safe Kids Corner after-school

Kids Corner
Community Education
safe & nurturing
after-school program
kindergarten through
sixth-grade children.
for more info about our programs,
scan the QR code
or visit us at
I: Program Description
Welcome to the Kids Corner program offered through the
Community Education Department of Mesa Public Schools. We
recognize how busy family life can be and we count it a privilege to
work with and support your family!
This handbook will provide you with information on a variety of aspects of
our program. Please keep it as your reference for the school year.
Contact Us
Community Ed
Account Questions:
(480) 472-7250
(480) 472-7265
Kids Corner is licensed and inspected by the Arizona Department of Health
Services (ADHS). Kids Corner is licensed to serve school-aged (K-6th grade)
children in part-time care (fewer than 6 hours/day).
Facility inspection reports are available for public viewing at ADHS, 150 N. 18th
Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85007. The ADHS phone number is (602) 364-2539. ADHS
inspection reports are also available at the Community Education office as well
as at our program sites.
Kids Corner meets current state standards for liability insurance. Copy is
available at the Community Education office. The Mesa Unified School District
#4, as in regular school day programs, does not have medical insurance or
funds to cover costs as a result of any injury to a student who participates in
this program. Therefore, any such costs incurred would be the responsibility of
the parent or legal guardian.
Staff Qualifications
Kids Corner staff members:
Mailing address:
• meet or exceed established educational and experience requirements for
the position held, many of our staff members hold certifications/degrees or
are pursuing degrees in education or related fields
• undergo background checks through our district as well as local, state and
federal authorities
• participate in formal trainings throughout the year
• are certified in CPR and First Aid
• are supported with training, resources and administrative guidance
Mesa Public Schools
Community Education Department/ Kids Corner Program
855 W. 8th Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85210
Staff to Child Ratio
To ensure the continued quality of Kids Corner, our staff to child ratio meets
the 1 to 20 ratio set by ADHS.
Handbook Contents:
Program Description
Registration and Payment Information
Policies and Procedures
Site List and Sample Fo rms
Hours of Operation
We compliment the regular school day by offering program times before and/
or after school hours at individual school sites. Kids Corner is in operation
every day school is in session. Morning care begins at 6:30 am and ends when
the school day begins. The afternoon program begins at school dismissal and
remains open until 6:00 pm.
Early Release Days
When schools are scheduled to release children early (see district calendar),
Kids Corner will open at the school dismissal time. Registered families are
not charged for extra hours of care occurring on any early release days. This
includes Wednesdays, end of grading period days, and parent conference
II: Registration and Account Terms
Holiday and School Closures
Kids Corner will be closed on the following days:
Labor Day
October Break
Veterans Day
Semester Break
Civil Rights Day
President’s Day
Spring Break
April Break
Monday, Sept. 1, 2014
Monday - Friday, Oct. 6 - 10, 2014
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014
Thursday and Friday, Nov. 27 and 28, 2014
Monday, Dec. 22, 2014 - Jan. 2, 2015
Monday, Jan. 19, 2015
Monday, Feb. 16, 2015
Monday, Mar. 16 - Friday, Mar. 20, 2015
Friday, Apr. 3, 2015
Daily Schedule
We offer a variety of activities including opportunities for creative expression,
indoor and outdoor recreation, homework time, service projects, and other
structured enrichment.
Upon arrival sign in with site staff
3:00-3:15 pm
Snack time
3:15-5:15 pm
Group Activity Rotations
(activity rotations include outside sports,
playground, science, art and group games.)
5:15-6:00 pm
Students’ choice
(schedule varies according to site and dismissal time)
Snacks are provided as part of each Kids Corner day. Each snack meets the
nutritional guidelines set by ADHS. Each child is encouraged to eat a snack.
Students with special dietary needs or specific food choices will need to
provide their individual snack from home.
Empower Pack
Kids Corner participates in the Empower Pack program. It is a nutrition and
tobacco free program with childcare centers in Arizona to encourage and
promote more healthy habits including increased physical activity and
nutritional food choices.
