St. Lawrence O’Toole Catholic Church 4101 St. Lawrence Avenue, Matteson, IL 60443 708-748-6090 Website: Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:00 PM (Sun. Vigil) E-mail: Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00 AM Monday—Saturday: 8:30 AM Pastor’s e-mail: Holy Days: 6:30 & 8:30 AM, 7:00 PM Reconciliation: Saturdays from 4:00 PM—4:30 PM or by FACEBOOK PAGE: St. Lawrence O’Toole Parish appointment. Ordinary Time and more… Last Sunday, which was celebrated as the Baptism of the Lord, we also subconsciously celebrated the First Sunday in Ordinary Time. This year, the first stretch of Ordinary Time is very short, as Lent will be starting on Ash Wednesday, February 18th. Some people have wondered how the Church figures out the timing of Ash Wednesday. Well, it’s more about just how the Church figures out the timing of Easter each year, and believe it or not, it has to do with the moon. “…Easter, the Christian Passover, should be celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon (14 Nisan) after the vernal equinox.” (CCC, 1170) But this is more about Ordinary Time. Because of how the date of Easter is calculated, Ordinary Time is also, then, very strange. The Church ALWAYS celebrates 34 Sundays in Ordinary Time, even though they are not all called the “nth” Sunday. Like the First Sunday is the Baptism of the Lord every year, the 34th Sunday is the Solemnity of Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe EVERY YEAR. There are a couple of other special Sundays too, but I don’t want to list those for now. Needless to say, the Church has its calendar. Now back to Ordinary Time. So many people want to say that Ordinary Time is just plain boring. There is just no life to those weeks of the priest wearing green vestments. Ho-hum, blah, blah, blah. Well, I am hoping to change your tune even just a little bit with this article. I recently read-up a little more on Ordinary Time. I happen to like Ordinary Time, SPECIFICALLY because the specialty seasons are just SO focused and SO much more complicated to work through. For instance, having just finished Advent and Christmas, albeit time wellspent and many great celebrations and lessons, it’s thoroughly exhausting. I don’t want to sound like I am complaining. Anyone who knows me, knows I truly love Christmas. It’s very focused and that takes a lot of energy, especially when the days have much less daylight. It’s a struggle. Lent and Easter are great in their own rights, but again, very focused time. The subject matter is so deep. One needs to keep their spirit open to the grace of God, and when the hardships of the world want to bring us down, the energy it takes to be joyful is tremendous. Ordinary Time is a very different cycle. There are such a wide variety of topics to teach on and preach about for these 34 weeks. Sure, the world doesn’t stop giving us heartaches and hardships, but that is what makes Ordinary Time good for me. It allows us to possibly focus on world issues, Church issues, catechesis or other topics pertinent to people’s local lives. Ordinary Time is a true celebration of “every seven-day celebration of the Lord’s Day.” (Ordo, p. 30) Think of it this way – Ordinary Time is a time for us to simply come together as a community to celebrate the love that God has for us AND the love we have for one another. If we just celebrated the Baptism of the Lord and remembered our own baptismal call, then every person who walks through our doors and through the doors of every Catholic or Christian church takes God’s message of love with them from wherever they worship. That is not to say that we as Catholics go to another Christian church on Sunday and fulfill our obligation. We still have a rule to our life – the reception of the Eucharist, at least every Sunday, with the Catholic community. Very quickly, remember that the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision to legalize abortion is coming up this week. We need to pray for the unborn, their parents, the conversion of the hearts of politicians, and for safety for all of the pilgrims who travel to Washington DC for the March for Life, especially our SLOT group, led