ROBIN AMERICA, INC. ROBIN TO WISCONSIN ROBIN ENGINE MODEL CROSS REFERENCE LIST WISCONSIN ROBIN ROBIN SIDE VALVE W 1-080 W1-145 W1-145V W1-185 W1-185V Wl-230 W 1-280 W 1-340 W 1-390 W 1-450V EY21W EY44W EY 18-3W EY25W EY27W EY 08 EY15 EY 15V EY 20 EY20V EY23 EY28 EY35 EY40 EY45V EY2 1 EY44 EY 18-3 EY25 EY27 OVERHEAD VALVE WOI-115 WOI-120 WO1-150 WOI-170 wo1-210 WO1-250 WO 1-300 WO 1-300v WO1-340 WO 1-340V WO1-430V EH11 EH12 EHl5 EHI 7 EH2 1 EH25 EH30 EH30V EH34 EH34V EH43 V TWO CYCLE WT1-125V EC13V DIESEL DY23 DY27 DY30 DY3 5 DY4 1 WRD 1-230 WRD 1-270 WRD 1-300 WRD1-350 WRD1-410 CONTENTS Section Title Page r 1. SPECIFICATIONS DY23-2D Model DY23-2B DY27-2 Air-Cooled. 4-cycle, Overhead Valve, Single vertical cylinder, Diesel engine Type I 70 X 60 Bore X Stroke 75 X 60 mm rnrn ( 2.76 X 2.36 in. ) ( 2.95 X 2.36 in. 230cc PistonDisplacement 265 cc ( 16.1 1 cain. ) ( 14.04 ) CompressionRatio 21 output rpm HP/ DIN6270NB (Warnin”) 4.8 / 3600 ( 3.5 / 3600 ) 4.8 / 1800 ( 3.5/ 1800 1 5.5 / 3600 ( 4.0/ 3600 1 HP/ rpm 4.2 / 3600 ( 3.1 / 3600 ) 4.2 / 1800 (3.1 /1800 1 ( 1.07/ 2200 7.7/2200 ) 2.14/ 1100 (15.4/11001 output DIN6270NA (KW-min”) Torque kg DlN6270NB ( ft.lbs/ rpm - m / rpm 1 ( I Rotation Lubrication 5.5 / 1 800 ( 4.0/ 1800 5.0 / 3600 3.7/ 3600 1 ( 1.23 / 2400 ( 8.9/ 2400 Counterclockwise as viewdfrom I I Cool ing 1 5.0 / 1 800 3 . 7 / 1800 1 2.46/ 1200 1 ( 17.W 1200 1 PTO shaft side Forced air cooling Forcedoil Lubricant lubrication Diesel engineoil.servicerank Oil Pump CC or CD Trochoid gear pump Fuel InjectionPump ZEXEL PFRIMD55 / 2NP1 ZEXEL DLLAI 50PN052 Injection Nozzle Fuel Automotive diesel fuel Fuel Feed I Fuel TankCapacity I Gravity type 3.2 liters CombustionSystem ( 0.84 1 Directinjectiontype GovernorSystem Centrifugalflyweighttype StartingSystem Recoil starter I DryWeight LXWXH 12V - 39W / 3000 12V - 43W / 3600 1 2V- 39W/3000 1 2 V - 4 3 W / 3600 Lighting Capacity Dimension 1 ( Electricstarter as option ) 30 kg (65.0 Ibs.) (63.9Ibs.) 329 x 357 x 402 mm (12.95 x 14.06 x 15.82 in.) Ibs.) (65.0 (66.1lbs.) 339 x 357 x 402 mm (13.35 x 14.06 x 15.82 in.) Specifications are subject t o changewithoutnotice. -1- 2-1 M A X I M U M OUTPUT The maximum output of an engine istheoutput power of the engine operatingwith its throttle valvefully open afterithas been broken in properly. Therefore, a brand-new engine or an engine which has not been broken in properly may not produce the maximum output. 2-2 CONTINUOUSRATEDOUTPUT The continuousratedoutput of anengineistheoutput power of theenginerunning attherated engine speed controlled by its governorsystem. Theoperation of the engine at the continuousratedoutput is most favorable from the view point of engine life and fuel economy. equipmentdrivenby the engine to be designed It is recommended, therefore,thattheto requirethe engine power less thanitscontinuousratedoutput. 2-3 MAXIMUM TORQUE The maximum torqueindicatesthetorque producing the maximum output. attheoutputshaft -2- when the engine is 2 - 4 PERFORMANCE CURVES MODEL DY23-2 kg - m 1.2 i (2.4) 1.1 (2.2) 1 .o (2.0) 3.9 (1.8) 2 W c1: O I- \ TORQUE (NB) HP I 5 4 z!2 3 W v) g/HP-h IT 0 I z 2 0 I240 1 220 200 FUELCONSUMPTION I L RATIO (NB) I L \ I 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4/00 (750) (1000) (1250)(1500)(1750)(2000) REVOLUTION " + MODEL DY27-2 ( y g- & 22 r. p. rn. 1for B type kg- m .3 (2.6) .2 (2.4) .1 (2.2) .o (2.0) Y 2 6 HP I 5 4 9 5 0-3 W v) g / HP- h I1I P h 2 1 1500 2000 2500 3500 41 3000 (750) (1000) (1250) (1500) ( 1 750) (21 REVOLUTION c r. D. rn. -3- 3. FEATURES 3- 1 ECONOMICALRUNNING The direct injection system using the newlydeveloped micro fuel injection pump superiorcombustion efficiency and minimized fuel consumption. assures 3- 2 EXTREMELYQUIETOPERATION 0 The precisely synchronizedfuel injection and refined combustionchamber allow lower combustion pressure which resultsin reduced combustion noise. Q Blower housingandcylinderbaffleare made from “DUMPING SHEET”, aspecial materialforinsulating noise andvibration. 0 Largersupersilentmufflerand double element air cleaner reduce theexhaustand intake noise. 3- 3 EASY STARTING 8 Light pull recoil starter and centrifugal automatic starting similar to agasoline engine. 0 An auxiliary fuel inletis provided foreasystarting An air check valve for easy air bleeding from the fuel line. decompressor allow effortless in cold weather. 3- 4 LESS VIBRATION 0 In addition tothe reduced weight of reciprocatingparts, abalancer adopted forextremelysmoothrunningwith lessvibration. a The automatic decompressor preventsshakyvibration a t stopping. shafthas been 3- 5 HIGH PERFORMANCE Die-castcylinder head generates a stableswirl of air-fuel mixture which results in the highoutput power and an exceptional fuel economy. Its flattorquecharacteristic provides tenacious running from slow speed to high speed. 3- 6 SUPERB RELIABILITY Theadvanced Robin technology,such as well provencrankcasedesign,tensionbolt system for joiningcylinder and cylinder head, and forced lubricationsystem,forlonger servicelifeunder thetoughestoperating conditions. 3 - 7 SMALLANDLIGHTWEIGHT The newly developed micro fuel injection pumpandcrankcasestructureoriginatedin the gasolineenginehave .minimized the size andweight of the engine. 3 - 8 WIDERANGE OF APPLICATIONS Robin’s new air - cooled diesel engineseries assures maximum adaptabilitytoany application. 0 Direct outputtype (D type)and reduction type (B type)are available. Selection of P.T.O. shaftsforvarious applications. Variable muffler exhaust direction. 0 Recoil starterand optionalelectric starter. 0 Strong power from smallandlightweight body. Q Lower noise and lessvibration. -4- 4. GENERALDESCRIPTION OF ENGINE CONST 4 - 1 CYLINDER AND CRANKCASE The cylinder and crankcase are single piece aluminum die casting. The cylinder liner, made of specialcastiron,isbuiltinto thealminumcasting. Thecrankcaseisseparable on the output shaftside,wherethemainbearingcover is attachedto it. (See Fig. 1.) 4 - 2 MAIN BEARINGCOVER The main bearing cover made of aluminum die casting is built onto the output shaft side of thecrankcase so thattheinside of theenginecanreadily be checked by simply removing the cover. It is provided withaflangeand boss fordirectly mountingmachines,such as generators andpumps. Two oilgaugesalsoserving as oil filler capscanbemounted. (See Fig. 2) ~~ 4- 3 CRANKSHAFT FIG. 2 Crankshaftismadefromforgedcarbon steelanditscrankpinandjournalare induct ion - hardened. Crankshaft is supported by a ball bearing a t flywheelsideandakelmetbearing at P.T.0: side. A passageforlubricating oil isprovided throughthejournalandcrankpinto lubricatethelargeendbearing of connectingrod. on the Thecrankgearispressure-fitted P.T.O. side of thecrankshaft. A balancergearisalsopressure-fitted fortheengineswithoptionalbalancer. (See Fig. 3.) FIG. 3 -5- 4 - 4 CONNECTING ROD Connecting rod ismadefromforged aluminumalloywhichwithstandshigh combustionpressureandtensionunder heavyloadandhighspeedoperation. Kelmet bearings are provided as large end bearing,whilethematerial of connecting roditselfserves as smallendbearing. (See Fig. 4.) 