Read online every Tuesday ... Home delivered 20,000 Wednesday & Thursday THURSDAY 22 JANUARY 2015 My Land By Andrew Guild Australia! Oh, Australia! Beloved land of mine City, Bush, and Outback 5WTſPI5WPCPF5VTKPG +NQXGJGTTWIIGFDWUJNCPF 5OQQVJIWOUCPFYCVVNGVTGGU The heat that almost kills you, #PFVJGUCXKPIPKIJVVKOGDTGG\G A land of many climates, 9KVJFGUGTVUPQYCPFUGC )KXKPIDGCWV[TKEJGUHTGGFQO It’s the only land for me! IDEAL BATHROOM CENTRE PH: 02 9446 7033 Unit 1/144 George St. HORNSBY Shaving Cabinet 600*720*150mm.. $110 750*750*150mm.. $130 900*750*150mm.. $150 1200*750*150mm.. $220 ONLY $380 Full Ceramic Wall Faced Toilet Narrow Vanity With Thick Ceramic Top 600*360mm ONLY $300 750*360mm ONLY $350 ONLY $380ea Polyurethane Tall Boy 400*400*1650mm ONLY $350 Softclose vanity with Above Basin & Ceasarstone Bench Frameless Shower Top Screen 750*640mm.. $800 900*460.. $900 1200*460.. $1000 1500*460mm.. $1300 All tapware sold separately. 900*900*1950mm.. Only $550 1000*1000*1950mm.. Only $580 1HZ/RRN6DPH*UHDW6HUYLFH 6DPH *UHD :KLOVWZHPD\ORRNDOLWWOHGLIIHUHQWDIWHURXUUHFHQW EUDQG UHIUHVK RXU 6RDPHV RIILFHV VWLOO RIIHU WKH VDPHRXWVWDQGLQJVHUYLFH ,I\RX UHWKLQNLQJRIVHOOLQJRXUWHDPZRUNWRJHWKHU WRJLYH\RXWKHYHU\EHVWRSSRUWXQLW\WRDFKLHYHD SUHPLXP SULFH IRU \RXU SURSHUW\ &DOO XV WRGD\ IRU DQREOLJDWLRQIUHHGLVFXVVLRQ Square 7 Bar Heated Towel Rail ONLY $180 250m Square Shower Head & Arm Polyurethane Vanity With Ceramic Top Available in: 600*460*550mm.. $300 750*460mm*550.. $350 900*460mm*550.. $400 1200*460mm*550.. $550 ,ŽƌŶƐďLJ ϵϵϴϳϬϬϭϭ dŚŽƌŶůĞŝŐŚ ϵϰϴϭϵϭϵϵ ^ĞĞ^ŽĂŵĞƐĨŽƌ,ŽŵĞƐ tĂŚƌŽŽŶŐĂ ϵϰϴϳϭϱϬϬ COUNCIL EVENTS + NEWS I would like to begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of this land, the Darug and Guringai people. I begin every speech with these words and mean them, but they have special significance this week as we prepare to celebrate another Australia Day. Our day of national reflection falls on the anniversary of European settlement, but it is about far more than that single event. Whether you’re firing up the AUSTRALIA DAY AT HORNSBY PARK barbecue in your backyard or joining us at one of Council’s events I urge everybody to take some time out to celebrate this 11AM-3PM great social melting pot we call home. Celebrate Australia Day this year with your local community in beautiful Hornsby Shire. There are two amazing free events for you and your family to enjoy, with entertainment and activities in Hornsby Park along with an Open Day at the Netherby Homestead, Fagan Park. Steve Russell Mayor Hornsby Shire Council For more information, visit MC FARMER DAVE ACTIVITIES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Enjoy some classic Aussie entertainment with bushman, farmer and working dog trainer turned reality TV star Dave Graham who will be MC at Hornsby Park. Farmer Dave, as he is known, will be presenting two 25 minute shows with his rescue dogs, showing off their amazing sheep herding skills and impressive tricks. Other attractions include crocodile and reptile encounters, face painting, baby lambs to pet and the chance to get temporary Australian flag tattoos. Dave has appeared on the show Dancing With The Stars, performs annually at the Easter Show and trains dogs at his Sydney-based business The Farmer Dave Dog Centre. There will be plenty of food available to keep you fuelled for the day, with the Hornsby Lions Club holding a gold coin donation sausage sizzle to fundraise for the Women’s Community Shelter. The Country Women’s Association will also have sweet treats on offer to fundraise for farmers suffering with the drought. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT RURAL MUSEUMS AND NETHERBY HOMESTEAD OPEN DAY Tap your toes to the local and international artists that will take the stage. Back by popular demand is the incredibly talented and energetic fiddler Marian Burns, along with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ryka Alie whose connection with kids in the audience is amazing. 9AM-4PM Netherby Homestead at Fagan Park, Galston is a unique property showing the remarkable rural history of our area. The open day will include a display of trucks, tractors, stationary engines, farm machinery and more. A blacksmith will be working throughout the day. Tea, coffee and cold drinks will be available for a small charge. Entry to the Homestead and Museum Area is free, entry to the Fagan Park car park is $5.00 per car. 11 2 The next Council meeting is on Wednesday 11 February at 6.30pm THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY For more information visit Celebrate … See Mick the Singing Councillor on Sunday of the OZ Day Weekend! AUSTRALIA DAY AT HORNSBY PARK! Enjoy some classic Aussie entertainment this Australia Day in Hornsby Park (next to the Hornsby Aquatic and Leisure Centre) with Dave Graham … bushman, farmer and working dog trainer turned TV star! Farmer Dave, who went from being a sheep farmer in outback Queensland to a media personality, will be MC at Hornsby Shire Council’s Australia Day event from 11am to 3pm. He will also be presenting two 25 minute shows with his rescue dogs, which show off amazing skills with the sheep and perform impressive tricks. Dave has appeared on shows such as Big Brother and Dancing with the Stars, and trains dogs at his Sydney-based business The Farmer Dave Dog Centre. He will be joined at the Australia Day event by a range of local and international artists providing entertainment on-stage, including talented ¿GGOHUMarian Burns and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander performer Ryka Alie. Other attractions include crocodile and reptile encounters, face painting DQGDQRSSRUWXQLW\WRJHWDWHPSRUDU\$XVWUDOLDQÀDJWDWWRR The Hornsby Lions Club will be running a gold coin donation sausage sizzle, raising funds for the Women’s Community Shelter, and the Country Women’s Association will have sweet treats available to fundraise for farmers suffering with the drought. For more information, visit ENTRY IS FREE … JOIN US THIS AUSTRALIA DAY AT THE SPRINGS the springs Peats Ridge (02) 4373 1522 Local Hornsby Shire Councillor Mick Gallagher of Mt Colah will warm you up for Australia Day 2015 (Monday 26 January) with a free performance at Hornsby Park on Sunday 25th January. “I won’t be able to join you in Hornsby on Australia Day this year as I am ‘out of town’ that day, so I decided to invite you all to my Aussie ‘sing-a-long’ the day before,” said Mick. Mick will perform at various times from 12 noon in Hornsby Park (outside the Hornsby Aquatic Centre/Sorrento Café). IT DOESN’T GET MORE AUSSIE THAN OUR DELICIOUS LAMB SPECIALS WHY NOT FEAST ON OUR CLASSIC LAMB ROAST, OUR WOOD FIRED LAMB PIZZA OR TAKE A BITE OUT OF OUR TRADITIONAL BEEF AND BURGUNDY PIE - Open from 11am WANT A ROUND OF GOLF? WHY NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR GOLF AND LAMB BURGER DEAL From $58 Per Person “Bring the family, grab a picnic blanket, join me for lunch or a cuppa, and don’t forget grandma,” said ‘The Singing Councillor’. Mick will sing some of your favourite Aussie hits such as ‘Botany Bay’, ‘Road to Gundagai’, and ‘Home among the Gum Trees’. He also has some of his own original songs: ‘Volvo Driver’ and ‘Aussie Country Cowboyfrom Along the Hawkesbury Way’. Besides Mick’s free Aussie humour, he will also provide some Aussie children’s entertainment, and invite you to join in a simple bush dance. Photo above: Mick Gallagher ‘The Singing Councillor’ to perform at Hornsby Park, Sun 25 Jan 2015. Photo by Kerrie Carley of Hornsby. Thursday 22 January 2015 3 By Mark Robinson (Financial Planning Manager) RetireInvest Hornsby Are you ready to transition to retirement? HORNSBY MEDIAN RESIDENTIAL LAND VALUES UP 25%+ The value of land in NSW has increased by more than 11 per cent, exceeding $1.12 trillion according The start of each year is always a good WRQHZ¿JXUHVUHOHDVHGE\16: WLPHWRUHYLHZ\RXUÀQDQFLDOSODQ Valuer General, Simon Gilkes. Almost 2.5 million residential, For those considering retirement rural, business and industrial land in the not-too-distant future now values for properties in NSW were is also a good time to review assessed. your income strategy to ensure it Property sales are the most continues to meet your needs. The importance of planning important factor considered when If you’re under 65 and still Transition to retirement strategies determining land values and valuers working, you are able to start a are complex and the way in which analysed over 43,000 property TTR (Transition To Retirement_ income stream once you reach your you use one will depend on several sales across NSW as at 1 July factors. 