by Pattie Gallinaro, our Youth Minister.. They leave for this life-changing trip on Tuesday, January 20. Godspeed. Rev. Michael Novick p2 January 18, 2015 Living Stewardship January 18, 2015 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time “Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, ‘What are you looking for?’” - JOHN 1:38 What are you looking for? Are you wasting your time looking for the material comforts of the world? Or, is your heart longing for something deeper that can only be found by spending time with God? Take time, each day, in silence and ask the Lord what it is that He wants you to do. To be grateful is to recognize the Love of God in everything he has given us – and He has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of His love, every moment of existence is a grace, for it brings with it immense graces from Him. Gratitude therefore takes nothing for granted, is never unresponsive, is constantly awakening to new wonder and to praise of the goodness of God. For the grateful person knows that God is good, not by hearsay but by experience. And that is what makes all the difference. Thomas Merton ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Baptism At Baptism, we embrace a unique vision and st of values: those of the community of the Church, whose values prioritize love for God, ourselves, others and all creation. The rest of the Free We know that BapƟsm unites us with Christ in his dying and rising. We know that because of our union with him, we are God’s beloved daughters and sons in the Son. And besides all this, because Christ is our life through BapƟsm, something else happens. He sets us free from the two most enslaving and burdensome realiƟes of our lives. He frees us from sin and death. Sin entraps us, usually within ourselves. And on our own, we cannot break free. Death and the impending sense of doom and loss it brings seem to box us into the narrow confines of our very short earthly lives. BapƟsm loosens the grip of sin through forgiveness, and it loosens the grip of death through new and eternal life in Christ Jesus. We are free to be who we really and truly are—the children of God. POPE FRANCIS’ VISION OF HEALING AND COMMUNION The ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO in partnership with LOYOLA PRESS. More on Pope Francis’ Vision at © 2014 Archdiocese of Chicago, Fr. Louis J. Cameli community also joins in that profession of faith, showing that the community is linked across generations, space and time. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us “Incorporated into Christ by Baptism, Christians are “dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus” and so participate in the life of the risen Lord. Following Christ and united with him, Christians can strive to be “imitators of God as beloved children, and walk in love” by conforming their thoughts, words and actions to the “mind…which is yours in Christ Jesus, and by following his example. During the Rite of Baptism during the blessing of the water, we recall God’s action in history. We as Christians believe that January 18, 2015 Baptism does not take the baptized from the world. Instead, the world becomes a place and means for us to fulfill their Christian vocations. We live our baptismal promises in our daily lives. After we are baptized we are given a white garment symbolizing that the person has “put on Christ,” has risen with Christ. The candle, lit from the Easter candle, signifies that Christ has enlightened the neophyte. In him the baptized are “the light of the world.” The gifts given at Baptism, Pope Benedict XVI tells us, are for “the building up of Christ’s Body and for ever greater witness to the Gospel in the world.” Deacon Bill Doerr p3 The kindergarten class enjoys learning about snow! The children conducted a science experiment making predictions about what would happen to snow if it was brought inside. They knew the snow would melt and they each predicted where the water line would be on the cup of snow. Donatello Santiago guessed the closest to the water line. Next, they will be making predictions about a cup of ice. It’s never too early to investigate the world around us; the kindergarten children love being scientists! “Frosty Treats” Bake Sale IS THIS WEEKEND, Saturday, January 17, 2015 5:30-6:30 PM Sunday, January 18, 2015 9:00 PM 12:30 PM Time to shed those Winter Blues with yummy treats galore to enjoy! 