4- 5 PISTON , FIG. 4 Piston is madefromaluminumalloy casting, and i t has three grooves for piston rings. On the piston top, a combustion chamber is arranged where the injected fuel mixes withairandignites. so designedasto Thepistonprofileis minimizepistonnoise. (See Fig. 5.) TOPRING SECONDRING OILRING 4 - 6 PISTON RINGS , Pistonringsaremadefromspecialcast face, iron. The profile of top ring is barrel andthat of secondringistaperwith under cut. The oil ring is the combination of cutterringsandanexpanderwhich is excellentingassealingandreducing oil consumption. (See Fig. 5.) CONNECTINGROD FIG. 5 4 - 7 CYLINDER HEAD Cylinderhead is themostimportantpart of the diesel engine.It is made fromonepiece aluminumalloydiecast,inwhich intake and exhaust ports, rocker arm room, andcoolingfinsare molded inthemost ideal structure for thehigheststrength andthehighestcoolingefficiency. High qualityheatresistantvalveseats are pressure- fitted considering high resistancetoabrationandcorrosionat high temperature. (See Fig. 6.) -6- ,- FIG. 6 4- 8 CAMSHAFT Camshaft for "D" type engine is made from special cast iron integrated with cam gear. Camshaftfor "B" typeengine works as PTO shaft and is made from forged carbon steel and the cam gear is pressure-fitted. Camshafthasthreecams,oneforintake, one for exhaust,andone €or injection pump. A releaseleverforcentrifugal decompressor is assembled to the camshaft. (See Fig. 7.) I FIG. 7 4- 9 TAPPEU Tappetsaremadefromsinteredsteel. Theyarepreciselyfinished by grinding after sintering. (See Fig. 8.) FIG. 8 4- 10 VALVE Valves are made from forged heat resistant alloy. Stellite is fusedtothehead of exhaust valveforaddeddurability. (See Fig. 9.) EXHAUST VALVE INTAKE VALVE FIG. 9 -7- I 4- 11 ROCKER A R M Rocker armsare madefromforgedsteel andare whollysintered. A screwforadjustingvalveclearanceis of rockerarm. provided attheend Rocker arms are lubricated by the oil mist breathing air from contained in the crankcase. (See Fig.lo.) FIG. 10 4- 1 2 ROCKERCOVER Rocker coverismadefromsteelsheet. A breather plate is installed in the rocker covertobreathairintointakeport. (See Fig. 1 1.) FIG. 1 1 4- 1 3 AUTOMATIC DECOMPRESSION SYSTEM Automaticdecompressionsystem is composed of areleaseleverandaflyweight assembledtothecomshaft. Below the predetermined speed, the release lever lifts theexhausttappetslightlyto releasecompression. (See Fig. 12.) /- FIG. 12 -8- 4- 14 GOVERNOR SYSTEM Thegovernoris a centrifugalflyweight typewhichpermitsconstantoperationat the selectedspeedagainst load variations by controlling the quantity of fuel injected. Governor system is driven by the governor gearengagedwithcamgear. (See Fig. 13.) Refer to section 6 - 4 fordetails. GOVERNOR LEVER FIG. 13 4- 15 LUBRICATION SYSTEM Lubricantisforcibly supplied by the trochoidpump tothecrankjournalandcrankpin. Other rotating parts andmoving partsare lubricated bythesplash of oil. Lubricant (engine oil) is wholly filteredby the oil filterinstalled on the mainbearing cover. Thetrochoidpump is drivenbythegovernor gear. c 4- 16 COOLING SYSTEM Cooling air is forced by the flywheel fanto blow through the cooling fins of cylinder cylinder baffle. and cylinderhead guided by the blower housingandthe Fuelinjectionpumpis BOSCH typeand is driven by thecamshaft. Thefuelfromthetankispressurizedby theinjectionpumpandissupplied to the injection nozzle through the high pressure pipe. (See Fig. 14.) FIG. 14 -9- 4 - 1 8 FUEL INJECTIONNOZZLE Fuel is injected in the combustion chamber as fine mist through the four small ports of fuelinjection nozzle. (See Fig. 15.) FIG. 15 4 - 19 AIR CLEANER SECONDARY ELEMENT A i r cleaneris dry typedoubleelement system. Primary element is polyurethane foam and thesecondaryelementispaper. Theaircleanercover is madefromhigh strength plastic and its air inlet is speciallydesigned t o reduceintake noise. (See Fig. 16.) / PRIMARYELEMENT FIG. 16 / 4 - 20 FUEL FILTER Fuelfilter is a paperelementdisposable type. Its has a automaticairbleeding outlet on thetopand a waterdrainon the bottom. (See Fig. 17.) FIG. 17 - 10- 4- 21 COMBUSTION SYSTEM For lower fuelconsumption andeasy starting of the .engine, the direct injection systemis adopted inthe combustion chamber. /INTAKE VALVE INTAKE PORT SWIRL 4 - 2 1 - 4 FORMING OF COMBUSTION GAS AND COMBUSTION CY LlNDER ( 1 1 SWIRL (Inspiring swirl) In orderto promotemixinginjected fuelandairunderthedirect injection system,swirl flow is utilizedfor good combustion. Swirl isspiral flow of air generatedinthe cylinder during inspiringstroke,andit decreases during compressing stroke but it still remainsand promotesmixing of fuel and air towardignitiontiming. Spiral flow of air (swirl) isgenerated by the shape of intake port, which is called helical port or spiralport. Tail end of intake port, i. e. upper part of intakevalveseat,is made in the spiral forrn : and while the inspired air is passingthroughthispart,swirlis generatedaround theintake valve. Thus,intakeportplaysanimportant role in generating swirl. (See Fig. 19.) SQUISH (Squished air flow) In the piston, combustion chamber (dish type combustionchamber) is formed. When the piston comes up to TDC (top dead center), air in the gaps is squished in the combustion chamber and air flow isgenerated, which is called “squish.” (See Fig. 20.) FORMING OF COMBUSTION GAS PISTON FIG. 19 /c SQUISH FIG. 20 AND COMBUSTION For igniting quickly the fuel injected from the nozzle, it is essential to atomize very finefuelparticlesfordistributing evenly inthe combustionchamber. For this purpose,fuelshould be injected through hole type nozzle by veryhigh pressure, i.e.195 kg/c m’. The fuel, thus injected, is ‘mixed with air by the flow of swirlandsquish while pistoniscomingup. Accompanying crimb of thepiston, combustion gas compressed furtherandfinallyitautomatically begins ignitingand while piston is goingdown,“squish”functionsand promotes combustion. - 11 - 4- 22 SECTIONAL VIEW OF ENGINE / INTAKE VALVE EXHAUST VALVE CYLINDER HEAD PISTON PIN k/ BEARING COVER MA‘N CRANKSHAFT TROCHOID OIL PIJMP \ \ CRANKCASE GOVERNOR / FLYWHEEL - 12 - MUFFLER \ ROCKER COVER AIR CLEANER / \ PUSH ROD PISTON PISTON RING FUEL INJECTION PUMP TAPPET ' CAMSHAFT OIL GAUGE \ BALANCER - 13 - OIL DRAIN 5. DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 5- 1 PREPARATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS (1) When disassembling the engine, memorizewell the locations of individualparts so that they can be reassembled correctly. If you are uncertain of identifying some parts, itissuggested thattagsto be attachedto them. (2) Have boxes readyto keep disassembled parts by group. (3) To preventmissingand misplacing, temporarily assemble as much a s possible each group or set of disassembled small partssuchasboltsandnuts,etc. (4) Carefullyhandle disassembled parts,and clean themwithwashing oil. (5) Use the correct tools inthe correct way. /- 5 - 2 SPECIAL TOOLS Tool Tool No. 209- 95001 - 07 228-95003-07 Flywheelpuller Use with bolt Piston ring cqmpressor f For pulling off the flywheel For placing piston ring . PISTON RING COMPRESSOR FLYWHEEL PULLER /- FIG. 21 - 14 - 5- 3 -DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES 1 Engine oil Remarks (1) Remove drain plug and discharge Be careful not to lose thegasket. 14 mm spanner (1) Remove drain plug from fuel filter and discharge fuel from fueltank. Be careful not to lose thegasket. 10 mm spanner (1) Loosen the two joint nuts at the Be careful to keep the inside of the pipe, injection pump and the nozzle free of dust. 12 mm spanner oil from crakcase. Drain plugs are located on both sides of the crankcase. (2) To discharge oil quickly,remove oil gauge. 2 Fuel 3 Injection pipe Tool Proocedures Step both ends removeit. of injection pipe to / INJECTION PIPE - 15 - Step lPart to remove ’ 4 Air cleaner Procedures Tool Remarks (1) Remove cleaner cover from the cleaner body. (2) Loosen the wingbolt to remove element. (3) Remove cleaner body from intake manifold. 6 4 X 12 mm flange bolt...-..2pcs . Be careful not to lose the washerand the packing for wing bolt. 10 mm box wrench 12 mm box wrench 8 0 BOLTandWASHER PACKING CLEANERBODY ELEMENT IStep I Part to remove I 5 Recoil starter I Procedures Remarks (1) Remove recoil starter from blower housing. 6 4 x 10 mm flange bolt**..**4pcs. 3 spanner 6 0 FLANGE BOLT HOUSING : 4pcs. m RECOILSTARTER FIG. 24 - 16 - I step Part to remove 6 I Procedures Remarks (1) Disconnect fuel pipe from fuel tank. Fuel tank (2) Disconnect fuel return pipe. (3) Disconnect rubber pipe from the check valve. (4) Remove the fuel tank. 8 Q X 20mmbolt*****e.e* 1 pce. 8 @ X30mmbolt*****~***2pcs. 7 Tool Muffler 10 mm spanner (1) Remove the muffler cover from muffler. 6 @ X 10 mm bolt 9 e * * 4 pcs. (2) Remove the muffler. Be careful not to lose the 8 @nut gasket. 8 Qspringwasher*****~*~~2pcs. 6 a+ + BOLT : 4pcs. BOLT / - 17 - 12 mm box wrench Tool Step 8 Starting motor (1) Remove the wire harness from Reattach the terminal 9 Fuel filter (1) Remove the fuel filter from the Wipe off spilt fuel blower housing. thoroughly. 6 q-5 X 20 mm flange bolt.....*2pcs . 