E_Mausam Dr. Ram Niwas Professor cum Principal Nodal Officer Department of Agricultural Meteorology CCS HARYANA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, HISAR e-Mausam • The project “e-Mausam-Weather forecasting and Agro Advisory” initiated with the joint efforts of National Informatics Centre, District Unit, Hisar and Department of Agril Meteorology, CCS Haryana Agriculture University, Hisar. • Vision value added agro advisory based on the present or future weather conditions may extend better productivity in farm operations and furthering the farmers and overall the farmer’s community including agriculture scientists. • Weather Forecasting and real time Agro Advisories using web application (http://emausamhau.gov.in) and SMS alerts using NIC-SMS gateway are extending more lead time to the farmers. Web based SMS Service E-mausam (Hindi and English) www.emausamhau.gov.in ‘e-Mausam’ web portal facilitates for the farmers and farmer community of Haryana State. e- Dashboard for current weather conditions Graph of Max and Min Day Temperature with the normal temperature Online Weather Bulletin on daily basis and Local Weather Forecast IMD Satellite picture and weather forecast for next four days Web based SMS Service E-mausam (Hindi and English) www.emausamhau.gov.in •District Wise online Weather Based Agro Advisory Bulletin in English and Hindi CCS Haryana Agricultural University Rice Research Station Kaul (Kaithal) -136021 Tel: 01746-254550 Fax: 01746-254946 AGROMET ADVISORY BULLETIN NO: 287/2013 District Agromet Advisory Bulletin for Panchkula DATE OF ISSUE: 22 Feb 2013 Weather forecast valid up to 27 Feb 2013 Weather will be mainly dry during next 24 hours. Light to moderate rain or thundershowers may occur at isolated places on 23rd and 24th. Hailstorm/Thundersquall with wind speed exceeding 45 KMPH may occur at isolated places on 23rd and 24th. The wind direction would be westerly with average speed ranging from 2-15 kmph. The maximum temperature may vary between 28-32 ºC and minimum temperature may be 14-17 ºC. The relative humidity during morning will be 65-73 % and during evening may range between 34-43%. Agroadvisory for the coming week: Irrigate the crops during low winds Main crops Crop stage Pest/Disease Intensity Agro Advisories & Plant Protection Wheat Grain Aphid Mild For aphid apply Malathion 50 EC in development 250 liter water per acre In case of yellow rust spray the crop Yellow rust Mild with Tilt @ 200 ml in 200 liter water per acre during clear weather Sugarcane Maturity Harvest the mature crop. Sowing Complete the sowing at earliest possible with recommended varieties Barseem Vegetative Cutting for fodder. Irrigate the crop Vegetable/ Interculture operations and requirement Horticultural/ based irrigation. Avoid irrigation at Forestry flowering in mango and citrus. Keep vigil for pest-diseases Harvest the mature crops and sowing for summer vegetables Animals Keep animals under roof in night and in the sun during the day time. Feed balanced fodder and increase 4 to 5% energy sources in the ration of animals like cereals, grains etc. Poultry Fumigate the poultry sheds before new slot of brooders. Deworm the chicks regularly and timely. Web based SMS Service E-mausam (Hindi and English) www.emausamhau.gov.in •Offering on-line and off-line registrations of farmers and other stakeholders of farming community District wise SMS Alerts to the farmers on weather forecasting and agro-advisory with sender ID-CCSHAU Feedback from