Collection Details 21st December Planned £925.16 Loose £353.60 28th December Planned £622 Loose £527.10 4th January Planned £966.11 Loose £519.90 11th January Planned £651.08 Loose £581.50 Standing Orders £552 (weekly) The Second Sunday In Ordinary Time 18th January 2015 1st Reading Samuel 3.3-10.19 Gospel In our first reading we meet a young boy, Samuel, who has yet to be introduced to the Word of God and to the moral demands of living as a disciple. And we also meet, alongside him, the figure of Eli, who teaches him how first to hear and then live out God’s word. May Samuel’s prayer become our own: ‘Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.’ What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? The Gospel sums it up in two questions: his question to the two disciples – ‘What do you want?’ – and their question to him – ‘Where do you live?’ Holding these two questions together will guide us all, young and not so young, on our task of building a world at peace. Jn 1.35-42 St Paul’s strong response to the disordered lives of some of his disciples in Corinth comes not only from his Pharisee upbringing, with its emphasis on ritual purity, but also from his Christian understanding of human beings as ‘temples of the Holy Spirit’. May we also use both our bodies and the whole of our being ‘for the glory of God’. ELECTRONIC LINKS The parish e-Newsletter is available by email each week. To subscribe, please email Follow us on Twitter too: 2nd Reading 1 Cor 6.13-15,17-20 Permanent Notices 1.The two red sanctuary lamps in the sanctuary are permanently lit for the Holy Souls. 2. The porch of the Church is open for people to pray from 8.00am – 5.30pm every day except Sunday, when the Church will close after the last Mass or baptism. Gloria Page 9 in the Mass Books. Readings Page 127 The Creed Page 11 Visit the Parish Website See the Quick Links on the front page and click: Volunteer Online to go to a volunteer form if you would like to help the parish in any way. Guide to the Church for a Tour Guide of St Bridget’s New Parishioners information can be found by clicking on the link near the foot of the front page. We are particularly grateful to parishioners who join the Planned Giving scheme and who pay by bankers order – please follow the same link for details or ask in the Parish Office. Fr Stewart’s Thought Leads To The Christmas Seems A Long Time Ago? Wrong! I’m sure there must be a fair few people who come into the church and think we’ve forgotten to take the crib down. We haven’t of course. Whilst most people think Christmas ends after Epiphany or even Boxing Day(!!!) the Season actually ends on February 2nd, the Feast of the Presentation. This is the last of “the epiphanies” when Jesus makes his presence known to Simeon in the Temple. For parishioners who come from countries on the continent it is common to keep the crib up for the whole season, but why are we doing it this year? Christmas is the season that reveals God’s love to us as “human beings” – he took on our human nature, when he was born in Bethlehem. In doing so he sanctified humanity and Jesus would later say, “WHATEVER you do for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, “YOU DO UNTO ME!!” We must not just celebrate Christmas, we must LIVE IT: and live it as Pope Francis emphasises, especially with the poor. We must remember though, there is another poverty, that can effect everyone, including those in our wealthier developed world. This too is what Christmas is all about. I remember Cardinal Hume speaking of this when he said… “My first visit to the Third World changed me. You cannot look into the eyes of a starving child and remain the same. The first relief camp I was able to visit, with my colleagues from CAFOD, was Quiha. The camp was enormous and hundreds of women and children were sitting in groups trying to keep warm with only simple ragged shawls. Many people were just lying on the ground and I sought as a simple priest to give comfort to many who were obviously close to death. By next morning in this one camp 300 people had died. I still have a vision of a small boy in another centre who took my fingers and rubbed them against his face, and put his fingers in his mouth to show he was hungry. He had only a loincloth around him. He would not let go of my hand. I thought this child is craving for food, craving for love. There, in a very simple uncluttered way I realised once again the fundamental needs of human beings. They need food just to live, and they need love, to be valued.” For information on Growing in Faith, contact the Parish Team as follows: 6.00pm Mass - Pauline Cooper 07752 413859 8.00am Mass - Jo Rowthorn 07971 322240 10.00am Mass - Therease Bright 07455 003597 / David Rielly 07938 228037 12.00pm Mass - Christine Cattini 07724 089174 Parish Hall We now have a new booking procedure for anyone wishing to hire the parish hall for a private function. Enquiries and confirmation of bookings will be handled by Mary Bradley. She will liaise with the Parish Office. Please contact Mary on 07709 639628 and leave a message if no reply. The charge is £25 per hour and a £100 deposit. Please could all Parish Groups who use the hall also contact Mary to advise of changes to regular dates and holidays. Foundation Governors Needed for St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Isleworth The Archbishop of Westminster Cardinal Vincent Nichols invites you to consider serving the Church in this special ministry. Foundation governors are appointed by the Archbishop to serve as his representatives on the governing bodies of all Catholic schools to ensure the Church’s mission and practice are upheld. For more information please visit St Mary’s Isleworth’s website or contact: Foundation Governor Coordinator Vaughan House 46, Francis Street London SW1P 1QN Telephone 020 7798 9005 Email: Cardinal’s Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony, Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 