10 mm box wrench 10 Blower housing (1) Remove the blower housing from 12 mm box wrench 1Omm thestarting motor. nuttothe motor tospanner (2) Remove thestarting motor fromkeep it from missing. 12mm crankcase. spanner 8 4 x 30 mm bolt ...............2pcs. crankcase. 8 q5 x 20 mm bolt and washer ..................... 2pcs. - 18 - Step Part to remove Procedures Flywheel (1) Remove the starting pulley. 6$ , X 1 2 m bolt ...............3pcs. (2) Remove the flywheel nut. (See Fig. 27.) (3) Set the flywheel puller tothe flywheel. ( See Fig. 28. ) 11 Remarks Turn the center bolt clockwise to pull outthe flywheel. (4) Remove the key from crankshaft. Flywheel can easily beremoved by striking witha hammerthehead of thecenter bolt of flywheel puller. Tool 10 mm boxwrench 24 mm socket wrench Be carefulnotto lose the key. v FIG. 27 FIG. 28 FLYWHEEL NUT 6 + FLANGE BOLT : 3pcs.-@ STARTINGPULLEY SPRINGWASHER FLYWHEEL FIG. 29 - 19 - Step Part to remove Procedures - Tool Remarks 12 Cylinder baffle 13 Rocker cover ( I ) Remove the rocker cover from cylinder head. 6 4 X 40 mm flange bolt-......lpcs . Fuel injection nozzle (1) Remove thebracket, nozzle. 6 4 nut .............................. 2pcs. (2) Remove thefuel injection nozzle (1) Remove the cylinderbafflefrom cylinder. 6 q5 X 10 mm flange bolt-.-..-lpce. ~~ from cylinderhead. 10 mm box wrench Be careful not to lose thegasket atthe bottomend of the nozzle. I 6 4 NUT : 2 p c s . ”-e9 - 6 4 FLANGE BOLT : 4pcs. ROCKERCOVER NOZZLE BRAC FUEL INJECTION NOZZ LANGE BOLT FIG. 30 -20- StepParttoremove 15 Rocker arm Procedu.res Remarks ( 1 ) Loosen the adjusting bolts on the rockerarms. (2) Push the rocker shaftoutfrom the cylinder head to remove the Make the rocker arms andpushrods rockerarms. distinguishable of (3) Remove the push rods. intakesideand exhaust side. 16 Cylinder head (1) Remove the cylinder head from cylinder. 8 4 flange nut ....... ..........4pcs. Be careful of the 8 6 FRANGE NUT : 4DC.s. \ Tool 10 mm spanner screw driver 12 mm spacer. socket wrench ADJUSTING BOLT CYLINDER H E A D I ARM P ROCKER ROD FIG. 32 - 21 - Step )art to remove 17 Fuel injection pump 18 Procedures (1) Remove the fuel injection pump fromcrankcase. 6 4 nut .............................. 2pcs. Tool Remarks Be careful of the position of the control rack. 10 mm socket wrench ~ Main bearing cover Be carefulnot to (1) Remove the bolts joining the damagethe oil seal. mainbearing cover and crankcase. 8 @ X 35 mm bolt..-.----.--.1lpcs. 8 @ x 40mm bolt ............... 1pce. (2) Lightlytappingwith a plastic hammer, remove the main bearing cover from the crankcase. (See Fig. 33.) ~~ 12 mm box wrench plastic hammer 6 + NUT : 2pcs. Step F'arttoremove 19 Procedures Camshaft Remarks (1) Remove thecamshaftfromthe crankcase. (See Fig. 35.) (2) Remove thetappetsfromthe crankcase. 20 Balancer (Optional part) i (1) Remove the balancer fromthe ~ crankcase. SPACER FIG. 36 - 23 - (1) To preventthe tappetfromfalling andgetting damages, putthe crankcase injection pump side down. (2) Put marks on the tappets to distinguish intaketappet from exhaust. Be careful of the spacer on the balancershaft. Tool r Step 'art to remove 21 Connecting rod Procedures Remarks (1) Scrape off the carbon deposit from the piston top and cylinder. 10 mm box wrench (2) Remove the connectingrodbolts andthelarge end cap. (3) Turnthecrankshafttothetop dead center. Then, push the connectingrod upand pull the piston and connectingrodoutfrom the cylinder. 22 Pistonand pistonpin ( 1) Remove the twoclipsfrom the piston at the both ends of piston pin. (2) Push the piston pin out from the piston. Remove the pistonfrom the connecting rod. (3) Remove the piston rings from the piston by spreading their open ends. PISTON RING CLIP PISTON PIN CONNECTING ROD LARGE BEARING' END Tool I / UII / Be careful not to give damagestothe piston and connecting rod. Be careful not to breaktherings by spreading too much ortwistingthem. Step Part to remove 23 Procedures (1) Lightly tap thecrankshaft end at the flywheel side using a plastic hammer to remove it fromthecrankshaft. (See Fig. 38.) Crankshaft FIG. 38 CRANKSHAFT \ t FIG. 39 - 25 - Remarks The ball bearing comes off with the crankshaft. Tool 3 Step IPart to remove Tool Remarks Procedures ~~ Intake and exhaust valve ( 1 ) Press the valve springs and Oil filter (1) Remove the oil filter from the bearing main cover. 6 4 X 12mm flange bolt...---2pcs. remove the retainer locks from the valvestems. (See Fig. 40.) (2)Remove the valves fromthe cylinder head. Putmarks on the valves, valve springs andspringretainers todistinguishthem for intakesidefrom exhaust side. Be careful not thespanner 0 - ring. to lose -8 ~ .pliers 10 mm R E T A I N E R LOCK I &“---- STEM S E A L FIG. 40 h VALVE 7- OIL FILTER 6 MAIN B E A R I N G COVER + FLANGE J FIG. 41 - 26 - BOLT : 2pcs EASSEMBLY PROCEDURES PRECAUTIONS FOR REASSEMBLING (1) Clean parts thoroughly before reassembly. Pay most attention to cleanliness of piston, cylinder, crankshaft, connecting rod and bearings. (2) Scrape off all carbon deposits from cylinder head, piston top and piston ring grooves. (3) Check lips of oil seals. Replace oil seal if a lip is damaged. Apply oil to lips before reassembly. (4) Replace all gaskets with new ones. (5) Replace keys, pins, bolts, nuts, etc., if necessary. (6) Torque bolts and nuts to specification refering to the “Table of tightening torque”. (7) Apply oil to rotating and sliding portions. (8) Check and adjust clearances and end plays where specified in this manual. 5 - 4 - 1 CRANKSHAFT (1) Fit the oil sealguide onto the end of thecrankshaft,andinsertthe crankshaft intothecrankcase. U / OIL SEAL GUIDE FIG. 42 - 27 - 5 - 4- 2 PISTON AND PISTON RING (1) If the piston ring expander is unavailable, install the piston rings by placing the open ends over the top land of the pistonand spreading the ringends to slip them intothe correct ring grooves. only far enough I 1. Pay attentionnot t o break thepiston ring bytwisting. 2. Installtheoilringfirstfollowed by the second ring and thentop ring. 3.Second ring have“N”marksstampedon the ring ends.These ”N”marks have t o faceupwardwhen installedon the piston. OPEN ENDS OF PISTON RING ‘ I FIG. 43 Topring Barrelface Second ring Taper ...... ... ... :e ........... ........... .......... ......... Oil ring Cutter ring with expander ...... ....... ................ ...... ........... .......... FIG. 44 (2) Assemble the pistonandconnecting rod withthepiston pin. 1. Set the “D”or“B”markstampedonpiston top to the “FAN”mark side of the connecting rod. 2. Apply enough oil t o the small end ofthe connecting rod. 3.Be sure t o set the clips on both ends of thepiston pin. - 28 - I , PlSTON RING COMPRESSOR D assemblyintothecylinder. Use the piston ring compressor to hold thepistonrings. The “FAN”mark of the connecting rod have face toflywheel side when assembled. (See Fig. 45.) 1. Apply enough oil t o t h e piston rings, and cylinder connectingrodbearings borebefore assembly. 2. Setthe open end of the pistonrings 90 degreesapartfrom one another beforeassembly. FIG. 45 5 - 4 - 3 CONNECTING ROD (1) Turnthecrankshaft t o thebottom dead center, lightly hammer the piston head until the connecting rod contacts thecrankpin,andassemble, (2) When reassembling the large match the alignment mark end cap, on the rod. 1. No. lockwasher is used forthe connecting rod bolts. 