Family Participation
School security protocols may require notice to obtain access to the site.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to observe/participate with their child
during Kids Corner. We invite you to:
Help us learn about your child’s special talents and strengths.
Inform us when your child may need extra help or support.
Share your family and cultural traditions.
Attend and/or volunteer items for special events.
Visit when you can.
All paperwork must be filled out completely, before a child may begin. Families
will be notified by the Community Education Office when the child may start
attending the program. Registration forms are available at your child’s school
office, the Community Education office, or online at
Required Documents
Completed registration form
Copy of immunization record for each child
$50 registration/licensing fee per family (non-refundable)
First month’s program fee for each child (non-refundable)
Payment of any outstanding balance due on the family account
Completed registration forms, emergency forms, and immunization records
may be submitted in the following manner:
• Bring completed forms and required documents to:
Mesa Education Center
Community Education Department
855 W. 8th Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85210
• Fax completed forms and required documents to:
Community Education Department
Fax # (480) 472-7251
Please do not fax payment information; our staff will
contact you for your initial payment via phone.
• Place completed forms and required documents in our 24 hour/7 day a
week drop box located by the west entrance of the Community Education
Enrollment is on a first come; first served basis. All sites have a maximum capacity
based on licensing guidelines. Any family we are unable to accommodate will be
placed on a waiting list. Parents will be notified as soon as a space is available.
Program Fees
Annual family registration and licensing fee:
Part time morning session only (1-10 days/month):
Full-time morning session only (11+ days/month):
Part-time afternoon session only (1-10 days/month)
Full- time afternoon session only (11+ days/month):
Program options may be combined to suit family needs.
Payment Policy
Program fees are charged monthly and are due on the first
business day of the month. Fees are established based on the
number of days the program is in operation during the school
year and the program for which the student is registered.
These fees are not adjusted on a monthly basis but are divided
equally into monthly payments. Hourly, daily or weekly rates
are not offered. Families will not receive a bill.
If at any time the account is past due, services will not be available until the
account is current without regard to multiple financially responsible parties.
• Pay by check/money order: Mail/bring to Community Ed. office or drop box.
• Pay with cash: bring to Community Ed. office
• Pay by credit/debit: Online (see below) or come to Community Ed
We accept Visa or MasterCard.
Automatic or online payments via Tuition Express – no additional processing
fee. An authorization/registration form is required. Forms are available online
or at Community Ed.
Note: To protect your sensitive financial information, credit card payments are not
accepted via fax, mail or drop box. Additionally, payments are not accepted at
school sites.
Additional Fees
Late Pick Up fees:
$25.00 for 1-15 minutes
$25.00 for each additional 15 minutes
NSF or a Returned Check fee:
$25.00 per check. You may be required to provide a cashier’s check or money
order for future financial transactions with Community Education.
Late Payment Fee:
$25.00 late payment fee will be assessed for payments not received by close of
business on the scheduled due date.
Contract Changes
Kids Corner staffing, supplies, and snacks are planned based on your
enrollment choices. The options selected are considered your commitment
and choice for the entire school year.
Families must notify the Community Education office, in writing, one (1) week
prior to withdrawal or with any change in program. If child is withdrawn, reenrollment will be based on space availability. There are no refunds or credits for
unused program days.
Program Change/Cancellation forms are located at the Community Education
office, on our website, and in the handbook.
To change program options:
• Complete a Program Change/Cancellation form
• Submit to the Community Education office via mail or fax.
Changes will be effective at the beginning of the next month.
III: Policies and Procedures
Sign In & Out Policy
• Daily attendance is taken and recorded.
• ADHS licensed programs require parents or authorized individuals to sign
a child in and out of the program each day by signing their full name along
with the accurate date and time in blue or black ink.
• Individuals are required to show a picture ID in order to positively identify
individuals allowed to pick up a child.