farmers and other stakeholders of farming community through webpage Implementation Highlights The project inaugurated by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Haryana at state level functions and dedicated the farmers of the state of Haryana on 18 December 2013 Approximately One Lacs fifteen thousands (115000) of farmers including three thousands (4000) of Agriculture Scientist/officers are registered and getting benefit of the project More than One Crore SMS using NIC-SMS (Web) gateway have been sent to the registered mobile number of the beneficiaries The portal and SMS text body is bilingual (English/Hindi) SMS alerts comprises of weather forecasting , action and detailed Agro Advisory District specific covering all the 21 Districts of Haryana Contd. National Award of Excellence for outstanding dissemination of Agromet Advisories of Gramin Krishi Mausam Seva at MPUAT Udaipur on 20.11.2013 from India Meteorological Department, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt of India. The application http://emausamhau.gov.in has been passed with security audit as per GOI web policy The application and data have been hosted on NIC server at NIC-HQ, Delhi SMS alerts are being sent twice in week and as per the need and urgency (if any) Web based SMS Service E-mausam (Hindi and English) www.emausamhau.gov.in Examples of SMS Advisory: Message sent on 11 मार्च 13 से 15 मार्च के बीर् हवायों के साथ कह ीं कह ीं हल्की बारिश सींभाववत गेहीं की ससींर्ाई व सिसों की कटाई िोक लें Message sent on 30 मार्च 2 अप्रैल को तेज हवायों के साथ कह ीं कह ीं हल्की बारिश व बाद में मौसम साफ सींभाववत पकी सिसों की कटाई व ् गेहीं में ससींर्ाई िोके तथा दे सी कपास की बीजाई इस के बाद किें लेवें Message sent on 13 अगस्त मौसम 20 अगस्त तक परिवततनशील सभं ाववत, 14 से16 व 19 या 20 अगस्त को बारिश सभं ाववत फसलों में स्रे किते समय मौसम का ध्यान िखें | Message sent on 11अक्टूबर फेल्ल्लन र्क्रवात के आींसशक प्रभाव के कािण िाज्य में मौसम 13-14 अक्तबि को आींसशक बादल तथा तेज हवायों के साथ हल्की सी मध्यम बारिश सींभाववत को सिसों की बबजाई, ग्वाि बाजिा की कटाई व ् कढाई िोक लें Message sent on 30 नवम्बर मौसम 6 ददसम्बि तक खुसक सींभाववत दो ददन बाद तापमान में गगिावट व ् सुबह के समय हलकी धध ुीं सींभाववत,निमा की र्न ु ाई पि कि के जल्द से जल्द गेहीं की बबजाई पि किें | सिसों तथा समय पि बोई गई गेहीं में ससींर्ाई किें | Message sent on 1 जनवरी 6 जनवि तक मौसम खश्ु क पिन्तु बीर्-बीर् में आींसशक बादल सींभाववत| तापमान में गगिावट व पाला पड़ने की सींभावना को दे खते हुए सिसों व सल्जजयों में हलकी ससींर्ाई व उति पल्श्र्मी ददशा में धआ ु ीं किें तथा सल्जजयों की पौध को िाबि के समय पोल गथन से ढकें| Message sent on 29 जनवरी मौसम 2 फ़िवि िाबि व 3 फ़िवि को आींसशक बादल व ् कह ीं कह ीं बींदाबाींद सींभाववत इसके बाद मौसम खस ु क तथा तापमान में गगिावट सींभाववत| ठन्डे मौसम को दे खते हुए पशुओीं को पशुशाला में ह बाींधे तथा बबछावन सुखा िखें | Database of more than One Lakh Fifteen thousands of beneficiaries Future Plan for Dissemination: • Dissemination through Kiosk Information at district HQ Bus Stand of Haryana state • Weather updates Location specific Weather forecast Weather based Prediction of pest & diseases incidence Crop specific information Sowing Time Varieties Pest & Diseases Remedies All weather & crop information at one place in Hindi & English Languages Kisaan Mela/Field Meeting 40.0 y = -0.0239x + 31.062 35.0 Temperature (°C) 30.0 y = -0.0117x + 23.9 25.0 20.0 15.0 y = 0.0001x + 16.73 10.0 5.0 1 5 9 13 17 Years 21 25 Temperature Trends in Ambala 29 1700.0 y = 4.4495x + 881.24 1500.0 Rainfall (mm) 1300.0 1100.0 900.0 700.0 500.0 300.0 100.0 1 5 9 13 17 Years 21 Rainfall Trend in Ambala 25 29 40.0 y = -0.0028x + 31.886 35.0 Temperature (°C) 30.0 y = 0.0166x + 24.187 25.0 20.0 15.0 y = 0.036x + 16.487 10.0 5.0 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 Years Temperature Trends in Bawal 1200.0 y = 5.9588x + 509.43 1000.0 Rainfall (mm) 800.0 600.0 400.0 200.0 0.0 1 5 9 13 17 Years Rainfall Trend in Bawal 21 25 29 Max. Temp. = -0.007x + 31.65 35.0 30.0 Temperature (°C) Mean. Temp. = 0.001x + 23.85 25.0 20.0 15.0 Min. Temp.