2. Tightenthe rodbolts securely by the specifiedtighteningtorque. Tightening torque : 180-200 Kg- cm - 29 - FIG. 46 5- 4- 4 BALANCER (Optional part) -IAFT Installthebalancertothecrankcase. Align the matching marks of the balancer gear and crank gear as shown in Fig, 47. FIG. 47 5 - 4 - 5 TAPPET AND CAMSHAFT (1) Insert the tappets into the tappet of thecrankcase. holes Be sure t o assemble theintaketappet tointake side andexhausttappetto exhaust side. (2) Install the camshaft into the crankcase on the matchingthetimingmarks crank gear and cam gear. (See Fig. 48.) FIG. 48 , - 30 - 5-4- 6 MAIN BEARINGCOVER (1) Installation of governorgear AND GOVERNORGEAR shaft set. MAIN GOVERNORGEAR GEAR S 243-4501 1-01 (GOVERNORGEARSHAFT SET) FIG. 49 a)Insert GOVERNOR GEAR SHAFT to the mainbearing cover. b) Put GOVERNOR GEAR on thegovernorgearshaft. c) Press the iron sleeve of governor gear using a pressing machine to fit on the governor gear shaft. (See Fig. 50.) Be suretomakea clearance of 1 mm (0.04 in) between governorgearandmounting boss of main bearing cover. (See Fig. 5 1.) FACE OF MAINBEARINGCOVER S THEIRON SLEEVE OVERNORGEAR I CLEARANCE 1 rnm (0.04in) FIG. 50 FIG. 51 1. When replacing the governor gearor governor gear shaft, be sure to replace them a t the same time. 2. Do not press the plastic part of governor gear a t assembling. - 31 - (2) Installthe main bearing cover to the crankcase. and balancer shaftto Adjusttheside clearancefor thecrankshaft,camshaft specified valuesusingthe properspacer and thrust washer. CRANKSHAFT CAMSHAFT . D type SIDE CLEARANCE 0.1 -0.3 mm ADJUSTING DEVICE THRUST WASHER T = 0.1 mm T = 0.2 mm T = 0.3 mm I 0.05-0.25 mm SPACER T = 0.8 mm T = 1.0 mm BALANCER SHAFT type I 0.05-0.3 mm SPACER T = 0.6 mm T =.0.8mm T = 1.2 mm the I 0.05-0.25 mm I SPACER T = 0.8 mm T = 1.0 mm T = 1.2 mm A , - 32 - I 1. As the governor gear is mounted on themainbearingcover side, install the mainbearingcoverwhilechecking t h a t it meshes with the teeth of the cam gear. (See Fig. 53.) 2. If the replacement of oil seal is necessary, press-fit the new oil seal before installing the main bearing cover. 3.Applyoiltotheballbearingand oil seal rip before installing the main bearingcover. 4. Be carefulnottoinjuretheoil seal r i p a t reassembly. Use oil seal guide t op r o t e c t it. (3) Tightenthe twelve boltsevenlyto join the mainbearing 8 @ X 35 mm bolt andwasherassy. -1lpcs. 8 q5 X 40 mm bolt and washer assy. . * * * * - - 1pce. 1 FIG. 53 cover to the crankcase. Tightening torque : 170-190 kg- cm Attachthetwo clamps t o the main bearing cover for electricstart model. 5-4-*7 FLYWHEEL AND STARTING PULLEY (1) Put the woodruff key(formagneto) (2) Wipeoff oil andgreasethoroughly flywheel center hole. (3) ( ELECTRIC START MODEL ) Installthecharge coil tothe ' in place. from thetaperedportion crankcase. (4)Installthe flywheel tothecrankshaft. Tightenthe flywheel nut with a spring washer. Tightening torque : 600-650 kg-cm (5) Attachthestarting pulley to the flywheel. 6 @ x 12mm bolt andwasher assy. - . . - . 3pcs. 'Tightening torque : 70-90 kg-cm - 33 - of the crankshaft and 5 - 4 - 8 FUELINJECTIONPUMP (1) Measure the distance between the face of the cambaseandthepump mounting face of the crankcase. (See Fig. 54.) Select thegasket(injectionpump) of the proper thickness so as the distance t o be adjusted to 66 -+ 0.05mm. Thegasket(injectionpump) of three differentthicknessareavailable. (T= 0.1 mm, T = 0.2 mm and T = 0.3 mm) FIG. 54 (2) Apply sealant (THREEBOND 1215) to the both side of the gasket (injection pump). /- (3) Installthefuelinjectionpumptothe crankcasecheckingthecontrolrack of theinjectionpumptoengagewith thegovernorlevercorrectly. (See Fig. 55.) FIG. 55 , - 34 - 5 - 4 - 9 CYtlNDER HEAD (1) Assemble the intake valve and exhaust valvetothecylinder head. a) Remove carbondepositsfromvalves, valve seats, intake and exhaust ports, andvalveguides. b) If thevalveface is wornout,replace it with a new one. c) Check the stem seal in the intake valve guidefor a damage. If the rip of thestemsealisinjured, one. replace i t withanew d) Insert the intake valve and the exhaust valveintothevalveguide. e) Assemble the valve springs, spring retainersandtheretainer locks. FIG. 56 (2) Check the clearance between the piston topandthe.cylindertop. (See Fig. 56.) Select theproper SPACER (head) so as the clearanceto be within 0.6-0.7 mm. SPACER (head) of twodifferent thickness (T = 0.6 mm and 0.7 mm) are available. (See Fig. 56.) I APPLY THREE BOND 1 2 1 5 . (3) Put the cylinder head on the cylinder. (4)Apply sealant (THREE BOND 1215) to the two studs on the rocker shaft Apply oil totheothertwostuds. (See Fig. 57.) FIG. 57 side. (5) Tightenthefourflangenutsevenly inthreestepsbythefollowing tighteningtorque. 1st step . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 kg-cm 2.nd s t e p . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 k g - cm 3rd step . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300-330 k g - cm 5-4- 10 ROCKER ARMS (1) Insertthepushrodsintothetappets in thecrankcase. (2) Apply oil to the rocker arms and installthem shaft.Attachthesnapringstothebothends - 35 - to the cylinder head using the rocker of therockershaft. 5- 4- 11 VALVE CLEARANCE ADJUSTMENT (1) Set thecrankshafttothetopdead center by matching the mark "T" of the "TOP" mark of the flywheelwiththe crankcase. (2) Loosen the lock nut on the rocker arm and turn the adjusting screw to adjust theclearance between the rockerarm andvalvestemendto 0.1 mm. (bothintakeandexhaust) Then,tightenthelocknut. Adjustthevalveclearancewhile engine is cold. (3) Turn the flywheel by hand and the valves move smoothly without hittingpiston. 'the check FIG. 58 0 INTAKE, EXHAUST VALVE TIMING Thevalveclearanceshallincreaseto 0.4 mm whileengineisrunninghot. In thiscondition,thevalvetiming is as follows : Intakevalveopensat16"before TDC. Intakevalveclosesat 5 4 " after BDC. Exhaustvalveopensat Exhaustvalveclosesat TDC (TOP DEAD CENTER) INTAKE V A L V E 1 6 " 1 4 " EXHAUSTVALVE 54" before BDC. 14" after TDC. (4)Apply sealant (THREE BOND 1215) t o thejoiningsurface of the rocker cover. I N T A KV EA L V E CLOSES. BDC (BOTTOM DEAD CENTER) (5) Install the rocker cover and the gasket (rockercover)tothecylinderhead. - FIG. 59 36 - , V lv I 5 - 4- 12 FUEL INJECTION NOZZLE I SPRING WASHER (1) Insertthe nozzleassemblyintothe cylinderheadattachi-ngthegasket (nozzle)t hteo nozzle tip. (2) Attachthefuelreturnpipetothe injectionnozzle. (3) Attach the BRACKET (nozzle 2) and BRACKET (nozzle l),' and tighten the twonutswithspringwashers tentatively. to the (4)Attach the fuel injection pipe FIG. 60 injection nozzle and the injection pump. Tightenthe lock nutstentatively. (5) Tighten the two nuts on the BRACKET (nozzle 1). Tightening torque : 50-60 kg- em (6) Tightenthe lock n u t s on bothends of theinjectionpipe. 5-4- 13 CYLINDERBAFFLE (I) Attachthecylinder AND BLOWERHOUSING baffle tothe (2) Attachthe blower housingtothe Tighten the upper two bolts tentatively mountingfueltankafterwards. cylinder. crankcase. because these bolts shall be used for 5-4- 14 MUFFLER (1) Attachthe muffler cover to the muffler. (2) Attachthe mufflerand thegasket (muffler) tothe Tightenthe boltand nuts tentatively. cylinderhead. 5-4-15 FUEL TANK (1) Attachthe fuel pipes tothe fuel tank. (2) Installthe fuel tanktothe engine. Tightentheboltsandnutsforjoiningthe cylinderhead atthis step. blower housingandthe - 37 - muffler tothe 5 - 4 - 1 6 FUEL PIPES (1) Attachthe fuel filtertothe blower housing. (2) Attach the fuel pipes between the fuel tank, fuel filter, injection pump and the injection nozzle. Clamp the each end of rubber pipes using the proper hose clamps. ,r 5 - 4 - 17 AIRCLEANER (1) Attachthe cleaner body totheintake (2) Attachthe elements to the (3) Attachthe cleaner cover to the manifold. cleaner body. cleaner body. 5 - 4- 18 RECOIL STARTER Install the recoil startertothe blower housing. 6 4 X 10 mm flange bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 pcs. Do not use the bolt longer than 10 mm or theflywheelfan may bedamaged. ,” 5-4- 19 OIL FILTER (1) Clean the oil filter and check if its mesh is notbroken. ( 2 ) Insertthe oil filterwiththeO-ringinto Tightenthetwoflange the main bearing cover. bolts. 5-4- 20 ENGINE OIL Fill thecrankcasewith oil tothe Besure to use the dieselengineoil Neve use the gasolineengineoilor upper level of the oil gauge. of proper grade. the engine may be seriouslydamaged. - 38 - I 6. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF FUEL SYSTEM, GOVERNOR SYSTEM, LUBRICAT ON. SYSTEM AND AUTOMATIC DECOMPRESSION 6- 1 FUEL As DY23-2 and DY27-2 are the high speed type diesel engine, be sure to use the fuel of good quality automotive diesel fuel. FUEL SYSTEM FUEL INJECTION NOZZLE FUEL RETURN PIPE CHECK VALVE FUEL TANK W U 3 m q-ju U U % TIL& w a a U w m m FUEL INJECTION PUMP 3 U e flI I PIPE FUEL FUEL FILTER RUBBER PIPE 1 FW EL TANK 4 -b FUEL FILTER * FUEL PIPE FUEL HIGH FUEL -F INJECTION -b PRESSURE -b INJECTION PUMP PIPE NOZZLE L FUEL RETURN PIPE FIG. 61 - 39 - 4 COMBUSTION CHAMBER 6 - 2 FUEL INJECTION PUMP 0 FUEL INJECTION PUMPMECHANISM It is not too much to say that the fuel injection pump is the heart of the diesel engine, and it must be precise enoughtosatisfythe following functions. 