• Only persons listed on the emergency card as authorized signors will be
allowed to pick up a child. A child will not be released to anyone refusing to
show a picture ID for identification.
• Only the parent and/or authorized signors over the age of 18 may sign
children in/out for families receiving DES assistance.
• If an extreme emergency exists, the parent/guardian may call the Kids
Corner site and authorize the phone release of their child to a designee.
If applicable, custody papers must be given to the Community Education office
at the time of registration or when they become effective. Any specific legal
parenting plan must also be provided by parents to the Kids Corner staff.
If your child will not be attending Kids Corner on a particular day, it is critical
that staff is aware that the child will not attend.
Please call the Kids Corner school site (list at end of handbook) and leave a
message with the following information: child’s name, day of absence, reason
for the absence.
Or, call the school office and leave a message for the Kids Corner staff.
If your child is scheduled to attend the program and does not attend, site staff
will make the effort to verify the absence with parents or emergency contacts.
If these efforts fail, the City of Mesa Police will be contacted to locate your
Late Pick Up
Please call your site if there is an emergency which will result in a late pickup. In the event that the parent/guardian has not contacted the site, or an
emergency contact cannot be reached, the police will be called to pick up your
child. Late fee charges may also apply to late pick-ups. (See Late Pick up Fees)
Illness and Emergencies
Children who are ill or who have had a fever in the past 24 hours may not
attend Kids Corner. Children must be present in school in order to attend
Kids Corner. Please inform staff when a child’s absence is due to a potentially
infectious illness to allow staff to follow ADHS guidelines and inform other
families of any potential risk.
When a child becomes ill during the program, site staff will contact parents or
another authorized party to pick up the child so that the illness can be treated
at home. An isolated area will be provided for the child to rest until a parent/
guardian arrives.
games etc. The Kids Corner Program seeks to work together with the school by
supporting their policy.
Field Trips
In case of serious accidents, paramedics will be called for treatment. They
will advise whether the student should be taken to the nearest hospital by
ambulance. Staff will notify parents/guardians as soon as possible. Parent/
guardian will be responsible for all costs incurred in such emergencies.
Kids Corner does not provide field trips during the school year. If the
opportunity for a field trip arises, parents will be notified in advance and a
permission slip will be sent home. Details of the field trip will be outlined
by the site staff. Only students with a signed permission slip will be able to
participate on a field trip.
Behavior Guidelines
Please make arrangements for the school nurse to give your child any
medications he/she may need before coming to the program. In order for Kids
Corner staff to administer medications:
• A consent form for the medication to be given must be completed by
the parent, reviewed with the Kids Corner staff and kept on file with the
• All medications must be brought in the original container and pharmacy
label, including the child’s name, date, and name of medication, dosage,
frequency and Rx number.
• Nonprescription medication must also be unopened, in the original
container and include directions of dosages, compound contents and
proportions clearly marked.
• Medications will be returned to the parent when it is no longer being
• Kids Corner staff will dispose of the medicine after 2 weeks of the expiration
date or after the child no longer attends the program.
It is the parent/guardian responsibility to supply the program with a new
consent form and medication when changes occur. If a student changes
school sites, the parent/guardian is to pick up the medication and bring it to
the new site. Any instructions for new staff must be conducted by the parent/
Pesticide Use
Notices are posted on school entrance doors 48 hours in advance of pesticide
Additional Activities
If your child is participating in additional activities such as scouting, homework
club, after school sports, enrichment classes, etc., please provide written
authorization to the Kids Corner staff before the activity begins. Include the
name of the activity, days/dates, times, location. The activity leader will need
to escort the child back to the Kids Corner program.
Personal Property
Kids Corner is not responsible for any personal items or clothing that are lost or
damaged at the site. Parents are asked to monitor what children bring or wear
to the program. All schools have policies regarding toys, cell phones, electronic
• Children participating are expected to follow the established rules. These
rules incorporate behavioral expectations which coincide with school rules.
• Kids Corner fosters an atmosphere of respect and rapport between children
and staff. Positive, respectful interactions are practiced.