1/20 1/25 1/26 January 18, 2015 March for Life Chicago, 2:00 PM—4:00 PM—March starts at the Federal Plaza, 50 W. Adams in Chicago. CHAOS 7:00 PM—9:00 PM Sending Mass for March for Life—6:30 PM—HERE AT O’TOOLE. Everyone is invited—even if you aren't going with us, come and pray with us and send us off in style! ALL LIFE DESERVES A LIFETIME 1/24 BELIEVE IT OR NOT! THE NEW ARCHBISHOP, BLASE CUPICH, IS COMING TO VICARIATE SIX! Yes, it’s true. Archbishop Cupich is going to be celebrating Mass in each of the six vicariates, some of which have already taken place. In some of the vicariates, these have been ticketed events. To date, it has been decided that our vicariate Mass will NOT be a ticketed event. Bishop Perry wants to encourage as much participation as possible for this wonderful celebration of welcoming His Excellency to the Archdiocese of Chicago. The Mass is going to be held on January 27, 2015, at Saint Jude Parish in South Holland – basically on the corner of 154th and Cottage Grove Avenue – beginning at 7pm. Our vicariate is a fantastically diverse area of ethnicities and representative countries. Know that you are invited to come to the Mass. There will be a reception following with light refreshments and an opportunity to meet the Archbishop, too. I know it sounds too good to be true, but true it is. Come and see! Consider joining the many to celebrate the Mystical Body of Christ of our vicariate. Thanks. I pray you will join us. Fr. Novick p4 1/18 Return from March for Life. CHAOS 7:00 PM—9:00 PM BINGO Concessions— 5:00 PM—9:00 PM. It’s A Guy Thing You are invited to join other Catholic men to learn how we apply our faith at work, with family & everyday life experiences, through prayer, faith sharing the Word of God, & Church teaching. We meet every 1st & 3rd Wednesdays @ 7:00 PM, in the Parish Office . Our next meeting will be Wednesday, January 21. January 18-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: In the Gospel today, Jesus asks “What are you looking for?” Often we are looking for happiness in very selfish ways, but we find that when we look for ways to make others happy, it is then that we truly become happy. As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul poor box, know that you are a sign of God’s love to those who are suffering and you give them reason to believe and to trust. Liturgical Ministers For the Weekend of January 24 & 25, 2015 Extraordinary Ministers 5:00 PM: 8:30 AM: 11:00 AM: 5:00 PM: 8:30 AM: 11:00 AM: 5:00 PM: 8:30 AM: 11:00 AM: 5:00 PM: 8:30 AM: 11:00 AM: Cathy Costelow, Maryan Olney, Mary McLain, Mary Gaffney, Sally Doerr Mary Slayton, Diane Sutkowski, Cris Pirelli, Mary Olney, Mary Anne Erzinger Jessica Wallace, Rose Garcia, Ed Heveran, Carolyn Rudolf, Patsy Wallace, Richard Garcia, Elizabeth Wallace Lectors Carol Winter (L1), Mary Bulger (L2) John Pirelli (L1) Simon Farrell (L1), Bob Farrell (L2) Greeters Louis Bulger, Flora Krupa Arlene Milewski, Dale Heath Linda DeFranza, Michele Foote Altar Servers Brendan Durbin, Zach Arseneau, Kennedy Moore Omar Gomez, Jaine Melone, Tava Oosterbaan Emily Garcia, William Garcia, Erin Wallace A Prayer for Those Serving in the Military Lord, Hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen 2nd Lt. Christine Shirley—Air Force Master Sergeant Michael McGeever—Air Force Master Sergeant Heriberto Garza—Army Sergeant 1st Class Sean Heath—Army Warrant Officer Mark Panozzo—Army Airman 1st Class Christopher Garbaciak—Air Force If there are parishioners currently serving in the United States military, we would like to know. Please contact the Parish Office @ 748-6090 x100 or, and let us know the name of your dear one and they will be remembered in the prayers of our community and the name posted in the bulletin. Please indicate branch of service and rank. Slot BINGO Needs your help!! To work or play, one Monday a month, a few hours on a Monday once a month or as often