6 - 2 - 1 FUNCTION Injectingfuel,startingwithhighpressureandendingwith low pressure. Injectingthe predetermined amount of fuel accurately at each stroke. Injecting fuel at specified timewithina specified timeinterval. Quantity being injected is closely variedby thegovernortosuittovarying load. Thisengine has no automaticadvancing device, butinstarting (max. delivery),the injection timingisto be delayed. 6 - 2 - 2 THEORY OF THEINJECTION PUMP MECHANISM The plunger of the injection pumpispushedup bythe cam of thecamshaft,andit is pushed down by the plunger spring. By this up and down motion in a stroke, suction and forced supply of fuel are conducted. (See Fig. 62.) ( 1 ) SUCTION OF FUEL Through the filter in the fuel tank, fuel is supplied and is in full around the intake port of the plungerbarrel. When the top of the camlobe passed the tappet and cam function ended, plunger spring pushes down the plunger. When the plunger is pushed down passing the fuel intake, fuel is sucked into the barrel, and suction is continued untilarrival of theplungerat t h e . bottom of its stroke.Thisis on thestage of “suction.” ( 2 ) FORCED SUPPLY OF FUEL The camshaft rotates and pushes up the plunger. Forced supply of the fuel is started only when the upper part of the plunger closed the fuel intake in the course of being pushed up by the cam rotation. The fuel in the barrel is pressurized by a very strong force (100 kg/cm2 and up), and as a result, the force of the fuel pushes up the delivery valve and thedampingvalve, andq then i t injects the fuel into combustionchamber. This is on thestage of “pressurized supply.” DAMPING VALVE DELIVERY VALVE VERTICAL HOLE PLUNGER BARREL PLUNGER SUCTIONPORT (DELIVELY PORT) LEAD EFFECTIVESTROKE FIG. 62 - 40 - I I 6 - 2 - 3 VARIATION INQUANTITY OF FUEL TO BE INJECTED The quantity of fuelinjected varies according to the condition of the engine, i. e. high speed or low speed operationand loaded or unloaded operation. (See Figs. 63 and 64.) The plunger lead is engraved on the surface of plunger in an inclined curve. By rotating theplunger,thedistance between theupperpart of theplungerandthesuctionport is varied.(Variation in effective stroke) Rotation of the plungeris made by the controlrack. When thiscontrolrack is shifted to left and/orright,the geared pinion rotates, whichis connected totheplunger by means of thecontrol sleeve. In other words, the plunger turns as much amount as the rackrotates. Accordingly, the effective strokevaries coincident withthe positionwhere therack is set. ( 1 1 RELATIONBETWEENTHEPLUNGER AND THEBARREL PLUNGERBARREL SUCT'ION/ DELIVERY PORT LEAD PLUNGER INJECTION INJECTION INJECTION INJECTION STARTS ENDS. STARTS. , ENDS. D E L I V EMRA H YXA.LD FE L I V E R Y NO DELIVERY FIG. 63 (2) RELATIONBETWEENTHEPLUNGERANDTHE RACK NTROL SLEEVE MAX. DELIVERY HALF DELIVERY FIG. 64 - 41 - NO DELIVERY 6- 2 - 4 INJECTION TIMING AND EFFECTIVE STARTlNG When theplungerclosessuctionport of thebarrel,forceddelivery of fuel starts. Butfuel is notinjectedfromthe nozzle a t oncebecause of contraction of fuel, etc. Injectiontiming of thisengineisfixed constant (23" before TDC) irrespective of engine rpm. On the other hand, in starting, aproperdelayfromthetimingforhigh speed running and increasedfuelinjection is indispensableforeffectivestarting. For this purposeanotch is made a t t h e plunger head, which reserves to delay the injection timingbynearly 8" tofacilitate starting. (See Fig. 65.) FIG. 65 6- 2 - 5 FUNCTION OF THE DELIVERY VALVE By theplungerstroke, fuel pressure is raised. And when it becomes higherthanthe pressure remained in the highpressure pipe, the deliveryvalve springis pushed down and the valve opens. As the result, the fuel in the high pressure pipe is delivered forcibly. of the plungerbarrel,delivery of fuelends, When theplunger lead meetssuctionport and the delivery valve is closed by the spring tension of the valve. A t this time, delivery valve prevents reverse flow of the fuel. Also suction back motion around the upper part of the plunger sucks back the fuel in the equalamount of the stroke [A] and decreases remainingpressureinthehighpressure pipe. The nozzle jetsthe fuelclearlyoff and prevents after dripping. (See Fig. 66.) DELIVERY V A L V E SPRING DELIVERY V A L V E BACK STROKE FIG. 66 - 42 - ,- 6 - 2 - 6 FUNCTION OF THEDAMPING VALVE Thedampingvalve is assembledinthe end of injectionpum-pand it reaches the of deliveryvalveat seatbeforearrival theseat.Thesmallorificeinthevalve isthepassage of fueltothechamber in the deliveryvalveholder.Accordingly, descendingvelocity of the delivery valve is decreased,which prevents the negative pressurebeingproducedsuddenly. As aresult,proper injection is conducted andtheenginenoiseisdecreased. (See Fig. 67.) DAMPING V A L V E DELIVERY VALVE FIG. 67 FUEL INJECTIONPUMP VALVE DAMPING DELIVERY VALVE HOLDER PUMP HOUSIN DAMPINGVALVE DELIVERY VALVE DELIVERY VALVE PLUNGER ASSEMBLY CONTROL RACK CONTROL SLEEVE SPRING SEAT PLUNGER SPRING SPRING SEAT PIN FIG. 68 0 SPECIFICATIONS OF FUEL INJECTIONPUMP FOR THIS DIESEL ENGINE Model PFRIMD55/ 2NP1 Maker ZEXEL Plungerdiameter 5.5 mm 6 mm Lift Right hand twist Lead I Plunger spring arbitrary~ I Deliveryvalvespringconstant Rack stroke ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ Approx 1 5 k g / cm* Deliveryvalveopeningpressure I I 2.21 kg/rnm ~~ 1.1 k g / m m I 10mm - 43 - I 6-3 FUEL INJECTION NOZZLE 6- 3- 1 SPECIFICATfONS I Part Name /- NOZZLE ASSEMBLY Type No. DLLA150PN52 No. of nozzle hole (Diameter) 4 (0.22 mm) Valve opening pressure 195 kg/ ern' Spring constant I 13.2 kg/ mm 6 - 3-2 FEATURES Both the injection nozzle and the injection pump are very important parts for producing fuelmist for combustion. There are two types of injection nozzle, oneis hole type and theother is pintle type. The injection nozzle for DY23 and DY27Diesel enginesis developed as aresult of joint researchand development project by DieselKiki andour company, andit is direct combustion system,havingthe special hole type nozzle. For producing better air-fuel mixture, it utilizes swirl and squish flows and deliver the fuelmist most effectively, injection pressure is raised up to 195 kg/cm2. IDENTIFICATION MARK 6 - 3 - 3 STRUCTURE OF THEINJECTION NOZZLE ASSEMBLY Theinjectionnozzleassemblyconsists of nozzleholderandnozzle.Thenozzle holderfixesthenozzletothecylinder head andatthesametimeitplaysthe role of fuelpassagetothe nozzle. ADJUSTING WASHER The nozzle consists of the nozzle body andneedlevalve. When the fuel pressure reaches up to the valveopeningpressure,the needle valve is raised up and the fuel is injected throughthesmall holes at the tip of the nozzle body. NOZZLE SPRING FIG. 69 VALVE CLOSED VALVE OPENED .The valve opening pressure is adjustable by changingtheadjustingwashers. FIG. 70 - 44 - NOZZLE BODY 6-3-4FUEL PASSAGE From the plunger pump fuel is sent throughthehighpressure pipe 1 tothe fuelpassage 2. Then, a t t h e nozzle body 3, it is pressurized up till 195 kg/c m’ and i t lifts up the needle valve 4 for 0.18 mm, and injected is into the combustion 5. chamberviathejethole An excess fuel which lubricated the inside of the nozzle and nozzle holderreturns tothefueltankviathe needlevalve-, nozzle spring 6 -overflowpipe 7 +-fuel tank. (See Fig. 7 1.