2014. preservation age (generally 55 but There are some taxation and life “Overall residential land values dependent upon date of birth). insurance implications that you’ll for NSW increased by 13.12 per How do you get the most out of also need to consider, as well as cent in the 12 months to 1 July a TTR? the ongoing impact if you or your 2014, compared to a 3.21 per There are two main ways that you partner are receiving social security cent increase for the year to 1 July can use a TTR: 2013,” said Mr Gilkes. (DVHLQWRUHWLUHPHQW Many EHQH¿WV :KLOHWKHEHQH¿WVRID775VWUDWHJ\ Mr Gilkes said the valuations have people like the mental challenge DUHFOHDUD¿QDQFLDODGYLVHU pushed a further four Sydney local and social side of work and so can help you to decide if it is an government areas (LGAs) into the TTRs allow you to scale back your appropriate income strategy for you $1 million plus category for median time at work, while still maintaining as you near retirement. residential land value. the same level of income. 7R¿QGRXWPRUHDERXWWKH Waverley, Hunters Hill, Willoughby The investment earnings on your RSWLRQVDYDLODEOHZLWKWKLVRU and Manly have joined Mosman and pension account are tax free, and other retirement strategies, Woollahra, with median increases of \RXPD\DOVR¿QGWKDW\RX¶OOEHQH¿W FRQWDFW0DUN5RELQVRQIURP $986,000 to $1.12 million, $966,000 from some tax savings due to tax +RUQVE\RQRUDW to $1.09 million, $788,000 to $1.08 on your super being lower than your DGPLQ#UL¿QVXUDFRPDX million and $885,000 to $1.05 marginal tax rate. million respectively. %RRVW\RXUVXSHU If you want Over the coming weeks more than to keep working full-time, you can 882,000 Notices of Valuations will use a TTR to access some pension *Mark Robinson is an Authorised be sent to ratepayers in 45 LGAs, income to boost your retirement Representative of RI Advice Group showing the value of residential, VDYLQJVWKURXJKVDODU\VDFUL¿FH Pty Limited (ABN 23 001 774 125), rural, business and industrial contributions. Australian Financial Services Licence By moving the bulk of your super 238429. This editorial does not consider properties based on market conditions as at 1 July 2014. into an account-based pension, your personal circumstances and is DQGVDODU\VDFUL¿FLQJVRPHRI general advice only. You should not act Mr Gilkes said that the latest land values will help 45 local councils your income into super, you can on the information provided without determine the amount of council supplement your reduced income ¿UVWREWDLQLQJSURIHVVLRQDO¿QDQFLDO rates landholders pay. by income withdrawn from your DGYLFHVSHFL¿FWR\RXUFLUFXPVWDQFHV Landholders concerned about their account-based pension. The taxation information contained Notice of Valuation can have it With this strategy, while your in this editorial is provided as a guide income stays the same, it’s likely only and should not be relied upon. You independently reviewed by lodging an objection. that your super balance will be should seek independent tax advice Approximately 0.1 per cent of higher when you eventually stop IURPDTXDOL¿HGWD[DGYLVHU Notices of Valuation required work. amendment following the 2013 valuations. 2IODQGYDOXDWLRQV LQWKH+RUQVE\/RFDO *RYHUQPHQWDUHDWKHUHKDV EHHQDQLQFUHDVHRIPRUH WKDQ 7KHUHZHUH¿YHPHWURSROLWDQ LGAs that experienced growth in residential median land values greater than 20% during the previous 12 month period. ā:LOORXJKE\P ā%DQNVWRZQ ā+RUQVE\ ā7KH+LOOV6KLUH ā&DQWHUEXU\ 'P\c^!_\ Visit or call 1800 110 038 to: PARTY HIRE, • get a list of sales considered when CLOSING DOWN CONFECTIONARY, valuing land in your area • access typical land values in your EQUIPMENT area AND MORE "$;TXVWc^]?[PRT7^a]bQh ¿QGRWKHUODQGYDOXHVLQ16: WAREHOUSE SALE A Gala Party Hire & Young’s Confectionary Saturday 31st January 4 ALL STOCK MUST GO COME AND FIND A BARGAIN THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY ¿QGRXWPRUHDERXWWKHYDOXDWLRQ system ¿QGRXWKRZWRORGJHDQREMHFWLRQ The Valuer General is an LQGHSHQGHQWVWDWXWRU\RI¿FHU appointed by the Governor of NSW to oversee the valuation system. The Valuer General is responsible for providing fair and consistent land values for rating and taxing purposes. New Campaign to get … DRIVERS AND CYCLISTS TRAVELLING IN SYNC ON OUR ROADS Respect for all users of our local roads is essential to ensure our safe travel in the local area. To this end, Hornsby Council has launched its new campaign It’s A Two Way Street to encourage motorists and cyclists to show respect and obey the road rules for the safety of all. It’s A Two-Way Street was launched this month in Hornsby and Kuring-gai with the aim of addressing a worrying increase in road rage incidents involving cyclists and is also aimed at people who may be inexperienced in cycling on main URDGVRULQWUDI¿F Coordinated by The Amy Gillett Foundation, which was set up to reduce the incidence of cyclists being killed or injured after the death of Australian national cyclist Amy Gillett from a collision with a driver, both Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai Councils are promoting the campaign. A recent spike in local cyclist casualties has led the Roads and Maritime Services to identify cyclists as the number one road safety issue that needs to be addressed in Hornsby Shire. Ron Shapiera publishes ‘Flight of the Raven’ Captivating book follows challenges, trials faced by Inuits In his new novel, “Flight of the Raven” (published by Xlibris AU), Hornsby author Ron Shapiera crafts a unique story of the Inuits, a group of Alaskan Eskimos, and the challenges they face. This is a story of a loving community in an inhospitable land telling of how they managed to survive Getting a credit card is easy – Managing it properly is essential! When it comes to your credit card, it pays to make the right choice. A &UHGLW&DUGLVQRWWKHZD\WRDEHWWHUOLIHLILWGRHVQRW¿W\RXU¿QDQFLDO VLWXDWLRQRU\RXU¿QDQFLDOJRDOV However it can: ... allow you to buy things online ... enable travel and holidays ... assist in tracking your spending and facilitate direct debits ... allow you to obtain credit more easily than a personal loan ... PDNHHQGVPHHWVWUHWFKSD\SHULRGVRUJHWWKURXJKGLI¿FXOW¿QDQFLDOWLPHV Let us help you live within your budget and enable purchases to be made and bills paid between pay periods. We can help you chose a credit card that is best for you. To arrange an obligation free appointment, contact us on 9456 2265 or call in to our Branch at Shop 9, 1C Turner Road, Berowra Heights. MANGROVE MOUNTAIN COUNTRY MARKETS Celebrate not only a harsh climate, but also the rapacious acts of people who invaded their islands. To the Inuit people, living as they did in the frozen North, life was hard and frugal. They were a deeply caring community, and their families were loving. Tatchatka cared for his family, and he had a deep love for his wife and children. Across the sea, to the West, living on the coast was also hard—hot, wet, and sticky in the summer and very cold in the long, snowy winter. This was not a loving friendly community. Grigor had few acquaintances and fewer roubles. He had heard of a returning ship to a village further north loaded with sea otter furs. He cajoled the men of his village to build a boat and sail to the east. On reaching land, their days were spent killing sea otter and raping Inuit women at every opportunity. This act shattered the peace of the Inuits, who had little contact with the outside world. Tatchatka and other Inuits were driven to anger and to seek revenge on the intruders. Unusually magnetic, poignant and captivating, “Flight of the Raven” is DQRYHOWKDWUHÀHFWVRQWKHHQGOHVV diversity of what stirs human action. It is a tale bound to keep readers DEVRUEHGIURP¿UVWSDJHXQWLOODVW “Flight of the Raven” By Ron Shapiera Softcover | 6 x 9in | 272 pages | ISBN 9781499025934 E-Book | 272 pages | ISBN 9781499025941 Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble About the Author Ron Shapiera graduated from Birmingham University in the UK. He later immigrated to Australia and started up a medical practice in Sydney, New South Wales. He is now enjoying his retirement with his ZLIHZULWLQJDQGFDULQJIRUWKHLU¿YH rescued dogs. Photo above: Matt Kean MP presented to Ron Shapiera, in December 2014, an award for 50 years of service as a Justice of the Peace. Photo below: Ron and his wife Ellen volunteering on their regular Doggie Rescue market stall. Australia Day on the Mountain! Sunday 25th January 9am - 2pm Mangrove Mountain Community Hall cnr Wisemans Ferry Rd & Waratah Rd GOURMET FOODS & CRAFT email: “I always read my Bush Tele cover to cover ... even the ads!” GUT_^µd`bUdU^Td_ RUc_]UdXY^WdXQd gUQbU^_d Initial meeting is cost and obligation free. ILQDQFLDOSODQQLQJ PRUWJDJHEURNLQJ VXSHUDQQXDWLRQ EXVLQHVVDGYLFH HVWDWHSODQQLQJ 3_^dQSdCdU`XU^GXYdU @X* $#!