as possible for you!! Please give it some thought and join us for this Church ministry that supports St. Lawrence O’Toole! FIREPLUG: $200 SKUNKS: $300 SOME OR ALL: $200 DUAL DAB: $622 Bingo Team #2 is up this week, Monday, January 17. Doors open at 5:00 PM Early bird games start at 6:45 PM. Contact: Jimmy Daniels, Chairperson @ or 708-720-9607 (H) or 708-267-6207 (C) We Pray for ~ the recently deceased and the sick Sunday, January 18, 2015 Richard Sutkowski req. by Diane Sutkowski, John Schutzius req. by Linda & Ed Ladewski Monday, January 19, 2015 Celebrant’s intentions Tuesday, January 20, 2015 Celebrant’s intentions Wednesday, January 21, 2015 Celebrant’s intentions Thursday, January 22, 2015 Celebrant’s intentions Friday, January 23, 2015 Celebrant’s intentions Saturday, January 24, 2015 Celebrant’s intentions Sunday, January 25, 2015 Daniel Rodgers, James Wojytsiak Gene Allen, Anella Anderson, Bill Anderson, Milledge Blair, Leon Botich, Gloria Bucek, Chuck Bulger, Hannah Butler, Marge Buttice, Kathryn Camp, Karl Carpenter, Fr. George Cerny, Ed Cholipski, Tom Cole, Anna Collier, Barb Cook, Kathy Cover, Randy Dressen, Eileen Edmisten, Paulette Erickson, Mary Fagan, Dee Fry, Robert Fuhrmann, Cristina Garcia, Ashley Griffin, Lisa Higgins, Leola Jackson, Beth Janick, Evalena Jones, Mary Elizabeth Jones, Harold Kummelehne, Jr., Harrison Lamb, Diane McClure, Jaime Mihalovich, Arlene Milewski, Michael Nemeth, Joseph & Rosemary Onderko, Juan Ortiz, Diane Petrikat, Shannon Reading, Lisa Recupido, Mary Seputis, Mara & Marko Subasic, Lois Thompson, Gloria Thorne, Margaret Thorne, Greg Tuzik, Robert Vogel, Mabel Wallace-Franklin, Marie Zielinski "If you are looking for an easy and meaningful Christmas gift, Fr. Mike Novick, pastor at Saint Lawrence O’Toole, has published his first book “We Don’t Live in Eden (But we can once again, Believe Me).” Delores Madelener, a reporter at the Catholic New World newspaper, recently reviewed Fr. Mike’s book and says “Father calls it a book, but for me it was an 83-page personal memoir…It’s like he knows you and wants you to know him.” She later says “The most surprising part of the book is the dozen pages of Novick’s original poetry.” Many have already enjoyed it. Share some light reading with someone you love!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ week. In addition, the influx of new volunteers and groups who are willing to assist during the Over the past 3+ Monday night BINGO have years, BINGO has diminished over the years. It is played an active now time to assess. Quite simply, role within our the current BINGO workload Parish community. Likewise, it cannot continue to be managed should be noted that BINGO without new volunteer revenue has exceeded $40,000 involvement. Ideally, we need 12 during this time. This is a to 20 individuals to step up and significant amount of money, assist the BINGO Team in various which has provided financial operating capacities. At this time, assistance touching all aspects of without additional manpower, the the Parish and School. As with any weekly Monday night BINGO will ongoing parish endeavor, there are conclude on Monday Feb. 2nd, with dedicated groups, organizations, a final decision to be made during and individual volunteers who the last week in January. have made weekly sacrifices of BINGO is a great opportunity to their time, talent, and energy to invite community into St. make BINGO a Lawrence O’Toole, while also success! For generating some much needed everyone who has financial resources. However, we assisted in BINGO must determine whether we to this point…St. should redirect our volunteer Lawrence O’Toole energy in other directions. offers a huge Today, we will take up the Collection for “THANK YOU”. Please contact the Parish Office the Church in Latin America. Your gifts to ASAP, if you would be willing to the collection will fund catechesis, join the BINGO Team. Your level marriage and family life programs, and of interest/involvement will seminarian education in Latin America and ultimately determine whether this the Caribbean. The support you give today program should continue. We also will provide opportunities for