> a 7 3 4 5 FIG. 71 6- 3-5 INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Fuel injecting condition of the nozzle and the valve opening pressure are quite influential to the engineoperation,insufficient output, increase of noise and exhaust smoke. Useof improper fuel or contaminatedfuelis one of the main causes of the nozzle trouble. Therefore,exert good care forusing good fuel. As the nozzle is assembled fromvery precisely finished parts,utmostcareandattentionmust be paid when inspectingand checking. ( 1 ) INSPECTION After cleaning nozzle holder outside, inspect in thefollowingsteps : a) Visual inspection Whether or notinjectionhole is damaged,orcloggedwithcarbon. Whether or not injection hole is clogged withdustandcarbon. b) Checkingby nozzle tester Fit the nozzle assy to the nozzle tester. When removing the nozzle ~ ~ Q P Vthe I engine or fitting,ittotester, besure t o .keep t h e nozzle free o f dust. FIG. 72 Move thelever of the nozzle testerup anddownfor 2-3 timesand suck the airinsidethe nozzle. Newer bring your face near theinjected from the nozzle. Also keep fuel mist a w a y your hands fromthemist. - 45 - @Gently push down the lever of the nozzle testerandreadthepressuregaugejust before thefuelbeinginjected. If the figurecoincideswiththestandard value, the nozzle is ina good condition. @Pushfurtherand check whetherornot thefuelmist is injectedstraight. NOZZLE Good injection is straightforward. Justafterinjection,check“after dripping.” FIG. 73 ( 2 ) MAINTENANCE If the test results are found not good (poor injectionand“afterdripping”),carefully check and repair the following in procedure : NEEDLE a ) Disassemble the nozzle holder and nozzle, andwashincleanlight oil. When washing,use a wooden chip . BODY (forinstance, wooden toothpick is serviceable.)forpeeling off thecarbon adheredtothe nozzle. b) After washing, pull out the needle halfway from the body of nozzle with yourfingersandthenletit go. And check i f the needle sinks by its own FIG. 74 deadweight. c) If it doesnotsink,replace i t in the form of a set. d) Frinctionsurfaces of boththe needleand nozzle body are ultra precise finish. So, be sureto keep theparts free of dust. e>If “afterdripping“ is found, it is poor contact between the needle valve and the seat. In such a case, it is advisable to replace it in the form of a set, needle valve and nozzle body. However, it is possible t o coat chrome oxide on the tapered surface of the needle andgeta good contact. Wash very carefully after correction. f > The spacer is animportantparttoset positions of the nozzle holder and the nozzle body.Pay attention to the position of the pin. g ) When fitting the nozzle body to the nozzle holder, conform to the specified tightening toruqe. Tightening torque : 300-400 kg- cm h) Recheck with the nozzle tester. If the adjustment of valve opening pressure is necessary, adjust it to 200-210 kg/c m‘. Thevalve opening pressureshall decrease to 195 kg/c mz after the running in. - 46 - , 6 - 4 GOVERNOR MECHANISM AND OPERATION 6 - 4- I MECHANISM Thegovernor is centrifugalflyweighttype,whichmeans a flyweightisfittedto the governor gear. The governor sleeve is assembled so that it may slide toward the direction of theaxis of the pump shaft,andit is in contactwiththe flyweight.Thegovernor sleeve getsintouchwiththe governor yoke, andthroughthe governor lever itmakes the control rack of injection pump operate. This mechanism enables to maintain constant operationirrespective of load variation. \ SMOKE SET SMOKE SET SPRING Operation when load is applied or starting. Operation when load is decreased or removed. FIG. 75 - 47 - + 4 6- 4- 2 OPERATION 1 . STARTING When the speed control lever issettothehigh speed (start) position, thegovernor lever is pulled by thegovernorspringthroughthecontrol link.Thecontrollink compress the smoke set spring at the same time to allow the injection pump to deliver extra fuel for starting. /- 2. OPERATION UNDER LOAD When the engine starts up,theflyweightsexpandbythecentrifugal force pushing the governor sleeve. The governor lever pushed by the governor sleeve moves to push the controlrack of the fuel injection pump in the direction of reducing fuel. Thus,the engine speed risesup to the predetermined level, andmaintainsthis speed where thecentrifugal force balanceswith the tension of the governorspring. When a load is applied tothe engine, the engine reduces its speed for a moment. A t this moment, asthecentrifugal force at theflyweightsis weakened, the governor lever being pulled by the governor spring moves to push the control rack of the fuel injection pump in the direction of increasing fuel. Thus, the enginerecovers its speed to the predetermined level. When the load is reduced or removed, the governor’ system operatesexactly in reverse tomaintainthe engine speed. When theengineisover-loaded, the controllinktouches the smokeset. However, the tension of the governor springis weaker than the combined force of thecentrifugal force of theflyweightsandthe smoke setspring,the governor iever can not move furtherto increasefuel. Under this condition, the engine speed is reduced andthe engine exhausts blacksmoke. /- 3. STOPPING By pushing the stop lever, the governor lever pushes the control rack pump all the way t o “fuel shut off” position to stop the engine. of the injection 6 - 5 LUBRICATION SYSTEM AND OIL PUMP Forced lubricationsystem is adopted to DY23 and DY27 engines. Thetrochoid type oil pump is mounted on the.mainbearing cover co- axialywiththegovernorgearandis driven by the cam gear. The oil in the oil pan is filteredby the oil filterandisforcibly delivered by the oil pump tothecrank jounalandthen tothecrank pin lubricatingthe main bearingand thelarge end bearing. The oil splashesfromthecrankjournalandthecrank pin t o lubricatecylinder wall, piston, small end, cam shaftandthegovernorsystem.The rocker arms,valvesystem etc. inside of the rockerchamber are lubricatedby the oil mistcontainedin the blow -bygas supplied from crankcase. The blow- by gas enters into the combustion chamber through the breather valve, and the oil contained inthe blow- by gas is finallyburntout. - 48 - c FORCEDLUBRICATION BY OIL PUMP * LUBRICATION BY SPLASH 111, 1 LUBRICATION SYSTEM FIG. 76 0 OIL FILTER Oil filter is made of nylon mesh and is reusable after cleaning. As the oil flowsfrom the inside of thefilter to the outside, be sure to clean the inside thoroughly. Clean the oil filterevery time of oil change. - 49 - 6- 6 AUTOMATIC DECOMPRESSION SYSTEM The decompression systemoperates to release compression byliftinguptheexhaust valve at starting. The release lever mountedon thecamshafthas aflyweight a t one end and a crescent cam at theother end. When startingthe engine, the crescent cam jutsoutfromthe exhaust cam. over the crescent cam opening theexhaustvalveto release The exhausttappetrides compression. , ” . TAPPET FLYWEIGHT CRESCENT C A M 2LtL/l / EXHAUST C A M EXHAUSTCAM RELEASELEVER SNAPRING CAMSHAFT FIG. 77 ,-- When thecrank speed reaches a certainrevolution,theflyweight of the releaselever moves outward by the centrifugal force turning the release lever to retract the crescent cam. Thustheexhaust valve closes allowingasufficient compression forthe engine to start up. LEASELEVER ‘FLYWEIGHT SNAPRING CAMSHAFT FIG. 7 8 The components of the decompression systemaredifferent engines, however the principle of operationis the same. - 50 - by “ D ” typeand “ B ” type / 7 . STARTING SYSTEM - 7 - 1 RECOIL STARTER The recoil starterhardlyhasatrouble in the normal use, .however, in case ithasa time of lubrication, perform disassembly and reassembly in the trouble or atthe following procedures : Tools to be used : Box spanner(spanner),Cuttingpliers(pliers)and Screw driver The following explanationisapplicable tothe recoil starterfor “D”type engines. For “B” type models,reverse the direction of rotation to achieveproperservice work. 7 - 1 - 1 HOW TO DISASSEMBLE (D Type) ( 1 ) Remove t h e recoil s t a r t e r from the enginewitha box spanner. STARTER ROPE (2) Pullthestartingknobandpullout the starter rope for 30 to 40 cm. Firmly press the reel with a thumb as shown in Fig. 79 so that the reel should not make reverse turn at the place where the reelnotch comes totheoutlet of starter rope. Pull out the starter rope totheinside of recoil starterwith ascrewdriver. Then, utilize the reel notch, and rewind it until the rotation stops in the arrowheaddirection,brakingthereel rotationwithathumb. I (3) When removing,takeouttheparts Fig. in the order of the numbering in 80. 