$%#"(( ZZZORPEDUGSULYDWHZHDOWKFRPDX ABN 53957839320 ƒauthorised credit representative 462154 of Vision Finance & Property Services Australian Credit Licence 389961 ¸ authorised representative 463436 of Patron Financial Advice AFSL 307379 Ɣ business advisory services provided under ABN 94205104488 Thursday 22 January 2015 5 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Bush Tele, I just read the letter from Charles Rawson (TBTW 15/1/15). Kerrie and I started a campaign on Mental Health awareness in 1994. With the help of The Bush Tele, Mental Health has become mainstream. All I know is that Bush Tele Editor Kathie Comb is a good-minded community person and has always supported not only Mental Health issues but all the issues that come up in the community, especially in the local area. Charles, I hope you have a Happy New Year. Sean McArdle, Berowra Heights Dear Bush Tele, Further to the letter from Charles Rawson (Bush Tele 14/01/2015) I understand that it is nice to consider newcomers to this country and their religious and other beliefs but I sometimes wonder if the people who make decisions not to offend these people, ever stop to consider the feelings of those of us who were born here and have spent their lives here. I was disgusted when some childcare centres chose not to sing Christmas carols in recent years in case some people were offended and when people complained about nativity scenes being displayed at some shops. I suppose the decision-makers don’t think that I could be offended by the removal of these things that have been part of Australia and my heritage for decades or even centuries. It’s is good to be multicultural but let’s also consider the feelings of those Aussies who are proud of their heritage and are proud to show it to newcomers. And as for ‘Merry Christmas’ - don’t get me started !!! Happy Holidays - bah humbug!!!!! I’d also like to comment on the removal of the Red Cross from Hornsby - it’s terrible to think that these people who have volunteered to help others - are thought of as disposable - absolutely astounds me. Unfortunately, these same people may not be available when a call is put out for assistance in times of disaster. The mental giants who make these decisions probably have never needed help and probably have never volunteered either. I’m sure there must be somewhere in the Hornsby area that can accommodate these doyens of our society that are so vital to the continuing well-being of our society. The CWA has been removed - let’s not see the Red Cross go the same way!!!! Robin Roberts, ONLINE 6 Dear Bush Tele, A large thank you to local businessman Wayne Dickerson of Direct Mortgage Concepts, for organising the Business Breakfasts at Café Laurella in the Berowra 9LOODJHRQWKH¿UVW)ULGD\RIHDFK month (7.30-9.00 am, for anyone wishing to come along). The Breakfasts provide a great opportunity for local business people to meet and network, especially for those who run a business from home. I’m looking forward to the 6th February guest speaker, from DA Angels, who is very experienced in helping with getting DAs through councils, and with helping with the subsequent subdivisions, home DQGJUDQQ\ÀDWEXLOGLQJDQGRWKHU building projects. Lorraine Samuel, Berowra Heights Hey Wayne, send us the Business Breakfast Diary Date details for 2015! Ed Dear Bush Tele, I was cycling through the Berowra Waters Road/Crowley Road roundabout on Sunday 11th January, 2015 at approximately 4pm, turning right into Crowley Road as per my signal. A vehicle did not give way and forced me into a calculated crash involving laying the bike down in RUGHUWRDYRLGVLJQL¿FDQWLPSDFW with this white car. In spite of this, the car still either hit my bike or came very close to it (not sure which). When I was on the footpath inspecting the damage to my body and bike, after seeing the white car turn around, I was anticipating that they would park somewhere appropriate and then check I was OK. Please contact The Bush Tele for my contact details. I have no VLJQL¿FDQWLQMXULHVDQGDFFHSW accidents happen, however, would like to discuss the matter. In addition to above, if any witnesses noted the number plate of the white car, please contact The Bush Tele Shop 9456 2880 for my details. Cyclist, Berowra Heights Dear Bush Tele, On the Saturday 10th of January after church which is in Stuart Avenue Normanhurst, DUHVLGHQWÀDJJHGPHGRZQ saying a silver Mazda had hit my car. When I got home I discovered a small dent plus paint chips etc. As it was just a car park accident there was nothing to contact police about. Can the owner please call me on 94843023 or 0425248843? Christopher Russell, Thornleigh THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY YOUR COMMUNITY DIARY DATES Proudly sponsored by BEROWRA RSL CLUB ph: 9456 1844 Thursday, 22 January Bush Tele Weekly is letterbox delivered Today! Plant Sale. Mick Gallagher’s Charity Plant Sale (Thurs 22 7XHV-DQDW3DFL¿F+Z\ (near cnr Amaroo Ave) Mt Colah. Mob: 0418 112 675. Lions OP SHOP is open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 1pm at Marketplace Shopping Centre Berowra Heights. Friday, 23 January Saturday, 24 January Sunday, 25 January Mangrove Mountain Country Markets – Celebrate Australia Day on the mountain. 9am – 2pm. Mangrove Mountain Community Hall cnr Wisemans Ferry Rd & Waratah Rd. Gourmet foods & craft. A Foodie Destination enq Monday, 26 January Australia Day Holiday! Tuesday, 27 January Bush Tele Weekly ONLINE today Wednesday, 28 January Helping Hands Craft Group 9.30am to 2.30pm Asquith Leisure Centre, $5 includes morning tea, bring lunch. Enq: Anita 9456 1259 email: Thursday, 29 January Bush Tele Weekly letterbox delivered today! Dear BushTele, I was surprised and saddened when a “Red Cross” volunteer told me that the kiosk/shop at Hornsby Railway Station will be closing by the end of January 2015. It has a one hundred year old history at the Station. Why! Oh why! Is the place closing down? I understand that Red Cross Send your Diary DATES for 2015 to support@ thebushtele. management is unwilling to maintain a presence at the station even though people in the Upper North Shore support this Red Cross Kiosk/shop. It will be a shame and a denial of history if the management is prepared to turn its back on that history in the name of progress. Concerned Resident, Berowra THOMSON LANDSCAPE & GARDEN SUPPLIES P/L Also trading as BEROWRA SAND & SOIL BV N P D T F J M E T D B Q FT V Q Q O B M O P T N P I U X X X OPEN @QfUbc=Qc_^biBUdQY^Y^WGQ\\c DbUQdUT`Y^Uc\UU`UbcQ^T<_Wc <QbWUcU\USdY_^_V=e\SXUcQ^T4US_bQdYfU7bQfU\c 6YbUg__T CQ^T=UdQ\C_Y\cQ^T3_]`_cdc <Q^TcSQ`U2eY\TY^WCe``\YUcQ^T]eSX]_bU 9457 8011 Mon-Fri: 7-5, Sat: 7-3, Sun: 8-11. ONLY SITUATED in the Industrial Area 44 Beaumont Rd, Mt Kuring-gaI an Australian owned, family business, in the local area since 1978 Thursday 22 January 2015 7 The Doggie DNA Dilemma: Part 1 In the UK and USA a company called PooPrints, a dog poo DNA matching service will do this for councils, for a fee, based on their extensive database. Story compiled by Roland Briefrel Do you know the DNA identity of your dog? Do you really care? Claire Wade a geneticist at USYD says “Now that sounds all well Well, with the emergence of $150.00 and good if breeds were really independent of one another, but DNA saliva tests it seems that many they’re actually not”. The reason do. As DNA tests become more - breeds that come out of Europe and more available, it appears that VKDUHVLJQL¿FDQWSLHFHVRIWKHLU'1$ the yap of your favourite pooch’s Therefore you cannot tell for sure ancestral genes is becoming whether a genetic marker is for a decidedly louder and messy. EDVVHWRULILWLVDPDUNHUIRUDER[HU 1RWRQO\DUHEUHHGHUV¿QGLQJ 7KLVH[SODLQVZK\RZQHUVZKRWHVW interesting variants in their WRVHHWKDWWKHLU0DOWHVH[3RRGOH “purebred” show dogs, the actually has Maltese and Poodle in variations in cross bred dogs, particularly those from organisations them, often leave disappointed or worse confused as the marker of a such as Doggie Rescue, can HLWKHUFRQ¿UPRUGHQ\H[DFWO\ZKDW WKLUGEUHHGLVLGHQWL¿HG Further, local councils and breed/s of dog make up