years to welcome any of your ideas, come. Please support the Church in Latin questions and comments. Unfortunately, the number of America and be generous in today’s weekly BINGO players has dropped collection. to approximately 40 – 50 per Great Job BINGO Team!! JAGMIN DENTAL CLINIC, LTD. NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER Gary Jagmin, D.D.S. Rev. James Watzke, Ph.D. Larry Jagmin, D.D.S. “WE CATER TO COWARDS” 1020 Chicago Road 14785 W. 101st Ave. Chicago Heights Dyer, Indiana Depression - Anxiety - Stress - Family - Separation Divorce - Sub Abuse - Medicare - Español 5320 W. 159th St. (708) 687-7474 708-755-6700 219-365-3600 You Have a Choice for Hospice Care in Tinley Park MARGOT COURSON, GRI 1-800-93-VITAS “It’s not just the house you live in”.... It’s the life you get out of it” Broker/Associate 708-798-1855 Parishioner SINCE 1984 • Senior • Veterans • Parishioner Discounts 708-235-5142 • A Comfort 24.7 Provider $50. OFF SERVICE 25830 S. Governors Hwy. Monee, IL 00 009235 St Lawrence O'toole Church (B) Thomas E. Brabec BLUEBERRY HILL CAFE Attorney at Law • Breakfast • Lunch • Catering/Parties Litigation • Real Estate • Wills • Trusts • Estates Homewood, IL 60430-2154 2155 W. 183rd St. Homewood 708.922.0800 708.960.0580 18154 Harwood Avenue, Suite 204 Email: Cell: 708-323-6816 More policies. More savings. David L. Horton Bundle auto, 21141 Governors Hwy. Ste 104 home and life for big Matteson • 708-748-5475 State Farm® discounts For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS Family Owned & Operated Since 1947 ALL MAJOR BRANDS CUSTOM GLASS SECTIONS SALES & SERVICE FREE IN HOME ESTIMATE 708.458.2345 Ask For Parishioner Discount Ultra Foods CATERING AVAILABLE 571 West 14th Street Chicago Heights Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Richard Ceragioli, MD Peachtree Cafe Pediatric Care PANCAKE HOUSE Prenatal Visits Welcome Breakfast ★ Lunch Catering & Parties Available (708) 503-0380 3700 W. 203rd St., Ste. 201 Olympia Fields, IL 60461 Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 708-679-2886 708-652-1444 Se Habla Español • • • • Open Daily Until 3PM 708-747-3300 4020 W. Lincoln Hwy. Matteson Jack Waters Plumbing, Inc. Invisalign No Shot Anesthesia Cosmetic Care Gum Treatment 446 W. 194th St., Glenwood $50.00 OFF 708-756-1300 of any out-of-pocket expenses RICHARD MANTOAN, Parishioner 19815 Governors Highway #7 708-794-4252 IL Lic. #O55-007579 “We’d love to be part of your story...” “10% of commission * Independent Living and earned from parishioner sales or * Personalized Assisted Living parishioner Your story continues here... referrals are 3633 Breakers Drive donated Olympia Fields, IL 60461 back to St. Lawrence 708-747-3333 O’Toole Church” Thomas Wallace Broker/Residential Sales Director Full Service Real Estate Brokerage cell: 708.359.5474 “Your Home Sold for 100% of Asking Price or We’ll Pay You the Difference” *conditions apply 301 Illinois Street — Park Forest Advertising here helps your parish & your business. (708) 481-9560 At the corner of Illinois & Indiana $10.00 Off Any Service Over $50.00 w/Ad Gerald C. Schrementi P.C. Compassionate Home Care • Personal Care • Live In • Light Housekeeping • Meal Prep • Emergency Response System Call Frank Tucker 800.566.6170 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 708-283-0916 “One of Chicagoland’s Top 24 Plumbers” NEW PATIENT ONLY. ONE PER FAMILY Personal and Business Services PANOZZO BROS. FUNERAL HOME 708-748-2808 Since 1926 530 W. 14th St. (Rte. 30), Chicago Heights 708-481-9230 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 21504 Main St. an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Matteson Professional & Quality Automotive Care From Mahler’s Since 1914! Mon-Fri 7am-5:30pm • Sat 7am-2pm Mahler’s Any Car Service of $50 Service Inc. Any Car Service of $150 3627 W. 216th Street Matteson, IL 60443 $10 OFF $20 OFF $30 OFF Any Car Service of $250 Savings off regular prices $19.95 Oil Change & Lube Up to 5 Quarts of Oil Synthetic & Diesel Oil extra. Complete Automotive Repair Service 21750 Main (Stawicki Complex) (708) 798-8050 481-9161 or 748-4644 TEL: (773) 846-6567 