= 0.008x + 16.06 10.0 5.0 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 Years 29 33 37 Temperature Trends in Hisar 41 1200.0 y = 1.7426x + 427.72 Rainfall (mm) 1000.0 800.0 600.0 400.0 200.0 0.0 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 Years Rainfall Trend in Hisar 29 33 37 41 y = -0.0022x + 29.952 35.0 30.0 Temperature (°C) y = 0.0077x + 23.246 25.0 20.0 15.0 y = 0.0175x + 16.541 10.0 5.0 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 Years 29 33 37 Temperature Trends in Karnal 41 1200.0 y = -1.614x + 768.58 Rainfall (mm) 1000.0 800.0 600.0 400.0 200.0 0.0 1 5 9 13 17 21 Years 25 Rainfall Trend in Karnal 29 33 37 41 y = 0.0098x + 31.192 35.0 30.0 Temperature (°C) y = 0.032x + 24.174 25.0 20.0 15.0 y = 0.0542x + 17.156 10.0 5.0 1 5 9 13 17 21 Years Temperature Trend in Sirsa 25 1200.0 y = 1.9593x + 363.68 Rainfall (mm) 1000.0 800.0 600.0 400.0 200.0 0.0 1 5 9 13 Years Rainfall Trend at Sirsa 17 21 25 40.0 Max. Temp.= -0.003x + 31.87 35.0 Temperature (°C) 30.0 Mean Temp.= 0.001x + 24.86 25.0 20.0 15.0 Min. Temp. = 0.004x + 17.84 10.0 5.0 1 5 9 13 17 21 Years 25 29 33 37 Temperature Trend in Rohtak 1200.0 y = 0.3741x + 561.47 1000.0 Rainfall (mm) 800.0 600.0 400.0 200.0 0.0 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 Years Rainfall Trend in Rohtak 29 33 37 Climate Shift Climatic Zones Dry Sub Humid Semiarid Arid Response of grain yield with mean air temperature during germination period Response of grain yield with mean air temperature during crown root initiation Response of grain yield with mean air temperature during ear emergence. Response of grain yield with mean air temperature during grain development. Response of grain yield with mean air temperature during crop growing period. Thermal production function for reproductive stage of wheat Thermal production function for reproductive stage of wheat Thermal production function for reproductive stage of wheat Thermal production function for reproductive stage of wheat 2010-11 2010-11 2012-13 2012-13 2011-12 2013-14 2013-14 Air temperature variation during reproductive phase in wheat crop Expected wheat productivity based on minimum temperature deviation using thermal response function Feb 15 - April 5 Normal 2010-11 Max Actual Min Hisar 27.6 10.4 Karnal 26.6 11.7 Mean 27.1 11.1 Max % deviation Min Max Min 10.7 -0.7 0.3 26.3 12.0 -0.3 0.3 26.6 11.4 -0.5 0.3 9.8 10.7 -0.3 -0.6 0.0 -1.0 26.9 Min. Temp. effect (q/ha) Average Expected yield Grain yield (q/ha) -1.5 47.1 48.0 4.1 52.7 52.0 -4.0 44.6 44.5 -0.5 48.1 47.2 2011-12 Hisar 27.6 10.4 Karnal 26.6 11.7 27.3 26.6 Mean 27.1 11.1 27.0 10.3 -0.1 -0.8 Hisar 27.6 10.4 26.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 -0.8 -0.5 1.4 Karnal 26.8 26.1 Mean 27.1 11.1 26.5 11.8 -0.6 0.8 27.6 10.4 24.7 10.8 -2.9 0.4 Karnal 26.6 11.7 24.8 11.4 -1.8 -0.3 Mean 27.1 11.1 24.8 11.0 -2.3 0.1 2012-13 0.2 2013-14 Hisar Normal productivity = 48.6 q/ha THANK YOU
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