your dog – apartment body corporates, are just well mostly! loving the implications of doggie This is the fraught world of DNA DNA testing as they will soon be dog testing: a place frequented by DEOHWRSLQSRLQWH[DFWO\ZKLFKGRJ vets, breeders, and the occasional in the unit block/suburb/municipality doting pet owner whose pooch has was responsible for fouling the local everything, including identity issues. IRRWSDWKDQG¿QHWKHLUQHJOLJHQW Dog genetics might be cheaper and more accessible than ever before, but owner for the criminal offence of PHWKRGVIRUEUHHGLGHQWL¿FDWLRQ±DQG failing to pick up after their pooch. It is a crime that besmirches their levels of success – can vary. countless soles. Yet the days when The success of a breed identity VHO¿VKGRJRZQHUVFRXOGVOLQN test largely depends on the size of anonymously away from the mess a testing company’s library. Pieces deposited by their pets may soon of DNA, or “markers”, collected be over. from a dog’s 38 chromosomes are They face being caught by any compared to a database of sample evidence that they fail to remove. breed signatures to come up with a match. In new residential buildings and developments, leases now require (and in older buildings are being amended) dog owners to supply a swab for DNA purposes so offending dogs can be traced. No swab NO lease it seems. But DNA analysis is not just for vets, breeders, loving owners, councils and body corporates. It has recently thrown up an even more intriguing scenario. Watch for The Doggie Dilemma: Part 2 next week. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Bush Tele, Thank you for your comments about the loss of support for the Red Cross Shop where volunteers have served our community for so many years, with support from an enlightened local Council. It is glaringly obvious that Councillor Mick Gallagher is the only elected member of our council so far to demonstrate his support for local volunteer groups such as the Red Cross. He is also the only councillor who is free to act in the interests of the voters who elected him, LQGHSHQGHQWRILQÀXHQFHE\SROLWLFDO parties and other interests. A coincidence? Most people need a blood transfusion for themselves or a relative at some critical time in their lives. How many of them appreciate that we have the Red Cross to thank for our impeccable blood transfusion service that is envied by health authorities world wide, and is only one part of an endless range of services that make our community civilised. And the Red Cross itself depends IRULWVH[LVWHQFHRQWKHZRUNRI volunteer groups such as the Red Cross shops. It might not be too early for voters to shake off their apathy and contact their elected politicians to remind them that this is only the latest of many current events which have raised awareness of approaching elections. ‘ So far, the new bridge is only an HOHFWLRQSURPLVHDQGWKH¿UVWFRVW has been the banners that tell us who directed public money towards the project. Will the biggest cost be the loss of the Red Cross shop? Gordon E Limburg, Mt Kuring-gai Our readers tell us that the Letters page is their favourite part of The Bush Tele Weekly. “You never know what might pop up!” Did you know that The Bush Tele Weekly is published online every 78(6'$<DQGOHWWHUER[HG delivered (20,000) every WEDNESDAY THURSDAY? ... The Bush Tele has got the local community COVERED! Send your letters & local news to ADAM DARKE S O L I C I T O R HOME VISITS BEROWRA, BEROWRA HTS, MOUNT COLAH & MT KURING-GAI CONVEYANCING SERVICE - BUYING & SELLING PROPERTY CONVEYANCING - REFINANCING OF PROPERTY POWERS OF ATTORNEY 9456 1496 LEASES WILLS - USUALLY $120 0407 499 931 PROBATE APPLICATIONS Suites 20-21 The Madison 25-29 Hunter St HORNSBY 8 %8<0( HORNSBY S O L I C I T O R S Offering friendly and professional service /' 62 9476 2788 8 CORONATION STREET, HORNSBY S O L I C I T O R S ROBERT NAPOLI & CO. Ph: 9485 3400 Fax: 9485 3499 COLLINS & THOMPSON maree garrett & associates MGA )256$/( CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ZZZSMUHFRPDX THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY Deceased Estates, Wills, Powers of Attorney & Guardianship Appointments Sale and Purchase of Homes, Businesses, Commercial & Industrial Properties Leasing of Shops & Factories Family Law/De Facto Property Settlements, PreNuptial & Domestic Relationship Agreements Employment Law Suite 24, Level 1 The Madison 25-29 Hunter Street HORNSBY 9477 5077 Just for kids DANCE NEWS "MJTUBJS.BD-FOOBO "MM3PVOEFST)POPVS-JTU NEW DANCE CLASSES FOR 2015 DISCOVER WHO YOU CAN BE OUTSTANDING HSC RESULTS t#BOESFTVMUTtCPZTPOUIF"MM3PVOEFST)POPVS-JTU tCPZTXJUI"5"3TPG t4DIPMBSTIJQBQQMJDBUJPOTOPXPQFOGPSFOUSZBQQMZPOMJOF "6OJUJOH$IVSDITDIPPMGPSCPZT, XXXLOPYOTXFEVBV džĐŝƟŶŐĚĂŶĐĞĐůĂƐƐĞƐƚĞĂĐŚŝŶŐƚŚĞůĂƚĞƐƚŵŽǀĞƐ͊:ŽŝŶĂĐůĂƐƐ͕ŚĂǀĞĨƵŶ͕ĂŶĚ ŵĂŬĞĨƌŝĞŶĚƐ͘ :ƵŶŝŽƌ>LJƌŝĐĂůŽŶƚĞŵƉŽƌĂƌLJĐůĂƐƐ;ϳLJĞĂƌƐĂŶĚŽůĚĞƌͿʹĨƌĞĞĨŽƌŵƐƚLJůĞŽĨ ĚĂŶĐĞĨŽƌƚŚĞĐƌĞĂƟǀĞƐƚƵĚĞŶƚ͘ :ƵŶŝŽƌ,ŝƉ,ŽƉ;ϲLJĞĂƌƐĂŶĚŽůĚĞƌͿĂŶĚĂ,ŝƉ,ŽƉĐůĂƐƐũƵƐƚĨŽƌƚĞĞŶĂŐĞƌƐʹ dƌLJLJŽƵƌƚĂůĞŶƚǁŝƚŚƚŚĞůĂƚĞƐƚŵŽǀĞƐ DƵŵƐĂŶĚƵďƐ;ϭϴŵŽŶƚŚƐʹϯLJĞĂƌƐͿʹĐůĂƐƐĨŽƌƚĞĂĐŚŝŶŐƐŬŝůůƐ͕ĚĂŶĐĞ͕ ƌŚLJƚŚŵ͕ĂŶĚŵŽǀĞŵĞŶƚ͘ ŵŽƌŶŝŶŐĐůĂƐƐĨŽƌdŝŶLJdŽƚƐ;ϯͲϰLJĞĂƌƐͿʹŽŵďŝŶĂƟŽŶĐůĂƐƐŽĨĂůůĞƚĂŶĚ :Ănjnjͬ,ŝƉ,ŽƉ KƚŚĞƌĐůĂƐƐĞƐĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞĨŽƌĂůůĂŐĞƐŝŶĐůƵĚĞ͗ ĂůůĞƚ͕:Ănjnj͕dĂƉ͕DŽĚĞƌŶ͕ŵĞƌŝĐĂŶ:Ănjnj͕ĂŶĚŽŵďŝŶĂƟŽŶĐůĂƐƐĞƐĨŽƌϯͲϰ LJĞĂƌƐĂŶĚϱͲϲLJĞĂƌƐ͘ ϮϬϭϰƉƌŽǀĞĚĂǀĞƌLJƐƵĐĐĞƐƐĨƵůLJĞĂƌǁŝƚŚĞdžĐĞůůĞŶƚƌĞƐƵůƚƐĂĐŚŝĞǀĞĚŝŶ ĂůůdžĂŵŝŶĂƟŽŶƐŝŶĂůůĞƚ͕:Ănjnj͕dĂƉ͕:ƵŶŝŽƌ͕ĂŶĚ^ĞŶŝŽƌĞdžĂŵŝŶĂƟŽŶƐ͘ ŽŶŐƌĂƚƵůĂƟŽŶƐƚŽĂůůƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ͘ dŚĞŚŝŐŚůŝŐŚƚŽĨƚŚĞĚĂŶĐŝŶŐLJĞĂƌŝƐƚŚĞŽŶĐĞƌƚ͖ŝƚǁĂƐĂǁŽŶĚĞƌĨƵů ƐƵĐĐĞƐƐǁŝƚŚŽƵƚƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞƐďLJĂůůƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ͘^ƚƵĚĞŶƚƐŶĞĞĚ ƚŽďĞĐŽŵŵĞŶĚĞĚĨŽƌƚŚĞŝƌĚĞĚŝĐĂƟŽŶͲũƵƐƚĂƐƚŚĞŽŶĐĞƌƚǁĂƐĂďŽƵƚƚŽ ƐƚĂƌƚ͕ǁĞŚĂĚĂŚŽƌƌŝĮĐƚŚƵŶĚĞƌƐƚŽƌŵ͕ǁŝƚŚŚĂŝůĐĂƵƐŝŶŐĞdžƚƌĞŵĞĚĂŵĂŐĞ͘ ǀĞƌLJŽŶĞƐƚĂLJĞĚĐĂůŵ͕ĂŶĚƚŚĞŽŶĐĞƌƚǁĞŶƚŽŶŽŶůLJƚŽŚĂǀĞĂŶŽƚŚĞƌ ƐƚŽƌŵĂƚ/ŶƚĞƌǀĂů͘ŽŶŐƌĂƚƵůĂƟŽŶƐƚŽĂůůƚŚĞƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ͕ǁŚŽ͕ĞǀĞŶƚŚŽƵŐŚ ŵĂLJŚĂǀĞďĞĞŶƐĐĂƌĞĚ͕ĚŝĚŶ͛ƚůĞƚƚŚĞƐƚŽƌŵĂīĞĐƚƚŚĞŝƌƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ;ĞǀĞŶ ƚŚĞůŝƩůĞƚŚƌĞĞLJĞĂƌŽůĚƐͿ͘dŚĂŶŬLJŽƵƚŽƚŚĞĂƵĚŝĞŶĐĞƚŚĂƚǁĞĂƚŚĞƌĞĚƚŚĞ ƐƚŽƌŵƚŽĂƩĞŶĚ͘ tĞǁĂƌŵůLJǁĞůĐŽŵĞĂůůƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐƚŽƐƚĂƌƚŽƵƌĚĂŶĐĞLJĞĂƌŽŶ&ĞďƌƵĂƌLJϵƚŚ͘ ůĂƐƐĞƐĂƌĞĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞĂƚĞƌŽǁƌĂ͕ƐƋƵŝƚŚ͕ĂŶĚWĞŶŶĂŶƚ,ŝůůƐ͘&ŽƌŵŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͕ƉůĞĂƐĞƉŚŽŶĞƚŚĞƚĞĂĐŚĞƌƐ͗:ƵůŝĞ͕:ĂŶ͕dƌŝƐŚĂ͕ĂŶĚdƌĂĐĞLJŽŶ ϵϰϱϲϮϲϯϴͬϵϰϱϳϵϵϳϲϬϰϭϯϳϮϬϵϭϰͬϬϰϬϴϰϳϯϴϬϯ͘ /LYH \RXU GUHDP <Y]YdUTSXY\TSQbU `_cYdY_^cQfQY\QR\U V_b" !% Don’t leave travelling in Africa until your kids have grown up Contact Travel Africa to organise the perfect family holiday to suit any budget. ZZZWUDYHODIULFD\RXUZD\FRPDX DIULFD\Z#JPDLOFRP &DOORUFRPHLQIRUDYLVLW ZZZNLGVLQWKHVN\FRPDX with wners Local o African t r e y p ex peciall dge, es knowle ravelling for t n hildre with c ȟȦȩȥȪșȰ Assessments Behaviour Anxiety & more Preschool to High School ages Thursday 22 January 2015 9 HEALTH AND BEAUTY Broken Bay sees its Largest Kids’ Camp in 20 Years. Broken Bay Sport and Recreation Centre last week held its largest camp in 20 years. Matt Kean MP said, “Trained staff ensured more than 245 children attending the popular Hawkesbury River Centre enjoyed active entertainment in a safe environment.” “Instead of sitting at home in front of the telly, these children were out and about enjoying a huge range of fun-filled activities,” Matt Kean said. Summer also brings many water activities including slip ‘n’ slide, surf skiing, raft building, swimming and a pool carnival. This affordable camp includes abseiling, rock climbing, flying fox, bushwalking, camping, cookouts, fishing, orienteering, archery, basketball, beach volleyball, boomerangs and tennis. “Broken Bay Sport and Recreation Centre has been providing this great service to the community for more than 75 years,” said Matt Kean. NSW Sport and Recreation is offering Kids’ Camps in 9 centres right across the State ranging from one day programs to week-long residential programs. For more information go to: REBELS NETBALL CLUB 2015 WINTER COMPETITION REGISTRATION DAY 9am-1pm Saturday 7th February at Berowra District Hall, Berowra Waters Rd, Berowra. Rebels welcome new and returning Players aged 6yrs by 31/12/15 to Senior Players. Seniors may register in a Social Team or as individuals. New junior players must bring an ORIGINAL Birth record. Registration forms and further information available at www. 