1. “U” type snap ring 2. Thrust washer 3. Friction spring cover 4. Return spring 5. Friction spring 6. Ratchet Meantime, for removing the “U” type snapring,niptheshaftwithcutting it out. pliersandpush /q STARTER NKOB FIG. 79 2 FIG. 80 - 51 - (4) Takeoutthereelfromstartercase 81. as In this case, slowly take out it turning thereellightlytowardleftandright so thatthespringis removedfrom the reel hook section. If the reel is suddenly taken out, there isafearthatthespringjumpsout in the form as it is hooked,which is very dangerous, so be careful1 of it. (If the spring jumped out, house it in the SPRING CASE starter case as instructed in Fig. 86.) Finally, release and take out the starter ropetiedtoboththereelsideand thestartingknobside. Thus,thedisassembly work ends. REEL STARTER FIG. 81 INO. 2 I 7 - 1 - 2 HOW TO REASSEMBLE (D Type) (1) First,havethestarterropepass through the starting knob, and tie the 82 No. 1. ropeasshowninFig. Then,havetheoppositeside of the rope pass through the starter case and i t asshownin Fig. the reel,andtie 82 No.2. Thensurelyhousetheend inthe reel.(In theFig.82boththe ropesaretiedquitelightly,asyou seeinfigures No.1 and No.2. Please of notethisisjustforthepurpose easyunderstanding.Therefore,when actually tying, tie the rope as tightely a s possible. FIG. 82 OUTER END OF SPRING / (2) Confirm that the spring is surely set in the starter case housing section, and so that its havethespringtoform innerendwill be about3mm from thestartershaftandthat it hooks surelythereelhook. Meantime, with the pliers about 10cm longspringfromtheinnerendcan easily be formed. STAR1'ER SHAFT 11 / INNEREND FIG. 83 - REEL HOOK 52 - OF SPRING Before putting the reelinthestarter case,windthestarterropeinthe arrowheaddirectionasshowninFig. 84, a n d a t 2.5 windingstakeoutthe rope from the reelnotch.Setthe reel hook to the inner end of the spring, andputthereelinthestartercase. ( A t thistime,confirmthatthereel hook isdulysettothespring.) Then,holdthestarterropeasshown inFig. 84, and turn the reel 4 times in the arrowhead direction. When woundup,firmlypressthereelnot t o allowreverseturn,andpullthe starting knob. Then, pull out from the startercasethestarterropeutilized forwinding,andslowlyreturnthe s t a r t i n g knob. When reassemblingtheparts, follow upinthereverseordertoFig. 80. When putting the friction plate in the hole for it, set the return spring a little 85 so t h a t upwardasshowninFig. thefrictionplatecaneasily be put intheholeforit. Next,turnthefrictionplateinthe arrowheaddirectiontilltheposition where its notch matches with the ratchet. Push firmly the friction plate t o thereelside,andputthethrust “U” washerandthenclampitwitha typesnapring. (Use pliers to set the snap ring securely.) * FIG. 84 CH FIG. 85 .This isthe end of the disassemblyandreassemblyprocedures. Testthe reassembled recoil starter by the following checkingproceduresin page. - 53 - thenext 7 - 1 - 3 CHECKING PROCEDURESAFTERREASSEMBLY (1) Pull thestartingknob 2 or 3 times,andpull a) If the starting knob is felt heavy to partsareinstalled correctly. b) If theratchet (D Type) does notfunction, outthestarter ropealittle. pull or cannot be pulled, check whether all the check whetherthespringis hooked properly. (2) Pull thestarting knob, and pull outthestarter ropeall the way long. a) If thestarter roperemainsleft in the reel or thestarter rope does not returnat all,immoderate strain i s imposed on thespring. So rewind thestarter rope 1 or 2 times as per instructionin Fig.79. b) If the return power of the starter rope is weak or the starter ropecannot be fully rewind,injecta few drops of mobileoilin thefrictionalportions. If it does not recover yet, wind the rope 1 or 2 times. (In this case,refer t o theinstructions explained intheparagrapha)aboveand confirmwhether or notimmoderate strain is imposed on thespring.) c ) If thesoundisheardthatthespring is falling off, andthestarter rope cannot be wound in relay,reassemble once again from thebiginning. 7 - 1 - 4 USEFUL REMINDERS ( 1 ) IN CASE THE SPRING JUMPS OUT WHEN DISASSEMBLING With thinwiremake a ringsmaller thanthecaseforspring,and hook theouterend of spring on thepart of the ring as shown in Fig. 86. Store i t inthespringhousingsection of the reel, and carefully remove the ring, pressingthespringwithfingers so as not to come out. The ring can easily be removed by squeezing itwiththe t i p of thescrewdriver or thelike. Refer toFig.83for not t o mistake thedirection of thespring. (2) LUBRICATE RECOIL COMPONENTS Lubricate the rotating parts, frictional partsandspringwithheatresistant grease, or mobile oil atthetime of disassembly or at theend of season f o r use. - 54 - FIG. 86 , 7 - 2 ELECTRIC STARTING MOTOR (OPTIONAL PART) 7 - 2 - 1 SPECIFICATIONS Part Name Maker BOLT Starting Motor MAGNET SWITCH Nihon Denso K. K. DRIVE SPRING Output 0.6 kW Weight 3.0 k g \ DRIVELEVER DRIVE BRUSH PIS1 FRAME STOP COLLER FIG. 87 7-2-2 WIRING DIAGRAM LIGHT BLUE LIGHT BLUE KEY SWITCH RED IC I r---- I Connect positive (+) battery terminal to 8 rnm magnetic switch treminal. L------J BATTERY 12V-24AH ~ FIG. 88 - 55 - 8. PRECAUTIONS FOR MOUNTING THE ENGINE ON THE EQUIPMENT The installation of an engine to the equipment effects greatly to the ease of maintenance. 8- 1 INSTALLATION When designingtheequipment,pay couplingmethode withtheequipment, asufficientattentiontothemountingposition, base andsupports. 8 - 2 VENTILATION Enginerequiresasufficientamount of clean and fresh air for. combustion of fuel and cooling. If theengineis covered withan enclosure, or theengineisoperatedin asmall room, the enginemay overheatsunless a sufficientamount of freshair is supplied fromthe outside of theengine room. High surroundingtemperaturealsocausesthedeterioration of engine oil, increased oil consumption, lower output,andpiston seizure resultingintheshorterengine life. Therefore,itisnecessaryto providea ductor abaffle totheenginetoprevent recirculation or reflection of hot cooling air. A prudential attention have to be paid to keep the engine room temperature below 50°C (122" F). 8 - 3 EXHAUST GAS / Exhaust gas is noxious. Be suretodischargeexhaustgasoutdoors when operatingthe engineindoors or in a poorly ventilatedareasuch as inacave, tunnel, etc. If anexhaust pipe extensionis used todischargeexhaustgas, be careful of theinner diameter of the pipe toprevent power loss. Recommendation of exhaust pipe extension : Less than 3 m long : inner diameter 35 mm. Less than 5 m long : inner diameter 38 mm. 8 - 4 FUEL SYSTEM If the fuel tankisseparately mountedon theequipmentfromthe engine, be sureto of fuel tanknot less than 50 mm higherthanthe fuelinjection pump. setthebottom If thetank is mountedtoo low, thefuelmaynotbe suppliedproperly tothe engine. When pipingthe engine, be carefuI of heatconduction, pipe size, bends, andleaksfrom thejointsand make thefuel pipe asshortas possible t o preventairandvaporfrom beingtrapped. - 56 - 8 - 5 POWERTRANSMISSIONTO DRIVEN MACHINES 8 - 5 - 1 BELT DRIVE Takethefollowingnotesintoconsideration. (1) V-beltsare preferable to flat belts. (2) The driving shaft of the engine must be parallel to the driven shaft of the equipment. (3) Thedriving pulley of theenginemust be in linewith thedriven pulley of the equipment. (4) Installthedriving pulley as close totheengineas (5) Span the belthorizontally possible. if possible. (6) Disengage the load at startingthe If the clutch is notadaptable,usea engine. belt tensioner or the like to disengage load. 8- 5- 2 FLEXIBLE COUPLING When usinga flexiblecoupling, minimize therunoutandmisalignment engineshaftandthedrivenshaft. The allowance are specified bythecouplingmaker. - 57 - between the 9. CHECKS AND CORRECTIONS After disassembling and cleaning the engine, check and repair, if necessary, according to the correctiontable. The correctiontableapplieswhenever the engines are repaired. Itisimportantforthe servicemen to be familiarwiththecontents of this table. Correct maintenance isrecornrnendk by observingthe correction standards specified. The meanings of theterms used inthe correction tableareas follows : ( 1 1 CORRECTION Repair, adjustment or replacement of anyengineparts. ( 2 1 CORRECTION LIMIT The limit onwear,damage or functionaldeterioration of engine parts beyond which normalengineperformancecannot be expected withoutrepairingsuchparts. ( 3 ) USE LIMIT Thelimit beyond which parts can no longer be used in respect of performance or strength. ( 4 ) STANDARDDIMENSIONS Thedesigndimensions (5) of new partsminus tolerance. CORRECTION TOLERANCE Tolerance on the dimensions of engineparts refinished or adjusted. 