23rd May 2015 at 3pm. The Archbishop will be inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese who are celebrating their 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2015. If you are celebrating an anniversary, please give your parish clergy the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if no email). For those parishioners who are expected to be admitted into hospital. This leaflet which is in the porch explains the importance of asking ward staff to contact the Catholic chaplain, introduces the Sacrament of the Sick and provides an “identity card” in the event of being admitted unconscious First Holy Communion 2015 There is a meeting for parents and catechists on Wednesday 21st January at 6.30pm in the hall. If your child was not baptised in this church, we will need a copy of their baptism certificate. Please return the form to the presbytery once completed. 2015 Commemoration Calendar - 600th Anniversary of the Foundation of Syon Abbey in Isleworth We are pleased to advise that copies are now available from the Repository Gift Shop. Price £7.00. Orders can also be placed by email to Regular Groups & Events _____________________________________________ In the Parish Hall unless otherwise stated Date Feast Day Mass Intention Saturday 17th January Vigil Mass 6.00pm The People Of The Parish Sunday 18th January Second Sunday In Ordinary Time Peace Sunday 8.00am Brigid Mc Shane R.I.P & Ann Keating R.D 10.00am Margaret Oliver R.D, Maurice Oliver (Intentions) & Tina Lenahan Monday ________________________________________________ Friendship Club for Older People Next meeting is the 19th Jan Legion of Mary Every Monday at 7.30pm Tuesday ________________________________________________ Tuesday Club for Youth/ Adults with Special Needs Resumes Tuesday 20th January 7.00 – 9.00pm (Term time) Wednesday ________________________________________________ 12.00noon Monday 19th January Feria 7.00pm The Rielly Family (Intentions) & All Parishioners Tuesday 20th January Feria 9.00am The Rielly Family (Intentions) & All Parishioners Wednesday 21st January St Agnes 9.00am The Rielly Family (Intentions) & All Parishioners Thursday 22nd January Feria 9.00am The Rielly Family (Intentions) & All Parishioners Friday 23rd January Feria 7.00pm The Rielly Family (Intentions) & All Parishioners Saturday 24th January St Francis de Sales 10.00am Vigil Mass 6.00pm The Rielly Family (Intentions) & All Parishioners Little Angels Toddler Group (closed until further notice) Thursday ________________________________________________ Church Cleaning after 9.00am Mass Gentle Seated Exercises for Older People Run by an AGE CONCERN physiotherapist. Every Thursday from 2.00 – 3.00pm Molly Sullivan R.D & Dino De Maria R.D Friday ________________________________________________ Little Angels Toddler Group Due to other increased commitments, the Wednesday Little Angels Toddlers Group is closed until further notice, but may re-open if a new volunteer leader and helpers can be recruited. Should anyone be interested in reforming the group, please advise Marie in the Parish Office and someone will contact you to discuss the situation. There are many toys available in safe storage. St Richard Reynolds Catholic College Will shortly begin recruiting staff for September 2015. We are looking for teachers of RE, Art, Technology, Geography/History, Languages, English, Mathematics and Science together with teachers of EYFS/Key Stage 1 pupils and Assistant Principal roles. Further information and application forms are available on our website Mental Health Drop-In Has now resumed. Parish Hall, Fridays 12 noon – 4.00pm Mini Mary's Music Mayhem £1.50 child, £2.50 max 9.15-10.15 am Mental Health Drop-In 12noon to 4.00pm Sunday ________________________________________________ Refreshments after 10.00am Mass this week. Sunday Breakfast Next Sunday after 8.00am Mass ________________________________________________ Sick Eileen Benton, Howard May, Stella Eusubio, Eloise Poiret, Eileen O’Connor, Edna Garrod, Gerald Kauser, Arthur Stratton, Michael Chapman, Kath Bolton, Wladzia Siedlecka, Helen Fernandes, Alison Rebello, Sian Hughes, Ellen Bradley,Gary Hales, Georgia Clark, David Fairweather, Christine Barker-Malcolm, John Mc Grae, Emma Hennessey, Odette Barnes, Ellen Bradley, Christopher O’Regan, Ted Reilly, P J Mc Mahon, Lesley Martin, Michele Lees, Dickie Bell, Shirley Jackson, Gloria Ihme, Bradán Peacock, Theresa Breen, Ann Cronin, Eric Tuckwell, Heather MacMillan, Alison Grant, Hugh Breach, Soirse and Maj Cunningham, May Kissane, Jack Brady, Pat & Roy Edwards, Maureen Pierce, Elizabeth Russell, Martin Russell, Mary Nathan, Anthony Casey, Richard Atterwill, John Dennison, Christine Steele, Maria Zehetner, Sr Anne Marie, Marie Donnelly, Philip Casey, Sue & Bob Young, Cathie Budge, Miriam Gutteridge, Pawla Dennison, Pauline Williams, Sophie Bordi, Joyce Ennis, John Okonjo, Onyeka Okonjo, Kiana Gooding, Sheila Dodd, Marie Seymour, Terry Sharpe, Tony Richardson, Loretta De’Silva, Pamela Fernando, Clarina Dias, Peggy Convery, Angela Convery, Bob Stainton, Margaret Mullin, Simon Allad, Marie Aiyadoria, Mabel D’Cruz, Florence Harwood, Christiana Ziregbe, Reg Legro, Jackie McGuinness, Marie Whitehead, Bernadette McCullagh, Flora Ziregbe, Tony Treacy, Anthony Casey, Catherine Hynes Recently Deceased: Dino De-Maria, Maria McKenna, Bridget Mc Shane, Margaret Courtney, George Thomas, Mrs Marr, Josephine Dunne, Dilys Vaughan, Eugeni Broi, Margaret O’Reilly, Norman Harris, Daphne Richards, Victims in France Those whose anniversaries occur about this time: Susan Maloney, Joseph Chong Chee Ming,Thomas Moore, James Bracken, Vi Hurst, Shirley Bosi, Barbara Williams May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace R EP OSI TORY GI FT SH OP CATHOLIC CHURCH ISLEWORTH Open after all weekend Masses (t) 020 8560 1431 (e)
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