6–9 yrs play Friday nights. All others play Saturday at Pennant Hills Park. Registration fees and uniforms must be paid in full at registration by cash, cheque or direct deposit only. Grading – Friday 14th and Saturday 15th February at the Club courts, Berowra Waters Rd. Time TBA. Registration enquiries and forms to Katie West 0410 783 091 Rebels also seek Coaches for various age groups – contact Karen Story 0410 575 413 BEROWRA NETBALL CLUB REGISTRATIONS FOR 2015 WINTER COMPETITION Saturday 31st of January 2015 Registrations accepted from 9am - 3pm @ BEROWRA RSL CLUB Pacific Hwy Berowra (not the Soccer Clubhouse). We welcome new players of all ages and also seniors wishing to register a whole team Uniforms at a discounted price ($50.00) thanks to generous sponsorship by Bendigo Bank Berowra. All new junior players need to bring an original and a copy of their Birth Certificate. (2015 Registration Forms will be available on our website). Pay by cash, cheque or credit card. Smoking … … is the largest single preventable cause of death and disease in Australia. It is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer as well as several other diseases. But it’s never too late to quit. If you have tried unsuccessfully to stop smoking before, this New Year might be the time to give it another try. Until recently, it was thought that stopping smoking completely – either cold turkey or with the help of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) – was the best way to become a long term nonAlexandra Torrens smoker. But this “quick stop” method doesn’t Pharmacist, Hornsby suit everyone. Heights Pharmacy The “cut down then stop” method is now commonly used. Evidence has shown that reducing the number of cigarettes smoked with the assistance of NRT, makes it easier for some heavily addicted smokers to ultimately quit completely. The simultaneous use of more than one nicotine replacement therapy product was once not considered appropriate. But experience has shown that some smokers who continue to have cravings with single therapy, or WKRVHZKRKDYHTXLWLQWKHSDVWDQGWKHQUHODSVHGZLOOEHQH¿WDQGEHFRPH long-term quitters by using patches and gum together. There are many myths and misconceptions about the effects of nicotine and NRT. If you need some help to quit, our pharmacists can offer advice on which products will suit you best. Contact Hornsby Heights Pharmacy on 9987 4777 for more information. YOGA AND MEDITATION IN BEROWRA Recently featured on the cover of the Australian Yoga journal. A yoga practitioner of over 30 years, Carmella Baynie – a highly sought after teacher and trainer of more than 20 years - has recently settled in Berowra. Trained in India, Carmella regularly teaches yoga across Australia, New Zealand and China. Carmella believes yoga should be accessible to everyone, as a lifestyle choice, on or off the mat, despite whether they consider themselves, fit, flexible or not. Carmella combines techniques of Hatha, Vinyasa, Oki and Bhakti yoga. Class sizes will be small, in a relaxed and therapeutic setting. Classes involve asana, relaxation and meditation techniques. Studies of the ancient yogic texts, chanting and dietary classes are available. Specialised classes for women, children, beginners, teenagers are also offered. Private classes are available. Mobile: 0404 228 401 Email: Local Family Owned & Operated Funeral Directors For further information contact Karen Pick on - 0425 293 243 or Amanda Muxlow – 0414 283 407 For a reliable, supportive, accommodating g & personalised service contact 9482 9069. Just 10 for kids THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY RPaT/PQb^[dcTRPaTUd]TaP[bR^\Pd ²G_b[Y^WgYdXi_eRUSQecUi_e[^_gi_eb\_fUT_^URUcd³ fffPQb^[dcTRPaTUd]TaP[bR^\Pd !#WabSPh&SPhbPfTTZ Arne Neirinckx \_SQ\bUcYTU^dV_b$ ibc SOCIAL SNIPPETS PRICELESS PEARLS By Ralph Estherby Not a single one left and it was only 6:45am… My wife and I are enjoying the last couple of days of our holiday at a very nice resort on the Gold Coast. The weather is living up to expectations and we are enjoying using all the facilities and whilst the resort team are managing the substantial crowds well… there is one problem we have encountered. The resort pool caters for about 150 sun lounges but we have not been able to ‘claim’ a couple during the time we have been here. Whenever we want to have a swim, read or have a refreshment by the pool… all of the lounges have been taken. People have placed their towel, book or some other possession on ‘their longue’ and there are no options left. The frustrating thing is that often these people are nowhere to be seen and they are not even in sight of the pool – they have a prime seat but they are doing nothing with it! This morning I was determined to make an attempt to claim a couple of lounges – I went for my run at 6am and then headed straight for the pool…to my surprise every longue had already been claimed! I wonder how early the others had to get up? I have images of people camping out before the dawn making sure that their spot is assured. As I have said, I wouldn’t mind if they actually spent some time sitting on them! As I get ready to head back to work and normal life next week it made me think about the various ‘seats’ I have in my life… my work - my family - my church - my friendships and relationships. I don’t want to make the great ‘longue chair’ mistake as I walk into 2015. That is when you fail to make the most of the opportunities that you have and you get busy doing other things. You take for granted the wonderful position you have and you get distracted and because of this, others miss out. They may be some big challenges ahead in the ‘seats’ in your life; you may even feel a little overwhelmed and maybe a little discouraged but remember that you always have the option of assistance if you are willing to ask for it! “Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD God—my God—will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work…”1 Chronicles 28:20 - DO YOU HAVE A COMMENT OR A QUESTION? ‘Breakthrough Church’, meets at 9.30am Sundays at the Performing Arts Centre (Old Bowling Club) Edgeworth David Ave Hornsby 9477 7222 0HO·V+DLU%HDXW\ Specialising in all areas of HAIR AND BEAUTY EARS, NOSE & NAVEL PIERCING 9456 2188 6KRS%HURZUD9LOODJH7XUQHU5RDG DURAL MUSICAL SOCIETY Auditions are being held for the highly successful musical revue Pack Up Your Troubles a WW1 commemorative show. Rehearsal/ Performance Pianist and a cast of 3 females and 4 male actors. Details: PROBUS CLUB OF BEROWRA INC. Membership now Open The Probus Club of Berowra is now open to the Men & Women of Berowra & District. Are you recently retired, looking for something to help you adjust? Looking to meet other retirees, looking to meet new friends and enjoy social outings, and listen to a range of guest speakers. Probus may be what you need. We are non-political, non-religious, non-fund raising group, interested only in the social well being of the mature members of our local community. Probus also offers competitive travel insurance up 100 years of age. (Check the policy for detail). We meet 1st. Thursday in the month (10 am to 12 noon) in the hall adjacent to the Uniting Church in Alan Rd. Contact the President on 94560288 or the Secretary on 94562680 CLUB NEWS Happy New Year to all our members Weekly Badminton Competition Hornsby Ku-ring-gai PCYC will start its first weekly Badminton competition on Saturday afternoons 2pm - 7pm starting February 7th. Enter your team of 2 and play 2 single games and 1 doubles game per week for just $20 per team per week. Open to all ages and abilities. For more information call 94772310 or email dallars@ Our next two Safer Drivers Courses will be 29th January & 12th February. $140 course fee and get 20 hours taken of your 120 hours needed to get you P’s. Spaces are limited so book now. For more information call 94772310 or email This column is proudly sponsored by helloworld, Hornsby - please ring 9476 5544 for all you travel needs. It Must Be Summer … MOVIES UNDER THE STARS is Here Again! You can enjoy your favourite films in the beautiful outdoors with Hornsby Council’s Movies Under the Stars. Council works in partnership with community groups to present these events the first of which is a free screening of the Disney Pixar hit Up, is scheduled for Saturday 17 January in Asquith. There will also be other Movies Under the Stars events held later in the year in March, April and May. For more information and event