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ Leak and Sons Funeral Chapels 18400 S. Pulaski Road, Country Club Hills, IL 60478 7838 South Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, IL 60619 Parishioners 009235 St Lawrence O'toole Church (A) T & T AUTO CARE Homewood 708.748.0282 TEL: (708) 206-0860 Catering Party Room Funeral Luncheons 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 This week at O’Toole Sunday, January 18, 2015 RE Bake Sale After All Masses 8:30 AM: Mass 11:00 AM: Mass 7:00 PM: CHAOS B2 & S/C GYM Monday, January 19, 2015—Martin Luther King Day—No School or RE Classes 8:00 AM: Rosary C 8:30 AM: Mass 5:30 PM: BINGO SC/G Tuesday, January 20, 2015 7:45 AM: Rosary C 8:10 AM: Morning Prayer C 8:30 AM: Mass 9:15 AM: Morning Scripture Study PO/M 5:30 PM: CHAOS—March for Life Sending Mass C & SC/GYM Wednesday, January 21, 2015 8:00 AM: Rosary C 8:30 AM: Mass 7:00 PM: Catholic Men’s Fellowship PO/M Thursday, January 22, 2015 7:45 AM: Rosary C 8:10 AM: Morning Prayer C 8:30 AM: Mass 6:00 PM: SPRED PO/K & PO/M 6:00 PM: Irish Dance O’TOOLE Friday, January 23, 2015 8:00 AM: Rosary C 8:30 AM: Mass 6:30 PM: PADS O’TOOLE Saturday, January 24, 2015 8:10 AM: Morning Prayer C 8:30 AM: Mass 9:00 AM: Rosary C 4:00 PM: Reconciliation C 5:00 PM: Mass Sunday, January 25, 2015 Book Fair After All Masses SC/GYM 8:30 AM: Mass 11:00 AM: Mass 7:00 PM: CHAOS B2 & SC/G Readings for the Week: Monday: Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25 — 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk 3:7-12, or any of a number of readings for the Day of Prayer Friday: Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8, 10-14; Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Mk 3:20-21 Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10; Sacramental Information: Ps 25:4-9; Baptisms: The first and second Sunday of 1 Cor 7:29-31; each month at 12:30 PM. NOTE: Expectant parents should phone the Mk 1:14-20 Saints & Special Observances: Sunday: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time; Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins Monday: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Julian Calendar Theophany (Epiphany) Tuesday: St. Fabian; St. Sebastian Wednesday: St. Agnes Thursday: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children Friday: St. Vincent; St. Marianne Cope Saturday: St. Francis de Sales Parish Office 2 months before the birth of your baby to arrange for required Baptismal Preparation Classes. Weddings: Arrangements for Marriage should be made by calling the Parish Office no later than four months prior to the proposed wedding date. Attending Pre-Cana is required. Funerals: Arrangements can be made by a family member by calling the Parish Office. Pastoral Care of the Sick: To arrange for communion to be brought to the sick, the elderly, and the homebound, please call the Parish Office @ (708)748-6090. This calendar list was current as of Pro-Life Phone Numbers: Pregnancy publication. For the most up-to-date Counseling Hotlines: Carenet/Heartbeat—1 listing of Parish events, please go to: -800-395-HELP, Birthright—1-800-550 4900, webcalendar/ Project Rachel, (post-abortion healing) - 1888-456-HOPE Natural Family Planning information: St. Mary’s Hospital in Kankakee—call David & Elba (815) 939-0949, St. Stephen’s in Our Weekly Offering Tinley Park—call Jeff & Linda (708) 633Budgeted Weekly Goal: $ 8,076.00 7392, For Spanish classes—call Don & Total Given Last Week: $ 5,982.00 Fidelia (630)628-9850. For more information or to order the Couple to Total Given Couple League Home Study Course please Electronically: $ 1,158.00 call (800) 745-8252. Total Offering: $ 7,140.00 Total Envelopes Used: 142 Total PARISH PAY Users: 52 Parish Staff: Rev. Michael J. Novick Pastor Mr. William Doerr Mr. John Rangel Mr. Edward Winter Deacons Ms. Jane Fagan Director of Religious Education Mrs. Patricia Hofkamp Principal Mrs. Pattie Gallinaro Coordinator of Youth Ministry Ms. Cathy Costelow Coordinator of Liturgy Mrs. Sally Doerr Mrs. Mary Cermak Vis Lay Ministers Ms. Maryan Olney Bookkeeper Mrs. Liz Agbarah Director of Development
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