9 - 1 SERVICE DATA Engine I Unit : mm (in) CYLINDER HEAD @ Flatness DY27 DY23 ITEM Limit STD I / 0.05 0.05 (0.002) (0.002) @Valveseatcontactwidth (@) e V a l v e guide inside dia. 2.2 1.6 (0.087) (0.063) I I 5.5-5.518 (0.21 - 58 - 65-0.21 5.65 72) (0.2224) Unit : rnm (in) DY23 ITEM STD Limit 75.000-75.01 9 75.25 I CYLINDER @Inside dia. 70.000-70.01 9 PISTON OPiston size ( A t skirt, in thrustdirection) I clearance Piston pin hole f OPiston pin outside dia. 70.25 (2.7559-2.7567) (2.7657) (2.9528-2.9535) (2.9626) 69.961 -69.981 (2.7544-2.7552) 69.871 (2.7508) 74.961 -74.981 (2.9512-2.9520) 74.07 1 (2.9477 1st o / s 70.21 1-70.231 (2.7642-2.7650) 70.1 21 (2.7607) 75.21 1-75.231 (2.961 1-2.961 9) 75.1 21 (2.9575) 2nd o / s 70.461 -70.481 (2.7741 -2.7748) 70.371 (2.7705) 75.461 -75.481 (2.9709-2.9717) 75.371 (2.9674) 0.05-0.09 (0.0020-0.0035) 0.1 5 (0.0059) 0.05-0.09 (0.0020-0.0035) 0.1 5 (0.0059) 0.01 5-0.055 (0.0006-0.0022) 0.1 (0.0039) 0.015-0.055 (0.0006-0.0022) 0.1 (0.0039) 18.03 18.001 -18.008 18.03 (0.7087-0.7090) (0.7098) STD I Ringgrooveside DI 27 1 f r 18.001 - 18.008 (0.7087-0.7090) (0.7098) -1 18.000- 18.006 17.980 (0.7087-0.7089) (0.7079) 18.000-1 8.006 17.980 (0.7087-0.7089) (0.7079) @Clearance betweenpiston andcylinderatskirt area. 0.01 9-0.058 0.1 5 0.019-0.058 0.2 (0.0007-0.0022) (0.0059) (0.0007-0.0022) (0.0079) 0.3-0.5 1.o 0.1 -0.3 0.8 I 0 Pistonringendgap To P 2nd (0.01 18-0.01 97) (0.0394) (0.0039-0.01 0.25-0.45 1 .o (0.0098-0.0177) (0.0394) 18) 0.25-0.45 (0.031 5) 1 .o Oil - 59 - (0.0098-0.01 77) (0.0394) Unit : mm (in) DY23/DY27 ITEM CONNECTING ROD .Big endinsidedia. (Metalisfitted) STD Limit 33.050-33.090 33.2 (1.301 2- 1.3028) .Clearance between big endandcrankpin (1.3071 ) 0.023-0.081 0.1 (0.0009-0.0032) (0.0039) Smallendinsidedia. 18.013- 18.034 OClearancebetweensmallend pin andpiston 0 Big endsideclearance (0.7092-0.7100) (0.71 06) 0.007-0.034 0.08 (0.0003-0.0013) (0.0031 ) 0.10-0.30 0.5 I A CRANKSHAFT 0 Crankpinoutsidedia. 18.05 (0.0039-0.01 18) 8 (0.01 97) 33.01 1-33.027 32.85 (1.2996-1.3003) (1.2933) 32.984-33.000 32.85 (1.2986-1.2992) (1.2933) 0.014-0.oa6 0.1 2 0 Journal dia. OClealancebetween journalandmainbearing I (0.0006-0.0034) - 60 - (0.0047) Unit : rnm (in) DY23/DY27 ITEM CAMSHAFT 0 Cam height STD IN. EX. 0 .Journal outside dia. "D' type cams ( 1 2650- 1.2689) Injection pump cam Flywheel side R1 PTO side R2 VALVE .Valve stemoutside 32.1 3-32.23 dia. Limit 31.98 (1.2591 29.95-30.05 29.85 (1.1791-1.1831) (1.1 752) 24.934-24.947 24.90 (0.981 7-0.9822) (0.9803) 14.973- 14.984 14.90 (0.5895-0.5899) (0.5866) 5.422-5.437 5.35 (0.21 35-0.2141 ) (0.21 06) 5.402-5.417 5.35 (0.21 27-0.21 33) (0.21 0 6 ) IN. EX. .Clearance betweenvalve stem dia. andvalveguide 0.063-0.096 0.3 (0.0025-0.0038) (0.01 18) IN. 0.083-0.1 16 0.3 EX. (0.0033-0.0046) (0.01 18) 0 Valve clearance IN./ EX. (cold) -61 - 0.07-0.1 Adjustable (U.OO28-U.OU39) r ITEM TAPPET 0 Stem outside dia. Unit : mm (in) DY23/DY27 STD Q Limit 7.960-7.975 7.93 (0.3134-0.3140) (0.3122) 0 Guideinsidedia. 8.000-8.01 5 8.08 (0.31 50-0.31 56) (0.31 8) 0 Tappet guide clearance 0.025-0.055 0.1 5 (0.001 0-0.0022) (0.0059) 11.937-1 1.984 11.92 ROCKER A R M 0 Rockershaftoutsidedia. (0.4714-0.4718) 0 Rockerarm (0.4693) hole dia. 12.000-12.01 8 12.07 (0.4724-0.4731 ) (0.4752) @Rockerarmshaftclearance 0.01 6-0.045 0.1 5 (0.0006-0.0018) (0.0059) VALVE SPRING FREE LENGTH - 62 - 32.5 31 .O (1.2795) (1.2205 1 , Unit : mrn (in) DY23/DY27 ITEM I STD INJECTION PUMP Frominjectionpumpflangesurface e Staticinjectiontiming 65.95-66.05 (2.5965-2.6004) 21 -23 ETDC t o cam base NOZZLE 0 Injectionstartingpressure Nozzle dia./Number of nozzle Limit Adjustable 195 kg / cmz (2773 I b j in2) 0.22 (0.009)/4PCS. ENGINECOMPRESSION (at 400 r. P. m. by hand) 18 k g / c m 2 13 kg/ cmz (256.0 Ib/ in2) ( 1 84.9 I b / in2) 17- 17.5 k g / cmz 1 2 k g / cmz DY23 DY27 (241.6-248.9 ( 1 70.7 Ib/ in2) Ib/ in2) I VALVE SEAT ANGLE (IN. EX.) .Valve cutterangle(a) .Valve contactwidth (b) b : 2.2 mm b : 1.6 mrn (0.0866in) (0.0630in) a I TABLE OF TIGHTENING TORQUE Tightening Torque Description Bolts for joining main bearing cover 170-1 90 kg- cm (1 2.3-1 3.7 f t Ib) DY23 300-330 kg- cm (21.7-23.9 ft Ib) DY 27 330-350 k g - c m (23.9-25.3 ft Ib) Boltsforjoiningconnectingrodcap 180-200 kg-cm (13.0-14.5 ft Flywheelnut 600-650 kg- cm (43.4-47.0 ft Oil drainplug 200-230 k g - cm (14.5-1 6.6 f t Nuts for joining cylinderhead Nutsforjoininginjection nozzle = Ib) Ib) 0 Ib) 50-60 kg- cm (3.6-4.3 f t * Ib) - 63 - IO. MAINTENANCEAND STORI The following maintenance schedule applies to the engines operated correctly under normalconditions. Theindicatedmaintenanceschedule does notnecessarily guaranteemaintenance- free operationsduringtheintervals. For example, if the engine is operated in extremely dusty condition, the air cleaner should of every 50 hours. be cleaned everydayinstead , 10- 1 DAILY CHECKS AND MAINTENANCE Reasons for requiring the maintenance work Checks and maintenance works Remove dust,dirt,debris,grassandany foreignobstaclesfromcylinder,cylinderhead, carburetorandgovernorsystem. (1) Engine overheats. (2) Enginedoesnotoperateproperly. Check fuel leakage. If leakage is found, tighten the loose joint and/orreplaceleakingpart. Danger of fire. Check boltsand nuts for looseness. Tightenthe loose bolt and/ornut if any. Enginemalfunctionscausingdamages engineand/ortheequipment. Check oil level and fill upas Insufficient oil causesengineseizure. necessary. to the , 10- 2 INITIAL 25 HOURS CHECK AND MAINTENANCE Reasons for requiring the maintenance work Checks and maintenance works Changeengine To remove break- in dregs. oil. I - 64 - I 2. 10-3 EVERY 100 HOURS (MONTHLY) CHECKS ANDMAINTENANCE Reasons for requiring the maintenance work Checks and maintenance works Changeengine Contaminated oil accelerateswear. oil. Clean oil filter. Insufficient oil causesenginefailure. Clean aircleaner. Clogged air cleanercauses operation. Check batteryelectrolyte poor engine Insufficientelectrolytelowers performanceandshortenbattery level. battery life. Waterinthefuelcauses poor engine operation,badstartingandcorrosion in the injection pump and nozzle. Dischargewaterfromfuelfilter. 10- 4 EVERY 500 HOURS CHECKS AND MAINTENANCE Reasons for requiring the maintenance work Checks and maintenanceworks I I Check and adjustvalveclearance. Impropervalveclearance output. Check and cleaninjection Poor operation of the engine. nozzle. I Remove carbondepositfromcylinderhead. causes poor engine Poor operation of theengine. 10- 5 EVERY 1000 HOURS (YEARLY) CHECKS ANDMAINTENANCE I I 1 I Checks and maintenance works Reasons for requiring the maintenance work I Replace pistonrings. Poor performance of theengine. Replacefuel To preventfromfuelleaking. lines. Replace fuelfilter Check valveseats Grindvalveseats Poor operation of theengine. both intakeandexhaust. if necessary. Poor operation of the engine. - 65 - I Check and maintenance works Overhaulthe engine. Reasons for requiring the maintenance work To recover theenginepower engine life. and extend IO - 7' PREPAWATIO S FOR LON6 STORAGE (1) Perform the above maintenance works 10- 1 through 10- 4. Also perform 10- 5 and 10- 6 as necessary. (2) Drain fuel from thetank. (3) To protectcylinder bore from rusting,pour asmallamount (4-5 cc)of engine oil throughtheauxiliary fuel inletinto the cylinder and pull the recoil starter slowly 2 to 3 times. (Do not startthe engine.) 1 Bo not pour too much oil or the oil rernaines in the combustionchamber top. (4)Pull the recoil starter slowly andstopitatthe (5) Clean theengineoutsidewith a oily cloth. (6) Put a cover over the engine andstoreitin - 66 - of the piston compression point. a dryand well ventilatedarea. , Industrial Engines
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