details, visit ‘CANBERRA FIDDLES WHILE FIRES BURN’ – Australian Koala Foundation Like many seeing the fires rage in South Australia, the Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) is deeply concerned about the fate of Koalas. While no one knows exactly how many animals died in the fires, assessment from the AKF suggests that fewer Koalas might have been impacted than expected – probably less than 50. AKF’s CEO, Deborah Tabart OAM said, “This is a good thing, but does not mean that the Koalas in South Australia are safe long term.” “It is ironic that we have politicians of all persuasions tweeting about Koalas burnt in the fire, but not one of them appreciates the need for a Koala Protection Act,” Deborah Tabart said. “It’s important to ask why Koalas in this area do not enjoy the protection of the Federal Government. When the Koala was listed as Federally Threatened Species in May 2012, Koalas in Victoria and South Australia were specifically excluded from protection,” said Deborah Tabart. Under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, a decline in numbers of 30% or more was needed for a national listing, according to Ms Tabart. “Shockingly, Koalas in Victoria and South Australia missed out on better protection by 1%, with the committee recommending against the protection of these Koalas after a conclusion of their decline being at 29%,” she said. In 2010, the committee concluded that there were approximately 100,000 Koalas in Victoria. In 2012 this estimate more than doubled to 215,000. Numbers from the AKF suggest as few as 19,000-35,000 Koalas. By more than doubling the Koala estimate in Victoria in 2012, the committee ensured that Koalas would not be protected. If they had picked 150,000, or 180,000, the Koala would be protected. The AKF suggests that Australians and the Federal Government need to appreciate that catastrophic events like the recent bushfire have a greater and greater impact on threatened species as numbers decline. “The AKF is not asleep and watching closely. The Koala is on the way to localised extinctions on a daily basis, and Canberra fiddles while the fires burn,” Deborah Tabart said. The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) is the principal non-profit, non-government organisation dedicated to the conservation and effective management of the wild koala and its habitat. Thursday 22 January 2015 11 YOUR LOCAL SERVICES & TRADES GUIDE CONSTRUCTION AIR CONDITIONING 683(5 &2/' WASHING MACHINE & DRYER REPAIRS Jesse Morris 0424 528 106 ,QVWDOODWLRQ5HSDLU0DLQWHQDQFH )UHHLQVWDOODWLRQTXRWHV ALL MAJOR BRANDS Authorised KLEENMAID Agent NORTHSIDE WASHER SERVICE Graeme Shepherdson 9457 9162 0418 679 596 Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Services Authorisation No: AU32411 BBQ & HEATING ACCOUNTANTS Ben Miller SALES - SERVICE - REPAIRS Chartered Accountant YOUR LOCAL BBQ & HEATING CENTRE OUTDOOR FURNITURE 8 Wattle Street, Asquith (opposite Coles) Sales, Service & Repairs Gas & Wood Heaters & Fireplaces Mantelpiece’s - Marble & Wood Jetmaster Agent Elgas Refiller & Swap Station Full Range of natural gas & BBQ fittings (02) 9476 5555 ĐĐŽƵŶƟŶŐOƵĚŝƚ OdĂdžOƵƐŝŶĞƐƐĚǀŝĐĞ O 9477 3535 - 126 George St Hornsby AERIALS ELECTRICAL & ANTENNAS All TV antenna and satellite work, 3G/4G reception, interference investigations, free quotes, fully insured. 0435 713 790 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 LANDSCAPING 15 16 17 18 The extension and renovation experts. For a complimentary initial discussion call Chris O’Neill 0411 88 88 22 or 9457 8783. ELECTRICIANS PLUMBERS ELECTRICAL & ANTENNAS Blocked Drains Cleared, CCTV Inspections, Burst Pipes, Hot Water, Gasfitting, Renovations & New Installations 0435 713 790 Lic. 167463C 0416 018 421 ABN: 45 286 102 520 | Lic #: 254024C e: CUSTOM DESIGN BUILDING HIA AWARD WINNER Millington ELECTRICAL *ALTERATIONS *EXTENSIONS *RENOVATIONS *KITCHENS *WALLS REMOVED *DECKS *GYPROCKING *CARPENTRY *ROOFING *PLUMBING *ELECTRICALS *PLANS Solar Panels Power Points, Lighting, Phone, Data, TV Cabling Ceiling Fans, Smoke Detectors, House Rewire, Switchboards 5A84=3;H ?4AB>=0;8B43 B4AE824 J. Rosser LicNo.17899C 9457 8742 Mob 0418 204 197 LICENSED PLUMBING STUART: 0420 666 781 Lic. 191933c CARPENTRY ‘Your local specialist’ 9943 1080 0416 099 186 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Chris Evans CARPENTER & HANDYMAN >_Z_Rd__c]Q\\ Friendly Service - Obligation free quotes Fully Licenced and Insured - All work guaranteed Residential home repairs and additions, carports, decks/pergolas eave and facia work and more. 0404 047 456 Lic: 215276c CARPORTS AND AWNINGS CARPORTS, AWNINGS & PERGOLAS Free Design, Measure & Quote Flat, Gable or Free Standing Call Glen 0468 409 626 Domestic - Commercial - Industrial TV Antenna, phone and data, ovens & hotplates, rewires, lighting, data cabling and communications, main and switchboard upgrades, PROFESSIONAL RELIABLE AND COST EFFECTIVE SERVICE. 24 hour 7 day emergency service. Ph: 0400110081 GARDENING Locally owned & operated Lawn mowing, edging Lawn care and weeding Garden clear outs Hedging, pruning & trimming Residential, strata & commercial Call 0438 579 668 Fully insured CLADDING HANDYMAN Lic 154703c APPLIANCE Cladding REPAIRS SIMON CADDY ELECTRICAL Pty Ltd Lic. 139559C FREE QUOTES AUSTRALIAN made $0 Call out. Pensioner discount Call Simon: 0412 41 45 41 Lic #230704c Scott & Sons Plumbers Plumbing, Drainage & Gasfitting Blocked Drains Hot Water Heaters CCTV - Water Jetter Domestic, Commerical Industrial 24 hrs - 7 days 9482 9199 Lic. No: 141840c email: POOLS PARAMOUNT 3RRO&HQWUH Regular Pool Cleaning Service Liquid Chlorine Delivery Service Free Home Deliveries Maintenance And Installations Filters, Pumps, Heaters, Salt Chlorinators Liquid Chlorinators (Ask For Pink Addative) Pump And Motor Repairs All Repairs To Liquid And Salt Chlorinators Pool Cleaners*Legend, Truck, Baracuda-MX8, Jet Vac, Polaris and Marlin Sydney’s Best Prices... Drive A Little Save A Lot WASHERS O FRIDGES D/WASHERS O STOVES 9^X_ecU9^dUb^Ud@bYSUc HAMILTON APPLIANCE SERVICE #)'2\Qh\Q^TBTBiTU 4U^Ycd_^U5Qcd 9456 5777 Call Mel 9807 3600 COMPUTER SERVICES HOOVER SERVICE * SPARES * REPAIRS WASHERS - DRYERS VACUUM - D/WASHERS HORNSBY PLASTIC Cut Acrylic Sheet to Size Plastic Fabrication CNC Routing Point of Sale Displays Customised Enclosures 9476 5094 ~ 9476 6848 SPECIALIST THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY HVWDEOLVKHGLQ 'LVFRXQWHG3RRO6SD&KHPLFDOV 3XPSV)LOWHUV&KORULQDWRUV 0DLQWHQDQFHDQG5HSDLUV3RRO&OHDQLQJ 3RRO+HDWLQJ3RRO5HQRYDWLRQ E^Yd!&':UbcUiCd MOST BRANDS 12 Plumber Drainer Gasfitter Blocked drain specialist Hot Water The local plumber you can rely on. Backflow, TMV We Come To You Or Vinyl, Aluminium and Brick Cladding experts O O Local, Prompt & Professional 24 HR Emergency Service All Electrical work, Phone & data, TV & Satellite, fully insured. BUILDING ABN: 45 286 102 520 | Lic #: 254024C DIGITAL ANTENNA SPECIALIST TIGER ANTENNAS BEROWRA PLUMBING !#*%((&"## 8QLW/HLJKWRQ3ODFH+RUQVE\16: +RUQVE\ X_b^cRi0`__\Q^Tc`QgQbUX_ecUS_]Qe ggg`__\Q^Tc`QgQbUX_ecUS_]Qe Services and Trades... cont’d ROOFING BEROWRA ROOFING Lic: 12312c Roof Repairs Re-Ridging Replace Valley Irons Repairs to Metal Roofing Ph: 9456 2383 or 0417 412 225 TILING KU-RING-GAI TILING O O O Full bathroom renovations Leaking showers O Kitchens Patios O All general repairs QUALITY WORK 9457 8444 Lic. No. 177868C SKIP BINS VIKING SKIP BINS WASTE REMOVAL FOR RESIDENTIAL, TRADE AND BUSINESS CUSTOMERS. RELIABLE & AFFORDABLE SERVICE. VARIOUS BIN SIZES. CREDIT CARD ACCEPTED. PLEASE PHONE FOR QUOTE PH: 0403 259 822 PUMPS NEW WORLD PUMPS Sales O Service O Repairs ALL BRANDS O POOL FIREFIGHTING O SUBMERSIBLE O 5/1 MARINA CL, MT KURING-GAI 9457 6699 Advertising locally really works! Get results QUICK & EASY 9456 2880 )5(( /RFDO 'HOLYHU\ WHIP … BLOW … MOW … and AWAY I GO! JOSH BROUGHTON of Asquith knows that his customers want a lawn and garden service that’s fast, efficient and on time every time. Fully insured, Josh’s lawn and garden service includes gutter cleaning, tree lopping and hedge trimming. He even has a ride-on mower for those bigger jobs. “I like to keep the locals happy with my reliable service and reasonable prices,” said Josh (pictured). Whip Blow Mow and Away I Go services domestic and commercial clients. For a free quote, phone Josh 0431 904 765. (DV\&DUH *DUGHQLQJ,QF 1HZ9ROXQWHHUV:HOFRPH 0RQGD\)ULGD\ DPSP 6DWXUGD\ DPSP ZZZHDV\FDUHJDUGHQLQJRUJDX need a brochure Delivered? great rates CALL 9456 2880! DOGGIE RESCUE PET OF THE WEEK Meet Bingo Bingo is a happy easy boy who can be picked by strangers and he gives children kisses. He is 3 years old and is a Jack Russell x. He is social with other dogs and walks well on lead, paying no attention to passing dogs or cars. He has a short coat and weighs 5.9kg. He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. His adoption cost is $350. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to meet more than 200 homeless dogs. The Bush Telegraph Weekly proudly sponsor Doggie Rescue. Thursday 22 January 2015 13 FOR SALE MOVIE-FILM-VIDEOTAPE TO DVD/DIGITAL CONVERSION Ph 9456 2851 or 0412 472 901 www. ASQUITH QUALITY BEDS -ALL SIZES Queen Matts from $270, Ensembles $390, Double matts from $250, Ensembles for $370, Single & King Singles call for price 9940 3961 PLANT SALE Mick Gallagher’s Charity Plant Sale (Thurs 22 - Tues 27 Jan)at 571 Pacific Hwy (near cnr Amaroo Ave) Mt Colah. Mob: 0418 112 675 BUILDING DESIGN & PLANS ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN P Adams B. Arch, B.Des, MBA. Tel 9456 5989. BUILDING PLANS additions, commercial, homes, BDA accredited. 9456 3848 spoonerdesign@kets. PLANS for Alterations & Additions, new homes, etc. Phone Warren Jenkins (retired architect) on 9456 4032. WANTED GARAGE, CARPORT OR CAR SPACE in Berowra area. Call Sara 0408 771 600 WANTED KNOWN BUSHBAND for all occasions, weddings, birthdays, social parties. Call Mick 0418 112 675 NEED SHORT OR LONG TERM STORAGE? Double garage to rent 10mins walk Hornsby Station. Avail 5 Feb. Please call Jan 0450 873 937 SEWING MACHINES Repairs to all brands of sewing machines & overlockers. Work done in your home for your convenience. 0412 584 145 COMPUTER SERVICES A1 EXCALIBUR COMPUTER SUPPORT ALL Hardware, Software, Internet & Network issues Fixed. Call Tim: 9456 7932 or 0420 524 885 ALL COMPUTER ISSUES Internet, Hardware,Software, Networking. In home service. John 9456 1964 or 0414 400 401 Berowra PC Services Giving You An Extra Hand Is my wireless network secure? What’s Wrong With My PC? My Network Is Not Working I Think I Have A Virus! Call Lloyd 9456 0292 or 0411 541 007 HORNSBY IT – In home and office PC repairs. All hardware & software problems. Internet access, wired & wireless networking. Web and email hosting, Ph 9457 8100 14 REPAIRS AT HOME OR IN-SHOP TV, Electricals, PCs, Laptops, Macs. Software, Hardware, Networking, Viruses, VHS conversion, security installations, photocopying, scanning, laminating all with expert advise. Plus 1000s of items for sale including PCS, Laptops, cabling, gadgets, gaming, Ink, monitors, new and used items. 25 years in the business + International Online seller. 9446-0744, EM:sales@, Wattle St, Asquith (Opp Coles) WORK WANTED A1 LAWN MOWING & BUSH FIRE PREPARATION 0407 775 895 ALL FLOOR & WALL TILING Indoor & outdoor, waterproofing & repairs. 20yrs Experience. Free Quotes. Lic: 70973C. Call Craig 0450 007 885 ALL LANDSCAPING Steelscapes Landscaping - Landscape Consultation, garden renovations, sandstone work, paving, retaining walls, decking, maintenance, hedging Tim Steel 0410 895 065 ALL LAWNS & GARDEN SERVICE Ride on Mowing, Edging, Hedging, Rubbish Removal, Chainsaw & Trees, Gutter Clean Pressure Washing, Landscaping. Professional 0477 207 649. ALLAN’S LAWNMOWING SERVICE Specialising in lawns, 30yrs exp. Free quotes, pensioner discounts. Neat & Tidy Work. 0458 604 729 BRT SERVICES - HANDYMAN Ex Handyman Trainer. Work Guaranteed. One stop shop for all work needs. No job too small. Lic:249022c. Michael 0451 164 106 CARPENTER -Landscape, Decks, pergolas, gates,repairs.Small jobs ok. Lic. R95282. Ph Frank 9456 3028. CARPENTRY & HOME REPAIRS Free Quotes. Ph Mark 0408 200 816. Lic #123316c. CLOCKS & INSTRUMENTS Prof. repairs, home visits, instrument maker. Ph 9476 5778 / 0409 131 808. FLOOR SANDING & POLISHING Free quotes, 20yrs experience. All areas Michael Boyle 9456 1735 or 0419 574 263 GARDEN & LAWN MAINTENANCE Mowing, edging, weeding, hedging, pruning, rubbish removal. Fully insured, reasonable rates, Hammou 0421 166 762 GARDENING Beautify your garden by certified horticulturist for $37/hr. Call Norman Ph 0412 196 268 LAWPRA MOWING & MAINTENANCE SERV Local, reg’d insurance Ph 0403 775 567 LOCKS fitted, repaired, rekeyed. Secy Lic. 408561901. Nigel 0411 303785 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY PIANO TUNER - Technician professionally trained. All work guaranteed. Ray Clothier 9456 4632 or 0412 354 632 ROOF REPAIRS - 35 years experience 0428 563 282 UPHOLSTERY Over 30 yrs exp. Ph Bryan 9476 6835 / 0414 913 883 CLEANING BY GEORGE WINDOW CLEANING Reasonable rates, free quotes. Call George 0410 332 354 KATRINA’S CLEANING Need a cleaner that can make your home shine? For a quote call 0424 443 317 SQUEEGEE PETE WINDOW CLEANING Call Peter for a quote. Professional results at affordable prices 0416 179 213 or 9987 2659 CEMENT RENDERING/ GYPROCK SERVICES CEMENT RENDERING SERVICES Professional advice, quality work, any size house or project, all finishes & repair work. Since 1980 – call PLASTERFORCE 0418 286 567 or 9456 7800. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AT HOME WE EARN $2000 per week.Info pack Ph Jenni 0414 777 072 DRIVING INSTRUCTION ALL DAY DRIVING SCHOOL For local professional tuition in man & auto. Lic 012893. Phone Richard 0425 317 684. MARQUES DRIVING SCHOOL Servicing Berowra since 1984. Debbie the Local Professional. Booking office Ph 9477 5802, Lic. 006488. SUZANNE 0425 277 689 for professional driving tuition Lic 10394 PAINTER SAM SUNG PAINTING & DECORATING New & repaint, int/ ext, free quotes, all work guaranteed Lic 223324c call now 0403 102 933 POSITIONS VACANT CARPENTER REQUIRED For small but solid Building Company with a reputation for providing top quality work. You’ll need to be hard working, have attention to detail & pride in your work. You’ll be rewarded with top pay/ appreciation/ respect and a fun environment that’s good to work in on the Hawkesbury River and Berowra Creek areas. We’re on a fast track and looking for runners. If this is you call 0411 332 743 before 5pm. ELECTRICAL APPRENTICESHIP Miles Astley Electrical Services is a local family run small business looking for a reliable and enthusiastic 1st year electrical apprentice. Must have driver’s licence. Immediate start. Please call Miles on 9456 4586 WORKER RQD For gardening position. Call 0412 196 268 EDUCATION MATHEMATICS Home tuition from a qualified teacher & experienced tutor. Ph 0418 448 759 or chrishav2001@ MATHS, PHYSICS TUITION Experienced teacher/tutor, in your home, Ph Rob - 0433 068 941 MUSIC TUITION E.J.H.MUSIC Lessons in Flute,Fife, Music Theory & HSC Music. $25/ half hour, $50/hour. Located in Wahroonga Contact Edward Ph:0466 303 886 Email:edd_happer@hotmail. com HALF PRICE GUITAR, BASS & SINGING LESSONS Recording studio avail. EXP. PRO. near Mt Kuringgai Station. 9940 4470 PIANO & THEORY HORNSBY Exp. & qualified teacher. All ages, all syllabuses . Ph 9477 1379. PIANO LESSONS $18 CALL ANDREA ph 99404083 or mob : 0416 768 845 Professional Tuition in PIANO & VIOLIN KEYBOARD VIOLA THEORY SAMUEL MUSIC at BEROWRA & HORNSBY All ages. All levels. Experienced Teachers. 0429 235 923 2088 9456 SINGING LESSONS New Diamond Music, Boasting Best Industry Results! POP, R&B , Funk, Soul, Gospel Ph: 9482 1535 WEDDINGS WEDDING DUO and band available to suit your budget. Call Mick 0418 112 675 HEALTH, FITNESS & BEAUTY BLUE MOON REMEDIAL MASSAGE for tense, stressed muscles, 10-7.30, Mon-Sat. H/F 41 Edgeworth David Ave, Hornsby. Ph 9482 9962 BOWEN, THE ORIGINAL, back, frozen shoulder, knee, ankle, sciatica. Fund Rebate. ATMS Ph Lindy 9456 0488. HEALTH NATURALLY Dietary & lifestyle advice & support for many conditions. Robyn 0418 890 045 HERBALIFE Products Ph 0425 252 364 / REBECCA CHRISTENSEN CHIROPRACTIC Gentle & caring treatment in our Berowra based clinic, Mon-Sat. Freecall 1300 790 889 TAEKWONDO Self Defence & Boxing. Mick & Janelle Marr 9456 3934 YOGA -HORNSBY YOGA & MEDITATION Daytime & evening class with experienced teacher. Contact Christine 0405 389 897 or 9940 3983 YOGA and MEDITATION in BEROWRA Small classes, relaxed setting. Specialised classes for men, women, children, beginners, teenagers. Private classes available. Contact Carmella Baynie. Mob; 0404 228 401 email; YOGA CLASSES MT KURING-GAI call Fiona 0425 261 300 PETS AAA DOG BEHAVIOUR & TRAINING Private lessons. 