• Emphasis is placed upon personal responsibility for one’s own behavior.
Appropriate behaviors are acknowledged and rewarded; misbehaviors are
redirected. A child’s choice may result in positive or negative consequences
such as rewards, redirection, or loss of privileges.
• Parents/guardians will be kept informed of problems as they arise. We value
the power of our partnership with families as we work together to assist
children learn to make responsible choices.
For more severe or continuous problems, one or more of the following may
result: incident report, conference with parent, suspension and /or removal
from the Kids Corner Program.
If program administration determines that a child cannot benefit from the
Kids Corner program or presents a danger to his/her self or other children, the
student may be withdrawn from the program.
Special Needs
Kids Corner complies with the requirements of Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If your
child has special needs, please contact the Community Education Department
prior to registration to determine eligibility and /or a plan for participation.
Reasonable modifications will be provided to afford a student with a disability
meaningful access to the Kids Corner program, unless demonstrated that
the modification would be a fundamental alteration in the nature of the Kids
Corner program, or constitute an undue financial and administrative burden.
Any student, including students with disabilities, may be removed from Kids
Corner if that student, even with reasonable modifications, is so disruptive that
other students cannot participate in the program or are in danger.
IV: Site List and sample forms
Before and After School Programs
Bush Elementary
Crismon Elementary
4925 E. Ingram St.
825 W. Medina Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85205
Mesa, AZ 85210
480-472-8562 #1 (Message)480-472-4044 (Message)
480-292-0884 (Cell)
480-292-0903 (Cell)
Las Sendas Elementary
MacArthur Elementary
3120 N. Red Mountain
1435 E. McLellan Rd.
Mesa, AZ 85207
Mesa, AZ 85203
480-472-8738 (Message) 480-472-7794 (Message)
480-292-0877 (Cell)
480-292-0894 (Cell)
Patterson Elementary
Red Mtn. Ranch Elementary
615 S. Cheshire
6650 E. Raftriver St.
Mesa, AZ 85208
Mesa, AZ 85215
480-472-9782 (Message) 480-472-7959 (Message)
480-292-0881 (Cell)
480-292-0898 (Cell)
Field Elementary
2325 E. Adobe St.
Mesa, AZ 85213
480-472-2064 (Message)
480-326-0909 (Cell)
Mendoza Elementary
5831 E. McLellan Rd.
Mesa, AZ 85205
480-472-1956 (Message)
480-292-0866 (Cell)
Wilson Elementary
5619 E. Glade Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85206
480-472-9285 (Message)
480-292-0900 (Cell)
After School Program Only
Brinton Elementary
11455 E. Sunland Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85208
480-472-4078 (Message)
480-292-0872 (Cell)
Falcon Hill Elementary
1645 N. Sterling
Mesa, AZ 85207
480-472-8592 (Message)
480-292-0874 (Cell)
Irving Elementary
3220 E. Pueblo Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85204
480-472-1610 (Message)
480-292-0918 (Cell)
Edison Elementary
545 N. Horne
Mesa, AZ 85203
480-472-5279 (Message)
480-292-0917 (Cell)
Hale Elementary
1425 N. 23rd St.
Mesa, AZ 85213
480-472-7379 (Message)
480-276-9006 (Cell)
Ishikawa Elementary
2635 N. 32nd St.
Mesa, AZ 85213
480-472-7733 (Message)
480-276-9008 (Cell)
Entz Elementary
4132 E. Adobe St.
Mesa, AZ 85205
480-472-7370 (Message)
480-273-0073 (Cell)
Hermosa Vista Elementary
2626 N. 24th St.
Mesa, AZ 85213
480-472-7556 (Message)
480-292-0888 (Cell)
Johnson Elementary
3807 E. Pueblo Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85206
480-472-6766 #2 (Message)
480-292-0876 (Cell)
Keller Elementary
1445 E. Hilton Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85204
480-472-6209 (Message)
480-292-0908 (Cell)
