
ministry. Our gatherings are personal
and full of time to experience Christ in a
real way. Without taking time out of our
busy lives, we tend to miss the miracles
that God is doing for us everyday. So in
short, we all need ministry of some sort
and we all need each other's encouragement. So let's help our youth by helping
them see their place in our parishes of St.
James and St. Elizabeth Ann!
Answering the Call . . .
Please pray for our Seminarians, as they
prepare for a lifetime of service in the
Marcus Knecht, Theology III
Nicholas Phillips, Year of Spirituality
Matt Soltys, College II
Padraic Stack, Theology I
Joe Sund, Pastoral Year
What Is My Responsibility to God? Once you have come to
know God, and what He has revealed about
Himself, He must come first in your life. “You
shall love the Lord, your God, with all your
heart, with all your soul, with all your
mind”(Matthew 22:37). This is not oppressive.
On the contrary, if we love someone, we make
changes so they can have a meaningful part of
our lives. Their joys and sorrows become our
own, and vice versa. This is true of God,
whose very nature it is to love. Jesus said, “If
you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). If we truly love Him, we
would do what He tells us to do: “Love one
another as I love you. No one has greater love
than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s
friends” (John 15:12-13). God loved us
enough to create us, suffer and die for us, rise
from the dead for us, redeem and forgive us.
How can we ignore a love like that? (GIF,1/15).
Adult & Child Faith Formation
Jo Kusek, Director
Ø Generations of Faith
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is celebrated this week from January 18-25. I am thinking about my Mom
who prays daily for the unity of the Church because two of her four children are no longer Catholic. In John 17, we
find Jesus’ great High Priestly prayer; His prayer for unity. I have heard various priests and scholars say that Jesus’
great prayer will not go unanswered.
I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one, as
you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me. And I have given them the
glory you gave me, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may be brought to perfection as one, that
the world may know that you sent me, and that you loved them even as you loved me. Father, they are your gift to me. I wish that where I
am, they also may be with me, that they may see my glory that you gave me, because you loved me before the foundation of the world.
Righteous Father, the world also does not know you, but I know you, and they know that you sent me. I made known to them your name
and I will make it known, that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in them” (John 17:20-26).
A Prayer for Christian Unity: Almighty and eternal God, you gather the scattered sheep and watch over those you have gathered.
Look kindly on all who follow Jesus, Your Son. You have marked them with the seal of one baptism, now make them one in the fullness
of faith and unite them in the bond of love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Ø P.R.E. News—We will have a Family Night for 5th graders and their parents in St. James’ Parish Center at 5:15 and in the
school library at 7:00 p.m. Younger siblings who are not in P.R.E. are very welcome to attend. We will have regular classes for other
grade levels. Before Lent, I have asked all of our religion teachers to complete Circle of Grace lessons with their students. These lessons
are required by the Archdiocese every year, and focus on appropriate relationships. May God bless all of our students; may they always
feel respected and safe. (Jo Kusek, 402-572-0369)
Ø Student-Sponsor Confirmation Retreat
Ø Question of the Week
Gospel: John 1:35-42
Key Passage: “They said to Him, ‘Rabbi’(which translated
means Teacher) ‘where are you staying?’ He said to them,
‘Come, and you will see.’ So they went and saw where Jesus
was staying, and they stayed with Him that day” John 1:38-39
Question for Adults: In what ways do you experience being
called by Jesus? What does He want you to do?
Question for Youth: Andrew seemed to know immediately that
he should follow Jesus. Do you have that same sense of confidence in your faith in Jesus? What helps? What makes it hard?
Question for Children: What can you do this week to show
that you are a follower of Jesus?
Symbolon—Parishioners of St. James can access Sym-
There will be a retreat for 8th grade Confirmation students
and their parents this Sunday, January 18th from 1:30 to 4:00
p.m. in the St. James Parish Center. If sponsors are unable to
come, another adult may come instead. This retreat is for students
from St. James/Seton School, the PRE program and home schools. If
any students and their sponsors are unable to come today, the retreat
will be repeated on Sunday, January 25th from 1:30-4:00 p.m. in the
St. James Parish Center.
Ø Preferential Option for the Poor
Excerpt from Pope Francis’ Homily for Epiphany 2015
“And so we can ask ourselves: what is the mystery in which God is
hidden? Where can I find him? All around us, we see wars, the exploitation of children, torture, trafficking in arms, trafficking in persons… In all these realities, in these, the least of our brothers and
sisters who are enduring these difficult situations, there is Jesus. The
crib points us to a different path from the one cherished by the thinking of this world: it is the path of God’s self-abasement, that humility
of God’s love by which he abases himself, he completely lowers himself, his glory concealed in the manger of Bethlehem, on the cross
upon Calvary, in each of our suffering brothers and sisters.”
bolon videos free by going to the St. James Church website,
www.stjamescatholicchurch.org and scrolling down to Parish
Headlines. Click on Symbolon and create your own user name
and password. We are able to watch these videos free until
November 2015. This beautiful 20-episode video series uses
new technologies and state-of-the-art video. Filmed on location
in Rome, the Holy Land, Calcutta and in the Augustine Institute
studios, this series uses the beauty of Catholic art, sacred music
and the saints to help tell the story of the Faith. Symbolon preØ Women’s Morning of Reflection 2015
sents the unbreakable connection between the Faith and people’s Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 21st. The annual
everyday lives. Presenters share how the Faith makes a differWomen’s Morning of Reflection will be held at St. Elizabeth Ann’s
ence in their lives and offer personal examples of how to live it. Parish Center. Our speaker this year is Dr. Karen Dwyer, author of
Thanksgiving—What better way to start the New Year Wrap Yourself in Scripture. She will teach us a Scripture study
method called WRAP. WRAP is an acronym that stands for Write,
than in the spirit of thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is what the
Reflect, Apply and Pray. The goal of WRAP is to foster a personal
word “Eucharist” means. There’s no better way to show thanks
encounter and conversion with Jesus Christ through the Scriptures.
to God than by living our lives in a new way beginning with
Cost is $20 which includes her book. Registration forms will be
Mass each week (GIF, 1/15).
available soon. (Jo Kusek, 402-572-0369)
January 18, 2015
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