20 Yrs Exp. Helen 0423 533 986 ANIMAL WALKING & MINDING Tailored care. Jess 0433 957 248. ARATAH DOG TRAINING Puppy & adult dog classes. Obedience & agility for beginners. Behaviour management.9456 4157 or 0421 028 219 BEAUTIFUL CREATURES Pet Minding Services. Colleen 0423 135 070. Coast n Canines PUNT-40ft x 13ft Double bottom, 5 millimetre aluminium plate, located on Hawkesbury River $16,000 ono Ph 0450 347 641 VS HOLDEN ACCLAIM 1997 Auto,189,563km original mileage. Good condition & reliable. $2,750 o.n.o 0416 211 432 Mobile Dog Grooming Salon * Heated Hydro-Bath * Shampoo Wash * Full cut & groom LOCAL ADVERTISING CUSTOMLINE CAMPERTRAILER 0439 450 544 DESIGNER DOGS GROOMING Serving Hornsby area since 1995.Unit 5/113 Hunter St Hornsby (prev located Edgeworth David Ave)Ph 9482 5119 DOG (SMALL) MINDING school holidays, experienced, unique & care focused-Call Emily 0468 847 822 GREENRIDGE CATTERY Cat boarding.17 Northumberland Ave, Mt Colah. Ph 9477 3033 KAT ‘N’ KAPOODLE DOG GROOMING Friendly & prof. service. All breeds, local. Kathryn 0423 737 732 MOBILE DOG WASH & CLIPPING SERVICE Purpose built trailer, warm hydrobath, shampoo/flea rinse, blow dry, deodorise, clip & groom. Call Barry 9481 0490, 0402 062 316. SHANNY THE NANNY Call Shannon Ph 9457 9162 2005 LEXUS IS200 200,000 kms, Auto, Silver, Sun-roof, Fog Lights, Rear Parking Sensors, Leather/Suede Seats, Lowered Rear. Reg Exp - Feb 17 2015. $6,000 ono. Ph: 0405-637-999 CLASSIFIED ADS ONLY $4.50/line! 2009 deluxe off-road campertrailer. Excellent conditions, many extras included such as LED lighting, additional stretchers, TV. Never been off-road. $9,000 Ph: 0421 383 075 REALLY WORKS phone 9456 2880 HAINES HUNTER 445C Mercury 75HP. Search for all details. Ph:9456 5569. FOR HIRE PARTY LIGHTING - 9477 6666. PARTY We come to you FAIRY FLOSS, POPCORN & SNO CONES Parties, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, School Fetes Call now 0406 012 344 TIMBER DAY BOAT Government Built/copper sheathed Hull. Mech. perfect Perkins 4 cyld 60hp diesel with velvet drive gearbox. Comes with Heaps & Heaps of extras. Get Out and enjoy your backyard now !! $13,250 9985 1525 2008 REGAL CUB CAMPER XTD KIA SPECTRA 2002 auto green, rego 07/15, 98,300km, $3500 Ph 0431 363 756 Mfr’s show exhibit until 2012. Special 40th anniversary edition, awning, double bed, 3 way fridge, 2 burner stove c/w griller, wash basin & water tank, winch, batt pack, spare tyre, jack, rego 7/10/15, like new $14,690 ono. Ph: 9456 4087. TOYOTA YARIS 1.3 manual. 9000kms. As new, gen Toyota accessories. Fog lights, headlight protectors, weathershields, roofbars, full McCarroll history. One owner, Silver pearl, Haines manual, $13,000 the lot. 9456 3619 or 0435 823 111. HOLDEN BERLINA VY 2003 AUTO 152,000 km.Rego 30/06/2015. Lather seats. Reverse parking sensors. Excellent one owner vehicle. $5950. Mount Colah 0407 948 248. FLYING CRUISER C German built 18’ (5.4m) sail boat. Enclosed cabin can sleep 4. Not registered in Aus - needs work. Set of sails includes spinnaker, roller reef main sale, chrome sea railing. Needs keel and trailer. Best offer. Call 02 9456 4087 (leave message) Time to tackle TOXIC TICKS With the high season for ticks upon us the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) is encouraging pet owners to prevent serious harm or death by checking their pets regularly for ticks. “Dog and cat owners must be vigilant at this time of year, particularly when travelling to tick prone coastal areas,” said AVA spokesperson Dr Robert Johnson. “There are a range of preventive tick products available. For people living in or going to tick prone areas with their pets they should contact their local vet who can advise on the best prevention method for their situation,” Dr Johnson said. Paralysis ticks tend to attach to the head and neck area of the pet and on the chest and the front of the leg, but can be found on any part of the body. Ticks release a toxin when they feed, which leads to a condition known as tick paralysis. Common signs of tick paralysis include difficulty walking, gurgling and choking. Dogs will often not be able to bark properly due to paralysis of the throat. Other animals may start to cough when eating or drinking, or may cough up water or food. Some may also have trouble breathing.” Ideally pet owners should check dogs and cats daily. This is done by running your hands over the animal to feel for anything unusual. In cats, ticks often latch around the back of the neck where they can’t groom, so it’s important to pay special attention to this area. If you find a tick it’s vital you take action and contact your local vet for advice. “Even if you find and remove a tick it’s important to keep an eye on your pet as they can be affected by the toxin for up to 24 hours after removal. Early treatment gives the best chance of survival,” Dr Johnson said. Get res ults quickly - 9456 2880 Thursday 22 January 2015 15 '21·7)25*(7 WRERRN\RXU%XVK7HOH DGYHUWLVLQJWRSURPRWH i_eb" !%5^b_\]U^dc IRU/RFDO&ODVVHV &RXUVHV6SRUWV 5HJR·V %XVK7HOHSXEOLFDWLRQGDWHVIRUHDUO\ DUHWKQGWK-DQWKWKWK)HE DQGFRQWLQXHVZHHNO\ ´:HKDYHWKH ORFDODXGLHQFH OHWXVFRQQHFW \RXZLWKWKHPµ Bundles are dropped off & available at Westfield’s info counters, Hornsby Council, Hornsby & Berowra Library & various shops + clubs around the area. Please note we are now the only paper letterbox delivered to Berowra, Berowra Heights, Cowan & Brooklyn. (a total of 4600 local households in these suburbs alone) %XVK7HOH&LUFXODWLRQ OHWWHUER[ GHOLYHUHG:((./<WRDOO KRPHVDQGEXVLQHVVHV Waitara, Hornsby, Hornsby Heights, Asquith, Mt Colah, Mt Kuring gai, Berowra, Berowra Waters, Berowra Heights, Cowan, Mooney Mooney, Brooklyn and read online... &RQWDFW&KULVWLQH FKULVWLQH#WKHEXVKWHOHFRPDX THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY 20,000 letterbox delivered every Thursday Published online every Tuesday. Delivered to Waitara, Hornsby, Hornsby Hts, Asquith, Mt Colah, Mt Kuring-gai, Berowra, Berowra Hts, Cowan, Brooklyn, Mooney Mooney, Cheero Point, Dangar Island, Riverboat Postman, Berowra Waters and beyond. DISCLAIMER: All responsibility for information, advertisements and opinions appearing in The Bush Telegraph Weekly is entirely that of the contributor or advertiser and not of the Publisher, Employees or Contractors of The Bush Telegraph Weekly. PRINTED: by SpotPress Pty Ltd 24-26 Lilian Fowler Place Marrickville 2204 NSW Australia (02) 9549 1111 www.spotpress. PUBLISHED: by The Bushland Shire Telegraph Pty Ltd READ ONLINE: PLACE ADS ONLINE: CONTACT US: The Bush Tele Shop, Marketplace Shopping Centre 19 Turner Rd Berowra Hts NSW 2082. PO Box 80 Berowra Hts 2082. Ph: 02 9456 2880 COPYRIGHT: Stories, artwork and photographs appearing in The Bush Telegraph Weekly are subject to copyright and may not be reprinted in any media without written permission of The Bushland Shire Telegraph Pty Ltd. Kathie Comb, Managing Editor. HAPPY NEW YEAR … from the Mighty Berowra Wallabies! As the new clubhouse takes shape at Berowra’s Warrina Street Oval, people are getting excited about the upcoming 2015 rugby league season. Berowra Wallaby Bill Turner said, “We are strong as a Club with a well balanced committee plus we are dedicated as a playing group with a large turn out of senior players who have committed to the upcoming season.” REGO DAYS If you are interested in playing or you’re a parent of a budding NRL star, Rego days are: Saturday 7th February 2015 10.00am - 2.00pm (Village Green at the roundabout) Sunday 15th February 2015 10.00am - 2.00pm (Warrina Street Oval) For the young ones: U6-U8 $100 for the season For the big kids: U9-U17 $135 for the season Playing siblings receive a $5 discount. Rego costs include shorts, socks, jersey, club polo shirt plus a sausage sandwich and drink for players at home games. All coaching staff are qualified and registered with the NRL and apart from teaching the basics of rugby league the emphasis is on enjoying the greatest game of all. SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE We are always looking for new sponsors so if would like to get behind your local Rugby League side there are a host of packages that are sure to suit. LETTERBOX DELIVERED TO 20,000 HOMES AND BUSINESSES AND PUBLISHED ONLINE HOME DELIVERED WEEKLY FROM HORNSBY TO THE HAWKESBURY, WAITARA, HORNSBY, HORNSBY HEIGHTS, ASQUITH, MOUNT COLAH, MOUNT KURING-GAI, BEROWRA, BEROWRA HEIGHTS, BEROWRA WATERS, COWAN, BROOKLYN, DANGAR ISLAND, HAWKESBURY RIVER ON THE RIVERBOAT POSTMAN, MOONEY MOONEY, CHEERO POINT. PHONE: 02 9456 2880 PO Box 80, Berowra Hts 2082
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