Kerr Elementary
125 E. McLellan Rd.
Mesa, AZ 85201
480-472-5114 (Message)
480-292-0865 (Cell)
Madison Elementary
849 S. Sunnyvale
Mesa, AZ 85206
480-472-8846 (Message)
480-297-4980 (Cell)
O’Connor Elementary
4840 E. Adobe St.
Mesa, AZ 85205
480-472-7881 (Message)
480-292-0879 (Cell)
Pomeroy Elementary
1507 W. Shawnee Dr.
Chandler, AZ 85224
480-472-3701 (Message)
480-250-5272 (Cell)
Porter Elementary
1350 S. Lindsay Rd.
Mesa, AZ 85204
480-472-6746 (Message)
480-292-0867 (Cell)
Robson Elementary
2122 E. Pueblo Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85204
480-472-6653 (Message)
480-292-0899 (Cell)
Summit Academy
1560 W. Summit Pl.
Chandler, AZ 85224
480-472-3351 (Message)
480-292-0904 (Cell)
Zaharis Elementary
9410 E. McKellips Rd.
Mesa, AZ 85207
480-308-7240 (Message)
480-292-0916 (Cell)
Salk Elementary
7029 E. Brown Rd.
Mesa, AZ 85207
480-472-8470 (Message)
480-292-0920 (Cell)
Taft Elementary
9800 E. Quarterline Rd.
Mesa, AZ 85207
480-472-9148 (Message)
480-292-0883 (Cell)
Sirrine Elementary
591 W. Mesquite St.
Chandler, AZ 85225
480-472-3647 (Message)
480-292-0871 (Cell)
Washington Elementary
2260 W. Isabella Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85202
480-472-4124 (Message)
480-273-0729 (Cell)
Kids Corner
Program Change Form
Program changes and/or cancellations must be received in the Community Education Office 5 business days prior to the start of the
new month. Return this completed form via fax (480) 472-7251; email to or mail/deliver to Community
Education at the above address.
Child’s Name:
Kids Corner Site:
Other siblings at Kids Corner?
Sibling name(s):
Sibling(s) same change?
My child is currently enrolled in: (check all that apply)
Part time Mornings
Part time Afternoons
Full time Mornings
Full time Afternoons
Change my child’s program
Reinstate my child’s program
I want to:
Cancel my child’s program
Effective date of change:
I want to change/reinstate my child’s program to: (check all that apply)
Part time Mornings M/ Tu/ W/ Th/ Fr
Part time Afternoons M/ Tu/ W/ Th/ Fr
Full time Mornings
Full time Afternoons
New monthly payment amount: $
If cancellation, please indicate reason:
No longer needed
Due to work schedule change
Parent Printed Name
Parent/Guardian Signature:
Daytime Phone
Community Education Use Only: R / E / Fi / T / S / B / L / $ / Dis / H / KC / TE
Received Date: _____________ Community Ed. Approval: ___________________ Date: __________
Program change fee amount processed: $_
_ _Change # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Payment Options:
Remit to:
Community Education Office
855 W. 8th Avenue, Mesa, AZ 85210
24-hour drop box located next to west entrance door (no cash in drop box)
We accept: Visa, MasterCard, cash, money order, checks (payable to Mesa Public Schools)
Automatic or online payments via Tuition Express –no additional processing fee!
(authorization/registration form required. Forms available online or at Community Ed.)
Note: To protect your sensitive financial information, credit card payments are not accepted via
fax, mail or drop box. Additionally, payments are not accepted at school sites
Account Inquiries: Kids Corner (480) 472-7265 Early Childhood Programs (480) 472-7261
General Questions: (480) 472-7250
Detach and return bottom portion with payment
2014 - 2015
Community Education Payment Coupon
Parent/Payer Name:
School Site:
PreK Plus
Total Paid: $
money order
Child (Legal) Name (please print):
Child (Legal) Name (please print):
Child (Legal) Name (please print):
Child (Legal) Name (please print):
Kids Corner